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Economic Geology


VOL. 104 December 2009 NO. 8

The Sericitic to Advanced Argillic Transition: Stable Isotope and

Mineralogical Characteristics from the Hugo Dummett Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit,
Oyu Tolgoi District, Mongolia
1 Earth Evolution Science, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8572, Japan
2 U.S. Geological Survey, Box 25046, Mail Stop 963, Denver, Colorado 80225
3 Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc., Zaluuchuud Avenue 26, Ulaanbaatar 210349, Mongolia

Late Devonian porphyry Cu-Au deposits within the Oyu Tolgoi mineral district, Mongolia, occur in a north-
northeasttrending zone 22 km long. They are related to quartz monzodiorite intrusions, and hosted by augite
basalt lavas. The porphyry systems have been preserved beneath overturned and allochthonous stratigraphic
sequences and geologic relationships suggest that fold-thrust belt deformation and tectonic burial occurred
soon after their formation. Eight known separate porphyry centers currently contain a measured and indicated
resource of 1,390 Mt at 1.33 wt percent Cu and 0.47 g/t Au, and an inferred resource of 2,200 Mt at 0.83 wt
percent Cu and 0.37 g/t Au (at 0.6 wt % Cu equiv cutoff). Advanced argillic alteration is present for 6 km along
a north-northeast trend and is characterized by minerals that include andalusite, corundum, diaspore, residual
quartz, alunite plus aluminum-phosphate-sulfate minerals, zunyite, topaz, pyrophyllite, kaolinite, anhydrite,
gypsum, and dickite but is dominated by pyrophyllite. This alteration is exposed at surface in the Central
deposit and in the subsurface between 50 to 1,500 m depth at Hugo Dummett South and North deposits. The
advanced argillic zone at the Hugo Dummett deposits closely envelopes high-grade porphyry Cu-Au mineral-
ization, and overprints a deep zone of sericitic alteration.
Mineralogical investigations show that pyrophyllite replaces fine-grained muscovite as coarse crystals (up to
25 m long), or replaces coarse muscovite crystals (50 m long) along cleavage. Muscovite (18O = 6.710.4,
D = 116 to 92, n =13) and pyrophyllite (18O = 5.912.2, D = 122 to 87, n = 28) have similar
measured isotopic compositions. The calculated parent fluid compositions for all phyllosilicate minerals (mus-
covite, chlorite, pyrophyllite: 18OH2O = 17.3, DH2O = 102 to 67) suggest they were predominantly
magmatic with a minor component of meteoric water. The composition of younger dickite (18O = 3.2 to
+5.7, D = 165 to 129, n = 13) shows evidence of magmatic fluid mixing with meteoric water, and pro-
vides an estimate of D = 160 per mil for Late Devonian meteoric water. Sulfides (34S = 16 to 1.4) are
isotopically light, whereas sulfates (34S = 4.217.9) are heavy, and the distribution suggest that initial fluids
were SO2-dominant and ratios of reduced to oxidized sulfur species of fluids were buffered at near 1:1.
Alunite is related to condensed magmatic vapor (18O(SO4) = 7.120.1 (n = 14), D = 92 to 37 (n =
13), 34S = 817.9 (n = 18)) with a component of meteoric water, and contrasts in O and H isotope values
from pyrophyllite, which is similar to muscovite. Pyrophyllite at shallow levels replaces earlier advanced argillic
minerals, including alunite, whereas at deep levels it replaces muscovite in quartz monzodiorite, or chlorite-
muscovite-illite (after biotite) in basaltic wall rocks. Field relationships, mineralogy, and stable isotopes suggest
that pyrophyllite is derived from late magmatic-hydrothermal fluids during cooling.

Introduction of Cu-Au mineralization, typically quartz-alunite with enar-

THE UPPER PARTS of porphyry Cu-Au deposits (when not gite and gold (Arribas, 1995). Sericitic (or phyllic) alteration
eroded) are transitional to epithermal environments (Sillitoe, envelops the upper parts and margins of many porphyry de-
1973, 2000; Rye, 1993), and are characterized by advanced posits (e.g., Lowell and Guilbert, 1970). It is especially typical
argillic alteration and sometimes later, high-sulfidation styles of gold-poor, Cu-Mo deposits found in the southwest United
States and South America, and may be less dominant in
Corresponding author: e-mail, southwest Pacific porphyry Cu-Au deposits (Sillitoe and
2009 by Economic Geology, Vol. 104, pp. 10871110 Submitted: July 10, 2009
0361-0128/09/3853/1087-24 1087 Accepted: November 7, 2009

Gappe, 1984). This difference could be due to relatively describe and interpret the timing and genetic relationships
mafic magma and wall-rock compositions found in island arc between sericitic and advanced argillic alteration at Oyu Tol-
settings compared to continental arc settings. goi. The sericitic to advanced argillic transition refers to the
Ideas about the origin of sericitic alteration have evolved relationship between the two types of alteration, both spa-
over the years. Early stable isotope investigations of sericitic tially and with respect to the nature of the magmatic-hy-
alteration (Sheppard et al., 1971; Sheppard and Taylor, 1974), drothermal fluids. We describe the field relationships, miner-
as well as interpretations of the alteration zonation around alogy, and stable isotope (O, H, and S) characteristics, mainly
porphyry deposits (Lowell and Guilbert, 1970), notably at El based on the Hugo Dummett deposit, but we also draw on
Salvador, Chile (Gustafson and Hunt, 1975), concluded that evidence from the wider Oyu Tolgoi mineral district. In the
sericitic alteration was due to ingress of meteoric fluids, as following descriptions the mineralogy of the alteration zones
thermal activity cooled. However, more recent stable isotope (Table 1) is used to distinguish mineral associations, e.g.,
studiesLepanto-Far Southeast, Philippines; El Salvador quartz-muscovite for the sericitic zone.
and El Teniente, Chile; Panguna, PNG; Endeavour 26, Aus-
tralia; Butte, United States (Kusakabe et al., 1990; Heden- Oyu Tolgoi Mineral District
quist et al., 1998; Watanabe and Hedenquist, 2001; Ford and The porphyry Cu-Au centers that belong to the Oyu Tolgoi
Green, 1977; Zhang 2000; Harris and Golding, 2002), con- mineral district occur in a north-northeasttrending zone at
clude that sericitic alteration is mainly formed from late mag- least 22 km long (Fig. 1). This zone includes eight known sep-
matic fluids, with little or no meteoric component. At En- arate porphyry deposits (Table 1), currently with a measured
deavour 26, early sericitic alteration may be transitional to and indicated resource of 1,390 Mt at 1.33 wt percent Cu and
potassic alteration (Harris and Golding, 2002), but at Lep- 0.47 g/t Au, and an inferred resource of 2,200 Mt at 0.83 wt
anto-Far Southeast, there is a marked temperature change percent Cu and 0.37 g/t Au (at 0.6 wt % Cu equiv cutoff). Ex-
between potassic and sericitic alteration, inferred to reflect a ploration and resource delineation by Ivanhoe Mines Mongo-
change in the source of magmatic fluids (Hedenquist et al., lia Inc. is still in progress. In late 2008, a new gold-rich por-
1998). At Alumbrera, Argentina (Ulrich et al., 2002; Harris et phyry deposit was discovered between the Southwest
al., 2005), early sericitic alteration is related to magmatic flu- deposits and Heruga (Fig. 2: New discovery), and this area is
ids, whereas late sericitic alteration shows a transition to me- currently being drilled. Mining development of the district
teoric fluids. For Butte, Rusk et al. (2008) propose one mag- has commenced with completion of a 1,380-m-deep shaft for
matic fluid source that produced different alteration types access to the Hugo Dummett deposit.
due to changes in cooling, depressurization, and reaction with Previous accounts of the geology and mineralization of the
wall rock. Consequently, the common observation of a potas- Oyu Tolgoi deposits and their geologic setting are found in
sic zone overprinted by sericitic alteration may be simply re- Perell et al. (2001) and references therein, Kavalieris and
lated to cooling of magmatic-hydrotheral fluids. Wainwright (2005), Kirwin et al. (2005), Wainwright et al.
Sericitic alteration also occurs beneath advanced argillic (2005), Ayush (2006), Khashgerel et al. (2006, 2008), Myag-
zones (Arribas, 1995), and thus, sericitic alteration can also be marsuren (2007), and Wainwright (2008).
interpreted as the root of the advanced argillic zone, in which The Oyu Tolgoi porphyry deposits are related to crystal-
case it may record the ascent of fluids that formed the ad- crowded, porphyritic, high K calc-alkaline quartz monzodior-
vanced alteration. ite intrusions that may have formed in an island arc environ-
The evolutionary path of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids ment (Kavalieris and Wainwright, 2005; Wainwright, 2008).
(pressure-temperature and time) is complex, and worldwide They are the product of I-type magmas (Chappell and White,
there are few porphyry Cu-Au deposits well enough docu- 1974). Based on U/Pb (zircon) (Wainwright et al., 2005;
mented to trace the evolution. The aim of this article is to Wainwright, 2008) and Re/Os (Mo) dates (Kirwin et al.,

TABLE 1. Terminology Used for Alteration Zones at Oyu Tolgoi

Alteration zone Mineralogy Comment Reference

Advanced argillic Andalusite, corundum, residual quartz, diaspore, As used by Khashgerel et al. (2006) Meyer and Hemley (1967),
alunite, aluminum phosphate-sulfate (APS) excludes muscovite Khashgerel et al. (2006)
minerals, zunyite, topaz, pyrophyllite, kaolinite,
anhydrite, gypsum, dickite

Intermediate argillic Chlorite, muscovite, illite, siderite, specularite As used by Khashgerel et al. (2006), Khashgerel et al. (2006)
(minor kaolinite, pyrophyllite, topaz) and transitional to advanced argillic

Sericitic Quartz, muscovite As phyllic, except pyrite not significant Lowell and Guilbert (1970),
Seedorff et al. (2005)

Chlorite Chlorite, specularite (minor muscovite, illite) In basaltic rock, generally clinochlore
(after hydrothermal biotite)

Potassic Kfeldspar, quartz, biotite Lowell and Guilbert (1970),

Seedorff et al. (2005)

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1088


in the geologic record. Tectonic burial of the porphyry de-

Russia posits must have occurred soon after their formation, since
the entire sequence is intruded by biotite granodiorite dikes
with a U/Pb zircon age of 366 Ma (Wainwright, 2008), i.e.,
Mongolia about 6 m.y. younger than the quartz monzodiorite.
Strong deformation of the porphyry deposits is apparent
Korea over a wide range of scale, e.g., the sigmoidal shape of the
AA zone at Hugo Dummett South (Fig. 3) is attributed to
China Japan thrust deformation, whereas on a much smaller scale, chal-
copyrite-bornite at Hugo Dummett displays ductile defor-
Oyu Tolgoi mation textures (Khashgerel et al., 2006), and on a micro-
India scopic scale, a common texture is cataclastic pyrite with
bornite or chalcopyrite infill (Myagmarsuren, 2007). More-
Burma Philippines over, the onion skin-like geometry of alteration and litholog-
1000 km
ical units below the Contact fault may be partly attributed to
thrust deformation.
Biotite granodiorite forms dikes (Fig. 3) that are a common

Oyu Tolgoi porphyry 106.85 E feature to all porphyry centers; they intrude the porphyry de-
Cu-Au mineral district posits axially (e.g., Fig. 3a), as moderately dipping intrusions
Drill proven deposits along the Contact fault, at lithological boundaries near the
Cu-Au porphyry
Contact fault, and the overlying Hanging wall block.
New Cu-Au porphyry The Hugo Dummett and Central deposits are character-
discovery ized by advanced argillic alteration, whereas at Heruga,
Geological trend South, and Southwest, advanced argillic alteration is not pre-
sent (or not preserved). Advanced argillic alteration (Meyer
Fault and Hemley, 1967) in the Oyu Tolgoi district is characterized
by minerals that include andalusite, corundum, diaspore,
Hugo Dummett residual quartz, alunite plus aluminum-phosphate-sulfate
(APS) minerals, zunyite, topaz, pyrophyllite, kaolinite, anhy-
Southwest & drite, gypsum, and dickite (Khashgerel et al., 2006), but ex-
Central cludes muscovite, which although sometimes present in ad-
43 N vanced argillic assemblages, is not indicative of advanced
argillic alteration. Note, residual quartz here refers to quartz
New discovery left over from intense acid alteration. Due to fine grain size
(50 m) and presence of pyrophyllite, residual quartz is gen-
Heruga erally not macroscopically visible at Oyu Tolgoi.
5 km
The advanced argillic alteration zone extends over 12.5 km
along the north-northeast trend of the deposits (Fig. 2). A lat-
FIG. 1. Location and distribution of porphyry deposits and exploration tar- eral extent >1.5 km is defined at Hugo Dummett South, be-
gets in the Oyu Tolgoi porphyry Cu-Au mineral district. yond which the advanced argillic zone is truncated by fault-
ing, or unknown due to lack of deep drilling. Apart from
Central (see below), where advanced argillic alteration is sub-
2005), four of the porphyry deposits (Hugo Dummett South, ordinate to intense muscovite alteration (and a restricted oc-
Central, Southwest, and Heruga) formed at 372 3 Ma (Late currence of pyrophyllite at Heruga), the advanced argillic
Devonian). They intrude primitive island arc basaltic wall zone is similar in terms of mineralogy and pervasive alteration
rocks (Kavalieris and Wainwright, 2005; Wainwright, 2008) texture over its known strike length. The advanced argillic al-
belonging to the Gurvansayhan terrane (Lamb and Badarch, teration extends from Hugo Dummett into a narrow fault-
1997). The Oyu Tolgoi deposits (Table 2, Figs. 2, 3) display bounded corridor east of Central, known as the Wedge zone,
considerable diversity in terms of geometry, Cu-Au ratio, sul- to the northern side of South (Fig. 2).
fide mineralogy, dominant mineralized rock (quartz monzodi- Whole-rock geochemistry (Khashgerel et al., 2008) and
orite versus basalt) and alteration, but are similar in terms of field relationships indicate that the protolith for advanced
age and probable structural control. argillic alteration is mainly augite basalt, but also includes
All deposits share the Contact thrust fault (Fig. 3), which dacitic tuff and quartz monzodiorite. In general, the ad-
divides the wall rocks into two major units (Fig. 3), the Hang- vanced argillic zone developed at the contact between augite
ing wall block and the Foot wall block. The Hanging wall basalt and overlying dacitic tuff, but in the Wedge zone the
block overthrusts the Oyu Tolgoi porphyry deposits, and is dacitic tuff is absent in some drill holes, and advanced argillic-
generally overturned, with the downward facing sequence ex- altered augite basalt is directly overlain by laminated car-
ceeding a 600-m stratigraphic thickness. This implies fold- bonaceous siltstone-sandstone.
thrust belt deformation, and tectonic burial of the porphyry Irrespective of protolith, the advanced argillic zone is dom-
deposits, to at least 1.2 km depth, and explains their survival inated by pyrophyllite and residual quartz (in about equal

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1089


650,000 mE
645,000 mE

655,000m E

Hugo Dummett North

Hugo Dummett South

4,765,000 mN

Central Wedge
Southwest and South

New discovery

4,760,000 mN

e Heruga

2 km


Fine to medium equigranular
granodiorite Quartz monzodiorite

Medium equigranular Quartz monzodiorite

granodiorite (relatively unaltered)
Basaltic volcanic rocks Hanging wall block
Basalt breccia
Fine marine sedimentary
Andesitic to dacitic tuff rocks
Foot wall block
Porphyritic augite basalt
Shape of ore body
Outline of advanced argillic
e Cross sections (see Fig.3) alteration projected to surface

FIG. 2. Simplified geology of the Oyu Tolgoi porphyry Cu-Au district, with location of representative cross sections shown
in Figure 3 (compiled from unpub. Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc. data).

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1090

TABLE 2. Summary of Porphyry Deposits in the Oyu Tolgoi Mineral District

Host Au (g/t):
Deposit rocks Intrusions Geometry Ages Alteration Sulfides Cu (wt percent) Other

Ulan Khud Va Qmd Cu mineralization known over Qmd: U/Pb Q vns, K, Cp dominant, Low: 0.2 Concealed beneath 4080 m
post mineral an area of 2km2 361.4 3.7Ma 1 Mus includes Py, includes of Cretaceous soil and gravel;
BiGd Mo, Bo up to 1 strongly hornfelsed by Lower
Permian sodic-alkalic granite,
which adds Gar, Cpx, Act, Ep,
Chl, and Pyrrh

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00
Hugo Vatl, Va Qmd, MzGr Elongate zone: north-northeast Qmd: U/Pb Q vns, K, Bo dominant, Low: 0.2
Dummett post mineral 2.5 by 1 km; related to small 369 2 Ma 2 Mus, AA includes Cp, Mo, average,
North BiGd dikes, with larger intrusions in En, Tn-Tt, Cv, significant
core; northwest side truncated Cc, Sph zones of 1
by faulting; mineralized system
extends more than 2 km vertically
Hugo Va Qmd Elongate zone: north-northeast Mo: Re/Os Q vns, K, Bo dominant, Low: 0.2, no Q-mus zone in Qmd
Dummett post mineral 1 by 0.1 km; related to small 370 1.2Ma 3 Mus, AA includes Cp, Mo, significant extends for about 1 km
South BiGd dikes; mineralized system En, Tn-Tt, Cv, Au-rich zones vertically
extends over 1 km vertically; Cc, Sph
large weakly mineralized
Qmd on west side
Central Qmd, Qmd 600 m in diam and about Qmd: U/Pb Q vns, K, Py-Cv dominant, Very low: 0.1 Cretaceous supergene
minor Va post mineral 600 m deep, in the form of 371 1Ma4 Mus, AA, minor Cc, Bo, En, Cc blanket
BiGd an inverted cone Mo: Re/Os Chl Tn-Bo, Cp, Sph
3731.2Ma 3

Southwest Va Qmd Pipelike high-grade zone Qmd: U/Pb Q vns, Bi, Cp dominant, High: 1.21 Hosted mainly by basaltic
post mineral (1 g/t Au), 250 m diam 373 1Ma4 Mus, Chl, includes Py, Mo, wall rocks: 80 percent of
BiGd by 700 m vertical Mo: Re/Os Tour, Anhyd Bo rare mineralized zone
3731.2Ma 3

South Va Qmd Sub-circular zone: 600 by Qmd: U/Pb Q vns Bi, Cp-Bo, includes Low: 0.20.4
400 m: 0.5 wt. percent Cu; 374 3Ma2 Mus, Chl Py, Mo
east- northeast oriented Q vns;
intensely intruded by post
mineral dikes
New Vatl, Va Qmd Not known Q vns, Bi, Cp dominant, High: >1 Discovery hole: OTD1487,
discovery post mineral Mus, Chl includes Py, includes 369.3 m at
BiGd Bo, Mo 0.83 g/t Au, 0.53 wt % Cu
Heruga Vatl, Va Qmd Elongate zone: north- Mo: Re/Os Q vns, Bi, Cp dominant, Upper part: Mo zone (>150 ppm) up to
post mineral northeast 2 by 0.6 km 3711Ma 5 Mus, Chl, includes Py, 0.2, High 200 m thick overlies the
BiGd mineralization extends over Tour, Anhyd Bo, Mo in main gold-rich zone, which is
1 km vertically ore zone: 1.2 similar to Southwest

Abbreviations Lithology: BiGd = biotite granodiorite, MzGr = monzogranite, Qmd = quartz monzodiorite, Va = augite basalt, Vatl = fine mafic volcaniclastic rocks and laminated sedimentary rocks;

Alteration: AA = advanced argillic, Act = actinolite, Anhyd = anhydrite, Bi = biotite, Chl = chlorite, Cpx = clinopyroxene, Ep = epidote, Gar = garnet, K = potassic, Mus = muscovite, Q vns = quartz
veins, Tour = tourmaline; Mineralization: Bo = bornite, Cc = chalcocite, Cp = chalcopyrite, Cv = covellite, En = enargite, Mo = molybdenite, Py = pyrite, Pyrrh = pyrrhotite, Sph = sphalerite, Tn-Tt =
1 U/Pb (zircon) Shrimp (Riemar Seltman, pers. commun., 2006; Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc., unpub. data), considered here to be a minimum age
2 U/Pb (zircon) Shrimp RG (Wainwright, 2008)
3 Re/Os (Mo) (Kirwin et al., 2005)
4 U/Pb (zircon) TIMS (Wainwright, 2008)
5 Re/Os (Mo) (Holly Stein, pers. commun., 2008; Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc., unpub. data)

a Hugo Dummett North b Hugo Dummett South

1000m 1000m
2.5% Cu


West Bat

ct F
a ult
2.5% Cu

n tra
0m 0m


ct F c Central

1000 m

ct F
250m 0.6% Cu Chl


Wall rock
outside covellite
Alteration zones zone mainly Chl
Advanced argillic (after basalt), Qmd 500 m
with alunite zone in pink Chl
Sericitic (after quartz monzodiorite)

Sericitic and advanced argillic

(Central only) Mineralized zones
Chl Chlorite zone (Central only) Supergene chalcocite (Central only)

d SW deposits Limit of covellite (Central only)

1g/t Au Cu grade shell (labeled)

Au grade shell, where gold (g/t) to copper (%)

ratio = 0.8 (labeled for Au)

500 m
Red clayey sand and gravel

Basaltic volcanic rocks

e Heruga
Andesitic to dacitic tuff



Biotite granodiorite

Quartz monzodiorite
Hanging wall block
Basalt breccia, mafic volcanic
0.5 g/t Au sandstone/siltstone
Foot wall block
Laminated carbonaceus
To Dacitic tuff
zo po f
ne go
ld Polymictic conglomerate,
mo se o mainly mafic to felsic igneous clasts
zo lybd f
ne en
ite Porphyritic augite basalt
250m Laminated siltsone

Fig. 3. Representative cross sections, illustrating the geology and alteration for porphyry Cu-Au deposits at Oyu Tolgoi
(compiled from unpub. Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc. data).

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1092


proportion), with other characteristic advanced argillic min- in sedimentary rocks overlying augite basalt, before reaching
erals typically comprising less than 20 vol percent. However, the Contact fault. The upper part is characterized by strong
everywhere the advanced argillic zone is mineralogically com- sericitic alteration and increased pyrite content, but apart
plex, typically including diaspore, APS minerals, zunyite, from several meters of pyrophyllite-muscovite in one drill
topaz, kaolinite, dickite, and titanium oxides. Andalusite and hole, advanced argillic alteration is not present. The Heruga
corundum may be of restricted occurrence in the deeper and Southwest deposits are similar systems, in terms of strong
parts of the advanced argillic zone, whereas alunite occurs in biotite alteration of basaltic wall rocks and gold-rich chal-
a discrete zone, generally meters to 50 m thick, enveloping copyrite mineralization; most of the mineralization is hosted
the high-grade ore zone, in parts of the Hugo Dummett de- by the wall rocks, rather than quartz monzodiorite intrusions
posit (Khashgerel et al., 2006, 2008). Locally (meters), within (which in general are small). The Southwest deposit is sur-
the advanced argillic zone, diaspore, alunite, zunyite or topaz rounded by large bodies of unmineralized or weakly mineral-
may dominate, and topaz is common along late subvertical ized quartz monzodiorite, but the system is centered on small
structures cutting earlier assemblages. (meters scale), strongly altered dikes of quartz monzodiorite
Replacement textures between pyrophyllite-diaspore, alu- At Heruga, quartz monzodiorite intrusions are uncommon
nite, and zunyite suggest that one reason why the advanced and the possible core of the system is poorly understood due
argillic zone is now pyrophyllite dominant is because pyro- to relatively wide-spaced drill intersections. Heruga is also
phyllite replaces these minerals. Another important reason notable for a molybdenite zone (in part coincident with the
(see mineralogical study), is that pyrophyllite replaces earlier upper sericitic alteration), up to several hundred meters thick
quartz-muscovite alteration. At Hugo Dummett, pyrophyllite (>150 ppm Mo) overlying gold-rich mineralization (Fig. 3,
appears to increase near the top of the advanced argillic zone section e). The top of the gold-rich zone (defined by Au (g/t):
and above the alunite zone (Khashgerel et al., 2008). Cu (wt percent) ratio ~1) and the base of the strong molyb-
Precursor alteration assemblages to the advanced argillic denite zone overlap, and petrographic observations show that
zone are likely to be biotite-magnetite (in augite basalt wall molybdenite is enclosed by chalcopyrite, suggesting that Cu-
rock), muscovite and chlorite alteration. However, time-space Au mineralization transgressed outward over Mo. A feature of
relationships mean that, whereas in the outer part of the por- both Southwest and Heruga is the presence of purple to
phyry-advanced argillic system advanced argillic alteration white anhydrite veins at depth on the margins of the chal-
may overprintfor example, early quartz-muscovitethis copyrite-gold-rich mineralization.
may be synchronous with ongoing sericitic alteration in the The Central deposit is remarkable as a large pyrite-covel-
deeper parts of the porphyry system. The base of the ad- lite orebody (of the order 80 Mt at 0.8 wt % Cu) centered
vanced argillic zone in basaltic wall rock shows a transition to on strongly quartz veined quartz monzodiorite intrusions.
chlorite alteration over a relatively narrow zone (meters to The pyrite-covellite zone is related to pervasive quartz mus-
tens of meters) made up of muscovite-chlorite-illite-specular- covite alteration with subordinate advanced argillic alter-
ite-siderite, with minor pyrophyllite-topaz and kaolinite, ation and geometrically forms an upward flaring cone, with
termed intermediate argillic alteration (Table 2; Khashgerel a near-surface diameter of about 600 m (Fig. 3c). The alter-
et al., 2008). ation zone terminates sharply outward and is enveloped by
High-sulfidation state sulfides, mainly pyrite-enargite, and a chlorite zone, weakly developed in quartz monzodiorite
pyrite-covellite (Central deposit) are a characteristic and an wall rock and strongly developed in augite basalt wall rock.
intrinsic part of the advanced argillic alteration. Pyrite-enar- Advanced argillic alteration here consists of diaspore, zun-
gite is associated with alunite, as well as pyrophyllite and yite (rare alunite), pyrophyllite, topaz, kaolinite, dickite, in
topaz, and covellite can occur intergrown with dickite. narrow zones meters wide, typically as selvages to pyrite-
Quartz monzodiorite intrusions at the Hugo Dummett de- enargite veins that cut pervasive quartz-muscovite alter-
posits are strongly sericitic altered (quartz-muscovite) (Fig. ation. The strongest pyrite-covellite mineralization (highest
3). At Hugo Dummett North the sericitic zone has a vertical Cu grade) occurs in advanced argillic-altered zones, even
extent usually about 300 m, but up to 800 m (500 m eleva- though the bulk of the pyrite-covellite is hosted by pervasive
tion, Fig. 3), while at Hugo Dummett South the sericitic zone quartz-muscovite alteration. Disseminated chalcopyrite-Au
generally extends for 1000 m, to about 0 m elevation (Fig. 3). mineralization is found in pervasively biotite- altered augite
The sericitic alteration is associated with growth of new basaltic wall rock that occurs in small selvages (meters to
quartz, but not with pyrite, and results in strong textural de- 10s meters wide) between quartz monzodiorite intrusions,
struction of the host rock, but generally even at highest in- surrounding the pyrite-covellite zone. Biotite-magnetite al-
tensity, faint outlines of former feldspar crystals are still dis- teration is partly or completely converted to an assemblage
cernable. D-type veins, quartz-pyrite (chalcopyrite) with of clinochlore-muscovite-specularite-siderite (chlorite zone
sericitic selvages, are rare or absent at Oyu Tolgoi. in Table 1). This is comparable to a similar style of Cu-Au
The Heruga and Southwest deposits are gold rich, and mineralization that typifies the Southwest porphyry deposit.
chalcopyrite dominant, whereas Hugo Dummett deposit is The sericitic and advanced argillic alteration zones at the
generally gold poor and bornite dominant (Table 1). Central deposit appear to be centered on the strongest zone
Nonetheless, the Hugo Dummett deposit contains a number of early porphyry-style quartz veining. Due to a relatively
of intrusions, including a red quartz monzodiorite to monzo- high pyrite content (~10 vol %), a patchy supergene chal-
granite phase, which is characterized by gold-rich bornite cocite blanket (30 Mt at ~1 wt % Cu) formed during erosion
mineralization. The Heruga porphyry system has not under- and weathering of the deposit in the Cretaceous (Perell et
gone erosion. Alteration and mineralization disappear rapidly, al., 2001).

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1093


All porphyry Cu-Au deposits at Oyu Tolgoi share similar about 0.1. Molybdenite, generally as fracture fillings, persists
high-temperature porphyry-style quartz veins, similar to A- to the deepest levels drilled. Anhydrite as veins and part of
veins, described from South American porphyry deposits wall-rock alteration is found in the deepest parts of the Hugo
(Gustafson and Hunt, 1975). They are generally massive, Dummett deposit. Deep drilling at Heruga and at the New
lacking center lines, and are contorted, anastomosing, and discovery target (Fig. 2), also suggest that mineralization and
commonly branching. A further characteristic is that quartz alteration have a vertical extent >1 km; mineralization in deep
veins at Oyu Tolgoi are milky (rather than vitreous), and they portions of the southern deposits is hosted mainly by augite
do not break with a sacharoidal fracture surface. The milky basalt wall rocks, with strong actinolite-biotite-sodic plagio-
character is due to minute liquid-vapor fluid inclusions that clase alteration, copper grades from 0.8 to 0.2 wt percent Cu,
could be related to fracturing with attendant fluids associated and high Au (g/t): Cu (wt %) ratio of 1.2 up to 5.
with postmineral fold-thrust belt deformation of the porphyry
system. Whether for this or other reasons, primary multi- Hugo Dummett Porphyry Cu-Au Deposits
phase and vapor-rich fluid inclusions typical of porphyry Hugo Dummett is divided into two deposits, Hugo Dum-
deposits (Bodnar, 1995) are rare, and usually absent (J. mett North and Hugo Dummett South (Table 2, Figs. 2, 3),
Reynolds, pers. commun.), and attempts at fluid inclusion that are composed of multiple intrusions and may be broadly
studies have been unsuccessful at Oyu Tolgoi. separated into two intrusive centers. Each of the centers has
Deep drilling beneath the Hugo Dummett and Heruga de- a similar structure, with small intensely quartz veined dikes
posits indicate that quartz veining, high temperature alter- (and high grade: >2.5 wt % Cu mineralization) on the eastern
ation and Cu or Au mineralization, have a vertical extent of at margin, flanking larger intrusions presumed to form the cen-
least 1.3 km. Quartz monzodiorite host rocks at >2 km drill ter of the intrusive complex (Khashgerel et al., 2006, 2008).
depth at Hugo Dummett are typically red; they exhibit weak Postmineral deformation and dike intrusion has modified the
K-feldspar alteration, milky quartz veins, including quartz original intrusive structure. A schematic reconstruction of the
veins with K-feldspar selvages, and chalcopyrite-pyrite min- Hugo Dummett North deposit, removing some of the struc-
eralization with 0.3 wt percent Cu and an Au/Cu ratio of tural complexity (Fig. 4), shows that the core of the system is

Hugo Dummett North

Biotite granodiorite

X X Quartz monzodiorite
>2.5% Cu
Outline of small dike-like
quartz monzodiorite intrusions
V (a)
Boundary of quartz monzodiorite
V (b)
Hanging wall block
X X Basalt breccia, mafic volcanic
X X sandstone/siltstone


X X X X V Foot wall block

ct F

X X X X X V Laminated carbonaceus
X siltstone-sandstone

Dacitic tuff

X X X X X V Augite basalt

Alteration zones
X X X X X X X X X Intense quartz veining
V V >90 volume percent
X X X Au-rich
X X zone
Advanced argillic, with
250m X X X X >1%
X Cu V alunite zone shown in pink
Approx scale X X X X X X V
Sericitic (after
quartz monzodiorite
Sericitic-advanced argillic transition in Intense muscovite
a) quartz monzodiorite, b) augite basalt
Andalusite occurrence Potassic to relatively
unaltered quartz monzodiorite

FIG. 4. Schematic geologic and alteration model for Hugo Dummett North at approximate scale (compiled from unpub.
Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc. data). The sericitic to advanced argillic transition occurs in two host rocks: quartz monzodior-
ite and augite basalt. Note the core of the Hugo Dummett porphyry system is made up of concentric zones of alteration and
mineralization, whereas on the outer margin a zone of intense quartz veining is associated with small, dike-like quartz mon-
zodiorite intrusions.

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made up of a dome-shaped intrusion characterized by con- alteration has narrow zones (>150 m) dominated by alunite-
centric zones of alteration and mineralization (Fig. 4). A hosted, mainly basaltic rocks (Fig. 4). Andalusite has been
sericitic zone (quartz-muscovite) overlies a deeper zone of in- found in the zone of intense muscovite (Fig. 4) where it is
tense muscovite alteration characterized by complete textural pseudomorphous after feldspar phenocrysts.
destruction of the quartz monzodiorite host rock, and with
less quartz content than the overlying quartz-muscovite alter- Mineralogical Study
ation. The outer sericitic zone is weakly mineralized (0.5 wt %
Cu) by chalcopyrite. The inner zone is relatively strongly min- Petrography of quartz monzodiorite and augite basalt
eralized by fine disseminated bornite and subordinate chal- Quartz monzodiorite intrusions are porphyritic, crystal-
copyrite (without gold) and overlies distinctly brick-red, crowded, dominated by plagioclase (45 vol %), hornblende-
potassic-altered quartz monzodiorite characterized by gold- biotite (15 vol %), and K-feldspar (10 vol %), in a fine-grained
rich bornite mineralization. At greater depths, bornite miner- granular groundmass (50 m diam), composed of mainly
alization disappears and chalcopyrite becomes dominant. In quartz and K-feldspar, with accessory magnetite, apatite, and
both Hugo Dummett North and Hugo Dummett South de- zircon. Plagioclase crystals are subhedral (5 2.5 mm), and
posits, high-grade bornite-dominant mineralization (>2.5 wt strongly zoned with oscillatory zoning and crystallized rela-
% Cu) is hosted by the outer dikelike quartz monzodiorite in- tively early. Hornblende and biotite are subhedral and may be
trusions and associated with intense quartz veining (Fig. 4), intergrown, with hornblende dominating. Hornblende forms
including about 350 Mt at 3.5 wt percent Cu at the Hugo relatively large crystals, up to 8 mm long; it is typically altered
Dummett North deposit. to actinolite, titanite, and chlorite and encloses subhedral
magnetite in relatively large grains (up to 0.5 mm). Horn-
Sericitic-advanced argillic- transition blende and biotite may have crystallized as the magma be-
The transition from sericitic to advanced argillic alteration came H2O saturated (together with titanite), at which point it
occurs mainly in two rock types, quartz monzodiorite and likely was made up of > 40 vol percent feldspar crystals. Mag-
augite basalt. The base of the advanced argillic alteration at netite may have preceded hornblende crystallization as it oc-
Hugo Dummett is relatively shallow compared to the Central curs as occluded grains, or they may they have formed to-
deposit. At Central, deep contacts between quartz monzodi- gether (and, less likely, it is an alteration product of
orite and basalt wall rock exhibit a close transition (in cen- hornblende). Quartz and K-feldspar represent the final stage
timeters) from intense quartz-muscovite to narrow zones of crystallization of the quartz monzodiorite. Actinolite is
(from centimeters to 12 m wide), of intense pyrophyllite fol- likely to be late deuteric alteration.
lowed by chlorite alteration. For quartz monzodiorite, ad- Relatively unaltered augite basalt is massive, nonvesicular
vanced argillic alteration shows a transition to underlying and lacks brecciation; it is characterized by large augite phe-
sericitic alteration as described for high-sulfidation gold de- nocrysts (35 vol %, 58 mm diam) in a dark groundmass, 50
posits (Arribas, 1995). However, field relationships (Fig. 3) vol percent composed of conspicuous small plagioclase crys-
and whole-rock geochemical studies (Khashgerel et al., 2008) tals (0.5 2 mm), and the remainder by interstitial augite and
suggest that the main protolith for advanced argillic alteration magnetite.
at Hugo Dummett is augite basalt, in which case the base of
the advanced argillic alteration shows a sharp transition (cen- Muscovite and pyrophyllite alteration
timeter-scale) to specularite-muscovite-chlorite-illite-siderite The location of petrographic and electron probe micro-
alteration, with a light green to yellow coloration. In both analysis (EPMA) samples is shown in the Appendix (Fig. A1).
cases, pyrophyllite-dominant advanced argillic alteration A shortwave infrared spectrometer analysis reveals that ad-
overprints and replaces muscovite-bearing assemblages (see vanced argillic alteration hosted by quartz monzodiorite ex-
petrographic descriptions below), but in the case of basalt hibits a transitional zone to quartz-muscovite alteration (Fig.
wall rock, muscovite (or illite) is less abundant. A2), but in individual samples there is a sharp contact be-
The general alteration zonation in quartz monzodiorite and tween pyrophyllite and muscovite alteration zones (Fig. 5a).
basaltic wall rocks at Hugo Dummett is illustrated schemati- In hand specimen there is a very subtle change from intense
cally in Figure 4. In the core of the system, advanced argillic quartz-muscovite to pyrophyllite-dominant advanced argillic
alteration mainly overprints the outer quartz-muscovite zone alteration (Fig. 5a); the muscovite zone is pale green and the
but locally also overprints the deeper zone of intense mus- primary porphyritic texture in the quartz monzodiorite is still
covite alteration (Fig. 4). The main evidence of for advanced discernable and resolved in thin section (Fig. 5b), whereas
argillic overprinting the sericitic zone comes from drill hole the pyrophyllite zone is pinkish, and the primary texture is al-
observations, which show that with depth the advanced most completely destroyed. Thin section examination shows
argillic zone becomes composed of narrow subvertical zones that locally the alteration boundary between muscovite and
(meters to tens of meters) controlled by structures or litho- pyrophyllite zones occurs over an interval of less than 10 m
logical contacts, that cut the quartz-muscovite alteration. The (Fig. 5c). A textural change, marked by relatively coarse py-
deepest zones of advanced argillic alteration extend centime- rophyllite and strong alignment at this contact, can be traced
ters to meters in width and are similarly structurally con- across the thin section. EPMA analysis (e.g., Fig. 5d) of the
trolled, pyrophyllite-dominant, and commonly with topaz. polished thin section was used to check and confirm optical
Late dickite veins are characteristic and a ubiquitous feature identification of muscovite and pyrophyllite. Elsewhere, pet-
of the advanced argillic zone at Oyu Tolgoi (Khashgerel et al., rography and EPMA analysis revealed that pyrophyllite forms
2006). In the outer part of the deposit, advanced argillic small rosettes (0.20.3 mm diam) replacing fine-grained

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OTD1491(715) a



2 cm
OTD1491(715) b OTD1491(715) c

Musc Pyro

0.8mm 0.8mm

OTD1491(715) Py d OTD1491(715) e
Pyro Pyro


0.1mm 0.5mm
OTD1491(777.5) f OTD1491(777.5) g
Topaz Musc vein


0.1mm 0.4mm

FIG. 5. Sericitic to advanced argillic transition in quartz monzodiorite from drill hole OTD1491. Image a is hand speci-
men photograph; images b, c, f, and g are photomicrographs (transmitted light, crossed polars) and d and e are backscattered
electron (BSE) images. (a) Sharp contact between pyrophyllite (pyro) and muscovite (musc) mapped to 1-cm accuracy by
detailed SWIR spectrometer analyses, around the core and across the cut half-core surface, (b) relict porphyritic texture, tab-
ular plagioclase phenocrysts replaced by fine-grained muscovite, with granules of quartz mainly in groundmass; (c) contact
between muscovite and pyrophyllite, with pyrophyllite and associated quartz relatively coarser than on the muscovite side;
(d) sharp contact between coarse pyrophyllite and fine-grained muscovite replacing feldspar phenocryst, (e) muscovite
pseudomorphing feldspar, likely partly replaced by small, coarser-grained rosettes of pyrophyllite; (f) topaz (20 to 50 m) re-
placing or intergrown with muscovite; (g) muscovite vein, with infill of late fluorite.

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1096


muscovite (Fig. 5e). These results suggest that pyrophyllite this study confirm the results of the previous reconnaissance
grows as a separate and coarser mineral phase compared to study by Khashgerel et al. (2006). Isotopic data in Table 3a
muscovite and replaces fine-grained muscovite within the and b highlighted by bold sample numbers are taken from
transitional zone between advanced argillic alteration and Khashgerel et al. (2006). The isotopic data for minerals are
sericitic alteration (Fig. A1). In addition, Khashgerel et al. presented in the permil () notation with respect to inter-
(2008) have shown an example where pyrophyllite most likely national standards as reported in the Appendix.
replaces relatively coarse muscovite along cleavage. Alunite samples (18O(SO4) = 7.120.1 (n = 13), D = 92
Below the transitional zone, narrow halos (centimeters to to 37 (n = 14), 34S = 817.9 (n = 18); Table 3b) are
12 m) of topaz-pyrophyllite alteration along fractures cut the from four separate areas: Hugo Dummett North, Hugo
sericitic zone. These zones may be the roots of the advanced Dummett South, Wedge, and Central deposits (Fig. 2). Flu-
argillic alteration and exhibit different mineralogies and tex- ids for alunite calculated at 260C, using fractionation equa-
tures: (1) although pyrophyllite dominant, topaz is invariably tions after Stoffregen et al. (1994), plot close to the felsic
present and locally may dominate, and (2) a second genera- magmatic water (Taylor, 1992) and volcanic vapor (Giggen-
tion of fine-grained muscovite is present. Muscovite is inter- bach, 1992) boxes (Fig. 8). The alunite parental fluids can be
grown with topaz (Fig. 5f) and fills veins as fine-grained felted divided into three overlapping groups (Fig. 8), reflecting a
masses (510 m diam; Fig. 5g). variable component of meteoric water mixing. The Hugo
Unlike quartz monzodiorite, advanced argillic alteration Dummett North and the Wedge samples have lower D val-
cutting the augite basalt is clearly visible in hand specimen ues, suggesting the initial fluids have compositions relatively
(Fig. 6a). The basalt is typically dark gray due to specularite closer to the volcanic vapor box (Fig. 8). Based on a mixing
(after magnetite), and the SWIR spectrometer confirms that line between the magmatic water and local Late Devonian
the dark wall rocks contain muscovite (or illite). Pyrophyllite- meteoric water (Fig. 8), the vapor condensate for alunite may
dominant advanced argillic alteration is light colored, and a have condensed in up to 25 wt percent meteoric water. Alu-
transitional alteration boundary between muscovite and pyro- nite-pyrite mineral pairs provide equilibrium temperature es-
phyllite is mapped by spectrometer over about 1 to 2 cm (Fig. timates ranging from 216 6 to 300 8C (Table 3b).
6a). Pseudomorphs of the specularite in the advanced argillic Muscovite (18O = 6.710.4, D = 116 to 92, n =
zone are present and visible in transmitted light; they appear 13) and pyrophyllite (18O = 5.9 12.2, D = 122 to
to be titanium oxides. Pyrophyllite occurs as sheaves up to 25 87, n = 28) have similar measured isotopic compositions
m and replaces fine-grained (5 m) muscovite (Fig. 6b). (Table 3a) that are also comparable with the isotopic compo-
This mineralogy and textural relationships are confirmed by sitions of chlorite (18O = 5.5, D = 126, n = 1), and
EPMA analysis (Fig. 6c, d). Note, however, a second genera- zunyite (18O = 5.4, D = 111, n = 1). The calculated
tion of muscovite, i.e., following the pyrophyllite alteration, 18OH2O of fluids in equilibrium with the phyllosilicate miner-
could also be present, indicated by small white patches in Fig- als (18O = 17.3, D = 102 to 67; Fig. 8) indicate
ure 6d. Muscovite replacing pyrophyllite has been recorded they were dominantly magmatic with a component of mete-
from the Yerrington porphyry deposit, Nevada (Lipske and oric water. The calculated DH2O values for muscovite and py-
Dilles, 2000; Lipske, 2002). rophyllite parent fluids, based on fractionation factors by
Pyrophyllite replacing basaltic wall rocks on the margin of Marumo et al. (1980), differ from those for alunite by about
the funnel-shaped zone of sericitic-advanced argillic alter- 40 per mil (Fig. 8). This separation is more than generally
ation at the Central deposit (Fig. A1c) is remarkable in terms found between D enriched-volcanic vapor and residual fluids
of the intensity of advanced argillic alteration and sharp in felsic magmas (Giggenbach, 1992; Taylor, 1992). By com-
contacts with specularite-chlorite-muscovite-illite-siderite-al- parison, Lepanto Far Southeast (Hedenquist et al., 1998),
tered basalt and quartz-muscovite-altered quartz monzodior- using the same mineral-fluid equations, has a D fluid sepa-
ite. The pyrophyllite rock is typically brown or emerald green ration of about 20 per mil between alunite and muscovite.
and has a soapy feel. SWIR spectrometry and thin section The pyrophyllite sampled for isotope study is divided by
petrography indicates this rock contains >90 vol percent py- field relationships into shallow pyrophyllite and deep pyro-
rophyllite, with minor rutile, diaspore, zunyite, and quartz. phyllite. The shallow pyrophyllite generally occurs <100 m
Quartz has a spongy and cuspate texture (Fig. 7) due to em- below the Contact fault (measured perpendicular to the fault
bayment and replacement by pyrophyllite. Compared to py- plane), whereas deep pyrophyllite occurs mainly at the Cen-
rophyllite-dominant advanced argillic alteration elsewhere at tral deposit (Fig. A1c). The calculated pyrophyllite fluid com-
Oyu Tolgoi, this advanced argillic assemblage is characterized position for shallow and deep pyrophyllite samples strongly
by low quartz content. overlaps (Fig. 8). Samples from Hugo Dummett North clus-
ter closely (average 18O = 3, D = 80, n = 13),
Stable Isotope Study whereas the deep pyrophyllite samples (seven from Central
Previous stable isotope investigations at Oyu Tolgoi and one from Hugo Dummett South: OTRCD340-633, Table
(Khashgerel et al., 2006) have concluded that alunite at Hugo 3a) have a slightly more magmatic fluid 18OH2O and appear to
Dummett was derived from a magmatic vapor condensate show a meteoric water mixing trend (Fig. 8). This trend is
fluid, whereas pyrophyllite, zunyite, muscovite, and chlorite spurious, and it is due to high clay content in several samples
were derived from magmatic-hydrothermal fluids with a (Table 3a). Overall, the isotopic composition of the pyrophyl-
minor component of meteoric water, and that the fluids for lite fluid closely coincides with muscovite fluid; both are cal-
the late dickite veins (150C) involved a significant compo- culated at 300C (Fig. 8). The protolith for most of the pyro-
nent of meteoric water. The new isotope results (Table 3) in phyllite samples is augite basalt, except for two samples

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1097


OTD976B(1171.5 b
section Musc

b Pyrophyllite

0.1 mm

p c


Enlargement in (d)

0.1 mm


3 cm Pyrite
3 Musc ?
SWIR spectrometer analysis
p Pyrophyllite
Pyrophyllite>muscovite 4
Muscovite>pyrophyllite EPMA analysis
m Muscovite Spots1, 2 & 5: muscovite 3 & 4: pyrophyllite

FIG. 6. Sericitic to advanced argillic transition in augite basalt from drill hole OTD976B (1171.5). Image a is a hand spec-
imen photograph, image b is a photomicrograph (transmitted light, crossed polars), and c and d are BSE images. (a) Ad-
vanced argillic alteration cutting augite basalt, with alteration mineralogy determined by SWIR analysis. (b) Relict plagio-
clase replaced by fine-grained muscovite (or illite), surrounded by sheave-like aggregates of pyrophyllite, up to about 25m.
(c) BSE image of the same area s in (b). Note: pyrophyllite is dark; muscovite is light-colored. (d) Enlargement showing spots
analyzed by EPMA.

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proportion of aqueous sulfate to sulfide, can be estimated by

OTD881(302) plotting 34S sulfate against 34S sulfide (Fig. 9a), as applied
by Rye (2005) and Bethke et al. (2005). In this plot, the 34S
data of minerals proxy for 34SSO4 and 34SH2S values of fluids.
In addition, providing (1) equilibrium between aqueous sul-
fate and sulfide can be assumed, (2) post depositional retro-
grade exchange in minerals did not occur, and (3) the ratio of
sulfate to sulfide was constant during mineral deposition, the
value for bulk sulfur in the system (34SS) can be inferred. At
34SS = 0 (Fig. 9a), the Hugo Dummett South and Cen-
tral deposit alunite can be generated from a magmatic-hy-
drothermal fluid with aqueous sulfate-sulfide ratio slightly
more than one (R = 1.3), or relatively oxidizing. In compari-
son, a fluid in which all sulfur is initially present as SO2 and
free of wall-rock buffering will have an aqueous sulfate/sul-
fide ratio of 3. The initial ratio decreased due to wall-rock
0.1 mm buffering and increased locally due to increased dispropor-
tionation with falling temperatures and removal of H2S by re-
action with wall rock to form pyrite (Rye et al., 1992; Rye,
1993; Bethke et al., 2005). Alunite from the Hugo Dummett
Quartz North deposit, on the other hand, could be derived from a
Pyrophyllite fluid with lower initial aqueous sulfate-sulfide ratio or a simi-
lar one modified by greater wall-rock buffering (R = 0.76).
The vertical line through anhydrite (Fig. 9a) suggests a com-
ponent of parent aqueous sulfate was derived by oxidation of
Nearly all pyrite samples are from the advanced argillic
zone and have the widest range of 34S values, 12.4 to 4.7
per mil, with the lowest 34S values corresponding to low
Quartz temperatures in mineral pairs (Fig. 9b, Table 3b). Chalcopy-
rite and bornite have similar 34S values that range 9.6 to
1.4 per mil which are slightly higher than those of pyrite. By
comparison, at the Cadia porphyry district, Australia, 34S val-
Pyrophyllite ues for sulfides in the deposit cores range from 10 to 4 per
mil (Wilson et al., 2007).
The isotopic difference between coexisting sulfate and sul-
Fig. 7. Deep pyrophyllite alteration of augite basalt from the Central de- fide minerals (Fig. 9b) is consistent with porphyry systems
posit. Arrows indicate cuspate, possibly dissolved, quartz grain boundaries. (Ohmoto and Rye, 1979; Field et al., 2005). Sulfate-sulfide
pair temperatures (Table 3b, Fig. 9b) range from 495 to
216C and appear to be realistic with geologic relationships
(OTD967C-1148.5, OTD514I-1235.5; Fig. 2a) from Hugo and inferred temperatures of alteration minerals. An anhy-
Dummett North (highlighted in Fig. 8 as a red triangle), for drite-pyrite pair from a relatively deep level at the Heruga de-
which the protolith is quartz monzodiorite, and which plot in posit has the highest temperature, 495C, and the anhydrite
the same tight group as the other Hugo Dummett North sam- xenolith-chalcopyrite pair temperature from the Southwest
ples. Conversely, the protolith for all the muscovite samples is Oyu deposit is 387C. Two alunite-pyrite pair temperatures
quartz monzodiorite. These results suggest that the nature of from the Central deposit are 298 and 277C, whereas 10 alu-
wall rocks did not affect the isotopic signature, and this is con- nite-pyrite pair temperatures from Hugo Dummett range
sistent with a high water/rock fluid ratio. from 216 to 300C.
Dickite (18O = 3.2 to 5.7, D = 165 to 129, n =
13) have both low calculated 18OH2O and DH2O values Discussion
(Table 3a), indicative of extensive mixing with meteoric water. The Oyu Tolgoi porphyry deposits exhibit an unusually
The compositions of dickite fluids calculated at 150C show a close spatial relationship between advanced argillic alteration
scattered trend between the PMW box and the meteoric and porphyry Cu-Au mineralization. High-grade bornite and
water line (Fig. 8) that projects to a rather low DH2O = chalcopyrite may be related to intense sericitic alteration,
160 for Late Devonian meteoric water. which destroys earlier potassic alteration. The advanced
Sulfur isotope data for coexisting sulfides and sulfates (and argillic zone in turn overprints the sericitic alteration. The
therefore in possible geochemical equilibrium) (Table 3b, formation of quartz-alunite advanced argillic zones requires
Fig. 9a, b) show that sulfides have low 34S values between cooling and condensation of magmatic vapor, normally in the
16 and 1.4 per mil, whereas sulfate have high 34S values presence of meteoric water (Hedenquist and Aoki, 1991),
between 4.2 and 17.9 per mil. The redox state of fluids, or the above the porphyry ore-forming environment. At Oyu Tolgoi,

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TABLE 3a. Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Data of Hydroxyl-Bearing Minerals from Oyu Tolgoi Deposit

Drill hole-depth Location Mineral SWIR XRD 18O () D () TC(est) 18OH2O DH2O

OTD576-1108 HDN Musc 8.9 92 300 5.4 72

EGD053-1273 HDN Musc 7.1 96 300 3.6 76
OTD973-903.5 HDN Musc 9.5 93 300 6 73
OTD514I-1195.4 HDN Musc 7 105 300 3.5 85
OTD576C-1073 HDN Musc 7.5 101 300 4 81
OTD514I-1527.5 HDN Musc 8 107 300 4.5 87
OTD1220C-1753 HDN Musc 7.4 112 300 3.9 92
OTD1417-1034 HDN Musc 10.4 105 300 6.9 85
OTD576C-1165.8 HDN Musc 7.4 104 300 3.9 84
OTD424-726 HDN Musc 8.5 94 300 5 74
OTD891-1405 HDS Musc 6.7 96 300 3.2 76
OTRCD340-843 HDS Musc 8.7 111 300 5.2 91
OTD377-923.9 HDS Musc 9 116 300 5.6 96
EGD053-1320 HDN Pyro k25 7.4 96 300 2.5 76
EGD053B-1367.4 HDN Pyro k10 7.5 103 300 2.6 83
OTD1222D-1229 HDN Pyro k5 8.3 94 300 3.4 74
OTD514-1066.3 HDN Pyro k25 8.7 98 300 3.8 78
OTD514B-969.8 HDN Pyro k30 8 100 300 3.1 80
OTD514B-1048 HDN Pyro k20 9.3 100 300 4.4 80
OTD967-934.3 HDN Pyro k25 k50 7.5 105 300 2.6 85
OTD970A-877.3 HDN Pyro m30 7.8 101 300 2.9 81
OTD976D-1072 HDN Pyro k10 7.3 99 300 2.4 79
OTD405-385.5 HDN Pyro k20 7.6 97 300 2.7 77
OTD967C-1148.5 HDN Pyro m20 8 101 300 3.1 81
OTD514I-1235.5 HDN Pyro NA 8.6 104 300 3.7 84
OTD707-211 WGE Pyro NA 6.8 97 300 1.9 77
OTD244-115 HDS Pyro k10 7 95 300 2.1 75
OTD378-341.8 HDS Pyro k10 8.1 92 300 3.2 72
OTD448-380 HDS Pyro m15 m40 k10 x4 7.6 87 300 2.7 67
OTD646-196.2 HDS Pyro k 25 x 5 k10 q20 x5 9 98 300 4.1 78
OTD445-176 HDS Pyro k10 5.9 87 300 1 67
OTD470-145 HDS Pyro k4 6.5 90 300 1.6 70
OTRCD340-633 HDS Pyro k3 10.9 91 300 6 71
OTD552-279 CENT Pyro k25 10.3 103 300 5.4 83
OTD589-596.5 CENT Pyro m5 m35 k15 10.1 110 300 5.2 90
OTD243-440.9 CENT Pyro k10 k10 x5 8.3 99 300 3.4 79
OTD645-256.4 CENT Pyro NA 12.2 100 300 7.3 80
OTD881-302 CENT Pyro k15 m35 k20 8 115 300 3.4 95
OTD196-432 CENT Pyro m5 m25 k30 9 122 300 4.1 102
OTD881-306 CENT Pyro k3 10.4 104 300 5.5 84
OTD881-306b CENT Pyro k3 10.9 106 300 6.3 86
OTD1155-854.7 HDN Dick 4.6 143 150 4.1 123
OTD514I-1062 HDN Dick 4.9 142 150 3.8 122
OTD576C-1220.4 HDN Dick 4.6 140 150 4.1 120
OTD918-1068.7 HDN Dick 4.5 143 150 4.2 123
OTD1320-1095.6 HDN Dick 3.2 146 150 5.5 126
OTD364-550 HDS Dick 3.3 130 150 5.4 110
OTD308-282.5 HDS Dick 0.9 157 150 7.8 137
OTD319-671.9 HDS Dick 3.2 165 150 11.9 145
OTD373-658.5 HDS Dick 1.3 153 150 10 133
OTD415-486.6 HDS Dick 2.1 145 150 6.6 125
OTD254-168 HDS Dick 0.6 147 150 8.1 127
OTD270-358 HDS Dick 5.7 129 150 3 109
OTD159-98 CENT Dick 1.2 157 150 7.5 137
OTD161-297 SWO Chl 5.5 126 250 4.2 88
OTD448-310.5 HDS Zuny 5.4 111

alunite occurs close to high-temperature quartz veins and chamber, as has been proposed for Bingham Canyon, Utah
later high-grade Cu-Au mineralization. (Keith et al., 1997); Pinatubo volcano, Philippines (Hattori
To resolve the problem of deep overprinting by advanced and Keith, 2001); and also for the giant Yellowstone caldera
argillic alteration, we suggest that magmatic degassing ap- (Lowenstern and Huwitz, 2008).
parently is able to continue to deep levels, below the early Because the sericitic zone is overprinted by advanced
potassic zone. Addition of new volatiles late in the life of the argillic-alteration on a large scale, shown by mapped rela-
porphyry intrusions may be consistent with magma recharge, tionships, we do not include muscovite as part of the ad-
by injection of basalt at the base of a fractionating magma vanced argillic assemblage. But muscovite can be stable with

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1100


TABLE 3b. Isotopic Data of Sulfate and Sulfide Minerals from Oyu Tolgoi Deposit

TC calc
Drill hole-depth Location Mineral XRD 34S () 18O () D () from pairs 18OH2O DH2O

OTD494-232.8 HDS Alun k5 11.5 9.4 66 2626 1.5 60

Py 11.6
OTD385-199 HDS Alun k5 q5 17.9 17.5 51 9.6 45
OTD385-165 HDS Alun k5 13.5 14.2 43 6.3 37
OTD623-233 HDS Alun k25 x3 13.7 20.1 44 12.2 38
OTD470-271 HDS Alun NA 10.4 98 2807 92
Py 11.3
OTD367D-1192.3 HDN Alun m10 k15 q5 16.3 11.8 55 3.9 49
OTD770A-934.4 HDN Alun q10 14.3 9 70 2446 1.1 64
Py 10.4
OTD972-945.8 HDN Alun q5 13.5 7.1 64 2716 0.8 58
Py 8.9
(OTD514-1025.8) HDN Alun k45 x5 12.7 3.6 2787 4.3
Py 9.1
OTD409A-1184 HDN Alun pure 10.5 7.3 52 2987 0.6 46
Py 9.9
OTD514C-1138.6 HDN Alun k5 12.1 9.5 67 3008 1.6 61
Py 8.1
(OTD456D-1213.8) HDN Alun k30 x5 11.7 4.9 2666 3
Py 11.1
(OTD409A-1348.3) HDN Alun q10 x5 15.8 3.4 2164 4.5
Py 11.8
(OTD383C-1150) HDN Alun k45 13.3 3.4 2616 4.5
Py 9.9
OTD247-381.8 CENT Alun NA 8 8.7 63 2987 0.8 57
Py 12.4
OTD515-158.9 CENT Alun k7 9.7 9.2 66 2787 1.3 60
Py 12.1
OTD515-158.9 CENT Alun k5 9.8 8.8 73 2766 0.9 67
Py 12.2
OTD920-584.7 WGE Alun k3 10.1 7.1 56 2777 0.8 50
Py 11.8
OTD891-2185 HDS Anhyd 9.5 9.2
OTD340-691 HDS Anhyd 16.7 5.2
OTD338-447.8 HDS Anhyd 10.7 3.4 3329
Py 7.5
OTD976A-1385 HDN Anhyd 10.4 12.9
EGD008-1239.4 HDN Anhyd 16.2 6.1 2446
Py 8.5
OTD1446-637.5 HDN Anhyd 15.6 2.1
OTD1446-658.3 HDN Anhyd 17.2 0 2365
Py 8.3
OTD976B-1133.4 HDN Anhyd 16.6 6.8 2305
Py 9.5
OTD963B-936.7 HDN Anhyd 15.4 3.8 2927
Py 5.4
OTRCD169-445.2 SWO Anhyd 5.9 6.9 38711
Cp 9.6
OTD168-344 SWO Anhyd 6.1 2
OTD173-309 SWO Anhyd 4.2 3.6
EJD0015A-1241 HER Anhyd 5.1 7.7
EJD0024-1863 HER Anhyd 6.8 7.4 49519
Py 4.7
OTD577A-1009 HDN Cc 5.9
OTD1396A-1016 HDN Tn 4.7
OTD1396A-1014 HDN Cp 5.5
OTD976B-1202.6 HDN Cp 8.3
OTD770A-1052 HDN Cp 2.0
OTD841A-900 HDN Cp 5.6
OTD918C-1187.9 HDN Cp 4.6
OTD918B-1080 HDN Cp 4.8
OTD963-1085.5 HDN Cp 1.4

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1101


TABLE 3b. (Cont.)

TC calc
Drill hole-depth Location Mineral XRD 34S () 18O () D () from pairs 18OH2O DH2O

OTD963C-1253 HDN Cp 4.3

OTD963C-1356.3 HDN Cp 3.9
OTD963A-1245.9 HDN Cp 3.9
OTD963F-1513 HDN Cp 6.2
OTD963F-1578.4 HDN Cp 5
OTD1393-1087.5 HDN Bo 7.6
OTD1396A-1015 HDN Bo 5.4
OTD1417-1303.4 HDN Bo 4.7
OTD918C-1188.9 HDN Bo 4.2
OTD918C-1127.5 HDN Bo 5.7
OTD576C-1165.8 HDN Bo 2.4
OTD918B-1081 HDN Bo 3.3
OTD963-1090 HDN Bo 4.4
OTD963-1085.5 HDN Bo 2.1
OTD963-1166 HDN Bo 5.4
OTD963-1267.9 HDN Bo 3.6
OTD963C-1157 HDN Bo 4.8
OTD963C-1197 HDN Bo 4.3
OTD963C-1350 HDN Bo 6.5
OTD963A-1204.5 HDN Bo 5.6
OTD963A-1266.9 HDN Bo 4.6
OTD963A-1350 HDN Bo 5
OTD963E-1422.3 HDN Bo 3.8
OTD963E-1441.5 HDN Bo 5.5
OTD918H-1068.7 HDN En 10.9
OTD576D-1028 HDN En 12.6
OTD514I-1045.7 HDN Cv 16.0
OTD1418-1303.7 HDN Py 7.9
OTD1396A-1013 HDN Py 5.1
OTD976B-1202.6 HDN Py 6.5
EGD008-1239.4 HDN Py 8.5
OTD185-200 HDS Tn 6.8
OTD185-200 HDS Cp 7.6
OTD401-592 HDS Cc 8.4
OTD488-621 HDS Py 9.3
OTD451-513.2 HDS Py 6.0
OTD319-412 HDS Py 8.9
OTD470-271 HDS Py 11.3
OTD488-621 HDS En 9.5
OTD470-271 HDS En 9.7
OTD451-513.2 HDS En 6.1
OTD921-546.2 HDS En 11.4

Abbreviations: CENT = Central, HER = Heruga, HDN = Hugo Dummett North, HDS = Hugo Dummett South, WGE = Wedge; Alun = alunite, Anhyd =
anhydrite, Bo = bornite, Cc = chalcocite, Chl = chlorite, Cp = chalcopyrite, Cv = covellite, Dick = dickite, En = enargite, Gyps = gypsum, Musc = muscovite,
Py = pyrite, Pyro = pyrophyllite, Tn = tennantite, Zuny = zunyite
Notes: All the alunite samples are calculated at 260C; the sulfide-sulfate pair temperature error estimate is based on the analytical error for 34S of
0.5 applied to the fractionation between sulfide and sulfate; columns SWIR and XRD show semiquantative analysis (in %), of other minerals contami-
nating the isotope sample k = kaolinite-dickite, m = muscovite-illite, q = quartz, x = other minerals, includes topaz, gypsum, but mostly unidentified; sam-
ples in (italics) are clay altered, and the O isotope data is not used in this article; samples in bold are published data from Khashgerel et al. (2006); NA =
not analyzed
Notes on hydroxyl-bearing and sulfate minerals analyzed:
Muscovite: from quartz-muscovite alteration mainly after quartz monzodiorite
Chlorite: from augite basalt, mineralogically clinochlore replacing hydrothermal biotite
Pyrophyllite: from pyrophyllite-dominant advanced argillic alteration, mainly after augite basalt, the assemblage includes residual quartz, minor diaspore,
zunyite, topaz, kaolinite and dickite
Alunite: from alunite-dominant advanced argillic alteration, the assemblage includes, residual quartz, minor aluminum phosphate-sulfate minerals, dias-
pore, zunyite, topaz, kaolinite and dickite
Zunyite: from advanced argillic alteration, the assemblage includes minor, pyrophyllite, topaz, kaolinite and dickite
Dickite: from dickite veins, cutting advanced argillic assemblages, may include minor kaolinite, gypsum and fluorite
Anhydrite: from veins near the margin of the advanced argillic zone at Hugo Dummett, or veins hosted by biotite (chlorite)-altered augite basalt from
the Southwest and Heruga deposits, may include minor gypsum

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1102


Alunite ( 260 0C)
Mixing with meteoric
water Vapor HDN
-20 WGE
One HDS alunite HDS
-40 overlaps with one
HDN and one
CENT alunite CENT
PMW Muscovite
( 300 0C)

-80 HDS
-100 ( 300 0C)


pyrophyllite HDN
300 C

-120 HDS

Range in f luid isotopic

composition withT CENT
-140 Alunite 200 400 after quartz
Muscovite 250 350 monzodiorite
-160 Late Devonian Pyrophyllite 250 350 Chlorite ( 250 0C)
meteoric water Dickite 10 0 250 Southwest

-180 Dickite ( 150 0C)

5 10 HDN
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0

FIG. 8. Calculated isotopic composition of waters in hydrothermal fluids derived from measured isotopic composition of
alteration minerals (see Table 3). Reference lines and boxes are as follows: meteoric water line (Craig, 1961), FMW = felsic
magmatic water (Taylor, 1992), PMW = water remaining in crystallized magmas (Taylor, 1974) and volcanic vapor (Giggen-
bach, 1992). Abbreviations: HDN = Hugo Dummett North, HDS = Hugo Dummett South, CENT = Central, WGE =

pyrophyllite assemblages (Meyer and Hemley, 1967), and The extensive sericitic alteration following high-tempera-
late muscovite or illite alteration is not precluded. Thin sec- ture quartz veins and potassic alteration at Hugo Dummett
tion microscopy, EPMA, and SWIR spectrometer analyses can be related to sharp cooling around quartz monzodiorite
show that pyrophyllite-dominant advanced argillic alteration intrusions. Early magmatic-hydrothermal fluids were hyper-
at Oyu Tolgoi replaces earlier muscovite (or illite), in both saline liquids and vapor, based on generally understood fea-
quartz monzodiorite and basaltic host rocks. Similar alter- tures of porphyry systems, and limited fluid inclusion evi-
ation of muscovite to pyrophyllite is also found at El Sal- dence for Oyu Tolgoi. Sericitic alteration formed during
vador, Chile (Watanabe and Hedenquist, 2001), but at Yer- cooling and wall-rock reaction of magmatic-hydrothermal flu-
rington, Nevada, muscovite has been found to replace ids, as supported by stable isotope data.
pyrophyllite (Lipske and Dilles, 2000; Lipske, 2002). At the Alunite formed from condensation of magmatic vapor at
sericitic-advanced argillic transition, potassium may be re- moderate temperatures (216300C) that mixed with up to 25
moved as muscovite is destroyed, and other potassium-bear- wt percent meteoric water. This is comparable to the formation
ing phases such as alunite are absent. An exception is at a of alunite in other deposits, such as Lepanto Far Southeast
deeper level, where advanced argillic alteration is restricted (Hedenquist et al., 1998) and Summitville (Bethke et al., 2005;
in narrow structures cutting quartz-muscovite-altered Rye, 2005). However, the amount of alunite at Oyu Tolgoi is
quartz monzodiorite, a new generation of morphologically small compared to the volume of the advanced argillic zone.
distinct muscovite is present as thin veins, which is possibly The formation of the large pyrophyllite-dominant advanced
in equilibrium with topaz. These zones are deeper and pos- argillic zone at Oyu Tolgoi is not well understood. One aspect
sibly have a hotter temperature than the overlying advanced is timing, since pyrophyllite appears to have formed later than
argillic zone, and consequently the fluids may have been less alunite (Khashgerel et al., 2006). Although the temperature
acid. Similarly, corundum and andalusite, in the deeper stability of alunite and pyrophyllite overlap, there is consider-
parts of the advanced argillic zone, could be partly in equi- able uncertainty in estimating the temperature of formation
librium with early K-silicate assemblages (Seedorff et al., for pyrophyllite in our study. Based on our estimate at 300C,
2005). it is possible that pyrophyllite could have formed at slightly

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1103


(a ) Alu-py
5 495 C HDN
S sulfide 0 R= 0
0 S= Anhyd-cp
-H Southwest
-5 Southwest Heruga
387 C .8

S= Anhyd-py
-10 -H HDN
SO .3
14 HDS
C 2
0 -H
50 4
-15 SO
C 19
0 S= .9 R=
40 -H
2 28 0.7
S= R=

-20 4



30 C 2-
0 R= SO 4 / H 2S
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
S sulfate

(b )


E nargite







-20 -10 0 10 20


FIG. 9. (a) Plot of 34S sulfate- 34S sulfide for alunite, anhydrite, and gypsum and coexisting sulfides. Isotherms are de-
rived from fractionation equations, and temperatures of mineral pairs are listed in Table 3. Abbreviations: HDN = Hugo
Dummett North, HDS = Hugo Dummett South, alu = alunite, py = pyrite, anhyd = anhydrite, cp = chalcopyrite, and gyp:
gypsum. Regression lines are close to R=1, assuming 34S = 0, fit the data reasonably well, and give an estimate of the redox
state of the parental fluids; they suggest initial relatively oxidizing fluids, buffered by wall rock, close to sulfate-sulfide ratio
of 1. (b) Sulfur isotope data for sulfides and sulfate species.

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1104


higher temperatures, compared to alunite, modeled at 260C. water has been documented from Pueblo Viejo, Dominican
However, pyrite-alunite pair equilibrium temperatures do Republic (Vennemann et al., 1993), and possibly from El Sal-
suggest temperatures up to 300C for the alunite. A second vador, based on one sample (Sheppard and Gustafson, 1976)
aspect is retrograde alteration of the advanced argillic zone; (Fig. 10). The Oyu Tolgoi results suggest that none of the py-
early minerals are strongly corroded and replaced by later rophyllite sampled was derived from a magmatic condensate,
minerals, and especially by pyrophyllite. Consequently, the and magmatic-hydrothermal fluids are D depleted.
pyrophyllite-dominant character and large size of the ad-
vanced argillic zone may be due to replacement, not only of Conclusions
early advanced argillic mineral assemblages but, more signif- Field relationships and petrographic studies show that the
icantly, the sericitic zone. advanced argillic zone is superimposed on quartz-muscovite
Based on similar O and H isotope data for both muscovite alteration in quartz monzodiorite and on chlorite-muscovite-
and pyrophyllite, the pyrophyllite could be formed by cooling illite-specularite (after biotite-magnetite) alteration in augite
of a late magmatic-hydrothermal fluid (Hemley and Hunt, basalt. Consequently, in porphyry systems that are not
1992), as argued for Lepanto Far Southeast (Hedenquist et strongly overprinted, chlorite alteration (in basalt) could be
al., 1998) and El Salvador (Watanabe and Hedenquist, 2001). the intervening alteration between the sericitic and the ad-
Although the pyrophyllite isotopic data shows a number of vanced argillic zone. In contrast, sericitic alteration is spatially
trends, the general coincidence with muscovite data is the more closely related to the underlying potassic zone. Stable
main feature. isotope evidence suggests that vapor condensate is likely to be
For comparison, the O and H isotope signature of pyro- the main component for fluids involved in alunite alteration,
phyllite in volcanic and porphyry environments from world- whereas pyrophyllite and muscovite may be related to cooling
wide occurrences is summarized in Figure 10. Pyrophyllite of late magmatic-hydrothermal fluids, which at Oyu Tolgoi
derived from magmatic volatiles condensing into meteoric have depleted D signatures.



-20 vapor

Pueblo Viejo




El Salvador
Lepanto Pueblo Viejo
Far southeast
-80 El Salvador

Far southeast
-100 Mt Rainier
-120 Butte Summitville

Pierina Butte

Oyu Tolgoi OT shallow

Mt Rainier OT deep

-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25


FIG. 10. Comparative O and H isotope data for pyrophyllite fluids. Published isotope data: Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Re-
public (Vennemann et al., 1993); El Salvador, Chile (Watanabe and Hedenquist, 2001); Lepanto Far Southeast, Philippines
(Hedenquist et al., 1998); Mt. Rainier, Washington (John et al., 2008); Pierina, Peru (Fifarek and Rye, 2005); Summitville,
Colorado (Bethke et al., 2005); Butte, Montana (Sheppard and Taylor, 1974), recalculated using fractionation equations listed
in Table 4 at 300C. Reference lines and boxes: Meteoric water line (Craig, 1961), FMW = felsic magmatic water (Taylor,
1992), PMW: Primary magmatic water (Taylor, 1974), shown to be magmatic water left in hydrous minerals of intrusions,
after crystallization is complete (Hedenquist and Richards, 1998), and volcanic vapor (Giggenbach, 1992).

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1105


TABLE 4. Isotope Fractionation Equations and Factors

Equation T(C) Reference Isotope

103 ln pyrophyllite-H2O = 2.76 106T2 +1.08 103T15.37 0500 Savin and Lee (1998) Oxygen
103 ln illite-muscovite-H2O = 2.39 106T23.76 0700 Sheppard and Gilg (1996) Oxygen
103 ln hornblende-H2O = 1.10 106T20.8 500800 Bottinga and Javoy (1975) Oxygen
103 ln chlorite-H2O = 2.69 109T36.34 106T2+2.97 103T1 170350 Cole and Ripley (1999) Oxygen
103 ln kaolinite-H2O = 2.76 106T26.75 0350 Sheppard and Gilg (1996) Oxygen
103 ln alunite(SO4) = 3.09 106T22.94 250450 Stoffregen et al. (1994) Oxygen
103 ln actinolite-H2O = 3.96 106T28.25 103T1+2.37 450 Zheng (1993) Oxygen
103 ln magnetite-H2O = 1.47 106T23.7 500800 Bottinga and Javoy (1973) Oxygen
103 ln pyrophyllite-H2O = 20 5 120400 Marumo et al. (1980) Hydrogen
103 ln illite-muscovite-H2O = 20 5 120400 Marumo et al. (1980) Hydrogen
103 ln hornblende-H2O = 23.9 106T2 + 7.9 400800 Suzuoki and Epstein (1976) Hydrogen
103 ln chlorite-H2O = 3.7 106T224 500700 Graham et al. (1984) Hydrogen
103 ln kaolinite-H2O = 2.2 106T27.7 0300 Gilg and Sheppard (1996) Hydrogen
103 ln actinolite-H2O = 23.9 106T2 + 7.9 400 Suzuoki and Epstein (1976) Hydrogen
103 ln alunite-H2O = 350C 300C 250C 200C 150C Stoffregen et al. (1994) Hydrogen
12 10 6 6 6
fractionation factors for different temperatures in centigrade

Notes: Hydrogen isotope fractionation factor of muscovite (Marumo et al., 1980) was used for pyrophyllite in absence of experimental data; temperatures
in equations are in Kelvin

Sulfur isotope thermometer equation

Sulfate-pyrite 103 ln = 6.463 106T2 +0.56 Ohmoto and Lasaga (1982)

Pyrite-chalcopyrite 103 ln = 0.45 106T2 Ohmoto and Rye (1979)
Sulfate-chalcopyrite 103 ln = 6.513 106T2 +0.56 Ohmoto and Lasaga (1982)

Acknowledgments Chappell, B.W., and White, A.J.R., 1974, Two contrasting granite types: Pa-
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trometry, v. 11, p. 15541560.
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tailed, thoughtful, and scrupulously careful reviews. This re- and oxygen isotopic record in sulfate and sulfide minerals of early, deep,
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Samples and Analysis
All analytical samples for this study come from diamond cases the mineral grains were removed from the rock sample
drill core and were selected at the Oyu Tolgoi field site. Pet- with a small hand drill, before sieving and cleaning. Mineral
rographic samples for microscopy and EPMA analysis are separates were handpicked under low power binocular mi-
conventional 270 by 460 mm polished thin sections, and croscope and analyzed by SWIR spectrometer and XRD for
were prepared at the Oyu Tolgoi mine site laboratory or the purity. For advanced argillic minerals, alunite and pyrophyl-
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science, lite, it was not possible to obtain completely pure mineral sep-
Tsukuba University. For electron microprobe analysis, a arates (see SWIR and XRD analyses listed in Tables 3a and
JEOL JXA-8900R EPMA machine was used and operating b), although in general the alunite samples are >90 percent
condition was at 15kV and 12nA. Short wave infrared pure. With SWIR analysis, an estimate of kaolinite-dickite
(SWIR) spectrometer analyses were carried out at the Oyu and muscovite-illite content was obtained by comparing the
Tolgoi field site, using an Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc., sample spectra with reference spectra based on calibrated
Fieldspec Pro instrument. mixtures, e.g., 90 percent pyrophyllite to 10 percent kaolinite.
The transition of advanced argillic to sericitic alteration in For pyrophyllite samples, comparison to isotope results
quartz monzodiorite is cut by vertical drill hole (OTD1491) (Table 3a), shows that clay-altered samples are randomly dis-
from the Hugo Dummett deposit (Fig. A1). This drill hole re- tributed over the oxygen isotope range, from lowest to high-
veals a vertical zonation through the advanced argillic-zone est values, or that the amount of clay alteration present does
into sericitic alteration. The advanced argillic alteration can not significantly affect the overall oxygen isotope data. How-
be divided into three groups, based on the dominant miner- ever, higher clay content does correlate to some low hydrogen
alogy determined by SWIR spectrometer (Fig. A2), (1) pyro- isotope values (Table 3), discussed in section 5 (above). Ana-
phyllite-kaolinite, which occurs at the top and extends for >90 lytical work was undertaken at the U.S. Geological Survey
m, (2) pyrophyllite-zunyite-muscovite, which extends for 80 Isotope Laboratory in Denver, Colorado. Precipitates and
m and forms a transitional zone to muscovite alteration, and mineral were analyzed for 34S according to continuous flow
(3) topaz-pyrophyllite, which occurs as thin zones (meters) methods by Giesemann et al. (1994) using a Carlo Erba Ele-
controlled by high-angle structures, cutting the sericitic zone mental Analyzer coupled to a Micromass Optima mass spec-
(Fig. A2). The transitional zone consists of pyrophyllite-zun- trometer or a Costech EA coupled to a Finnigan Delta plus
yite-(minor topaz, diaspore) replacing quartz-muscovite. XP mass spectrometer. Alunite samples were treated using a
The transition of advanced argillic alteration to muscovite 1/1 HF-H2O solution to remove silicate contamination and
and chlorite in basaltic wall rock has been examined in drill alunite was dissolved in a hot NaOH solution, and sulfate was
hole OTD976B (Fig. A1b), from the northern part of Hugo precipitated as BaSO4 (Wasserman et al., 1992) which was
Dummett North deposit, and from drill holes at the Central analyzed for 18O using continuous flow mass spectrometry
deposit (Fig. A1c). methods modified from Farquhar et al. (1997) using a
For isotopic analysis, minerals were selected based on iden- Thermo Finnigan TC/EA coupled to a Thermo Finnigan
tification by SWIR spectrometer and by thin section petrog- Delta plus XL. Hydrous minerals were analyzed for D by
raphy. Mineral grains were extracted by hand picking from continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry using a
drill core and then crushing a small sample with mortar and Thermo Finnigan TC/EA pyrolysis device coupled to a
pestle, and sieving the 100 m fraction. Sieve fractions were Thermo Finnigan Delta Plus XL mass spectrometer (Sharps
cleaned by ultrasonic suspension and elutriation. In some et al., 2001).

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1108


a W OTD976B E Location of sections

650,000 mE
1000 m

2.5 % Cu



East Bat Fault

2.5 % Cu
West Bat Fault

2.5 % Cu
4,765,000 mN

0.6 % Cu
nt Central
ac 1 Km

250m Fine to medium equigranular
Basaltic volcanics
b NW OTD1491 SE

Andesitic to dacitic tuff

1000 m

Biotite granodiorite

Quartz monzodiorite
West Bat Fault


Hanging wall block


Basalt breccia, mafic volcanic

Foot wall block
Laminated carbonaceus
Dacitic tuff
East Bat Fault
OTD 572

Porphyritic augite basalt

Alteration and mineralized zones

Advanced argillic

c N 0.6% Cu S
Sericitic and

advanced argillic

K-feldspar to relatively



1000 m Chlorite


Oxide zone

Supergene chalcocite

Cu grade shell (labeled)

Funnel-shaped alteration
zone with covellite

Analytical sample

FIG. A1. Location of petrographic and EPMA samples.

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 1109


Stable isotope compositions are expressed in notation (in

a) Drill log OTD1491
) where = ((RsampleRstandard)-1) 1000; where R refers to
Depth 34S/32S, 18O/16O or D/H. 34S values have a precision of 0.2
SWIR spectrometer analysis
in meters and are reported relative to VCDT calibrated against NBS
musc pyro topa kaol
dick kaol
pyro kaol dick
127 and IAEA-SO-6 for sulfates and NBS 123 and IAEA-S-3
for sulfides. 18O and 18OSO4 values are reported relative to
pyro kaol Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (V-SMOW) with preci-
pyro dias a) Pyrophyllite- sions of 0.2 and 0.6, respectively. D values are also re-
kaolinite zone
kaol pyro ported relative to Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water
600 pyro kaol
(VSMOW). Reproducibility was generally 4 per mil or bet-
pyro musc
pyro kaol
ter for D.
kaol pyro topa
kaol dias topa
Oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of water in par-
kaol pyro
pyro dick
Pyrophyllite altered to ent fluids was calculated in the same manner as Hedenquist
kaol kaolinite, no muscovite
kaol et al. (1998), and Khashgerel et al. (2006), and temperature
Topaz, diaspore, APS estimates are based on mineral stability from experimental
kaol pyro topa dick
variable amounts studies (Hemley et al., 1980) and from Philippine geothermal
kaol pyro
kaol pyro topa
systems (Reyes, 1990, 1991), and applied by Khashgerel et al.
musc kaol (2006). In addition, recent fluid inclusion temperature esti-
mates for sericitic in porphyry systems (Harris and Golding,
musc pyro
pyro kaol 2002; Rusk et al., 2008) are taken into account. Measured iso-
pyro musc dick b) Pyrophyllite-zunyite topic data for minerals and calculated parent fluids are shown
musc -muscovite in Table 3. The calculations in this study were based on the
isotopic fractionation equations listed in Table 4.
pyro musc dick
musc Muscovite altered to
musc kaol pyropyllite
kaol zuny
Zunyite common
zuny kaol
700 pyro zuny kaol
Late dykes
zuny kaol
pyro Fault zone
pyro musc

pyro zuny dias

musc Topaz-pyrophyllite
musc d) Muscovite

pyro musc
pyro musc
topa c)Topaz-pyrophyllite
musc pyro

musc d) Muscovite

Petrographic sample

Abbreviations used, musc: muscovite, pyro: pyrophyllite, topa: topaz

kaol: kaolinite, dias: diaspore, dick: dickite, zuny: zunyite

FIG. A2. Drill hole OTD1491, showing alteration zonation and location of
petrographic samples. The advanced argillic alteration is divided into three
groups: (1) pyrophyllite-kaolinite, (2) pyrophyllite-zunyite-muscovite, and (3)
topaz-pyrophyllite. Pyrophyllite-zunyite-muscovite is a transitional zone be-
tween advanced argillic alteration and the sericitic zone, and topaz-pyrophyl-
lite occurs in narrow, high-angle structures below the base of the transitional
zone, cutting the sericitic zone.

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