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Dynamical and Hamiltonian formulation of General Relativity

Domenico Giulini
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Riemann Center for Geometry and Physics
arXiv:1505.01403v1 [gr-qc] 6 May 2015

Leibniz University Hannover, Appelstrasse 2, D-30167 Hannover, Germany

ZARM Bremen, Am Fallturm, D-28359 Bremen, Germany

This is a substantially expanded version of a chapter-contribution to The Springer Handbook of Spacetime,
edited by Abhay Ashtekar and Vesselin Petkov, published by Springer Verlag in 2014. It introduces the
reader to the reformulation of Einsteins field equations of General Relativity as a constrained evolutionary
system of Hamiltonian type and discusses some of its uses, together with some technical and conceptual
aspects. Attempts were made to keep the presentation self contained and accessible to first-year graduate
students. This implies a certain degree of explicitness and occasional reviews of background material.

Contents 1 Introduction
1 Introduction 1
The purpose of this contribution is to explain how
2 Notation and conventions 2 the field equations of General Relativityoften
simply referred to as Einsteins equationscan be
3 Einsteins equations 4
understood as dynamical system; more precisely,
4 Spacetime decomposition 9 as a constrained Hamiltonian system.
5 Curvature tensors 15 In General Relativity, it is often said, spacetime
becomes dynamical. This is meant to say that
6 Decomposing Einsteins equations 22 the geometric structure of spacetime is encoded in
7 Constrained Hamiltonian systems 27
a field that, in turn, is subject to local laws of prop-
agation and coupling, just as, e.g., the electromag-
8 Hamiltonian GR 36 netic field. It is not meant to say that spacetime as
9 Asymptotic flatness and global charges 48
a whole evolves. Spacetime does not evolve, space-
time just is. But a given spacetime (four dimen-
10 Black-Hole data 54 sional) can be viewed as the evolution, or history,
of space (three dimensional). There is a huge re-
11 Further developments, problems, and outlook 60
dundancy in this representation, in the sense that
12 Appendix: Group actions on manifolds 61 apparently very different evolutions of space rep-
resent the same spacetime. However, if the result-
References 66
ing spacetime is to satisfy Einsteins equations, the
Index 72 evolution of space must also obey certain well de-

fined restrictions. Hence the task is to give pre- Diracs [54] from 1958. He also noticed its con-
cise mathematical expression to the redundancies strained nature and started to develop the cor-
in representation as well as the restrictions of evolu- responding generalization of constrained Hamilto-
tion for this picture of spacetime as spaces history. nian systems in [53] and their quantization [55].
This will be our main task. On the classical side, this developed into the more
This dynamical picture will be important for geometric Dirac-Bergmann theory of constraints
posing and solving time-dependent problems in [76] and on the quantum side into an elaborate
General Relativity, like the scattering of black holes theory of quantization of systems with gauge re-
with its subsequent generation and radiation of dundancies; see [80] for a comprehensive account.
gravitational waves. Quite generally, it is a key Diracs attempts were soon complemented by an
technology to extensive joint work of Richard Arnowitt, Stanley
Deser, and Charles Misner - usually and henceforth
formulate and solve initial value problems;
abbreviated by ADM. Their work started in 1959
integrate Einsteins equations by numerical by a paper [3] of the first two of these authors and
codes; continued in the series [4] [6] [5] [9] [8] [7] [10] [11]
[12] [14] [15] [13] of 12 more papers by all three. A
characterize dynamical degrees of freedom; comprehensive summary of their work was given in
characterize isolated systems and the associ- 1962 in [16], which was republished in 2008 in [17];
ation of asymptotic symmetry groups, which see also the editorial note [104] with short biogra-
will give rise to globally conserved charges, phies of ADM.
like energy and linear as well as angular mo- A geometric discussion of Einsteins evolution
mentum (Poincare charges). equations in terms of infinite-dimensional symplec-
tic geometry has been worked out by Fischer and
Moreover, it is also the starting point for the canon- Marsden in [57]; see also their beautiful summaries
ical quantization program, which constitutes one and extended discussions in [59] and [58]. More
main approach to the yet unsolved problem of on the mathematical aspects of the initial-value
Quantum Gravity. In this approach one tries to problem, including the global behavior of gravita-
make essential use of the Hamiltonian structure of tional fields in General Relativity, can be found
the classical theory in formulating the correspond- in [39], [45], and [106]. Modern text-books on the
ing quantum theory. This strategy has been ap- 3+1 formalism and its application to physical prob-
plied successfully in the transition from classical lems and their numerical solution-techniques are
to quantum mechanics and also in the transition [27, 77]. The Hamiltonian structure and its use in
from classical to quantum electrodynamics. Hence the canonical quantization program for gravity is
the canonical approach to Quantum Gravity may discussed in [34, 92, 107, 113].
be regarded as conservative, insofar as it tries to
apply otherwise established rules to a classical the-
ory that is experimentally and observationally ex- 2 Notation and conventions
tremely well tested. The underlying hypothesis
here is that we may quantize interaction-wise. This From now on General Relativity will be abbrevi-
distinguishes this approach from string theory, the ated by GR. Spacetime is a differentiable man-
underlying credo of which is that Quantum Gravity ifold M of dimension n, endowed with a metric
only makes sense on the basis of a unified descrip- g of signature (, +, , +). In GR n = 4 and
tions of all interactions. = 1 and it is implicitly understood that these
Historically the first paper to address the prob- are the right values. However, either for the
lem of how to put Einsteins equations into the sake of generality and/or particular interest, we
form of a Hamiltonian dynamical system was will sometimes state formulae for general n and

, where usually n 2 (sometimes n 3) and of f . If f is a diffeomorphism we can not only push-
either = 1 (Lorentzian metric) or = +1 (Rie- forward vectors and pull back co-vectors, but also
mannian metric; also called Euclidean metric). vice versa. Indeed, if Y is a vector field on N one
The case = 1 has been extensively considered can write f Y := (f 1 ) Y and call it the pull back
in path-integral approaches to Quantum Gravity, of Y by the diffeomorphism f . Likewise, if is a
then referred to as Euclidean Quantum Gravity. co-vector field on M , one can write f := (f 1 )
The tangent space of M at point p M will be and call it the push forward of . In this fashion
denoted by Tp M , the cotangent space by Tp M , and we can define both, push-forwards and pull-backs,
the tensor product of u factors of Tp M with d fac- of general tensor fields T Tdu M by linearity and
tors of Tp M by Tpdu M . (Mnemonic in components: applying f or f tensor-factor wise.
u = number of indices upstairs, d = number of Note that the general definition of metric is as
indices downstairs.) An element T in Tpdu M is follows: g T20 M , such that gp is a symmet-
called a tensor of contravariant rank u and covari- ric non-degenerate bilinear form on Tp M . Such
ant rank d at point p, or simply a tensors of rank a metric provides isomorphisms (sometimes called
(u,d) at p. T is called contravariant if d = 0 and the musical isomorphisms)
u > 0, and covariant if u = 0 and d > 0. A tensor
with u > 0 and d > 0 is then referred to as of mixed [ : Tp M Tp M
type. Note that Tp M = Tp01 M and Tp M = Tp10 M . X 7 X [ := g(X, ) , (1a)
The set of tensor fields, i.e. smooth assignments of ]: Tp M Tp M
an element in Tpdu M for each p M , are denoted
by Tdu M . Unless stated otherwise, smooth means 7 ] := [1 () . (1b)
C , i.e. continuously differentiable to any order.
Using ] we obtain a metric gp1 on Tp M from the
For t Tdu M we denote by tp Tpdu M the eval-
metric gp on Tp M as follows:
uation of t at p M . C (M ) denotes the set of
all C real-valued functions on M , which we often gp1 (1 , 2 ) := gp (1] , 2] ) = 1 (2] ) . (2)
simply call smooth functions.
If f : M N is a diffeomorphism between We also recall that the tensor space Tp11 M is nat-
manifolds M and N , then fp : Tp M Tf (p) N urally isomorphic to the linear space End(Tp M )
denotes the differential at p. The transposed (or of all endomorphisms (linear self maps) of Tp M .
dual) of the latter map is, as usual, denoted by Hence it carries a natural structure as associative
fp : Tf(p) N Tp M . If X is a vector field algebra, the product being composition of maps
on M then f X is a vector field on N , called denoted by . As usual, the trace, denoted Tr,
the push forward of X by f . It is defined by and the determinant, denoted det, are the natu-
(f X)q := ff 1 (q) Xf 1 (q) , for all q N . If rally defined real-valued functions on the space of
is a co-vector field on N then f is a co-vector endomorphisms. For purely co- or contravariant
field on M , called the pull back of by f . It is tensors the trace can be defined by first applying
defined by (f )p := f (p) fp , for all p M . For one of the isomorphisms (1). In this case we write
these definitions to make sense we see that f need Trg to indicate the dependence on the metric g.
generally not be a diffeomorphism; M and N need Geometric representatives of curvature are of-
not even be of the same dimension. More precisely, ten denoted by bold-faced abbreviations of their
if is a smooth field of co-vectors that is defined at names, like Riem and Weyl for the (covariant, i.e.
least on the image of f in N , then f , as defined all indices down) Riemann and Weyl tensors, Sec
above, is always a smooth field of co-vectors on M . for the sectional curvature, Ric and Ein for the
However, for the push forward f of a general vec- Ricci and Einstein tensors, Scal for the scalar cur-
tor field on M to result in a well defined vector field vature, and Wein for the Weingarten map (which
on the image of f in N we certainly need injectivity is essentially equivalent to the extrinsic curvature).

This is done in order to highlight the geometric in mind when explicit models for T are used and
meaning behind some basic formulae, at least the when we speak of vacuum, which now means:
simpler ones. Later, as algebraic expressions be-
come more involved, we will also employ the stan- Tvacuum = T := 1 g . (4)
dard component notation for computational ease.
The signs are chosen such that a positive ac-
counts for a positive energy density and a negative
3 Einsteins equations pressure if the spacetime is Lorentzian ( = 1).
There is another form of Einsteins equations
In n-dimensional spacetime Einsteins equations which is sometimes advantageous to use and in
form a set of 12 n(n + 1) quasi-linear partial dif- which n explicitly enters:
ferential equations of second order for 21 n(n + 1)  
functions (the components of the metric tensor) Ric = T n2 g Trg (T) . (5)
depending on n independent variables (the coor-
dinates in spacetime). At each point of spacetime These two forms are easily seen to be mathemati-
(event) they equate a purely geometric quantity to cally equivalent by the identities
the distribution of energy and momentum carried
by the matter. More precisely, this distribution Ein = Ric 12 g Trg (Ric) , (6a)
comprises the local densities (quantity per unit vol- Ric = Ein 1
n2 g Trg (Ein) . (6b)
ume) and current densities (quantity per unit area
and unit time) of energy and momentum. The ge- With respect to a local field of basis vectors
ometric quantity in Einsteins equations is the Ein- {e0 , e1 , , en1 } we write Ein(e , e ) =: G ,
stein tensor Ein, the matter quantity is the energy- T(e , e ) =: T , and Ric(e , e ) =: R . Then
momentum tensor T. Both tensors are of second (3) and (5) take on the component forms
rank, symmetric, and here taken to be covariant
(in components: all indices down). Their num- G = T (7)
ber of independent components in n spacetime di-
mensions is 12 n(n + 1) and  
Einsteins equations (actually a single tensor R = T n2 g T (8)
equation, but throughout we use the plural to
emphasize that it comprises several component respectively. Next we explain the meanings of the
equations) state the simple proportionality of Ein symbols in Einsteins equations from left to right.
with T
Ein = T , (3) 3.1 What aspects of geometry?
where denotes the dimensionful constant of pro- The left-hand side of Einsteins equations com-
portionality. Note that no explicit reference to the prises certain measures of curvature. As will be
dimension n of spacetime enters (3), so that even explained in detail in Section 5, all curvature in-
if n 6= 4 it is usually referred to as Einsteins equa- formation in dimensions higher than two can be
tions. We could have explicitly added a cosmolog- reduced to that of sectional curvature. The sec-
ical constant term g on the left-hand side, where tional curvature at a point p M tangent to
is a constant the physical dimension of which is span{X, Y } Tp M is the Gaussian curvature at
the square of an inverse length. However, as long p of the submanifold spanned by the geodesics in
as we write down our formulae for general T we M emanating from p tangent to span{X, Y }. The
may absorb this term into T where it accounts for Gaussian curvature is defined as the product of two
a contribution T = g/. This has to be kept principal curvatures, each being measured in units

of an inverse length (the inverse of a principal ra- matrix, which we represent as follows by splitting
dius). Hence the Gaussian curvature is measured off terms involving a time component:
in units of an inverse length-squared.
At each point p in spacetime the Einstein and E cM
T = . (11)
Ricci tensors are symmetric bilinear forms on Tp M . 1c S~ Tmn
Hence Einp and Ricp are determined by the values
Here all matrix elements refer to the matters en-
Einp (W, W ) and Ricp (W, W ) for all W Tp M .
ergy momentum distribution relative to the rest
By continuity in W this remains true if we restrict
frame of the observer who momentarily moves
W to the open and dense set of vectors which are
along e0 (i.e. with four-velocity u = ce0 ) and uses
not null, i.e. for which g(W, W ) 6= 0. As we will
the basis {e1 , e2 , e3 } in his/her rest frame. Then
see later on, we then have
E = T00 is the energy density, S~ = (s1 , s2 , s3 ) the
X (components of the) energy current-density, i.e. en-
Ein(W, W ) = g(W, W ) Sec , (9) ergy per unit surface area and unit time interval,
W M~ the momentum density, and finally Tmn the
X (component of the) momentum current-density, i.e.
Ric(W, W ) = +g(W, W ) Sec . (10) momentum per unit of area and unit time interval.
kW Note that symmetry T = T implies a simple re-
lation between the energy current-density and the
For the Einstein tensor the sum on the right-hand
momentum density
side is over any complete set of N1 = 21 (n1)(n2)
sectional curvatures of pairwise orthogonal planes S~ = c2 M
~ . (12)
in the orthogonal complement of W in Tp M . For
the Ricci tensor it is over any complete set of The remaining relations Tmn = Tnm express equal-
N2 = n 1 sectional curvatures of pairwise orthog- ity of the m-th component of the current density
onal planes containing W . If W is a timelike unit for n-momentum with the n-th component of the
vector representing an observer, Ein(W, W ) is sim- current density for m-momentum. Note that the
ply () times an equally weighted sum of space- two minus signs in front of the mixed components
like sectional curvatures, whereas Ric(W, W ) is of (11) would have disappeared had we written
times an equally weighted sum of timelike sectional down the contravariant components T . In flat
curvatures. In that sense we may say that, e.g., spacetime, the four equations T express the
Ein(W, W ) at p M measures the mean Gaussian local conservation of energy and momentum. In
curvature of the (local) hypersurface in M that is curved spacetime (with vanishing torsion) we have
spanned by geodesics emanating from W orthogo- the identity (to be proven later; compare (90b))
nal to W . It, too, is measured in units of the square
of an inverse length. G 0 (13)

implies via (7)

3.2 What aspects of matter? T = 0 , (14)
Now we turn to the right-hand side of Einsteins which may be interpreted as expressing a local con-
equations. We restrict to four spacetime dimen- servation of energy and momentum for the matter
sions, though much of what we say will apply ver- plus the gravitational field, though there is no such
batim to other dimensions. The tensor T on the thing as a separate energy-momentum tensor on
right-hand side of (3) is the energy-momentum ten- spacetime for the gravitational field.
sor of matter. With respect to an orthonormal Several positivity conditions can be imposed
basis {e0 , e1 , , en1 } with timelike e0 the com- on the energy momentum tensor T. The sim-
ponents T := T(e , e ) form a symmetric 4 4 plest is known as weak energy-condition and reads

T(W, W ) 0 for all timelike W . It is equivalent to 2013) known with a relative standard uncertainty
the requirement that the energy density measured of 1.2 104 and is thus by far the least well
by any local observer is non negative. For a per- known of the fundamental physical constants. c =
fect fluid of rest-mass density and pressure p the 299 792 458 m s1 is the vacuum speed of light
weak energy-condition is equivalent to both con- whose value is exact, due to the SI-definition of
ditions 0 and p c2 . The strong energy- meter (the meter is the length of the path trav-
condition says that T 21 gTrg (T) (W, W ) 0

eled by light in vacuum during a time interval of
again for all timelike W . This neither follows nor 1/299 792 458 of a second).
implies the weak energy-condition. For a perfect The physical dimension of is
fluid it is equivalent to both conditions p c2 time2 /(mass length), that is in SI-units
and p c2 /3, i.e. to the latter alone if is s2 kg1 m1 or m2 /(J m3 ), where J =
positive and to the former alone if is negative Joule = kg m2 s2 . It converts the common
(which is not excluded here). Its significance lies physical dimension of all components T , which
in the fact that it ensures attractivity of gravity is that of an energy density (Joule per cubic
as described by Einsteins equations. It must, for meter in SI-units) into that of the components
example, be violated if matter is to drive infla- of Ein, which is that of curvature (in dimension
tion. Note that upon imposing Einsteins equa- 2), i.e., the square of an inverse length (inverse
tions the weak and the strong energy-conditions square-meter in SI-units).
read Ein(W, W ) 0 and Ric(W, W ) 0 respec-
tively. From (9) and (10) we can see that for fixed If we express energy density as mass density
W these imply conditions on complementary sets of times c2 , the conversion factor is c2 = 8G/c2 .
sectional curvatures. For completeness we mention It can be expressed in various units that give a
the condition of energy dominance, which states feel for the local curving power of mass-densities.
that T(W, W ) |T(X, X)| for any pair of or- For that of water, W 103 kg m3 , and nu-
thonormal vectors W, X where W is timelike (and clear matter in the core of a neutron star (which
hence X is spacelike). It is equivalent to the weak is more than twice that of atomic nuclei), N
energy-condition supplemented by the requirement 5 1017 kg m3 , we get, respectively:
that (iW T)] be non spacelike for all timelike W .
The second requirement ensures locally measured 
densities of energy currents and momenta of matter
c 1
W 1
N , (16)
1.5 AU 10 km
to be non spacelike.

3.3 How do geometry and matter where AU = 1.5 1011 m is the astronomical unit
(mean Earth-Sun distance). Hence, roughly speak-
relate quantitatively?
ing, matter densities of water cause curvature radii
We return to Einsteins equations and finally dis- of the order of the astronomical unit, whereas the
cuss the constant of proportionality on the right- highest known densities of nuclear matter cause
hand side of (3). Its physical dimension is that of curvature radii of tens of kilometers. The curva-
curvature (m2 in SI units) divided by that of en- ture caused by mere mass density is that expressed
ergy density (J m3 in SI units, where J = Joule). in Ein(W, W ) when W is taken to be the unit time-
It is given by like vector characterizing the local rest frame of the
2 matter: It is a mean of spatial sectional curvatures
8G 43 m
:= 2.1 10 , (15) in the matters local rest frame. Analogous inter-
c4 J m3 pretations can be given for the curvatures caused
where G 6.67384(80) 1011 m3 kg1 s2 is by momentum densities (energy current-densities)
Newtons constant. It is currently (March and momentum current-densities (stresses).

3.4 Conserved energy-momentum isometries. We will discuss general Lie-group ac-
tensors and globally conserved tions on manifolds in the Appendix at the end
quantities of this contribution, containing detailed proofs of
some relevent formulae. But in order not to inter-
In this subsection we briefly wish to point out rupt the argument too much, let us recall at this
that energy-momentum tensors T whose diver- point that an action of G on M is a map
gence vanishes (14) give rise to conserved quanti-
ties in case the spacetime (M, g) admits non-trivial :GM M,
isometries. We will stress the global nature of these (g, m) 7 (g, m) = g (m) ,
quantities and clarify their mathematical habitat.
Conservation laws for the matter alone result which satisfies
in the presence of symmetries, more precisely, if
Killing fields for (M, g) exist. Recall that a vector e = IdM , (22b)
field V is called a Killing field iff LV g = 0, where g h = gh . (22c)
LV is the Lie derivative with respect to V . Recall
that the Lie derivative can be expressed in terms of Here e G denotes the neutral element, IdM the
the Levi-Civita covariant derivative with respect to identity map on M , and equation (22c) is valid for
g, in which case we get the component expression: any two elements g, h of G. In fact, equation (22c)
characterizes a left action. In contrast, for a right
(LV g) = V + V = 0 . (17) action we would have hg instead of gh on the
right-hand side of (22c). Moreover, as the group
We consider the one-form JV that results from acts by isometries for the metric g, we also have
contracting T with V : h g = g for all h G.
Now, this action defines a map, V , from Lie(G),
JV := iV T = V T dx . (18) the Lie algebra of G, into the vector fields on M .
The vector field corresponding to X Lie(G) is
As a result of Killings equation (17) it is divergence denoted V X . Its value at a point m M is defined
free, by
JV = 0 . (19) d
V X (m) := exp(tX), m .

This may be equivalently expressed by saying that dt t=0
the 3-form ?JV , which is the Hodge dual of the From this it is obvious that V : Lie(G) T01 M
1-form JV , is closed: is linear. Moreover, one may also show (compare
(382b) in Appendix) that this map is a Lie anti-
d ? JV = 0 . (20) homomorphism, i.e. that

Integrating ?JV over some 3-dimensional subman- V [X,Y ] = [V X , V Y ] . (24)

ifold results in a quantity
Z (As shown in the Appendix, a right action would
have resulted in a proper Lie homomorphism see
Q[V, ] := ?JV (21)
(382a) , i.e. without the minus sign on the right-
hand side, which however is not harmful.) The left
which, because of (20), is largely independent of action of G on M extends to a left action on all
. More precisely, if M is an oriented domain tensor fields by push forward. In particular, the
with boundary = 1 2 , then Stokes theorem push forward of V X by g has a simple expression
gives Q[V, 1 ] = Q[V, 2 ]. (see (383a) in Appendix) :
Suppose now that V arises from a finite-
dimensional Lie group G that acts on (M, g) by g V X = V Adg (X) , (25)

where Ad denotes the adjoint representation of nature. In any case, we assume the isometric ac-
G on Lie(G). In fact, relation (25) can be di- tion (22) to extend to an action of G on the set of
rectly deduced from definition (23). Indeed, writ- matter variables , which we denote by 7 g ,
ing (g, p) = g p for notational simplicity, we have like the push-forward on tensor fields. This is also
(see Appendix for more explanation) meant to indicate that we assume this to be a left
action, i.e. g h = gh .
d We regard the energy-momentum tensor T as a
(g V X )(g p) =

g exp(tX) p
dt t=0

map from the space of matter variables to the space
d of symmetric second-rank covariant tensor fields on
g exp(tX) g 1 g p

dt t=0 M . We require this map to satisfy the following
covariance property:
= exp tAdg (X) (g p)
dt t=0
= V Adg (X) (g p) . T[g ] = g T[] := g1 T , (28)
where g is the ordinary push-forward of the ten-
sor T. Since we take T to be covariant, its push
This leads to (25) which we shall use shortly.
forward is the pull back by the inverse diffeomor-
Returning to the expression (21) we see that, for
phism, as indicated by the second equality in (28).
fixed , it becomes a linear map from Lie(G) to R:
For each specification of matter variables we
M : Lie(G) R , M(X) := Q[V X , ] . (27) can compute the quantitty Q[V X , , ] as in (21).
Note that we now indicate the dependence on
Hence each hypersurface defines an element M explicitly. We are interested in computing how Q
Lie (G) in the vector space that is dual to the Lie changes as is acted on by g G. This is done as
algebra, given that the integral over converges. follws:
This is the case for spacelike and energy momen- Z
Q V X , , g =
tum tensors with spatially compact support (or at ? iV X T[g ]
least sufficiently rapid fall off). The same argument Z
as above using Stokes theorem and (20) then shows = ? iV X g1 T[]
that M is independent of the choice of spacelike
. In other words, we obtain a conserved quantity ? g1 ig1 V X T[]

M Lie (G) for G-symmetric spacetimes (M, g) Z
and covariant divergence free tensors T.
? g1 i Adg1 (X) T[]

So far we considered a fixed spacetime (M, g) and V
a fixed energy-momentum tensor T, both linked by
g1 ?i Adg1 (X) T[]

Einsteins equations. In this case the vanishing di- =
vergence (14) is an integrability condition for Ein- Z
steins equation and hence automatic. However, = ? i Adg1 (X) T[]
g1 ()
it is also of interest to consider the more general
= Q V Adg1 (X) , g1 (), .
case where (M, g) is merely a background for some
matter represented by energy-momentum tensors (29)
T[], all of which are divergence free (14) with re-
spect to the background metric g. Note that we Here we used (28) in the second equality, the gen-
do not assume (M, g) to satisfy Einsteins equa- eral formula iV f T = f (if V T ) (valid for any dif-
tions with any of the T[] on the right-hand side. feomorphism f , vector field V , and covariant ten-
The stands for some matter variables which may sor field T ) in the third equality, (25) in the fourth
be fundamental fields and/or of phenomenological equality, the formula ? f F = f ? F in the fifth

equality (valid for any orientation preserving isom- nature does not matter in what follows]. The lin-
etry f and any form-field F ; here we assume M ear isometries of (V, ) form the Lorentz group
to be oriented), and finally the general formula for Lor GL(V ) and the isometries G of (M, g)
the integral of the pull back of a form in the sixth can be (non-naturally) identified with the semi-
equality. direct product V o Lor , called the Poincare group,
Our final assumption is that Q does not de- Poin. Using g we can identify Lie (Poin) with
pend on which hypersurface g () it is evaluated V (V V ). The co-adjoint action of (a, A) Poin
on. Since we assume (14) this is guaranteed if all on (f, F ) Lie (Poin) is then given by
g () are in the same homology class or, more  
generally, if any two hypersurfaces and g () Ad(a,A) (f, F ) = Af , (A A)F a Af . (32)
are homologous to hypersurfaces in the comple-
ment of the support of T. A typical situation Note that, e.g., the last term on the right hand side
arising in physical applications is that of a source includes the law of change of angular momentum
T[] with spatially compact support; then any two under spatial translations. In contrast, the adjoint
sufficiently extended spacelike slices through the representation on Lie(Poin), the latter also identi-
timelike support-tube of T[] is homologous to fied with V (V V ), is given by
the timelike cylindrical hypersurface outside this  
support-tube. In this case we infer from (29) that 
Ad(a,A) (f, F ) = Af (A A)F a , (A A)F ,
Q V X , , g e = Q V Adg1 (X) , , . (30)
where the application of an element in V V
Recall from (27) that for fixed and T we have to an element in V is given by (u v)(w) :=
M Lie (G). Given the independence on and u g(v, w) v g(u, w), and linear extension. Note
the depencence of T on , we now regard M as a the characteristic difference between (32) and (33),
map from the matter variables to Lie (G). This which lies in the different actions of the subgroup
map may be called the momentum map. (Compare of translations, whereas the subgroup of Lorentz
the notion of a momentum map in Hamiltonian transformations acts in the same fashion. Physical
mechanics; cf. Section 7.) Equation (30) then just momenta transform as in (32), as already exempli-
states the Ad -equivariance of the momentum map: fied by the non-trivial transformation behavior of
angular momentum under spatial translations. For
M g = Adg M . (31) a detailed discussion of the proper group-theoretic
setting and the adjoint and co-adjoint actions, see
Here Ad denote the co-adjoint representation of
the recent account [75].
G on Lie(G), which is defined by Adg () =
Adg1 . From all this we see that the conserved
momentum that we obtain by evaluating M on 4 Spacetime decomposition
the matter configuration is a conserved quantity
that is globally associated to all of spacetime, not In this section we explain how to decompose a given
a particular region or point of it. It is an element spacetime (M, g) into space and time. For this
of the vector space Lie (G) which carries the co- to be possible we need to make the assumption that
adjoint representation of the symmetry group G. M is diffeomorphic to the product of the real line
R and some 3-manifold :
In particular this applies to Special Relativ-
ity, where M is the four-dimensional real affine M
= R . (34)
space with associated (four-dimensional real) vec-
tor space V and g a bilinear, symmetric, non- This will necessarily be the case for globally hy-
degenerate form of signature (, +, +, +) [the sig- perbolic spacetimes, i.e. spacetimes admitting a

Cauchy surface [65]. We assume to be orientable, M s0
for, if it were not, we could take the orientable E s0
double cover of it instead. Orientable 3-manifolds Es s
are always parallelizable [111] , i.e. admit three
globally defined and pointwise linearly independent s00
vector fields. This is equivalent to the triviality of
the tangent bundle. In the closed case this is known
as Stiefels theorem (compare [100], problem 12- Figure 1: Spacetime M is foliated by a one-parameter
B) and in the open case it follows, e.g., from the family of spacelike embeddings of the 3-manifold . Here
well known fact that every open 3-manifold can the image s0 of under Es0 lies to the future (above) and
be immersed in R3 [117]. Note that orientabil- s00 to the past (below) of s if s00 < s < s0 . Future and
past refer to the time function t which has so far not been
ity is truly necessary; e.g., RP2 S 1 is not par- given any metric significance.
allelizable. Since Cartesian products of paralleliz-
able manifolds are again parallelizable, it follows We distinguish between the abstract 3-manifold
that a 4-dimensional product spacetime (34) is also and its image s in M . The latter is called the
parallelizable. This does, of course, not generalize leaf corresponding to the value s R. Each point
to higher dimensions. Now, for non-compact four- in M is contained in precisely one leaf. Hence there
dimensional spacetimes it is known from [64] that is a real valued function t : M R that assigns to
parallelizability is equivalent to the existence of a each point in M the parameter value of the leaf it
spin structure, without which spinor fields could lies on:
not be defined on spacetime. So we see that the
t(p) = s p s . (36)
existence of spin structure is already implied by
(34) and hence does not pose any further topolog- So far this is only a foliation of spacetime by 3-
ical restriction. Note that the only other potential dimensional leaves. For them to be addressed as
topological restriction at this stage is that imposed space the metric induced on them must be posi-
from the requirement that a smooth Lorentz metric tive definite, that is, the leaves should be spacelike
is to exist everywhere on spacetime. This is equiv- submanifolds. This means that the one-form dt is
alent to a vanishing Euler characteristic (see, e.g., timelike:
40 in [111]) which in turn is equivalently to the g 1 (dt, dt) < 0 . (37)
global existence of a continuous, nowhere vanish-
ing vector field (possibly up to sign) on spacetime. The normalized field of one-forms is then
But such a vector field clearly exists on any Carte-
sian product with one factor being R. We conclude dt
n[ := p . (38)
g (dt, dt)
that existence of a Lorentz metric and a spin struc-
ture on an orientable spacetime M = R pose
no restrictions on the topology of an orientable . As explained in section 2, we write n[ since we think
As we will see later on, even Einsteins equation of this one form as the image under g of the nor-
poses no topological restriction on , in the sense malized vector field perpendicular to the leaves:
that some (physically reasonable) solutions to Ein-
steins equations exist for any given . Topological n[ = g(n, ) . (39)
restrictions may occur, however, if we ask for solu-
tion with special properties (see below). The linear subspace of vectors in Tp M which are
Now, given , we consider a one-parameter fam- tangent to the leaf through p is denoted by Tp M ;
ily of embeddings hence

Es : M , s := Es () M . (35) Tpk M := {X Tp M : dt(X) = 0} . (40)

The orthogonal complement is just the span of n at For example, letting the horizontal projection of
p, which we denote by Tp M . This gives, at each the form act on the vector X, we get
point p of M , the g-orthogonal direct sum k
P (X) = (P k ] )[ (X)
Tp M = Tp M Tpk M . (41)
= g P k ] , X

= g ] , P k X

and associated projections (we drop reference to
the point p)
= P kX ,

P :T M T M ,
where we merely used the definitions (1) of [ and ]
X 7 g(X, n) n , (42a) in the second and fourth equality, respectively, and
P k : T M T kM , the self-adjointness (44b) of P k in the third equal-
ity. The analogous relation holds for P (X). It
X 7 X g(X, n) n . (42b) k
is also straightforward to check that P and P
As already announced in Section 2, we introduced are self-adjoint with respect to g 1 (cf. (2)).
the symbol Having the projections defined for vectors and
= g(n, n) (43) co-vectors, we can also define it for the whole ten-
sor algebra of the underlying vector space, just
in order to keep track of where the signature mat-
by taking the appropriate tensor products of these
ters. Note that the projection operators (42) are k
self-adjoint with respect to g, so that for all X, Y maps. All tensor products between P k and P will
T M we have then, for simplicity, just be denoted by P , the
action on the tensor being obvious. Similarly for
g P X, Y = g X, P Y , P . (For what follows we need not consider mixed
projections.) The projections being pointwise op-
g P k X, Y = g X, P k Y .
erations, we can now define vertical and horizontal
A vector is called horizontal iff it is in the kernel projections of arbitrary tensor fields. Hence a ten-
of P , which is equivalent to being invariant under sor field T Tdu M is called horizontal if and only
P k . It is called vertical iff it is in the kernel of P k , if P k T = T . The space of horizontal tensor fields
which is equivalent to being invariant under P . of rank (u,d) is denoted by T d M .
All this can be extended to forms. We define As an example, the horizontal projection of the
vertical and horizontal forms as those annihilating metric g is
horizontal and vertical vectors, respectively:
h := P k g := g P k , P k = g n[ n[ . (48)

Tp M := { Tp M : (X) = 0 , X Tpk M } , k0
(45a) Hence h T 2 M . Another example of a horizon-
tal vector field is the acceleration of the normal
Tpk M := { Tp M : (X) = 0 , X Tp M } . field n:
(45b) a := n n . (49)
Using the musical isomorphisms (1), the self- Here denotes the Levi-Civita covariant derivative
adjoint projection maps (42) on vectors define self- with respect to g. An observer who moves perpen-
adjoint projection maps on co-vectors (again drop- dicular to the horizontal leaves has four-velocity
ping the reference to the base-point p) u = cn and four-acceleration c2 a. If L denotes the
Lie derivative, it is easy to show that the accelera-
P :=[ P ] : T M T M , (46a) tion 1-form satisfies
P := [ P k ] : T M T k M . (46b) a[ = Ln n[ . (50)

Moreover, as n is hypersurface orthogonal it is ir- representative of space. Instead of using the folia-
rotational, hence its 1-form equivalent satisfies tion by 3-dimensional spatial leaves (35) we could
have started with a foliation by timelike lines, plus
dn[ n[ = 0 , (51a) the condition that these lines are vorticity free.
which is equivalent to the condition of vanishing These two concepts are equivalent. Depending on
horizontal curl: the context, one might prefer to emphasize one or
the other.
P k dn[ = 0 . (51b) The vector parallel to the worldline at p = Es (q)
is, as usual in differential geometry, defined by its
Equation (51a) can also be immediately inferred action on f C (M ) (smooth, real valued func-
directly from (38). Taking the operation in d (ex- tions):
terior derivative followed by contraction with n) as df (Es0 (q))
well as the Lie derivative with respect to n of (50) f= 0 . (54)
t Es (q) ds0

s =s
da[ n[ = 0 , (52a) At each point this vector field can be decomposed
into its horizontal component that is tangential to
an equivalent expression being again the vanishing the leaves of the given foliation and its normal com-
of the horizontal curl of a: ponent. We write
P k da[ = 0 . (52b) 1
= n + , (55)
This will be useful later on. c t
Note that a[ is a horizontal co-vector field, i.e. an where is the tangential part; see Figure 2. The
element of T d=1 M . More generally, for a purely
covariant horizontal tensor field we have the follow- p0
ing results, which will also be useful later on: Let s+ds
T T d M , then
c t n
P k Ln T = Ln T , (53a)
Lf n T = f Ln T , (53b)
s p
for all f C (M ). Note that (53a) states that the

Lie derivative in normal direction of a horizontal
covariant tensor field is again horizontal. That this Figure 2: For fixed q its image points p = Es (q)
is not entirely evident follows, e.g., from the fact and p0 = Es+ds (q) for infinitesimal ds are connected by the
that a corresponding result does not hold for T vector /t|p , whose components normal to s are (one
ku function, called lapse) and (three functions, called shift)
T d M where u > 0. The proofs of (53) just use respectively.
standard manipulations.
A fixed space-point q defines the worldline real-valued function is called the lapse (function)
(history of that point) R 3 s 7 Es (q). The col- and the horizontal vector field is called the shift
lection of all worldlines of all space-points define a (vector-field) .
foliation of M into one-dimensional timelike leafs.
Each leaf is now labeled uniquely by a space point.
4.1 Decomposition of the metric
We can think of space, i.e., the abstract mani-
fold , as the quotient M/, where p p0 iff both Let {e0 , e1 , e2 , e3 } be a locally defined orthonor-
points lie on the same worldline. As any s in- mal frame with dual frame {0 , 1 , 2 , 3 }. We call
tersects each worldline exactly once, each s is a them adapted to the foliation if e0 = n and 0 = n[ .

A local coordinate system {x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 } is called Orthogonality of the ea implies for the chart
adapted if /xa are horizontal for a = 1, 2, 3. Note components of the spatial metric (48)
that in the latter case /x0 is not required to be
orthogonal to the leaves (i.e. it need not be par- m n
Aam Aan ,

hmn := h /x , /x = (62)
allel to n). For example, we may take x0 to be
proportional to t; say x0 = ct.
In the orthonormal co-frame the spacetime met- and its inverse
ric, i.e. the field of signature (, +, +, +) metrics 3
in the tangent spaces, has the simple form hmn := h1 dxm , dxn = [A1 ]m
a [A
1 n
]a . (63)
0 0 a a
g = + . (56) Inserting (60) into (56) and using (62) leads to
a=1 the (3+1)-form of the metric in adapted coordi-
The inverse spacetime metric, i.e. the field of signa- nates
ture (, +, +, +) metrics in the co-tangent spaces, g = 2 + h(, ) c2 dt dt

has the form
+ cm dt dxm + dxm dt

X + hmn dxm dxn ,
g 1 = e0 e0 + ea ea . (57)
a=1 where m := hmn n are the components of [ :=
The relation that expresses the coordinate basis g(, ) = h(, ) with respect to the coordinate ba-
in terms of the orthonormal basis is of the form (in sis {/xm }. Likewise, inserting (61) into (57) and
a self-explanatory matrix notation) using (63) leads to the (3+1)-form of the inverse
metric in adapted coordinates (we write t := /t
/x0 a
e0 and m := /xm for convenience)
= , (58)
/xm 0 Aam ea
g 1 = c2 2 t t
where are the components of with respect to
c1 2 m t m + m t

the horizontal frame basis {ea }. The inverse of (58)
+ hmn + m n m n .

1 m /x0
e0 Finally we note that the volume form on space-
= , (59)
ea 0 [A1 ]m
a /xm time also easily follows from (60)
where m are the components of with respect dg = 0 1 2 3
to the horizontal coordinate-induced frame basis p (66)
= det{hmn } cdt d3 x ,
{/xm }.
The relation for the co-bases dual to those in (58) where we use the standard shorthand d3 x = dx1
is given by the transposed of (58), which we write dx2 dx3 .
0 a = dx0 dxm

. (60)
4.2 Decomposition of the
0 Aam covariant derivative
The inverse of that is the transposed of (59): Given horizontal vector fields X and Y , the covari-
ant derivative of Y with respect to X need not be
 1 1 m
dx0 dxm = 0 a horizontal. Its decomposition is written as

0 [A1 ]m
(61) X Y = DX Y + nK(X, Y ) , (67)

where field. Symmetry follows from the vanishing torsion
of , since then
DX Y := P k X Y , (68)
K(X, Y ) := g(n, X Y ) . (69) K(X, Y ) = g(n, X Y )
= g(n, Y X + [X, Y ])
The map D defines a covariant derivative (in the (74)
= g(n, Y X)
sense of Kozul; compare [110], Vol 2) for horizon-
tal vector fields, as a trivial check of the axioms = K(Y, X)
reveals. Moreover, since the commutator [X, Y ]
for horizontal X, Y . From (69) one sees that
of two horizontal vector fields is always horizontal
K(f X, Y ) = f K(X, Y ) for any smooth function
(since the horizontal distribution is integrable by
f . Hence K defines a unique symmetric tensor
construction), we have
field on M by stipulating that it be horizontal, i.e.
T D (X, Y ) = DX Y DY X [X, Y ] K(n, ) = 0. It is called the extrinsic curvature of
the foliation or second fundamental form, the first
= P k X Y Y X [X, Y ]

(70) fundamental form being the metric. From (69)
=0 and the symmetry just shown one immediately in-
fers the alternative expressions
due to being torsion free. We recall that tor-
sion is a tensor field T T21 M associated to each K(X, Y ) = g(X n, Y ) = g(Y n, X) .
covariant derivative via (75)
This shows the relation between the extrinsic cur-
T (X, Y ) = X Y Y X [X, Y ] . (71) vature and the Weingarten map, Wein, also called
the shape operator, which sends horizontal vectors
We have T (X, Y ) = T (Y, X). As usual, even
to horizontal vectors according to
though the operations on the right hand side of
(71) involve tensor fields (we need to differentiate), X 7 Wein(X) := X n . (76)
the result of the operation just depends on X and Y
pointwise. This one proves by simply checking the Horizontality of X n immediately follows from n
being normalized: g(n, X n) = 21 X g(n, n) = 0.

validity of T (f X, Y ) = f T (X, Y ) for all smooth
functions f . Hence (70) shows that D is torsion Hence (75) simply becomes
free because is torsion free. 
Finally, we can uniquely extend D to all hori- K(X, Y ) = h Wein(X), Y
zontal tensor fields by requiring the Leibniz rule. = h X, Wein(Y ) ,
Then, for X, Y, Z horizontal
where we replaced g with hdefined in (48)
(DX h)(Y, Z) since both entries are horizontal. It says that K

= X h(Y, Z) h(DX Y, Z) h(Y, DX Z) is () times the covariant tensor corresponding
 (72) to the Weingarten map, and that the symmetry
= X g(Y, Z) g(X Y, Z) g(Y, X Z) of K is equivalent to the self-adjointness of the
= (X g)(Y, Z) = 0 Weingarten map with respect to h. The Wein-
garten map characterizes the bending of the em-
due to the metricity, g = 0, of . Hence D is
bedded hypersurface in the ambient space by an-
metric in the sense
swering the following question: In what direction
Dh = 0 . (73) and by what amount does the normal to the hy-
persurface tilt if, starting at point p, you progress
The map K from pairs of horizontal vector fields within the hypersurface by the vector X. The an-
(X, Y ) into functions define a symmetric tensor swer is just Weinp (X). Self adjointness of Wein

then means that there always exist three (n 1 assume a minimal and a maximal value, denoted
in general) perpendicular directions in the hyper- by kmin (p) = k(p, vmin ) and kmax (p) = k(p, vmax )
surface along which the normal tilts in the same respectively. These are called the principal curva-
direction. These are the principal curvature direc- tures of S at p and their reciprocals are called the
tions mentioned above. The principal curvatures principal radii. It is clear that the principal direc-
are the corresponding eigenvalues of Wein. tions vmin and vmax just span the eigenspaces of
Finally we note that the covariant derivative of the Weingarten map discussed above. In particu-
the normal field n can be written in terms of the lar, vmin and vmax are orthogonal. The Gaussian
acceleration and the Weingarten map as follows curvature K(p) of S at p is then defined to be the
product of the principal curvatures:
n = n[ a + Wein . (78)
K(p) = kmin (p) kmax (p) . (81)
Recalling (77), the purely covariant version of this
is This definition is extrinsic in the sense that essen-
n[ = K n[ a[ .

(79) tial use is made of the ambient R3 in which S is em-
From (48) and (79) we derive by standard manip- bedded. However, Gauss theorema egregium states
ulation, using vanishing torsion, that this notion of curvature can also be defined in-
trinsically, in the sense that the value K(p) can be
Ln h = 2K . (80) obtained from geometric operations entirely car-
ried out within the surface S. More precisely, it is
In presence of torsion there would be an addi- a function of the first fundamental form (the met-
tional term +2(in T )[s , where the subscript s de- ric) only, which encodes the intrinsic geometry of
notes symmetrization; in coordinates [(in T )[s ] = S, and does not involve the second fundamental
n T(

g) . form (the extrinsic curvature), which encodes how
S is embedded into R3 .
Let us briefly state Gauss theorem in mathemat-
5 Curvature tensors ical terms. Let
We wish to calculate the (intrinsic) curvature ten- g = gab dxa dxb (82)
sor of and express it in terms of the curvature
tensor of D, the extrinsic curvature K, and the be the metric of the surface in some coordinates,
spatial and normal derivatives of n and K. Be- and
fore we do this, we wish to say a few words on the
cab = 12 g cd d gab + a gbd + b gda ,

definition of the curvature measures in general. (83)
All notions of curvature eventually reduce to that
of curves. For a surface S embedded in R3 we certain combinations of first derivatives of the met-
have the notion of Gaussian curvature which comes ric coefficients, known under the name of Christof-
about as follows: Consider a point p S and a unit fel symbols . Note that cab has as many indepen-
vector v at p tangent to S. Consider all smooth dent components as a gbc and that we can calculate
curves passing through p with unit tangent v. It the latter from the former via
is easy to see that the curvatures at p of all such
c gab = gan nbc + gbn nac . (84)
curves is not bounded from above (due to the pos-
sibility to bend within the surface), but there will Next we form even more complicated combinations
be a lower bound, k(p, v), which just depends on of first and second derivatives of the metric coeffi-
the chosen point p and the tangent direction repre- cients, namely
sented by v. Now consider k(p, v) as function of v.
As v varies over all tangent directions k(p, v) will Rab cd = c adb d acb + acn ndb adn ncb , (85)

which are now known as components of the Rie- From (88) and using (71) one may show that the
mann curvature tensor. From them we form the Riemann tensor always obeys the first and second
totally covariant (all indices down) components: Bianchi identities:
Rab cd = gan Rnb cd . (86) R(X, Y )Z
(XY Z)
They are antisymmetric in the first and second X n o
index pair: Rab cd = Rba cd = Rab dc , so that = (X T )(Y, Z) T X, T (Y, Z) ,
R12 12 is the only independent component. Gauss (XY Z)

theorem now states that at each point on S we have (89a)

R12 12 (X R)(Y, Z)
K= 2 . (87) (XY Z)
g11 g22 g12 X 
= R X, T (Y, Z) , (89b)
An important part of the theorem is to show that
(XY Z)
the right-hand side of (87) actually makes good
geometric sense, i.e. that it is independent of the where the sums are over the three cyclic permu-
coordinate system that we use to express the coef- tations of X, Y , and Z. For zero torsion these
ficients. This is easy to check once one knows that identities read in component form:
Rabcd are the coefficients of a tensor with the sym- X
metries just stated. In this way the curvature of R = 0 , (90a)
a surface, which was primarily defined in terms of ()
curvatures of certain curves on the surface, can be
R = 0 . (90b)
understood intrinsically. In what follows we will see ()
that the various measures of intrinsic curvatures of
n-dimensional manifolds can be reduced to that of The second traced on (, ) and contracted with
2-dimensional submanifolds, which will be called g yields (2) times (13).
sectional curvatures. The covariant Riemann tensor is defined by
Back to the general setting, we start from the 
Riem(W, Z, X, Y ) := g W, R(X, Y )Z . (91)
notion of a covariant derivative . Its associated
curvature tensor is defined by For general covariant derivatives its only symme-
 try is the antisymmetry in the last pair. But for
R(X, Y )Z = X Y Y X [X,Y ] Z . (88) special choices it acquires more. In standard GR
For each point p M it should be thought of we assume the covariant derivative to be metric
as a map that assigns to each pair X, Y Tp M compatible and torsion free:
of tangent vectors at p a linear map R(X, Y ) : g = 0 , (92)
Tp M Tp M . This assignment is antisymmetric,
T = 0. (93)
i.e. R(X, Y ) = R(Y, X). If R(X, Y ) is applied
to Z the result is given by the right-hand side of In that case the Riemann tensor has the symme-
(88). Despite first appearance, the right-hand side tries
of (88) at a point p M only depends on the
values of X, Y , and Z at that point and hence de- Riem(W, Z, X, Y ) = Riem(W, Z, Y, X) , (94a)
fines a tensor field. This one again proves by show- Riem(W, Z, X, Y ) = Riem(Z, W, X, Y ) , (94b)
ing the validity of R(f X, Y )Z = R(X, f Y )Z = Riem(W, X, Y, Z) + Riem(W, Y, Z, X) +
R(X, Y )f Z = f R(X, Y )Z for all smooth real-
Riem(W, Z, Y, X) = 0 , (94c)
valued functions f on M. In other words: All terms
involving derivatives of f cancel. Riem(W, Z, X, Y ) = Riem(X, Y, W, Z) . (94d)

Equation (94a) is true by definition (88), (94b) is Here X, Y is a pair of linearly independent tangent
equivalent to metricity of , and (94c) is the first vectors that span a 2-dimensional tangent subspace
Bianchi identity in case of zero torsion. The last restricted to which g is non-degenerate. We will
symmetry (94d) is a consequence of the preceding say that span{X, Y } is non-degenerate. This is the
three. Together (94a), (94b), and (94d) say that, necessary and sufficient condition for the denomi-
at each point p M , Riem can be thought of nator on the right-hand side to be non zero. The
as symmetric bilinear form on the antisymmetric quantity Sec(X, Y ) is called the sectional curva-
tensor product Tp M Tp M . The latter has di- ture of the manifold (M, g) at point p tangent to
mension N = 12 n(n 1) if M has dimension n, span{X, Y }. From the symmetries of Riem it is
and the space of symmetric bilinear forms has di- easy to see that the right-hand side of (99) does
mension 12 N (N + 1). From that number we have indeed only depend on the span of X, Y . That is,
to subtract the number of independent conditions for any other pair X 0 , Y 0 such that span{X 0 , Y 0 } =
(94c), which is n4 in dimensions n 4 and zero span{X, Y }, we have Sec(X 0 , Y 0 ) = Sec(X, Y ).

otherwise. Indeed, it is easy to see that (94c) is The geometric interpretation of Sec(X, Y ) is as
identically satisfied as a consequence of (94a) and follows: Consider all geodesics of (M, g) that pass
(94b) if any two vectors W, Z, X, Y coincide (pro- through the considered point p M in a direc-
portionality is sufficient). Hence the number # of tion tangential to span{X, Y }. In a neighborhood
independent components of the curvature tensor is of p they form an embedded 2-surface in M whose
Gaussian curvature is just Sec(X, Y ).
#Riem = Now, Riem is determined by components of the
form Riem(X, Y, X, Y ), as follows from the fact

1 n 1 2 2

2 N (N + 1)
4 = 12 n (n 1) for n 4
that Riem is a symmetric bilinear form on T M
6 for n = 3
T M . This remains true if we restrict to those X, Y
1 for n = 2

whose span is non-degenerate, since they lie dense

= 1 2 2
1) for all n 2 . in T M T M and (X, Y ) 7 Riem(X, Y, X, Y ) is
12 n (n
(95) continuous. This shows that the full information
of the Riemann tensor can be reduced to certain
The Ricci and scalar curvatures are obtained Gaussian curvatures.
by taking traces with respect to g: Let {e1 , , en } This also provides a simple geometric interpre-
be an orthonormal basis, g(ea , eb ) = ab a (no sum- tation of the scalar and Einstein curvatures in
mation) with a = 1, then terms of sectional curvatures. Let {X1 , , Xn }
be any set of pairwise orthogonal non-null vec-
X tors. The 21 n(n 1) 2-planes span{Xa , Xb } are
Ric(X, Y ) = a Riem(ea , X, ea , Y ) (96) non-degenerate and also pairwise orthogonal. It
then follows from (97) and (99) that the scalar cur-
X vature is twice the sum of all sectional curvatures:
Scal = a Ric(ea , ea ) . (97)
a=1 X
Scal = 2 Sec(Xa , Xb ) . (100)
The Einstein tensor is a,b=1

Ein = Ric 12 Scal g . (98) The sum on the right-hand side of (100) is the same
for any set of 12 n(n 1) non-degenerate and pair-
The sectional curvature is defined by wise orthogonal 2-planes. Hence the scalar curva-
ture can be said to be twice the sum of mutually or-
Riem(X, Y, X, Y ) thogonal sectional curvatures, or n(n1) times the
Sec(X, Y ) =  2 , (99)
g(X, X)g(Y, Y ) g(X, Y ) mean sectional curvature. Similarly for the Ricci

and Einstein curvatures. The symmetry of the their Kulkarni-Nomizu product is defined by
Ricci and Einstein tensors imply that they are fully
determined by their components Ric(W, W ) and k ? `(X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 ) := k(X1 , X3 ) `(X2 , X4 )
Ein(W, W ). Again this remains true if we restrict + k(X2 , X4 ) `(X1 , X3 )
to the dense set of non-null W , i.e. g(W, W ) 6= 0. k(X1 , X4 ) `(X2 , X3 )
Let now {X1 , , Xn1 } be any set of mutually
orthogonal vectors (again they need not be nor- k(X2 , X3 ) `(X1 , X4 ) ,
malized) in the orthogonal complement of W . As (103)
before the 21 (n 1)(n 2) planes span{Xa , Xb }
or in components
are non degenerate and pairwise orthogonal. From
(96), (98), and (99) it follows that
(k?`)abcd = kac `bd +kbd `ac kad `bc kbc `ad . (104)

X The Weyl tensor, Weyl, is of the same type as
Ric(W, W ) = g(W, W ) Sec(W, Xa ) (101) Riem but in addition totally trace-free. It is ob-
a=1 tained from Riem by a projection map, PW , given
Weyl := PW (Riem)
n1 1 1
X := Riem n2 Ric 2(n1) Scal g ?g.
Ein(W, W ) = g(W, W ) Sec(Xa , Xb ) .
a,b=1 (105)

PW is a linear map from the space of rank-four
Again the right-hand sides will be the same for any
tensors with Riemann symmetries to itself. It is
set {X1 , , Xn1 } of n 1 mutually orthogonal
easy to check that its image is given by the totally
vectors in the orthogonal complement of W . Note
trace-free such tensors and that the kernel consists
that Ric(W, W ) involves all sectional curvatures
of all tensors of the form g ? K, where K is a sym-
involving W whereas Ein(W, W ) involves all sec-
metric rank-two tensor. The latter clearly implies
tional curvatures orthogonal to W . For normalized
PW PW = PW . The dimension of the image corre-
W , where g(W, W ) = = 1, we can say that
sponds to the number of independent components
G(W, W ) is the sum of sectional curvatures or-
of the Weyl tensor, which is given by (95) minus
thogonal to W , or 12 (n1)(n2) times their mean.
the dimension 21 n(n + 1) of the kernel. This gives
Note that for timelike W we have = 1 and
for n 3
G(W, W ) is just the sum of spatial sectional curva-
tures. #Weyl = 1

+ 1) n(n 1) 6

12 n(n (106)
Finally we mention the Weyl curvature tensor,
which contains that part of the information in the and zero for n = 2. Note that in n = 3 dimensions
curvature tensor not captured by the Ricci (or the Weyl tensor also always vanishes, so that (105)
Einstein-) tensor. To state its form in a compact can be used to express the Riemann tensor in terms
form, we introduce the Kulkarni-Nomizu product, of the Ricci and scalar curvature
denoted by an encircled wedge, ?, which is a bi-
Riem = Ric 41 Scal g ? g

linear symmetric product on the space of covari- (for n = 3) . (107)
ant symmetric rank-two tensors with values in the
covariant rank-four tensors that have the symme- A metric manifold (M, g) is said to be of constant
tries (94) of the Riemann tensor. Let k and ` be curvature if
two symmetric covariant second-rank tensors, then Riem = k g ? g (108)

for some function k. Then Ric = 2k(n 1)g and a different meaning from that given to it in (48).
Ein = k(n 1)(n 2)g. We recall that mani- We recall that the Levi-Civita covariant derivative
folds (M, g) for which the Einstein tensor (equiv- is uniquely determined by the metric. For this
alently, the Ricci tensor) is pointwise proportional reads
to the metric are called Einstein spaces. The twice
contracted second Bianchi identity (13) shows that 2 g(X Y, Z)
k must be a constant unless n = 2. For n = 3 = X g(Y, Z) + Y g(Z, X) Z g(X, Y )
equation (107) shows that Einstein spaces are of   
g X, [Y, Z])] + g Y, [Z, X])] + g Z, [X, Y ])] .
constant curvature.

5.1 Comparing curvature tensors Subtracting (112) from the corresponding formula
with and g replaced by and g yields, using
Sometimes one wants to compare two different cur-
T = 0,
vature tensors belonging to two different covariant
derivatives and . In what follows, all quan- 
carry a hat. Recall that a 2 g (X, Y ), Z =
tities referring to
covariant derivative can be considered as a map (Z h)(X, Y ) + (X h)(Y, Z) + (Y h)(Z, X).
: T01 M T01 M T01 M , (X, Y ) 7 X Y , (113)
which is C (M )-linear in the first and a deriva-
This formula expresses as functional of g and g.
tion in the second argument. That is, for f
There are various equivalent forms of it. We have
C (M ) have f X+Y Z = f X Z + Y Z and
chosen a representation that somehow minimizes
X (f Y + Z) = X(f )Y + f X Y + X Z. This
the appearance of g. Note that g enters in h as
implies that the difference of two covariant deriva-
well as , whereas g enters in h and via the scalar
tives is C (M )- linear also in the second argument
product on the left-hand side. The latter obstructs
and hence a tensor field:
expressing as functional of g and h alone. In
=: T21 M .
(109) components (113) reads
Replacing with + in the definition of the
abc = 21 g an n hbc + b hcn + c hnb . (114)

according to (88) directly
curvature tensor for
leads to Note that one could replace the components of h
R(X, Y )Z = R(X, Y )Z with those of g = g + h in the bracket on the right-
hand side, since the covariant derivatives of g van-
+ (X )(Y, Z) (Y )(X, Z)
+ X, (Y, Z) Y, (X, Z) Now suppose we consider h and its first and sec-

+ T (X, Y ), Z) . ond derivatives to be small and we wanted to know
(110) the difference in the covariant derivatives and cur-
vature only to leading (linear) order in h. To that
Note that so far no assumptions have been made order we may replace g with g on the left-hand side
concerning torsion or metricity of and . This
of (113) and the right-hand side of (114). Moreover
formula is generally valid. In the special case where we may neglect the -squared terms in (110) and
and are the Levi-Civita covariant derivatives
obtain, writing R for the first order contribution
with respect to two metrics g and g, we set to R R,
h := g g , (111)
Rabcd = c adb d acb . (115)
which is a symmetric covariant tensor field. Note
that here, and for the rest of this subsection, h has From this the first-order variation of the Ricci ten-

sor follows, writing hab =: gab , tensor, which is related to the covariant form,
Weyl, in the same way (91) as the curvature ten-
Rab = n nab b nna sor R is related to Riem (i.e., by raising the first
= 2 g gab a b g (116) index of the latter).
n n
+ a gnb + b gna ,
 From (120) we also deduce the transformation
properties of the Ricci tensor:
where g := g ab a b and g = g ab gab . Finally,
the variation of the scalar curvature is (note g ab = Ricg =Ricg
g + (n 2)g 1 (d, d) g

g ac g bd gcd = hab ) (122)
(n 2)( d d) .
R = Rab g ab + a U a , (117a)
where, as above, g denotes again the Lapla-
cian/dAlembertian for g. Finally, for the scalar
U a = g nm anm g an m
mn curvature we get
= Gabcd b gcd . 
Scalg = e2 Scalg
Here we made use of the De Witt metric, which de-
fines a symmetric non-degenerate bilinear form on 2(n 1)g
the space of symmetric covariant rank-two tensors 
and which in components reads: (n 1)(n 2)g 1 (d, d) .

Gabcd = 12 g ac g bd + g ad g bc 2g ab g cd . (118)

We will later have to say more about it. This law has a linear dependence on the second and
We also wish to state a useful formula that com- a quadratic dependence on first derivatives of . If
pares the curvature tensors for conformally related the conformal factor is written as an appropriate
metrics, i.e. power of some positive function : M R+ we
g = e2 g , (119) can eliminate all dependence on first and just retain
the second derivatives. In n > 2 dimensions it is
where : M R is smooth. Then easy to check that the rule is this:
h i
Riemg = e2 Riemg + g ? K , (120a) 4
e2 = n2 , (124)
with then (123) becomes
2 1 1
K := + d d 2g (d, d) g . (120b) 4(n 1) n2
Scalg = Dg , (125a)
(This can be proven by straightforward calculations n2
using either (88) and (112), or Cartans structure where
equations, or, most conveniently, normal coordi-
nates.) From (120a) and the fact that the kernel n2
Dg = g Scalg . (125b)
of the map PW in (105) is given by tensors of the 4(n 1)
form g ? K it follows immediately that
Dg is a linear differential operator which is ellip-
Weylg = e Weylg . (121) tic for Riemannian and hyperbolic for Lorentzian
metrics g. If we set = 1 2 and apply (125)
This is equivalently expressed by the conformal in- twice, one time to the pair (g, g), the other time
variance of the contravariant version of the Weyl to (g, 2 g), we obtain by direct comparison (and

renaming 2 to thereafter) the conformal trans- Here we used h(W, X n) = K(W, X) from (75),
formation property for the operator Dg : and
D n2
4 = M n2 Dg M () , (126) Riem(n, Z, X, Y )
g   (130)
= (DX K)(Y, Z) (DY K)(X, Z) .
where M () is the linear operator of multiplica-
tion with . This is the reason why Dg is called Here and in the sequel we return to the meaning of
the conformally covariant Laplacian (for Rieman- h given by (48). In differential geometry (129) is
nian g) or the conformally covariant wave operator referred to as Gauss equation and (130) as Codazzi-
(for Lorentzian g). As we will see, it has useful Mainardi equation.
applications to the initial-data problem in GR. The remaining curvature components are those
involving two entries in n direction. Using (79)
5.2 Curvature decomposition we obtain via standard manipulations (now using
metricity and vanishing torsion)
Using (67) we can decompose the various curvature
tensors. First we let X, Y, Z be horizontal vector Riem(X, n, Y, n)
fields. We use (67) in (88) and get the general
= iX Y n n Y [Y,n] n[

formula (i.e. not yet making use of the fact that
= iX iY Ln K + K K + Da[ a[ a[ .

and D are metric and torsion free)
R(X, Y )Z = RD (X, Y )Z
+ (X n) K(Y, Z) (Y n) K(X, Z) Here K K (X, Y ) := h1 (iX K, iY K) =
iX K (iY K)] and we used the following relation
+ n (DX K)(Y, Z) (DY K)(X, Z)
between covariant and Lie derivative (which will
+ n K T D (X, Y ), Z ,

have additional terms in case of non-vanishing tor-
(127) sion):
where n K = Ln K + 2 K K . (132)
RD (X, Y, )Z := DX DY DY DX D[X,Y ] Z Note also that the left-hand side of (131) is sym-

(128) metric as consequence of (94d). On the right-hand

is the horizontal curvature tensor associated to the side only Da[ is not immediately seen to be sym-
Levi-Civita covariant derivative D of h. This for- metric, but that follows from (52b). Unlike (129)
mula is general in the sense that it is valid for any and (130), equation (131) does not seem to have a
covariant derivative. No assumptions have been standard name in differential geometry.
made so far concerning metricity or torsion, and Equations (127), (129), and (130) express all
this is why the torsion T D of D (defined in (70)) components of the spacetime curvature in terms of
makes an explicit appearance. From now on we horizontal quantities and their Lie derivatives Ln
shall restrict to vanishing torsion. We observe that in normal direction. According to (55) the latter
the first two lines on the right-hand side of (127) can be replaced by a combination of Lie derivatives
are horizontal whereas the last two lines are pro- along the time vector-field /t and the shift .
portional to n. Decomposition into horizontal and From (53b) we infer that Ln = Ln on horizontal
normal components, respectively, leads to (where covariant tensor fields, therefore we may replace
T D = 0 and X, Y, Z, and W are horizontal), k k
Ln 1 L L 1 L L (133)

D ct
Riem(W, Z, X, Y ) = Riem (W, Z, X, Y ) ct

K(W, X)K(Z, Y ) K(W, Y )K(Z, X) . on horizontal covariant tensor fields. Here we set
(129) Lk = P k L, i.e. Lie derivative (as operation in the

ambient spacetime) followed by horizontal projec- where denotes the divergence with respect to
tion. Moreover, using (50), one easily sees that the and V is a vector field on M whose normal com-
acceleration 1-form a[ can be expressed in terms of ponent is the trace of the extrinsic curvature and
the spatial derivative of the lapse function: whose horizontal component is times the acceler-
ation on n:
a[ = 1 D . (134) V = nKcc + a . (139)

Hence the combination of accelerations appearing For the horizontal-horizontal components of Ein-
in (130) may be written as steins equation it turns out to be simpler to use
their alternative form (6b) with the Ricci tensor on
Da[ a[ a[ = 1 D2 . (135) the left hand side. For that we need the horizontal
components of the Ricci tensor, which we easily get
Note that D2 := DD is just the horizontal co- from (129) and (131):
variant Hessian of with respect to h.
Ric(ea , eb ) = RicD (ea , eb )
+ Ln Kab + 2Kac Kbc Kab Kcc
6 Decomposing Einsteins + Da ab aa ab .
equations (140)

The curvature decomposition of the previous sec- For later applications we also note the expression
tion can now be used to decompose Einsteins equa- for the scalar curvature. It follows, e.g., from
tions. For this we decompose the Einstein ten- adding the horizontal trace of (140) to times
sor Ein into the normal-normal, normal-tangential, (138). This leads to
and tangential-tangential parts. Let {e0 , e1 , e2 , e3 }
Scal = ScalD Kab K ab (Kaa )2 + 2 V .
be an orthonormal frame with e0 = n, i.e. adapted
to the foliation as in Section 4.1. Then (102) to- (141)
gether with (129) immediately lead to Here we made use of the relation between the
and D derivative for the acceleration 1-form:
2 Ein(e0 , e0 ) = Kab K ab (Kaa )2 ScalD ,

(136) a[ = Da[ + n[ n a[ + ia K n[ , (142)

where ScalD is the scalar curvature of D, i.e. of
whose trace gives the following relation between
the spacelike leaves in the metric h. Similarly we
the and D divergences of a:
obtain from (130),
a = D a h(a, a) . (143)
Ein(e0 , ea ) = Ric(e0 , ea ) = Db Kab Da Kbb .

(137) Another possibility would have been to use (136)

The normal-normal component of the Ricci ten- and (138) in Scal = 2(Ein(e0 , e0 )Ric(e0 , e0 )).
sor cannot likewise be expressed simply in terms of Using (136) and (137), and also using the
horizontal quantities, the geometric reason being De Witt metric (118) for notational ease, we can
that, unlike the Einstein tensor, it involves non- immediately write down the normal-normal and
horizontal sectional curvatures (compare (101) and normal-tangential components of Einsteins equa-
(102)). A useful expression follows from taking the tions (3):
trace of (131), considered as symmetric bilinear
form in X and Y . The result is : Gabcd Kab Kcd + ScalD = 2 T(n, n) , (144a)
abcd ab
Ric(e0 , e0 ) = Kab K ab + (Kcc )2 + V , (138) G Db Kcd = h T(n, eb ) . (144b)

From (77) and (118) we notice that the bilinear in
form on the left-hand side of (144a) can be written k 
as Kab := L K ab
= L K ab + Da Db
G(K, K) : = Gabcd Kab Kcd
+ 2Kac Kbc + Kab Kcc RicD (ea , eb )
= Tr(Wein Wein) Tr(Wein) .
n2 hab T(n, n)
(145) 1

+ T n2 Trh (T) h (ea , eb ) .
Here the trace is natural (needs no metric for its
definition) since Wein is an endomorphism. In a Note that in the last term the trace of T is taken
local frame in which Wein is diagonal with entries with respect to h and not g. The relation is
~k := (k1 , k2 , k3 ) we have Trh (T) = Trg (T) T(n, n).
The only remaining equation that needs to be
added here is that which relates the time derivative
G(K, K) := ( ab 3na nb )ka kb , (146) of h with K. This we get from (80) and (133):
k  k 
hab := L h ab = L h ab 2Kab . (149)
where n are the components of the normalized ct

vector (1, 1, 1)/ 3 in eigenvalue-space, which we

Equations (149) and (148) are six first-order in
identify with R3 endowed with the standard Eu-
time evolution equations for the pair (h, K). This
clidean inner product. Hence, denoting by the
pair cannot be freely specified but has to obey the
angle between ~n and ~k, we have
four equations (144a) and (144b) which do not
contain any time derivatives of h or K. Equa-
tions (144a) and (144b) are therefore referred to as
if | cos | = 1/3
p constraints, more specifically (144a) as scalar con-
G(K, K) = > 0 if | cos | < 1/3 (147)
p straint (also Hamiltonian constraint) and (144b) as
<0 if | cos | > 1/3 .

vector constraint (also diffeomorphism constraint).

p We derived these equations from the 3+1 split

Note that | cos | = 1/3 describes a double cone of a spacetime that we considered to be given. De-
around the symmetry axis generated by ~n and ver- spite having expressed all equations in terms of hor-
tex at the origin, whose opening angle just is right izontal quantities, there is still a relic of the ambi-
so as to contain all three axes of R3 . For eigenvalue- ent space in our equations, namely the Lie deriva-
vectors inside this cone the bilinear form is nega- tive with respect to /ct. We now erase this last
tive, outside this cone positive. Positive G(K, K) relic by interpreting this Lie derivative as ordinary
require sufficiently anisotropic Weingarten maps, partial derivative of some t-dependent tensor field
or, in other words, sufficiently large deviations from on a genuine 3-dimensional manifold , which is
being umbilical points. not thought of as being embedded into a space-
The horizontal-horizontal component of Ein- time. The horizontal projection L of the space-
steins equations in the form (5) immediately fol- time Lie derivative that appears on the right-hand
lows from (140). In the ensuing formula we use sides of the evolution equations above then trans-
(133) to explicitly solve for the horizontal Lie lates to the ordinary intrinsic Lie derivative on
derivative of K with respect to /ct and also (135) with respect to . This is how from now on we shall
to simplify the last two terms in (140). This results read the above equations. Spacetime does not yet

exist. Rather, it has to be constructed from the which shows immediately that the time derivatives
evolution of the fields according to the equations, of the constraint functions are zero if the con-
usually complemented by the equations that gov- straints vanished initially. This suffices for ana-
ern the evolution of the matter fields. In these lytic data, but in the general case one has to do
evolution equations and are freely specifiable more work. Fortunately the equations for the evo-
functions, the choice of which is subject to mathe- lution of the constraint functions can be put into
matical/computational convenience. Once and an equivalent form which is manifestly symmetric
are specified and h as a function of parameter-time hyperbolic [62]. That suffices to conclude the
has been determined, we can form the expression preservation of the constraints in general. In fact,
(64) for the spacetime metric and know that, by symmetric hyperbolicity implies more than that. It
construction, it will satisfy Einsteins equations. ensures the well-posedness of the initial-value prob-
To sum up, the initial-value problem consists in lem for the constraints, which not only says that
the following steps: they stay zero if they are zero initially, but also
that they stay small if they are small initially. This
1. Choose a 3-manifold .
is of paramount importance in numerical evolution
2. Choose a time-parameter dependent lapse schemes, in which small initial violations of the con-
function and a time-parameter dependent straints must be allowed for and hence the conse-
shift vector-field . quences of these violations need to be controlled.
For a recent and mathematically more thorough
3. Find a Riemannian metric h T20 and a discussion of the Cauchy problem we refer to James
symmetric covariant rank-2 tensor field K Isenbergs survey [86].
T20 that satisfy equations (144a) and (144b) Finally we wish to substantiate our earlier claim
either in vacuum (T = T ; cf. (4)), or after that any can carry some initial data. Let us show
specifying some matter model. this for closed . To this end we choose a matter
4. Evolve these data via (149) and (148), possibly model such that the right-hand side of (144b) van-
complemented by the evolution equations for ishes. Note that this still allows for arbitrary cos-
the matter variables. mological constants since T (n, ea ) g(n, ea ) = 0.
Next we restrict to those pairs (h, K) were K = h
5. Construct from the solution the spacetime for some constant . Geometrically this means
metric g via (64). that, in the spacetime to be developed, the Cauchy
For this to be consistent we need to check that the surface will be totally umbilical (isotropic Wein-
evolution according to (149) and (148) will pre- garten map). Due to this proportionality and the
serve the constraints (144a) and (144b). At this previous assumption the vector constraint (144b)
stage this could be checked directly, at least in will be satisfied. In the scalar constraint we have
the vacuum case. The easiest way to do this is G(K, K) = G(h, h) = 62 so that it will be
to use the equivalence of these equations with Ein- satisfied provided that
steins equations and then employ the twice con-
tracted 2nd Bianchi identity (13). It follows that ScalD = 2T(n, n) 62 . (151)
E 0, where E = G + g . The
four constraints (144a) and (144b) are equivalent For the following argument the Lorentzian signa-
to E 00 = 0 and E 0m = 0, and the six second-order ture, = 1, will matter. For physical rea-
equations E mn = 0 to the twelve first-order evolu- sons we assume the weak energy condition so that
tion equations (149) and (148). In coordinates the T(n, n) 0, which makes a positive contribution
identity E 0 reads to the right-hand side of (151). However, if we
choose the modulus of sufficiently large we can
0 E 0 = m E m E E , (150) make the right-hand side negative somewhere (or

everywhere, since is compact). Now, in dimen- and = 0, so that g = c2 dt2 + h. This means
sions 3 or higher the following theorem of Kazdan that n = /ct is geodesic. Taking such a gauge
& Warner holds ([91], Theorem 1.1): Any smooth from the t = 0 slice in the Schwarzschild/Kruskal
function on a compact manifold which is negative spacetime would let the slices run into the singu-
somewhere is the scalar curvature for some smooth larity after a proper-time of t = GM/c3 , where
Riemannian metric. Hence a smooth h exists which M is the mass of the black hole. In that short pe-
solves (151) for any given T(n, n) 0, provided we riod of time the slices had no chance to explore a
choose 2 > || sufficiently large. If is not closed significant portion of spacetime outside the black
a corresponding theorem may also be shown [118]. hole.
The above argument crucially depends on the A gauge condition that one may anticipate to
signs. There is no corresponding statement for pos- have singularity-avoiding character is that where
itive scalar curvatures. In fact, there is a strong is chosen such that the divergence of the normal
topological obstruction against Riemannian met- field n is zero. This condition just means that the
rics of strictly positive scalar curvature. It follows locally co-moving infinitesimal volume elements do
from the theorem of Gromov & Lawson ([78], The- not change volume, for Ln d = ( n) d, where
orem 8.1) that a 3-dimensional closed orientable d = det{hab }d3 x is the volume element of .
allows for Riemannian metrics with positive scalar From (79) we see that n has zero divergence iff
curvature iff its prime decomposition consists of K has zero trace, i.e. the slices are of zero mean-
prime-manifolds with finite fundamental group or curvature. The condition on for this to be pre-
handles S 1 S 2 . All manifolds whose prime list served under evolution follows from
contains at least one so-called K(, 1)-factor (a 3-
manifold whose only non-trivial homotopy group is 0 = Ln (hab Kab ) = K ab Ln hab + hab Ln Kab .
the first) are excluded. See, e.g., [67] for more ex- (152)
planation of these notions. We conclude that the Here we use (80) to eliminate Ln hab in the first
given argument crucially depends on = 1. term and (131) to eliminate Ln Kab in the second
term, also making use of (135). This leads to the
following equivalent of (152):
6.1 A note on slicing conditions
h + Ric(n, n) + K ab Kab = 0 .

The freedom in choosing the lapse and shift func-
tions can be of much importance, theoretically and This is a linear elliptic equation for . The case
in numerical evolution schemes. This is particu- of interest to us in GR is = 1. In the closed
larly true for the lapse function , which deter- case we immediately deduce by standard argu-
mines the amount of proper length by which the ments that = 0 is the only solution, provided
Cauchy slice advances in normal direction per unit the strong energy-condition holds (which implies
parameter interval. If a singularity is to form in Ric(n, n) 0). In the open case, where we might
spacetime due to the collapse of matter within a impose 1 as asymptotic condition, we de-
bounded spatial region, it would clearly be advan- duce existence and uniqueness again under the as-
tageous to not let the slices run into the singularity sumption of the strong energy condition. Hence we
before the outer parts of it have had any chance may indeed impose the condition hab Kab = 0, or
to develop a sufficiently large portion of spacetime Tr(Wein) = 0, for non-closed . It is called the
that one might be interested in, e.g. for the study maximal slicing condition or York gauge [119].
of gravitational waves produced in the past. This Whereas this gauge condition has indeed the de-
means that one would like to slow down in regions sired singularity-avoiding character it is also not
which are likely to develop a singularity and speed easy to implement due to the fact that at each new
up in those regions where it seems affordable. stage of the evolution one has to solve the elliptic
Take as an example the equal-speed gauge = 1 equation (153). For numerical studies it is easier

to implement evolution equations for . Such an The inverse metric to (157) is given by
equation is, e.g., obtained by asking the time func-
tion (36) to be harmonic, in the sense that
G1 1
() = G() abcd , (158a)
hab hcd
0 = g t := g t
  (154) where
1 1
= | det{g }| 2 | det{g }| 2 g t . 1

() abcd = hac hbd + had hbc 2 hab hcd .
This is clearly just equivalent to (158b)
 The relation between and is
| det{g }| 2 g 0 = 0 , (155)
+ = n , (159)
which can be rewritten using (65) and (66) to give
so that
= L Kaa 2 Gabnm 1
ca db + da cb .

: = () G() nmcd = 2 (160)
ct (156)
= L + Tr(Wein) 2 . In ordinary GR n = 3, = 1, and = 1/2.
Note that there are good reasons the keep the su-
This is called the harmonic slicing condition. Note
perscript 1 even in component notation, that is,
that we can still choose = 0 and try to determine
to write G1 () abcd rather than just G() abcd , since
as function of the trace of Wein. There also
exist generalizations to this condition where 2 on G1
() abcd does not equal hak hbl hcm hdn Gklmn
() unless
the right-hand side is replaced with other functions = 2/n, in which case = .
f (). If we change coordinates according to
: = ln det{hab } n ,
6.2 A note on the De Witt metric (161)
At each point p on the De Witt metric (118) can rab : = hab / det{hab } ,
be regarded as a symmetric bilinear form on the
where parametrizes conformal changes and rab
space of positive-definite inner products h of Tp .
the conformally invariant ones, the metric (157)
The latter is an open convex cone in TP TP .
We wish to explore its properties a little further.
A frame in Tp induces a frame in Tp Tp G() = n(1n) d d +rac rbd drab drcd , (162)
(tensor product of the dual frame). If hab are the
components of h then we have the following repre- where ran rnb = ba . Since h is positive definite, so is
sentation of the generalized De Witt metric r. Hence the second part is positive definite on the

2 n(n + 1) 1 dimensional vector space of trace-
G() = Gabcd
() dhab dhcd , (157a) free symmetric tensors. Hence the De Witt metric
is positive definite for < 1/n, Lorentzian for >
where 1/n, and simply degenerate (one-dimensional null
1 ac bd space) for the critical value = 1/n. In the GR
Gabcd h h + had hbc 2 hab hcd . (157b)

() = case we have = 1 and n = 3, so that the De Witt
metric is Lorentzian of signature (, +, +, +, +, +).
Here we introduced a factor in order to Note that this Lorentzian signature is independent
parametrize the impact of the negative trace term. of , i.e. it has nothing to do with the Lorentzian
We also consider to be of general dimension n. signature of the spacetime metric.

In the Hamiltonian formulation it is not G but We stress once more that the signature of the
rather a conformally related metric
p that is impor- De Witt metric is not related to the signature of
tant, the conformal factor being det{hab }. If we spacetime, i.e. independent of . For example, for
set  1/2 the GR values = 1 and n = 3, it is Lorentzian
G() := det{hab } G() (163) even if spacetime were given a Riemannian met-
ric. Moreover, by integrating over , the pointwise
and correspondingly metric (166) defines a bilinear form on the infinite
1/2 1 dimensional space of Riemannian structures on ,

() := det{hab } G() , (164) the geometry of which may be investigated to some
limited extent [70][74].
we can again write G() in terms of (, rab ). In fact,
the conformal rescaling clearly just corresponds to
multiplying (162) with det{hab } = en /2 . Set- 7 Constrained Hamiltonian
ting systems
 1/2 n /4
T := 4 (1 n)/n e (165)
In this section we wish to display some charac-
we get, excluding the degenerate case = 1/n, teristic features of Hamiltonian dynamical systems
with constraints. We restrict attention to finite-
G() = sign(1 n) dT dT dimensional systems in order to not overload the
+ T 2 C rac rbd drab drcd , discussion with analytical subtleties.
Let Q be the n-dimensional configuration man-
where C = n/(16|1 n|) (= 3/32 in GR). This ifold of a dynamical system that we locally co-
is a simple warped product metric of R+ with ordinatize by (q 1 , , q n ). By T Q we denote
the left-invariant metric on the homogeneous space its tangent bundle, which we coordinatize by
GL(3, R)/SO(3) R+ of symmetric positive defi- (q 1 , , q n , v 1 , , v n ), so that a tangent vector
nite forms modulo overall scale, the warping func- X T Q is given by X = v a /q a . The dynamics
tion being just T 2 if T is the coordinate on R+ . of the system is described by a Lagrangian
Now, generally, quadratic warped-product metrics
of the form dT dT + T 2 g, where g is indepen- L : TQ R, (167)
dent of T , are non-singular for T & 0 iff g is a
metric of constant curvature 1 (like for a unit which selects the dynamically possible trajectories
sphere in Rn , with T being the radius coordinate, in T Q as follows: Let R 3 t 7 x(t) Q be a (at
or the unit spacelike hyperboloid in n-dimensional least twice continuously differentiable) curve, then
Minkowski space, respectively). This is not the it is dynamically possible iff the following Euler
case for (166), which therefore has a curvature sin- Lagrange equations hold (we set dx/dt =: x):
gularity for small T , i.e. small det{hab }. Note that " #
this is a singularity in the space of metrics (here L d L
= 0. (168)
at a fixed space point), which has nothing to do q a q=x(t) dt v a q=x(t)
v=x(t) v=x(t)
with spacetime singularities. In the early days of
Canonical Quantum Gravity this has led to specu- Performing the t-differentiation on the second
lations concerning natural boundary conditions term, this is equivalent to
for the wave function, whose domain is the space of
Hab x(t), x(t) xb = Va x(t), x(t) ,
metrics [52]. The intention was to pose conditions (169)
such that the wave function should stay away from
such singular regions in the space of metrics; see 2 L(q, v)
also [92] for a more recent discussion. Hab (q, v) := , (170)
v a v b

and are s functions , = 1, , s such that
L(q, v) 2 L(q, v) b
C := (q, p) T Q : (q, p) = 0 , = 1, , s .

Va (q, v) := v . (171)
q a v a q b (175)
Here we regard H and V as function on T Q with This is called the constraint surface in phase space.
values in the symmetric n n matrices and Rn It is given as the intersection of the zero-level sets of
respectively. In order to be able to solve (169) for s independent functions. Independence means that
the second derivative x the matrix H has to be at each p C the s one-forms d1 |p , ds |p are
invertible, that is, it must have rank n. That is linearly independent elements of Tp T Q.
the case usually encountered in mechanics. On the The dynamical trajectories of our system will
other hand, constrained systems are those where stay entirely on C . The trajectories themselves are
the rank of H is not maximal. This is the case we integral lines of a Hamiltonian flow. But what is
are interested in. the Hamiltonian function that generates this flow?
We assume H to be of constant rank r < n. To explain this we first recall the definition of the
Then, for each point on T Q, there exist s = (n energy function for the Lagrangian L. It is a func-
r) linearly independent kernel elements K() (q, v), tion E : T Q R defined through
= 1, , s, such that K() (q, v)Hab (q, v) = 0.
L(q, v) a
Hence any solution x(t) to (169) must be such that E(q, v) := v L(q, v) . (176)
the curve t 7 x(t), x(t) in T Q stays on the subset v a
At first sight this function cannot be defined on
 phase space, for we cannot invert FL to express v
C := (q, v) T Q : (q, v) = 0 , = 1, , s ,
as function of q and p which we could insert into
E(q, v) in order to get E(q, v(q, p)). However, one
may prove the following: There exists a function
(q, v) = K() (q, v)Va (q, v) . (172b)
HC : C R , (177a)
We assume C T Q to be a smooth closed subman-
ifold of co-dimension s, i.e. of dimension 2n s = so that
n + r. E = HC FL . (177b)
Now we consider the cotangent bundle T Q over
Q. On T Q we will use so-called canonical coor- A local version of this is seen directly from tak-
dinates, denoted by {q 1 , , q n , p1 , , pn }, the ing the differential of (176), which yields dE =
precise definition of which we will give below. The v a d(L/v a ) (L/q a )dq a , expressing the fact
Lagrangian defines a map FL : T Q T Q, which that dE(q,v) (X) = 0 if FL(q,v) (X) = 0 for X
in these coordinates reads T(q,v) T Q, or in simple terms: E does not vary if q
  and p do not vary.
L(q, v) So far the function HC is only defined on C . By
FL(q, v) = q, p := . (173)
v our regularity assumptions there exists a smooth
extension of it to T Q, that is a function H0 :
From what has been said above it follows that the
T Q R such that H0 |C = HC . This is clearly
Jacobian of that map has constant rank n + r.
not unique. But we can state the following: Let H0
Given sufficient regularity, we may further assume
and H both be smooth (at least continuously dif-
ferentiable) extensions of HC to T Q, then there
C := FL C T Q

exist s smooth functions : T Q R such that
is a smoothly embedded closed submanifold in
phase space T Q of co-dimension s. Hence there H = H0 + . (178)

Locally a proof is simple: Let f : T Q R be for all , {1, , s}. Following Dirac [55],
continuously differentiable and such that f |C constraints which satisfy this condition are said to
0. Consider a point p C and coordinates be of first class. By the result shown (locally)
(x1 , , x2ns , y 1 , y s ) in a neighborhood U above in (179) this is equivalent to the existence
T Q of p, where the xs are coordinates on the con- of 12 s2 (s 1) (at least continuously differentiable)

straint surface and the ys are just the functions . real-valued functions C = C on T Q, such
In U the constraint surface is clearly just given by that
y 1 = = y s = 0. Then
{ , } = C . (182)
Z 1
d Note that as far as the intrinsic geometric proper-
f |U (x, y) = dt f (x, ty)
0 dt ties of the constraint surface are concerned (181)
Z 1
f and (182) are equivalent.
= dt (x, ty) y = (x, y) y , The indeterminacy of the Hamiltonian due to the
0 y
(179a) freedom to choose any set of seems to imply
an s-dimension worth of indeterminacy in the dy-
where namically allowed motions. But the difference in
these motions is that generated by the constraint
(x, y) := dt (x, ty) . (179b) functions on the constraint surface. In order to ac-
0 y
tually tell apart two such motions requires observ-
For a global discussion see [80]. ables (phase-space functions) whose Poisson brack-
As Hamiltonian for our constraint system we ets with the constraints do not vanish on the con-
address any smooth (at least continuously differen- straint surface. The general attitude is to assume
tiable) extension H of HC . So if H0 is a somehow that this is not possible, i.e. to assume that phys-
given one, any other can be written as ical observables correspond exclusively to phase-
H = H0 + (180) space functions whose Poisson bracket with all con-
straints vanish on the constraint surface. This is
for some (at least continuously differentiable) real- expressed by saying that all motions generated by
valued functions on T Q. the constraints are gauge transformations. This en-
Here we have been implicitly assuming that the tails that they are undetectable in principle and
Hamiltonian dynamics does not leave the con- merely correspond to a mathematical redundancy
straint surface (174). If this were not the case in the description rather than to any physical de-
we would have to restrict further to proper sub- grees of freedom. It is therefore more correct to
manifolds of C such that the Hamiltonian vector speak of gauge redundancies rather than of gauge
fields evaluated on them lie tangentially. (If no symmetries, as it is sometimes done, for the word
such submanifold can be found the theory is sim- symmetry is usually used for a physically mean-
ply empty). This is sometimes expressed by saying ingful operation that does change the object to
that the primary constraints (those encountered which it is applied in at least some aspects (other-
first in the Lagrangian/Hamiltonian analysis) are wise the operation is the identity). Only some rel-
completed by secondary, tertiary, etc. constraints evant aspects, in the context of which one speaks
for consistency. of symmetry, are not changed.
Here we assume that our system is already dy-
namically consistent. This entails that the Hamil-
tonian vector-fields X for the are tangential 7.1 Geometric theory
to the constraint surface. This is equivalent to
Being first class has an interpretation in terms of
X ( )|C = 0, or expressed in Poisson brackets:
symplectic geometry. To see this, we first recall a
{ , } C = 0 , (181) few facts and notation from elementary symplec-

tic geometry of cotangent bundles. Here some sign The special fibre-preserving diffeomorphisms we
conventions enter and the reader is advised to com- wish to mention are given by adding to each mo-
pare carefully with other texts. mentum p T Q the value (p) of a section
A symplectic structure on a manifold is a non- : Q T Q:
degenerate closed two-form. Such structures al-
ways exist in a natural way on cotangent bun- F (p) = p + (p) . (186)
dles, where they even derive from a symplectic po-
This transforms the symplectic potential at p
tential. The latter is a one-form field on T Q
T Q into
whose general geometric definition is as follows:
Let : T Q Q be the natural projection from
(F )p = F (p) Fp
the co-tangent bundle of Q (phase space) to Q it-
self. Then, for each p T Q, we define (183) 
= F (p) F p
p := p p . (183) (185)
= F (p) p

So in order to apply p to a vector X Tp T Q, (186)
= p + (p) p
we do the following: Take the differential of
the projection map , evaluate it at point p and = p + p .

apply it to X Tp T Q in order to push it forward
to the tangent space T(p) Q at point (p) Q. Hence
Then apply p to it, which makes sense since p is,
by definition, an element of the co-tangent space F = + , (188a)
at (p) Q.
F = d . (188b)
The symplectic structure, , is now given by
This is a canonical transformation if is a closed
= d . (184) covector field on Q. By Poincares Lemma such a
The minus sign on the right-hand side has no signif- is locally exact, but this need not be the case
icance other than to comply with standard conven- globally. Obstructions to global exactness are the
tions. Let us stress that , and hence , is globally first De Rahm cohomology class HDR (Q), which is
defined. This is obvious from the global definition just defined to be the vector space of closed mod-
(183). Therefore is not only closed, d = 0, but ulo exact covector fields on Q. The dimension of
even globally exact for any Q. Non-degeneracy of this vector space equals the rank of the free part
will be immediate from the expression in canonical of the ordinary first homology group H1 (Q, Z) on
coordinates to be discussed below (cf. (196b)). Q with integer coefficients. This latter group is
A diffeomorphism F : T Q T Q is called a always abelian and isomorphic to the abelianiza-
canonical transformation or symplectic morphism tion of the (generally non-abelian) first homotopy
if it preserves , that is, if F = . We explicitly group 1 (Q). Hence for non-simply connected Q
mention two kinds of canonical transformations, the possibility of canonical transformations exist
which in some sense are complementary to each which change the symplectic potential by a closed
other. yet non-exact covector field.
The first set of canonical transformations are The second set of canonical transformations that
fibre-preserving ones. This means that, for each we wish to mention are natural extensions to T Q
q Q, points in the fibre 1 (q) are moved to of diffeomorphisms of Q. These extensions not only
points in the same fibre 1 (q). This is equivalent leave invariant the symplectic structure but also
to the simple equation the symplectic potential . To see this we note that
any diffeomorphism f : Q Q has a natural lift
F = . (185) to T Q. We recall that a lift of a diffeomorphism

f of the base manifold Q is a diffeomorphism F : the first set of n component functions by z a = q a
T Q T Q such that (for a = 1, , n) and the second set by z n+a = pa
(for a = 1, , n). For the first set we define
F = f . (189)
q a () := xa () ,

This is equivalent to saying that the following dia-
and for the second
gram of maps commutes (a tailed arrow indicates !
injectivity and a double-headed arrow surjectivity)
pa () := , (193b)
xa ()
T Q / / / T Q
for any V . Note that (193b) just says that =
pa () dxa |() . In this way we get a canonical
  extension of any chart on Q with domain U to a
chart on T Q with domain V = 1 (U ). From the
Q / //Q
f definition it is clear that

Here the map F is just the pull-back of the inverse = (194a)
f 1 . Hence the image of p T Q is given by q a
xa ()

1 and
F (p) = p ff ((p)) . (191)

= 0. (194b)
From that it follows that the symplectic potential
is invariant under all lifts of diffeomorphisms on Q: It immediately follows from the definition (183)

(F )p = F (p) Fp
q a
= pa () (195a)
= F (p) F p

(189) = 0. (195b)
= F (p) f(p) p pa
(191) 1 Hence, in canonical coordinates, the symplectic po-
= p ff ((p)) f(p) p tential and structure take on the form
= p f 1 f (p) p

|V = pa dq a , (196a)
= p . |V = dq a dpa . (196b)
Note again that (196) is valid in any canoni-
So far we deliberately avoided intoducing local
cal completion of a chart on Q. As advertised
coordinates in order to stress global existence of
above, it is immediate from (196b) that |V is
the quantities in question. We now introduce con-
non-degenerate at any point p V . Since non-
venient coordinates in which the symplectic poten-
degeneracy is a pointwise property and valid in any
tial and structure take on the familiar form. These
canonical chart, it follows that is non-degenerate
are called canonical coordinates, which we already
everywhere. In the sequel we shall drop the explicit
mentioned above and the definition of which we
mention of the chart domain V .
now give. Let (x, U ) be a local chart on Q such
The non-degeneracy of allows to uniquely asso-
that x : Q U Rn is the chart map with com-
ciate a vector field Xf to any real-valued function
ponent functions xa . This chart induces a chart
f on T Q through
(z, V ) on T Q, where V = 1 (U ) T Q and
z : V R2n . We follow general tradition and label iXf = df . (197)

It is called the Hamiltonian vector field of f . An the first term. As is non-degenerate comparison
immediate consequence of (197) and d = 0 is that with (197) leads to (202). Next we recall that the
has vanishing Lie derivative with respect to any exterior differential of a general k-form field , ap-
Hamiltonian vector field: plied to the k + 1 vectors X0 , X1 , , Xk , can be
written as
LXf = (iXf d + d iXf ) = 0 . (198)
d(X0 , , Xk )
In coordinates Xf looks like this: =
(1)i Xi (X0 , , Xi , , Xk )

f f (204)
Xf = a . (199) X
pa q a q pa + (1)i+j [Xi , Xj ], X0 , ,
The Poisson bracket between two functions f and 
Xi , , Xj , , Xk .
g is defined as
Here the hatted entries are omitted. This
{f, g} : = (Xf , Xg ) = Xg (f ) = Xf (g) (200a)
we apply to d(Xf , X g , Xh ) and make use
f g f g

= a . (200b) of, e.g., Xf (Xg , Xh ) = (LXf )(Xg , Xh ) +
q pa pa q a ([Xf , Xg ], Xh )+(XPg , [Xf , Xh ]), as well as (198).
Then we get, writing (f gh) for the cyclig sum over
It provides C (T Q) with a structure of a Lie al- f, g, h:
gebra, which means that for all f, g, h C (T Q)
and all a R we have,
d(Xf , Xg , Xh ) = Xf , [Xg , Xh ]
(f gh)
{f, g} = {g, f } , (201a)
(202) X 
{af + g, h} = a{f, h} + {g, h} , (201b) = Xf , X{g,h} (205)
(f gh)
{f, {g, h}} + {g, {h, f }} + {h, {f, g}} = 0 .
(201c) (200a) X
= {f, {g, h}} .
(f gh)
Antisymmetry and bi-linearity are obvious from
(200). The third property (201c), called the Jacobi Hence we see that the Jacobi identity (201c) follows
identity, can of course be directly checked using from d = 0.
the coordinate expression (200b), but the geomet- Equations (201) state that C (T Q) is a Lie
ric proof is more instructive, which we therefore algebra with { , } as Lie product. With re-
wish to present here. spect to the ordinary pointwise product of func-
The first thing we note is that the map f 7 Xf tions C (T Q) is already a commutative and as-
obeys sociative algebra. Both structures are linked via
X{f,g} = [Xf , Xg ] . (202)
{f g, h} = f {g, h} + {f, h} g , (206)
This follows from
 which immediately follows from the Leibniz rule
d{f, g} = d (Xf , Xg )
and (200) (which implies that {f g, h} is the deriva-
= diXg iXf tive of f g along Xh ). All this is expressed by
= LXg iXf iXg diXf saying that C (T Q) is a Poisson algebra, mean-
= i[Xg ,Xf ] = i[Xf ,Xg ] , ing the coexistence of two algebraic structures, one
of a commutative and associative algebra, one of
where in the last step we used diXf = 0 due to a Lie algebra, and their compatibility via (206).
d = 0 and LXf = 0 and once more LXg = 0 in Note that the liner space T (T Q) of vector fields

is also a Lie algebra, whose Lie product is the The significance of this lies in the following re-
commutator of vector fields. Equation (202) then sult, which we state in an entirely intrinsic geo-
shows that the map from C (T Q) to T (T Q) metric fashion. Let C T Q be co-isotropic of
that sends f 7 Xf is an anti homomorphism of co-dimension s and let e : C T Q be its embed-
Lie algebras. ding. We write
After this brief digression we now return to the := e (210)
geometric interpretation of first-class constraints.
for the pull back of to the constraint surface
For any p C we define
(i.e. essentially the restriction of to the tan-
Tp (T Q) := gent bundle of the constraint surface). is now
s-fold degenerate, its kernel at p C being just
X Tp (T Q) : (X, Y ) = 0 , Y Tp C .

Tp (T Q) Tp C . We have the smooth assign-
(207) ment of subspaces
The non-degeneracy of implies that the dimen- C 3 p 7 kernelp () = Tp (T Q) , (211)
sion of Tp (T Q) equals s, the co-dimension of C in
T Q. But note that as is skew, Tp (T Q) might which forms a sub-bundle of T C called the kernel
well have a non-trivial intersection with Tp C . This distribution of . Now, the crucial result is that
gives rise to the following characterizations for the this sub-bundle is integrable, i.e tangent to locally
submanifold C T Q (understood to hold at each embedded submanifolds C of co-dimension s
point p C ): C is called in C , or co-dimension 2s in T Q. Indeed, in order
to show this we only need to show that whenever
isotropic iff Tp C Tp (T Q); two vector fields X and Y on C take values in the
kernel distribution their commutator [X, Y ] also
co-isotropic iff Tp C Tp (T Q);
takes values in the kernel distribution. That this
suffices for local integrability is known as Frobenius
Lagrangian iff Tp C = Tp (T Q).
theorem in differential geometry. Writing
Since { , } = d (X ) we see that condi-  
tion (181) is equivalent to the statement that the i[X,Y ] = LX iY iY LX (212)
Hamiltonian vector-fields for the constraint func-
we infer that the first term on the right-hand side
tions are tangent to the constraint hypersurface:
vanishes because Y is in s kernel and LX van-
X |C T C . (208) ishes because LX = d iX + iX d on forms, where
iX = 0 again due to X being in the kernel and
Our assumption that the s differentials d be d = de = e d = 0 due to being closed.
linearly independent at each p C now implies The program of symplectic reduction is now
that the s vectors X (p) span an s-dimensional to form the (2n 2s)-dimensional quotient space
subspace of Tp C . But they are also elements of C /, where is the equivalence relation whose
Tp (T Q) since (X , Y ) = d (Y ) = 0 for all Y equivalence classes are the maximal integral sub-
tangent to C . As the dimension of Tp (T Q) is s, manifolds of the kernel distribution of . C / is
this shows called the physical phase-space or reduced space of
Tp (T Q) = span X1 , Xs Tp C , (209) We stress that this geometric formulation of

the reduction program, and the characterization of
that is, co-isotropy of C . First-class constraints C / in particular, does not refer to any set of func-
are precisely those which give rise to co-isotropic tions that one might use in order to character-
constraint surfaces. ize C . If one uses such functions, it is understood

that they obey the above-mentioned regularity con- Note that IGau is the set of smooth functions
ditions of being at least continuously differentiable that, to use a terminology introduced by Dirac[55],
in a neighborhood of C and giving rise to a set of s weakly (Poisson) commute with the constraints (i.e.
linearly independent differentials d at any point with Gau). Here weak (Poisson) commutativity
of C . Hence
p redefinitions of constraint functions means that the Poisson brackets of observables and
like 7 || or 7 2 , albeit leading to the constraints need not vanish globally, i.e. on T Q,
same surface C , are a priori not allowed. but only after restriction to C . We will briefly
The reduced phase space can be identified with come back to the case of strong (Poisson) commu-
the set of physical states. Smooth functions on this tativity below.
space then correspond to physical observables. But Now, if IGau /Gau is to make sense as Poisson al-
how can we characterize the latter without explic- gebra of physical observables IGau must be a Pois-
itly constructing C /? This we shall explain in son algebra containing Gau as an Poisson ideal.
the remaining part of this section. That IGau is an associative algebra under point-
We define the gauge algebra as the set of smooth wise multiplication immediately follows from (206).
functions on unreduced phase space that vanish on That it is also a Lie subalgebra follows from the
the constraint surface: Jacobi identity (201c). Indeed, let f, g IGau and
h Gau; then (201c) immediately gives
Gau := f C (T Q) : f |C = 0 .

{{f, g}, h} C
This set is clearly an associative ideal with respect
to the pointwise product. But it is also a Lie sub- = {{g, h}, f } C {{h, f }, g} C = 0 . (215)
| {z } | {z }
algebra with respect to the Poisson bracket. To Gau Gau
see this, we first remark that Xf |C is T (T Q)-
Hence we have shown that IGau is a Poisson sub-
valued if f Gau. Indeed, f Gau implies that
algebra of C (T M ) which contains Gau as a Pois-
kernel(dfp ) includes Tp C for p C . But then
son ideal. By construction IGau is the largest
(197) shows Xf (p) Tp (T Q). Now, this im-
Poisson subalgebra of C (T M ) with that prop-
mediately implies that Gau is a Lie algebra for
erty. Hence we may identify the Poisson algebra
co-isotropic C , for then (200) implies {f, g}|C =
of physical observables, or reduced space of observ-
(Xf , Xg )|C = 0. Hence Gau is a Poisson sub-
ables with the quotient
algebra of C (T Q) and also an associative ideal
with respect to pointwise multiplication. However, Ophys := IGau /Gau . (216)
it is not a Lie-ideal with respect to {, }. Indeed,
if f Gau we just need to take a g C (T Q) This complements the definition of the reduced
which is not constant along the flow of Xf |C ; space of physical states. Again we stress that the
then {f, g}|C 6= 0. This means that we can- definition given here does not refer to any set of
not define physical observables by the quotient functions that one might use in order to char-
C (T Q)/Gau, since this will not result in a Pois- acterize C .
son algebra. As we insist that all elements in Gau We also stress that instead of the Lie idealizer
generate gauge transformations, we have no choice (214) we could not have taken the Lie centralizer
but to reduce the size of C (T Q) in order to
render the quotient a Poisson algebra. Econom- CGau := {f C (T Q) : {f, g} = 0 g Gau} .
ically the most effective possibility is to take the (217)
Lie-idealizer of Gau in C (T Q), which is defined Note that here the only difference to (214) is that
as follows {f, g} is required to vanish strongly (i.e. on all of
T Q) and not only weakly (i.e. merely on C ). This
IGau := {f C (T Q) : {f, g} C = 0 g Gau} .

makes a big difference and the quotient IGau /Gau
(214) will now generally be far too small. In fact, it is

intuitively clear and also easy to prove (see, e.g., group action on Q by a canonical lift. (Every diffeo-
Lemma 5 of [72]) that the Hamiltonian vector fields morphism f of Q can be lifted to a diffeomorphism
Xf corresponding to functions f Gau, which F of T Q given by the pull back of the inverse
span Tp (T C) Tp C at each p C, span all f 1 .) Then it is easy to see from the geometric
of Tp (T Q) for each point p off C . This implies definition (183) that the symplectic potential is
that smooth functions in C (T Q) which strongly invariant under this group action and consequently
(Poisson) commute with Gau are locally constant the group acts by symplectomorphisms ( preserv-
outside C . Sometimes strong (Poisson) commuta- ing diffeomorphisms). The infinitesimal version of
tivity is required not with respect to Gau but with this statement is that, for all X Lie(G),
respect to a complete set {1 , , s } of functions
in Gau defining C ; for example the component LV X = 0 . (220)
functions of the momentum map (see next subsec-
Since LV X = iV X d + d iV X this is equivalent to
tion). But even then strong commutativity is too
strong, as a smooth function commuting with all iV X = d (V X )

on C need generally not extend to a smooth
function defined in a neighborhood of C in T Q which says that V X is the Hamiltonian vector field
which still commutes with all . The reason is of the function (V X ). We call the map
that the leaves of the foliation defined by the
may become wild off C . Compare, e.g., the dis- Lie(G) 3 X 7 P (X) := (V X ) C (T Q)
cussion in [35] (including the example on p. 116). (222)
the momentum map for the action of G. It is a
linear map from Lie(G) to C (T Q) and satisfies
7.2 First-class constraints from zero
momentum-maps P (X), P (Y ) = V Y (V X )

= LV Y (V X ) + LV Y V X
First class constraints often arise from group ac-
tions (see Appendix for group actions). This is = V [X,Y ]

also true in GR, at least partially. So let us ex- 
plain this in more detail. Let a Lie group G act = P [X, Y ] ,
on the left on T Q. This means that there is a (223)
map G T Q T Q, here denoted simply by
where we used (220) and (219) for the third equal-
(g, p) 7 g p, so that g1 (g2 p) = (g1 g2 ) p and
ity. Hence we see that the map (222) is a Lie ho-
e p = p if e G is the neutral element. As al-
momorphism from Lie(G) into the Lie algebra of
ready seen earlier in (24) and explained in detail in
smooth, real-valued functions on T Q (whose Lie
the Appendix, there is then an anti-homomorphism
product is the Poisson bracket).
from Lie(G), the Lie algebra of G, to the Lie alge-
Now, first class constraints are often given by
bra of vector fields on T Q. Recall that the vector
the condition of zero momentum mappings, i.e., by
field V X corresponding to X Lie(G), evaluated
P (X) = 0 for all X Lie(G). By linearity in
at point p T Q, is given by
X, this is equivalent to the set of s := dim(G)
d conditions
V X (p) := exp(tX) p . (218) := P (e ) = 0 , (224)
dt t=0

Then where e = {e1 , , es } is a basis of Lie(G). Let

 X Y the structure constants for this basis be C , i.e.
V ,V = V [X,Y ] . (219)
[e , e ] = C e , then (223) becomes
Let us further suppose that the group action on

T Q is of a special type, namely it arises from a { , } = C . (225)

Constraints in gauge theories will typically arise the scalar curvature of spacetime. However, upon
as zero momentum maps in the fashion described variation of this quantity, which contains second
here, the only necessary generalization being the derivatives in the metric, we will pick up bound-
extension to infinite-dimensional groups and Lie al- ary terms from partial integrations which need not
gebras. In fact, for gauge theories our G will cor- vanish by just keeping the metric on the boundary
respond to the infinite-dimensional group of gauge fixed. Hence we will need to subtract these bound-
transformations, which is not to be confused with ary terms which will otherwise obstruct functional
the finite-dimensional gauge group. The former differentiability. Note that this is not just a mat-
consists of functions, or sections in bundles, with ter of aesthetics: Solutions to differential equations
values in the latter. On the other hand, the con- (like Einsteins equation) will not be stationary
straints in GR will only partially be of this type. points of the action if the latter is not differentiable
More precisely, those constraints arising from 3- at these points. Typically, Euler Lagrange equa-
dimensional diffeomorphisms (called the vector or tions will allow for solutions outside the domain
diffeomorphism constraints) will be of this type, of differentiability of the action they are derived
those from non-tangential hypersurface deforma- from. Including some such solutions will generally
tions (scalar or Hamiltonian constraint) will not fit need to adapt the action by boundary terms. This
into this picture. For the former G will correspond clearly matters if one is interested in the values of
to Diff(), or some
 appropriate subgroup thereof, the action, energies, etc. for these solutions and
and Lie Diff() to the infinite-dimensional Lie al- also, of course, in the path-integral formulations of
gebra of vector fields on (possibly with spe- the corresponding quantum theories.
cial support and/or fall-off conditions). The differ- The Einstein-Hilbert action of GR is
ent nature of the latter constraint will be signaled

by structure functions C
(q, p) appearing on the SGR [, g] = Scal dg + boundary terms
right-hand side rather than constants. This has (226)
recently given rise to attempts to generalize the where in local coordinates x = (x0 =
group-theoretic setting described above to that of ct, x1 , x2 , x3 ),
groupoids and Lie algebroids, in which the more q
general structure of GR can be accommodated [33]. dg = det{g } cdt dx1 dx2 dx3 . (227)
The sign convention behind the prefactor in
(226) is such that in the Lorentzian as well as the
8 Hamiltonian GR Riemannian case the Lagrangian density contains
the bilinear De Witt inner product of the extrinsic
The Hamiltonian formulation of GR proceed along
curvatures (compare (141)) with a positive sign, i.e.
the lines outlined in the previous section. For this
transverse traceless modes have positive kinetic en-
we write down the action in a (3+1)-split form,
read off the Lagrangian density, define the con-
The boundary term can be read off (141) and
jugate momenta as derivatives of the latter with
(139). If the integration domain M is such
respect to the velocities, and finally express the
that the spacelike boundaries are contained in two
energy function (176) in terms of momenta. The
hypersurfaces s , i.e. two t = const. surfaces, say
constraint functions will not be determined on the
i := initial and f := final , we
Lagrangian level, but rather directly on the Hamil-
would have to add the two boundary terms (de-
tonian level as primary and secondary constraints
pendence on drops out)
(there will be no tertiary ones), the primary ones Z Z
being just the vanishing of the momenta for lapse 1
Trh (K) dh 1
Trh (K) dh .
and shift. f i
The Lagrangian density for GR is essentially just (228)

Here we used that the second term in (139) does conjugate momenta vanish:
not contribute due to a being orthogonal to n. dh
is the standard measure from the induced metric, 1 LGR
:= = 0, (233a)
h, on the hypersurfaces. If the cylindrical timelike c
boundary cyl is chosen such that its spacelike 1 LGR
a := = 0. (233b)
normal m is orthogonal to n, only the second term c a
in (139) contributes and we get one more boundary
term (again drops out) This leaves us with the momenta for the metric
components hab
K(n, n) dh . (229) 1 LGR
cyl ab : =
c hab

Here K is the extrinsic curvature of cyl in () h abcd (234)
= G Kcd
M , which we picked up because g(a, m) = 2c
g(n n, m) = g(n, n m) = K(n, n). () abcd
= G Kcd .
Once the boundary terms are taken care of we 2c
can just read off the Lagrangian density from (141) Here again K stands for the expression (232). We
also using (66), also made use of the conformally rescaled De Witt
 metric (163) whose significance appears here for
LGR = (2)1 G(K, K) R h ,

(230) the first time. Again in passing we note that the
physical dimension of ab is right, namely that of
where we now used the standard abbreviations momentum per area (the dimension of K is an in-
verse length).
G(K, K) : = Gabcd Kab Kcd , In order to compute the Hamiltonian density we
R : = ScalD , (231) express h in terms of the momenta
h : = det{hab } . hab = (L h)ab 2 Kab
Moreover, Kab has here to be understood as ex- = (Da b + Db a ) + 4c G1

pressed in terms of the time and Lie derivatives of

hab : and obtain

K = 2 1 h L h) . (232) H0 [h, ] = ab chab LGR

We keep in mind that an overdot denotes differen- = (2c2 )G1 ab cd
tiation with respect to ct (not t). In passing we also i (236)
note that LGR has the right physical dimension of + (2)1 hR
an energy-density ( is dimensionless). + 2c ab Da b .
The Hamiltonian density is now obtained by the
usual Legendre transform with respect to all con- The Hamiltonian, H0 , is just the integral of this
figuration variables that are varied in the action. density over . The subscript 0 is to indicate that
These comprise all components g and hence in this Hamiltonian is still to be modified by con-
the (3+1)-split parametrization all hab as well as straints according to the general scheme. Also, we
the lapse and the three shift components a . have to once more care about surface terms in order
However, it is immediate that (230) does not con- to ensure functional differentiability without which
tain any time derivatives of the latter; hence their the Hamiltonian flow does not exist [105].

The first thing to note is that we have found the in (147). In fact, it is small enough to just touch
primary constraints (233). For them to be main- boundaries of the positive and negative
p octants in
tained under the evolution we need to impose R3 . This means that | cos | > 2/3 implies that
either all pa are positive or all pa are negative. In
Ho other words G1 (, ) < 0 implies that the sym-
c = { , H0 } = = 0, (237a)
metric bilinear form is either positive or negative
Ho definite. In contrast, (147) did not allow to con-
c a = { a , H0 } = a = 0 , (237b)
clude definiteness of the symmetric bilinear form
giving rise to the secondary constraints K from G(K, K) < 0,psince the interiors of the
double-cone | cos | > 1/3 intersect the comple-
(2c2 )G1 (, ) + (2)1 hR = 0 , (238a) ments of the definite octants.
ab Let us now return to the constraints. We have
2Da = 0, (238b)
found the primary and secondary constraints (233)
respectively. It may be checked directly that these and (238) respectively. The most important thing
equations respectively are equivalent to (144) for to note next is that there will be no further (ter-
T = 0. If we had included a cosmological con- tiary, etc.) constraints. Indeed, this follows from
stant this would have led to the replacement of R the general argument following (150), which en-
in (238a) with (R 2). sures the preservation of the secondary constraints
In passing we make the following geometric ob- under Hamiltonian evolution. The primary con-
servation regarding the bilinear form G1 (, ), straints are now taken care of by simply eliminating
which is analogous to that made for G(K, K) below the canonical pairs (, ) and ( a , a ) from the
equation (145). We can choose a local frame {ea } list of canonical variables. As we will see shortly,
so that hab = h(ea , eb ) = ab and ab = (a , b ) = the secondary constraints (238) are of first-class,
diag(p1 , p2 , p3 ), where {a } is dual to {ea }. Then so that, according to the general theory outlined
above, they should be added with arbitrary coef-
G1 (, ) := ab 32 na nb pa pb ,

(239) ficients to the initial Hamiltonian H0 to get the
general Hamiltonian. This leads to
where, as before, na are the components
of the
normalized vector ~n := (1, 1, 1)/ 3 in eigenvalue- H[, ] = Cs ()+Cv ()+boundary terms , (241)
space, which we identify with R3 endowed with the where
standard Euclidean inner product. Denoting again Z h
by the angle between ~n and p~ := (p1 , p2 , p3 ), we Cs () : = d3 x (2c2 )G1 (, )
p + (2)1 hR , (242a)
if | cos | = 2/3 Z
G1 (, ) = > 0
p h i
if | cos | < 2/3 Cv () : = d3 x a 2chab Dc bc , (242b)
<0 if | cos | > 2/3 .

(240) where and a are now arbitrary coefficients cor-
This should bep compared with (147).
p The differ- responding to the s in (180). In particular, they
ence is that 1/3 is replaced by 2/3, which is may depend on the remaining canonical variables h
due to = 1 in (157b) but = 1/2 in (158b) in and . Note that up to boundary terms the Hamil-
the GR case. This has anp interesting consequence: tonian is just a sum of constraints, where S stands
The condition | cos | = 2/3 now describes a dou- for the scalar- (or Hamiltonian-) and and V for the
ble cone around the symmetry axis generated by ~n vector (or diffeomorphism-) constraint.
and vertex at the origin, whose opening angle is The equations of motion generated by H will
strictly smaller than that of the cone considered clearly be equivalent to (149) and (148). Let us

write them down explicitly. To do this we first contravariant components of the Einstein tensor for
note that the functional derivatives of Cv () with h. Taken together we get
respect to h and are easily obtained if we note
that, modulo surface terms, the integrand can ei- Cs ()
ther be written as c(L h)ab ab or as c(L )ab hab . hab
Hence, given that the surface terms are so chosen
h i
c2 hab G1 (, ) + 4han bm G1
to guarantee functional differentiability, we have i
h ab
G (h) Gabnm Dn Dm h
Cv () 2
= c L hab = c (Da b + Db a ) (243) (248)
and With (244) this gives the second Hamilton equation
Cv ()
= c (L )ab H
hab c ab ={ ab , H} =
= c Dc ( c ab ) (Dc a ) cb (Dc b ) ac .
h i
(244) = c h G (, ) 4han bm G1
2 ab 1
nmcd cd

h ab i
Note that in the first term on the right-hand side of + G (h) G Dn Dm h
(244) the c appears under the differentiation Dc + cL ab .
because is a tensor-density of weight one. The (249)
functional derivative with respect to of Cs () is
simply 4c2 G(, ), so that the equation of mo- These are seen to be equivalent to (149) and
tion for h is readily written down: (148) respectively. Before we discuss the bound-
H ary terms we write down the Poisson brackets for
chab = {hab , H} = the constraints.
ab (245)
2 1
= 4c Gab cd cd + cL hab .
Cv (), Cv ( 0 ) = Cv [, 0 ] ,
Using (234) this is immediately seen to be just Cv (), Cs () = Cs () , (250b)
(149). From the explicit h-dependence of G, as  0 0 ] 0
Cs (), Cs ( ) = Cv (d ) (d)] .

in (158b)
and (163), we obtain, using (250c)
h/hab = 12 hhab ,
These may be obtained by direct computation, but
G1 (, ) are also dictated by geometry. Before discussing
= 12 hab G1 (, )+2han bm G1 cd
nmcd .
hab the geometry behind them, we note the following
(246) more or less obvious points:
For the variational derivative of the second term
in (242) we use the following standard formula for 1. The vector constrains form a Lie algebra. The
the variation of h times the scalar curvature of h map V () is a Lie homomorphism form
 the Lie algebra of vector fields in to the Lie
h R(h) algebra (within the Poisson algebra) of phase-
= h Gab (h)hab + Gnmab Dn Dm hab , space functions. In fact, this map is just the
momentum map for the action of the diffeo-
which immediately follows from (117), where we morphism group G = Diff() on phase T Q,
recall that gab there corresponds to hab here and which is a lift of the action on Q = Riem(),
also that hab = hac hbd hcd . Gab (h) denote the the space of Riemannian metrics on . Note

that here the symplectic potential can be writ- phase-space function F that defines a geomet-
ten in a symbolic infinite-dimensional notation ric object on (i.e. an object with well de-
(cf. (196a)) fined transformation properties under diffeo-
Z morphisms) is fixed. We simply have
= d3 x ab (x) hab (x) (251)

F, V = L F . (254)
and the vector field V generated by the action
of G = Diff() on Q = Riem():
In this sense (250b) says no more than that
V = d3 x L hab (x) . (252) the expression (238a) is a scalar density of
weight one. Recall that if F is a scalar den-
The momentum map (222) is then given by sity of weight one then L F = Da ( a F ). If
Z we multiply F by and integrate over we
P = (V ) = d3 x ab L hab get after partial integration and assuming the

Z (253) boundary term to give no contribution (which
= c Cv () + 2 d2 xa ab b , for non closed requires certain fall-off con-
ditions) an integral of F (), which is just
b what (250b) expresses. Algebraically speak-
where denote the components of the out-
ing, the fact that the Poisson bracket of a vec-
ward pointing normal of . This shows that
tor and a scalar constraint is proportional to a
for vector fields for which the surface term
scalar rather than a vector constraint means
does not contribute the vector constraint is
that the vector constraints do not form an
just the momentum map (up to a factor of
ideal. Geometrically this means that the
c1 , which comes in because the physical di-
Hamiltonian vector fields for the scalar con-
mension of the values of the momentum map
straint, if evaluated on the hypersurface for the
are that of momentum whereas the physical
vector constraint, will generally not be tan-
dimension of the constraints are that of an
gential to it, except for the points where this
Hamiltonian, that is, energy). The surface
hypersurface intersects that of the scalar con-
term will be discussed below. What is im-
straint. This has very important consequences
portant here is that the vector constraint coin-
for algorithms of phase-space reduction, i.e.
cides to the zero momentum-map for those dif-
algorithms that aim to solve the constraints.
feomorphisms which are asymptotically triv-
It means that a reduction in steps is not pos-
ial, i.e. for which the surface term vanishes.
sible, whereby one first solves for the vector
Only those are to be considered as gauge trans-
constraint and then seeks for solutions of the
formations! Long ranging diffeomorphism for
scalar constraint within the class of solutions
which the surface term is non zero, i.e. for
to the vector constraint.
configurations of non vanishing linear and/or
angular momentum (cf. Section 9), have to
be considered as proper changes in physical
3. According to (250c) two scalar constraints
state. If we required these motions to be pure
Poisson commute into a vector constraint.
gauge we would eliminate all states with non-
Two facts are remarkable concerning the vec-
zero asymptotic charges. Compare the closing
tor field that forms the argument of this vector
remarks of Section 7.
constraint: First, it depends on the signature
2. Once we have understood that the vector con- of spacetime (overall multiplication with ).
straint is the momentum map for diffeomor- Second, it depends on the phase space variable
phisms, its Poisson bracket with any other h through the ]-operation of index raising;

explicitly: E Emb(, M ) can be visualized as a vector field
on M with normal and tangential components,
(d0 )] 0 (d)] more precisely, as a section in the pull-back bundle
 (255) E T M over . Its decomposition into normal and
= hab b 0 0 b .
xa tangential components depends on E. If we think
of M as being locally coordinatized by functions
This is the fact already mentioned at the end
y and by functions xa then E can be locally
of Section 7, that the constraints in GR are
represented by four functions y of three variables
not altogether in the form of a vanishing mo-
xa . A vector field V can then be represented in a
mentum map. This fact has led to some dis-
symbolic infinite-dimensional notation
cussion in the past and attempts have been
made to consider different algebraic combina-

tions of the constraints which define the same V = d3 x y(x) . (256)
y (x)
constraint hypersurfaces but display structure
constants rather than structure functions in In full analogy to (219), this immediately leads to
their Poisson brackets; e.g., [99]. But as al-
ready discussed in Section 7 it is important [V , V ] = V[,] . (257)
that these redefinitions do not spoil the reg-
If we now decompose in an embedding dependent
ularity properties of the functions that define
fashion into its normal component n and tangen-
the constraint surface.
tial component we can rewrite (256) into
This ends the immediate discussion of (250). But
there is another aspect that is related to the last V (, ) =
point just discussed and that deserves to be men-
d3 x (x)n [y](x) + a a y (x) ,
tioned. y (x)
8.1 Hypersurface deformations and where the components n of the normal n to the
their representations image E() M have to be considered as func-
Even though the constraints cannot be understood tional of the embedding. Again we can compute
in a straightforward fashion as zero momentum the commutator explicitly. The only non-trivial
map of a group action, they nevertheless do furnish part is the functional derivative of the n with re-
a representation of an algebraic object (a groupoid) spect to the y . How this is done is explained in
of hypersurface motions. As a result, the relations the Appendix of [112]. The result is
(250) are universal, in the sense that any spacetime  
V (1 , 1 ), V (2 , 2 ) = V (, ) , (259a)
diffeomorphism invariant theory, whatever its field
content, will give rise to the very same relations where
(250); see [112] and [81] for early and lucid discus-
sions and [88][89] for a comprehensive account. = 1 (2 ) 2 (1 ) , (259b)
The idea is to regard the space of (space- ] ]

= [1 , 2 ] + 1 (d2 ) 2 (d1 ) . (259c)
like) embeddings Emb(, M ) of into M as an
infinite-dimensional manifold, on which the diffeo- This is just (250) up to a relative minus sign that
morphism group of M acts on the left by sim- has the same origin as that between (219) and
ple composition. Then there is a standard anti- (223). We therefore see that (250) is a representa-
homomorphism from the Lie algebra of Diff(M ) tion of a general algebraic structure which derives
to the Lie algebra of vector fields on E(, M ), from the geometry of deformations of (spacelike)
just as in (219). A tangent vector at a particular hypersurfaces in spacetime.

We can now address the inverse problem, namely H(0, ) to be the momentum map for the ac-
to find all Hamiltonian representations of (259) on tion of Diff() on phase space.
a given phase space. As in GR the phase space is
T Q, where Q = Riem(), That is, we may ask for 2. H(, 0) should represent an infinitesimal
the most general phase-space functions H(, ) : Diff(M ) action normal to . In absence of
T Riem() R, parametrized by (, ), so that M , which is not yet constructed, this phrase
 is taken to mean that (80) must hold, i.e.
H(1 , 1 ), H(2 , 2 ) = H(, ) . (260)
{h, H(, 0)} = 2K , (261b)
The meaning of this relation is once more ex-
plained in Fig. 3. It is also sometimes expressed as where K is the extrinsic curvature of in
path independence, for it implies that the Hamilto- the ambient spacetime that is yet to be con-
nian flow corresponding to two different paths in structed.
E(, M ) reaching the same final hypersurface will
also result in the same physical state (phase-space It has been shown that under these conditions
point). the Hamiltonian of GR, including a cosmological
constant, provides the unique 2-parameter family
12 of solutions, the parameters being and . See
, 2 [81] for more details and [96] for the most com-
( 2

1 plete proof (see below for a small topological gap).

, 1
) This result may be seen as Hamiltonian analog
( 1
to Lovelocks uniqueness result [98] for Einsteins
(, )
equations using spacetime covariance.
A particular consequence of this result is the
2 impossibility to change the parameter in the
De Witt metric (157) to any other than the GR
21 value = 1 without violating the representation
condition, that is, without violating covariance un-
Figure 3: An (infinitesimal) hypersurface deformation der spacetime diffeomorphisms. Such theories in-
with parameters (1 , 1 ) that maps 7 1 , followed by clude those of Horava-Lifshitz type [82], which were
one with parameters (2 , 2 ) that maps 1 7 12 differs
by one with parameters (, ) given by (259b) from that in suggested as candidates for ultraviolet completions
which the maps with the same parameters are composed in of GR.
the opposite order. At this point we must mention a topological sub-
tlety which causes a small gap in the uniqueness
proofs mentioned above and might have important
To answer this question one first has to choose a consequences in Quantum Gravity. To approach
phase space. Here we stick to the same phase space this issue we recall from the symplectic framework
as in GR, that is T Q, where Q = Riem(). The that we can always perform a canonical transfor-
representation problem can be solved under certain mation of the form
additional hypotheses concerning the geometric in-
terpretation of H( = 0, ) and H(, = 0): 7 0 := + , (262)
1. H(0, ) should represent an infinitesimal spa-
where is a closed one-form on Riem(). Closed-
tial diffeomorphism, so that
ness ensures that all Poisson brackets remain the
{F, H(0, )} = L F (261a) same if is replaced with 0 . Since Riem() is
an open positive convex cone in a vector space and
for any phase-space function F . This fixes hence contractible, it is immediate that = df

for some function f : Riem() R. However, 8.2 An alternative action principle
and 0 must satisfy the diffeomorphism constraint,
which is equivalent to saying that the kernel of A conceptually interesting albeit mathematically
(considered as one-form on Riem()) contains awkward alternative form of the action principle
the vector fields generated by spatial diffeomor- for GR was given by Baierlein, Sharp, and Wheeler
phisms, which implies that , too, must annihilate in [21]. Its underlying idea, as far as the initial-
all those, so that f is constant on each connected value problem is concerned, is as follows: We have
component of the Diff() orbit in Riem(). But seen that initial data (h, K) (or (h, )) had to obey
unless these orbits are connected this does not im- four constraints (per space point) but that the four
ply that f is the pull back of a function on the functions and could be specified freely. Could
quotient Riem()/Diff(), as assumed in [96]. We we not let the constraints determine and and
can only conclude that is the pull back of a thereby gain full freedom in specifying the initial
closed but not necessarily exact one-form on su- data? In that case we would, for example, gain
perspace. Hence there is an analogue of the Bohm- full control over the initial geometry, whereas, as
Aharonov-like ambiguity that one always encoun- we will see later, the standard conformal method
ters if the configuration space is not simply con- to solve the constraints only provides control over
nected. The quantum theory is then expected to the conformal equivalence class of the initial ge-
display a sectorial structure labeled by the equiva- ometry, the representative within that class being
lence classes of unitary irreducible representations determined by the solution to the scalar constraint.
of the fundamental group of configuration space, For black-hole collision data this, e.g., means that
which in analogy to Yang-Mills-type gauge theo- we cannot initially specify the initial distances. We
ries are sometimes referred to as -sectors [87]. In will now discuss to what extent this can indeed be
GR the fundamental group of configuration space is done. At the end of this subsection we will add
isomorphic to a certain mapping-class group of the some more comments regarding the conceptual is-
3-manifold . The theta-structure then depends sues associated with this alternative formulation.
on the topology of and can range from trivial We start from the action
to very complicated. See [73] for more details on Z
the role and determination of these mapping-class SGR [g; ] = d4 x LGR , (263)

groups and [74] for a more general discussion of the
configuration space in GR, which, roughly speak- where LGR is as in (230). In it we express K in
ing, is the quotient Riem()/Diff(), often referred terms of h as given in (232). This results in
to as Wheelers superspace [116][52].
SGR [, , h, h ; ] =
We finally note that additional theta-structures Z  
4 h 1
may emerge if the gravitational field is formulated

d x G h L h , h L h R .
by means of different field variables including more 2 4
mathematical degrees of freedom and more con- (264)
straints (so as to result in the same number of phys-
ical degrees of freedom upon taking the quotient). For fixed domain M this is to be regarded as
The global structure of the additional gauge trans- functional of g, that is of , and h. Note that
formations may then add to the non-triviality of enters in an undifferentiated form. Variation with
the fundamental group of configuration space and respect to it gives
hence to the complexity of the sectorial structure. s 
Examples have been discussed in the context of 1 G h L h , h L h
= (h, h, ) := ,
Ashtekar variables (cf. final Section) in connection 2 R
with the CP-problem in Quantum Gravity [19]. (265)

where we have chosen the positive root for and Inserting this into (265) determines the lapse for
introduced the abbreviation for the function given (h, h):
of h, h, and defined by the expression on the 
= h, h, = (h, h) . (269b)
right-hand side in (265). Note that this only
makes sense if R has no zeros and if the sign of Our initial goal is then achieved if we consider h
G h L h , h L h equals that of R. Hence T20 (positive definite) and h T20 (arbitrary)
we have to restrict to a particular sign for the latter as freely specifiable initial data. As intended, h
expression. We set represents a freely specifiable Riemannian geome-
  try of and h its initial rate of change with respect
: = sign G h L h , h L h to some formal parameter. The relation between
 this formal time parameter and proper time is fully
= sign R .
determined by the solutions (269), in the way ex-
Reinserting (265) into (263), taking into account plained in Section 4.1. This means that the specifi-
(266), gives cation of two infinitesimally nearby configurations
h and h + h dx0 allows to deduce the proper time
SBSW [, h, h; ] := SGR [ = , , h, h; ] = that separates the corresponding spatial slices in
Z q the spacetime to be constructed. In this sense, and
4 h
d x R G(h L h , h L h) . subject to the solvability of (268), physically mean-
ingful durations can be deduced from two infinites-
imally close instantaneous configurations. This is
Here we explicitly indicated the functional depen- why Baierlein, Sharp, and Wheeler concluded in
dence on the time derivative of h to stress the in- [21] that three-dimensional geometry is a carrier
dependence on the time derivative of . With ref- of information about time; or in Barbours conge-
erence to [21] this form of the action is sometimes nial dictum ([24], p. 2885): The instant is not in
called the Baierlein-Sharp-Wheeler action. (Hence time; time is in the instant. Also, it should now be
the subscript BSW in (267).) We can now try to obvious where the term thin-sandwich comes from
further reduce this action so as to only depend on and why the problem of finding a solution to (268)
h and h. For this we would have to proceed with is often referred to as the thin-sandwich problem.
in the same fashion as we have just done with ; The thin-sandwich equations (268) were first
i.e., vary (267) with respect to and then reinsert conceived and discussed in [116] and [21]. Exis-
the solution [h, h] of the ensuing variational equa- tence and uniqueness of solutions were originally
tions back into (267). The variational equations for conjectured (henceforth known as thin-sandwich
are easily obtained (note that drops out): conjecture) , e.g. in [116], but first mathemati-
cal investigations soon showed that the unqualified
2 SBSW thin-sandwich conjecture is false; see [30] and [41].
h d To see what positive statements can be made let
( ) (268) us summarize the situation: At fixed time, i.e. on
Gabcd (h L h)ab
Dc = 0. each 3-manifold with given Riemannian metric
(h, h, )
h and given parameter-time derivative h (covari-
These three equations are traditionally referred to ant symmetric second-rank tensor field), equations
as the thin-sandwich equations. They are meant to (268) form a system of three quasi-linear (though
determine for given pairs (h, h). highly non-linear) second order equations for the
Suppose there is a unique solution to (268) for three components a . The restriction > 0, where
given (h, h), i.e., is given by (265), involves and hence implies
an a priori bound for the unknown . As a conse-
= (h, h) . (269a) quence one may first of all expect only local results

(if at all), in the sense that if is a solution for In passing we note the choice of the negative sign
given (h , h ) then there exists some open neigh- = 1 has very different topological consequences
borhood U of (h , h ) in field space (in an appropri- depending on whether = 1 (Lorentzian space-
ate topology) such that existence and uniqueness of time), where it implies R < 0, or = 1 (Rieman-
solutions follows for all (h, h) U . Such a local re- nian/Euclidean spacetime), where it implies R > 0.
sult can only be expected if the initial velocity h , In the former case, given any orientable closed 3-
or any of its space-point dependent reparametriza- manifold , the theorem of Kazdan & Warner (see
tions, is not just of the form of an infinitesimal dif- paragraph above Section 6.1) ensures the existence
feomorphism L h . In other words, (h , h ) must of a Riemannian metric h on with negative scalar
be chosen such that for any smooth function and curvature. In contrast, in the latter case (Euclidean
vector field on we have the following implica- spacetimes), the theorem of Gromov & Lawson im-
tion plies a severe topological obstruction against Rie-
mannian metrics h on with positive scalar cur-
h = L h =0 and = 0 . (270) vature (as already discussed above: only connected
Assuming (270), local results were first proven in sums of handles and lens spaces survive this ob-
[26] and subsequently in a more geometric form and struction).
with generalizations, also including matter fields, The result on local uniqueness can be generalized
in [71]. The idea of proof is to write = + to a global argument, first given in [30] and gen-
and linearize the differential operator (268) acting eralized in [71] to also include matter fields. On
on around the solution ( ; h , h ). The result- the other hand, it is not difficult to see that global
ing linear operator turns out to be symmetric (no existence cannot hold, i.e. there are more or less
surprise, being the second functional derivative of obvious data (h, h) for which (268) has no solution
SBSW in ) with a principal symbol (k) whose de- for ; see, e.g., [103].
terminant is proportional to a power of kkk times
[(k, k)]2 (see eq. (3.14) in [71]), which vanishes Finally we mention the conformal thin-sandwich
for non-zero k iff (k, k) = 0. Hence the linearized approach of Yorks [120], which is a conceptually
operator is elliptic iff the quadratic form is ei- weaker but mathematically less awkward variant of
ther positive or negative definite. Granted this, the full thin-sandwich problem, in which only the
(270) then ensures that the elliptic operator has conformal equivalence class of the metric and its
a trivial kernel. Together this allows to deduce an time derivative is initially specified, together with
implicit-function theorem that immediately implies the lapse function and the extrinsic curvature. The
local existence and uniqueness. As regards ellip- constraints are then solved for the conformal fac-
ticity, we recall that from the discussion following tor and the shift vector field. The equation for
(240) that a definite is equivalent to G(, ) < 0, the conformal factor is as in the conformal method
i.e. = 1 (compare (266)). Hence a local ex- discussed below (Yorks equation (328)), but the
istence and uniqueness result holds provided that equation for the shift is mathematically less awk-
(h , h , ) satisfy = 1, comprising the two ward than in the full thin-sandwich equation (268).
equations Recall that the latter is rendered complicated to
the insertion of the solution (265) for , which is
R(h ) > 0 , precisely what is not done in the conformal variant.
(271) But, clearly, the price for not solving for the lapse
G(h L h , h L h , ) < 0 .
is that we have again no initial control over the
We see that we actually were not free in choosing full metric. Nevertheless, the better behaved equa-
either sign for in (266): We are bound to = tions of the conformal variant of the thin-sandwich
1 in order to ensure at least local existence and method make it a useful tool in numerical investi-
uniquness of the thin-sandwich equation (268). gations; see, e.g., [27][77].

Comparison with Jacobis principle condition expressed in terms of positions and ve-
locities (measured with respect to t) introduces an
It is conceptually interesting to compare the
implicit dependency of t with coordinates on T Q.
Baierlein-Sharp-Wheeler action of GR with Ja-
These dependencies have to be respected by vari-
cobis principle in mechanics. So let us briefly recall
ations of (273). This is why Jacobi complained in
Jacobis original idea [90], where only the notation
his lectures that the form given above appears in-
will be adapted.
comprehensible to him.1 His crucial observation
As in Section 7 we consider a (so far uncon-
was that the energy condition allows to eliminate t
strained) mechanical system with n-dimensional
altogether. Indeed, if we solve the energy condition
configuration space Q. Let it be characterized by
for dt,
a Lagrangian L : T Q R of the form s
Gq (dq, dq)
dt = , (274)
L(q, v) = 12 Gq (v, v) V (q) . (272) 2 E V (q)

Here Gq is a positive-definite bilinear form on Tq Q and use that to eliminate dt in (273), we can put
called the kinetic-energy metric . We already know the integral into the form
that as L does not explicitly depend on time, any Z qf q

dynamically possible trajectory will run entirely 2 E V (q) Gq (dq, dq) , (275)
within a hypersurface of constant energy E (the en-
ergy function being (176)). Maupertuis principle which is independent of any parametrization. In
of least action, states that a dynamically possible fact, it has the simple geometric interpretation of
trajectory x : R I Q, connecting fixed initial the length functional or the conformally rescaled
and final points qi and qf , extremizes the action kinetic-energy metric:
Z qf
 G = 2(E V ) G , (276)
Gx(t) x(t), x(t) dt (273)
where E is a constant. Jacobis principle then says
relative to all other curves with the same end- that the dynamically possible trajectories of energy
points and on the same energy hypersurface. We E are the geodesics of G, and that (Newtonian)
note in passing that since x dt = dq and G(v, ) = time along such a geodesic is obtained by integrat-
L(q, v)/v = p, the integrals in (273) equal the ing (274) along it. Note that Jacobis principle
integrals of the canonical one-form (compare defines in fact two new metrics on configuration
(196a)) along the paths q = x(t) and p = G x(t), space Q, both of which are conformally equivalent
in T Q with fixed endpoints of the curve pro- to the kinetic-energy metric G. The first is (276),
jected into Q and the curves all running on a hy- which determines the trajectory in Q, the other is
persurface of fixed value of the Hamiltonian func-
tion. This is the form the principle of least action G = , (277)
2(E V )
is given in modern formulations, like in Arnolds
book [2](Chapter 9, Section 45 D). In this (modern, which determines Newtonian time along the trajec-
Hamiltonian) form, time plays no role. Indeed, on tories selected by the first. We call it the first and
phase space T Q the integral of the one-form , as second Jacobi metric respectively. Note also that
well as the level sets for the Hamiltonian function, (274) gives a measure for duration, dt, in terms of
are defined without reference to any time param- changes of mechanical coordinates.
eter t. But in the traditional (19th century, La- 1 Dieses Prinzip wird fast in allen Lehrbuchern, auch
grangian) form stated above, the parameter enters den besten, in denen von Poisson, Lagrange und Laplace, so
in an essential way. In fact, in this formulation t dargestellt, dass es nach meiner Ansicht nicht zu verstehen
is not an independent variable because the energy ist. ([90], p. 44)

In passing we remark that a special realization to closely correspond to each other. Equation
of this far reaching idea, namely to read off New- (269b) determines one proper time per spatially
tonian time from simultaneous configurations (i.e., fixed (with respect to the spatial coordinates) ob-
generalized positions) of mechanical systems, as- server in the spacetime to be developed from the
suming the systems to obey Newtonian laws of initial data. Hence there is something like a contin-
motion, is emphemeris (or astronomical) time in uum of second Jacobi metrics, one for each space
astronomy [47][23], where the relative configura- point.
tions (ephemerides) of the Moon, Sun, and plan- An interesting observation in this connection is
ets (as seen from the Earth) are used as positions. the following [40], which we give in a simplified
Ephemeris time was first proposed as time standard form. Suppose that we tried to define, from first
in 1948 [46] in order to establish a reference with principles, duration by some measure of change
respect to which non uniformities in the Earths in the gravitational degrees of freedom, i.e., some
daily rotation could be accounted for, though the kind of gravitational ephemeris time . In analogy
idea goes back at least to 1929 [48]. Ephemeris to (274) We assume the measure of change, d ,
time ideed became the time standard in 1952 until to be given by some local rescaling of a pseudo-
the 1970s, when atomic time took over its place, Riemannian distance measure
though we remark that atomic time is really just Z
based on a straightforward generalization of the ds2 = d3 x Gab cd [h(x)]dhab (x)dhcd (x) , (278)
very same principle to Quantum Mechanics. Here,

again, one reads off time from simultaneously mea- so that

surable states or observables of one or more systems ds2
d 2 = R . (279)
obeying known deterministic laws of motion, like d3 x R(x)

Schrodingers equation for states or Heisenbergs
Here R must be a scalar function of the spatial
equation for observables. These equations of mo-
metric h. The simplest non-constant such function
tion correlate the a priori unobservable parameter
is the scalar curvature, which depends on h and
t with observable properties of the system, which
its derivatives up to second order. A priori such
render t observable in a context dependent fash-
a measure of duration seems to depend equally on
ion through inverting these relations (solving the
all gravitational degrees of freedom at all points
equations of motion for t).
in space, thus giving rise to a highly non-local
Now, coming back to gravity, (275) should be
concept of time with respect to which durations
compared to (267). Except for the terms involv-
of processes, even local ones, can be measured.
ing the lapse-function the latter is (almost!) like
However, suppose we required that the measure
(275) for E = 0 and V = R. The analogy is
of time be compatible with arbitrarily fine local-
incomplete (hence almost) because in (267) the
ization U . Following [40] we call this
spatial integration is outside the square-root, so
the chronos principle. It implies that the numera-
that the integrand for the parameter-integration
tor and denominator of (279) are proportional for
along the curve in configuration space is a sum
each restriction U . This is only possible if
of square-roots rather than a single square-root
the integrands are proportional. Without loss of
of a sum. This difference renders the expression
generality we can take this constant of proportion-
in (267) different from usual length functionals.
ality (which cannot be zero) to be 1 (this just fixes
Note that sums of square roots (involving them-
the overall scale of physical time) and obtain (here
selves sums of squares) generally do not even form
written without cosmological constant for simplic-
a Finsler metric (compare the discussion in [71]).
Taking the analogy further, (274) should be com-
pared to (269b) with given by the integral (265). dhab (x) dhcd (x)
Again, except for the terms involving , they seem Gab cd [h(x)] R[h](x) = 0 . (280)
d d

which is just the Hamiltonian constraint. The du- A first working definition of asymptotically flat
ration in time is then given by initial data in Hamiltonian GR was given in 1974
s by Regge & Teiltelboim [105]. It was shown by
hf Beig & O Murchadha in 1986 [29] that this defini-

G dh/d, dh/d
(hi , hf ) =   d , (281) tion is sufficient to allow the implementation of the
hi R h()
10-parameter Poincare group as asymptotic sym-
which is obviously just the analog of the integrated metries giving rise to 10 corresponding conserved
version of (274) for E = 0 (which here amounts quantities. The definition can be given as follows
to the Hamiltonian constraint), i.e. the integrated (here we restrict to one end):
version of (265) for = 0 (this is the simplification Definition (Regge-Teitelboim asymptotic flat-
we alluded to above) and = 1. ness). Let be a 3-manifold with one end. An
initial data set (h, ) on is asymptotically flat in
the sense of Regge-Teitelboim if there is a coordi-
9 Asymptotic flatness and 1 2 3
p {x , x , x } covering the end, such that
nate system
a b
as r := x x ab )
global charges
sab ()
Isolated systems are described by geometries which hab (x) = ab + + O2 (r2 ) , (282a)
at large spatial distances approach a matter-free
tab ()
spacetime. In case of vanishing cosmological con- ab (x) = + O1 (r3 ) , (282b)
stant the latter will be flat Minkowski spacetime. r2
For non-zero it will either be de Sitter ( > 0) or where x = (x1 , x2 , x3 ) and = ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) with
anti-de Sitter ( < 0) space. Here we are interested a := xa /r. Ok (rn ) denotes terms falling off like
in the case = 0. We refer to the survey [60] for 1/rn and whose l-th derivatives fall off like 1/r(n+l)
a recent discussion of the anti-de Sitter case. for 0 < l k. Moreover, sab and tab obey the
An initial data set (h, ) or (h, K) on needs parity conditions
to satisfy certain asymptotic conditions in order to
give rise to an asymptotically flat spacetime. Be- sab () = sab () , (283a)
fore going into this, we point out that there is also a ab ab
t () = t () . (283b)
topological condition on in order to sensibly talk
about asymptotic regions. The condition is that The first thing to observe is that these conditions
there exists a compact set K such that its suffice to make the integral (251) for the symplec-
complement K is diffeomorphic to the disjoint tic potential convergent. Note that (282) merely
union of manifolds R3 B, where B is a closed ball. implies that the integrand falls off like 1/r3 , which
These pieces in which decomposes if one cuts out could still produce a logarithmic divergence. But
increasingly large compact sets are called ends of (283) implies that the 1/r3 integrand is of odd par-
. In passing we note that the theory of ends ity and hence gives no contribution. Next we have a
for topological spaces and groups was developed look at the constraint functionals (242). In (242a)
by Freudenthal in 1931 [61]. Now, the first condi- the first integrand has a 1/r4 and the second a
tion we pose is that there is only a finite number 1/r3 parity-even fall-off. In (242b) the integrand
of such ends. (It is not hard to visualize manifolds has also a 1/r3 parity-even fall-off. Hence the in-
with even an uncountable number of ends.) With tegrals (242) certainly converge for those lapse and
respect to each end we can talk of approaching in- shift fields , which asymptotically either tend
finity. This means to let r if r is the standard to zero or approach direction-dependent constants
radial coordinate on R3 B to which this end is in a parity-odd fashion. As we will see below, the
diffeomorphic. constraints for such parameter fields and are

differentiable with respect to the canonical vari- before variation:
ables h and and hence generate a Hamiltonian Z h i
flow that has to be considered as gauge transfor- Cv () : = d3 x a 2chab Dc bc

mations; compare Section 7.1. Hence we set Z
=c d3 x(L h)ab ab (288)
(x)gauge = a() + O2 (r1 ) , (284a) Z
a (x)gauge = ba () + O1 (r1 ) , (284b) 2c d a hab hcd d bc .

where Under the fall-offs and parity conditions mentioned

above the last (surface) integral is zero since its
integrand has 1/r2 decay and is parity-odd. Hence
a() = a() , (285a) variation with respect to does not lead to surface
a a
b () = b () . (285b) terms. Variation with respect to h is now simply
given by varying the h under the Lie differentiation
To see that Cs ()[h, ] and Cv ()[h, ] as defined L which itself has no dependency on h (unlike
in (242a) and (242b) are functionally differentiable the covariant derivative D). Using L (hab ab ) =
with respect to h and we make the following ob- Dc ( c hab ab ), partial differentiation with respect
servations: For (242a) the only boundary term one to the Lie derivative then gives the surface term
might pick up is that from the variation of the Z
scalar curvature with respect to h, which follows 2c d hab a b hcd cd , (289)
from (117) (in which formula we have to replace
gab with hab and hab with hab in order to match the integrand of which again falls off like 1/r2 and
the notation here). It reads is parity odd.
The considerations so far show that the con-

Z straints Cs ()[h, ] and Cv ()[h, ] are differen-
d ha Gabcd Db hcd (286) tiable with respect to h and whenever (h, ) sat-
2 2
isfy (282) and (283) and the parameter-functions
(, ) satisfy (284) and (285). From the consider-
and is thus seen to have an integrand that has 1/r2 ations it also follows that we cannot improve on
fall-off and is parity-odd. Hence the integral van- the latter two conditions given the fall-offs and
ishes. Note that here and in what follows we used parity conditions on (h, ). This characterizes the
the following shorthand notation lapse and shift functions which generate pure gauge
(Z ) transformations in Hamiltonian gravity for asymp-
totically states. We stress that (284) and (285) in-
d( ) := lim dr ( ) , (287) cludes motions that do not vanish at infinity. These
S r S 2 (r)
are called supertranslations. Without their care-
ful inclusion into the transformations considered
where S 2 (r) is the sphere of constant radius r (as as gauge, we would not obtain the Poincare group
defined above) and dr its induced volume form. as proper physical symmetry group but rather an
The vector constraint (242b) contains as well infinite-dimensional extension thereof. For more
as h in differentiated form (the latter in D), so that discussion on this conceptually important point
boundary terms may appear in both variation, that compare the discussion in [69].
with respect to as well as that with respect to Motions characterized by functions (, ) out-
h. For both cases it is convenient to rewrite the side the class (284) and (285) do change the phys-
integral (242b) by performing a partial integration ical state. If this motion is to be generated by

the Hamiltonian (241) we must restrict to those grow linearly with r. We have, up to gauge trans-
(, ) for which suitable boundary terms can be formations, ua xa for a boost in ~u-direction
found such that H(, )[h, ] is differentiable with and a abc b xc for a rotation around the ~
respect to h and obeying (282) and (283). To ac- axis. Here abc are the components of the metric
commodate asymptotic Poincare transformations volume-form for the asymptotic metric with re-
we must worry about asymptotic translations in spect to the coordinates {xa }, so that abc = 1,
time and space directions, asymptotic rotations, depending on whether (abc) is an even (+) or odd
and finally asymptotic boosts, all of which we () permutation of (123). As indices are raised
only need to specify modulo gauge transformations. and lowered with respect to , we need not be con-
Asymptotic time translations correspond to con- cerned whether they are upper or lower (as long as
stant . The surface term that results from the we work in components with respect to {xa }). The
variation of Cs () is just (286). It immediately fol- components ua and a are then again constants.
lows that the term that has to be added to Cs () We start with rotations and read off the last line
so as to just cancel this surface term upon variation of (288) that the surface integral has an integrand
with respect to h is just EADM , where ab a b , which looks dangerous as its naive fall-
off is 1/r. However, if we use that actually sat-
EADM = MADM c2 isfies the constraint, Db ab = 0, we can convert
= (2)1 d (a hab b haa )b , this surface integral to a bulk integral whose inte-
S grand is proportional to Db ( ab a ) = ab D(a b) .
(290) But D(a b) = (a b) cab c and is Killing with
respect to the metric ab , so that (a b) = 0. Now,
is called the ADM energy and MADM the ADM the Christoffel symbols cab for the metric h fall off
mass. Note that we just replaced all non dif- as 1/r2 with odd parity, so that cab c falls off as
ferentiated hab that appear in (286) by ab since 1/r with even parity. Hence ab D(a b) falls off like
the difference does not contribute to the surface 1/r3 with odd parity, showing that this volume in-
integral in the limit as r . Similarly, asymp- tegral also converges (a logarithmic divergence be-
totic space translations corresponds to covariantly ing just avoided by odd parity). Finally we observe
constant , i.e. constant components a with re- that for asymptotic rotations there is still no sur-
spect to the preferred coordinates that served to face term of the form (289), since its integrand has
define asymptotic flatness. Again we immediately 1/r2 fall-off and is of odd parity. As a result we
read off (288) the boundary term that we need to have that even for asymptotic rotations we obtain
add in order to cancel that in the last line of (288) the same formula (291) for the (linear or angular)
upon variation of . It can be written in the form momentum as long as the Regge-Teitelboim condi-
cPADM (), where tions (282) and (283) are satisfied and (h, ) satisfy
Z the constraints. In components with respect to the
PADM () = 2 d a ab b . (291) asymptotic coordinates the components of the lin-
ear momentum are
This we call the ADM general momentum. Note Z
that the integrand has fall-off 1/r2 and even parity PADM = 2 d ab b , (292)
and hence gives a finite contribution. Furthermore,
it follows from (289) that the variation with respect
and for the angular momentum
to h does not give rise to a boundary term since the
integrand in (289) has 1/r3 fall off and hence does
not contribute, independently of its (even) parity. JADM = 2 d abc xb cd d , (293)
Asymptotic rotations and boosts are a priori
more delicate since now and are allowed to where abc is as above.

Turning now to the boosts, we have The coordinates Z a of the center of mass are then
defined by the rescaled forms of (298), with rescal-
= ua xa + gauge . (294) ing factor EADM :
We need to repeat the same steps that previously Xa
Z a := . (299)
led us to (286). Now, according to (117) the space EADM
integral over the divergence term in the variation
In order to arrive at (298) we wrote hab = (hab
of the scalar curvature is
ab ) and left the difference (hab ab ) rather than
Z just hab under the integral in order to not keep
X := d3 x hGabcd Da Db hcd . (295)
the asymptotically constant term of (282a) under
the integral when pulling the variation outside it
A first integration by parts leads to (cf. [29] Appendix C).
Z It has been shown in [49] that the expression
X= d ha Gabcd Db hcd (298) for the (unscaled) center of mass coincides
(296) with the geometric definition of Huisken and Yaus
d x 3
hG abcd
(Da )Db hcd . [84]. The latter is defined by means of mean-
curvature foliations of . Its relation to alterna-
tive definitions, including not only ADM but also
One more integration by parts of the second term
a definition due to R. Schoen, using asymptotically
conformal Killing fields, is discussed and lucidly
Z summarized in [83].
X= d ha Gabcd Db hcd So far we have been working with the particular
Z asymptotic conditions (282) and (283). We have
d h (Da )b Gabcd hcd (297) been arguing for existence of certain quantities to
S be identified with physical quantities of energy, lin-
Z ear and angular momentum, and center of mass.
+ d3 x hGabcd (Da Db )hcd .
But what about uniqueness? All these quantities
depend a priori on the choice of the asymptotic
Equation (294) implies that D2 has 1/r2 fall- coordinates within the set of all coordinates satis-
off with odd parity. Hence the last (volume) in- fying the given fall-off conditions. Hence one needs
tegral in (297) has 1/r3 fall-off with odd par- to prove that this dependence is actually spurious
ityand hence converges. It gives rise to a term and that, consequently, these quantities are geo-
hGabcd Da Db in the Hamiltonian equation for metric invariants. For the ADM mass and linear
cd . According to the general strategy the surface momentum this has been shown in [25] and [43].
integrals must be taken care of by adding suitable Moreover, ignoring angular momentum and cen-
surface integrals to the right-hand side of (241) so ter of mass, these proofs were given under much
as to just cancel /(2) times the integrals just weaker asymptotic conditions, in fact the weakest
found as resulting from the variation of the scalar possible ones. Regarding the latter, we recall that
curvature in (242). Hence the right surface terms it was shown in [51] by means of explicit coordinate
to be added to (241) are of the form ua X a , where transformations that the expression can be made

Z change its value if |hab ab | < r with 1/2;
d xa b hbc c hbb c

X = see also the lucid discussion in [50]. Hence we cer-
2 2
Z  tainly need > 1/2. That this indeed suffices to

d (hab ab )b (hbb bb )a . prove existence and uniqueness was established in
S [102, 25, 43]. This fits nicely with recent general-
(298) izations of stability results of Minkowski space by

Bieri [31], which work under the following asym- simple and coordinate invariant expression is
totic decay conditions, where > 1/2:

MKomar = 2 ?dK [ . (302)
hab = ab + O2 (r ) , (300a) c S2

ab 1
= O1 (r ). (300b)
Here K is the timelike Killing vector field so nor-
These conditions suffice to establish ADM energy malized that limr g(K, K) = . There exist
and linear momentum not only as being well de- various proofs in the literature showing MKomar =
fined, but also as being preserved under Hamilto- MADM ; see, e.g., [28][20][43] and Theorem 4.13 of
nian evolution. [39].
At first sight (300a) might seem too weak to Since the Komar mass is frequently used in ap-
guarantee existence of (290). The reason why it plications, let us say a few things about it. From
is not is, in fact, easy to see: If we convert (290) a mathematical point of view the main merit of
into a bulk integral using Gauss theorem, the in- (302) is that it allows to associate a mass to any
tegrand contains a combination of 2nd derivatives 2-dimensional submanifold S M , independently
of h which just form the 2nd derivative part of of any choice of coordinates. We call it the Komar
the scalar curvature. Using the scalar constraint, mass of S:
which schematically has the form
MKomar (S) = 2 ?dK [ . (303)
2 + 2 h + (h)2 = 0 , (301) c S
this can be written as a bulk integral containing For S S its interpretation is that of the ADM
only integrands of the form 2 and (h)2 , mass, whose physical significance as the value of the
which according to (300a) fall off like 1/r2(1+) , Hamiltonian (divided by c2 ) endows it with a sound
i.e., faster than 1/r3 . Hence the bulk integral con- physical interpretation. But what might the inter-
verges. But note that the conditions (300) do not pretation be for general S? Well, suppose S = B,
suffice to ensure the existence of conserved quan- where B is a 3-dimensional spacelike submanifold
tities regarding angular momentum or center of of M . Then, by Stokes theorem:
mass. Alternative conditions to (282) and (283)
for the existence of angular momentum have been MKomar (S) = 2 d ? dK [
c B
discussed in [20] and [44]. Z
We recall that even in the context of the Regge- = 2 ?(?d ? dK [ )
Teitelboim conditions (282) and (283) we needed to c B
Z (304)
invoke the fact that (h, ) satisfy the constraints in
= 2 ?( dK [ )
order to conclude sufficiently strong fall-offs. This c B
we have already seen explicitly in the discussion 2
on, e.g., the existence of angular momentum in the = 2 ?ik Ric .
c B
paragraph above equation (292). From the scalar
constraint (301) we now learn that (282) and (283) Here we used the general identity for the square of
implies a 1/r4 fall-off for Gabcd a b hcd , and not the Hodge star restricted to p-forms in n dimen-
just 1/r3 as naively anticipated from (282). sions,
Alternative expressions for mass/energy exist in
? ? p (M ) = (1)p(np) Idp (M ) ,

cases of symmetries. For example, for asymptot- (305)
ically flat and stationary solutions to Einsteins
equations, the ADM mass MADM is known to co- and also the general formula that allows to express
incide with the so-called Komar mass [94], whose ?d? in terms of the covariant divergence on the

first index with respect to the Levi-Civita connec- pressures are negligible compared to the energy
tion, density, but this need not be the case. For ex-
ample, if T is that of an electromagnetic field, we
? d ? p (M ) = (1)n(p+1) .

(306) have Trg (T) = T (n, n) + Trh (T) = 0, so that
the pressure effectively doubles the contribution
In the final step of (304) we used that any Killing of the first term to the overall mass. This is the
vector-field satisfies the identity (again for the origin of the infamous factor-2-anomaly of the
Levi-Civita connection): Komar mass, which, e.g., leads to the result that
the difference between two Komar masses evalu-
a b Kc = Rdabc Kd . (307) ated on two different 2-spheres of spherical sym-
metry in the Reissner-Nordstrm manifold (elec-
If the spacetime satisfies Einsteins equation we can
trically charged black-hole) gives twice the elec-
use (5) to eliminate the Ricci tensor in the last line
trostatic field energy stored in the region between
of (303) in favor of the energy-momentum tensor.
the spheres. On the other hand, for a spherically
This shows that if S has two connected components
symmetric perfect-fluid star, Tolman has shown
S1 and S2 , and if T|B = 0, then (choosing the
in [114] that in a weak-field approximation the
relative orientations of S1 and S2 appropriately)
leading-order difference between (308) and the in-
MKomar (S1 ) = MKomar (S2 )M . For a finite-size star
tegrated mass-density of the fluid is just the New-
or a black hole this means that we may take any S
tonian binding energy, which makes perfect sense.
to calculate the Komar- and hence the ADM mass,
2 At this point we should mention the positive-
as long as S S bounds a 3-dimensional region
mass theorem (for Lorentzian signature = 1),
B on which T vanishes. In particular, S may be
which states that for any pair (h, ) of initial data
taken as any 2-sphere outside the stars surface.
satisfying the constraints MADM 0, with equal-
More specifically, consider a static star where K
ity only if the data are that of Minkowski space.
is the hypersurface orthogonal Killing vector-field.
Note that the expression (290) for MADM is a func-
The topology of the hypersurfaces orthogonal to
tional of h alone, but that in the formulation of the
K inside the star shall be just that of a ball in
positive-mass theorem given here it is crucial that
R3 ; then we express the stars ADM energy by the
for h there exists a so that the pair (h, ) solves
Komar integral over the stars surface S and that,
the constraint. Otherwise it is easy to write down
in turn, by the bulk integral (304) over the stars
3-metrics with negative ADM mass; take e.g. (314)
interior, where we replace the Ricci tensor by T.
(see below) with r0 replaced by r0 , where r0 > 0,
This results in the so-called Tolman mass (see [114]
suitably smoothed out for smaller radii so as to
and 92 of [115]), which in our notation reads:
avoid the singularity at r = r0 . Since the ADM

Z p mass only depends on the asymptotic behavior it
MTolman = 2 d3 x det(h) is completely independent of any alterations to the
c b (308)
p h i metric in the interior. If one wishes to make the
g(K, K) T(n, n) Trh (T) . positive mass theorem a statement about metrics
p alone without any reference to the constraints one
Here n := K/ g(K, K) is the normal to the hy- has to impose positivity conditions on the scalar
persurfaces and Trh the trace with respect to the curvature. But that also imposes topological re-
spatial metric h, where, we recall, g = n[ n[ +h. strictions due to the result of Gromov and Lawson
In the Lorentzian case ( = 1) we see that [78] mentioned at the end of Section 6. For a recent
the first T (n, n)-term in (308) is just the integral up-to-date survey on the positive-mass theorem we
over the spatial energy-density of the matter di- refer to [50].
p by c2 and weighted by the redshift factor Note that MADM = MKomar implies the posi-
g(K, K). The additional term is absent if the tivity of MKomar MKomar (S ). But this does

not imply that MKomar (S 2 ) is also positive for tions that are necessary in order to exactly obtain
general S 2 . In fact, explicit examples of regular, a 10-dimensional symmetry as a quotient of two
asymptotically flat spacetimes with matter satisfy- infinite-dimensional objects. This is particularly
ing the hypotheses of the positive-mass theorem are true for asymptotic boosts, for which one needs to
known in which MKomar (S 2 ) < 0 for suitably cho- tilt the hypersurface, corresponding to asymptotic
sen 2-spheres [1]. The recipe here is to regard two lapse functions r. (Boosted hypersurfaces are
concentric counter-rotating objects in an axially- known to exist in the development of asymptoti-
symmetric and stationary spacetime, e.g., an out- cally flat initial data [42].) But leaving the ana-
side perfect-fluid ring and an inner rigidly rotating lytic details aside, the qualitative picture is quite
disk of dust. The Komar mass of the disk (i.e. S 2 generic for gauge field theories with long-ranging
encloses the disk but not the ring) may then turn field configurations [69]: A proper physical symme-
out negative if the frame-dragging effect of the ring try group arises as quotient of a general covariance
is large enough so as to let the angular velocity and group with respect to a proper normal subgroup,
the (Komar) angular momentum of the central ob- the latter being defined to be that object that is
ject have opposite signs. generated by the constraints.
In passing we remark that the positive mass the-
orem in combination with the equality MADM =
MKomar gives a simple proof of the absence of 10 Black-Hole data
gravitational solitons, i.e. stationary asymp-
In this section we discuss some simple solutions to
totically flat solutions to Einsteins equations on
the vacuum Einstein equations without cosmologi-
= R3 . This follows from (302) and d ? dK [
cal constant. We first specify to the simplest case
?iK Ric. The vaccum equation Ric = 0 then im-
of time symmetric conformally flat data. Time
plies MADM = MKomar = 0 which implies that
symmetry means that the initial extrinsic curva-
spacetime is flat Minkowski. This theorem was
ture vanishes, K = 0. The corresponding Cauchy
originally shown for static spacetimes (i.e. hyper-
surface will then be totally geodesic in the space-
surface orthogonal K) by Pauli and Einstein [56]
time that emerges from it. The vector constraint
and later generalized to the stationary case by Lich-
(144b) is identically satisfied and the scalar con-
nerowicz [97]. The result of this theorem cannot be
straint (144a) reduces to scalar flatness
circumvented by trying more complicated topolo-
gies for . As soon as becomes non-simply con- R(h) = ScalD = 0 . (309)
nected (which in view of the validity of the Poincare
conjecture will be the case for any one-ended man- Conformal flatness means that
ifold other than R3 ) we know from Gannons theo-
rem [63] that the evolving spacetime will inevitably h = 4 , (310)
develop singularities.
where is the flat metric. From (125a) we infer
Finally we mention that under suitable fall-
that (309) is equivalent to being harmonic
off conditions we can find the Poincare group as
asymptotic symmetry group [29]. It will emerge = 0 (311)
from (260) as equivalence classes of all hypersur-
face deformations, including those in which and where is the Laplacian with respect to the flat
asymptotically approach rigid translations, ro- metric . We seek solutions which are asymp-
tations, or boosts. The quotient is taken with re- totically flat for r and give rise to complete
spect to those deformations which are generated by manifolds in the metric structure defined by g. The
the constraints, in which and tend to zero at only spherically symmetric such solution is
spatial infinity. There are various subtleties and r0
fine tunings involved for the precise fall-off condi- (r) = 1 + , (312)

where the integration constant r0 can be related to
the ADM mass (290) by
MADM = 2c2 r0 /G . (313)
This solution is defined on = R {0}. The
metric on so obtained is r = r0
 r0 4
dr2 + r2 (d2 + sin2 d2 ) . (314)

h= 1+
It admits the following isometries
I1 (r, , ) := (r02 /r, , ) , (315a)
I2 (r, , ) := (r02 /r, , + ) . (315b) Figure 4: Cauchy surface with time symmetric initial
data and two isometric asymptotically flat ends separated
Note that the second is just a composition of the by a totally geodesic 2-sphere.
first with the antipodal map (r, , ) 7 (r,
, + ) which is well defined on R3 {0}. This
makes I2 a fixed-point free action. The fixed-point where r is a function of T and X, implicitly defined
set of I1 is the 2-sphere r = r0 . Note that gener- by
ally a submanifold that is the fixed-point set of an
(r/r0 ) 1 exp(r/r0 ) = X 2 T 2 .

isometry is necessarily totally geodesic (has van- (317)
ishing extrinsic curvature). To see this, consider The metric is spherically symmetric and allows for
a geodesic that starts on and tangentially to this the additional Killing field
submanifold. Such a geodesic cannot leave the sub-

manifold, for if it did we could use the isometry to K = XT + T X , (318)
map it to a different geodesic with identical initial
conditions, in contradiction to the uniqueness of which is timelike for |X| > |T | and spacelike for
solutions for the geodesic equation. Hence the 2- |X| < |T |.
sphere r = r0 has vanishing extrinsic curvature and Both maps (315) extend to the Kruskal manifold.
is therefore, in particular, a minimal surface (has The fixed-point free action (315b) has the extension
vanishing trace of the extrinsic curvature). The ge-
J : (T, X, , ) 7 (T, X, , + ) . (319)
ometry inside the sphere r = r0 is isometric to that
outside it. This is depicted in Fig. 4. It generates a freely acting group Z2 of smooth
For the data (h = (314) , K = 0) on = R3 {0} isometries which preserve space- as well as time-
we actually know its maximal time evolution: It orientation. Hence the quotient is a smooth space-
is the Kruskal spacetime [95][79] which maximally and time-orientable manifold, that is sometimes
extends the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime. Fig- called the RP3 -geon. It represents the maximal
ure 5 shows a conformal diagram of Kruskal space- time evolution of the data (h = (314), K = 0)
time. as above, but now defined on the initial quotient
In Kruskal coordinates (Kruskal [95] uses (v, u), manifold = (R3 {0})/I2 . It has only one
Hawking Ellis [79] (t0 , x0 ) for what we call (T, X)) asymptotically flat end and the topology of a once
(T, X, , ), where T and X each range in (, ) punctured real projective space RP3 . Note that
obeying T 2 X 2 < 1, the Kruskal metric reads (as the map J preserves the Killing field (318) only
usual, we write d2 for d2 + sin2 d2 ): up to sign. Had one chosen J 0 : (T, X, , ) 7
8r02 (T, X, , + ) as in [101] and [66], one
exp(r/r0 ) dT 2 + dX 2 + r2 d2 ,

g= would have preserved K but lost time orientabil-
(316) ity.

i+ black-hole singularity
i+ where the dots stand for corrections of quadratic
and higher powers in GMi /c2 r12 . This can be eas-

I+ I+ ily generalized to any finite number of poles. Note
that the initial manifolds are all complete, i.e. all
i0 T =0 T =0 i0 punctures lie at infinite metric distance from any
interior point.

Other generalizations consist in adding linear

I I and angular momentum. This can be done using
white-hole singularity
the conformal method, which we now briefly de-
i i scribe. Recall that we wish to solve the constraints
(144) for T = 0 but now with K 6= 0. Encour-
Figure 5: Conformally compactified Kruskal spacetime.
The T axis points up vertically, the X axis horizontally to
aged by previous experience with the simplifying
the right. The Cauchy surface of Fig. 4 corresponds trio the effect of conformal transformations, we now study
hypersurface T = 0. The various infinities are: i0 spacelike, the general conformal transformation properties of
i future/past timelike, and I future/past lightlike infin- the left-hand sides of (144). Generalizing (310), we
ity. The right diamond-shaped region corresponds to the
usual exterior Schwarzschild solution containing one asymp- write
totically flat end.
hab = 4 hab , (323a)
ab s ab
Within the set of conformally-flat and time sym- K = K . (323b)
metric initial data we can easily generalize the so-
Note that in view of (323a) the second equation is
lution (312) to (311) to include more than one
equivalent to
monopole term on a multi-punctured R3 . For two
terms we get Kab = 8s Kab . (323c)
a1 a2
(r) = 1 + + , (320) We first wish to determine the power s that is most
r1 r2
suitable for simplifying (144b) if written in terms
where ri = k~x ~ci k. This represents two black of h and K. A slightly lengthy but straightforward
holes without spin and orbital angular momentum computation gives
momentarily at rest, with ~ci R3 representing the
Da K ab hab Kcc = s Da K ab hab Kcc
holes positions. The manifold has three ends,
one for r and one each for ri 0. For each
+ (10 s)(s+1) (Da )K ab
end we can calculate the ADM mass and get
+ (s 6)(s+1) Db Kcc .
M = 2(a1 + a2 )c2 /G , (321a)
a1 a2 c2
M1 = 2 a1 + , (321b)
r12 G Here D is the Levi-Civita covariant derivative with

a1 a2 c2
 respect to h and indices on barred quantities are
M2 = 2 a2 + , (321c) moved with the barred metric. A suitable simpli-
r12 G
fication in the sense of conformal covariance would
where r12 := k~c1 ~c2 k. Here M is the total mass occur if only the first line in (324) survived. The
associated with the end r and Mi is the in- other two lines cannot be made to vanish simulta-
dividual hole mass associated with the end ri 0. neously on account of a suitable choice of s. The
The binding energy is the overall energy minus the best one can do is to choose s = 10 and restrict to
individual ones. One obtains traceless K, i.e. Kcc = 0. From (323) this might
M1 M2 seem as if we had to restrict to traceless K. But
E := (M M1 M2 )c2 = G + (322) note that as the left-hand side of (144b) is linear

in K we can always add to any traceless solution can parametrize solutions to (327) directly by the
K (1) a pure trace part momenta without solving (328) first. Two solu-
tions of particular interest for h = are the Bowen-
Kab = 31 hab , (325) York data [37][119]. In Cartesian coordinates and
corresponding components they read
which satisfies the vector constraint as long as is
constant. Putting all this together we see that we (1)
Kab = r2 a Ab + b Aa (ab a b ) c Ac ,

get a solution to the vector constraint if we main- (331a)
tain (323a) but replace (323b) with (2) 3
 c d
Kab = r a bcd + b acd B , (331b)
K ab = 10 K ab + 1 4 ab
3 h , (326a)
2 1 4 where a := xa /r and where all indices are raised
Kab = Kab + 3 hab , (326b) and lowered with the flat metric . A and B are co-
where is a constant and K is transverse traceless variantly constant vector fields with respect to the
in the metric h: Levi Civita connection for the flat metric , which
are here represented by constant components Ab
hab K ab = 0 , (327a) and B c . One verifies by direct computation that
ab they satisfy (327) with hab = ab and Da = a .
Da K = 0. (327b)
Furthermore, using (291) one shows that (331a)
Note that Kaa = so that the method as presented has vanishing angular momentum and a linear mo-
here only produces initial data of constant mean mentum with components
curvature. It can be generalized to non-constant , 2c3 a
see e.g. [86]. Pa = A , (332)
As before, the idea is now to let the remain-
ing scalar constraint determine the conformal fac- whereas (331b) has vanishing linear momentum
tor. Inserting (323a) and (326) into the scalar con- and an angular momentum with components
straint (144a) and using (125), we obtain the fol-
lowing elliptic York equation for c3 a
Ja = B . (333)
h 18 ScalD + 18 7 Kab K ab 12
1 5 2
= 0. They can be combined to give data for single holes
(328) with non-zero linear and angular momenta and
Existence and uniqueness of this equation for the also be superposed in order to give data for multi
Lorentzian case = 1 is discussed in the survey black-hole configurations. Such data, and certain
[86]. It may be further simplified if, as before, we modifications of them, form the essential ingredient
assume conformally flat intitial data, i.e. for present-day numerical simulations of black hole
scattering and the subsequent emission of gravita-
h = = flat metric . (329) tional radiation.
Let us now return to equation (328), which we
have to solve once suitable expressions for the com-
+ 81 7 Kab K ab 1 5 2 ponents Kab have been found. As the metric is
12 = 0. (330)
flat at the end representing spatial infinity, i.e.
where K is now transverse-traceless with respect to (r ) = 1, it is clear that cannot be
the flat connection (partial derivatives in suitable bounded in the interior region. The idea of the
coordinates). puncture method , first proposed in [38], is to re-
It is remarkable that the ADM momenta (291) strict the type of singularities of to be, in some
can be calculated without knowing . Hence we sense, as simple as possible, which here means to

be of the pure monopole type that we already en- 2 to n punctures) shows that the only difference
countered in (312) for a single hole and generalized in the analytic expression for the masses is the ap-
to two holes in (320). This amounts to the follow- pearance of ui (instead of 1) in the first term on the
ing: Take = R3 {~c1 , , ~cn } and assume we are right-hand side of (336b). Thus, formally, for fixed
given suitable Kab which are regular in , e.g., a monopole parameters ai , the switching-on of linear
sum of York data of the form (331), each centered and angular momentum (here represented locally
at one of the punctures ~ci . Accordingly, we write by trace-free extrinsic curvatures) adds to each in-
dividual mass a term ai (ui 1). This contribution
=u+ , (334a) is non-negative as a consequence of u 1. The

latter equation follows immediately from standard
where elliptic theory. Indeed, (335) implies u 0, i.e.
1 X ai
that u is superharmonic, and hence that u f for
:= , (334b)
i=1 i
any continuous harmonic f with the same bound-
ary values, i.e. f 1. Note that this argument
again with ri := k~x ~ci k. The crucial assumption
relies on = 1.
now is that the function u is smooth, at least C 2 ,
Finally we wish to point out an interesting type
on all of R3 , including the points ~ci . Since 1/
on non-uniqueness in writing down initial data of
is annihilated by , (328) applied to (334) then
the form (331). It has to do with the question of
leads to a second order elliptic differential equation
whether we wish to enforce the inversion symme-
for u. In the simple case of conformally flat max-
tries of the type (315) to become isometries of the
imal data, i.e. hab = ab and = 0, we get in the
initial geometry. Let us focus on I1 as defined in
Lorentzian case ( = 1)
(315), where we now denote the radius of inversion
7 7 a (rather than r0 ). Dropping the subscript 1, we
u = 81 1 + u Kab K ab , (335)
where u 1 at spatial infinity. Now, at the i- [I(x)]a = (a2 /r2 ) xa . (337)
th puncture, Kab diverges as (1/ri )2 for the data
Its Jacobian is
(331a) and as (1/ri )3 for the data (331b). This
means that Kab K ab diverges at most as (1/ri )6 . [I (x)]ab = (a2 /r2 ) ba 2 a b .

But from (334b) we see that vanishes as ri at ~ci
so that 7 Kab K ab also vanishes at least as fast as ri We note in passing that the matrix in round brack-
at ~ci and is hence continuous on all of R3 . Standard ets is orthogonal with determinant 1.
elliptic theory now allows to conclude existence and It follows that the conformally flat metric h =
uniqueness of C 2 solutions to (335); see [38] for 4 satisfies I h = h iff
more details. It is then not difficult to see that the
Riemannian manifold (, h) so obtained has n + 1 (a/r)( I) = . (339)
asymptotically flat ends whose ADM masses are
In such a metric the sphere r = a is the fixed-point
readily calculated. Similar to (321), one obtains
set of the isometry I and hence totally geodesic.
n In particular, this implies that it is a stationary
2c2 X
M = ai , (336a) point of the area function which is equivalent to
G i=1
r (r2 4 ) = 0 and hence to
X ai aj  
Mi = ai ui + , (336b)
G j=1
rij + = 0, (340)
j6=i r 2a r=a

where ui := u(~ci ) and rij := k~ci ~cj k. Comparing which may also be directly verified from differenti-
this to (321) (and its obvious generalization from ating (339) with respect to r at r = a. This would

be the condition for (330) at the inner boundary and identically for B, where a dot denotes the
in order to produce a solution that gives rise to scalar product with respect to the flat metric, i.e.
a metric h that has I as an isometry. But that, A = (, A),
clearly, also puts conditions on the extrinsic curva-
ture K, for h and K have to satisfy the coupled sys- I = (a/r)4 , (346)
tem of constraints (144) in the vacuum case T = 0.
A sufficient condition is and2
I = (a/r)6 . (347)

I K = K . (341a)
These formulae allow to immediatly write down
Using (326b) and restricting to maximal data, the I-transforms of the data (331). We have, in
Kcc = = 0, this is equivalent to components,
(a2 /r2 ) I K = K , (341b) I K ab
= r2 a Ab + b Aa + (ab 5 a b ) c Ac .

where we also made use of (339).
Using the global chart {x1 , x2 , x3 } on R3 {0} (348a)
together wit the flat metric h = , we have the func-
tion r whose value at x is the -geodesic distance (2)
I K ab = (a/r)2 K (2) . (348b)
((x1 )2 +(x2 )2 +(x3 )2 ) and the following vector fields
and volume form (Aa , B a , abc being constant com- (2)
This means that K as given by (331b) is already
ponent functions) antisymmetric in the sense of (341b), but (331a) is
neither symmetric nor antisymmetric. Symmetric
= , (342a) or antisymmetric data can be obtained by forming
r xa the symmetric or antisymmetric combination

A = Aa a , (342b)
x (1)
K := K (1) (a/r)2 I K (1) . (349)

B = Ba a , (342c)
x which satisfies
= 3! abc dxa dxb dxc . (342d) (1) (1)
(a/r)2 I K = K . (350)
The co-vector fields that arise from these vector
fields via the isomorphism induced by the flat met- In components they read
ric are called [ , A[ , B [ . Under the inversion-map  (1) 
(337), making also use of (338), these structures K ab
behave as follows: = 1/r2 a Ab + b Aa (ab a b ) c Ac

a2 a2 /r4 a Ab + b Aa + (ab 5 a b ) c Ac .

I r = r I = , (343)
r (351)

Having enforced symmetry with respect to the

I = (a/r)2 , (344a) inversion (337) we will obtain an initial-data 3-
I [ = (a/r)2 [ , (344b) manifold with two isometric asymptotically flat
2 A straightforward calculation using (338) first yields

I = (a/r)6 2 [ ? [ , where ? denotes the Hodge

dual with respect to . But for any vector field one triv-
I A = (a/r)2 A 2 ( A) ,

(345a) ially has [ = 0 and hence, now assuming to be also
normalized, 0 = i ( [ ) = [ i . Using i = ? [ ,
I A[ = (a/r)2 A[ 2 [ ( A) ,

(345b) this gives [ ? [ = and hence (347).

ends whose Poincare charges coincide (possibly up defined as follows
to sign) and are given by those of the original data. ]
X Y := ?(X [ Y [ ) ,

This is trivially true for angular momentum and (353)
follows for linear momentum from the 1/r4 fall-off
where the isomorphisms [ and ] are with respect
of the second term in (351). It is interesting to
to h (cf. (1)). The product obeys the standard
note that a term proportional to the second term
rules: It is bilinear, antisymmetric, and X (Y
in (351) follows in case of spherically symmetric
Z) = h(X, Z)Y h(X, Y )Z. Moreover, for any X,
extended matter sources [36].
the endomorphism Y 7 X Y is antisymmetric
with respect to h, i.e. h(X Y, Z) = h(Y, X Z),
11 Further developments, and hence it is in the Lie algebra of the orthogonal
group of h. In particular this is true for Y 7
problems, and outlook Wein(X) Y , showing that D is again metric,
i.e. obeys Dh = 0 once its unique extension to
In this contribution we have explained in some de-
all tensor fields is understood. Clearly, unlike D,
tail the dynamical and Hamiltonian formulation of
the torsion of D cannot be zero:
GR. We followed the traditional ADM approach
in which the basic variables are the Riemannian T D (X, Y ) = DX Y DY X [X, Y ]
metric h of space and its conjugate momentum , 
= Wein(X) Y Wein(Y ) X .
which is essentially the extrinsic curvature that
will assume once the spacetime is developed and
is isometrically embedded in it. Attempts to es- Using (77) and index notation, the curvature tensor
tablish a theory of Quantum Gravity based on the for D is
Hamiltonian formulation of GR suggest that other
canonical variables are better suited for the mathe- Rabcd = Rabcd
matical implementation of the constraints and the + Dc Kdn Dd Kcn nab

ensuing construction of spaces of states and observ-
2 Kac Kbd Kad Kbc .

ables [113][107][34]. These variables are a (suit-
ably densitized) orthonormal 3-bein field E on From this the scalar curvature follows
and the Ashtekar-Barbero connection. We have al-
ready seen that orientable are parallelizable so ScalD = ScalD + 2 Gabcd Kab Kcd . (356)
that global fields E do indeed exist. Any field
E determines a Riemannian metric h, which in Camparison with (144a) shows that for 2 = the
turn determines its Levi-Civita connection. The gravitational part of the scalar constraint is just
Ashtekar-Barbero covariant derivative, D, differs ( times) the scalar curvature of D. This striking
from the Levi-Civita connection D of h by the simplification of the scalar constraint formed the
endomorphism-valued 1-form which associates to original motivation for the introduction of D by
each tangent vector X the tangent-space endomor- Ashtekar [18]. However, for = 1 one needs to
phism Y 7 Wein(X) Y , where is a dimen- complexify the tensor bundle over for = i to
sionless constant, the so-called Barbero-Immirzi- make sense, and subsequently impose reality con-
parameter, which was first introduced by Immirzi ditions which re-introduce a certain degree of com-
in [85] on the basis of Barberos generalization [22] plication; see, e.g., [68] for a compact account not
of Ashtekars variables. Hence we have using spinors. The usage of D in the real case was
then proposed by Barbero in [22] and forms the ba-
DX Y = DX Y + Wein(X) Y . (352)
sic tool in Loop Quantum Gravity [113], which has
The multiplication is the standard 3-dimensional definite technical advantages over the metric-based
vector product with respect to the metric h. It is traditional approach.

At this point we wish to inject one word of cau- modes are then treated perturbatively in an expan-
tion concerning the possible geometric interpreta- sion around the symmetric configurations. In these
tion of the of Barbero connection D, depending on cases quantization in the metric representation can
the value of . From the defining equation (352) be performed, with potentially interesting conse-
it is clear that any D explicitly contains extrinsic quences for observational cosmology, like the mod-
information, i.e. information that refers to the way ification of the anisotropy spectrum of the cosmic
is embedded into spacetime M . Moreover, un- microwave background [93][32]. All these attempts
less 2 = , this dependence on the embedding is make essential use of the Hamiltonian theory as
such that D cannot be considered as pull-back of a described in this contribution.
connection defined on (the bundle of linear frames
over) M , as has been pointed out in [109]. The
argument is simple: If it were the pull-back of such 12 Appendix: Group actions
a connection on M , its holonomy along a loop in on manifolds
spacetime would be the same for all containing
that loop. That this is not the case for 2 6= can, Let G be a group and M a set. An action of G on
e.g., be checked for the simple example where M is M is a map
Minkowski space and the loop is a planar unit cir- :GM M (357)
cle that is contained in a flat spacelike hyperplane such that, for all m M and e G the neutral
as well as in the constant-curvature spacelike hy- element,
perboloid of unit future-pointing timelike vectors. (e, m) = m , (358)
The holonomy in the latter case turns out to be
non-trivial (see [109] for the explicit calculation). and where, in addition, one of the following two
For the Ashtekar connection, i.e. for 2 = , we conditions holds:
know from its original construction that it is the 
g, (h, m) = (gh, m) , (359a)
pull-back of a spacetime connection (see, e.g., the 
derivation in [68]). But for Barberos generaliza- g, (h, m) = (hg, m) . (359b)
tions (352) with 2 6= , and in particular for all If (357), (358), and (359a) hold we speak of a left
real values of in the Lorentzian case ( = 1), action. A right action satisfies (357), (358), and
this means that it is impossible to attach a gauge- (359b). For a left action we also write
theoretic spacetime interpretation to D.
Despite this conceptual shortcoming, the techni- (g, m) =: g m (360a)
cal advantages over the metric-based approach re-
main. On the other hand, the latter is well suited and for a right action
to address certain conceptual problems [92], like (g, m) =: m g . (360b)
e.g. the problem of time that emerges in those
cases where the Hamiltonian (241) has no bound- Equations (359) then simply become (group mul-
ary terms and is therefore just a sum of constraints. tiplication is denoted by juxtaposition without a
This happens in cosmology based on closed . The dot)
motions generated by the Hamiltonian are then
g (h m) = (gh) m , (361a)
just pure gauge transformations and the question
arises whether and how motion and change are (m h) g = m (hg) . (361b)
to be recovered; see, e.g., [107, 108]. Holding either of the two arguments of fixed we
Dynamical models in cosmology often start from obtain the families of maps
symmetry assumptions that initially reduce the in-
finitely many degrees of freedom to finitely many g : M M
ones (so-called mini-superspace models). Other m 7 (g, m)

for each g G, or vector field V X on M , given by
V X (m) = exp(tX), m

m : G M dt t=0 (364)
g 7 (g, m) = me (X) .

Recall that me denotes the differential of the map

for each m M . Note that (358) and (359) imply m evaluated at e G. V X is also called the
that g1 = g )1 . Hence each g is a bijec- fundamental vector field on M associated to the
tion of M . The set of bijections of M will be de- action of G and to X Te G. (We will later write
noted by Bij(M ). It is naturally a group with group Lie(G) for Te G, after we have discussed which Lie
multiplication being given by composition of maps structure on Te G we choose.)
and the neutral element being given by the identity In passing we note that from (364) it already
map. Conditions (358) and (359a) are then equiv- follows that the flow map of V X is given by
alent to the statement that the map G Bij(M ),
given by g 7 g , is a group homomorphism. Like- FlVt (m) = (exp(tX), m) . (365)
wise, (358) and (359b) is equivalent to the state-
ment that this map is a group anti-homomorphism. This follows from exp(sX) exp(tX) = exp (s +
The following terminology is standard: The set t)X and (359) (any of them), which imply
Stab(m) := {g G : (g, m) = m} G is X X X
called the stabilizer of m. It is easily proven to FlVs FlVt = FlVs+t (366)
be a normal subgroup of G satisfying Stab(g
m) = g Stab(g m) g 1 for left and Stab(m g) =
 on the domain of M where all three maps appear-
ing in (366) are defined. Uniqueness of flow maps
g 1 Stab(g m) g for right actions. The orbit of
for vector fields then suffices to show that (365) is
G through m M is the set Orb(m) := {(g, m) :
indeed the flow of V X .
g G} =: (G, m) (also written G m for left and
Before we continue with the general case, we
m G for right action). It is easy to see that two
have a closer look at the special cases where M = G
orbits are either disjoint or identical. Hence the
and is either the left translation of G on G,
orbits partition M . A point m M is called a
(g, h) = Lg (h) := gh, or the right translation,
fixed point of the action iff Stab(m) = G. An
(g, h) = Rg (h) := hg. The corresponding funda-
action is called effective iff (g, m) = m for all
mental vector fields (364) are denoted by VRX and
m M implies g = e; i.e., only the group identity
VLX respectively:
moves nothing. Alternatively, we may say that ef-
fectiveness is equivalent to the map G 7 Bij(M ), d  
g 7 g , being injective; i.e., g = IdM implies VRX (h) = exp(tX) h , (367a)
dt t=0

g = e. The action is called free iff (g, m) = m d  
for some m M implies g = e; i.e., no g 6= e fixes VL (h) = h exp(tX) . (367b)
dt t=0

a point. This is equivalent to the injectivity of all
maps m : G M , g 7 (g, m), which can be The seemingly paradoxical labeling of R for left
expressed by saying that all orbits of G in M are and L for right translation finds its explanation in
faithful images of G. the fact that VRX is right and VLX is left invariant,
i.e., Rg VRX = VRX and Lg VLX = VLX . Recall that
Here we are interested in smooth actions. For
the latter two equations are shorthands for
this we need to assume that G is a Lie group, that
M is a differentiable manifold, and that the map Rgh VRX (h) = VRX (hg) , (368a)
(357) is smooth. We denote by exp : Te G G
the exponential map. For each X Te G there is a Lgh VLX (h) = VLX (gh) . (368b)

The proofs of (368a) only uses (367a) and the chain As a consequence, VR : Lie(G) T G, X 7 VRX ,
rule: now turns out to be an anti Lie homomorphism,
d   i.e., to contain an extra minus sign:
Rgh VRX (h) = Rgh exp(tX) h
dt t=0 [X,Y ]
d   VR := [VRX , VRY ] . (373)
= Rg exp(tX) h
dt t=0 (369a) This can be proven directly but will also follow
from the more general considerations below.
= exp(tX) hg
dt t=0 On G consider the map
= VRX (hg) .
Similarly, the proof of (368b) starts from (367b): (374)
(h, g) 7 hgh1 .
Lgh VLX (h) = Lgh h exp(tX)
dt t=0 For fixed h this map, Ch : G G, g 7 Ch (g) =
d   hgh1 , is an automorphism (i.e., self-isomorphism)
= Lg h exp(tX)
dt t=0 (369b) of G. Automorphisms of G form a group (multi-
d   plication being composition of maps) which we de-
= gh exp(tX) note by Aut(G). It is immediate that the map
dt t=0
= VLX (gh) . C Aut(G), h 7 Ch , is a homomorphism of
groups; i.e.,
In particular, we have
Ce = IdG , (375a)
VRX (g) = Rge VLX (e) = Rge X , (370a)
Ch Ck = Chk . (375b)
VLX (g) = Lge VRX (e) = Lge X , (370b)
Taking the differential at e G of Ch we obtain
showing that the vector spaces of right/left invari-
a linear self-map of Te G, which we call Adh :
ant vector fields on G are isomorphic to Te G. More-
over, the vector spaces of right/left invariant vector Adh := Che : Te G Te G . (376a)
fields on G are Lie algebras, the Lie product being
their ordinary commutator (as vector fields). This Differentiating both sides of both equations (375)
is true because the operation of commuting vector at e G, using the chain rule together with
fields commutes with push-forward maps of diffeo- Ck (e) = e for the second, we infer that
morphisms: [V, W ] = [ V, W ]. This implies
that the commutator of right/left invariant vector Ade = IdTe G , (376b)
fields is again right/left invariant. Hence the iso- Adh Adk = Adhk . (376c)
morphisms can be used to turn Te G into a Lie al-
gebra, identifying it either with the Lie algebra of This implies, firstly, that each linear map (376a)
right- or left-invariant vector fields. The standard is invertible, i.e. an element of the general linear
convention is to choose the latter. Hence, for any group GL(Te G) of the vector space Te G, and, sec-
X, Y Lie(G), one defines ondly, that the map
[X, Y ] := [VLX , VLY ](e) . (371) Ad : G GL(Te G)
Te G endowed with that structure is called Lie(G). h 7 Adh
Clearly, this turns VL : Lie(G) T G, X 7 VLX ,
into a Lie homomorphism: is a group homomorphism. In other words, Ad is
a linear representation of G on Te G, called the ad-
[X,Y ]
VL = [VLX , VLY ] . (372) joint representation.

In (368) we saw that VRX and VLX are invari- definition of the Lie derivative. We recall from
ant under the action of right and left translations (365) that the flow of the left invariant vector fields
respectively (hence their names). But what hap- VX
is given by right translation: Flt L (g) = g exp(tX).
pens if we act on VRX with left and on VLX with Then we have
right translations? The answer is obtained from
straightforward computation. In the first case we [X, Y ] = [VLX , VLY ](e)
= (LVLX VLY )(e)
Lgh VRX (h) = Lgh

exp(tX) h = Fl(t) VLY (Flt L (e))
dt t=0 dt t=0
d d
= g exp(tX) h = Fl(t)
FlVs L Flt L (e)
dt t=0 dt t=0 ds s=0
d d
= Cg exp(tX) gh = exp(tX) exp(sY ) exp(tX)
dt t=0 dt t=0 ds s=0

Ad (X)
= VR g (gh) , d
= Adexp(tX) (Y )
(378a) dt t=0
= adX (Y ) .
where we used (376) in the last and the definition
of VRX in the first and last step. Similarly, in the
second case we have
A completely analogous consideration, now using
d   VX
Rgh VLX (h) = Rgh Flt R (g) = exp(tX) g, allows to compute the com-

h exp(tX) h
dt t=0 mutator of the right-invariant vector fields evalu-
ated at e G:
= h exp(tX) g
dt t=0
d   [VRX , VRY ](e) = (LVRX VRY )(e)
= hg Cg1 exp(tX)
dt t=0 d VRX VX
= VL
Adg1 (X)
(gh) . = Fl(t) VRY (Flt R (e))
dt t=0
(378b) d VRX d Y


= Fl(t) FlVs R Flt R (e)
dt t=0 ds s=0
Taking the differential of Ad at e G we obtain d d
a linear map from Te G into End(Te G), the linear = exp(tX) exp(sY ) exp(tX)
dt t=0 ds s=0

space of endomorphisms of Te G (linear self-maps
of Te G). = Adexp(tX) (Y )
dt t=0
ad := Ade : Te G End(Te G) = adX (Y )
X 7 adX . = [X, Y ] .
Now, we have

adX (Y ) = [X, Y ] (380) Equation (373) now follows if we act on both

sides of [VRX , VRY ](e) = [X, Y ] with Rge and use
where the right-hand side is defined in (371). The (368a).
proof of (380) starts from the fact that the commu- We now return to the general case where M is
tator of two vector fields can be expressed in terms any manifold and the vector field V X is defined by
of the Lie derivative of the second with respect to an action as in (364) and whose flow map is given
the first vector field in the commutator, and the by (365). Now, given that is a right action, we

obtain a left action we then get
 X Y d
V , V (m) gm V X (m) = gm exp(tX), m
dt t=0
= (LV X V Y )(m) d 
d   = g exp(tX), m
= Fl(t) VX X
V Y (FlVt (m)) dt t=0
dt t=0 d 
d d   = Cg (exp(tX)), g m
= Fl(t) VX
FlVt (m) dt t=0
dt t=0 ds s=0 d 
d d = (gm)e Cg exp(tX)
= exp(tX) exp(sY ) exp(tX), m
 dt t=0 
dt t=0 ds s=0 = (gm)e Adg (X)
= me Adexp(tX) (Y ) = V Adg (X) (g m)
dt t=0
= V Adg (X) (g, m) .

= V adX (Y ) (m)
= V [X,Y ] (m)
(382a) Similarly, if is a right action,
where we used (365) and (359b) at the fourth and gm V X (m) = gm exp(tX), m
(380) at the last equality. Similarly, if is a left dt t=0
action, we have d 
= exp(tX) g, m
dt t=0
 X Y d 
V , V (m) = Cg1 (exp(tX)), m g
dt t=0
= (LV X V Y )(m) d 
= (mg)e Cg1 exp(tX)
d VX

dt t=0
= Fl(t) V Y (FlVt (m)) 
dt t=0 = (mg)e Adg1 (X)
d VX d Y

= Fl(t) FlVs FlVt (m) = V Adg1 (X) (m g)
dt t=0 ds s=0
= V Adg1 (X) (g, m) .

d d 
= exp(tX) exp(sY ) exp(tX), m (383b)
dt t=0 ds s=0
= me Adexp(tX) (Y )
dt t=0
= V adX (Y ) (m)
= V [X,Y ] (m)

where we used (365) and (359a) at the fourth and Acknowledgements: I thank Lukas Brunkhorst,
again (380) at the last equality. Christian Pfeifer and Timo Ziegler for carefully
Finally we derive the analog of (378) in the gen- reading the manuscript and pointing out errors.
eral case. This corresponds to computing the push-
forward of V X under g . If is a left action we
will obtain the analog of (378a), and the analog of
(378b) if is a right action. For easier readability
we shall also make use of the notation (360). For

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action conformally flat data, 54
left, of group, 61 conserved quantity, 7, 8
right, of group, 61 constrained Hamiltonian system, 1, 2, 28
adapted frames, 13 constraints
ADM, 2 algebra, universality of, 41
angular momentum, 50 diffeomorphism, 23
center of mass, 51 first class, 29
energy, 50 Hamiltonian, 23
general momentum, 50 in GR, 23
linear momentum, 50 preservation, 24
mass, 50 primary, 29
algebra scalar, 23
associative, 3 secondary, 29
gauge, 34 solve (methods, meaning), 40, 43, 53, 56
Lie, 7, 3236, 39, 60, 63 surface, 28
Poisson, 32, 39 vector, 23
Ashtekar contravariant tensor, 3
-Barbero connection, 60 coordinates, canonical, 28
variables, 43 cosmological constant, 4
asymptotic covariant
flatness according to Bieri, 52 derivative, 14
flatness according to Regge-Teitelboim, 48 tensor, 3
regions, 48 CP-problem, in Quantum Gravity, 43
symmetry group, 54 curvature
caused by matter, 6
Baierlein-Sharp-Wheeler action, 44 extrinsic, 14
Barbero-Immirzi parameter, 60 Gaussian, 4, 15, 17
Bianchi identities, 16 of spacetime, 6
Bowen York initial data, 57 Ricci, 17
Riemann, 16
canonical scalar, 17
coordinates, 28 sectional, 16
quantization, 2 Weyl, 18
transformation, 30
Cauchy problem, 24 dAlembertian, see wave operator, 21
Christoffel symbols, 15 De Witt metric, 20, 26
chronos principle, 47 dynamical spacetime, 1
co-isotropic submanifold, 33
Codazzi-Mainardi equation, 21 Einstein
commutativity (Poisson) equations, 1, 4
strong, 34 spaces, 19
weak, 34 tensor, 4
conformal method, 43, 56 Einstein-Hilbert action, 36

end (of a manifold), 48 globally hyperbolic, 9
energy gravitational constant, 6
ADM, 50 group
current-density, 5 gauge, 36
density, 5 of gauge transformations, 36
function, 28 group action, 7, 61
energy condition by isometries, 7
energy dominance, 6 left and right, 7, 61
strong, 6 group representation
weak, 5 adjoint, 8, 9, 63
energy-momentum tensor, 4, 5 co-adjoint, 9
ephemeris time groupoids, 36
gravitational, 47
Euclidean metric, 3 Hamiltonian, 29
Euclidean Quantum Gravity, 3 Hamiltonian vector field, 32
Euler Lagrange equations, 27 harmonic slicing, 26
evolution of space, 1 history of space, 1
extrinsic curvature, 14
ideal, 40
first class constraints, 29 associative, 34
first fundamental form, 14 Lie, 34
foliation Poisson, 34
leaves of, 35 idealizer, Lie, 34
mean curvature, 51 initial data, Bowen York, 57
of spacetime (by spacelike hypersurfaces), 10, isotropic submanifold, 33
12, 14 Jacobi
of spacetime (by timelike curves), 12 identity, 32, 34
Frobenius theorem, 33 metric (first and second), 46
function principle, 46
energy, 28
Hamiltonian, 29 Killing fields, 7
fundamental kinetic-energy metric, 46
form (first and second), 14 Komar mass, 52
group (of configuration space), 43 Kruskal spacetime, 55
Kulkarni-Nomizu product, 18
algebra, 34 Lagrangian (Lagrange function), 27
group, 36 Lagrangian submanifold, 33
redundancies versus symmetries, 29 Laplacian, conformally covariant, 21
transformations, 29 lapse function, 12
transformations (asympt. flat case), 49 Lie
York, 25 algebra, 7, 3236, 39, 60, 63
Gauss equation, 21 algebra, dual of, 8
Gaussian curvature, 4, 15, 17 algebroids, 36
geometric object, 40 anti-homomorphism, 7, 35, 41
geon, 55 anti-isomorphism, 63

centralizer, 34 Poincare
group, 7, 35, 62 charges, 2, 60
homomorphism, 7, 33, 63 group, 48
ideal, 34 Poisson
idealizer, 34 algebra (general), 32, 34
lift, of diffeomorphims to cotangent bundle, 30 algebra (of physical observables), 34
Loop Quantum Gravity, 60 bracket, 32
Lorentz ideal, 34
group, 9 primary constraints, 29
metric, 3, 10 principal
signature of De Witt metric, 26 curvature directions, 15
transformations, 9 curvatures, 15
radii, 15
mass principle
ADM, 50 Jacobis, 46
Komar, 52 Maupertuis, 46
Tolman, 53 of least action (in GR), 36
Maupertuis principle, 46 of least action (in mechanics), 46
maximal slicing, 25 pull back, 3
mean curvature, constant, 57 puncture method, 57
metric push forward, 3
connection compatible with, 16
De Witt, 20, 26 quantization, canonical, 2
Euclidean, 3 Quantum Gravity, 2, 60
Lorentzian, 3
on manifold, 3 reduced space
Riemannian, 3 of observables, 34
mixed tensor, 3 of states, 33
momentum reduction
current-density, 5 of phase space, 40
density, 5 program (geometric), 33
map, 9, 35 symplectic, 33
musical isomorphisms, 3 redundancy
gauge, 2
Newtons constant, 6 gauge (versus symmetries), 29
in representing spacetime, 1, 2
observables, physical, 29 Ricci curvature, 17
parallelizable, 10 curvature, 16
parity conditions, 48 tensor, 16
path integral, 3 Riemannian metric, 3
paths independence, 42
physical scalar curvature, 17
observables, 29, 34 Schwarzschild spacetime, 55
phase space, 33 second fundamental form, 14
states, 34 secondary constraints, 29

sectional curvature, 4, 16, 17 conformal variant, 45
shape operator, 14 conjecture, 44
shift vector-field, 12 equations, 44
slicing problem, 44
harmonic, 26 time symmetric data, 54
maximal, 25 Tolman mass, 53
spacetime (dynamical), 1 torsion, 14
speed of light, 6 torsion free, 16
spin structure, 10 transformation, canonical, 30
constants, 36 vector constraints, no ideal, 40
functions, 36 vector field, Hamiltonian, 32
submanifold velocity of light, 6
co-isotropic, 33
isotropic, 33 wave operator, conformally covariant, 21
Lagrangian, 33 Weingarten map, 14, 15
superspace, Wheelers, 43 well posedness
supertranslations, odd parity, 49 of initial-value problem for constraints, 24
surface, constraint, 28 Weyl curvature, 18
symmetric hyperbolicity, 24
equation, 57
gauge (versus redundancies), 29
gauge, 25
symmetry group, asymptotic, 54
symmetry, of energy-momentum tensor, 5
morphism, 30
potential, 30
reduction, 33
structure, 30
systems, constrained, 28

tensor, 3
contravariant, 3
covariant, 3
Einstein, 4
energy-momentum, 4
fields, 3
mixed, 3
Riemann, 16
of Frobenius, 33
of Gauss (theorema egregium), 15
of Gromov-Lawson, 25, 45
of Kazdan-Warner, 25, 45
theta sectors, in Quantum Gravity, 43


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