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1166 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 11, No.

3, August 1996
Industry Experience with Special Protection Schemes
IEEEKIGRE Committee Report

P. M. Anderson B.K. LeReverend

Power Math Associates, Inc. Ontario Hydro
San Diego, CA Toronto, Ontario
IEEE WG on Special Stability Controls CIGRE WG05 of Study Committee 39

Special protection schemes are those designed to detect one or In different parts of the world, these schemes are called by
more predetermined system conditions that have a high probability different names. Some common names in use are "contingency
of causing unusual stress on the power system, and for which arming schemes," "discrete supplementary controls," "remedial
preplanned remedial action is considered necessary. The failure of action schemes," and "special protection schemes." The latter term
these schemes to accurately detect the defined conditions, or their has been used for several years, and will be med throughout this
failure to carry out the required preplanned remedial action, can report.
lead to very serious and costly system disturbances. It is natural,
therefore, that a concern for the reliability of these schemes has 2. Brief History of Special Protection Schemes
been expressed. This paper reports on a joint IEEE-CIGRE survey It is not known how long SPSs have been designed and used by the
to determine the experience with special protection schemes, and utility industry, but some of them have been in service for many
to question the designers and operators of these schemes regarding
the reliability of performance. Questions were also directed to the years. In 1988, CIGRE performed a survey similar to the one
design process itself, the reliability criteria used for the design, and reported upon here [l]. That survey reported on a total of 9 3
schemes in operation in 18 utilities located throughout the world.
the analytical methods used to assure reliability in the design.
IEEE has had committee activity within the Power Engineering
Key Words Society for some time with interest in special controls. The IEEE
Special protection schemes, remedial action schemes, contingency
arming schemes, reliability criteria, reliability modeling, reliability Working Group on Special Stability Controls has discussed
analysis, reliability assurance, reliability monitoring, reliability schemes of this type and raised the question as to their reliability.
tracking, failure, failure analysis, failure cost, failure consequences. This resulted in a panel session at the 1987 Summer Meeting,
where the experience of four complex schemes were reported
1. Introduction upon. The design reliability and field experience of the schemes
This paper reports on the results of a joint survey performed by were summarized by the panelists. This led, in 1992, to the present
CIGRE and IEEE to determine the experience of the power survey actiyity. As the activity gained momentum, it was learned
that CIGRE was planning a second survey on the subject. This
industry in the application of Special Protection Schemes. First, it resulted in the two efforts being merged into one. The IEEE
is appropriate to define what is meant by a Special Protection approach was to contact SPS designers throughout the world and to
Scheme (SPS). This is a protection scheme that is designed to inquire as to their methods of design, with emphasis on reliability
detect a particular system condition that is known to cause unusual analysis, and to inquire regarding their field experience. The
stress to the power system, and to take some type of predetermined CIGRE approach was to contact the member countries of their
action to counteract the observed condition in a controlled manner. organization, with the member country representative asking
In some cases, SPSs are designed to detect a system condition that known experts in that country to respond. As a result of this effort,
is known to cause instability, overload, or voltage collapse. The a total of 111 schemes are reported upon from the survey. This is
actions prescribed may require the opening of one or more lines, believed to be a reasonable cross-section of all schemes in service,
tripping of generators, ramping of HVDC power transfers, but is certainly not exhaustive. For example, Russia alone is
intentional shedding of load, or other measures that will alleviate reported to have thousands of schemes in service, but the survey
the problem of concern. Common types of line or apparatus received only one response from Russii], which was necessarily
protection are not included in the scope of interest here. general and did not cite their experience with ilny particular
scheme. Many countries were not heard from at all. It is not
One design parameter that sets these schemes apart is that many of known how many such schemes exist throughout the world.
them are "armed" and "disarmed" in response to system conditions.
For example, a watchdog type of scheme may be required and IEEE and CIGRE are not the only engineering organizations that
armed at high load levels, but not at lower load levels. In some have shown concern for the reliability of special protective
cases, the arming conditions measure several different parameters schemes. The Instrument Society of America (ISA) has been
as a part of the decision process. Some SPSs are armed involved in a concerted effort for several years in the preparation
automatically by the system control center computer, others require of a standard for the design and reliability evaluation of what they
human operator action or approval, and others are manually refer to as "Programmable Electronic Systems." The emphasis of
operated. Some schemes are armed all of the time. their analysis is directed toward "safety systems," which are
common in many industrial systems, such as chemical or nuclear
94 WM 1 8 4 - 2 PWRS A paper recommended and approved plants. The ISA Committee has also worked closely with the
by the IEEE Power System Engineering Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which also has
IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at the an activity aimed at establishing standards for this type of
IEEE/PES 1994 Winter Meeting, New York, New York, equipment. A number of reports and papers have described these
January 30 - February 3 , 1994. Manuscript submitted efforts [2-221. It is noted that much of the work of the IEC and the
August 31, 1993; made available for printing ISA are applicable to many of the SPS designs, and their recent
December 22, 1993. emphasis on digital processing is appropriate for many of the
newer designs. The SPS designs used in the power industry cover
a wide range of protective functions [23-441, and most of them
have characteristics similar to safety systems, although the
emphasis is different.

0885-8950/96/$05.000 1994 IEEE


3. Summary of Survey Results Underfrequency Load Shedding, it is expected that most utilities
The preparation of the survey used in the IEEE/CIGRE effort was would have such a scheme in place, based o n the data gathered in
prepared jointly by the authors, with the assistance and suggestions the previous CIGRE survey [I]. In terms of trends, it should be
of committee members from both organizations. The survey noted that Turbine Valve Control (TVC), HVDC Controls, and
questionnaire is provided in Appendix 1. The results provide System Separation ( S E ) are being used with increasing frequency.
information on many different schemes from all over the world, The relatively high percentage of schemes in the "Others" category
which have been designed with many different objectives. Nearly suggests a diversification of SPSs and may be an indicator of the
all of them share the objective of requiring high reliability and increased reliance of the industry on these schemes.
security, as the cost of failure for any system is high. Following is
a summary of the responses that can be summarized numerically. Additional evidence of the growing popularity, or necessity, for
Questions resulting in written comments are not summarized in SPSs is indicated by the tabulation of the initial year of operation
detail, due to the need for privacy of information as well as the of schemes, shown in Figure 2.
requirement for brevity in a paper of this kind. However, these
comments were used to clarify the understanding of the schemes
and the interpretation of the results. Some ut
questionnaire several times, as a separate response is required for
each SPS.
Responses to the survey originated froin 49 utilities in 17
countries, for a total o f l l l schemes. The participating utilities are 3 5
listed in Appendix 2. The participating regions and their percent E 4
contribution are shown in Figure 1. Since the survey is not an 2 3
exhaustive survey of all utilities or all countries, the results must he 2
considered as showing trends only, rather than a quantitative 1
representation of the experience with all schemes.

19.8% Year

Figure 2 Initial Year of Operation of Special Protection Schemes

Figure 2 shows that, based on survey data, 29% were installed in

the 1970's, 46% in the 1980's and about 14% in the early 1990's.
About 64% of all SPSs have been installed since 1980. One SPS
not shown in Figure 2 was installed in 1930. Of all those installed,
almost 95% are still in service.

One of the types of data requested on SPS performance is the

number of successful operations, unsuccessful operations, failures
to operate, and unnecessary operations for each year during the
period 1986-1992. In addition, the total percent of time the SPS is
armed during each year was also requested. These responses
provide statistics that should be useful in computing performance
USA measures of the collective installations of SPSs worldwide.
20.7% Section 4 provides an evaluation of SPS performance.

One observation that stands out from all these statistics, is that the
Figure 1 Schemes Reported by Geographical Regions number zero was the number most frequently recorded in all
categories. Stated another way, zero operations were recorded by
most of the SPSs, either successful or unsuccessful. Similarly,
A breakdown of SPSs by type is useful for noting the most
commonly used schemes. This breakdown is provided in Table 1. zero failures were recorded by most systems, and zero unnecessary
Generation Rejection (G/R) schemes remain very much in use, operations were also recorded most frequently. This suggests that
accounting for about 21.6% of the total responses. Next in the system condition requiring action does not occur often, but
frequency of use are Load Rejection (LIR) schemes and when it does occur, the SPS usually performs its function correctly.
conventional Underfrequency Load Shedding (ULS) schemes, with
10.8% and 8.2% of the total responses, respectively. Regarding In terms of the arming of the SPS, 100% was recorded most
frequently by those responding. This means that many SPSs are
required to be in service all of the time, not just during particular
system operating conditions.

One question In the questionnaire asked for the dominant cause of

failure or problems with the SPS. The response to this question is
summarized in Figure 3. In constructing this and subsequent
graphs, the only data used were actual responses to the question so
that the totals displayed sum to 100. Questions receiving no
answer have been omitted from these graphs. If a utility chose
more than one answer to a question, each selection received :in
equal share of that utility's response.

The primary effect on the power system that occurs as the result of
SPS failure is an important issue. The survey responses to this
question are shown in Figure 4. Generator Instability is the effect
cited by the majority, which indicates that many schemes in service
are used to improve stability. Voltage Stability and System
Separation were also cited by many.

Hiii~ianError < US$lOk

Incorrect Setting US$lOk - $100k
Hardware Failure US$100k - $500k
Software Failure
Inadcquate Des~gn
0.0 10.0 20 0 30.0 40.0
Percent of those Responding
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Figure 7 Estimated Cost of Unnecessary SFS Operation
Percent ot Ihose Responding
The cost to design, construct, install, and commission an SPS was
Figure 3 Dominant Causes of SPS Failure the subject of the next question The results are shown in Figure 8.

Gen Instability < US$100k

US$100k- 1,000k
Loss of Load

Sys Separation
0.0 It1.6 2O.i. 3(1o 40.0 50.0
Volt Instability Pcr.wit OI tli~ixRr qioiiJiiii:

0.0 10 0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Figure 8 Estim:itcd Cost o f Spccial l'r,)tcctiL)ii Sshcnics
Percent of those Responding 'l'hc cost data o f Figurr., 5. 7 , :ind d a r c very r\iugh zsiiinntes and
should be interpret4 \ v i l l i c'itrr.. T l i ~plt)ltz~lgr:iphs d a not dcpict
Figure 4 Primary Effects of SPS Failure
pre-ise ini'orni:ition, bur they Jd givc n seiisc o f the l c t ~ of l cost
The questionnaire asked for an estimate of the cost of an :isuci:itc.d with these three c:itc~~:,)r~i'b.

operational failure of the SPS, with responses blocked into groups.

The responses to this question are summarized in Figure 5. It is -4nothcr question pr,>brJ the :ilternnti\,cs :i\r:iil:ible 1,) thr utility t h a t
clear that the cost of SPS failure can be very high as most of those could ha\rr. been uscif instc:iJ 01' in\t:tlling the SPS. The most
responding selected the highest cost category. frcquent response t o this q t i r s t i , ) ~ ~\v:ls "po\ver triinsftr
c U r t ;Ii I m c n t ." 0 Ihc r f re q 11 c n t r t s pa nse s w i're " ge 11 c ra t i c ) t i
rcs:heduling" and "iii<)rcconsen,ntiw qwration."
< US$lOk The next question requcstrd int'orm:ition rr.yr.ling the reliabiliiy
US$lOk - $look
criteria used for the SPS dcsign. hlost of thosc rrspmding nntcd
that only a qualitative, r:it!Ier th:in quantii:itivc critcrion \v:is used
US$100k - $5OOk ior their design. Others noted t h a t thew \\'as nu specific
criterion set by a n y :iuthority. hl:lny ntJtcd the :ipplic;iiion of :I
> US$500k reliability criterion x t by their own mnn:iScmcni. Others noted : i n
agreement with neighlmring utilities regirding Ihc' rtli:ibiliiy
00 100 200 300 400 50.0 design standard. Finally, f o r uiiliiie'i in Sorih Aincricx, ninny ciicd
reliabiliiy criteria tint arc' prrscrihed b y rcgionnl councils. Many
Percent of those Responding mentionrd that rCdund:incy in the Jesigi \\.:IS csnsiJr.rcd iinportnnt.
Figure 5 Estimated Cost of SPS Failure
Qualrtitative Goal
The effect of false or unnecessary operation of the SPS was also
questioned. The responses to this question are summarized in No Cnteria
Figure 6. Most systems report that such a false trip will result in
the loss of either a generator or load System disturbances were Utility Standard
also cited by many respondents Utility Agreement
Regional Council

00 100 200 300 400 500

Gen Instability
Pcrccnt of ihoce Responding
Loss of Load
Sys Separation Figure 9 Reliability Criteria for SPS Design
Generator Trip
The reliability criterion specified by most of those responding to
Sys Disturbance this question was a general requirement for equipment redundance
(15 responses). Frequency of fAse operation (10) and frequency of
00 10.0 20 0 30.0 40 0 failure (7) were the only reliability based specifications noted that
Pcrcent ot tho@,eResponding
could be checked by reliability modeling and computation
Finally, several mentioned that qpecifications for SPSs were
Figure 6 Effect of SPS Unnecessary Operation similar to those for transmirqion protection in general

The estimated cost of false trips was also requested. The results of Reliability of a physical system is often checked by analytical
the responses to this question are summarized in Figure 7. Note methods to assure compliance with design criteria The next
that the costs of false trips is generally much lower that the cost of question asked the type of analytical methods used to assure the
failure of the SPS to operate when required, shown in Figure 5. required reliability standdrds were being met Figure 10 provides a
summary of the responses to this question

Fault Tree question are summarized in Figure 12. A majority of responses

mention system monitoring with subsequent adjustments, as
Markov Model required, to meet reasonably reliable operation. Many mentioned
Network Model the use of design standards similar to those used in all of their
system protection systems, although these criteria are not
Failure Prob necessarily uniform throughout the industry. Others used testing
Failure Frequency
and simulation methods.
Failure Duration
FMEA Perfomled
No Reliab Model
No Computations

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0

Percent of t h e responding
Other Methods
Figure 10 Reliability Computations Performed
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
Figure 11 shows a breakdown of the reliability criteria that
prompted a given method of reliability analysis. Note that the Prrrent of tliosc Rcspoiidiiig
reported reliability criteria most often used are specified by the
individual utility rather than some governmental or administrative
authority. Figure 12 Methods Used to Verify Reliability of SPS Operation
The next question asked about the requirement for quantitative
reliability analysis imposed by a n y government, industry, or other
Fault Tree
Fault Tree I I I I authority. About 87 percent reported no such standard, and 11
percent did not know of any standard of this kind. Only two
percent reported the existence of standards for quantitative analysis
Markov Model
Markov Model I I to assure reliability. Several mentioned that such standards are
being developed.
Network Model
Another question probed the respondent's assessment of the actual
reliability of the SPS compared to their computed reliability or
Failure Prob their expectation. Of those responding, about 86 percent noted that
the performance was about the same as that computed, ten percent
Failure Frequency
I I noted better performance than computed, and only about four
percent noted poorer perfbrmance that computed.
The next question asked about the trade-offs to be considered in
the design of a future SPSs, the results of which are shown in
Figure 13. Most of those responding recorded that an SPS would
be chosen for installation i f its cost and reliability were both
comparable with other available alternatives. Others selected cost
0.0 10.(1 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 as the principle criterion. Some selected reliability as the primary
Perccnt of tbow respoiidii~gper inclhod factor to be considered. None of those responding said that they
would not consider another SPS under a n y circumstances, hence
the zero for this category in Figure 13.
Regioiial Ulilily Utilily NoStandard
Agrceincnt Standard

Figure 11 Reliability Computations Performed in Compliance to
Established Design Criteria cost
Most of those responding made no reliability computations or had Not Considered
no reliability model of their system on which computations could
have been made. Of thme performing computations, several 0.0 10.0 20 0 30.0 40.0 50.0
methods are reported and several reliability measures were noted. Percent at h s e Responding
The next question asked if the reliability computations were Figure 13 Factors in Considering New Special Protection Schemes
compared with the design criteria to assure compliance. Only
about twenty percent of those responding made this comparison. The next question asked for an estimate of the frequency of
This is probably due to the fact that many had no reliability design occurrence of events that should cause operation of the SPS. The
requirements specified by a n y authority (see Figure 9). However, response to this question is shown in Figure 14.
about half of those responding mentioned that redundancy was
used in the design of their system, although this was not :i design
requirement in 59% of the cases.
Another question asked for the planned frequency of testing for the
Since reliability analysis was not used in many cases, the next SPS in order to validate the continued reliable operation of the
question is of particular interest This question asked what system. Most utilities test this type of equipment annually, but
methods were used to verify a reliable design without performing utility practices vary over a rather wide range, as noted in Figure
any reliability calculation?. The results of those responding to this 15. A rather large percentage plan no testing at all.

More OnceNear n, = Number of Successful Operations

Once a Year n2 = Number of Failures
Once in 5 Years s = Number of Unsuccessful Operations
Once i n 10 Years n, = Number of Unnecessary Operations
Don't Know ny = Number of Scheme - Years of Operation

()() jo 100 150 200 2.50 300 Then, the following performance indices are defined [l]
. . and
plotted using data from the recent survey.
Percent ot those Respoiidiilg

Figure 14 Estimated Frequency of SPS Operation Effectiveness Index = I' '

/71 + 11: + / I ;
This is a measure of the extent to which the scheme is effective or
achieves its purpose.
More than Annual
Test Once a Year
I I I I Dependability Index = A
IZ, i/I,
Every 2 Years This is a measure of the extent to which the scheme achieves its
designed level of performance.
Every 3 Years
Every 4-6 Years Unnecessary Operation Rate = 2
No Routine Tests /I,,
This is a measure of the vulnerabilitv of the scheme to unnecessarv
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 operations (that do not contribute to'BES Disturbances)
Pcrcent of those Rcsponding Using data from the survey, the following data are derived for all
schemes. Also, a separate calculation is made for the Load
Figure 15 Planned Frequency of SPS Testing Rejection (L/R) schemes. The three indices defined above are
plotted in Figures 16-18. These results are very similar to those
Another question probed the dependence of SPS availability on the reported in the 1988 survey except for the Unnecessary Operation
power system characteristics. Most (73%) responded that the Rate, which has about doubled over the previous report. There is
power system characteristic does not affect SPS availability. insufficient data to justify this difference. It is also noted that the
Load Rejection schemes have a much lower Unnecessary
i The SPS design is destined to become obsolete in many systems, Operation Rate than the totals for a l l schemes.
depending on the type of SPS and its design. Therefore, one of the
questions asked how often the SPS design might need to be Operations reported for all the schemes over the seven year period
examined to assure continued correct operation in view of system (1986-1992) can be summ:irized as follows:
changes. About 82 percent of those responding noted no specific n l = successful operations = 1093;
plans for future design review, although about 13 percent review n2 = number of failures = 36;
their design annually. Other responses were scattered between n 3 = unsuccessful operations = 20;
these two extremes. n4 = unnecessary operations = 306;
Using the CIGRE definitions, performance indices have been
calculated for Generation Rejection (G/R) and Load Rejection
4. SPS Performance (L/R) schemes. These schemes were selected because together
In a previous publication [l], the following performance indices they account for about 32.4% of the total (G/R=21.6%,
were presented by CIGRE to measure the historical behavior of the L E = 10.8%).
installed schemes. Three indices were presented and were defined
in [l] as follows: Figures 16-18 show the Effectiveness, Dependability and
Unnecessary Operation Rate for both G/R and L/R schemes. For
Successful Operation A scheme operation that achieves the comparison purposes the perfoririance indices from the CIGRE
performance objective of the Bulk Energy System (BES), or better. 1987 survey are also shown on the same figures. From these
figures it can be observed that the performance of GIR schemes
Failure A scheme operation that (i) fails to prevent or minimize continue to be effective and dependable, while the performance of
the effect of a BES disturbance in the event of a contingency of L/R schemes appears to have deteriorated. Regarding unnecessary
severity equal to, or less th:in, that specified or (ii) a scheme operation rate the trends for G/R and L/R schemes appear to have
operation that should not have occurred and that results in, or reversed.
contributes to, a BES disturbance.
Unsuccessful Operation A scheme operation that fails to prevent Effectiveness Index
or minimize the effect of a BES disturbance in the event of a
contingency of severity greater than that specified in the design of G/R Schenics
the scheme. L/R Schemcs R 1992
Unnecessarv Operation A scheme operation th;it should not have 70.0 75.0 80.0 85 0 90 0 95.0 100 0
occurred (i.e., resulted from inadequate discrimination in the
scheme design, equipment malfunction, human error, etc.) and that Ef'l'cc-tivcnrss i n Pcrccnl
does not result in, or contribute to, a BES disturbance. Local
customer interruptions or generating unit outages may occur. Figure 16 Effectiveness Index Results

Using the foregoing definitions, the enumeration of operations are

defined by the following symbols.

Dependahility Index two efforts were combined. This gave both societies a broader
coverage than they would have had from individual efforts and the
G/R Sclicinrs survey results will be available tc) inore engineers through
publication by both societies.
L/R Schelllcs
The authors also acknowledge the excellent assistance of Jaime
8n.n 85.0 90.0 95.0 1nn.o Libaque of Ontario Hydro and Simon Magbuhat of Power Math
Diyciidabilily iii Perccii~ Associates in their compilation of data and iInillysis of results that
are an essential part of this report.
Figure 17 Dependability Index Results

Unnecessary Oiieration Rate

7. References
1. Winter, W. H., and B. K. LeReverend, "Operational
Performance of Bulk Electricity System Control Aids,"
Electra, n. 123, March 1989, p. 97-101.
LIK Sclicmcs

0.0 0.2 0.4 (1.6 0.8

2. ASChE, Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, The
Center for Chemical Process Safety, American Institute of
Chemical Engineers, New York, 1985.
0pcr;itiims per Ywr
3. Christensen, James H., and Odo J. Struger, "Programmable
Figure 18 Unnecessary Operation Rate Results Controller Software Architectures for Advanced Machine
Diagnosis,," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, IEEE,
New York, Jan./Feb. 1985.
In this report, a distinction is made between conventional
Underfrequency Load Shedding Schemes (ULS) and Load 4. Livison, Nancy G., "Software Safety: What, Why, and How,"
Rejection (L/R) Schemes. ULS schemes disconnect the loads Association of Computing Machinery, Computing Surveys,
through the action of normal system protections in response to June 19861.
certain system conditions (examples: system underfrequency,
undervoltage, overcurrent). On the other hand, L/R schemes are 5. Balls, Basil W., Allan B. Rentcome, and James A. Wilkenson,
defined as the deliberate disconnection of preselected loads "Specification and Design of Safety Systems for the Process
through special control actions designed to maintain stable and Industries," 8th International System Safety Conference, New
acceptable operating conditions following certain contingencies. It Orleans, 1987.
is expected that most utilities now employ some form of ULS.
However, the results indicate that many utilities, for one reason or 6. Programmable Electronic Systems in Safety Related
another, did not include them in their reply to the questionnaire. Applications, Volumes 1 and 2, Her Majesty's Stationery
Office, London, 1987.

5. Future Activity 7. Redmill, F. J., Dependability of Critical Computer Systems,

There is considerable interest in developing methods of reliability guidelines produced by the European Workshop on Industrial
analysis for SPS systems that take into account the unique Computer Systems (EWICS), Elsevier Science Publishers,
Ltd., Londlon, 1988.
characteristics of these systems. Many of the newer systems are
digital, which means that both hardware and software failures must
be evaluated. The current efforts in standards development are 8. Frederickmn, Anton, A., "Fault Tolerant Control Systems for
helpful in this regard, but may not entirely meet the requirements Use in Safety Applications," ISA/88 International Conference,
of the SPS designer. These concerns will probably be the focus of Houston, 1988.
future activities in the professional societies.
9. Smith, Steven E., "Triple Redundant Fault Tolerance: A
Another area of interest is the development of guidelines for Hardware..Impletnented Approach," 5th Annual Symposium
reliability assurance. The reliability requirements for SPSs are not on Microprocesscir-Based Protection Systems, London, 1988.
uniform, varying from country to country, and even varying within
10. Pre-standard: DIN V VDE 0801: Principles for Computers
countries that have more than one operating utility. Some utilities
are given definite guidelines, or even requirements, to be met, in Safety-Related Systems (Grundsatze fur Rechner in
while others rely on their best judgment as to the adequacy oftheir System mit S i c h e r h e i t s a u f g a h e n ) , Deutsche
SPS. This is a complex issue and is not likely to be solved easily. Electrotechnische Kommission im DIN und VDE, Germany,
However, this would be an excellent activity for professional 1989.
deliberation and possible action, such as the creation of guidelines
for SPS design, reliability evaluation, and performance monitoring. 11 Meffert, Karlheinz, "Principles for Computers in Safety-
It has been noted that the cost of SPS failure is very high, and the Related S:ystems, Advisory Committee on Safety (ACOS)
industry will surely have high interest in assuring reliable Workshop on Safety Related Control Systems, Institute of
performance of these important systems. Electrical ]Engineers (IEE), Savoy Place, London, 8-9 March

12 Clark, B. J. and G. R. Ward, "The Application of

6. Acknowledgments Programmable Electronics Systems to the Control of
The authors wish to thank a11 those who contributed to this effort, Machinery: The Scene in Europe," ACOS Workshop, see [3].
especially those who took the time to complete the questionnaires.
This type of activity would not be possible without the cooperation 13 Lagana, Tom, "Guidelines for Sxfe Automation of Chemical
of many engineers, a n d we hope that they find the results of the Processes, ACOS Workshop, see [3].
survey to be worth the effort they put forth. The entire engineering
community is indebted to them for their u n i q u e contributions.
14. Balls, Basil W., "Determination of Specified Availability for a
We also recognize the unique contribution of CIGRE and IEEE in Process Plant Safety Protection System," Control Expo,
making this joint effort possible. Without this type of cooperation, Chicago, 1989.
many individuals would have been contacted twice, and asked to
complete different questionnaires. We are fortunate that the 15. Goble, William M. "High Availabtlity System for Safety and
duplicate effort w a s discovered, almost by accident, and that the Performance - The Coverage Factor," Annual Programmable
Controller Conference and Exhibit, Philadelphia, 1989.

16. Bell, Trudy E. and Karl Esch, "The Space Shuttle: A Case of 32. Clerfeuille, J. P., "The Defence Plan a t EDF," contribution to a
Subjective Engineering," IEEE Spectrum, IEEE, New York, panel session, IEEE PES Summer Meeting, S a n Francisco,
June 1989. July 14, 1987.

17. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Draft 33. Doudna, John H., "Reliability Maintenance of Special
Standard: Software for Computers in the Application of Stability Controls," contribution to a panel session, IEEE PES
Industrial Safety-Related Systems, IEC reference: 65A Summer Meeting, San Francisco, July 14, 1987.
Secretariat 94), IEC, 1989.
34. Neudorf, E. G., "Ontario Hydro's Bruce Load and Rejection
18. IEC Draft Standard: Functional Safety of Programmable Scheme - Reliability Considerations," contribution to a panel
Electronic Systems: Generic Aspects: P a r t 1, IEC session, IEEE PES Summer Meeting, San Francisco, July 14,
reference: 65A Secretxiat 96, IEC, 1989. 1987.

19. Balls, Basil W. and Paul Grund "Design Considerations for 35. Beshir, M. J., J. H. Gee, and R. L. Lee, "Contingency Arming
High-Risk Safety Systems," InTech, Official Journal of the System Implementation for the Intermountain Power Project
Instrument Society of America, Research Triangle Park, NC, HVDC Transmission System," IEEE Paper 88 SM 643-9,
v. 38, n. 5, May 1991. presented at the IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Portland, July
20. Smith, Steven E., "System-Level Reliability Analysis for
Applying Fault Tolerant Controls," ISA CHEMPID Spring 36. Knight, U. G., "The Control of Power Systems, During
Symposium, Edmonton, Alberta, April 29, 1991. Disturbed and Emergency Conditions," CIGRE Study
Committee 39, CIGRE, Pwis, 1989
21. Billinton, Roy and Ronald N. Allan, "Continuous Markov
Processes," Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems, 37. WSCC Relay Work Group, "Guide for Remedial Action
Concepts and Techniques, Longman Scientific & Technical, Schemes," Western Systems Coordinating Council, Salt Lake
Harlow, Essex, England, 1983, p. 225-52. City, Utah, April 1991.

22. Redmill, F. J., Dependability of Critical Computer Systems, 38. Bhuiyan, M. R., A. E. Taylor, and N.C. Kezman, "Designing
Elsevier Applied Science, Barking, Essex, England, 1989. the Hardware and Software of the Pacific HVDC Intertie
Remedial Action Scheme Using a Programm;ible Controller,"
23. ISA Committee Report, Programmable Electronic Systems A paper presented a t the IEEE T&D Conference, D$las, 1991.
(PES) for Use in Safety Applications, ISA-dS84.01, Draft
OA, July 1992. 39. Perrachon, M., "Les Autqmates de Sauvegarde du Reseau
d'HydpQuebec," CIGRE paper 3A-06, presented at the
24. Klinger, M., W. A. Mittelstadt, and C. W. Taylor, "Transient CIGRE conference on Electric Power Systems Reliability,
Stability Controls Used by Bonneville Power Administration September 16-18, 1991, Montreal.
to Mitigate Delays of Planned Facilities," CIGRE paper 32-01
presented at the 1982 session, Paris. 40. Trudel, G., "Les Automatismes de Reseau: Un Complement
Essentiel Pour Ameliorer La Fiabilite du Reseau d'Hydro;
25. Taylor, Carson W., "Hydro Generator Tripping in the Pacific Quebec," CIGRE paper 3A-10, presented at the CIGRE
Northwest for Stability Enhancement," a paper presented as conference on Electric Power Systems Reliability, September
part of a Generator Tripping Panel discussion at the 1983 16-18, 1991, CIGRE Pub. 338-91, Montreal.
IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Los Angeles, July, 1983.
41. Craven, R. H., "Reliability Improvements via the Application
26. Alexander, G. E., ;ind T. IJ Patel, "Severe Line Outage of Special Control Actions," CIGRE paper 3A-07, presented
Detector (SLOD) Generation Reduction Scheme for a a t the CIGRE conference on Electric Power Systems
Generating Station," IEEE paper 85 SM 323-1, presented at Reliability, September 16-18, 1991, CIGRE Pub. 338-91,
the IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Vancouver, July 1985. Mon trea I.

27. Lubkeman, D. L., and G. T. Heydt, "The Application of 42. Lau, P. C. K., M. S. Grover, and W. H. Tanaka, j'Reliability
Dynamic Programming in a Discrete Supplementary Control Assessment of Special Protec,tion Systems," ClGRE paper 3A-
for Transient Stability Enhancement of Multimachine Power 11, presented a t the CIGRE conference on Electric Power
Systems," IEEE paper 85 WM 056-7, presented a t the IEEE Systems Reliability, September 16- 18, 1991, Montreal.
PES Winter Meeting, New York, February, 1985.
43. Treewittayapooni, C., "Experiences on EGAT's Dircct On-
28. Ohura, Y., K. Matsuzawa, H. Ohtsuka, N.Nagai, T. Gouda, H. Line Load Shedding Scheme," CIGRE paper 39-301,
Oshida, S. Takedil, and S. Nishida, "Development of a presented at the 1992 Session, 30 August-5 September, 1992,
Generator Tripping System for Transient Stability Paris.
Augmentation Based on the Energy Function Method," IEEE
paper 86 WM 117-6, presented a t the IEEE PES Winter 44. Trotignon, M., C. Counan, F. Maury, J. F. Lesigne, F.
Meeting, New York, February 1986. Bourgin, J. M. Tesseron, and J. Boisseau, "Defence Plan
Against Major Disturbances on the French EHV System,:
29. Doudna, J. H.,"Application and Implementation of Fast Present Realization and Prospects of Evolution," CIGRE
Valving and Generator Tripping Schemes a t Gerald paper 39-306, presented :it the 1992 Session, 30 August-5
Gentleman Station," IEEE paper 87 SM 459-1, presented at September, 1992, Paris.
the IEEE PES Summer Meeting, San Fran
45. Charman, Charles E. and Jeffray W. Littman, "A Generation
30. Gove, Erwin H., "Reliability Improvements to Special Shedding Scheme for the Jim Bridger Steam-Electric Plant,"
Stability Controls on the Pacific AC Intertie," contribution to a presented a t the 19th Annual Western Protective Relay
panel session, IEEE PES Summer Meeting, S a n Francisco, Conference, Spokane, Washington, October 21, 1992.
July 14, 1987.

31. Yamamoto, N., "Reliilhility Analysis of the IPP Contingency

Arming Scheme," contribution to :I panel session, IEEE PES
Summer Meeting, San Fr;incisco, J ~ l y14, 1987.

Appendix 1 the following questions for each scheme, and attach the
completed questionnaire to the appropriate one-page
IEEE AND CIGRE description. The description should describe briefly what
QUESTIONNAIREON SPECIAL PROTECTION action the SPS is designed to perform (or what reaction it is
SCHEMES designed to prevent), briefly how this is accomplished, and the
geographical extent of hardware involved in the SPS. A
Foreward: Electric utilities throughout the world have designed, diagram would be helpful.
installed, and gained operating experience with control aids that
have been designated Special Protection Schemes (SPS). Such 2. Reports to the power industry on ,SPS experiences and
schemes are also commonly referred to as Special Stability information (through IEEE and CIGRE) will be most valuable
Controls or as Remedial Action Schemes. This questionnaire has if complete information can be conveyed. Is there any reason
been prepared by CIGRE and IEEE Working Groups to collect why we (can not use some of the information about your SPS
information on the specification, design, evaluation, and/or that you are providing in your response to the following
operating history of these schemes. The Special Protection questions?
Schemes of interest are those designed to aid power system 0 Yes
stability (or prevent instability) or to control the system behavior U No
following large disturbances that might otherwise cause extensive
loss of load or threaten system collapse. Examples of Special Note: The IEEE and CIGRE Working Groups participating in
Protection Schemes include the following: this survey will not divulge the name of the utility providing
information, but will only summarize the data in a statistical
1. Dynamic braking sense.
2. Discrete control of excitation system forcing
3. Controlled system separation 3. Has the lSPS described in your response to the questionnaire
4. Load shedding ever been described ,in the published technical literature
5. Series capacitor insertion (IEEE, ASME, CIGRE. etc)? If it has, please provide paper
6. Discrete control changes of HVDC systems titles, reference numbers, conference names, dates, etc.
7. Turbine bypass valving
8. Momentary and sustained turbine fast valving
9. Generator tripping
10. Combinations of the above 4. Would you or someone from your o r g a n i d o n be available to
participate in a panel session presenting experience with SPS's
Definitions and Performance Indices at a future IEEE PES meeting? If so, please list the name of
the participant and your preference of meetings that you would
Response most likely be able to attend.
Event Description vs. Requirement
Number of
Events 5. Do you k:now of other SPSs at other utilities in your region? If
Successful Performance Within or in so, please name the company and a possible contact person
Objective Excess of (telephone numbers would be appreciated).
Achieved Design Operation
Specification is
Unsuccessful Fails to Severity Required
n3 Prevent Greater and 6. When was the SPS described in #1 first utilized (e.g., placed
or Minimize Than Specified Special in service, armed, etc.) and made a part of your system
Effect of in Protection operation?
Disturbance Design of Scheme
Severity Equal
h r d

Fails to
Prevent or
or Less Thun
Specified in
I Operate
7. Is the SPS described in #1 presently being utilized?
0 Yes
U hfo

Effect of Design
Disturbance; 8. If "no," why is it no longer utilized?
No IJ Revised design criteria
n2 Operation No Severe IJ Changed expectations
Intended; Contingency Special 0 System has outgrown need
3pei-ationCont or Protection fl Bad experience with design
ribiites Con ti ngency Scheme IJ Operator objections
o Disturbance Should Not
Unnecessary No Operation 0 CJther(exp1ain)
Did Not Operate,
n4 Intended; Require but is
NO Sontrol Action Armed to Please provide the operating history of the SPS over as many
Contribution 9.
Operate years as possible?
o Disturbance
*Nc that -
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992
Number of Countuble Event C erations = N = n1 + n 2+ n3 +n,
Successful Operations n,-
Note that the events defined in the table refer to events that occur
when the system is armed. This clarification is necessary since Unsuccessful Operation n3-
some SPS's are enabled and disabled by the system operator
depending on the system condition. Failures to Operate n-
Unnecessary Operations n4
1. Please provide a separate one-page description of each SPS
with which you have experience. I f this includes more than
one such scheme, please prepare a description and complete Annual % of Time Armed __ _I ,-

10. Please provide any measures of SPS reliability performance

that you have defined or used to classify the SPS operation.
a US$100,000 to $500,000 per failure (ffS00,OOO-
(For example, frequency of failure to operate, frequency of IJ More than US$S00,000 per failure (ff2,500,000)
false operations, etc.)
Also state the magnitude of the disturbance caused by failure,
for example, the amount and duration of load lost, system
separation, or other effects.
11. What is the most dominate cause of failure or problems (e.g.,
human error, hardware failure, design oversight, etc.)
0 Incorrect SPS setting 16. Please provide a rough estimate of the cost to design,
0 Hardware failure construct, install, and commission the SPS?
0 Software failure 0 Less than US$lOO,OOO (ff500,OOO)
fl Inadequate design
fl Other, explain: Cl From US$$100,000 to 1,000,000 (ffS00,OOO-
0 More than US$l,OOO,OOO (ffs,ooo,ooo)

12. What is the primary effect on the power system if the SPS
fails to perform its designed function?
0 Instability of one or more machines
17. What would have been the alternative to the use of the SPS for
0 Lossofload your system (e.g., new transmission line or lines, generation
reduction, power transfer curtailments, etc )?
0 System separation
0 Voltage Instability or Collapse

18. What consideration was given to reliability criteria in the

Comment design of the SPS. Check all answers that are appropriate.
IJ Specific reliability criteria were set by a regional
reliability council
If LOSSof Load is checked, please estimate or report the 0 Specific reliability criteria were set by the utility, in
cooperation with neighboring utilities
following items:
MW-minutes of unsupplied energy MW-min 0 Specific reliability criteria were set by the company
Approximate Annual System Peak Load MW 0 No specific reliability criteria were set by any authority
0 Reliability criteria were not specified numerically, but
13. It would be helpful to have at least qualitative information only as a general statement of the desire for
regarding the cost of an operational failure of the SPS, as dependable opera tion
described in question 12. This need not be a detailed estimate. What reliability criteria were specified for the design of the
The following scale is provided for corivenience. SPS?
0 Less thanUSS10,OOO per failure (ffS0,000)
- US$10,000 to $100,000 per failure (ff50,OOO-
500,000) 19. What type of reliability analysis was performed for the SPS?
- US$100,000 to $500,000 per failure (ffSO0,OOO- Check all that apply.
2,500,000) 0 A fault tree analysis was performed for qualitative
0 More than US$SOO,OOO per failure (ff2500,OOO) review
Please note the type and magnitude of the disturbance caused 0 A fault tree analysis was performed for quantitative
by failure, for example, the amount and duration of load lost,
system separation, or other effects, if this is possible. IJ A Markov model of the system constructed and
0 A network model of the system was evaluated
0 The probabily of failure was computed
14. What is the effect on the power system if the SPS operates 0 The frequency of failure was computed
falsely or improperly, that is, i t operates in response to a a The mean duration of failure was computed
system condition where it should remain quiescent? 0 A Failure Modes and Effects Analysis was performed
0 Instability of one or more machines 0 No reliability modeling was performed
IJ Loss of load 0 No reliability measures were computed
0 System separation a No component reliability data were available
0 Loss of one or more generating units (but not through 0 No component reliability data were available, but
instability) estimated data were used
0 System disturbance (classify: minor, moderate, severe) a Any other type of analysis (not listed above) Describe
If Loss of Load is checked, please estimate or report the
following items:
MW-minutes of unsupplied energy MW-min 20. If numerical Computations were performed, as described in
Approximate AnnuaISystem Peak Load MW #1Y, were these results compared with the reliability criteria
stated in #18?
15. It would be helpful to have at least qualitative information a Yes
regarding the cost of a security failure of the SPS, as described
in question 14. This need not be a detailed estimate. The
a No
If the answer here is "Yes," please briefly explain the
following scale is provided for convenience. comparison.
0 Less thanUS$IO,OOO per failure (ff50,OOO)
0 US$lO,OOO to $100,000 per failure (ff50,OOO-
If the answer here is "No," why was this not done? 28. What is the frequency of testing to validate the continued
There were no stated requirement criteria reliable operation of the SPS?
IJ There was no requirement to make this comparison. 0 Test once a year
21. Is redundancy of subsystems used in the SPS design?
a Test once every months
IJ Test once every years
fl Yes 0 Routine testing is not performed
a No
If the answer here is "Yes," please describe briefly. Explain:

~ ~ ~ ~~~

If the answer above is "No," why was redundancy not used 29. Are there specific power system characteristics that affect the
availability of ths SPS?
in the design? IJ Yes

22. Was redundancy given as a design requirement? Explain:

0 Yes
Cl No
If the answer here is "Yes," please describe briefly. 30. How often do you require a new evaluation of the SPS design
to assure the correct response in view of system changes?
0 Review the design annually
23. If no numerical calculations of SPS reliability were performed, fJ Review the design once every __years
how was the design checked to verify adequacy of
performance and how was this adequacy defined?
a There are no specific plans for design review


24. Is a quantitative reliability analysis of SPS required by a

government, industry, or other authority for the projects with
which you are familiar? Appendix 2 ]ParticipatingUtilities
0 Yes The following participating utilities are listed in alphabetical order
0 No of the home country of the utility:
a Don'tknow Hydra-Electric Commission of Tasmania (Australia)
Explain, if necessary: The Electricity Trust of South Australia (Australia)
Pacific Power (Australia)
Queensland Electricity Commission (Australia)
State Electricity Commission of Victoria (Australia)
25. What is your assessment of the actual reliability of the SPS Electrobras (Brazil)
compared to the computed reliability or reliability expectation Alberta Power Limited (Canada)
of the SPS (i.e,, better, worse, the same)? British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (Canada)
0 Better Hydro Quebec (Canada)
Manitoba Hydro (Canada)
Worse New Brunswick Power (Canada)
IJ Same Ontario Hydro (Canada)
Comment TransAlta (Canada)
SaskPower (Canada)
26. Based on your SPS experience, and provided a situation arose Electric Power Research Institute (China)
where the application of another SPS might be an appropriate ELKIRAFT (Denmark)
alternative, how would you characterize your consideration of Electricit6 de France (France)
a new SPS? National Grid Company (England)
Electricity Supply Board (Ireland)
IJ SPS would be chosen if its cost was less than other ENEL SpA (Italy)
alternatives (identify which costs are most important: Chubo EPCO (Japan)
initial cost, operating cost, present worth cost, etc. Chugoku EPCO (Japan)
IJ SPS would be chosen if its cost and reliability were EPDC (Japan)
both comparable to other alternatives Hokuriku EPCO (Japan)
0 SPS would be chosen only if it were more reliable than Kansai EPCO (Japan)
other alternatives, regardless of cost differences Kyulshu EPCO (Japan)
0 SPS would not be considered under any circumstances. Shikoku EPCO (Japan)
Tohoku EPCO (Japan)
Explain: Tokyo EPCO (Japan)
KEF'CO (Korea)
Trans Power (NZ) Ltd. (New Zealand)
HVDC Power Transmission Research Inst. (Russia)
27. Please estimate the frequency of occurrence of events that will ESKOM (South Africa)
cause operation of the SPS. Sveinska Kraftnat (Sweden)
0 More than once a year Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Thailand)
IJ Onceayear AEP Service Corporation (USA)
a Once every 5 years Arizona Public Service Company (USA)
0 Once every 10 years Bonneville Power Administration (USA)
0 Unable to estimate the frequency Floi:ida Power & Light Co. (USA)
Indianapolis Power & Light (USA)
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (USA)

Montana-Dakota Utilities (USA)

Montana Power Company (USA)
Nebraska Public Power District (USA)
PacifiCorp (USA)
Southern Company Services (USA)
TU Electric (USA)
United Power Association (USA)
Biographies of the Authors
B. K. LeReverend was born in Ontario and holds a degree in
Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto. He has
been with Ontario Hydro for 26 years in the Power System
Operations Division. As the Technical Studies Manager, he has
been responsible for establishing systems or predicting reliability
performance of power systems as well as providing other technical
services. He is also 21 member of the Canadian Electrical
Association and Vice Chair of its Power System Planning and
Operations Section.

P. M. Anderson was born in Iowa and holds the B.S., M.S., and
Ph.D. degrees i n Electrical Engineering from Iowa State
University. He has worked for a utility, taught E.E. at Iowa State
and Arizona State, and served a s a Program Manager for EPRI. He
is currently principal engineer at Power Math Associates, Inc., a
consulting engineering firm in San Diego, California.

Discussion several built-in redundancies both in their hardware and software

The authors cite SPSs in conjunction with HVDC which have been
NAVIN B. BHATT in use for some time. How would the authors categorize the case
American Electric Power Service Corporation described above since more of such schemes (also some of the
Columbus, Ohio : FACTS devices) would be realized soon? Or, perhaps, should the
definition of SPS be more focused?
The authors have done a great service to the utility industry by
compiling the historical performance record of special protection
schemes employed around the world.
The discusser participated in the IEEE/CIGRE survey cited in the Eletrobris, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil :
paper by providing response with regard to momentary fast turbine
valving (MFTV) employed on AEPs two 1300 MW Rockport The authors are to commended for a timely paper on a subject that
units [A]. The purpose of this discussion is to update has not received the attention it deserves. This discussant would
developments regarding the Rockport MFTV. On February 8, appreciate to know the author's opinion about the recommended
1994, we had the first set of system conditions, since Rockport strategy to include the effect of special protection schemes in large
MFTV was put in operation in December 1989, for which the scale composite bulk power system reliability studies as applied in
Rockport MFTV was designed to operate. These system operations planning. How to combine the fast dynamic effects of
conditions included a multi-phase fault on the Rockport-Jefferson these schemes (security) with the static approach used in
765 kV circuit with Rockport Plant at full output (2600 MW). The conventional composite reliability analysis (adequacy). The
MFTV equipment on both Rockport units operated as expected, following list of references is thought to be of related interest.
and the units remained in service. We are analyzing the dynamic
response of the Rockport generators during this incident in detail.
Needless to say, we are quite pleased with the appropriate R1 C. Singlh, A.D. Patton, "Models and Concepts for Power
operation of the fast valving, as well as other protection schemes System Reliability Evaluation Including Protection - System
employed at Rockport. We are interested in knowing how many Failures", IJEPES ,v. 2, n.4, Oct. 1980, pp. 161-168.
such successful fast valving operations have taken place across
North America or the world? We would like to hear from those R2 R.N. Allan, A.N. Adraktas, "Terminal Effects and Protection
who responded to the IEEEKIGRE survey with regard to the System Failures in Composite System Reliability
turbine valve control special protection scheme and others Evaluation", IEEE Trans. ,v. PAS-lOl,n.12, Dec. 1982, pp.
knowledgeable in this area. 4557-4562.

[A] Pasternack, B. M., and N. B. Bhatt, "The Rockport Plant - R3 J.A. Buzacott, G.J. Anders, "Reliability Evaluation of
Analysis of Temporary Fast Turbine Valving Tests," IEEE Trans., Systems with After Fault Switching", IEEE Trans., v.
v. PWRS-2, May 1988, p. 529-40. PWRS-z!, n.3, Aug. 1987, pp. 601-07.

C. H. DIDRIKSEN R4 J. C. Ferreira da Luz. M.G. Santos, A.A.S. Praca, O.R.

Consultant Romei, "Generation Dropping Scheme at ltaipu Powef Plant,
Wellesley, Massachusetts : 50 H z Side", I SEPOPE, paper SP-16, ELETROBRAS, Rio
de Janeiro, Aug. 1987.
None of the 111 Special Protection Schemes (SPS) described in
this paper were in use during the Northeast Blackout of November R5 C.E.V. ]Pontes, J.C.O. Aires, P.R.G.M. Barros, "Emergency
9, 1965. Our report on that blackout recommended two of these Control Scheme to Preserve the Priority Loads iq the Light
SPS schemes, Underfrequency Load Shedding and System System", I SEPOPE, paper SP-18, ELETROBRAS, Rio de
Separation. Our report also recommended regional system Janeiro, Aug. 1987.
information be made available at the Control Centers.
R6 E.K. Nielsen et al, "An Operations View of Special
In our study of the 1965 Northeast Blackout we looked at what Protection Systems", IEEE Trans., v. PWRS-3, n.3, Aug.
others had done to prevent power outages. Utilities in the Los 1988, PI>.1078-1083.
Angeles area had been using Underfrequency Load Shedding
schemes for a number of years. This made it possible to continue R7 R. N. Allan, "Effects of Protection Systems Operation and
to supply power to critical facilities, such as hospitals and police Failures in Composite System Reliability Evaluation",
stations, whenever loss of power from Hoover Dam caused a IJEPES;, v. 10, n.3, Jul. 1988, pp. 180-189.
serious power shortage.
R8 M.S. Grover, Y.L. Chan. "Methodology for Reliability
The work done so far on SPS is impressive. But, as this paper Assessment of Special Protection Systems During the Design
describes in the section of Future Activity, there is still much to do. Stage", 17th Inter-Ram Conference for the Electric Power
Industry, Hershey, Jun. 12-15,1990.
N. E. Swiss Power Co., Baden, Switzerland : C. W. TAYLiOR
Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon :
The authors are to be congratulated for their work that produces
excellent, organized and useful information. As chairman of the IEEE Special Stability Controls Working
Group that co-sponsored this work, I thank Dr. Anderson and Mr.
With the utilization of fast-acting equipment that use power LeReverend {fora job very well done.
electronics, there may be no sharp distinction between controls that
activate such equipment and power system protection schemes. In Several publications of the Special Stability Controls Working
fact, the definition as given in the paper for SPS may easily Group provide additional description of these controls [A-D].
encompass static var compensators that are used exclusively to
counteract voltage instability conditions in a power system. Such The future will likely see increased use of special stability controls
thyristor-controlled compensators would be armed all of the time as cost-effective methods to increase transmission network
and must be in a workable' condition (with a prescribed minimum utilization, and to ensure power system reliability for infrequent
configuration) whenever they are called upon to save the system emergencies Presently available and future technologies such as
from collapse. This means a reliability level of 100% for such a digital controls, digitdl communications, artificial intelligence, and
minimum configuration. Therefore, these static compensators have on-line transient stability analysis will increase the attractiveness

of these controls. For transient stability, generator tripping is an development of special protection schemes following the 1965
important control, and the feasibility or generator tripping is Northeast Blackout. These schemes have apparently worked well
increased by proliferation of gas turbine generation (steam turbines and are a credit to the designers of that time. The reference to the
are more difficult and costly to trip or fast valve). Voltage stability underfrequency protection used in the Los Angeles area is also
problems have added new applications [E,F]. interesting, and apparently goes back in time for a number of years.

As described in the paper, reliability of the special controls is a Dr. Hammad raises a very interesting question as to the distinction
concern, with several approaches taken for reliability assurance. between Special Protection Schemes and controllers used for
More formal reliability analysis may be used in the future, along power electronic devices that have the capability of fast response
with probabilistic (value-based) power system planning and and possibly of preventing or mitigating serious system upsets. It
operation [GI. is true that some of these devices have the capability of providing a
much needed control action in response to a system disturbance.
Adequate reliability can be generally ensured by design. Large However, the controls for these devices are not usually designed to
scale special stability controls at BPA now use redundant sensors, respond to a predetermined emergency condition, which is the
redundant communications, and triple redundant (voting) reason for installing Special Protection Schemes. It must be
computers [HI. acknowledged, however, that such special control features could be
added to power electronics devices to provide assistance under the
A. IEEE Committee Report, "A Description of Discrete prescribed emergency. In many cases, however, a device such as a
Supplementary Controls for Stability," IEEE Trans., v. PAS- static var compensator, might provide the desired type of
97, n. 1, Jan./Feb. 1978, p. 149-65. corrective action without special programming. The actions taken
by the SPS are often of a somewhat heroic dimension, such as
B. IEEE Committee Report, "Turbine Fast Valving to Aid dropping generation, opening lines, or shedding load. These
System Stability: Benefits and Other Considerations," IEEE actions are beyond the ordinary types of control actions, and are
Trans., v. PWRS-1, n. 1, Feb. 1986, p. 143-53. last ditch efforts to save the system from total collapse. It will be
interesting to see if the designers of power electronics devices will
C. IEEE Committee Report, "Bibliography on the Application of add these types of control actions in the future, some of which may
Discrete Supplementary Controls to Improve Power System require operating the devices above their normal ratings for brief
Stability," IEEE Trans., v. PWRS-2, n. 2, May 1987, p. 474- periods.
It should also be noted that, despite redundancy in the design of
D. IEEE Committee Report, "HVDC Controls for System power electronics devices, their reliability is not 100% as this is
Dynamic Performance," JEEE Trans., v. PWRS-6, n. 2, May impossible. In fact, redundancy in software does not improve
1991, p. 743-52. reliability at all unless special programming is performed on the
redundant codes.
E. Taylor, C. W., "Concepts of Undervoltage Load Shedding for
Voltage Stability," IEEE Trans., v. PWRD-7, n. 2, Apr. 1992, Dr. Schilling raises the question of the inclusion of Special
p. 480-88. Protection Schemes in large scale composite power system
reliability studies as applied to operations planning. This is an
excellent question, and it would be a valuable addition to
F. E E E Power System Relaying Committee, System Protection composite reliability programs if suitable reliability models of the
and Voltage Stability., IEEE publication 93 THO 596-7 devices can be developed. Reliability of these devices was the
PWR, 1993. motivation of the joint task force effort and it is hoped that this will
be followed by greater emphasis on reliability modeling. Schilling
G. Pereira, M. V. F., and N.J. Balu, "Composite Generation/ also makes the correct obseryation that it is the stability features of
Transmission Reliability Evaluation," Proc. IEEE., v. 80, n. these schemes that are the most important in many cases, not just
4, Apr. 1992, p. 470-91. their adequacy. This type of analysis must await the development
of analytical tools to compute the probability of instability. The
H. Dodge, H. D., W. Doel, and S. Smith, "Power Systemstability adequacy assessment we can do now, using primitive models of the
Control Using Fault Tolerant Technology, I S A protective system unreadiness [3]. The added references provided
Instrumentation in Power Industry, v. 33, 33rd Power by Dr. Schilling are greatly appreciated.
Instrumentation Symposium, May 21-23, 1990, paper 90-
1323. Mr. Taylor's comments are noteworthy. There seems to be a
world-wide trend in power systems that makes any new
transmission system additions very difficult to construct. The
P. M. Anderson and, B. K. LeReverend : design and implementation of SPS's may provide a way of
achieving the desired system loading while still maintaining a
The authors are pleased by the response provided by the several reasonable level of reliability. We appreciate the reference to the
discussions. We feel that active discussion on this subject can be redundancy requirements of the schemes designed for the
beneficial for the entire electric power community, as we share our Bonneville system. This should be encouraged in the design of all
experiences on these critical matters of special protection and systems, in addition to comprehensive reliability analysis of the
control. protection scheme. Redundancy alone does guarantee high
reliability and is not a substitute for rigorous reliability analysis to
Mr. Bhatt provides an interesting review of new operating data determine the probability, frequency, and duration of SPS failure.
from their fast valving scheme and asks for information regarding The added references cited by Mr. Taylor are a welcome addition
other similar schemes. This kind of exchange is sure to be to the discussions on this subject.
beneficial to all concerned, and we would also encourage this type
of one-on-one contact among SPS designers and operators. Fast In reflection, the authors have learned several lessons from the
valving was a subject of great concern from the mid 1970's to the collection and analysis of the data from the SPS survey. One point
mid 1980's in both IEEE and ASME, and was the subject of a joint that stands out is the very high cost of failure of these systems.
publication, of the two societies in 1985 [l]. It was also discussed There is no way to determine the average cost, but the questions
in a CIGRE paper at the 1986 session [2]. Since these publications we posed, being multiple choice questions, did not anticipate the
on the subject, little has been written on the subject to the authors' very high costs that would be reported. Clearly, the failure of these
knowledge. It seems appropriate that, as an industry, we keep schemes can be a very serious and costly matter. Another thing
monitoring the performance of these important schemes. The that was striking is that, despite the high cost attributed to failure of
report by Mr. Bhatt is particularly welcome for this reason. the SPS's, a very small percentage of respondents reported any
effort to determine the probability, frequency, or duration of SPS
Mr. Didriksen provides valuable historical insight into the failure. These two highly-contrasting results are not clearly

understood. It may be that the methods of reliability analysis of Report on a panel discussion sponsored jointly by the IEEE
such systems is not well known. It is also possible that the Discrete Supplementary Controls Working Group and the
designers simply did not think such analysis was necessary. After ASME/IEEE Power Plant/Electrical System Interaction
all, normal protective systems for power system components are Working Group, "Turbine Fast Valving to Aid System
not usually subjected to detailed reliability analysis. In retrospect, Stability: ]Benefits and Other Considerations," IEEE paper 85
the authors believe the survey was worthwhile and that we can SM 468-4, presented at the IEEEPES Summer Meeting, July
learn from this type of process. It would be appropriate to consider 14-19, 1985, Vancouver, B.C.
repeating this survey in a five years or so to identify any trends or
changes in the application of these important controls. Debelle, J., G. Schatzmann, and F. Van de Meulebroeke, "Fast
Controlled Valving: Determination of the Speed
Characteristics of the Control Valves," CIGRE paper 39-15,
1986 session.
Finally, the authors would like to thank all of the discussers for
their valuable comments. It is through discussions of this type that Anderson, P. M., and S. K. Agarwal, "An Improved Model for
we can better appreciate the dimensions of the task of designing Protective-System Reliability," IEEE Trans. on Reliability.
and operating these complex systems. It is likely that we will be v. 41, n. 3, Sept. 1992.
seeing more of these systems in the future, and the reliability of
these systems will be of great interest to the operating utilities. Manuscript received April 18, 1994.

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