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Cara Efektif Menangani Pengunjung atau Customer yang


Jika kita mendengar kata komplain pasti hal pertama yang muncul dalam benak kita adalah
situasi yang kacau, keadaan dimana orang-orang atau pengunjung marah-marah, dan
sebagainya. Namun sebenarnya komplain tidak selalu berarti negatif. Memang komplan terjadi
karena ketidakpuasan terhadap suatu pelayanan atau kualitas sesuatu yang kurang memuaskan.
Kebanyakan orang-orang yang komplain menyampaikan ketidakpuasan mereka dengan cara
yang lebih sopan. Komplain juga bisa berupa sebuah saran atau kritik yang membangun demi
kemajuan suatu perusahan tertentu. So, komplain juga bisa berarti positif. Berbicara masalah
komplain, berikut adalah sebuah contoh percakapan di sebuah restoran dimana seorang
pengunjung merasa tidak puas terhadap pelayanan seorang waitress. Bagaimana cara
menangani komplain yang efektif, dengan bahasa yang sopan, singkat, padat, dan go straight
ahead to the point? Lets check this one out !

Manager : Good evening sir, welcome to Bali Bagus restaurant.

Have you made a reservation, sir?
Guest : No, I havent. Now Id like to have a dinner here.
Manager : May I have your name, please?
Guest : Im Friedman, Mr. Friedman
Manager : Would you like a table in the smoking or non smoking section?
Guest : The smoking section please.
Manager : Yes sir. This way please.
Is this table alright for you?
Guest : Yes, of course.
Manager : (calling the waitress)
Tika, this is Mr. Friedman and this is Tika, she will handle your dinner tonight.
Please enjoy your dinner sir.
Waitress : Excuse me sir, (unfold napkin)
Here is your menu and drink list. Papaya soup is not available for today and
we have sate penyu promotion item.
(Few minutes later)
May I have your drink order, please?
Guest : I would like to order cocktail.
Waitress : Thank you, your drink order is cocktail. Ill be right back for your drink order
(Few minutes later)
Excuse me sir, this is the cocktail.
May I have your food order, please?
Guest : Yes, for appetizer Id like to try lumpia, and for the main course I order lawar
Bali and sate penyu.
Waitress : Yes sir, your order is lumpia for appetizer and lawar Bali and sate penyu for
main course, anything else?
Guest : No thanks.
Waitress : Ill be right back a few minutes.
(Few minutes later)
Excuse me sir, here is your lumpia.
Guest : Thank you.
Waitress : Please enjoy your lumpia and cocktail.
(After the guest has finished eating, the waitress clean the appetizer plates)
Waitress : Excuse me sir.
(After clean the appetizer plates, the waitress serve the main course)

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