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Conjugacin be: futuro, participio, presente | Conjugacin verbo ingls


be Ingls Conjugar

Caja de herramientas: Modelos Verbos Irregulares

be Contractions Modelo be Otras formas be oneself/not be

Formas simples Formas compuestas Motivo: El contenido de esta

pagina web pertenece a una
categoria que esta siendo
Indicative Infinitive Imperative
Present Preterite to be be
Categoria: Advertising
I am I was let's be
you are you were be
he/she/it is he/she/it was
we are we were
you are you were
Si la pagina no pertenece a
they are they were
asta categoria y desea solicitar
su re-evaluacion por favor
Participle In English, the conjugated forms are the same for the following haga click aqui.
persons: you, we and they.
Present Past
being been

Formas compuestas Formas simples

Past participle In English, the conjugated forms are the same for the following
persons: you, we and they.
having been


Present continuous Present perfect Future Future perfect

I am being I have been I will be I will have been
you are being you have been you will be you will have been
he/she/it is being he/she/it has been he/she/it will be he/she/it will have been
we are being we have been we will be we will have been
you are being you have been you will be you will have been
they are being they have been they will be they will have been

Past continuous Past perfect Future continuous Present perfect continuous

I was being I had been I will be being I have been being
you were being you had been you will be being you have been being
he/she/it was being he/she/it had been he/she/it will be being he/she/it has been being
we were being we had been we will be being we have been being
you were being you had been you will be being you have been being
they were being they had been they will be being they have been being

Past perfect continuous Future perfect continuous

I had been being I will have been being
you had been being you will have been being
he/she/it had been being he/she/it will have been
we had been being being
you had been being we will have been being
they had been being you will have been being
they will have been being

Formas simples Formas compuestas


Conjugar el verbo be ingls, modelos de conjugacin ingls, verbos irregulares.

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Enlaces recomendados:
Gratis : Aprenda ingls, francs y otras lenguas

Conjugacin verbo be ingls: present, past tense, past perfect, present perfect, future. Ver la traduccin en contexto para be y su definicin.

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