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What is the Academic Word List? H
The AWL is a list of words which appear with high frequency in English-language academic texts. I
Why should I learn it? L
You will need to know this academic vocabulary if you want to study in an English-speaking college or university. In fact, because these words are so common,
they are even useful to those who do not plan to go on to post-secondary study in English. These are words that you will frequently see in newspapers,
magazines, and novels, and hear on television, movies or in conversation.

A 69 Q
abandon abstract academy S
acceptable access accessibility T
acclaimed accommodate accompany U
accordingly accumulate accurate V
accustomed achieve acknowledge W
acquire adapt adapted
adequate adjacent adjust
administrate admittedly adult
advocate aect aggregate
aid albeit allocate
alter alternative ambiguous
amend analogy analyse
annual anomalies anticipate
apparent appeal append
appreciate approach appropriate
approximate approximately arbitrary
aspect assemble assess
assign assist assistance
associate assume assure
astonishingly attach attain
attempt attitude attribute
author authority automate
available avoidance aware

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B 16 IELTS Writing Academic Words for IELTS Vocabulary Test

backbone behalf behavioural
beneficial benefit bestow
beverages bias biased
bond boost breakthrough
brief bulk bygone

C 100

canvas capable capacity

casually category catering
cease challenge channel
charitable chemical circumstance
cite civil clarify
clause closely coherent
coincide collapse colleague
commence comment commission
commit commitment commodity
communicate community companionship
compatible compensate competitive
compile complement complex
component compound comprehensive
comprise compromise compute
conceive concentrate concept
conclude concrete concurrent
conduct confer confine
confirm conflict conform
consent consequent consequently
considerable consist consistency
consistently constant constitute
constrain constraints construct
consult consume consumption
contact context contract
contradict contrary contrast
contribute controversial controversy
convene converse convert
convey convince cooperate
coordinate core corporate
correspond counterpart couple
coverages create credible
credit crisis criteria
crucial culture currency

D 55

debate decade deceptively

decline decrease dedicated
deduce deem define
definite deforestation demanding
demonstrate denote deny
depress derive design
desirable desperate despite
detect detrimental deviate
device devote dierentiate
dimension diminish discrete
discriminate displace display
dispose distinct distinguish
distort distribute disturbing
diverse diversity document
domain domestic dominant
dominate doubtful downward
draft drama dramatic
dramatically drawback duration

E 62

ease economy edit

elegantly element eliminate
embark emerge emerged
emphasis empirical enable
encounter energy enforce
enhance enhancement enormous
enquire ensure enthusiasm
enthusiastically entity environment
equate equip equivalent
erode error essence
establish estate estimate
ethic ethical ethically
ethnic evaluate evasion
eventual eventually evidence
evident evolve exceed
excessively exclude exclusively
exhibit existence expand
experimental expert expertise
explicit exploit export
expose exposed external
extract extremely

F 32

facilitate factor fast-paced

favorable favourable feasible
feature federal figure
file final finance
finite firmly flexible
fluctuate fluctuating focus
format formula forthcoming
foundation fractal framework
fraught frequent frequently
frustration function fund
fundamental furthermore

G 10

gender generate generation

globe grade gradually
grant grasp guarantee

H 8

harness hence heroic

hierarchy highlight historically
household hypothesis

I 75

identical identify ideology

ignorant illiteracy illustrate
image immense immigrate
impact impart implant
implement implicate implicit
imply impose incentive
incidence incline income
incorporate increase increasingly
incredibly index indicate
individual individuality induce
inequality inevitable inevitably
infectious infer infrastructure
inhabit inherent inhibit
initial initially initiate
initiated injure innovate
insert insight inspect
instance institute institution
instruct insuperable integral
integrate integrity intellectual
intelligent intense interact
intermediate internal interpret
interval intervene intervention
intrinsic invest investigate
invoke involve irresistible
irrespective isolate issue

J 2

journal justify

L 17

labour layer lecture

legal legislate legitimate
levy liability liberal
licence likelihood likely
likewise literate locate
logic lucrative

M 36

magnificent maintain major

majority mandatory manipulate
manual margin marginal
maternal mature maximise
mechanism media mediate
medical medium mental
mentally method migrate
military minimal minimise
minimum ministry minor
mobility mode moderately
modify monitor motivated
motive mutual myriad

N 13

necessities necessity negate

neglected network neutral
nevertheless nonetheless norm
normal notion notwithstanding

O 20

objective obstacles obtain

obtainable obvious obviously
occupy occur odd
oset ongoing optimism
option orient orientation
ought outcome overall
overlap overseas

P 72

panel paradigm paragraph

parallel parameter participate
partner passive patently
perceive perceived percent
period persist perspective
phase phenomenon philosophically
philosophy physical pitfalls
pleasurable policy popularity
portfolio portion pose
positive positively potential
practitioner precede precise
predict predictable predominant
preliminary presume prevail
prevalent previous primary
prime principal principle
prior priority privilege
probable proceed process
productivity professional proficiency
profitable prohibit prohibitively
project projection proliferation
promote proportion proportionally
proportions prospect protocol
psychology publication publish
purchase pursue pursuit

Q 2

qualitative quote

R 56

radical radically random

range ratio rational
react reasonable reckon
recover refine refinery
reflect regime region
register regularly regulate
reinforce reinforcement reject
relatively relax release
relevant reluctance reluctant
rely remarkable remove
rendering reproduction require
research resemble reside
resolve resource respond
responsible restore restrain
restrict restricted retain
reveal revenue reverse
revise revolution rigid
ritual role roughly
route routine

S 62

savvy scale scenario

schedule scheme scope
sector secure seek
select sequence series
shift significance significant
similar simulate simultaneously
skeptical slightly so-called
sole somewhat source
specific specifically specify
spectacular sphere stabilize
stable standardise statistic
stimulate straightforward strategic
strategy stress structure
style submit subordinate
subsequent subsidy substantial
substitute successor sucient
suciently summary supplement
supplementary surge surrounded
survey survive suspend
sustain sustainable sustainably
symbol syndrome

T 28

tape target technical

technique technology temporarily
temporary tendency tense
terminate theme theoretically
theory thereby therefore
thesis threshold towards
trace tradition transfer
transform transit transmit
transport trend trigger

U 22

ultimate uncertainty undeniable

undergo underlie underlying
undermine underneath undertake
undisputed unethical unfortunately
uniform unify unintended
unique unlikely unprecedented
unpredictable unraveled utilise

V 14

valid variety vary

vehicle vertically via
violate virtual visible
vision visual vital
volume voluntary

W 5

wage welfare whereas

whereby widespread

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