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Ejemplos oraciones object pronouns

Los object pronouns sustituyen a los objetos en las oraciones, entonces se usan como objetos
directos e indirectos. I will see your sister after the school (Ver a tu hermana despus de la escuela)
se puede cambiar a I will see her after the school (La ver despus de la escuela). A cada pronombre
personal le corresponde un object pronoun:

I, me
You, you
He, him
She, her
It, it
We, us
You, you
They, them


1. We gave them the money. (Les dimos el dinero)

2. He knows me well. (l me conoce bien)
3. She see them on the bus. (Ella los ve en el autobs)
4. He teaches us Math. (l nos ensea matemticas)
5. What is the matter with her today? (Qu es lo que le pasa hoy?)
6. I explain the lesson to you every day. (Les explico la leccin todos los das)
7. We will divide the money between us. (Dividiremos el dinero entre nosotros)
8. She sent me a lot of presents. (Ella me envi mucho regalos)
9. He always help me with my homework. (l siempre me ayuda con mi tarea)
10. You need to talk with them. (Necesitas hablar con ellos)
11. I see you in the cafeteria. (Te veo en la cafetera)
12. He went to the movies with us. (l fue al cine con nosotros)
13. She sit next to him. (Ella se sienta junto a l)
14. She wrote me a lot of letters. (Ella me escribi muchas cartas)
15. This book belongs to him. (Este libro le pertenece a l)
16. I understand you. (Te entiendo)


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En esta leccin hablaremos de los object pronouns y para esto es importamte que
entiendan bien los subject / subjective pronouns (LECCIN 2)

Object Pronouns:
Definition:: It is a pronoun that is used as an object in the sentence.
Remember: A subjective or subject pronoun does the action and goes BEFORE the verb
while object pronouns go AFTER the verb.
SINGULAR: > Me (first person) You (2nd) Her / him / it (third person)
PLURAL > Us (1st) You (2nd) Them (3rd)
Figura 1

** No confundir con los possessive adjectives : my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their (VER

Figura # 2

* Como vemos los object pronouns reciben la action del verbo y pueden ser direct or
indirect objects. EN espaol esto se entiende como me, le, se, nos, os etc.. En ingles
siempre que hay un object pronoun hay que colocarlo en la oracin (al igual que con el
subject pronoun).
Otros Ejemplos:
Imaginense que ven unos zapatos y dicen Me gustan. Esto en ingles no es I like o peor
Me like. Primero que I like esta incompleto puesto que no se dice elo objeto. Me like es
una patada a mi higado puesto que los object pronouns nunca hacen la accin. Lo corrcto
es. I like them. (them por que se refiere a zapatos)
La oracion: Quiero darleun beso. > I want to give her a kiss. (suponiendo que el
objeto es una mujer)
Le quiero mucho. >> Quien quiere (subject) a quien quiere (object)
I love him/her. (Como vemos no hay tcito y se debe poner el I y tambien el objecto (en
este caso indirecto) him her o tambien it deacuerdo al contexto.

Lets Practice
Circle the correct pronouns
1) We/Us usually see they/them.
2) I/Me write to she/her everyday.
3) He/Him loves her/she very much but she/her doesnt love he/him.
4) Please dont wait for she/her.
5) Do you like he/him?
Homework / Tarea

Pronombres Personales Objetivos (Object Pronouns)

Hace un tiempo, cuando inicibamos esta propuesta educativa, hacamos referencia al

uso de los Pronombres Personales Subjetivos los cuales se utilizan para sealar
al sujeto que realiza la accin y que necesariamente deben acompaar al verbo.
Sin embargo, dentro del idioma ingls existen otros Pronombres
Personales denominados Objetivos que cumplen la funcin de objeto dentro de la oracin
y se colocan detrs de verbos, preposiciones y frases comparativas. Veamos un ejemplo:

Pronombres Personales Subjetivos (El sujeto desempea la accin)

Vivian lost the keys. Vivian perdi las llaves.

He bought a book. l compr un libro.

Pronombres Personales Objetivos (La accin se desempea en unobjeto o a travs de un


Jennifer brought the roses. Jennifer brought them.

Jennifer trajo las rosas. Jennifer las trajo.

Kevin stole me. Kevin me rob.

Los Pronombres Personales Objetivos son:



ME me, a m

YOU te, a t, a usted

HIM le, a l

HER le, a ella

le, a l, a ella, a ello

(para animales

IT o cosas)

US nos, a nosotros, a nosotras

YOU les, a ustedes

THEM les, a ellos, a ellas

Es preciso decir que estos pronombres pueden ocupar dentro de la oracin el lugar
de objeto directo o indirecto, por ejemplo:
John had forgiven me.
John me haba perdonado. Objeto Directo

They designed it.

Ellos lo disearon. Objeto Directo

Lend me some money.

Prstame algo de dinero. Objeto Indirecto

Susan showed me the exit.

Susan me mostr la salida. Objeto Indirecto

Vale aclarar que si estos pronombres ocupan el lugar de objeto indirecto deben colocarse
por delante del objeto directo en caso de que lo hubiere:

Sheyla made her a new dress.

Sheyla le hizo (a ella) un nuevo vestido.

Observa que her est ocupando el lugar de objeto indirecto y a new dress el de objeto

Puede suceder tambin que en una misma oracin coincidan dospronombres personales,
uno como objeto directo y el otro comoindirecto. En tal caso debe colocarse el primero a
continuacin del verbo y posteriormente el indirecto acompaado por las preposiciones
to o for, por ejemplo:

My aunt sent a postcard to my mother.

Mi ta le envi una postal a mi madre.

que es lo mismo que:

My aunt sent it to her.

Mi ta se la envi a ella.

Es necesario RECORDAR que los Pronombres Personales Subjetivos mencionan quin

realiza la accin y siempre se colocan antes del verbo, mientras que los Pronombres
Personales Objetivos siempre se ubican despus. En las frases comparativas se sitan
detrs de than y as, por ejemplo:

Rachel broke it.

Raquel lo rompi. Detrs del verbo

Sally cant study without you.

Sally no puede estudiar sin t. Detrs de una preposicin

Tom is more intelligent than him.

Tom es ms inteligente que l.
Frase comparativa detrs de than

Carl is as polite as her.

Carl es tan amable como ella.
Frase comparativa detrs de as
8. WRITING: connectors of sequence: FIRST, NEXT,THEN, FINALLY.
Publicado por Mercedes Surez Souto

We use the connectors of sequence to order events . The correct order is :

first(primero)- next(luego)- then(entonces)- after that (despus de
esto)- finally (finalmente
First, I woke up.

Next, I went to school by bus.

Then, I arrived to school.

After that, I came back home and watched TV.

Finally, I went to sleep.
Choose the correct answers.
Hello, I'm Bart and I had a great birthday yesterday. 1First / Next, I met my friends at the
shopping centre and they bought me a present. 2 Then /Finally, we had pizza at a
caf. 3 Finally / Next, we went to the cinema and saw a very funny
comedy. 4 Then / First suddenly, my parents arrived. They took me to an amazing
restaurant for dinner.5 Next / Finally, we went home and I went to bed, tired but happy.

Sequence adverbs

(Sequence adverbs)

We use the sequence adverbs "first", "next", "then" and "finally" to describe the order in
which two or more actions happen.


Cmo hacer una tortilla

"First, I break the eggs. Then, I heat the butter in a pan. Next, I add the
eggs. Finally, I eat the omelette with toast."

Se usa una coma despus de "first", "next", "then" y "finally" cuando introducen la frase
que describe la accin.

"first": para una accin que ocurre antes que otras. Tambin podemos usar "first"
al final de la frase.
o "I have a lot of work to do. First, I will make a cup of tea."
o "I will make a cup of tea first."

"next" y "then" pueden usarse tanto para una accin que sucede despus de otra
accin, pero normalmente se usa:
o "next": para una accin que ocurre inmediatamente despus de otra accin,
o tan pronto como sea posible. Tambin se puede usar " next " al final de la
"I went to Bolivia on holiday. "Next", I want to go to Brazil."
"Im eating breakfast now. I will clean the kitchen "next"."

o "then": para una accin que ocurre despus de otra accin si no es

inmediata. Se puede usar "and then" sin coma.
"Sarah is doing her degree. Then, she wants to be a lawyer."
Sarah will probably not be a lawyer immediately after she gets her
"They went shopping in the morning and then they went to the zoo."
We dont know if they went to the zoo immediately after they went

"finally": para la accin que ocurre al final, despus de otras, o despus de un

largo tiempo. Se puede usar "finally" antes del verbo sin una coma.
o "I worked all evening. Finally, I went to bed at 11pm."
o "I worked all evening and I finally went to bed at 11pm."
o "After five years, I finally sold the house."

Ms prctica
Complete las frases con la respuesta correcta de a, b, c d:

If you want to pass your exams, you must study very hard ____ .

The correct answer is: first

David woke up late and ____ he was late for work.

The correct answer is: then


Michael ____ finished the project last week.

The correct answer is: finally


When you cook vegetables, you should wash them ____ .

The correct answer is: first


James was ill for a week before he ____ went to the doctor.

The correct answer is: finally


Tom and Sarah travel a lot. They don't know where to go ____ .

The correct answer is: next


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