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Institute of Graduate Studies

Urdaneta, Pangasinan

EM 107 Monitoring and Evaluation of Education Systems

Christopher D. Espero


a. Shared Vision and Goals

Shared vision and goals involves:

unity of purpose involving a consensus on values

consistency of practice in which adopting a particular approach to school
curriculum guidelines and to discipline has a positive impact on the progress of pupils
collegiality and collaboration.

b. Purposeful Teaching

Purposeful teaching involves:

efficient organization
clarity of purpose
structured lessons
adaptive practice

c. High Expectations

High expectations of all learners involves:

all teachers taking an active role in supporting and monitoring students' progress in literacy
communicating expectations about literacy achievement levels for all students
providing students with intellectual challenge.

d. Learning Communities

Learning communities include:

school-based staff development

parental involvement in their children's learning.

e. Accountability

Accountability involves:

a focus on improved student outcomes in literacy

continually examining the evidence of students' progress in literacy
exploring, documenting and reviewing over time innovative solutions for responding to diverse student
needs to improve literacy outcomes.
f. Stimulating and secure learning environment

Stimulating and secure learning environments involve:

raising student self esteem

clear, consistent and fair discipline
immediate, direct and positive student feedback
conveying trust in students and setting standards of mature behavior
an orderly atmosphere
an attractive and challenging working environment.

g. Professional leadership

Professional leadership involves:

a firm and purposeful approach

a participative approach
being a leading professional - involvement in and knowledge of what goes on in classrooms.

h. Focus on Learning and Teaching

Focus on teaching and learning involves:

maximisation of learning time

emphasis on rigour
focus on achievement.


Supervision serves an educative and supportive function. It is an opportunity to raise professional issues
and gain further expertise. Supervision allows an individual to learn from their own experiences in working with
consumers, review and debrief approaches to recovery-oriented support practices, and ensure that service delivery
is following best practice standards. The supervisor must have skills to facilitate regular and systematic supervision.
Supervision can be facilitated by an individual, in a group setting or in a triad, with an additional facilitator, to suit
the size and culture of the organization. Group supervision may be a more feasible option for smaller or rural

Mentoring can be defined as either an informal or formal process and can be an important professional
development tool for staff, including for managers. Informal mentoring develops on its own between the individual
staff member and desired mentor, and formal mentoring involves allocation of a mentor. Both processes can be
encouraged and supported by the work place. Mentoring can be provided by someone from within the organization
or an external person. This person may be engaged in the relevant field of practice or involved in a separate field.
The mentor provides counsel, insight and guidance and acts as a sounding board for ideas and decisions that
relate to the mentees career. A mentor can provide advice in professional development strategies, planning career
goals, establishing contacts in the field of interest, feedback and exchange of ideas. The idea of a mentor is
someone with qualities that appeal to the individuals sensibilities and professional objectives, be they skills,
expertise or shared vision. The individual is taken under the wing of the mentor and helped to reach their career
goals and make networks. This relationship can be ongoing and a point of reference throughout that individuals

Coaching is a method of improving individual or team performance through direction and instruction in
order to learn a particular skill or work towards a set goal. It usually involves an external expert or coach who is
bought in to work on a particular issue. This can be achieved through workshops, seminars and supervised
practice. As applied in the mental health field, the key to coaching is the focus on ones goals and vision.


Evaluation is vital to assess program effectiveness and to support continuous program improvement. Determining
the right effectiveness measures will depend on the type of re-engagement program. For example:

completion of a qualification (and/or individual units within a qualification) would be an important measure
for a senior secondary re-engagement program
successful re-engagement with school would be a more appropriate measure for a short-term program
targeting primary age students.

Given the nature of re-engagement programs in providing tailored responses to the individual learning needs and
life circumstances of disengaged or at-risk students, it is appropriate that a range of measures and data sources
are used to assess program effectiveness.

The Elements of Quality Programs provide a basis for a comprehensive evaluation of programs that addresses
educational outcomes, and indicators of quality program delivery such as student participation and family

Indicators of effective evaluation of re-engagement programs include:

the programs progress against its objectives is evaluated at least annually

evaluation is comprehensive and includes a focus on:
educational outcomes (in terms of achievement against individual learning plans and attainment of
qualifications where appropriate)
student engagement in the program (including attendance and discipline issues)
presenting issues of students and links to necessary supports
destinations of students and effectiveness of transition support
student, family and teacher satisfaction with the program
student, parent and teacher views on the program are sought as part of evaluation
program evaluation is used to inform continuous program improvement.

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