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J Clin Ultrasound 21:241-244, May 1993

0 1993 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0091-27511931040241-04

Myoma vs. Contraction in Pregnancy:

Differentiation with Color Doppler Imaging
Ada Kessler, MD, Donald G. Mitchell, MD, Kathleen Kuhlman, MD,
and Barry B. Goldberg, MD

Abstract: During pregnancy, leiomyomas may cause complications such as sponta-

neous abortion, premature labor, and obstruction of labor. The conventional real-time
ultrasound examination usually detects myomas adequately, but, in some cases, a lo-
cal thickening of the uterine wall persists throughout the examination, interfering
with the differentiation between myoma and contraction. In such cases, repeat scan-
ning approximately 30 minutes later differentiates contractions, which usually re-
solve, from myomas.
We examined 10 patients with B mode and color Doppler ultrasonography. In the 5
patients with myoma, we observed splaying of the vessels around the mass, whereas
in the 5 patients with contraction, there was no vessel displacement in the area of the
local myometrial thickening. The use of color Doppler and observation of these find-
ings may obviate a prolonged ultrasound examination in questionable cases. 0 1993
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Indexing Words: Uterus * Pregnancy Myoma * Contrac-
tion Color Doppler ultrasonography

The incidence of myomas in pregnancy varies whether a color Doppler examination might ob-
from 0.3% to 2.6%. Complications include in- viate the prolonged ultrasound examination by
creased incidence of spontaneous abortions, pre- improved discrimination of myomas from con-
mature labor, and obstruction of 1 a b 0 r . l ~In~ tractions.
B-mode ultrasound images, myomas are usually
well-circumscribed, solid, hypoechoic masses
that may have calcifications or degenerative
changes. However, this characteristic appear- Color Doppler imaging was performed in 10
ance cannot always be appreciated, and an area pregnant women with myomas or with focal con-
of persistent focal myometrial thickening may be traction.
demonstrated that does not disappear during the The examinations were performed with Acu-
course of the ultrasound e ~ a m i n a t i o n .In
~ , order
~ son 128, Toshiba SSA-270A, or ATL-Ultramark
to differentiate a myoma from a focal contrac- 9 using sector or curved array 3.5-MHz or
tion, a delayed scan (in 30 minutes) is often per- 5-MHz transducers, at low power settings.
formed that may demonstrate the disappearance Doppler spectral analysis was not performed.
of this thickening in the case of a contraction Follow-up ultrasonography was obtained in 6 pa-
while no interval change will be observed in the tients.
case of a myoma.
The purpose of our study was to determine
Among 10 patients with a persistent focal uter-
From the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and Jeffer- ine thickening, 5 patients had uterine contrac-
son Medical College, Department of Radiology, Division of tions detected by color Doppler imaging (CD) as
Diagnostic Ultrasound, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For re- crowding of the vessels within the mass (Fig-
prints contact Donald G. Mitchell, MD, Thomas Jefferson
University Hospital, Department of Radiology, 10th Floor,
ure 1). Five patients had myomas, detected by
1096 Main Building, 132 South 10th Street Philadelphia, PA distortion and splaying of the blood vessels
19107- 5244. around the periphery of the uterine mass (Figure

FIGURE 1. Ultrasound images from a woman presenting with vaginal bleeding and suspected placental abruption. (A) Transverse view: hypo-
echoic, solid, retroplacental lesion (arrows). (B) Longitudinal view: notice the inferior edge is well defined (arrow) making it difficult to differen-
tiate between a hematoma, myoma and contraction.

FIGURE 2. (A) Well-defined, hypoechoic. retroplacental lesion, most consistent with fibroid (arrows).



2). In 3 of the 5 patients who were diagnosed as

having a contraction on the initial scan, there
was disappearance of this focal thickening dur-
ing the first examination. Follow-up ultrasonog-
raphy was performed in 6 patients: 5 of the 6 pa-
tients were again diagnosed as having a myoma,
and 1 was again diagnosed as having a contrac-
tion. In 4 of the 5 patients with myoma, the
follow-up scan was done for monitoring fetal
growth. In the fifth patient, follow-up was indi-
cated for fetal structural abnormalities. Of the 2
patients thought to have a contraction that did
not disappear during the first examination one
had a subsequent ultrasound examination for fe-
tal growth, and no contraction or myoma was
noted. The other patient did not have a follow-up

The presence of myomas in pregnancy increases
the risk of pregnancy loss. In most cases, conven-
tional ultrasound examination permits us to di-
FIGURE 1 (C). Color Doppler imaging: blood vessels are demon- agnose and monitor these patients based on the
strated crowding i n this area, consistent with spasm or contraction following criteria: a more hypoechoic mass than
rather than myoma. The presence of vessels in this area excludes the adjacent myometrium, attenuation of the
acoustic beam, and mass effect with distortion of

FIGURE 2 (B). Color Doppler imaging: blood vessels are splayed around the lesion, confirming the diagnosis
of fibroid (arrows).

VOL. 21, NO. 4, MAY 1993 243


uterine serosal and endometrial contour. It is tient with a uterine contraction, CDI should not
known that pregnancy has been associated with demonstrate splayed vessels.
a rapid increase in size of leiomyomas as well as Our preliminary results suggest that the con-
hemorrhagic or myxoid degeneration. When this fidence of differentiation between a myoma and
happens, the ultrasonic appearance of the my- contraction can be increased by CDI, thus obviat-
oma will be heterogeneous with possible cystic ing the need for a delayed ultrasound scan.
changes representing hemorrhage or necrosis
within the tumor. Microcalcifications may also ACKNOWLEDGMENT
be present. This appearance permits a confident
diagnosis of myoma in pregnancy with gray scale The authors thank Anita Urban for technical as-
ultrasonography . sistance.
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cent myometrium, without acoustic attenuation
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