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2. Now, lets practice!

Les consignes en anglais

Lors des diffrentes activits, les consignes seront donnes en anglais. Voici quelques activits pour vous en rappeler
quelques unes. Follow the instructions
What colour are daffodils?
Tick the right answer
1. Fill in the grid below matching each French order with its English equivalent. Use the words in red yellow white
the list. happiness / long / yellow / teacher / big / beautiful
Circle all the adjectives in the list
/ school / pencil
Answer, ask, check, circle, classify, correct the mistakes, cross out, draw, fill in the grid, find (out), find the
Underline forms of the verb be red I am not English, but he is.
odd one out, guess, highlight, justify, listen to the following words, look, match, pick out, quote from the
text, read aloud, report to the class, show, summarize, tick the right answer, translate, underline, work in Highlight the stressed syllable in yellow Saturday
pairs, write.
Cross the odd one out July, August, Sunday, May
French English
1. Associez Answer with a full sentence How old are you? ______________
2. Barrez Correct the mistakes She dont knows the anwser.
3. Citez le texte
Write your first name ____________________
4. Classez
Complete the sentence Pupils _________ chat in class.
5. Cochez la bonne rponse
6. Compltez la grille Translate into French I love English! ____________________

7. Corrigez les fautes

3. Fill the grid below with the French translations.
8. Demandez English French English French
9. Dessinez A title A character
10. Devinez An answer A place name
11. Ecoutez les mots suivants A grid Below
12. Entourez A sentence Above
13. Ecrivez A word At the top

14. Faites un compte-rendu A story At the bottom

A summary In the middle
15. Justifiez
16. Lisez voix haute
4. Match the English instructions to their French equivalent
17. Montrez
a. Vous devez rsumer
18. Rcapitulez / rsumez 1) Guess
b. Vous devez citer
2) Sum up / summarize
19. Regardez c. Vous devez dmontrer
3) Pick out / find
d. Vous devez retrouver
20. Relevez/Reprez 4) Show
e. Vous devez deviner
5) Justify
21. Rpondez f. Vous devez justifier
6) Quote
22. Soulignez
23. Surlignez 5. Translate the following sentences into French
a) Find a piece of information in each paragraph to justify your answer above.
24. Traduisez
25. Travaillez deux
26. Trouvez b) Pick out the words that refer to the main characters situation.
27. Trouvez lintrus
28. Vrifiez c) In pairs, correct the mistakes in the sentences below. Then check in a dictionary.

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