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9th Grade Social Studies Syllabus

Modern World History

Mrs. Hartman: Room 108

Contact Information: E| W|


Course Description:

Civilization's growth from the Renaissance to modern times is surveyed. Students will use expository and
argumentative writing skills, emphasized in both English and Social Studies classes, in writing about topics
relevant to the content of Modern World History. Twenty-first Century and Common Core Standards are also
reinforced. Using primary and secondary sources, students will make history come alive through performance-
based tasks, research and analysis, formative assessments, group work, and other creative lessons.


You are expected to exhibit courtesy, respect and strong academic skills throughout the year. Please use your class
time wisely; follow directions the first time given. It is my goal to teach you strategies and techniques that will help
you succeed in high school and beyond!

Materials Necessary for Success:

Pocket Folders (x2)

One subject spiral-bound notebook
Loose-leaf white lined paper
Colored Pencils
Index cards

Class Rules:
1) Follow instructions the first time given
3) Keep your hands, feet & all objects to yourself.
4) Work hard all class period
5) Use kind words

***Students who have consistent behavior issues will receive detention and be referred to administration.

Late Work/ Missed Work

I accept late work.
o However, for each day it is late, points will be deduced.
Excused absences (ex. out sick) will receive a grace period to make up their work with no penalty.
o Ex. Out two days = two days to make up the work.
o After that grace period has ended, the regular late policy applies.
Classwork, Assessments, Homework and Information for Parents:

Students will receive daily classwork and weekly homework in Social Studies. Some assignments may take multiple
days to complete. Assessments will include: Quizzes, tests, essays, writing assignments, DBQs, projects, and
performance based tasks. All assignments and grades can be found in PowerSchool. Email me with any questions
you may have about homework, grades, or upcoming assignments.

Office Hours
My office hours are every Wednesday after school from 2:15-2:45.

Students Please have parents review this syllabus, sign, and be prepared to show me by Wednesday,
September 6, 2017. THIS WILL BE YOUR FIRST QUIZ GRADE! Keep the syllabus in your folder for your

PRINTED STUDENT NAME: _____________________________________________

PRINTED PARENT NAME: ________________________________________________

We have reviewed the course syllabus for Mrs. Hartmans Social Studies class.

Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature Date

Parent Email Address: _____________________________________________________

Parent Phone:_________________________________

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