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Establishment of a Cultivated Human Conjunctival

Epithelium as an Alternative Tissue Source for

Autologous Corneal Epithelial Transplantation
Hidetoshi Tanioka,1 Satoshi Kawasaki,1 Kenta Yamasaki,1 Leonard P. K. Ang,1,2
Noriko Koizumi,2 Takahiro Nakamura,1 Norihiko Yokoi,1 Aoi Komuro,1
Tsutomu Inatomi,1 and Shigeru Kinoshita1

PURPOSE. The corneal epithelium is essential for maintaining 3/12 or secretory mucin2,5,6 and is necessary for ocular surface
corneal transparency, and efforts have been made to develop homeostasis. In patients with severe ocular surface disorders
improved techniques for corneal epithelial transplantation in such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), ocular cicatricial pem-
patients with total limbal failure. We evaluated the suitability of phigoid (OCP), and chemical injuries, the corneal epithelium
transplanted cultivated human conjunctival epithelium (HCjE) may be destroyed and replaced by conjunctival epithelium
as a corneal epithelium replacement in rabbits with total cor- (conjunctivalization). The ocular surface is often inflamed, vas-
neal and limbal deficiency. cularized, opacified, and keratinized, and vision is severely
METHODS. HCjE cells, cultivated on human amniotic membrane compromised.
(AM) to confluence and exposed to an airliquid interface Cultivated corneal stem cells712 and oral epithelia1315
(air-lifted), were transplanted onto denuded rabbit corneas and transplantations are a newly developed surgical strategy in
monitored for 2 weeks. The cultivated HCjE sheet and the which to treat such pathologic conditions. Although these
engrafted epithelium were analyzed by immunohistochemistry treatments were reported to be effective in applying regener-
and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). ative medicine, several problems remain. For example, tissue
RESULTS. The transplanted HCjE remained transparent, smooth, transplantation from allogeneic donors carries the risk of re-
and without epithelial defects during the follow-up period. jection and may require postoperative immunosuppressive
Both the cultivated HCjE cells and the engrafted epithelium therapy that can induce severe systemic and local side effects.
manifested five to six layers of stratified squamous epithelium The longevity of cultivated corneal and oral mucosal epithe-
similar in morphology to normal corneal epithelium. The basal lium remains to be investigated.
cells expressed the putative stem cell markers (ABCG2 and In addition to corneal and oral mucosal epithelium, con-
P63) and hemidesmosome and desmosome component pro- junctival epithelium is a third epithelial cell source that can be
teins. The cytokeratins (CK4, CK13, CK3, and CK12) and cultivated to be transplanted for ocular surface reconstruction.
MUC4 were found in the engrafted epithelium. However, Among all stratified epithelial tissues in the body, these cells
MUC5AC was not expressed. The results indicate that HCjE are most akin biologically to corneal epithelial cells. Therefore,
cultivated on AM has the potential to be used as an alternative conjunctival epithelial cells transplanted onto the corneal
corneal epithelium. surface may serve some of the functions of corneal epithelial
cells. As the transplantation of cultivated human conjuncti-
CONCLUSIONS. The transplantation of cultivated HCjE sheets is a
val epithelial cells (HCjE) succeeded in reconstructing the
promising technique for the treatment of eyes with limbal
conjunctiva of patients with various ocular surface conditions,
failure. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2006;47:3820 3827) DOI:
e.g., pterygium,16 20 we postulated that cultivated HCjE sheets
could be transplanted onto the corneal surface.
To test our hypothesis, we cultured HCjE on human amni-
T he ocular surface is covered by at least two different types
of epithelia: corneal and conjunctival.1 4 These two epi-
thelial tissues are indispensable in keeping homeostasis of the
otic membrane (AM) and transplanted them onto denuded
rabbit corneas. The transplanted HCjE were well-maintained
and remained clear and smooth during the postoperative pe-
eye by expressing various specific genes such as cytokeratin riod. Histologic and immunohistochemical analyses revealed
that the engrafted epithelium shared the morphology and char-
acteristics of corneal epithelium, suggesting that cultivated
From the 1Department of Ophthalmology, Kyoto Prefectural Uni- HCjE may represent a viable alternative to replace damaged
versity of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan; and the 2Singapore National Eye corneal epithelium.
Center, Singapore.
Supported by Grant-in-Aid 16390502 for scientific research from
the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of Japan.
Submitted for publication March 18, 2006; revised April 27, 2006; METHODS
accepted July 14, 2006.
Disclosure: H. Tanioka, None; S. Kawasaki, None; K. Ya- Human Subjects
masaki, None; L.P.K. Ang, None; N. Koizumi, None; T. Nakamura,
None; N. Yokoi, None; A. Komuro, None; T. Inatomi, None; S. This research was approved by the Committee for Ethical Issues on
Kinoshita, None Human Research of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine and
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. Normal conjunc-
charge payment. This article must therefore be marked advertise-
tival tissues were obtained from patients with conjunctivochalasis.
ment in accordance with 18 U.S.C. 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
Corresponding author: Hidetoshi Tanioka, Department of Oph- Human AM was harvested at the time of Cesarean section and pro-
thalmology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, 465 Kajii-cho, cessed by previously reported methods.21 The procedures were care-
Hirokoji-agaru, Kawaramachi-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, 602-0841, Ja- fully explained to all donors, and their prior informed consent for use
pan: of their tissue was obtained.

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, September 2006, Vol. 47, No. 9
3820 Copyright Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

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IOVS, September 2006, Vol. 47, No. 9 Autologous Tissues Source for Corneal Transplantation 3821

Primary Culture of HCjE Cells

The cells were cultured according to a slightly modified, previously
reported system.22 Briefly, denuded human AM was placed on a porous
support membrane (Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA) with the epithelial
basement membrane side up. The membrane was then introduced into
wells of a six-well culture plate containing mitomycin-treated feeder
cells (NIH 3T3; American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA) to
achieve a dual-chamber culture. After a 1-hr incubation with 1.2 IU
dispase (Roche, Tokyo, Japan), the human conjunctival epithelium
(the area of this conjunctival source was 15 mm2) was removed from
the underlying stroma by mechanical scraping and further dissociated
by digestion with 0.1% Trypsin-EDTA. The HCjE cells were then seeded
on the upper chamber of the culture system and grown according to
a three-step culture regimen. Until they reached confluence (6 8
days), the cells were grown in low-calcium medium (Defined Keratin-
ocyte-SFM; Invitrogen, Tokyo, Japan) containing 2% FBS. After reach-
ing confluence, they were grown for 7 days in high-calcium medium
(mixture of Defined Keratinocyte-SFM and DMEM/F12/10% FBS at a
ratio of 1:1) to promote differentiation. They were then exposed to air
by decreasing the volume of the medium (air-lifting) over the course of
1 week to promote epithelial integrity. All cultures were incubated at
37C in a 5% CO2-95% air incubator. The medium was changed every
day or every other day.

Conjunctival Epithelium Transplantation onto

Rabbit Corneas
At all times, the rabbits were housed and treated in accordance with
the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision
Research. All experimental procedures were approved by the Commit-
tee for Animal Research of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.
Using eight Japanese white rabbits weighing 2.4 to 2.8 kg (OBS,
Kyoto, Japan), we performed superficial lamellar keratectomy to re-
move the entire corneal epithelium. To ensure complete removal of
the limbal epithelium, we surgically excised the entire limbal epithe-
lium and surrounding conjunctival tissue up to 2 mm from the limbus FIGURE 1. Cell culture of HCjE and transplantation into rabbit cornea.
from one eye, down to the bare sclera. The cultured HCjE sheets were
transplanted onto the denuded ocular surface to completely cover the
resected area and were sutured in place with 10-0 nylon (8 12 sutures
Immunostaining and Light-Microscopic Analysis
per sheet). The graft was then covered with a soft contact lens secured
with four peripheral anchoring sutures. Finally, tarsorrhaphy was per- Tissue sections (8 m) were placed on glass slides and subjected to
formed with 6-0 nylon sutures (Fig. 1B). After surgery, the rabbits were hematoxylin staining or indirect-immunostaining analysis. Briefly, the
treated with topical antibiotics (0.3% ofloxacin ointment; Santen Phar- sections were fixed with Zambonis fixative or acetone (4C, 5 min-
maceutical Co., Ltd, Osaka, Japan), triamcinolone acetonide (0.2 mL utes), immersed for 1 hour in blocking solution (1% BSA in 0.01M PBS),
injected subconjunctivally; Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., Tokyo, Japan), and treated with primary antibody solutions (Table 1) and normal
and systemic antibiotics (10 mg gentamicin/rabbit, delivered intramus- mouse IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b (Dako Cytomation Kyoto, Japan), and
cularly [IM]; Nacalai Tesque Inc. Kyoto, Japan). They also received a goat IgG (Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc., Santa Cruz, CA) as the nega-
daily IM injection of 0.2 mg/kg of the immunosuppressant agent tive controls. After a 1-hour incubation, the sections were washed with
FK50623 (Astellas Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) to inhibit a possible zeno- 0.01 M PBS and then treated with fluorescent secondary antibody
geneic reaction or nonspecific inflammation. solutions (Alexa-488-labeled anti-mouse IgG or anti-rabbit IgG; Invitro-
gen, Carlsbad, CA). After 1-hour incubation, the sections were washed
with 0.01 M PBS and mounted with medium containing an anti-
Slit Lamp Examination photobleaching reagent (3% Dabco; Wako Pure Chemical Industries
On the day of transplantation and on the 4th and 14th postoperative Ltd., Osaka, Japan). Fluorescent images of the sections were inspected
days, the ocular surface of the eight transplant recipients was exam- and photographed with a confocal laser scanning microscope (TCS-
ined and photographed with a slit lamp biomicroscope (SL-1600; SP2; Leica, Tokyo, Japan). Unless otherwise stated, all incubations
Nidek Co., Ltd., Aithi, Japan). were at room temperature.

Tissue Preparation Transmission Electron Microscopic Examination

Engrafted tissues were removed from the eyes of eight rabbits killed 14 Specimens were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M PB, washed 3
days after transplantation. In vivo conjunctival tissues, cultivated HCjE times in PB, and postfixed for 1 hour in 2% aqueous osmium tetroxide.
cells, and transplanted conjunctival tissues were divided into two They were then passed through a graded ethanol series, transferred to
portions, one of which was embedded in optimal cutting temperature propylene oxide, and embedded in Epon-812 (TAAB, Berkshire,
compound (Tissue-Tek; Sakura Fine Technical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) England). Ultrathin sections were cut and stained with uranyl acetate
and snap frozen with liquid nitrogen for immunostaining analysis. The and lead citrate before examination under a TEM (H-7000; Hitachi,
other portion was processed for electron microscopy (EM). Tokyo, Japan).

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3822 Tanioka et al. IOVS, September 2006, Vol. 47, No. 9

TABLE 1. Antibodies Used in the Study

Type of Immunized
Group Antigen Dilution Antibody Animal Company* Annotation

Putative stem cell markers ABCG2 40 (Mo) M Kamiya ATP-binding cassette transporter
p63 100 (Mo) M Santa Cruz p53 homologous protein
Adhesion molecule Laminin5 100 (Mo) M Chemicon Hemidesmosome component protein
Integrin 6 100 (Mo) M Cymbus Hemidesmosome component protein
Integrin 4 100 (Mo) M Chemicon Hemidesmosome component protein
Desmoplakin 1 (Mo) M Progen Desmosome component protein
Nuclei Human nuclei 30 (Mo) M Chemicon Possible to distinguish human cells from
other animal cells
Cytokeratin CK3 50 (Mo) M Progen Major cytokeratin in corneal epithelium
CK4 100 (Mo) M Novocastra Major cytokeratin in nonkeratinizing
mucosal epithelium
CK12 100 (Po) G Santa Cruz Major cytokeratin in corneal epithelium
CK13 200 (Mo) M Novocastra Major cytokeratin in nonkeratinizing
mucosal epithelium
Mutin MUC4 50 (Mo) M Zymed A membrane-bound mucin
MUC5AC 100 (Mo) M Novocastra Secreted mucin/goblet cell mucin

Mo, monoclonal; Po, polyclonal; M, mouse; G, goat.

* Kamiya: Kamiya Biomedical Company, Seattle, WA; Santa Cruz: Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc., Santa Cruz, CA; Chemicon: CHEMICON
International Inc., Temecula, CA; Symbus: Symbus Biotechnology LTD, Hampshire, UK; Progen: PROGEN Biotechnik GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany;
Novocastra: Novocastra Laboratories Ltd, Newcastle, UK; Zymed: ZYMED Laboratories Inc., South San Francisco, CA.

RESULTS cells (Fig. 2C). Thus, they were similar to in vivo corneal
epithelium (Fig. 2B). The TEM examination revealed many
Analysis of HCjE Sheets microvilli on the surface of the superficial cells (Fig. 2E),
HCjE sheets, grown on AM for 3 weeks, manifested five to six desmosomes at intercellular junctions (Fig. 2F), and hemides-
layers of well-stratified epithelium (Fig. 2A, 2D) without goblet mosomes on the basal side of the basal cells (Fig. 2G).

FIGURE 2. Histologic examination of HCjE cells grown on human amniotic membrane. Cultivated human conjunctival epithelium and in vivo
corneal- and conjunctival epithelium were examined by light microscopy (AC: semithin section stained with toluidine blue) or transmission
electron microscopy (DG). The cultivated epithelium was five to six layers thick (A, D) and exhibited typical microvilli (E), and desmosome- (F)
and hemidesmosome (G) formation.

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IOVS, September 2006, Vol. 47, No. 9 Autologous Tissues Source for Corneal Transplantation 3823

FIGURE 3. Expression of putative markers for stem/progenitor cells and epithelial adhesion molecules in the cultivated HCjE. (A) In vivo human
limbal epithelium (Aa, Ab), in vivo HCjE (Ac, Ad), and cultivated HCjE (Ae, Af) were immunostained (green) with ABCG2 (Aa, Ac, Ae) or p63
(Ab, Ad, Af) and counterstained with propidium iodide (red). (B) In vivo HCjE (Ba, Bb, Bc, Bd) and cultivated HCjE (Be, Bf, Bg, Bh) were
immunostained (green) with laminin5 (Ba, Be), integrin 6 (Bb, Bf), integrin 4 (Bc, Bg), or desmoplakin (Bd, Bh) and counterstained with
propidium iodide (red).

Frozen sections of in vivo ocular tissues and cultivated HCjE ified squamous epithelium, rendering it morphologically simi-
were subjected to indirect immunostaining analysis. The basal lar to normal corneal epithelium (Figs. 5AD). We observed no
cells of the cultivated HCjE sheets expressed the putative stem goblet cells in the engrafted epithelium. As the grafts stained
cell markers ABCG2 and p63 (Fig. 3AaAf); their expression positive for the anti-human nuclei antibody that specifically
patterns were almost identical with those of in vivo limbal reacts with human tissue,24,25 we were able to confirm that the
epithelium. The hemidesmosome component proteins laminin epithelial cells on the rabbit corneas were of human origin
5 and integrin 64 were restricted to the interface between (Fig. 5E).
the basal cells and the AM. Desmoplakin, a desmosome-associ-
ated protein, was expressed at cell cell borders. These expres-
sion patterns were almost identical with those of in vivo HCjE Histologic and EM Appearance of the Engrafted
(Fig. 3BgBn). Conjunctival Epithelium
Transplantation of Cultivated HCjE Sheets The engrafted epithelium consisted of five to six well-stratified
Cultivated HCjE sheets were successfully transplanted onto the layers harboring cuboidal or columnar basal cells, winged su-
cornea of all eight rabbits. The transplanted conjunctival epi- prabasal cells, and flattened squamous superficial cells (Fig.
thelium completely covered all corneas and remained transpar- 6A). There were many microvilli on the surface of the super-
ent, smooth, and devoid of epithelial defects during the 2-week ficial cells. Tight junction-like structures were present at the
postoperative observation period (Fig. 4). The transplanted cell cell border of the superficial cells (Fig. 6B), and desmo-
HCjE was well-maintained on the recipients corneal surface; somes were at the intercellular regions of the epithelial cells
there were no instances of graft retraction or dislodgement. (Fig. 6C). Hemidesmosomes were seen at the basal cell-AM
The engrafted epithelium manifested five to six layers of strat- substrate junction zone (Fig. 6D).

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3824 Tanioka et al. IOVS, September 2006, Vol. 47, No. 9

Although MUC4 and MUC5AC were expressed by HCjE in vivo
(Figs. 7A, 7D), neither cultivated nor engrafted HCjE cells
stained positive for MUC5AC (Figs. 7E, 7F). In vitro cultivated
HCjEs did not express MUC4, but engrafted HCjE was found to
express MUC4 (Figs. 7B, 7C). CK4/13, normally expressed in
conjunctival epithelium, was present in the cultivated HCjE
sheets (Figs. 7GL). In vivo conjunctival epithelium contained
a few CK3/12-positive cells, as did cultivated and engrafted
HCjE (Figs. 7MR).

We established a method for the culture of well-stratified con-
junctival epithelium on human AM. The epithelial sheets we
obtained exhibited high physical integrity, were well main-
tained after transplantation onto denuded rabbit corneas, and
contributed to corneal transparency. Our results suggest that it
may be possible to use these epithelial sheets for corneal
epithelial replacement in patients with various ocular surface
It was initially intended in this study to culture rabbit con-
junctival epithelial cells for transplantation onto rabbit corneas
FIGURE 4. HCjE grafted onto the denuded rabbit cornea. The en- because this procedure is apparently free of undesirable xeno-
grafted HCjE was inspected just after transplantation (A, B) and 4 (C, geneic rejection. However, the decision was made to trans-
D) and 14 days (E, F) after transplantation. The engrafted HCjE was plant the cultivated HCjE sheets onto rabbit corneas for the
devoid of epithelial defects at all observation points. following reasons. First, the optimal culture conditions for
rabbit and human cells are reportedly different.15,26,27 Consid-

FIGURE 5. Light microscopy of the

engrafted tissue and distribution of
human epithelial cells on the graft. At
2 weeks, the engrafted epithelium
demonstrated five to six layers of
stratified squamous epithelium simi-
lar to normal corneal epithelium (A
C). (D) Conjunctiva of the recipient.
No goblet cells were visible in the
grafted epithelium (B, C). The en-
grafted cornea (E) stained positively
with anti-human nuclei antibody
(green). Normal human cornea (F)
and rabbit cornea (G) served as pos-
itive and negative controls, respec-
tively. The nuclei were counter-
stained with propidium iodide (red).
() Suture track.

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IOVS, September 2006, Vol. 47, No. 9 Autologous Tissues Source for Corneal Transplantation 3825

FIGURE 6. Transmission electron

microscopy of the engrafted tissue.
(A) Transmission electron micros-
copy at low magnification; (B) mi-
crovilli (arrowhead), tight junction
(arrow); (C) desmosome (arrow);
(D) hemidesmosome.

ering that our final goal is to translate our data to clinical expression in the engrafted HCjE. MUC5AC was not found to
treatment, it is crucial to determine the optimal culture condi- be expressed in the goblet cells of conjunctival epithelium37,38
tion for making well-stratified HCjE epithelial sheets which in either cultivated- or engrafted HCjE, although a series of
share sufficient physical integrity to tolerate intra- and postop- contiguous sections were inspected. Considering the previous
erative surgical stress. Second, if cultivated rabbit conjunctival report that approximately 500 goblet cells exist in a 1-mm2
epithelium is transplanted onto rabbit corneas, it is difficult to section of conjunctival epithelium,39 7500 goblet cells may
discriminate between transplanted and migrated host-derived exist in the initial period of cultivation. However, no goblet
cells. In contrast, a great advantage of this experimental system cells were identified, both in cultivated HCjE at the end stage
was that the use of a specific antibody to human nuclei24,25 of the culture and engrafted HCjE at 2 weeks after surgery. This
made it possible to identify which cells were of human origin. suggests that our culture conditions did not support goblet cell
To ensure complete removal of the limbal and corneal differentiation in culture or after transplantation.
epithelium, superficial lamellar keratectomy as well as com- We recently reported that similar to corneal epithelial cells,
plete limbectomy down to bare sclera was performed. Al- as many as 1% of conjunctival epithelial cells are CK3/12
though we could not confirm that all the rabbit epithelial cells positive.40 We postulate that the CK3/12-positive cells in the
were removed, the expression of human-specific antibodies in engrafted HCjE derived from the resected conjunctiva and
the epithelial sheet helped to confirm that the epithelial cov- were maintained in our culture system. We documented else-
ering was truly from the donor human tissue. where41 that the expression of thrombospondin-1, an inhibitor
For the transplantation of HCjE to be successful, the culti- of vascularization, was much higher in corneal than conjunc-
vated sheet must possess structural integrity. The normal cor- tival epithelium. As the expression level of this gene by CK3/
neal epithelium features desmosomes at the cell cell interface, 12-positive cells in the engrafted HCjE was similar to the level
and their presence contributes to its structural integrity. seen in corneal epithelium, it may contribute to the inhibition
Hemidesmosomes at the basal cell surface serve to attach the of corneal neovascularization.
basal cells to the underlying basement membrane. We demon- In patients with unilateral chemical or thermal injury, the
strated that desmosome-associated (desmoplakin),28 hemides- conventional repair by limbal autografts from the contralateral
mosome-associated (integrin 64),29 and basement mem- eye requires 3 to 6 hours, and this may inflict iatrogenic limbal
brane-associated (laminin 5)30,31 proteins were present in the stem cell deficiency on the donor eye. The transplantation of
cultivated HCjE sheets. Furthermore, as in the corneal limbus, autologous cultivated limbal stem cells has yielded promising
basal cells in the HCjE sheets expressed the putative stem cell results and requires the harvest of much less tissue, thereby
markers ABCG2 and p63,32,33 suggesting that they possess the reducing the risk of iatrogenic injury to the donor eye.8,42,43 To
structural and regenerative characteristics of corneal and lim- treat bilateral ocular surface disorders such as SJS, our group
bal epithelium.34 has reported allogeneic transplantation7 or more recently, au-
MUC4, one of the mucin core proteins secreted from the tologous cultivated oral epithelial transplantation, as promising
surface of in vivo conjunctival epithelium,6,35 was not ex- treatment options.14,15 We now add cultivated autologous con-
pressed in the cultivated HCjE cells, although it was expressed junctival epithelial transplantation for corneal epithelial re-
in the engrafted HCjE. In rats fed a retinoic acid depleted diet, placement as a promising new modality to treat severe ocular
the expression of mucin genes by the ocular surface epithe- surface disorders. It may be safer than the conventional meth-
lium was decreased.36 Therefore, it is possible that the culti- ods currently used, and immunologically, it is superior to
vated HCjE failed to express MUC4 because the culture me- allogeneic transplantation. From a cytological point of view,
dium lacked this solute factor. Alternatively, retinoic acid autologous conjunctival epithelium represents a better alterna-
present in rabbit tears may have led to the recovery of MUC4 tive than oral mucosal epithelium for corneal epithelial replace-

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3826 Tanioka et al. IOVS, September 2006, Vol. 47, No. 9

FIGURE 7. Immunohistochemical ex-

amination of the engrafted epithelium.
In vivo HCjE (A, D, G, J, M, P), culti-
vated HCjE (B, E, H, K, N, Q), and
engrafted epithelium (C, F, I, L, O, R)
were immunostained (green) with
(GI), CK13 (JL), CK3 (MO), or
CK12 (PR) and counterstained with
propidium iodide (red).

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