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8-Week Powerbuilding DUP

Begin by inputting your working max numbers for Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift in the bottom left corner. The progra
for you, so just train accordingly. If you are unable to complete the sets/reps listed in the program, lower the max numbe
However, most of the accessory movements are replaceable/negligible. For example, if you feel that Bent-over Rows suit
ups, go ahead and make that replacement. Also, the sets/reps listed in the program for the accessory movements are not
better compliment your training.

AMRAP/Weekly Max
You must do an AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) set for the High Volume Block (Weeks 1-3) proceeding your regular
presented in the working sets for those days and record the reps performed in the "AMRAP set" area of the program. For
80%1RM after 6x4@80% on Week 1. Afterwards, proceed to your Deadlift at 2x4@82.5%. Then, do an AMRAP set for D
your workout with accessory exercises. You must do a Weekly Max set for the High Intensity Block (Weeks 4-6). This is d
Perform one rep with the weight calculated in "Weekly Max" area of the program.

Weekly Volume
The goal of weightraining is to increase overall volume over time (Unless you are peaking for a meet). Take this into cons
These calculations will help guide you through your training journey.

I personally find that I can only push myself to train hard for a 6-week period. Therefore, I included a deload week after
deload. You may do so by following what is listed in the program, just taking a whole week off from training, or however

Testing 1RM
Testing your new 1RM (working max) may be done proceeding the program, before the deload.
lding DUP
bottom left corner. The program will auto-generate your working set numbers
program, lower the max numbers (5-10lb). All of the main lifts must be done.
u feel that Bent-over Rows suite your training much better than Weighted Pull-
e accessory movements are not set in stone. Please feel free to change it to

ly Max
1-3) proceeding your regular working sets on Days 5, 6. Use the weight that is
P set" area of the program. For ex. you will do an AMRAP set for squats with
%. Then, do an AMRAP set for Deadlift with 82.5%1RM. Then you may finish
ity Block (Weeks 4-6). This is done before the working sets for Days 5, 6.

for a meet). Take this into consideration especially in the offseason training.

I included a deload week after both training blocks. There are many ways to
k off from training, or however you feel suites your recovery period.

8 Week Powerbuilding DUP
Starting Date High Volume Block
Intro Week Week 1
Day Exercises Sets x Reps Weight Sets x Reps Weight
Squat 3x8x70% 375 4x8x72.5% 390
Deadlift 2x8x70% 410 2x8x75% 425
Bicep Exercise 3x8 4x8
Calf Exercise 3x10 4x10
Bench Press 3x8x70% 265 4x8x72.5% 275
Weighted Pull-up 3x8 4x8
OHP 3x6 4x6
Tricep Exercise 3x8 4x8
Squat 3x6x75% 400 5x6x77.5% 415
Deadlift 2x6x75% 440 2x6x77.5% 455
Bicep Exercise 3x8 4x8
Rear Delt 3x10 3x12
Bench Press 3x6x75% 285 5x6x77.5% 295
Pendlay Row 3x8 4x8
Incline Dumbbell Fly 3x10 4x10
Tricep Exercise 3x8 4x8
Squat 3x4x77.5% 415 6x4x80% 430
Deadlift 2x4x77.5% 455 2x4x82.5% 485
Bicep Exercise 3x5 4x5
Core Exercise 3x5/3x12 3x5/3x12
Bench Press 3x4x77.5% 295 6x4x82.5% 315
CG Bench 3x8 4x8
Saturday Weighted Pull-up 3x5 4x5
Seal Row 3x10 3x12
Side Lateral Raises 3x10 3x12
AMRAP Set Bench Press
Working Max Weekly Volume Weekly Volume
Squat 535 Squat 21180 Squat 35250
Bench Press 380 Bench Press 15030 Bench Press 25210
Deadlift 585 Deadlift 15480 Deadlift 16140
ng DUP
High Volume Block
Week 2 Week 3
Sets x Reps Weight Sets x Reps Weight
4x8xWeek1+10lb #NAME? 5x8xWeek2+5lb 405
2x8xWeek1+10lb #NAME? 3x8xWeek2+10lb 445
5x8 5x8
5x10 5x12
4x8xWeek1+5lb 280 5x8xWeek2+5lb 285
5x8 5x8
5x6 5x6
5x8 5x8
5x6xWeek1+10lb #NAME? 6x6xWeek2+5lb 430
2x6xWeek1+10lb #NAME? 3x6xWeek2+10lb 475
5x8 5x8
4x10 4x12
5x6xWeek1+5lb 300 5x6xWeek2+5lb 305
5x8 5x8
5x10 5x10
5x8 5x8
6x4xWeek1+10lb 440 7x4xWeek2+5lb 445
3x4xWeek1+10lb 495 3x4xWeek2+10lb 505
5x5 5x5
3x5/3x12 3x5/3x12
6x4xWeek1+5lb 320 6x4xWeek2+5lb 325
5x8 5x8
5x5 5x5
4x10 4x12
4x10 4x12
Squat Squat
Bench Press Bench Press
Deadlift Deadlift
Weekly Volume Weekly Volume
Squat 36110 Squat 44140
Bench Press 25640 Bench Press 28350
Deadlift 18480 Deadlift 25290
8 Week Powerbuilding DUP
Starting Date High Intensity Block
Week 4 Week 5
Day Exercises Sets x Reps Weight Sets x Reps Weight
Squat 3x5x82.5% 435 4x5xWeek5+10lb #NAME?
Deadlift 2x5x85% 495 2x5xWeek5+10lb #NAME?
Bicep Exercise 5x5 5x5
Calf Exercise 3x8 4x8
Bench Press 3x5x82.5% 300 4x5xWeek5+5lb 305
Weighted Pull-up 4x5 5x5
OHP 5x4 5x4
Tricep Exercise 4x6 4x6
Squat 3x3x87.5% 465 5x3xWeek5+5lb #NAME?
Deadlift 2x3x90% 525 2x3xWeek5+5lb #NAME?
Bicep Exercise 3x8 4x8
Rear Delt 3x8 4x8
Bench Press 3x3x87% 320 5x3xWeek5+5lb 325
Pendlay Row 3x6 4x6
Incline Dumbbell Fly 3x8 4x8
Tricep Exercise 3x5 4x5
Squat 5x2x90% 475 5x2xWeek5+5lb #NAME?
Deadlift 2x2x92.5% 540 3x2xWeek5+5lb #NAME?
Bicep Exercise 3x5 4x5
Core Exercise 3x5/3x12 3x5/3x12
Paused Bench Press 5x2x85% 310 5x2xWeek5+5lb 315
CG Bench 4x5 4x5
Saturday Weighted Pull-up 5x3 5x3
Seal Row 3x8 4x8
Side Lateral Raises 3x8 4x8
Squat #NAME? Squat #NAME?
Weekly Max Bench Press #NAME? Bench Press #NAME?
Deadlift #NAME? Deadlift #NAME?
Working Max Weekly Volume Weekly Volume
Squat 530 Squat 15965 Squat 21260
Bench Press 365 Bench Press 10825 Bench Press 14475
Deadlift 585 Deadlift 10815 Deadlift 12060
ng DUP
igh Intensity Block
Week 6 Deload Week
Sets x Reps Weight Sets x Reps Weight
5x5xWeek6+5lb #NAME? 3x5x65% 345
2x5xWeek6+5lb #NAME? 2x5x65% 380
5x5 x
5x8 x
5x5xWeek6+5lb 310 3x5x65% 235
5x5 3x5
6x4 x
5x6 x
5x3xWeek6+5lb #NAME? 4x3x72.5% 385
3x3xWeek6+5lb #NAME? 3x3x72.5% 425
5x8 x
5x8 x
5x3xWeek6x5lb 330 4x3x72.5 265
5x6 3x6
5x8 x
5x5 x
6x2xWeek6+5lb #NAME? 5x2x75% 400
3x2xWeek6+5lb #NAME? 3x2x75% 440
5x5 x
3x5/3x12 x
6x2xWeek6+5lb 320 5x2x75% 275
5x5 x
6x3 x
5x8 x
5x8 x
Squat #NAME?
Bench Press #NAME?
Deadlift #NAME?
Weekly Volume Weekly Volume
Squat 24710 Squat 13795
Bench Press 16895 Bench Press 9455
Deadlift 13780 Deadlift 10265

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