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What is the definition of energy efficiency?

Energy efficiency means using less energy to provide the same service. For example,
a compact fluorescent bulb is more efficient than a traditional incandescent bulb as it
uses much less electrical energy to produce the same amount of light

How does energy efficiency help the environment?

Protect the air and prevent climate change. Perhaps the most notable way that
reducing energy helps the environment is by decreasing power plant emissions. To
generate electricity, most power plants burn coal, crude oil or other fossil fuels.

Why is it so important to save energy?

Wasting energy isn't good for the environment either. Most of the energy sources we
depend on, like coal and natural gas, can't be replaced - once we use them up, they're
gone forever. Another problem is that most forms of energy can cause pollution.

Why is it so important to conserve energy?

First of all, saving energy is important because energy use effects the environment
and everyone in it. Secondly, when you conserve energy you also save on the cost of
living. replenished, such as water, wind, and solar. Nonrenewable energysources, on
the other hand, like gas, coal, and oil, cannot be replaced.

How does energy consumption affect the environment?

All energy sources have some impact on our environment. Fossil fuels coal, oil,
and natural gas do substantially more harm than renewable energy sources by most
measures, including air and water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife and habitat
loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions.

What does electricity do to the environment?

Electricity generation is one of the leading sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the
United States. Power plants that burn fossil fuels or materials made from fossil fuels,
and some geothermal power plants, are the sources of nearly 40% of total U.S. energy-
related carbon dioxide emissions.

Why do we save energy?

Here are the biggest reasons why it is important to be energy-conscious and make
every effort to conserve our electricity: Conservation can save you money. ... Fossil
fuels are not a clean source of energy either. Conservation of electrical energy can
help to lessen pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

What is meant by energy conservation?

Energy conservation refers to the reducing of energy consumption through using less
of an energy service. ... Driving less is an example of energy conservation. Driving
the same amount with a higher mileage vehicle is an example
of energyefficiency. Energy conservation and efficiency are both energy reduction

What is the difference between efficient and effective?

Efficient (adj.) Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least
waste of time and effort. The difference between effectiveness and efficiency can be
summed up shortly, sweetly and succinctly Being effective is about doing the right
things, while being efficient is about doing things right.

What does save energy mean?

Saving energy means decreasing the amount of energy used while achieving a similar
outcome of end use. Using less energy has lots of benefits you can savemoney and
help the environment. Generating energy requires precious natural resources, for
instance coal, oil or gas.

What is the use of energy?

We divide our energy use among four economic sectors: residential, commercial,
transportation, and industrial. Heating and cooling our homes, lighting office
buildings, driving cars and moving freight, and manufacturing the products we rely on
in our daily lives are all functions that require energy.

What is the difference between energy efficiency and energy conservation?

With energy efficiency, you don't have to sacrifice comfort to save energy. Energy
conservation involves a change in behavior to save energy (turning off the lights,
powering down computers and electronic equipment at night, lowering the thermostat in
winter and raising it in summer).

What is the law of conservation of energy in chemistry?

All chemical reactions involve energy. Energy is used to break bonds in reactants,
and energy is released when new bonds form in products. Endothermic reactions
absorb energy, and exothermic reactions release energy. The law of conservation of
energy states that matter cannot be created or destroyed.

What is the law of the conservation of energy?

In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated
system remains constantit is said to be conserved over time. Energy can neither be
created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another.
Efficient energy use
Efficient energy use, sometimes simply called energy efficiency, is the goal to reduce the amount
of energy required to provide products and services. For example, insulating a home allows a
building to use less heating and cooling energy to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature.
Installing fluorescent lights, LED lights or natural skylights reduces the amount of energy required to
attain the same level of illumination compared with using traditional incandescent light bulbs.
Improvements in energy efficiency are generally achieved by adopting a more efficient technology or
production process[1] or by application of commonly accepted methods to reduce energy losses.
There are many motivations to improve energy efficiency. Reducing energy use reduces energy
costs and may result in a financial cost saving to consumers if the energy savings offset any
additional costs of implementing an energy efficient technology. Reducing energy use is also seen
as a solution to the problem of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. According to the International
Energy Agency, improved energy efficiency in buildings, industrial processes
and transportation could reduce the world's energy needs in 2050 by one third, and help control
global emissions of greenhouse gases.[2]
Energy efficiency and renewable energy are said to be the twin pillars of sustainable
energy policy[3] and are high priorities in the sustainable energy hierarchy. In many countries energy
efficiency is also seen to have a national security benefit because it can be used to reduce the level
of energy imports from foreign countries and may slow down the rate at which domestic energy
resources are depleted.

Street lighting[edit]
Cities around the globe light up millions of streets with 300 million lights.[53] Some cities are seeking
to reduce street light power consumption by dimming lights during off-peak hours or switching to
LED lamps.[54] It is not clear whether the high luminous efficiency of LEDs will lead to real reductions
in energy, as cities may end up installing extra lamps or lighting areas more brightly than in the past.

Energy consumption[edit]
Globally 70% of all electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels, a source of air pollution and
greenhouse gases, and also globally there are approximately 300 million street lights using that
electricity.[46] Cities are exploring more efficient energy use, reducing street light power consumption
by dimming lights during off-peak hours and switching to high-efficiency LED lamps.[47] A British
county council has turned off 5% of its street lights on a trial basis.[48] Typical collector road lighting
in New York State costs $6400/mile/year for high pressure sodium at 8.5 kW/mile or $4000 for light-
emitting diode luminaires at 5.4 kW/mile.[49]
Sign in Leeds, UK (to save energy and reduce light pollution)

Street light control systems

A number of street light control systems have been developed to control and reduce energy
consumption of a town's public lighting system. These range from controlling a circuit of street lights
and/or individual lights with specific ballasts and network operating protocols. These may include
sending and receiving instructions via separate data networks, at high frequency over the top of the
low voltage supply or wireless.[50]
Street light controllers are smarter versions of the mechanical or electronic timers previously used
for street light ON-OFF operation. They come with energy conservation options like twilight saving,
staggering or dimming. Also many street light controllers come with an astronomical clock for a
particular location or a Global Positioning System (GPS) connection to give the best ON-OFF time
and energy saving.

Some intelligent street light controllers also come with Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM), Radio frequency (RF) or General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
communication, user adjusted according to latitude and longitude(low cost type), for better street
light management and maintenance. Many street light controllers also come with traffic sensors to
manage the lux level of the lamp according to the traffic and to save energy by decreasing lux when
there is no traffic. America, Canada, India and many other countries have started introducing street
light controllers to their road lighting for energy conservation, street light management and
maintenance purpose.

Street light controllers can be expensive in comparison with normal timers, and can cost between
$100 and $2500, but most of them return the investment between 6 months and 2 years. As the
equipment's lifetime is 7 to 10 years it saves energy and cost for some years.
Energy is the ability to do work
Energy comes in different forms:

Heat (thermal)
Light (radiant)
Motion (kinetic)
Nuclear energy

People use energy for everything from making a jump shot to sending astronauts into space.

There are two types of energy:

Stored (potential) energy

Working (kinetic) energy

For example, the food a person eats contains chemical energy, and a person's body stores this energy
until he or she uses it as kinetic energy during work or play.

Energy sources can be categorized as renewable or nonrenewable

When people use electricity in their homes, the electrical power was probably generated by burning coal,
by a nuclear reaction, or by a hydroelectric plant on a river, to name just a few sources. Therefore, coal,
nuclear, and hydro are called energy sources. When people fill up a gas tank, the source might be
petroleum refined from crude oil or ethanol made by growing and processing corn.

Energy sources are divided into two groups:

Renewable (an energy source that can be easily replenished)

Nonrenewable (an energy source that cannot be easily replenished)

Renewable and nonrenewable energy sources can be used as primary energy sources to produce useful
energy such as heat or used to produce secondary energy sources such as electricity.

When people use electricity in their homes, the electrical power was probably generated from burning
coal or natural gas, a nuclear reaction, or a hydroelectric plant on a river, to name a few possible energy
sources. The gasoline people use to fuel their cars is made from crude oil (nonrenewable energy) and
may contain a biofuel (renewable energy) like ethanol, which is made from processed corn.

The chart below shows the energy sources used in the United States. Nonrenewable energy sources
accounted for about 90% of all energy used. Biomass, which includes wood, biofuels, and biomass
waste, is the largest renewable energy source, and it accounted for about half of all renewable energy
and about 5% of total U.S. energy consumption.
Renewable energy
There are five main renewable energy sources:

Solar energy from the sun

Geothermal energy from heat inside the earth
Wind energy
Biomass from plants
Hydropower from flowing water

Nonrenewable energy
Most of the energy consumed in the United States is from nonrenewable energy sources:

Petroleum products
Hydrocarbon gas liquids
Natural gas
Nuclear energy

Crude oil, natural gas, and coal are called fossil fuels because they were formed over millions of years by
the action of heat from the earth's core and pressure from rock and soil on the remains (or fossils) of dead
plants and creatures like microscopic diatoms. Most of the petroleum products consumed in the United
States are made from crude oil, but petroleum liquids can also be made from natural gas and coal.

Nuclear energy is produced from uranium, a nonrenewable energy source whose atoms are split (through
a process called nuclear fission) to create heat and, eventually, electricity.

Manajemen energi adalah program terpadu yang direncanakan dan dilaksanakan

secara sistematis untuk memanfaatkan sumberdaya energi dan energi secara efektif
dan efisien dengan melakukan perencanaan, pencatatan, pengawasan dan evaluasi
secara kontinu tanpa mengurangi kualitas produksi/pelayanan.

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