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Endocrine System


Endocrine System, associated organs and tissues of the body that collectively release
substances known as hormones. Endocrine organs are also known as ductless glands because
their secretions are released directly into the bloodstream, whereas exocrine glands discharge
their secretions on external or internal surface tissues of the skin, the lining of the stomach, or
of the lining of the pancreatic ducts. Hormones released by the endocrine glands regulate the
growth, development, and function of many tissues and coordinate the metabolic processes
within the body. Endocrinology is the study of the endocrine glands, the hormonal substances
produced by these glands, their physiological effects, and the disorders and diseases that
result from their malfunction.

Hormone-producing tissues may be classified into three groups: purely endocrine glands,
which function solely in hormone production; endo-exocrine glands, which produce other types
of secretions as well as hormones; and certain nonglandular tissues, such as the autonomic
nerves, which produce hormone-like substances.


The pituitary gland, or hypophysis, consists of three lobes: the anterior lobe; the intermediate
lobe, which in primates is present for only a short part of the lifespan; and the posterior lobe. It
is situated at the base of the brain and has been called the “master gland”. The anterior and
the posterior lobes of the pituitary secrete different hormones. The anterior lobe secretes
various hormones that stimulate the function of other endocrine glands, for example,
adrenocorticotrophic hormone, or ACTH, which stimulates the adrenal cortex; thyroid-
stimulating hormone, or thyrotrophin, known as TSH, which controls the thyroid gland; follicle-
stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulate the sex glands; and
prolactin, which, with other special hormones, influences milk production of the mammary
gland. In addition, the anterior pituitary is the source of growth hormone, also called
somatotrophin, which promotes the development of body tissues, particularly of bone matrix
and muscle, and influences carbohydrate metabolism. The anterior pituitary also secretes a
hormone called melanocyte-stimulating hormone, which regulates the intensity of
pigmentation in pigmented cells. In the 1970s scientists found that the anterior pituitary also
produces substances called endorphins. These are peptides that act on the peripheral and
central nervous systems to reduce sensitivity to pain.

The hypothalamus, that part of the brain from which the pituitary gland arises, secretes an
antidiuretic hormone (one that controls the excretion of water) named vasopressin, which is
passed down and stored in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Vasopressin controls the
amount of water secreted by the kidneys and raises blood pressure. The posterior lobe of the
pituitary also stores a hormone made by the hypothalamus. Known as oxytocin, this hormone
stimulates muscular contractions, especially of the uterus, and ejection of milk from lactating
mammary glands.

Secretion of three anterior pituitary hormones is under regulation of the hypothalamus:

thyrotrophin secretion is stimulated by thyrotrophin-releasing factor (TRF), and luteinizing-
hormone secretion by luteinizing-hormone releasing hormone (LHRH). Dopamine made in the
hypothalamus usually inhibits the release of prolactin by the anterior pituitary. Furthermore,
release of growth hormone is inhibited by somatostatin, which is also made by the pancreas.
This means that the brain also functions as a gland.


Each adrenal gland consists of an inner part called the medulla and an outer part called the
cortex. The two glands are situated above the kidney. The adrenal medulla is the source of
adrenaline, also called epinephrine, and noradrenaline, which affect a number of body
functions. They stimulate cardiac action, increase blood pressure, and affect constriction and
dilation of blood vessels and musculature. Adrenaline (but not noradrenaline) raises the blood-
sugar level. All these actions help the organism deal with acute emergencies more effectively
and efficiently. The adrenal cortex elaborates a group of hormones known as glucocorticoids,
which include cortisol and hydrocortisone, and the mineralocorticoids, which include
aldosterone and other hormonal substances that are essential to the maintenance of life and
to adaptation to stress. Adrenal secretions regulate the salt and water balance of the body,
influence blood pressure, affect lymphatic tissue, influence the mechanisms of the immune
system, and regulate carbohydrate and protein metabolism. In addition to these functions, the
adrenal glands also elaborate male and female hormones.


The thyroid is a two-lobed gland situated in the neck. The thyroid hormones thyroxine and
triiodothyronine increase oxygen consumption and stimulate the rate of metabolism,
regulating the growth and maturation of body tissues and affecting physical and mental
alertness. The thyroid also secretes a hormone known as calcitonin, which lowers the levels of
calcium and phosphate in the blood and inhibits bone resorption.


The parathyroids are found near or embedded in the thyroid gland. The parathyroid hormone
regulates blood levels of calcium and phosphorus and stimulates bone resorption.

The ovaries are the female reproductive organs, or gonads. They are paired, almond-shaped
bodies situated on either side of the uterus. The ovarian follicles produce the ova, or eggs, and
also secrete a group of hormones called oestrogens, which are necessary for the development
of the reproductive organs and of such secondary sexual characteristics as the distribution of
fat, widening of the pelvis, breast growth, and pubic and axillary hair.

Progesterone has as its principal function the maintenance of pregnancy, which it

accomplishes primarily by its effects on the lining of the uterus. Progesterone also acts in
conjunction with oestrogens in promoting the growth and elasticity of the vagina. The ovaries
also elaborate a hormone called relaxin, which acts to relax the cervix during childbirth, thus
making delivery easier.


The male gonads, the testes, are paired, ellipsoid bodies suspended in the scrotum. The Leydig
cells of the testes produce one or more male hormones, called androgens. The most important
of these is testosterone, which stimulates the development of secondary sex characteristics,
influences the growth of the prostate and seminal vesicles, and promotes secretory activity of
these structures. The testes also contain cells that produce sperm. See Reproductive System.


The bulk of the pancreas consists of exocrine tissue that releases digestive juices into the
duodenum. Distributed throughout this tissue are clusters of endocrine cells called the islets of
Langerhans, which secrete insulin and another hormone, glucagon. Insulin affects
carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism, increasing the rate of sugar utilization and
promoting the formation of protein and storage of fat. Glucagon temporarily raises blood-sugar
levels, apparently by releasing glucose from the liver.


The placenta, an organ formed during pregnancy from the membrane surrounding the foetus
and the uterine lining, assumes certain endocrine functions of the pituitary gland and the
ovaries that are important in the maintenance of pregnancy. It secretes the hormone called
chorionic gonadotrophin, a substance which is found in the urine during pregnancy and
constitutes the basis for pregnancy tests. The placenta produces the progesterone and
oestrogens; a protein hormone with some of the characteristics of growth hormone, and
lactogenic hormones (placental lactogen).

Hormones and hormone-like substances are also produced by certain other body tissues. The
kidneys secrete an agent called renin, which activates the hormone angiotensin produced in
the liver; this hormone in turn raises blood pressure, probably in part by stimulating the
release of aldosterone by the adrenal glands. The kidneys also elaborate a hormone called
erythropoietin, which stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. The
gastrointestinal tract elaborates a number of substances that regulate the functions of the
digestive system; these include gastrin from the stomach, which stimulates gastric acid
secretion, and secretin and cholecystokinin from the upper intestine, which stimulate secretion
of digestive juices and hormones from the pancreas. Cholecystokinin also causes the
gallbladder to contract. In the 1980s the heart was also found to secrete a hormone, called
atrial natriuretic factor, which is involved in the regulation of blood pressure and of the body's
salt and water balance.

The functional definition of the endocrine system has been blurred by the finding that many
typical hormones are found in sites where they do not act in an endocrine fashion.
Noradrenaline is present in nerve endings, where it transmits nervous impulses. Components
of the renin-angiotensin system have been found in the brain, where their function is unknown.
The intestinal peptides gastrin, cholecystokinin, vasointestinal peptide (VIP), and gastric
inhibitory peptide (GIP) are found in the brain. Endorphin is present in the intestine, and
growth hormone is found in cells of the islets of Langerhans. In the pancreas, growth hormones
appear to act locally by inhibiting release of insulin and glucagon from endocrine cells.


The known hormones belong to three chemical groups, proteins, steroids, and amines. Those
in the protein, or polypeptide, group include the hormones produced by the anterior pituitary,
parathyroid, placenta, and pancreas. In the steroid group are the hormones of the adrenal
cortex and gonads. The amines are produced by the adrenal medulla and thyroid. The
synthesis of hormones occurs intracellularly, and in most instances the product is retained
within the cell until its release into the blood. The thyroid and the ovaries, however, contain
special sacs for hormone storage.

Release of hormones depends on the levels in the blood of other hormones and of certain
metabolic products under hormone influence, and also on nervous stimulation. The production
of the anterior pituitary hormone is inhibited when the hormones produced by the particular
target gland, the adrenal cortex, the thyroid, or the gonads, are circulating in the blood. For
example, when a certain amount of thyroid hormone is present in the bloodstream, the
pituitary ceases production of thyroid-stimulating hormone until the level of thyroid hormone is
reduced. Thus, the levels of circulating hormones are kept constantly in balance. This
mechanism, known as negative feedback, is analogous to the system by which a thermostat is
activated by room temperature to switch a boiler on or off.
Long-term administration from outside sources of adrenocortical, thyroid, or sex hormones
causes virtual cessation of the corresponding stimulating hormone from the pituitary and,
consequently, the eventual atrophy of the target gland. Conversely, if the output of a target
gland is consistently below the normal level, the constant production of the stimulating
hormone from the pituitary causes an overgrowth of the gland, as in an iodine-deficiency

Hormone release is also regulated by the amount of certain substances in the bloodstream,
the presence or utilization of which is under hormonal control. High levels of glucose in the
blood stimulate the production and release of insulin, whereas low blood-sugar levels stimulate
the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline and glucagon, maintaining an equilibrium in this
aspect of carbohydrate metabolism. Similarly, a deficiency in blood calcium stimulates
secretion of the parathyroid hormone; a high blood-calcium level stimulates release of
calcitonin from the thyroid.

Endocrine function is regulated also by the nervous system, as demonstrated by the adrenal
responses to stress. The different endocrine organs are brought under nervous control in a
variety of ways. The adrenal medulla and the posterior pituitary are richly innervated glands
directly controlled by the nervous system. The adrenal cortex, thyroid, and gonads, however,
although responding to various nervous stimuli, have no apparent nerve supply and continue
to function when transplanted to other parts of the body. The anterior pituitary has a scanty
nerve supply but cannot function if transplanted.

The way in which hormones exert their numerous metabolic and morphologic effects is not
known. The effects on cell function, however, are thought to be caused either by action on cell
membranes or on enzymes, by regulation of gene expression, or by control of the release of
ions or other small molecules. Although apparently not consumed or changed in the metabolic
process, hormones may be partly destroyed by chemical degradation. Hormonal end products
are excreted rapidly and are found largely in the urine and also in faeces and perspiration.


The endocrine system exerts a regulatory action on the reproductive cycles, including the
development of the gonads, their period of functional maturity, and their subsequent ageing,
as well as the menstrual cycle and the gestation period. The cyclic pattern of oestrus—the
period during which fertile mating is possible in lower animals—is also regulated by hormones.

Puberty, the time of sexual maturation, is marked by an increase in the secretion of pituitary
gonad-stimulating hormones or gonadotrophins, which cause maturation of the testes or
ovaries and increased secretion of sex hormones. The sex hormones, in turn, affect the
accessory sex organs and general sexual development.
Puberty in the female is associated with the onset of menstruation and ovulation. Ovulation,
the release of an ovum from an ovarian follicle, occurs approximately every 28 days at about
the 10th to 14th day of the menstrual cycle in human beings. The first part of the cycle is
marked by the menstrual period, averaging about three to five days, and by the maturation of
the ovarian follicle under the influence of the follicle-stimulating hormone from the pituitary.
After ovulation, the vacated follicle, under the influence of another pituitary hormone—
luteinizing hormone—forms an endocrine body known as the corpus luteum, which secretes
progesterone, oestrogen, and, probably during pregnancy, relaxin. Progesterone and
oestrogen prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy; if this does not occur the corpus luteum
regresses, and the uterine lining, deprived of hormonal support, breaks down—resulting in
menstrual bleeding. The rhythmic pattern of menstruation is explained by the reciprocal
inhibitory-stimulative relationship between the oestrogens and the pituitary gonad-stimulating

If pregnancy occurs, the placental secretion of gonadotrophins, progesterones, and oestrogens

maintains the corpus luteum and the uterine lining and prepares the breasts for milk
production, or lactation. Secretion of oestrogens and progesterone is high during pregnancy,
reaching a peak just before childbirth. Lactation begins shortly after the delivery, presumably
as a result of changes in hormone balance following separation of the placenta.

With progressive ageing of the ovaries and decrease in ovarian oestrogen production,
menopause occurs. Secretion of gonadotrophins increases at this time, apparently as a result
of lack of oestrogen inhibition. In the male the corresponding period is marked by a gradual
reduction in androgen secretion.


Disturbances in function of endocrine production may be classed as either hyperfunction

(excess activity) or hypofunction (insufficient activity). Hyperfunction of a gland may be
caused by a hormone-secreting tumour that is benign or, less often, malignant. Hypofunction
may result from congenital defects, cancer, inflammatory lesions, degeneration, anterior
pituitary disorders affecting the target glands, trauma, or, in the case of thyroid disease, iodine
deficiency. Hypofunction may also result from surgical removal of a gland or destruction from
radiation therapy.

Hyperfunction of the anterior pituitary gland with overproduction of the growth hormone may
result in gigantism or acromegaly, or, when excess adrenal-stimulating hormone is produced,
in a group of symptoms known as Cushing's disease, including hypertension, weakness,
plethora, bruising, and a strange kind of obesity. Deficiency in anterior pituitary function leads
to dwarfism (if onset is early in life), sexual underdevelopment, weakness, and occasionally,
severe emaciation. Subnormal adrenal-cortical activity results in Addison's disease, whereas
excessive activity may produce Cushing's syndrome or cause virilism—secondary male sex
characteristics— in women or children. Disturbances in gonadal function affect mainly the
development of primary and secondary sex characteristics. Thyroid deficiency produces
cretinism and dwarfism in the infant, and myxedoema, marked by coarsening of the features
and slowing of mental and physical reactions, in the adult. Excessive thyroid function (Graves'
disease, toxic goitre) is characterized by protrusion of the eyes, tremor and sweating,
increased pulse rate, cardiac palpitations, and nervous irritability. Diabetes insipidus results
from deficiency of the antidiuretic hormone, and diabetes mellitus from a defect in the
production of the pancreatic hormone insulin, or in the body's response to it.

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