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Quaternary Geochronology 41 (2017) 180e186

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Charcoal chronology of the Amazon forest: A record of biodiversity

preserved by ancient res
Ana Carolina Goulart a, Kita D. Macario a, *, Rita Scheel-Ybert b, Eduardo Q. Alves a, c,
Caroline Bachelet b, Bruna B. Pereira a, Carolina Levis d, e, Ben Hur Marimon Junior f,
Beatriz S. Marimon f, Carlos Alberto Quesada d, Ted R. Feldpausch d, f, g
Laboratorio de Radiocarbono, Instituto de Fsica, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Av. Gal. Milton Tavares de Souza s/n, 24210-346 Nitero
i, RJ, Brazil
Departamento de Antropologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista s/n, 20940-040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, University of Oxford, Dyson Perrins Building, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QY, United Kingdom
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazo ^nia (INPA), Av. Ephig^enio Sales 2239, 69011-970 Manaus, AM, Brazil
Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen 6708 PB, The Netherlands
Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, Programa de Po s-graduaa~o em Ecologia e Conservaa~o, Nova Xavantina, MT, Brazil
Geography, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive Amory Building, Exeter EX4 4RJ, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Amazon region holds a wide variety of ethnic groups and microclimates, enabling different in-
Received 2 June 2016 teractions between humans and environment. To better understand the evolution of this region, ancient
Received in revised form remains need to be analysed by all possible means. In this context, the study of natural and/or anthro-
24 April 2017
pogenic res through the analysis of carbonized remains can give information on past climate, species
Accepted 25 April 2017
Available online 26 April 2017
diversity, and human intervention in forests and landscapes. In the present work, we undertook an
anthracological analysis along with the 14C dating of charcoal fragments using accelerator mass spec-
trometry (AMS). Charcoal samples from forest soils collected from seven different locations in the
Amazon Basin were taxonomically classied and dated. Out of the 16 groups of charcoal fragments
AMS identied, ve contained more than one taxonomic type, with the Fabaceae, Combretaceae and Sap-
Anthracology otaceae families having the highest frequencies. 14C charcoal dates span ~6000 years (from 6876 to
Ancient res 365 yr BP) among different families, with the most signicant variation observed for two fragments from
Charcoal the same sampling location (spanning 4000 14C yr). Some sample sets resulted in up to ve different
Biodiversity families. These ndings demonstrate the importance of the association between anthracological iden-
tication and radiocarbon dating in the reconstruction of paleo-forest composition and re history.
2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 1992). However, evidence has emerged pointing to the existence

of complex and sedentary societies in some regions of Amazonia
The rainforests of South America present unique environmental (Neves, 2005). This has led to debate into the onset, extent, and
features and their central role in the regulation of Earth's climate is timescale of the early impact of humans in the area, including the
currently widely recognized (e.g. Lenton et al., 2008). A complex set frequency of re, both as a tool and applied accidentally (Willis
of physical, chemical, and environmental characteristics in Ama- et al., 2004; Heckenberger et al., 2007; Denevan, 2011; Levis
zonia has allowed some of the most diverse forms of life to ourish. et al., 2012). In some areas, populations modied their surround-
The Amazon Basin has undergone climate variation that has ing environment according to their needs, leaving behind testi-
affected forest extent and composition (Wang et al., 2017). monies to their occupation, such as domesticated species, artefacts,
For many years, it was thought that Amazonia was relatively and Anthropogenic Dark Earth soils (Terra Preta de Indio) (e.g.
unaffected by humans prior to the arrival of Europeans (Denevan, Clement, 1999; Petersen et al., 2001; Neves et al., 2003, 2004).
Fire was the main tool used by indigenous people to transform
and manage landscapes (Erickson, 2008). Hence, re regimes are
linked with past human disturbance during the Holocene and
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K.D. Macario). charcoal records have been used to identify such activities (Bush
1871-1014/ 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.C. Goulart et al. / Quaternary Geochronology 41 (2017) 180e186 181

et al., 2008; Mayle and Power, 2008). Wildres may also occur in In this study, we performed both anthracological analysis and
Amazonian forests in extremely dry periods (Piperno and Becker, radiocarbon dating in sets of charcoal samples collected in mature
1996; Wang et al., 2017). During re episodes, either from natural forests with no known history of re and no evidence of recent
or anthropogenic origin, common tree species suffer the greatest anthropogenic disturbance in several locations within the Amazon
total mortality, but rare species are most likely to be locally extir- Basin. Our aim was to reconstruct past biodiversity and re
pated (Cochrane and Schulze, 1999; Slik et al., 2002). Wetter forests chronology.
burn less frequently than drier forests but are more vulnerable to
re, as trees have thinner protective layers of bark (Uhl and 2. Materials and methods
Kauffman, 1990), resulting in higher mortality rates, especially
during drought years. The Amazon Basin study sites span a large precipitation sea-
According to Cochrane (2003), re susceptibility in tropical sonality gradient, encompassing Southern Venezuela and the Bra-
forests depends mostly on moisture stress, with forests becoming zilian states of Amazonas, Para, and Mato Grosso (Fig. 1). The soils of
potentially ammable during periods of extensive drought. Tran- a total of seven research areas were sampled. In six areas, eight soil
sitional deciduous and semi-deciduous forests have longer dry pits were excavated to 2 m depth in representative locations for the
seasons, greater water stress, more open canopies and greater leaf dominant soil and topographic positions. Charcoal found in each
litter that affect re characteristics. Closed-canopy evergreen soil pit was collected, dried, and stored. At one location, two small
rainforests, in turn, have short, or no seasonal moisture decits, pits were excavated to 50 cm in depth at intervals of 10 cm. Using a
with higher humidity levels preventing sustained combustion, Kopecky cylinder (100 cm3), horizontal undisturbed soil samples
even after months without precipitation (Uhl et al., 1988). However, were collected at each 10 cm depth. The soil was dried and charcoal
both natural and anthropogenic disturbances of forest canopies samples visible to the naked eye were removed and stored. We
increase ground irradiance, leading to drier necromass and greater dene a sample set as a group of charcoal fragments collected from
vulnerability to re (Cochrane, 2003). Independently of the cause of a single soil pit at a given depth.
the res in these ecosystems, re frequency is related to climate, Anthracological analysis was performed at the National
with return intervals of hundreds or thousands of years (Sanford Museum of the Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ). To allow
et al., 1985). wood anatomical investigation, charcoal pieces were manually
The study of ancient res relies on the analysis of charcoal re- broken, exposing transverse, longitudinal-tangential and
mains. AMS radiocarbon dating of charcoal can be used to deter- longitudinal-radial sections. Each section was examined under a
mine the date that carbon was incorporated into wood, and for reected light brighteld/darkeld microscope and identication
young wood, an approximate date of burning (Mcfadgen, 1982). was achieved through the comparison to a reference collection
Over millennia, charcoal fragments retain the age record of each (Charcoal collection from the National Museum, UFRJ e Scheel-
component of the original tree. Ybert, 2016) and the use of specialized literature (e.g. Metcalfe
Even if the death of the plant is related to the time of burning, and Chalk, 1950; De tienne and Jacquet, 1983).
growth layers formed over the life of the tree can add years to age Following this analysis, charcoal fragments were prepared and
determination (Mcfadgen, 1982). Mcfadgen (1982) denes the time analyzed at the Radiocarbon Laboratory of the Universidade Federal
lapse between the death of a tree and the date of an event as inbuilt Fluminense (LAC-UFF). Standard acid-base-acid (ABA) pretreat-
age, introducing the concepts of growth and storage ages. Growth ment chemistry was employed to decontaminate the samples
age is due to the heartwood of living trees being composed of old before dating. This was undertaken using 1.0 M hydrochloric acid
cells that have lost most of their functions and ceased taking up 14C. (HCl) (2 h at 90  C) and 1.0 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (1 h at
Although important to provide structural strength, this part of the 90  C). After pre-treatment, the samples were combusted in pre-
wood is considered dead and may be hundreds of years old when baked quartz tubes containing silver powder and cupric oxide at
the tree dies. The idea of a storage age, in turn, arises from wood 900  C for 3 h in a mufe oven. Carbon dioxide was then puried
being stored for long periods before decomposing. Thus, inbuilt age with dry ice/ethanol traps in the graphitization line and converted
is the sum of growth and storage ages. It follows that the effect of to graphite using the zinc/titanium hydrate method with an iron
the inbuilt age in the dating of the sample is greater when catalyst (Xu et al., 2007; Macario et al., 2015). Individual torch-
analyzing long-lived trees (Mcfadgen, 1982). In the case of natural sealed tubes were heated at 520  C for 7 h in a mufe oven.
res, the inbuilt age of trees may frequently be small due to re Graphite samples were pressed in aluminum cathodes and
preferentially killing young, small diameter trees (Cochrane and measured in a NEC 250 kV Single Stage Accelerator System
Schulze, 1999). Therefore, different charcoal fragments can reect (SSAMS). The results were corrected for isotopic fractionation by
the ages of different parts of the same tree, different trees in a single measuring the d13C online in the accelerator. Background was
re, or even different re episodes. measured using processed Alfa Aesar graphite with an average
14 13
For these reasons, before radiocarbon dating charcoal, a careful C/ C ratio of 6  10 13. Average machine background was 10 13
structural analysis must be performed. The present study makes for unprocessed graphite. For quality control both International
use of cellular wood structures preserved after carbonization, using Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reference materials and an internal
anthracological analysis to taxonomically classify charcoal remains. charcoal secondary standard were measured. Calibration was per-
Such analysis enables the recognition of bark and twigs, which are formed with the OxCal v 4.2.4 (Bronk Ramsey, 1995) software using
the younger parts of the trees and can be therefore more closely the SHCal13 atmospheric curve (Hogg et al., 2013) for negative
associated with time of death. latitudes and the IntCal13 curve for positive latitudes (Reimer at al.
Anthracological analysis involves conducting microscopic 2013).
observation of preserved anatomical structures to determine tree
taxonomic identity through a comparison between unknown 3. Results and discussion
charcoal fragments against well-identied samples from an
anatomical database. Ideally, after anthracological analysis, each Most of the radiocarbon results are concentrated between 2700
charcoal fragment should be individually dated so that more pre- and 500 yr BP (Table 1 and Fig. 2). The high density of 14C dates
cise results can be related to the initial characteristics of the during this period is consistent with other datasets from the
fragment. Amazonian region and with most dates of archaeological charcoal
182 A.C. Goulart et al. / Quaternary Geochronology 41 (2017) 180e186

Fig. 1. Distribution of sampling sites in the Amazon Basin. These sites were selected across a gradient of rainfall seasonality. Number of dry months were calculated by maximum
cumulative number of months with <100 mm using data of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite product 3B43 V6 at a 0.25 resolution (Kummerow et al., 1998).
The river network was obtained from the HydroSHEDS dataset (Lehner et al., 2008).

(e.g. McMichael et al., 2012; Bush et al., 2008; Nevle and Bird, would decrease their production rate. Therefore, this anti-
2008). Only 3 of 27 dates were <500 yr BP and those youngest correlation with 14C and 10Be production is used as a proxy of so-
dates were from the same soil depth (15 cm) at one study location, lar activity, and potentially also an indicator of drought episodes
suggesting the dates were from the same re event. Recent re, (Stuiver and Braziunas, 1993; Mayewski et al., 2004). According to
therefore, was rare and geographically restricted in our dataset Stuiver and Braziunas (1993), variation in D14C over time (Fig. 3) is
from mature forests. This contrasts with McMichael et al. (2017) tied to either ocean circulation change or solar modulation of at-
based on a geospatial analysis of archaeological evidence, sug- mospheric 14C production with the possibility of a simultaneous
gesting that mature forest plots such as those of our study may have contribution by both factors, where presumably solar forcing re-
been affected by early European settlers. sults in climatic change which, in turn, causes ocean circulation
The calibrated dates show varied and asynchronous re epi- change. In addition, other factors can be related to climatic changes
sodes over greater time periods spanning the >1000 km sampled such as the presence of greenhouse gases CO2 and CH4 or increases
area and large precipitation seasonality gradient (Fig. 1). For in volcanic aerosols. All these factors will contribute to the complex
example, the chronology indicates that re occurred in the intervals pattern of thermohaline circulation as its intensity determines
2700-2400 cal yr BP (positions 1 and 7), 1900e1500 (positions 3,4, poleward heat transport, and inuences global climate (Stuiver and
5 and 6), 1400e1000 (positions 1, 4 and 6) and 700-500 cal yr BP Braziunas, 1993). Climatic changes during the Holocene were
(positions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) (Fig. 3). Coeval episodes in different investigated by Mayewski et al. (2004), who identied Rapid Cli-
places may be a sign of a climatic event, possibly a drier period. The matic Changes (RCC) in different parts of the world. The rst RCC
oldest dated ages were in eastern Amazonia (Belterra, Para ) and the was recorded between 9000 and 8000 cal yr BP and was considered
most recent in central Amazonia (Careiro, Amazonas) (Table 1). the last major deglaciating stage affecting the Northern Hemi-
The re history of Amazonian forests may be linked with global sphere. It was attributed mainly to reduced oceanic ventilation,
climate change records. One important factor related to global cli- since there was no clear change in cosmogenic isotopes production.
matic changes which should be considered is the production of Volcanic SO4 production was unusually high in the Northern
cosmogenic nuclides such as 14C and 10Be. Since the formation of Hemisphere, which could be evidence of intense volcanic activity,
these nuclides depends on the arrival of galactic cosmic rays in the while biogenic CH4 declined - probably in response to aridity in the
atmosphere, the effect of solar activity deecting such particles low-to mid-latitudes (Blunier et al., 1995; Mayewski et al., 2004).
A.C. Goulart et al. / Quaternary Geochronology 41 (2017) 180e186 183

Table 1
Sample identication, present abundant families, and calibrated radiocarbon ages. Families in bold were both identied through anthracological analysis and are abundant in
present-day composition for the region.

Location Abundant families at present day Source Identied Sample Lab Id Depth 14C age Calibrated
(Point) families (cm) (yr BP) age (cal
BP) 95.4%

Claudia - MT Melastomataceae (Kunz et al., 2010; Ivanauskas, Calophyllaceae 14P09A58 LACUFF150361 110 1120 33 1058 928
(1) 2002)
Novo Mundo Burseraceae, Moraceae and Fabaceae (Sasaki et al., 2008) Fabaceae 14P09A65 LACUFF150319 30 2480 30 2703 2355
- MT (2) Fabaceae 14P09A66A LACUFF150330 30 2728 30 2854 2749
unidentiable 14P09A66B LACUFF150321 2685 39 2851 2721
Belterra - PA Fabaceae, Lecythidaceae and Moraceae (Gualberto et al., 2014; Almeida Sapotaceae 14P09A51 LACUFF150360 96 637 27 647 541
(3) et al., 2012; Andrade, 2011) indeterminate 14P09A52A LACUFF150308 30 6876 41 7759 7585
Combretaceae 14P09A52B LACUFF150309 1950 31 1927 1747
Melgao - PA Fabaceae, Flacourtiaceae, Arecaceae, (ICMBio, 2012; Ferreira et al., Chrysobalanaceae 14P09A53A LACUFF150310 25 1686 28 1609 1430
(4) Goupiaceae and Lecythidaceae. 2015). Anacardiaceae 14P09A53B LACUFF150311 1236 30 1185 985
indeterminate 14P09A53C LACUFF150312 1611 31 1534 1377
unidentiable 14P09A53D LACUFF150313 1690 31 1692 1430
unidentiable 14P09A53E LACUFF150314 1748 31 1702 1544
Goupiaceae 14P09A55 LACUFF150315 15 1134 30 1058 934
Combretaceae 14P09A56 LACUFF150316 40 1620 32 1539 1378
Lauraceae 14P09A87A LACUFF150327 25 783 30 730 577
indeterminate 14P09A87B LACUFF150328 1347 29 1294 1180
Rio Negro - Lecythidaceae (Oliveira et al., 2001) Melastomataceae 14P09A67 LACUFF150369 54 776 32 729 572
AM/VE (5) Combretaceae 14P09A68 LACUFF150364 37 641 29 649 542
Anacardiaceae 14P09A71 LACUFF150365 78 1975 31 1995 1755
Marituba - Fabaceae and Lecythidaceae (Almeida et al., 2012; Amaral et al., Fabaceae 14P09A60 LACUFF150362 e 1604 31 1530 1375
PA (6) 2009; Melo, 2004) Lonchocarpus
Myrtaceae 14P09A61 LACUFF150317 e 662 34 655 550
Careiro - Lecythidaceae, Fabaceae and (Silva et al., 2008; Oliveira et al., Melastomataceae 14P09A73 LACUFF150367 5 523 34 548 495
AM/BR (7) Sapotaceae 2008; Amaral et al., 2009) Rubiaceae 14P09A75A LACUFF150369 15 758 37 725 566
Lauraceae 14P09A77B LACUFF150372 15 480 29 533 456
unidentiable 14P09A77C LACUFF150373 411 29 500 325
Fabaceae 14P09A78 LACUFF150374 15 365 29 472 311
unidentiable 14P09A79 LACUFF150375 15 2431 33 2696 2337

Fire episodes recorded in this study may be associated with past period from 1200 to 1000 cal yr BP includes generally dry condi-
climatic changes. Our oldest dated charcoal (7759-7585 cal yr BP) tions in Tropical Africa, monsoonal Pakistan and Ecuador, when
from Belterra, for instance, corroborates the idea of tropical aridity there is a slight increase in atmospheric CO2, while drought was
at that time. Although severe droughts were documented in linked to solar output in Yucatan (Hodell et al., 1991, 2001). The
Amazonia between 8000 and 4000 cal yr BP (Mayle and Power, more recent episode, starting at 600 cal yr BP, would be related to
2008), only one charcoal fragment was dated within this period. the fastest and strongest climatic changes in the Holocene. At this
In the period from 3500 to 2500 cal yr BP, pronounced aridity time, there was a drop in CO2 and a rise in CH4, suggestive of wet
was recorded in East Africa, the Amazon basin, Ecuador and the conditions. However, this period features a more variable response
Caribean/Bermuda region (Haug et al., 2001). Mayewski et al. in humidity at low latitudes.
(2004) have suggested that solar variability is responsible for Fire episodes that happened from 1900 to 1600 cal yr BP do not
such an event since it coincides with maxima in D14C and 10Be. The coincide with those reported by Bush et al. (2008) or with RRC

Fig. 2. Frequency of charcoal samples in percentage per period of time before present (BP). Figure adapted from Nevle and Bird (2008). We added dates of soil charcoal presented in
McMichael et al. (2012) and dates from this study. Charcoal dates are shown in age classes of 500 14C years. All dates presented in the gure are from charcoal collected in soils.
Fig. 3. Calibrated ages of samples in the range from 3 to 0 kyr cal BP. and atmospheric D14C values from curves SHCal13 (Hogg et al., 2013) and IntCal13 (Reimer et al., 2013).
A.C. Goulart et al. / Quaternary Geochronology 41 (2017) 180e186 185

events described by Mayewski et al. (2004), and may not be sig- difference is very large and again the oldest fragment remains
nicant in a global scale. The occurrence of res in positions 3, 4 indeterminate.
and 6 may be related to human occupation, since these locations Differences in dates at a given site may be attributed to inbuilt
follow the course of the Amazon River that was densely occupied in age. In sample set 87, only the youngest fragment could be iden-
pre-Columbian times. From 2500 years BP, these societies started to tied, making it difcult to evaluate such a possibility. Another
settle along the major river bluffs with a signicant population reason for differences in ages could be if the different fragments
growth and the development of a sedentary lifestyle (Neves et al., represent different re episodes. In this case, the different frag-
2003; Heckenberger and Neves, 2009; Denevan, 1996). A peak in ments could be disturbed by the action of bioturbation.
pre-Columbian population occurred from 1300 to 500 BP in Another interesting result is the case of sample set 53, with ve
different regions of Amazonia, associated with the development of different families identied. Four of the individual samples (53A, C,
sedentary and complex societies (Heckenberger and Neves, 2009; D and E) yielded statistically similar results, while sample 53B was
Arroyo-Kalin, 2011; Moraes and Neves, 2012; Stenborg, 2016). By dated 400 years younger. Moreover, this sample was also the only
the shore of the Solimo ~ es river, in Central Amazonia, three main in the group to present convergent rays, which are a sign of young
periods of human occupation have been observed (1400-1300 yr ramication (Margueirie and Hunot, 2007). Therefore, either the
BP, 1200e930 yr BP and 600-350 yr BP), with 1400e1300 yr BP re occurred about 1000 yr BP and most of the trees were already
being the less intense period and 1200e930 BP the most (Machado, centenary, or the set of samples represents different re events.
2005). Our results include dates from these three periods, leading
to the possibility of anthropogenic inuence in the occurrence of 4. Conclusions
such res because of re management, disturbance, and gap for-
mation due to human activity. Our analysis of the calibrated ages of the charcoal dates shows
A total of 13 families were identied from the anthracological that the chronology coincides with both climatic events that
analysis (Table 1). Fabaceae, Sapotaceae and Combretaceae families occurred in the Holocene and with the inferred timing of human
were the most frequent among the identied fragments. Families occupation in the Amazon region. Most of the dates are consistent
identied in four of the seven locations are also abundant in the with other datasets and with reported climatic events around the
present-day. For instance, Fabaceace, which we identied at four of world. The higher density of results in our study corresponds to
the seven regions, was also the most abundant and most diverse periods of more intense human occupation, with little evidence of
family of the largest dataset of Amazonian forest plots representing recent re in mature forests.
present-day contemporary forest composition (Steege et al., 2013). A total of 13 different families were identied, suggesting that a
The Goupiaceae family is abundant and has species considered wide diversity of species was burned in the past. The presence of
hyperdominant in the Amazonian tree ora, but has very low di- potentially long-lived species amongst charcoal samples indicates
versity (Steege et al., 2013). However, we only identied one that chronology should be analysed with care. The variety of spe-
charred species of Goupiaceace. cies within a single set of charcoal fragments suggests a need for
Some of the charcoal fragments could not be identied; some multiple radiocarbon dates to be undertaken. Comparison of dating
were unidentiable because they were too damaged (53D and E, results from charcoal fragments belonging to the same sample set
66B, 77C, 79), and others remain indeterminate because they were revealed large variation in dates which may reect different re
too small and contained few visible diagnostic features (52A, 53C, episodes, inbuilt age, or the action of bioturbation.
87B). Most of the reference material is from the Atlantic Forest and
the studied material comes from the Amazon forest. A comparison Acknowledgements
between these two forested ecosystems reveals that for the same
families, ecosystem-specic characteristics can be distinguished, The authors thank the Brazilian agencies Conselho Nacional de
e.g., vessel diameter was larger in Amazon samples of the same Desenvolvimento Cientco e Tecnolo  gico (CNPq), Coordenaa~o de
family due to greater water availability (Alves and Angyalossy- Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES), and
Alfonso, 2000). In tropical forests with high species diversity, Funda~ ao Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a  Pesquisa do Estado do
identication is often difcult as the anatomy of many species is Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ). KDM thanks CNPq for fellowship 305079/
still unknown (Wheeler and Baas, 1998). Expansion of charred 2014e0. CL thanks FAPEAM/FAPESP (09/53369-6, led by Fla via
reference material is therefore a priority to aid identication. Regina Capellotto Costa) for nancial support and Thaise Emlio,
Uncertainty in the interpretation of charcoal radiocarbon ages  Luiz Purri da Veiga Pinto, Rosineide Machado and Francislaide
can be introduced, as previously discussed, due to the non- da Silva Costa for help with charcoal collection. TRF, BSM, and BHM
systematic offsets caused by inbuilt age. Long-lived species can be acknowledge nancial support from NERC (NE/N011570/1), CAPES/
categorized into two successional groups. Late secondary succes- CNPq Science without Borders (PVE 177/2012 and PVE 401279/
sion species may have lifespans between 40 and 100 years (Maciel 2014-6), CNPq/PPBio (457602/2012-0), CNPq/PELD (403725/2012-
et al., 2003); long-lived species show slow or very slow growth 7) and the University of Exeter - College of Life and Environmental
with long lifespans of more than 100 years (Maciel et al., 2003). Sciences. Some charcoal samples were collected under the coor-
Amongst the families identied in this paper, Fabaceae, Sapotaceae dination of Oliver Phillips and Jon Lloyd through the Amazon Forest
and Combretaceae include several long lifespan species, although Inventory Network (RAINFOR). The authors are grateful for the
they also include some short-lived pioneer and early secondary comments and suggestions of the reviewer Dr JR Oliver and the
species, while Goupiaceae is frequently a pioneer. editor Dr Tom Higham.
Out of the 16 sets of charcoal fragments identied, ve con-
tained more than one taxonomic type. For the radiocarbon dating of
sample sets with more than one family, some of the dates are
statistically similar, such as sample sets 66 and 77. In both cases, Almeida, L.S., Gama, J.R.V., Oliveira, F.A., Carvalho, O.P., Gonalves, D.C.M.,
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