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2017-2018 Class Disclosure - 7th Grade Science Room 1102

Ms. Catherine Middleton

Students will review these rules in class.
Welcome! Im excited for this school year, and know the best way for students to succeed in my class is for you to
know what is expected of you. We will be following the Utah SEEd standards this year, which focuses on students
being able to DO science. A major difference between the SEEd standards and previous standards is three-
dimensional (3D) learning. 3D learning refers to the intentional integration of three distinct dimensions: Scientific
and Engineering Practices (SEPs), Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs). The overall
focus for 7th grade science with these new standards is Cause and Effect which opens a great amount of exploration
for us to do in the classroom. Be prepared to come to class and work hard, have some fun, and learn a lot!
Materials: (Due by August 29 so that we can assemble our Science Folders)
A 3-prong folder. Plastic is recommended. Please do not bring 3-ring binders, they take up too much space.
5 dividers that can be labeled. Again, plastic is recommended.
Several pencils. Work should not be completed in Pen
Donations: Not required, though greatly appreciated: paper towels, disinfecting wipes, zip bags (any size), duct tape.
Classroom Expectations: Students are expected to be timely, be present, and be active in class.
All students deserve the best possible learning environment, and need to behave and treat others in a way that helps
create that environment. Students must:
1. Be Timely: Arrive to class on time and be ready to go, use their time in class wisely when completing
individual and group work, and turn work in on time (see my late policy below).
2. Be Present: Be prepared with needed supplies (bring a pencil every day!), follow lab safety rules, participate
in class activities and discussions, listen during instruction, respect others right to learn, and use electronics
only with permission.
3. Be Active: Contribute to the learning environment of the classroom, put thought and effort into class
activities, ask questions when needed, take responsibility for their actions, and be responsible with their
schoolwork get work turned in on time and complete makeup work from absences.
Citizenship: Students who choose not to follow classroom rules will have to deal with the consequences. I follow
Centennials guidelines for citizenship, which can be accessed on the Centennial website, here.
o Citizenship point breakdown: 90-100: H; 80-89: G; 70-79: S; 60-69: N; 59 and below: U
o Students start with G citizenship (85 points) and may lose points due to failure to follow the rules. For example:
o Late or missing work o Being unprepared for class (i.e. no pencil).
o Tardies: 3 tardies = N; 4 tardies = U o Breaking of classroom or lab safety rules, not
o Improper electronics usage following directions.
o Not paying attention, not participating, o Misbehavior of any kind for a substitute.
disrupting class.
o Students may earn citizenship points back by correcting behavior. A citizenship grade of H is only awarded
when the student consistently goes above and beyond to meet the Honorable criteria on the Centennial rubric.
o Special note on electronics: Students may only access electronics with permission.
o Students must treat school computers with respect and they are not allowed to make changes to settings.
o Students are not allowed to use personal electronics without permission.
o Cell phones are to be put away unless students are given permission to use them. Cell phones are not to be
left on their desks.
o Electronics such as Apple Watches are not to be used during class time. Please remind your student these are
not to be accessed during class and may be taken away with citizenship consequences.
o Students with an N or U citizenship may not be allowed to participate in some class activities, such as field trips
or special projects. Alternative assignments would be given.
Grades, late work, absent work: I use Centennials grading scale, which can be accessed on the Centennial
website, here. Students are graded on class assignments, labs, and assessments such as tests and quizzes.
Grading breakdown: Assessments are worth 75%, class assignments and labs are worth 25%.
Due dates: Assignments for each week are due on the following Monday, unless otherwise noted. We will often
be grading assignments in class on this day.
Late work: Assignments not turned in on time will result in loss of citizenship points. Work is accepted for full
credit up until the unit assessment. After that, it may be turned in for half-credit. Students will be given 2 late
passes per term that they may use to turn in an assignment for full credit after the assessment has been taken.
Unused late passes may be turned in at the end of the term for extra credit. Work for the first half of the term will
not be accepted past midterm, no late work will be accepted the last week of the term (even with a late pass).
Labs must be made up within the designated time-period for each lab.
Absences: Students are responsible for getting information about their makeup work after they are absent. I
usually cannot provide work for students before absences they may check my website for the work they miss
each day.
Makeup information is found on my school website. Absent work is due within one week after the student has
returned to school. For long absences, or absences due to sickness, other arrangements may be made.
Assessment Retakes: Students wanting to retake an assessment must turn in a Request to Retest form, showing
proof that they have done work to relearn the material (completing missing assignments, meeting with me for
flex period, etc.). Quizzes and knowledge checks must be passed with at least an 80%.
There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR CHEATING. If a student is caught cheating, he/she will receive an
incomplete on the assignment, quiz, or test, and citizenship points will be deducted at the teachers discretion.
Students will need to make arrangements to meet with me to complete the work and parents will be notified.

Parents and Students: By signing this form on your myDSD, you are hereby indicating that you have read and
understand the information in this document.

Thank you and I look forward to this year!

Ms. Middleton

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