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A resistor, of which a rheostat is, has a maximum amount of current it can handle.

Beyond that value it will start

heating up a lot and might burns up. Since, the maximum resistance of a rheostat is fixed so does its maximum
safe current value that can flow through it.

The Kirchoff's voltage law (KVL ) is just the restatement of LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. We for a
fact know that V*q=Work done.

Now , in any closed loop, lets take the current to be I. Let us assume that charge Q is flowing in the circuit
instead of I and this charge when divided by time gives us I. So, if Q is moving around this circuit, then
work done by the circuit is the potential difference times the charge Q. This work done by the battery is
going to be lets say W1. This current will flow through other circuit elements as well ( resistors) and so,
the net work done is zero ( energy is neither created nor destroyed) and so , the work done by battery is
the work that is done by the elements in the system. Eg: If the battery provides 10 J of energy for a 10 V
supply then the work that the rest of the circuit does is -10J ( consumes the energy) thus making the
entire loop consume 0 energy or if divided by the charge then 0 volts. Thus it is justifiable to say that KVL
is a restatement of Law of conservation of energy.

In a similar fashion, we are justified in saying that KCL is a restatement of the law of conservation of
charge . (try working it out)

If you put an ammeter across a resistor it will act like a short circuit. If the voltage is high and the available current is enough
it can destroy the ammeter, melt the leads and cause you to have a bad day. For small electronic circuits it probably won't
hurt anything but the reading probably won't be what you are trying to measure.

If you connect an ammeter in parallel then there are two problems.

The first is that you haven't put the ammeter in the way of the current you're trying to measure so
you can't be measuring it properly.

The second is that the current drawn increases so you're changing the current you're trying to
measure. A low resistance in parallel with a high resistance has an effective resistance of a little less
than the low resistance.

The low resistance ammeter makes the effective resistance of the circuit very low and so the current is
very big. The ammeter actually shorts out the component it's trying to measure the current through.
Because an ammeter has low 'resitance/impedance'. It is designed to measure the current. A high impedance would
reduce the current and add a voltage drop.

Placing an ammeter in parallel produces a 'short circuit' and the resulting current will 'blow a fuse'.

Read more:

This can damage the ammeter because a very big current flows in it.

An open circuit may have a voltage dependent on what parts it's made up of but it can't have a current. To get
a current there has to be a closed circuit. An open circuit can have a potential difference of any level between
any two points- but the current between that two terminals is always zero as this is an open circuit.

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