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MATH QUIZ 1 May 27, 2015

1. Which property of multiplication is shown? 9 x 6 = 6 x 9

a. associative b. identity c. commutative d. distributive

2. The sum of two consecutive even numbers is 98. Find the two numbers.
a. 46 & 52 b. 48 & 50 c. 44 & 54 d. 42 & 56

3. It is a mathematical statement which states that two things are equal.

a. Notations b. Expression c. Equation d. Operation

4. 42 is ______ % of 480
a. 8.75 b. 8.57 c. 11.43 d. 8.25

5. Which equation shows the associative property of multiplication?

a. (1 x 3) x 4 = 1 x (3 x 4) b. 6 x 2 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 c. 4 + 4 = 4 x 2 d. 6 x 1 = 6

6. By what percentage will the area of a circle be increased if its radius is doubled?
a. 200 % b. 300 % c. 100 % d. 400 %

7. Points lying on the same straight line is called ______

a. Coplanar b. Colinear c. Congruent d. Parade

8. Steve has been saving the Dimes and Quarters out of his pocket change for two weeks. He then
notices that he has 53 coins for a total of $8.45. How many of each kind of coin does he have?
a. 31D/ 22Q b. 34D/ 19Q c. 33D/ 20Q d. 32D/ 21Q

9. A man is 25 years old and his son is 5. In how many years will the father be three times as old as
the son?
a. 25 b. 3 c. 5 d. 9

10. One-fourth of a great circle is called

a. cone b. sector c. quadrant d. arc

11. $3500 is invested at 5.2%. How much more must be invested at 7.5% so that the total annual
interest earned is $575?
a. $4520 b. $2540 c. $5240 d. $4250

12. How many significant digits do 10.097 have?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

13. The loss or decline on the value of an asset is called

a. scrap b. depreciation c. salvage value d. appreciation

14. What is the equivalent of 100 deg F?

a. 212 deg C b. 100 deg C c. 37.7 deg C d. 373 deg C

15. A gasoline tank that is full has 8 gallons removed. The tank is then 1/10 full. What is the
capacity, in gallons, of the tank?
a. 2.5 b. 6.4 c. 15.8 d. 20

16. What do you call to an angle more than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees
a. obtuse angle b. reflex angle c. complex angle d. acute angle


17. Round off to the nearest integer 149.691
a. 149.69 b. 149.7 c. 150 d. 149

1 1 2 1 3
18. A backyard garden has vegetables planted on 5 lots with varying sizes 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 m.
2 3 4 6 6
How many square meters were planted with vegetables?
1 1
a. 21 m b. 19 m c. 18 m d. 17m
2 6

19. The paper currency issued by the Central Bank which forms part of the countrys money supply.
a. Treasury-bills b. Bank note c. Check d. Government Bond

20. The sum of two numbers is 68. If the larger is divided by the smaller, the quotient is 4 and the
remainder is 8. Find the smaller number.
a. 13 b. 12 c. 15 d. 4

21. What is the angle between the hour hand and minute hand of a clock at 6:15pm?
a. 90 deg b. 87.5 deg. c. 82.5 deg. d. 97.5 deg.

22. It is a symbol (such as +, , etc.) that represents an operation.

a. Operator b. Value c. Constant d. Variable

23. What is the value in degrees of 1 radian?

a. 90 b. 57.3 c. 60 d. 33

24. Round off 2.371 x 10-8 to two significant figures

a. 2.4 x 10-8 b. 2.37 x 10-8 c. 0.2371 x 10-9 d. 0.002371 x 10-11

25. Which one is not a rational number?

a. 0.5 b. c. d. -3

26. A Booster Pump has a capacity of 500 GPM. What is the equivalent capacity in LPS?
a. 7926 b. 31.54 c. 62.33 d. 1892

27. What is the area of a circle having a diameter of 4.5 feet?

a. 15.6 sq. ft. b. 15.7 sq. ft. c. 15.8 sq. ft. d. 15.9 sq. ft.

28. Php9.10 is _____ % of Php56

a.16.52 b.16.25 c. 6.15 d.17

29. A light-year is equivalent to

a. 360 days b. 366 days c. 365 days d. None of the Above

30. In a class of 50 students, 18 take Math, 26 take Science, 2 take both Math and Science. How many
students in the class are not enrolled in either Math or Science?
a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8




Algebra Elements 2 3, 22
Algebra Equation 1. C 16. B
Algebra Logarithm
Algebra Quadratic 2. B 17. C
Conversion 4 14, 23, 26, 29 3. C 18. D
Econ Elements 2 13, 19
Econ Simple Interest 4. A 19. B
Econ Compound Interest
Econ Annuity 5. A 20. B
Fraction Problem 2 15, 18
Geometry Elements 2 7, 10 6. D 21. D
Geometry - Areas 2 6, 27
Geometry - Volumes 7. B 22. A
Percentage 2 4, 28
8. D 23. B
Physics Elements
9. C 24. A
Progression - Arithmetic
Progression - Geometric 10. C 25. C
Progression - Harmonic
Properties of Multiplication 2 1, 5 11. C 26. B
Rounding Off 1 17
Significant Figures 2 12, 24 12. D 27. D
System of Number Elements 1 25
Trigo Elements 1 16 13. B 28. B
Trigo Heron's
Trigo Pythagorean 14. C 29. D
Trigo - Law of Sines
Trigo - Law of Cosines 15. D 30. D
Trigo - Law of Tangents
Trigo Angle of Elevation
Trigo Angle of Depression
VENN Diagram 1 30
Worded Problem Number 2 2, 20
Worded Problem Digit
Worded Problem Mixture 2 8, 11
Worded Problem Clock 1 21
Worded Problem - Age 1 9
Worded Problem Work
Worded Problem Motion



MATH QUIZ 1 May 27, 2015

1. Which property of multiplication is shown? 9 x 6 = 6 x 9 (Property of Multiplication)

a. associative b. identity c. commutative d. distributive
Discuss/ Differentiate the properties of multiplication
zero property - Ex. 9 x 0 = 0
identity - Ex. 6 x 1 = 6
commutative property - Ex. 5 x 9 = 9 x 5
associative property - Ex. 5 x (1 x 2) = (5 x 1) x 2
distributive property - Ex. 3 x 4 3 x 1 = 3 (4 - 1)

2. The sum of two consecutive even numbers is 98. Find the two numbers. (Numbers Problem)
a. 46 & 52 b. 48 & 50 c. 44 & 54 d. 42 & 56
Let x = first even number ; y = x + 2 = second even number;
x + y = 98 ; subst. y = x +2 ;
x + (x + 2) = 98 ; 2x = 96 ; x = 48 ; y = 48 + 2 = 50

Note: We can get the answer to this problem without solving. The question says two consecutive
even numbers, so by elimination, only b. has consecutive even nos.

3. It is a mathematical statement which states that two things are equal. (Algebra Elements)
a. Notations b. Expression c. Equation d. Operation

4. 42 is ______ % of 480 (Percentage)

a. 8.75 b. 8.57 c. 11.43 d. 8.25
x 100 = 8.75%

5. Which equation shows the associative property of multiplication? (Property of Multiplication)

a. (1 x 3) x 4 = 1 x (3 x 4) b. 6 x 2 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 c. 4 + 4 = 4 x 2 d. 6 x 1 = 6

6. By what percentage will the area of a circle be increased if its radius is doubled? (Geometry- Areas)
a. 200 % b. 300 % c. 100 % d. 400 %
A1 = r ; A2= (2r)
2 4
= = 4 = 400%

7. Points lying on the same straight line is called ______ (Geometry Elements)
a. Coplanar b. Colinear c. Congruent d. Parade
Difference between coplanar, collinear and congruent
coplanar - three or more points which lie in the same plane.
colinear - points lying on the same straight line
congruent - two objects are congruent if they have the same dimensions and shape

8. Steve has been saving the Dimes and Quarters out of his pocket change for two weeks. He then
notices that he has 53 coins for a total of $8.45. How many of each kind of coin does he have?
(Mixture Problem)
a. 31D/ 22Q b. 34D/ 19Q c. 33D/ 20Q d. 32D/ 21Q
x + y = 53 ; y = 53 x ; x (0.1) + y (0.25) = 8.45
Note: Penny=0.01/ Nickel-0.05/
0.1x + (53 - x)(0.25) = 8.45 ; 0.1x + 13.25 0.25x = 8.45 ; Dime=0.1/ Quarter=0.25
0.15x = 4.8 ; x = 32 dimes ;
y = 53 32 ; y = 21 quarters
9. A man is 25 years old and his son is 5. In how many years will the father be three times as old as
the son? (Age Problem)
a. 25 b. 3 c. 5 d. 9
25 + x = (5 + x) 3 ; 25 + x = 15 + 3x
25 15 = 3x x ; 10 = 2x ; x = 5

10. One-fourth of a great circle is called (Geometry Elements)

a. cone b. sector c. quadrant d. arc

11. $3500 is invested at 5.2%. How much more must be invested at 7.5% so that the total annual
interest earned is $575? (Mixture Problems)
a. $4520 b. $2540 c. $5240 d. $4250
3500 (0.052) + y (0.075) = 575 ; 182 + 0.075y = 575
0.075y = 393 ; y = $5240 at 7.5%

12. How many significant digits do 10.097 have? (Significant Figure)

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
Explain Significant Digits/ Figures
The significant figures of a number are those digits that carry meaning contributing to its precision.
Identifying significant figures
- All non-zero digits are considered significant.
For example, 91 has two significant figures (9 and 1), while 123.45 has five significant figures
- Zeros appearing anywhere between two non-zero digits are significant.
Example: 101.1203 has seven significant figures.
- Leading zeros are not significant.
Example, 0.00052 has two significant figures:.
- Trailing zeros in a number containing a decimal point are significant.
Example, 12.2300 has six significant figures:
- For scientific notation, placeholder leading and trailing digits do not occur.
Example, 0.00012 (two significant figures) becomes 1.2104, and 0.00122300 (six significant
figures) becomes 1.22300103.

13. The loss or decline on the value of an asset is called (Economics Elements)
a. scrap b. depreciation c. salvage value d. appreciation

14. What is the equivalent of 100 deg F? (Conversion)

a. 212 deg C b. 100 deg C c. 37.8 deg C d. 373 deg C
C = 5/9 (F 32)
C = 5/9 (100 32) ; C = 37.8 deg C

By Calculator: Shift 8 ; select 37 ; bring cursor near F and type 100 ; press equals

Additional knowledge sharing;

Explain Derivation of C to F Temperature Conversion
1000 21232 100 180 100 = 212
= ; =
C0 F32 C F32 C = F

100 (F32) 5 0 = 32
C = ; C = (F 32)
180 9

180 9
F 32 = (C) ; F = (C) + 32
100 5


15. A gasoline tank that is full has 8 gallons removed. The tank is then 1/10 full. What is the
capacity, in gallons, of the tank? (Fraction Problems)
a. 2.5 b. 6.4 c. 15.8 d. 20
8= ; =
2 10 2 2 10
= ; 2x = 10(x -16) ; 2x = 10x - 160
2 10
x = 160/8 ; x = 20 gallons

16. What do you call to an angle more than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees (Trigo Elements)
a. obtuse angle b. reflex angle c. complex angle d. acute angle
Differences in angle designation. Explain thru graphics
Acute Angle - angle more than 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees
Obtuse Angle - an angle more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees
Reflex Angle - an angle more than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees
Complex angle - an angle more than 360 degrees.

17. Round off to the nearest integer 149.691 (Rounding off)

a. 149.69 b. 149.7 c. 150 d. 149
Integers are whole numbers, so rounding off 149.691, should be 150

1 1 2 1 3
18. A backyard garden has vegetables planted on 5 lots with varying sizes 1 2 + 23 + 34 + 46 + 56 m.
How many square meters were planted with vegetables? (Fraction Problems)
1 1
a. 21 m b. 19 m c. 18 m d. 17m
2 6

1 1 2 1 3
Direct calculator input using mixed fraction 1 2 + 23 + 34 + 46 + 56 = 17 m.
3 7 14 25 33
or improper fraction; + + + + = 17 m
2 3 4 6 6

19. The paper currency issued by the Central Bank which forms part of the countrys money supply.
(Economics- Elements)
a. Treasury-bills b. Bank note c. Check d. Government Bond

20. The sum of two numbers is 68. If the larger is divided by the smaller, the quotient is 4 and the
remainder is 8. Find the smaller number. (Numbers Problem)
a. 13 b. 12 c. 15 d. 4

x + y = 68 eq.1 ; = 4 remainder 8, or x = 4y + 8 eq. 2

subst. x: (4y + 8) + y = 68
5y = 60 ; y = 12

21. What is the angle between the hour hand and minute hand of a clock at 6:15pm? (Clock Problem)
a. 90 deg b. 87.5 deg. c. 82.5 deg. d. 97.5 deg.
11 11
Angle = (M) 30 (H) ; Angle = 30 (H) - (M)
2 2
Angle = 30 (6) - (15) = 97.5 deg.

22. It is a symbol (such as +, , etc.) that represents an operation. (Algebra- Elements)

a. Operator b. Value c. Constant d. Variable


23. What is the value in degrees of 1 radian? (Conversion)
a. 90 b. 57.3 c. 60 d. 33
1 radian = 180/ = 57.3
Explain Unit Circle
90 = /2
180 =
270 = 3 /2
360 = 2

24. Round off 2.371 x 10-8 to two significant figures (Rounding Off)
a. 2.4 x 10-8 b. 2.37 x 10-8 c. 0.2371 x 10-9 d. 0.002371 x 10-11

25. Which one is not a rational number? (System of Number Elements)

a. 0.5 b. c. d. -3
Rational numbers, are numbers which can be expressed as a quotient (ratio) of two integers. , () is
a non-terminating no. with non-terminating decimal, so it cannot be expressed as a quotient of two

26. A Booster Pump has a capacity of 500 GPM. What is the equivalent capacity in LPS?
a. 7926 LPS b. 31.54 LPS c. 62.33 LPS d. 1892 LPS
3.785 3.785
500 x x = 31.54 lps

27. What is the area of a circle having a diameter of 4.5 feet? (Geometry- Areas)
a. 15.6 sq. ft. b. 15.7 sq. ft. c. 15.8 sq. ft. d. 15.9 sq. ft.
A= = = 15.9 ft
4 4

28. Php9.10 is _____ % of Php56 (Percentage)

a.16.52 b.16.25 c. 6.15 d.17
Percentage = x 100 = 16.25%

29. A light-year is equivalent to (Conversion)

a. 360 days b. 366 days c. 365 days d. None of the Above
Light-year is a unit of astronomical distance equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year,
which is 9.4607 1012 km, while the choices are units of Time. d. NOTA is the answer as Distance
cannot be converted into unit of Time.

30. In a class of 50 students, 18 take Math, 26 take Science, 2 take both Math and Science. How many
students in the class are not enrolled in either Math or Science? (Venn Diagram)
a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8

Student not enrolled in

either Math or Science =
50 16 2 24 = 8


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