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1. Small Business Entrepreneurship
Today, the overwhelming number of entrepreneurs and startups in the United
States are still small businesses. There are 5.7 million small businesses in the
U.S. They make up 99.7% of all companies and employ 50% of all non-
governmental workers.
Small businesses are grocery stores, hairdressers, consultants, travel agents,
internet commerce storefronts, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc. They are
anyone who runs his/her own business. They hire local employees or family. Most
are barely profitable. Their definition of success is to feed the family and make a
profit, not to take over an industry or build a $100 million business. As they cant
provide the scale to attract venture capital, they fund their businesses via
friends/family or small business loans.
2. Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship
Unlike small businesses, scalable startups are what Silicon Valley entrepreneurs
and their venture investors do. These entrepreneurs start a company knowing
from day one that their vision could change the world. They attract investment
from equally crazy financial investors venture capitalists. They hire the best and
the brightest. Their job is to search for a repeatable and scalable business
model. When they find it, their focus on scale requires even more venture capital
to fuel rapid expansion.
Scalable startups in innovation clusters (Silicon Valley, Shanghai, New York,
Bangalore, Israel, etc.) make up a small percentage of entrepreneurs and
startups but because of the outsize returns, attract almost all the risk capital (and
3. Large Company Entrepreneurship
Large companies have finite life cycles. Most grow through sustaining innovation,
offering new products that are variants around their core products. Changes in
customer tastes, new technologies, legislation, new competitors, etc. can create
pressure for more disruptive innovation requiring large companies to create
entirely new products sold into new customers in new markets. Existing
companies do this by either acquiring innovative companies or attempting to build
a disruptive product inside. Ironically, large company size and culture make
disruptive innovation extremely difficult to execute.
4. Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurs are innovators who focus on creating products and services
that solve social needs and problems. But unlike scalable startups their goal is to
make the world a better place, not to take market share or to create to wealth for
the founders. They may be nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid.


1. Burning of Fossil Fuels: Sulfur dioxide emitted from the combustion of fossil
fuelslike coal, petroleum and other factory combustibles is one the major cause of
air pollution. Pollution emitting from vehicles including trucks, jeeps, cars, trains,
airplanes cause immense amount of pollution.
2. Agricultural activities: Ammonia is a very common by product from agriculture
related activities and is one of the most hazardous gases in the atmosphere. Use
of insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural activities has grown quite a
lot. They emit harmful chemicals into the air and can also cause water pollution.
3. Exhaust from factories and industries: Manufacturing industries release large
amount of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, organic compounds, and chemicals
into the air thereby depleting the quality of air. Manufacturing industries can be
found at every corner of the earth and there is no area that has not been affected
by it. Petroleum refineries also release hydrocarbons and various other chemicals
that pollute the air and also cause land pollution.
Below are the sources of land pollution:
1. Deforestation and soil erosion: Deforestation carried out to create dry lands is
one of the major concerns. Land that is once converted into a dry or barren land,
can never be made fertile again, whatever the magnitude of measures to redeem
it are. Land conversion, meaning the alteration or modification of the original
properties of the land to make it use-worthy for a specific purpose is another
major cause. This hampers the land immensely. Also there is a constant waste of
land. Unused available land over the years turns barren; this land then cannot be
used. So in search of more land, potent land is hunted and its indigenous state is
compromised with.
2. Agricultural activities: With growing human population, demand for food has
increased considerably. Farmers often use highly toxic fertilizers and pesticides to
get rid off insects, fungi and bacteria from their crops. However with the overuse
of these chemicals, they result in contamination and poisoning of soil.
3. Mining activities: During extraction and mining activities, several land spaces
are created beneath the surface. We constant hear about land caving in; this is
nothing but natures way of filling the spaces left out after mining or extraction
1. Industrial waste: Industries produce huge amount of waste which contains
toxic chemicals and pollutants which can cause air pollution and damage to us
and our environment. They contain pollutants such as lead, mercury, sulphur,
asbestos, nitrates and many other harmful chemicals. Many industries do not
have proper waste management system and drain the waste in the fresh water
which goes into rivers, canals and later in to sea. The toxic chemicals have the
capability to change the color of water, increase the amount of minerals, also
known as Eutrophication, change the temperature of water and pose serious
hazard to water organisms.
2. Sewage and waste water: The sewage and waste water that is produced by
each household is chemically treated and released in to sea with fresh water. The
sewage water carries harmful bacteria and chemicals that can cause serious
health problems. Pathogens are known as a common water pollutant; The sewers
of cities house several pathogens and thereby diseases. Microorganisms in water
are known to be causes of some very deadly diseases and become the breeding
grounds for other creatures that act like carriers. These carriers inflict these
diseases via various forms of contact onto an individual. A very common example
of this process would be Malaria.
3. Mining activities: Mining is the process of crushing the rock and extracting coal
and other minerals from underground. These elements when extracted in the raw
form contains harmful chemicals and can increase the amount of toxic elements
when mixed up with water which may result in health problems. Mining activities
emit several metal waste and sulphides from the rocks and is harmful for the
1. Industrialization: Most of the industries use big machines which are capable of
producing large amount of noise. Apart from that, various equipments like
compressors, generators, exhaust fans, grinding mills also participate in
producing big noise. Therefore, you must have seen workers in these factories
and industries wearing ear plugs to minimize the effect of noise.
2. Poor Urban Planning: In most of the developing countries, poor urban planning
also play a vital role. Congested houses, large families sharing small space, fight
over parking, frequent fights over basic amenities leads to noise pollution which
may disrupt the environment of society.

Conserve energy remember to turn off lights, computers, and electric

appliances when not in use.

Use energy efficient light bulbs and appliances.

Participate in your local utilitys energy conservation programs.

1. Make people aware about the concept of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.
2. Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural activities.
3. Avoid buying packages items as they will lead to garbage and end up in landfill

1. Turn off your electronics. Computers, game systems, televisions and the like
all make noise when theyre not in usewhether its a fan spinning or that high-
pitched, barely-audible screech some TVs make in standby. Over time, all of
these sounds cause stress on the ears. Turn them off when you are not using
them. A little extra effort is worth it; as a bonus, youll save some money on

2. Sound proof your space. There are a lot of things you can do to reduce the
sound at home (or perhaps your workplace).
If you have hard floors, rugs will go a long way in the fight to dampen
Windows are a known weak point in many structures. Installing better
windows, sealing window frames, or hanging curtains (even thin ones) will
help reduce the sound coming from outside.
If you have noisy neighbors on one side of you, put furniture or a big
bookshelf (preferably full of books) against that wall.
If you have laundry machines in a separate room, shut the door. Also try
running appliances like dishwashers and bread machines when youre
getting ready to leave the house for a bit. When youre gone they can make
as much noise as they want.
Never throw rubbish away anyhow. Always look for the correct waste bin. If there
is none around, please take it home and put it in your trash can. This includes
places like the beach, riverside and water bodies.
Use water wisely. Do not keep the tap running when not in use. Also, you can
reduce the amount of water you use in washing and bathing. If we all do this, we
can significantly prevent water shortages and reduce the amount of dirty water
that needs treatment.
Do not throw chemicals, oils, paints and medicines down the sink drain, or the
toilet. In many cities, your local environment office can help with the disposal of
medicines and chemicals. Check with your local authorities if there is a chemical
disposal plan for local residents.

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