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(1): little pieces?

Coach (1): between the two continents?

Captain Bosnia: umm.. they're not that tiny

Captain Bosnia: they might become slightly bigger

Captain Bosnia: in my photoshop mop

Captain Bosnia: but yes

Captain Bosnia: that's ku ltiras

Coach (1): the

Captain Bosnia: so far

Coach (1): eastern continent

Coach (1): looks too much

Coach (1): like the eastern kingdoms

Coach (1): DUDE

Coach (1): talk

Captain Bosnia: umm

Captain Bosnia: it will look

Captain Bosnia: better

Captain Bosnia: dude

Captain Bosnia: this is

Captain Bosnia: the fucking

Captain Bosnia: 1st draft map

Captain Bosnia: what the fuck

Captain Bosnia: do u want me to do

Captain Bosnia: this isn't even

Captain Bosnia: the point

Captain Bosnia: the general shape

Captain Bosnia: is gonna stay



Captain Bosnia: FUCK YOU

Captain Bosnia: you're all agains tme

Captain Bosnia: i was talking about the azdal invading

Captain Bosnia: westcrowns

Captain Bosnia: at 1 point

Captain Bosnia: well the kyonian empire ended up winning

Captain Bosnia: it had subjugated a gooddeal of the continent

Captain Bosnia: and it had magic

Coach (1): who are the azdal

Captain Bosnia: and azdal are

Captain Bosnia: i'll get u a picture

Coach (1): where are they

Captain Bosnia: where khaz modan is

Captain Bosnia: https://s-media-cache-

Captain Bosnia: dragon men

Coach (1): cringe

Captain Bosnia: they will be mesopotamian culture based

Captain Bosnia: umm.. why cringe

Captain Bosnia: ignore the armor

Coach (1): bcus they look

Captain Bosnia: and the light

Coach (1): edgy and dumb

Coach (1): gastro insistedo n this

Coach (1): right

Coach (1): having races like this

Captain Bosnia: no

Captain Bosnia: umm

Captain Bosnia: well

Captain Bosnia: he wanted to butcher dwarves

Captain Bosnia: by making them

Captain Bosnia: 5 x larger

Captain Bosnia: but also wider

Coach (1): wtf?

Captain Bosnia: and being Ulthane from Darksiders

Coach (1): what

Captain Bosnia: so i stopped him from butchering the race

Captain Bosnia: and i instead relaced dwarves

Coach (1): how

Captain Bosnia: with this

Coach (1): would that even work

Captain Bosnia: just forget it

Captain Bosnia: he's autistic

Captain Bosnia: i'm still having my way

Captain Bosnia: but don't tell him

Captain Bosnia: dwarves will still be a part of the unvierse

Captain Bosnia: this is all i'll say

Captain Bosnia: to stay mysterious

Coach (1): the modan remembers?

Captain Bosnia: aye

Captain Bosnia: khaz modan remembers

Captain Bosnia: azdal are unmarked

Captain Bosnia: they have no magic users

Captain Bosnia: the kyonians defeated them at a great cost

Captain Bosnia: and with MAgic...

Coach (1): what is the great cost

Captain Bosnia: hundreds of thousands fucking dead

Captain Bosnia: this happened a long time ago

Captain Bosnia: by the way

Captain Bosnia: it helped cement the kyonians (who sailed from kalimdor in an
aeneid/troy escape style) rule over westcrowns after they started subjugating people

Captain Bosnia: they will bnasically be the ROman Empire

Captain Bosnia: and i want a great world wonder in architecture built

Captain Bosnia: so the side of the thandol span

Captain Bosnia: on westcrowns

Captain Bosnia: will have a large wall

Captain Bosnia: and will be fortified

Captain Bosnia: like the Hadrian's wall

Captain Bosnia: and very slightly inspired by the wall from GoT

Captain Bosnia: however this wall is in dry land

Coach (1): remember

Coach (1): when u kept insisting

Captain Bosnia: and on the other side lies a large desert

Coach (1): that hadrian's wall

Coach (1): was mostly built

Coach (1): or somehow

Coach (1): financed

Coach (1): by dwarves

Coach (1): bcus u were

Coach (1): obsessed

Captain Bosnia: u mean thoradin's?

Captain Bosnia: it's either confirmed or hinted

Coach (1): isn't it the same wall

Captain Bosnia: dude

Captain Bosnia: hadrian's is real life

Captain Bosnia: thoradin's is Warcraft

Captain Bosnia: what the fuck does that even mean "are they the same"

Captain Bosnia: so they establish a wall

Captain Bosnia: and i like this idea

Coach (1): who made the wall

Coach (1): and to defend from who

Captain Bosnia: humans built it

Captain Bosnia: the kyonian empire

Coach (1): they built it

Coach (1): because they felt like it

Captain Bosnia: i'm looking for a good justification

Captain Bosnia: i'm not sure if this should be the start of westcrowns-azdal tensions now

Captain Bosnia: obviously it was made with a similar reason to hadrian's wlal

Captain Bosnia: to protect the empire

Coach (1): tell me

Coach (1): about

Coach (1): the white walkers

Coach (1): of your universe

Coach (1): the unforeseen

Coach (1): magical

Coach (1): paranormal threat

Captain Bosnia: umm

Captain Bosnia: we don't really have that

Captain Bosnia: i guess voidspawn

Captain Bosnia: are sort of white wlakers

Captain Bosnia: but they're more of a mix of demons

Coach (1): what about demons

Captain Bosnia: they are basically the equivalent of demons

Coach (1): so

Coach (1): those are your demons?

Captain Bosnia: yes

Captain Bosnia: the legion is also being changed

Captain Bosnia: into a real faction

Captain Bosnia: otherworldy faction

Captain Bosnia: not demons

Captain Bosnia: but a real faction

Captain Bosnia: from somewhere else

Coach (1): with spaceships

Captain Bosnia: possibly portals

Captain Bosnia: but they will have

Captain Bosnia: necropoli

Coach (1): what happened

Coach (1): with your draenei

Captain Bosnia: they'll come into the story later on

Captain Bosnia: and play a crucial role

Coach (1): and they have

Coach (1): spaceships

Coach (1): this totally fits

Captain Bosnia: yes

Coach (1): in a mostly medieval universe

Coach (1): autistic

Captain Bosnia: what if i told you the universe was a mix of magic and sci-fi

Captain Bosnia: 12,000 years ago

Captain Bosnia: ?

Coach (1): wjat

Captain Bosnia: remember planetary reorigination?

Captain Bosnia: it's still a thing

Captain Bosnia: the titans have been renamed to outlanders (final name pending), they
came upon the world in the late stages of voidspawn infestation - they possess entire
civilizations and begin the creation/summoning of a giant ringworld that will tear open
a rift for the Great Void One to enter through and consume the world

Captain Bosnia: although what "consuming" the world relaly means is unknown

Captain Bosnia: physically or not

Captain Bosnia: so the titans banded together with a major surviving race of this cycle

Captain Bosnia: this all happened 12,000 years ago

Captain Bosnia: the race s known as <Fuckers>

Captain Bosnia: name pending

Captain Bosnia: all other modern races existed back in this time

Captain Bosnia: and were quite advacned

Captain Bosnia: the outlanders established contact with the fuckers who were natives
and thus knew the planet better

Captain Bosnia: and they organized a defense

Captain Bosnia: the outlanders however realized the ring was in the last stages of being
Captain Bosnia: so they began spreading troops to 5 key locations to bein the
construction of underground installations

Captain Bosnia: which will form the reorigination matrix

Captain Bosnia: they didn't tell the Fuckers about this

Captain Bosnia: and they also gathered refugees from other races they could find in
civilizations that hadn't been overrun

Captain Bosnia: (aka the modern humanoid races)

Captain Bosnia: a member of the outlanders felt morally obligated to tell the fuckers of
the plan

Captain Bosnia: to reoriginate the planet and wipe out life

Captain Bosnia: and they were offered to join the outlanders

Captain Bosnia: however tensions grew because this single outlander couldn't speak 4
his race

Captain Bosnia: and the Fuckers feared for their existence

Captain Bosnia: a war broke out between these 2

Captain Bosnia: it was a 3way fight

Captain Bosnia: Fuckers vs Outlanders vs Voidspawn

Captain Bosnia: planetary scale

Captain Bosnia: the outlanders won, of course, but were despearte in the end

Captain Bosnia: they had lost too much

Captain Bosnia: and the voidspawn were winning

Coach is now Away.

Captain Bosnia: their fleet sacrificed itself to severely damage the Ring

Captain Bosnia: and they seeded samples of the species they'd harvested across the

Captain Bosnia: naturally mindwiped

Captain Bosnia: so they'd recall nothing

Captain Bosnia: then the outlanders themselves retreated into the installations

Captain Bosnia: the surviving outlanders

Captain Bosnia: they turned the survivors of the Fuckers into automatons

Captain Bosnia: basically iron dwarves of the universe

Captain Bosnia: mindblanked servitors in suits of armor

Captain Bosnia: think big daddies

Captain Bosnia: but not malformed

Captain Bosnia: and with an outlander-designed branding technology/,magic to protect

against voidspawn possession (important 4 later on)

Captain Bosnia: an AI or possibly Multiple AIs were established during the course of
these years

Captain Bosnia: probably multiple Ais, 1 for each installation

Captain Bosnia: and the outlanders were sealed in

Captain Bosnia: and put into cryo chambers to sleep away the ages

Captain Bosnia: 2 Keepers, a sort of overseer rank, were established per installation

Captain Bosnia: the installations were activated

Captain Bosnia: and the planet was wiped

Captain Bosnia: of life

Captain Bosnia: this is hwer egastro and i disagree on how much life was wiped out

Captain Bosnia: sapient

Captain Bosnia: sapient + sentient

Captain Bosnia: or all

Captain Bosnia: if it's all then we need a method of renewing all life not just the few
Seeded races (modern humanoids)

Captain Bosnia: anyway

Captain Bosnia: in the story, which is set some 12,000 years after this

Captain Bosnia: the current status of the installations is grim

Captain Bosnia: their contact has somehow been cut off

Captain Bosnia: the 1 that kadrun is part of has been overrun by voidspawn

Captain Bosnia: i won't reveal what kadrun really is

Captain Bosnia: but he's probably the coolest character

Captain Bosnia: and also the last surviving AI has gone into a state of rampancy; the AIs
have been monitoring the planet and the development of civilizations over the millennia
and this will be the basis of the Encyclopedia book for the universe, like tolkien's
Silmarillion or The World of Ice and Fire for the ASOIAF universe, aka records by the AIs

Captain Bosnia: so it's both IC and legit

Captain Bosnia: anyway the plan of the AI is to prime the installations and reoriginate
the world because it believes it's doomed to fail; the other installations have not been
heard from and it has no faith in the mortal races stopping the voidspawn

Captain Bosnia: however it wants to seed the races again

Captain Bosnia: and upon the reorigination

Captain Bosnia: it wants to have a more palpable presence in their lives in the next cycle
and become their god

Captain Bosnia: and guide them more directly to efficiency so for the next inevitable
voidspawn invasion, the world will be ready and it won't have to come to reorigination

Captain Bosnia: this is the most world-changing plot so far, now you might ask how
Mathos and the draenei come into play, i won't write about that now because i've
already given you more than enough to read

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