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NIM : 131511133014
Mata Kuliah : EIN 2
Pertemuan Ke :3
Tanggal mengumpulkan : 21 SEPTEMBER 2016

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BAE 112.

Surabaya, 21 September 2016

(Faza Hisba Afifa)


Tugas terlampir telah direview dan ditelaah

Nama Dosen Pengampu :


Hasil Review :

Nilai Tugas (0100) :

Tanda Tangan Dosen

Nursing Diagnosis
- The international classification of desease taxonomy (ICD-10) = physician
- Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (DSM-V) = psychologist

Carpenito = she is nurses, and created a diagnosis book

She said Diagnosis is the careful, critical study of something to determining its nature

North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), 1990:

Nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment about individual, family, or community responses
to actual or potential health problems/life process. Nursing diagnosis provides the basis for
selection of nursing interventions to achieve outcomes for which the nurse is accountable

Component of diagnosis are :

1. NANDA = definition and classification
2. NIC = nursing interventions classification
3. NOC = nursing outcomes classification
Types of diagnosis nursing :
1. Health promotion diagnosis -> concerning motivation and desire to increase well-
being and to actualize human health potential.
2. Syndrome Diagnosis -> concerning a specific cluster of nursing diagnoses that occur
together, and are best addressed together and through similar interventions
Label of diagnosis nursing
For labeling the diagnosis we must :
- Descriptor or modifier
- Focus of the diagnosis, or the key concept of the diagnosis

Modifier Diagnostic Focus

Ineffective = Airway Clearance
Risk for = Overweight
Readiness for = Upgrading the Knowledge
Impaired = Memory
Ineffective = Coping

- There are some exception in labeling of diagnosis nursing is only one word (ex:
constipation (00011))
Note for indicators of diagnosis nursing :
Problem-focused nursing diagnoses contain defining characteristics and related
Health promotion diagnoses generally have only defining characteristics
Risk diagnoses must have risk factors
Nursing diagnosis format
_____ [nursing diagnosis] related to ______ [cause/related factors] as evidenced by
____________ [symptoms/defining characteristics].

To make diagnosis of nursingmust need :

1. Must understanding the critical concepts, is important to nursing practice: breathing,
elimination, thermoregulation, physical comfort, self-care, and skin integrity
2. Make significant and sufficient assessment: patient history, physical examination,
diet, activity, perception, etc.
3. If necessary check the diagnostic data: laboratory data, X-ray, etc
4. Must have knowledge and experiences

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