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Blue light-filtering intraocular lenses: Review

of potential benefits and side effects

Article in Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery August 2009

DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2009.04.017 Source: PubMed


41 776

5 authors, including:

Stuart N Peirson Katharina Wulff

University of Oxford University of Oxford


Susan M Downes
University of Oxford


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Human Centric Lighting View project

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Blue lightfiltering intraocular lenses:

Review of potential benefits and side effects
Fiona M. Cuthbertson, FRCOphth, Stuart N. Peirson, PhD, Katharina Wulff, PhD, Russell G. Foster, PhD,
Susan M. Downes, FRCOphth, MD

Blue lightfiltering intraocular lenses (IOLs) have become part of the modern cataract surgeons
armamentarium and are widely used. Their advocates suggest they may protect against light-
induced retinal damage and also affect the development or progression of age-related macular
degeneration. Much of the evidence for photoprotection is theoretical or based on observations
in cell culture or animal experiments, with little clinical information to date. Although arguments
remain theoretical, there is now emerging clinical data on the use of these IOLs in patients looking
at the benefits and potential side effects. In this review, we consider the background to the devel-
opment of these IOLs, the evidence for a reduction in short-wavelength light exposure protecting
retinal cells and function, and the possible disadvantages of IOLs resulting from their reduced light
transmission. We place this information in context with regard to patients having cataract surgery
and the day-to-day conditions in which they live.
J Cataract Refract Surg 2009; 35:12811297 Q 2009 ASCRS and ESCRS

Electromagnetic radiation can be classified by its wavelengths between 300 nm and 400 nm, which is
wavelength. Visible light consists of radiation with then absorbed by the iris or, where it passes through
wavelengths falling between 400 nm and 700 nm. the pupillary aperture, by the lens.1,2 As the lens
Ultraviolet (UV) light has a shorter wavelength (215 ages it accumulates yellow chromophores, which re-
to 400 nm) and infrared a longer wavelength (750 to sults in a steady reduction in transmission of short-
1 nm). Properties of the ocular media limit transmis- wavelength visible light (violet and blue light with
sion of certain wavelengths of electromagnetic radia- wavelengths between 400 nm and 500 nm).3 Different
tion. The cornea absorbs radiation of wavelengths morphologies of cataract can affect violet and blue-
below 300 nm but allows transmission of radiation of light transmission to varying extents, with nuclear
sclerotic cataract having the greatest effect.4 Violet
and blue light reaching the retina is partially absorbed
Submitted: November 12, 2008.
Final revision submitted: February 20, 2009.
in the inner retinal layers by carotenoids such as lutein
Accepted: April 7, 2009. and zeaxanthin, which are found in greatest concen-
tration at the fovea.1
From the Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology (Cuthbertson, As the eye ages and increasingly as cataract de-
Peirson, Wulff, Foster, Downes), University of Oxford, and Oxford velops, transmission of short-wavelength blue light
Eye Hospital (Cuthbertson, Downes) John Radcliffe Hospital, to the retina is reduced.59 Removing the protective
Headington, Oxford, United Kingdom.
crystalline lens and replacing it with a clear (UV-block-
No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or ing) intraocular lens (IOL) allows a greater amount of
method mentioned. blue and violet light to enter the eyedmore so than
that allowed by the normal adult crystalline lens. Im-
Funded in part by NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Programme,
Oxford, United Kingdom, and the Wellcome Trust (UK) Programme
plantation of a UV-blocking IOL results in altered
Grant 069714, and by a bursary from the Nuffield Laboratory of color perception known as cyanopsia (blue-tinted vi-
Ophthalmology, University of Oxford (Dr. Cuthbertson), United sion).10 Blue lightfiltering IOLs have been available
Kingdom. and in use for several years. The impetus for develop-
ment of these IOLs was twofold: first, to reduce cya-
A.J. Bron, FRCOphth, provided valuable comments. nopsia10 and second, to protect the retina from
Corresponding author: Miss Susan Downes, Oxford Eye Hospital, possible light-induced damage.
John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, Headington, Oxford OX3 There are several unresolved issues regarding the
9DU, United Kingdom. E-mail: introduction of these IOLs with respect to their

Q 2009 ASCRS and ESCRS 0886-3350/09/$dsee front matter 1281

Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.jcrs.2009.04.017

potential benefits and possible side effects. Benefits evaluated this area in more depth to determine possible
that have been suggested include protection against mechanisms.
retinal damage due to blue light, with a possible role
in preventing the development or exacerbation of MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN LIGHT-INDUCED DAMAGE
age-related macular degeneration (AMD); improve- Oxidative Reactions
ment in contrast sensitivity and reduced glare under
photopic and mesopic conditions10; and reduction in One proposed mechanism of light-induced cellular
disturbance of blue color vision.11,12 Possible side ef- damage is through oxidative processes.21 The outer
fects of these IOLs, including detrimental effects on retina is constantly exposed to a high oxygen level
color vision and scotopic sensitivity as well as interfer- due to the abundant blood supply of the choriocapilla-
ence with the sleepwake cycle, have been cited. This ris. Formation of reactive oxygen species at the level of
article reviews the evidence for these statements. the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) leads to cellular
Historically, 2 types of light-induced retinal damage damage, with secondary photoreceptor degenera-
have been described, with some overlap in mechanism tion.22 Reactive oxygen species, such as free radicals,
and toxicity. The first was identified by Noell et al. in hydrogen peroxide, or singlet oxygen, form when an
196613 as retinal damage caused by low light levels incident photon of light is absorbed by an intermediate
and long exposures. Noell et al. excluded a thermal molecule in the presence of oxygen. These species are
cause for the damage and, having noted that the action highly reactive and capable of inducing damage to lo-
spectrum of damage was similar to that of scotopic cal and surrounding cells23,24 and macromolecules,
sensitivity, proposed involvement of an intermediate such as proteins, lipids, and DNA.25 They are believed
molecule such as rhodopsin, a photopigment. This to play a significant role in aging.26 Liang and God-
type of light damage is sometimes referred to as class ley27 suggested that DNA damage by reactive oxygen
I photochemical damage or bluegreen toxicity.10 The species in RPE cells is a primary mechanism in the
extent of the damage seen is related to the duration of development of AMD. Susceptibility to oxidative
exposure and the wavelength of light used, with short- damage is increased by the high percentage of
er wavelength blue light having a greater effect (due to polyunsaturated fatty acids in photoreceptor outer
its higher energy) than longer wavelength green light. segments2830 and to light damage by a regular diurnal
A second type of light-induced retinal damage pattern of exposure to visible light.31
(sometimes referred to as class II photochemical dam- The reactive oxygen species generated by these pro-
age or blue-light hazard) was described by Ham cesses are removed by cellular defensive systems, thus
et al.14 This type of damage relates to short retinal ex- protecting against and disposing of these potentially
posures of high intensity. Ham et al.1517 showed that harmful products. Protective mechanisms include ab-
toxicity decreases with increasing wavelength from sorption of radiation by the ocular media, which can
UV through violet to the blue part of the spectrum reduce the light incident on the retina1; the action of
and that damage is related to exposure time and inten- enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, and
sity in addition to wavelength.17 An excitation peak phospholipase; and the presence of molecules such
for damage to the phakic eye has been suggested to as the macular pigments lutein and zeaxanthin, which
be around 440 nm.18 Damage is mediated through for- are capable of neutralizing the damaging effects of
mation of reactive oxygen species after absorption of these species.2830,32 The putative role of oxidative
photons by chromophores such as photopigments, lip- stress in AMD explains the focus on antioxidant vita-
ofuscin, and possibly melanin, in the presence of oxy- min supplementation in the prevention of AMD.30,33
gen. It is possible there is some overlap in mechanism Winkler et al.28 describe an additional mechanism of
between these 2 types of damage.10 RPE damage that suggests that the primary phototoxic
At least 2 pathways for light-induced retinal photo- injury in the development of AMD is to the chorioca-
receptor apoptosis have been identified in mice. Induc- pillaris, leading to increased type IV collagen synthe-
tion at low light intensity requires the presence of sis, thickening of Bruch membrane, and deposits
transducin; however, there is also an apoptotic path- similar to the basal laminar deposits seen in AMD.34
way induced at high light intensity that is independent
of transducin but is accompanied by induction of the Intermediate Molecules
transcription factor activator protein-1 (AP-1).19 It is Noell35 proposed that light-induced damage occurs
unclear from the literature how these mechanisms re- in the presence of an intermediate molecule that, by
late to the types of light damage described above. absorbing the incident photon of light, starts a cascade
Light damage as a possible contributing factor to of reactions that lead to cellular damage. Several mol-
the development of AMD was first suggested in ecules (as discussed below) have been proposed to
the 1980s.20,21 Since then, several investigators have fulfill this role, and it is likely that more than one of



them is involved in this process. The action spectrum cells increased rate of oxygen uptake with age.49 The
of a particular type of light damage depends on the ab- A2E fluorophore is maximally excited by light in the
sorption patterns of the molecule involved, and action blue part of the spectrum and is capable of mediating
spectra have been used to identify those substances damage in response to blue light,57,58,62 but not light of
that are implicated.36 longer wavelengths, such as amber light (550 to 800
nm).58 It has been suggested that greater damage
Visual Pigments from light at short wavelengths may be due to in-
creased generation of free radicals in lipofuscin.54,56
Noell35 was the first to note that the action spectrum
Further evidence supporting that the A2E compo-
of light-induced retinal damage was similar to that of
nent plays a part in lipofuscins role in phototoxicity
scotopic sensitivity and to suggest that such damage
is that the action spectrum of light-related retinal in-
was mediated by rhodopsin or its photoproducts. Re-
jury corresponds to the absorption spectrum of
sults in later studies support this as a mechanism.3739
A2E.58,65 Phototoxicity of lipofuscin is thought to in-
Grimm et al.38 reported that mice lacking rhodopsin
crease with age as a result of its increased concentra-
were completely protected against light-induced apo-
tion. It has been suggested that focal accumulations
ptosis. Remes work40 supports the finding that the
of lipofuscin act as hot spots for local oxidative dam-
availability of unbleached rhodopsin during light ex-
age and may be implicated in the development of geo-
posure is necessary for light-induced cellular damage
graphic atrophy.36,66,67
and death to occur. Lawwill41 suggested that there
may be additional mechanisms leading to light-in-
duced damage that involve cone opsins. Other Molecules
Other potential photosensitizing molecules have
Lipofuscin been studied. These include mitochondrial respiratory
chain enzymes such as cytochrome C oxidase,30,59,68
Many studies have considered the possible role of
melanin,69 and the product of expression of the imme-
lipofuscin as a potential photosensitizing molecule.
diate early gene, c-fos.40,70,71 Recently, Margrain et al.36
Lipofuscin contains lipid and retinoids42 and is derived
suggested that melanin was unlikely to play a role in
from phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segment ma-
light-induced damage in AMD given the reduced
terial. It accumulates with age and is found in RPE cells
AMD risk associated with increased fundus pigmenta-
in granular organelles,28,4245 with increased density in
tion,72 the decrease in melanin content of the retina
the parafoveal areas of the macula compared with that
with age,73 and the lack of correlation of light-induced
in the peripheral retina.46 Lipofuscin is considered to be
damage with the absorption spectrum of melanin.74
a marker of cellular senescence.14 Lipofuscin,4752 in
Light damage after indirect ophthalmoscopy has
particular a component of lipofuscin, the fluorophore
been reported in a human eye with light fundus
A2E (a bisretinoid pyridinium53), has been implicated
in photooxidative damage.5461 Support for a signifi-
cant role for lipofuscin in the class II type of photo-
chemical damage comes from experimental work by RELATIONSHIP OF PHOTOTOXICITY TO WAVELENGTH
_ et al.48 They found that exposing human OF LIGHT
RPE cells to light induced significant oxygen uptake Light of a shorter wavelength carries more energy.
and generation of reactive oxygen species in the pres- Short, rather than long, wavelength light has been im-
ence of lipofuscin. They postulated that lipofuscin plicated in retinal phototoxicity. There is evidence of
acts as a photosensitizing molecule, increasing the this in a study by Gorgels and van Norren,76 who
risk for light-induced retinal damage and potentially found different types of damage in rat retinas after ex-
contributing to the development of AMD. Margrain posure to different wavelengths of light. Damage to
et al.36 reviewed these results and concurred, com- the rhesus monkey retina was seen after exposure to
menting that the action spectrum for photochemical a 460 nm blue lightemitting diode for 40 minutes,77
damage to RPE cells in the primate retina and the pho- and albino rat retinas showed apoptotic cell death
toreactivity of lipofuscin were coincident, suggesting when exposed to blue light (403 nm) but not when ex-
that lipofuscin may be responsible for this type of posed to green light (550 nm).78 Other studies also
damage. show that exposure to shorter wavelengths of light is
The A2E component of lipofuscin has been shown to associated with increased cell damage and bloodret-
act as a free-radical generator56,62 that can interfere inal barrier (BRB) breakdown.79
with the antioxidant mechanisms in RPE cells.52,57,59,60 There is evidence that macular pigments, such as lu-
It is known to accumulate in the mitochondria of RPE tein and zeaxanthin, act to protect against blue light
cells59,63,64 and is thought to be responsible for the damage at the fovea by absorbing incident blue light



and acting as free-radical scavengers.80 This protection drawn from all eligible individuals living in Beaver
is greatest at 460 nm, leaving the retina more vulnera- Dam, Wisconsin, showed an association between in-
ble at shorter wavelengths.8184 The distribution of creased development of early AMD with high levels
macular pigment shows greatest concentration at or of sun exposure during the second and third decades
around the fovea, with a rapid decline in concentration of life but found no link between sun exposure and
with increasing eccentricity. This may leave the para- progression of AMD. Simons96 also suggested that
foveal areas of the retina more vulnerable to develop- light exposure early in life may play a role in develop-
ing light-induced damage.36 ment of AMD. These studies all used estimates of
cumulative light exposure or behaviors that would
IMPLICATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGE-RELATED suggest light exposure. One study,97 by analyzing
MACULAR DEGENERATION skin samples, looked for a relationship between quan-
tifiable solar damage and the development of AMD.
Light toxicity results in animal and cell culture exper-
An insignificant positive association was seen in this
iments are not necessarily an accurate reflection of the
small study. Several other studies98102 failed to iden-
process in humans. Animals have a shorter life span
tify an association between light exposure and the
than humans; as a result, it is difficult to mimic the
development or progression of AMD. The recent
sort of chronic low-level, long-term light exposure to
EUREYE,89 although showing no overall association
which humans are subjected. To compensate for the
between blue-light exposure and neovascular or early
shorter time line, many experiments are performed us-
AMD, identified a subgroup of patients with low anti-
ing short durations of high-intensity light. These ex-
oxidant levels in whom an association between blue-
periments have limitations in accurately simulating
light exposure and neovascular AMD was seen.
the kind of light damage that is implicated in aging.29
There are inherent difficulties with epidemiologic
Although acute light exposure in humans has been
studies such as the ones discussed. Most have esti-
shown to cause retinal damage, the effects of chronic
mated cumulative light exposure, which is difficult
light exposure are more difficult to assess.36
to do retrospectively. It may not be lifetime light expo-
Beatty et al.30 reviewed the evidence for the role of
sure that is important but rather exposure to specific
light-induced oxidative stress in the development of
spectral compositions or intensities of sunlight or arti-
AMD and concluded that this theory was enticing
ficial light103 in certain parts of the world or at certain
but unproven. Other authors8588 have voiced similar
times of life. Other confounding variables, such as
opinions. Recently published results in the European
diet, concurrent illnesses, and ocular comorbidity,
Eye Study (EUREYE)89 provide additional support of
may have an effect and confuse interpretation of
the theory of light-induced oxidative damage. In the
data. All these are difficult to quantify. A prospective
study, an association between blue-light exposure
study taking into account ambient light and sun pro-
and neovascular AMD was seen in a subgroup of pa-
tective measures (eg, wearing a broad-brimmed hat
tients with low antioxidant levels. It has been sug-
and sunglasses) to better quantify light entering the
gested that the bluegreen phototoxicity described
eye, with a life-long follow-up of a large cohort of in-
by Noell et al.13 is more likely to play a role in AMD
dividuals, would optimize accumulation of meaning-
development than the higher intensity light damage
ful epidemiologic data. The feasibility of such an
described by Ham et al.14 because the former occurs
undertaking is debatable.
at much lower light levels that more closely resemble
those in day-to-day life.
Risk factors for AMD have been identified in long- Role of Inflammation
term epidemiologic studies of patients with AMD.90 The relationship between cataract surgery and the
Several cohort studies looked specifically at the devel- subsequent development of AMD is controversial.18
opment of AMD in selected populations. A link be- Factors that may influence the development include
tween light exposure and AMD was identified in inflammatory effects of the surgical procedure itself
a study of Chesapeake Bay watermen.91,92 Members and altered light exposure postoperatively. Separating
of this population had high levels of sunlight exposure these factors is difficult. Pooled data from the Beaver
during their working lives. Development of advanced Dam and Blue Mountains Eye studies and data from
AMD was associated with increased light exposure the Salisbury Eye Evaluation, Proyecto VER, and the
over the preceding 20 years. No differences in light ex- Baltimore Eye Survey show that cataract surgery in-
posure were seen earlier in life. The Beaver Dam Eye creases the risk for the development of AMD, in partic-
Study,9395 which included a cohort aged 43 to 86 years ular neovascular AMD (Martin DF, et al. IOVS 2002;



43:ARVO E-Abstract 1907. Available at: http:// mid-1990s. Alcon Laboratories developed the first fold- able version in 2004, and several IOL companies have
Accessed April 19, 2009).104-111 However, a recent since followed suit.10,122,123 A reduction in transmission
study reporting results in 1152 eyes of 696 patients112 of short-wavelength light occurs with increasing age
does not support this finding. There are several possi- and development of cataract; therefore, removing a cat-
ble reasons that might explain the occurrence of AMD aractous lens increases the amount of UV and short-
after cataract surgery. One is that breakdown of the wavelength visible light incident on the retina. The
bloodocular barrier may be sufficient to activate an properties of the implanted IOL will influence the trans-
inflammatory pathway, triggering development of mission of specific wavelengths. It is possible to calcu-
AMD in a susceptible population. There is evidence late how much light is transmitted to the retina
that AMD is an inflammatory disease; recent genetic through the human lens at various ages.124,125 This
studies identified strong and independent associations has led to the development of an IOL that used the hy-
between the development of AMD and sequence var- pothetically beneficial blocking properties of a natural
iation in a gene that is involved in the complement fac- lens without the opacity of a cataractous lens, with
tor pathway; complement factor H (CFH).113 It is now the aim of mimicking the light transmission of the hu-
recognized that several genes that code for proteins in- man crystalline lens (Alcon Laboratories. Product infor-
volved in the complement cascade can significantly in- mation: AcrySof Natural Single Piece IOL SN60AT,
crease the risk for AMD, including both CFH and 2003).10,123,124,126 Figure 1 shows the transmission spec-
complement component C3.114116 Carrying the tra of different IOLs.122,123,127 These include blue light
Y402H polymorphism in the CFH gene increases the filtering IOLs1517 currently on the market, allowing
risk for AMD 2.7-fold and accounts for up to 50% of comparison between UV-blocking IOLs122,127 and the
the population-attributable risk for AMD.113 Identifi- human crystalline lens.128
cation of this association with AMD has redefined Animal and cell culture studies have examined the
the condition as a disease of complement dysregula- effect of blue lightfiltering IOLs on retinal photore-
tion in a significant proportion of patients.117 Comple- ceptors and RPE health. Nilsson et al.129 evaluated
ment activity can lead to tissue injury and electroretinogram (ERG) changes in rabbit retinas ex-
inflammation, and strict regulation of the complement posed to light through materials simulating the trans-
cascade is important. New therapeutic approaches di- mission characteristics of different IOLs, finding that
rected at the complement cascade are being evaluated, a yellow filter offered some protection against ERG
including C3 and integrin inhibitors and monoclonal changes. Sparrow et al.130 showed that a culture of
antibodies against C5, thus highlighting the impor- A2E-laden RPE cells showed a significant reduction
tance now given to the role of inflammation in the in cell loss when exposed to light through a blue-filter-
pathogenesis of AMD.118 The observation that dexa- ing IOL compared with cell loss with a standard UV-
methasone may prevent light-induced cell death in blocking IOL. In a similar study, Rezai et al.131 exposed
mice is consistent with this.40 It is known that C-reac- human RPE cells to blue light and found a more signif-
tive protein (CRP) is elevated in patients with AMD.119 icant reduction in apoptosis when an AcrySof blue fil-
A recent study120 reported that patients with coexist- ter was used than when an AcrySof UV filter was used.
ing moderate cataract and AMD have a significantly Miyake et al.132 assessed BRB disruption after cataract
higher level of serum CRP than patients with just 1 surgery and found it to be less in eyes with a particular
of these pathologies. The same authors commented blue lightfiltering IOL than in eyes with a UV-block-
that a rise in serum CRP is seen after cataract surgery ing IOL. Yanagi et al.133 took an alternative approach;
only in those patients with AMD. they studied vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF) production as an indicator of cell damage in
A2E-laden RPE cells exposed to white light. They
Potential Toxic Effect of Light found that cells exposed to the light through a blue
Another factor that may play a role in AMD develop- lightfiltering lens material had significantly less
ment is increased light transmission to the retina in the VEGF upregulation than those exposed to light
postoperative period. Loss of the protective effect of the through a UV-blocking lens material.
natural lens renders the retina vulnerable to the poten- A model evaluating the effectiveness of different
tial toxic effect of short-wavelength light.18 This sugges- IOL materials in protecting the retina from lipofus-
tion has led to the development of IOLs that not only cin-mediated toxicity134 showed that the AcrySof Nat-
block UV light but also reduce transmission of the violet ural IOL provided the highest theoretical protection of
and blue wavelengths. These yellow pigment-contain- the 6 IOLs tested, including UV-transmitting, UV-
ing IOLs were first developed by Hoya in Japan in the blocking, violet lightfiltering, and blue lightfiltering
late 1980s,121 followed by Menicon Co. Ltd. in the models.



Figure 1. Comparison of transmis-

sion spectra of different IOLs,
including UV-transmitting,127 UV-
blocking,122,127 violet lightfilter-
ing,127 and blue lightfiltering122,123
(Tekia, Inc. Single-piece IOL; blue
light-filter IOL. Available at:
htm. Accessed April 18, 2009)
models. Representations of the hu-
man crystalline lens at ages 30 years,
50 years, and 70 years are also given
to show how the IOL transmission
compares with that of the human

POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS OF FILTERING BLUE LIGHT Studies to date have also failed to show a detrimental
Several potential disadvantages may become evident effect of blue lightfiltering IOLs on photopic and mes-
if short-wavelength light transmission is reduced (or opic contrast sensitivity in normal eyes136,138,139,142147,153
allowed in excess, as in the case of cyanopsia with and have found improved photopic contrast sensitivity
UV-blocking IOLs). Potential side effects of a reduction in eyes of diabetic patients.137 Niwa et al.152 report im-
in blue-light transmission include color-vision distur- proved photopic and mesopic vision at middle spatial
bance, decreased scotopic sensitivity (which can lead frequencies with these IOLs, with a reduction in the ef-
to poorer performance in dim lighting conditions), fect of central glare.
and sleepwake timing disruption.
Scotopic Sensitivity
Color Vision and Contrast Sensitivity The peak spectrum of scotopic sensitivity is approx-
Several clinical studies have evaluated contrast sensi- imately 500 nm (Figure 2).154156 In the healthy eye, an
tivity and color vision in patients who have IOLs that fil- age-related decline in rods is seen, even in the absence
ter blue light. No significant difference in color vision of disease.157 This results in a slowing of rod-mediated
between eyes with blue-filtering IOLs and eyes with dark adaptation and a greater decrease in scotopic sen-
UV-blocking IOLs was found in these studies,135148 in- sitivity with age than seen with mesopic sensitiv-
cluding eyes with preexisting color-vision defects.149 ity.158164 This loss is most marked at the blueviolet
One study did find a difference in blue color perception end of the spectrum.165 Poor dark adaptation has
between eyes with a blue lightfiltering IOL and eyes been associated with an increased risk for falls in an el-
with a UV-blocking IOL;150 however, both patient derly population with no evident ocular pathology.166
groups fell within normal limits. A questionnaire-based In an eye with early AMD or AMD, rods are prefer-
study assessing color vision and quality of life found no entially lost from the parafovea167169 and rod function
difference in either measure between eyes with an IOL is significantly affected.170 This decline in scotopic sen-
that blocks UV light only and eyes with a blue lightfil- sitivity in AMD patients has been associated with dif-
tering IOL.151 There is 1 case report of IOL exchange due ficulty in night driving.171174 There is concern that
to reported color vision disturbance after unilateral im- using a yellow IOL in patients whose scotopic vision
plantation of a blue lightfiltering IOL.152 In view of the is already compromised will cause a further decline
number of clinical studies that show no color-vision ab- in function. Werner175 evaluated the theoretical de-
normalities, color-vision disturbance does not appear to crease in scotopic vision that can be expected when
be a significant problem with this type of IOL. the transmission differences between the 2 IOL types



Figure 2. Spectral sensitivity curves

for photopic vision, scotopic vision,
and pRGCs. Note the greater con-
tribution of blue light to circadian
entrainment compared with scoto-
pic or photopic visual responses
(pRGCs Z photoreceptive retinal
ganglion cells).

are considered and concluded that the predicted dif- a mismatch between biological and environmental time
ference in scotopic vision is unlikely to be detectable is the phenomenon of jet lag. Travel across multiple time
clinically. Pons et al.176 calculated that a 20.0 diopter zones leaves an individual poorly adjusted to the
(D) AcrySof Natural IOL would be expected to de- demands of local time. On arrival, the physiology of
crease scotopic sensitivity by 14%; Mainster and Spar- sleep and decreased activity is initiated by the circadian
row177 and Mainster127 estimated a 14% to 25% system at an inappropriate phase of the day. However,
decrease. Schwiegerling178 calculated a decrease of after several days of exposure to the altered lightdark
14.6% but also suggested that removal of the crystal- cycle, biological and local time will once more become
line lens and implantation of an AcrySof Natural IOL synchronized or entrained.
would, in fact, increase the amount of light entering Studies using retinally degenerate and transgenic
the eye by 52%. This estimate was challenged by Main- mice to evaluate the roles of rods, cones, and other ret-
ster.179 In a small clinical study, Greenstein et al.148 inal cells in circadian entrainment led to the discovery
found that implantation of the AcrySof Natural IOL of a nonvisual photoreceptor that provides input to the
had no significant effect on scotopic sensitivity. Muf- circadian system.184,185 This photoreceptor, known as
tuoglu et al.136 agreed with this finding but found a de- photoreceptive retinal ganglion cells (pRGCs), con-
crease in scotopic vision with increasing age in tains a photopigment called melanopsin that has max-
patients with UV-blocking or blue lightfiltering imum sensitivity to light in the blue part of the
IOLs. Although there is a theoretical argument that spectrum (lmax 480 nm/OP480). Figure 2 shows how
these IOLs may decrease scotopic sensitivity, there is the sensitivity of these cells compares with the spectral
no clinical evidence to date. The theoretical data sensitivity curves for photopic and scotopic vision.
should be considered, bearing in mind the limitations The photopic and scotopic sensitivity curves are avail-
of the aging eye. able as an international standard.186 No such standard
exists for the pRGC system. The curve for sensitivity of
pRGCs was generated using the spectral sensitivity of
Sleep and Circadian Rhythms a vitamin Abased visual pigment with maximum
The circadian system coordinates the timing of multi- sensitivity (lmax) at 480 nm.187 The role of these cells
ple biological events to a specific phase of the 24-hour was confirmed by showing that the genetic ablation
environmental cycle and ensures that the phases of mul- of melanopsin in mice lacking all functional rods and
tiple rhythmic events are appropriately coupled. In the cones abolishes circadian and pupil responses to
eye, for example, several functions have a circadian pat- light.188 Subsequent studies found that a similar sys-
tern, including rod outer segment shedding, signal pro- tem exists in primates, including humans.189,190 These
cessing in the retina, and cellular metabolism.180183 cells provide the primary light input that brings about
Maintenance of this circadian rhythm can only occur circadian entrainment and stability of sleepwake tim-
when biological time is adjusted to local time, and the ing.191 There has been discussion on whether the clas-
most important environmental signal (zeitgeber) that sic photoreceptor system (rods and cones) has a role in
provides time-of-day information is the changing qual- the maintenance of circadian rhythm in addition to the
ity of light at dawn and dusk.183 The classic example of role of pRGCs. Mice lacking pRGCs still show



circadian entrainment; however, it is attenuated.192195 however, they saw effects with light levels lower
In the macaque and human retina, cones have been than those previously thought to be sufficient. For
shown to provide some input into pRGCs, with a light pulse of 6.5 hours duration, maximum melato-
short-wavelength cones attenuating their response nin suppression was achieved with illuminances
and mid- or long-wavelength cones providing excit- greater than 200 lux and minimal suppression with
atory input.189 Other studies181,196,197 confirm the those lower than 80 lux. Fitting this to a logistic model
structural connections between these cell types. The showed a half-maximum melatonin suppression re-
relative contributions of pRGCs and the classic photo- sponse to a white-light source between 50 lux and
receptor systems to circadian entrainment in a healthy 130 lux. Zeitzer et al. also evaluated phase-shifting.
human eye remain unclear. It is possible that although With the same light-exposure duration, no phase shift
the pRGCs provide the primary input for circadian en- occurred with light levels below 15 lux; the maximum
trainment, rods and cones still play a role.198,199 Al- (3-hour) shift occurred at 500 lux and above. A half-
though the peak sensitivity of the pRGCs in isolation maximum response was seen between 80 lux and
in mice and primates has been shown to be approxi- 160 lux. These light levels are on the order of what
mately 480 nm,184,189 a significant contribution by one might expect to find indoors without a significant
other photoreceptors could alter this. Studies of in contribution from daylight. A study of melatonin sup-
vivo measurements of circadian entrainment in hu- pression to light at 505 nm209 showed significant sup-
mans (melatonin suppression and phase-shifting) in- pression at an intensity of just 5.5 mW/cm2 (roughly
dicate maximum responses that range from 460 to equivalent to 21 lux). A therapeutic approach to pa-
500 nm (Cooper HM, et al. IOVS 2004; 45:ARVO E-Ab- tients with delayed sleep-phase disorder uses light
stract 4345. Available at: exposure to help realign sleeping patterns. Lack and
cgi/content/abstract/45/5/4345. Accessed April 20, Wright210 reported effective treatment using a 3-hour
2009).198,200,201 The pRGCs provide input into the morning exposure to white light of 2500 lux or blue
suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. light of 1000 lux. Despite recognition of the increased
The effects of light on the human circadian system efficacy of short-wavelength light (420 to 530 nm)
can be measured in many ways. Two commonly over that of longer wavelengths in this situation, con-
used measures are the effect on the timing of the cerns about the possibility of blue-light hazard have
sleepwake cycle and the effect on melatonin suppres- led to the suggestion that light in the region of 500 to
sion. Melatonin is a hormone released in a cyclical 530 nm be used for treatment.
fashion by the pineal gland. Serum levels rise during Many of those who develop visually significant cat-
the early evening to reach a peak in the early morning. aract are older than 60 years. In this population, there
Exposure to light of sufficient intensity during this is evidence of considerable age-related change in the
time can cause acute suppression of melatonin produc- circadian system. Age-related disruption has been de-
tion, with a consequent drop in serum level. This acute scribed for hormonal rhythms, core body temperature,
melatonin suppression is often used as an indicator sleepwake timing, and other behavioral cycles. The
of the effect of light on the circadian system.202 In ad- disruption of circadian rhythms and the increased in-
dition to suppressing melatonin, sufficient light sti- cidence of disturbed sleep during aging appear to be
mulation will stabilize sleepwake timing, or if paralleled by age-related alterations in the neural
inappropriately timed, change the timing of the entire and temporal organization of the suprachiasmatic nu-
sleepwake cycle (phase-shifting). cleus and decreased photic input into the circadian
There is considerable interindividual variation in clock.211 Sleep problems are common in this popula-
the light exposure required for robust melatonin sup- tion, and several factors in addition to light input
pression and phase-shifting, with high intensities of may contribute to this, including stress or anxiety, de-
light previously considered to be necessary.203205 pression, medication side effects, chronic disease, caf-
Some studies suggest that young adults with normal feine, and alcohol.212 However, supplementary light
vision fail to entrain with exposure to light levels of ap- in the home environment of elderly people has been
proximately 200 lux206 or 80 lux,207 both of which can shown to have a significant effect on their ability to
be encountered in the home. As well as intensity, the consolidate their sleepwake timing.213215 The extent
duration, spectrum, and timing relative to the circa- to which the aging lens or IOLs contribute to the de-
dian cycle are important in determining effect.208 A creased photic input into the clock remains poorly
study by Zeitzer et al.202 evaluated the duration and studied. We know that aging of the healthy lens and,
intensity of exposure to white light required to induce to a greater extent, development of cataract decrease
melatonin suppression and phase-shifting of the circa- transmission of blue light to the retina.7,8 There is evi-
dian system in humans. They found an increase in dence of improved sleep patterns after cataract sur-
melatonin suppression with increasing illuminance; gery in patients with IOLs that block UV light



only.216218 It remains unclear at this stage whether the can have a significant effect on circadian rhythm and
reduction in transmission of short-wavelength visible general well-being. If light exposure in already com-
light by the newer blue lightfiltering IOLs is of suffi- promised individuals is further decreased by blue
cient magnitude to affect circadian control. What is lightfiltering IOL implantation after cataract surgery,
likely to be important in sleep regulation and main- it may be necessary to counteract the consequent light
taining scotopic sensitivity is the absolute amount of reduction by improving home lighting conditions. This
light reaching the retina. This will depend on the indi- could be achieved by selecting a light source with
viduals exposure to light on a day-to-day basis and a spectral profile that contains little short-wavelength
their pupil size, as well as the transmission of their light, by increasing the intensity of home lighting, or
IOL.208 Mainster127 calculated that a 20.0 D AcrySof by increasing exposure to natural light during the day.
Natural IOL would reduce melanopsin photorecep-
tion (with a maximum sensitivity for melanopsin of
480 nm) by 18% and melatonin suppression (based DISCUSSION
on a maximal sensitivity at 460 nm) by 27%. Our Although studies using animals show a link between
data support this estimate (unpublished data) based retinal damage in response to short-wavelength light,
on irradiance measurements of indoor light sources convincing epidemiologic evidence for humans is
and the relative reduction in photon flux produced sparse. The mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis
by different IOLs available for absorption by a visual of AMD are complex, involving many factors of vary-
pigment with maximum sensitivity at 480 nm. ing importance that contribute to its development in
The exposure of individuals to light over 24 hours susceptible individuals. In addition to the possibility
varies enormously depending on factors such as age, of damage due to light exposure, inflammatory and
geographic location, lifestyle, and time spent outdoors. genetic factors likely to play significant roles.
An individual who is housebound in Northern Europe, Animal and cell culture experiments provide valu-
for example, will likely have significantly less natural able information; however, their interpretation and
light exposure than an active person in a tropical or application to humans is not straightforward. Rodents
subtropical climate. Turner and Mainster208 estimated are nocturnal animals, naturally sleeping during the
that a young adult in an industrialized country has day and awake and active during the night. It is not
a light exposure exceeding 1000 lux of only 20 to 120 only their sleepwake cycle that is different from that
minutes a day, with elderly adults receiving between of humans but rather all functions of the eye that
one third and two thirds that amount and elderly living have a circadian pattern, including rod outer segment
in nursing homes receiving fewer than 10 minutes shedding, signal processing in the retina, and cellular
a day. In the latter population, median illuminances metabolism.180183 Retinal response to an insult, such
of approximately 54 lux have been reported.208,219 as exposure to short-wavelength light, will vary de-
When considering the effect of a reduction in blue-light pending on the time of day or night the insult occurs.
transmission on circadian rhythm in pseudophakic pa- Much experimental work in this area has been per-
tients, it must be remembered that even if transmission formed during the sleep phase of nocturnally active ro-
of a particular wavelength of light is less than that of dents, and the results have been extrapolated to the
other wavelengths, regular exposure to an adequate daytime activity of a diurnal human. The outcomes
overall lighting level could ensure that the absolute of such experimental insults differ depending on their
amount of light at that wavelength is sufficient to main- timing relative to the circadian cycle of the animal be-
tain these functions. Artificial lighting is much less ing studied.221 What has been interpreted as a photo-
bright than sunlight, even on a cloudy day, and differ- toxic effect of light may be, at least in part, due to the
ent artificial lights have different spectral profiles, pro- different physiological responses at different times of
viding different amounts of light at each wavelength the day, and this should be taken into account when
(Figure 3). The population we would be most con- interpreting data from such experiments.
cerned about with respect to sleep problems includes It would seem sensible to reduce short-wavelength
people who spend most of their time indoors with rel- light exposure using blue lightfiltering IOLs, espe-
atively poor lighting, such as those in nursing homes or cially in cases in which damage may be accelerated
those in their own homes who have illnesses or disabil- due to underlying pathology, such as early AMD,
ities that make it difficult to spend time outside.220 This and in the aging eye, which has increased lipofuscin
population may benefit from increased light exposure, deposition. It is important, however, to consider pos-
not just in improved sleep but also in improved mood sible disadvantages of the use of these IOLs. Aging
and cognition.214 The time of yeardthat is, short days eyes, in particular those with AMD, already have sig-
in winterdreduces the opportunity for natural light nificant loss of rod function. A reduction in scotopic
exposure. Losing the morning exposure to daylight sensitivity in these patients after implantation of



Figure 3. Spectral profile of 2 com-

mon indoor artificial light sources
and winter daylight to show the
difference between types of light
source. All spectra were measured
using a radiometrically calibrated
spectrometer (Ocean Optics
USB2G1931, processed with Spec-
traSuite software). Note the differ-
ing scales for the different light
sources. The total photopic lux for
the daylight measurement is 546
lux; for the incandescent light, 19
lux; and for the fluorescent light,
62 lux.

a blue lightfiltering IOL is a possibility based on the- longer with pseudophakia. Blue lightfiltering IOLs
oretical data, although clinical evidence of this is lack- will reduce, but not eliminate, exposure to short-wave-
ing at present. Another important issue is the potential length light and with sufficient overall light exposure,
disruption of the sleepwake cycle, particularly in these individuals may remain at risk for retinal dam-
those with preexisting poor daytime light exposure. age from phototoxicity. This may particularly hold
A further decrease in short-wavelength transmission true for those with low levels of antioxidants.89 These
in these individuals may result in destabilization of patients are much less likely to develop problems due
the sleepwake cycle with failure to entrain. This to a reduction in blue-light transmission, such as re-
could have implications for mood and quality of life. duced scotopic sensitivity or disturbed circadian
Additional in-home lighting may be required when rhythm; however, it may be necessary for them to
preexisting lighting is dim, and particular consider- seek additional protection by using sunglasses and
ation should be given to the spectral composition hats to limit ocular exposure to sunlight.
and intensity of artificial lighting that is used. It has In view of the heterogeneous climatic conditions in
been argued that matching lens transmission in a pseu- different parts of the world, it is likely that a single
dophakic eye to that in a young adult should not have IOL type will not be appropriate for every individual
adverse effects on scotopic sensitivity or circadian having cataract surgery. In choosing an ideal IOL for
rhythm because no effects are seen in early adult- a particular individual, it is important to balance the
hood.222 What this argument fails to take into account potential benefits of reducing phototoxicity with the
is that changes with increasing age are seen in other potential side effects on scotopic vision and circadian
areas, such as pupil size, rod function, and neural rhythm. This balance will depend on the individuals
processing. age, geographic location, local climate, lifestyle, and
Development of an IOL to specifically reduce trans- time spent outdoors as well as other protective mea-
mission of very-short-wavelength visible light (corre- sures that are taken against sun exposure and the pres-
sponding to violet light) would be expected to ence of coexisting ocular disease.
provide retinal protection from short-wavelength light In the context of an aging population world-
damage but would permit transmission of the short wide,10,224 cataract surgery and AMD are likely to be-
wavelengths important for circadian and sleep regula- come more common. It is important to consider all the
tion. It is, however, unclear whether such an IOL issues discussed above in the light of this. Large long-
would confer sufficient protection and whether un- term epidemiologic studies are needed to determine
wanted side effects, such as disturbed color vision, whether blue lightfiltering IOLs are effective in pre-
will occur. Similar protection can be achieved by im- venting the development or progression of AMD.
planting a standard UV-blocking IOL and encourag- Such studies will require large numbers of participants
ing sunglasses use when outdoors.223 and will have to account for numerous variables re-
As well as those living in dimly lit environments, lated to light exposure and other known risk factors
cataract patients with higher levels of sunlight expo- for AMD. These studies would also provide the oppor-
sure must be considered. These individuals are likely tunity to evaluate in more detail the effects of blue
to develop cataract at an earlier age than those without lightfiltering IOLs on scotopic sensitivity and the
such exposure to sunlight and therefore may live sleepwake cycle in the cataract population.



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