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Entering the lonely house with my wife

I saw him for the first time
Peering furtively from behind a bush--
Blackness that moved,
A shape amid the shadows,
A momentary glimpse of gleaming eyes
Revealed in the ragged moon.
A closer look (he seemed to turn) might have
Put him to flight forever--
I dared not
(For reasons that I failed to understand)
Though I knew I should act at once.

I puzzled over it, hiding alone,

Watching the woman as she neared the gate.
He came, and I saw him crouching,
Night after night,
Night after night
He came, and I saw him crouching,
Watching the woman as she neared the gate.

I puzzled over it, hiding alone--

Though I knew I should act at once,
For reasons that I failed to understand
I dared not
Put him to flight forever.

A closer look (he seemed to turn) might have

Revealed in the ragged moon
A momentary glimpse of gleaming eyes,
A shape amid the shadows,
Blackness that moved.

Peering furtively from behind a bush,

I saw him for the first time,
Entering the lonely house with my wife.

-- J. A. Lindon

Entrando en la casa solitaria con mi esposa

Lo vi a l por primera vez
Mirando furtivamente desde detrs de un arbusto -
Negrura que se mova,
Una figura en medio de las sombras,
Un vistazo momentneo de ojos brillantes
Revelado en la luna desgarrada.
Una mirada cuidadosa (pareca que l se volvi) habra podido
Ahuyentarlo para siempre -
No me atrev
(Por razones que no pude entender)
Aunque saba que deba actuar de inmediato.

Yo trataba de entenderlo, escondido solo,

Mirando a la mujer mientras ella se acercaba al portn.
l vino, y lo vi agachado,
Noche tras noche,
Noche tras noche
l vino, y lo vi agachado,
Mirando a la mujer mientras ella se acercaba al portn.

Yo trataba de entenderlo, escondido solo,

Aunque saba que deba actuar de inmediato,
(Por razones que no pude entender)
No me atrev
Ahuyentarlo para siempre -

Una mirada cuidadosa (pareca que l se volvi) habra podido

Revelado en la luna desgarrada.
Un vistazo momentneo de ojos brillantes
Una figura en medio de las sombras,
Negrura que se mova,

Mirando furtivamente desde detrs de un arbusto -

Lo vi a l por primera vez
Entrando en la casa solitaria con mi esposa

J. A. Lindon

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