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Adaptacin del cuento de los Hermanos Grimm

rase una vez un molinero que tena tres hijos. El hombre era muy pobre y casi no

tena bienes para dejarles en herencia. Al hijo mayor le leg su viejo molino, al

mediano un asno y al pequeo, un gato.El menor de los chicos se lamentaba ante sus

hermanos por lo poco que le haba correspondido. Vosotros habis tenido ms suerte

que yo. El molino muele trigo para hacer panes y tortas y el asno ayuda en las faenas

del campo, pero qu puedo hacer yo con un simple gato?El gato escuch las quejas

de su nuevo amo y acercndose a l le dijo: No te equivoques conmigo. Creo que

puedo serte ms til de lo que piensas y muy pronto te lo demostrar. Dame una bolsa,

un abrigo elegante y unas botas de mi talla, que yo me encargo de todo.El joven le

regal lo que le peda porque al fin y al cabo no era mucho y el gato puso en marcha

su plan. Como todo minino que se precie, era muy hbil cazando y no le cost mucho

esfuerzo atrapar un par de conejos que meti en el saquito. El abrigo nuevo y las botas

de terciopelo le proporcionaban un porte distinguido, as que muy seguro de s mismo

se dirigi al palacio real y consigui ser recibido por el rey. Majestad, mi amo el

Marqus de Carabs le enva estos conejos minti el gato. Oh, muchas gracias!

respondi el monarca Dile a tu dueo que le agradezco mucho este obsequio.el gato

regres a casa satisfecho y partir de entonces, cada semana acudi al palacio a

entregarle presentes al rey de parte del supuesto Marqus de Carabs. Le llevaba un

saco de patatas, unas suculentas perdices, flores para embellecer los lujosos salones

reales El rey se senta halagado con tantas atenciones e intrigado por saber quin era

ese Marqus de Carabs que tantos regalos le enviaba mediante su espabilado gato.Un

da, estando el gato con su amo en el bosque, vio que la carroza real pasaba por el

camino que bordeaba el ro.

Rpido, rpido! le dijo el gato al joven Qutate la ropa, trate al agua y finge que

no sabes nadar y te ests ahogando!El hijo del molinero no entenda nada pero pens que

no tena nada que perder y se lanz al ro El agua estaba helada! Mientras tanto, el astuto

gato escondi las prendas del chico y cuando la carroza estuvo lo suficientemente cerca,

comenz a gritar. Socorro! Socorro! Mi amo el Marqus de Carabs no sabe nadar!

Aydenme!El rey mand parar al cochero y sus criados rescataron al muchacho Era lo

menos que poda hacer por ese hombre tan detallista que le haba colmado de

regalos!Cuando estuvo a salvo, el gato minti de nuevo. Sus ropas no estn! Con toda

esta confusin han debido de robarlas unos ladrones! No te preocupes dijo el rey al

gato Le cubriremos con una manta para que no pase fro y ahora mismo envo a mis

criados a por ropa digna de un caballero como l.Dicho y hecho. Los criados le trajeron

elegantes prendas de seda y unos cmodos zapatos de piel que al hijo del molinero le

hicieron sentirse como un verdadero seor. El gato, con voz pomposa, habl con seguridad

una vez ms. Mi amo y yo quisiramos agradecerles todo lo que acaban de hacer por

nosotros. Por favor, vengan a conocer nuestras tierras y nuestro hogar.Ser un placer. Mi

hija nos acompaar afirm el rey sealando a una preciosa muchacha que asomaba su

cabeza de rubia cabellera por la ventana de la carroza.El falso Marqus de Carabs se gir

para mirarla. Como era de esperar, se qued prendado de ella en cuanto la vio, clavando

su mirada sobre sus bellos ojos verdes. La joven, ruborizada, le correspondi con una

dulce sonrisa que mostraba unos dientes tan blancos como perlas marinas. Si le parece

bien, mi amo ir con ustedes en el carruaje. Mientras, yo me adelantar para comprobar

que todo est en orden en nuestras propiedades.El amo subi a la carroza de manera

obediente, dejndose llevar por la inventiva del gato. Mientras, ste ech a correr y lleg

a unas ricas y extensas tierras que evidentemente no eran de su dueo, sino de un ogro
que viva en la comarca. Por all se encontr a unos cuantos campesinos que labraban la

tierra. Con cara seria y gesto autoritario les dijo: Cuando veis al rey tenis que decirle

que estos terrenos son del Marqus de Carabs entendido? A cambio os dar una

recompensa.Los campesinos aceptaron y cuando pas el rey por all y les pregunt a quin

pertenecan esos campos tan bien cuidados, le dijeron que eran de su buen amo el Marqus

de Carabs.El gato, mientras tanto, ya haba llegado al castillo. Tena que conseguir que

el ogro desapareciera para que su amo pudiera quedarse como dueo y seor de todo.

Llam a la puerta y se present como un viajero de paso que vena a presentarle sus

respetos. Se sorprendi de que, a pesar de ser un ogro, tuviera un castillo tan elegante.

Seor ogro le dijo el gato Es conocido en todo el reino que usted tiene poderes. Me

han contado que posee la habilidad de convertirse en lo que quiera. Has odo bien

contest el gigante Ahora vers de lo que soy capaz.Y como por arte de magia, el ogro

se convirti en un len. El gato se hizo el sorprendido y aplaudi para halagarle.

Increble! Nunca haba visto nada igual! Me pregunto si es capaz de convertirse usted

en un animal pequeo, por ejemplo, un ratoncito. Acaso dudas de mis poderes?

Observa con atencin! Y el ogro, orgulloso de mostrarle todo lo que poda hacer, se

transform en un ratn.S! Lo haba conseguido! El ogro ya era una presa fcil para l.

De un salto se abalanz sobre el animalillo y se lo zamp sin que al pobre le diera tiempo

ni a pestaear.Como haba planeado, ya no haba ogro y el castillo se haba quedado sin

dueo, as que cuando llamaron a la puerta, el gato sali a recibir a su amo, al rey y a la

princesa. Sea bienvenido a su casa, seor Marqus de Carabs. Es un honor para nosotros

tener aqu a su alteza y a su hermosa hija. Pasen al saln de invitados. La cena est servida

exclam solemnemente el gato al tiempo que haca una reverencia.Todos entraron y

disfrutaron de una maravillosa velada a la luz de las velas. Al trmino, el rey,

impresionado por lo educado que era el Marqus de Carabs y deslumbrado por todas sus

riquezas y posesiones, dio su consentimiento para que se casara con la princesa.Y as es

como termina la historia del hijo del molinero, que alcanz la dicha ms completa gracias

a un simple pero ingenioso gato que en herencia le dej su padre.

El gato con botas(c) CRISTINA RODRGUEZ LOMBA

rase once a miller who had three children. The man was very poor and almost it did not have
goods to leave them in inheritance. To the major son he bequeathed his old mill, to the medium
one a jackass and to the small one, a cat. The minor of the boys was complaining before his
brothers for the little that it had corresponded to him. - You have had more luck that I. The mill
grinds wheat to do breads and cakes and the jackass helps in the tasks of the field, but what can I
make I with a simple cat? The cat listened to the complaints of his new owner and approaching
him he said to him:

- Do not be wrong with me. I think that I you can be more useful than you think and very soon
demostrar. give me a bag, an elegant coat and a few boots of my height, that I take charge of
everything. The young person gave him for what he was asking him because in the end it was not
great and the cat started his plan. As any pussy-cat that boasts, it was very skilful hunting and it
was not difficult a lot of effort to him to catch a couple of rabbits that put in the bag. The new coat
and the boots of velvet were providing a distinguished freightage to him, so very sure of yes same
it went to the royal palace and managed to be got for the king.

- Majesty, my owner the Marquess of Carabs him sends these rabbits - the cat lied. - Oh, thank
you very much! - answered the monarch - Say cat to your owner that I am grateful to him very
much for this obsequio.el it returned to house satisfied and to divide of then, every week came to
the palace to deliver presents to the king on behalf of the supposed Marquess of Carabs. It was
taking to him a sack of potatoes, a few succulent partridges, flowers for

To embellish the luxurious royal lounges The king was feeling pleased with so many attentions
and puzzled for knew the one who was this Marquess of Carabs who so many gifts was sending
by means of his espabilado cat. One day, being the cat with his owner in the forest, saw that the
royal coach was happening for the way that was bordering on the river. - Rapid, rapid! - he said
the cat to the young person - take the clothes from yourself, throw yourself to the water and sham
that you cannot swim and to suffocate!

The son of the miller did not understand anything but he thought that it did not have anything that
to lose and threw to the river the water was frozen! Meanwhile, the crafty cat hid the articles of
the boy and when the coach was sufficiently nearby, began to shout. - I help! I help! My owner the
Marquess of Carabs cannot swim! Help me! The king gave the orders to stop the coachman and
his servants rescued the boy it was less that there could do for this man so retailer who had filled
him with gifts! When it was to except, the cat lied again.

- His clothes are not! With all this confusion they have had to of a few thieves stole them! - Do not
worry - said the king to the cat - we will cover Him with a blanket in order that cold does not
happen and just now I send my servants for worthy clothes of a gentleman as him. Saying and fact.
The servants him brought elegant articles of it sedates and a few comfortable shoes of skin that
made the son of the miller feel as a real gentlem. the cat, with pompous voice, he spoke safely
once again. - My owner and I wanted to be grateful to them for everything what they have just
done for us. Please, come to know our lands and our home.
- It will be a pleasure. My daughter will accompany us - the king affirmed indicating a precious girl
who was putting out his head of blond hair for the window of the coach. The false Marquess of
Carabs was turned to look at her. Since it was of waiting, it remained prendado of her in all that it
saw her, fixing his look on his beautiful green eyes. The young woman, made blush, corresponded
to him with a sweet smile that was showing a few teeth as white as marine pearls. - If it seems to
him likely, my owner will go with you in the carriage. While, I will go forward to verify that
everything is in order in our properties.

The owner rose to the coach of an obedient way, being left to go for the inventiveness of the cat.
While, this one began to run and came to a few rich and extensive lands that evidently do not
belong to his owner, but of an ogre who was living in the region. There one found a few peasants
who were working the land. With serious face and authoritarian gesture he said to them: - When
you see the king you have to say that these areas belong to the Marquess of Carabs
understood? In exchange I will give you a reward. The peasants agreed and when the king
happened there and asked them to whom these fields concerned so well elegant, said to him that
they belonged to his good owner the Marquess of Carabs.

The cat, meanwhile, already had come to the castle. It had to achieve that the ogre was
disappearing in order that his owner could remain as owner and gentleman of everything. It called
to the door and appeared as a traveler of step who him was coming to present his respects. It was
surprised that, in spite of being an ogre, had such an elegant castle. - Mister ogre - said the cat to
him - It is known in the whole kingdom that you have power. They have told me that it possesses
the skill of turning what wants. - You have heard well - answered the giant - Now you will see of
what I am capable.

And as for art of magic, the ogre turned into a lion. The cat became the surprised one and
applauded to please him. - Incredible! Nothing had seen equal ever! I wonder if it is capable of a
ratoncito turning you into a small animal, for example. - Perhaps do you doubt my power?
Observe with attention! - And the ogre, proud to show him everything what it could do,
transformed in a mouse. Yes! It had obtained it! The ogre already was an easy dam for him. Of a
jump it rushed on the animalillo and one gobbled it without to the poor person it was having time
him to winking.

Since it had glided, already there was no ogre and the castle had remained without owner, so
when they called to the door, the cat went out to receive his owner, the king and the princess. - Be
welcome to his house, gentleman Marqus de Carabs. It is an honor for us to have here his
Highness and his beautiful daughter. Go on to the guests' lounge. The dinner is served - it
exclaimed solemnly the cat at the time that it was doing a reverence.

They all entered and enjoyed a wonderful party in the light of the candles. To the term, the king
impressed by the polite thing who was the Marquess of Carabs and dazzled by all his wealths and
possessions, gave his assent in order that he was marrying the princess. And this way it is since
there ends the history of the son of the miller, who reached the most complete happiness thanks
to a simple but ingenious cat that in inheritance his father left him.

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