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***Must be signed by both the parent and dancer in order to attend competition***

I will remember that my child dances for their enjoyment, not mine
I will encourage my child to follow the competition and club polices and rules and will
resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility, gossiping or violence
I will encourage my child to respect the rights of other dancers and the rights and authority
of teachers and adjudicators
I will teach my child that doing ones best is as important as winning so that my child will not
feel defeated by the outcome of adjudication
I will make my child feel like a winner every time by offering praise for competing fairly and
trying hard
I will remember that children learn best by example; I will applaud other dancers and
teammates performances from our club and other dance studios
I will not publically question the adjudicators decision and I will always respect the hard
work and effort each dancer and their teacher has put into the season, regardless of
adjudication results
I will support all effort to remove verbal and physical abuse from my childs competition
I will show respect for all teachers, volunteers and event organizers during the course of my
time at competition
I will refrain from coaching, correcting or criticizing my child and their teammates during
warm-up practice and after performances and will let all corrections and feedback come
from their teacher. I will be there solely to support my dancer and positively encourage them
to have a good time
I will educate my child to treat all dancers, teachers, parents, spectators and event
organizers with respect regardless or race, creed, colour, sex or ability
I will NOT videotape at any competition. I realize that if I do our entire club will be
suspended from competition and my dancer and I will not be allowed back to dance at NBDA
the following year
I will not allow my child to change in the washrooms at competition as it is against
competition regulation and all dancers will use the change room
I will not cross into restricted warm up areas or bring anyone to the restricted area that is
not a dancer with NBDA. I understand that this area is only for teachers and dancers. This
includes the field house arena.
I realize that I am responsible for my child outside of the warm up area and will make sure to
have them there at the requested time with the required costume, make-up and hair
I realize that our teachers are there to do their job and cannot be responsible for dancers
from more than their allotted time and each dancer should be picked up at a respectable
time after their performance
I will make sure my dancer has snacks and is hydrated throughout their time at competition
I understand that if any of the rules above are broken my dancer will be removed from
future competitions
I understand that I have committed to either 1 competition as a recreational dancer and 3
competitions as a competition dancer (according to NBD policy and parent handbook) and
my dancers attendance is mandatory
I have the remind App on my phone (anyone who can receive texts can get it) and
understand that if the event is running ahead or behind or any changes are made that we
will be notified if possible through remind only.
I understand that if my dancer is watching the performances while in costume, a sweater or
jacket must be worn over the costume. If my dancer is in adjudication and wearing a
costume for the next performance, a sweater or jacket must also be worn while on stage.

Parent/Guardian Signature and date NBDA Dancer Signature and date

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