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Anthony Santos (Bronx, Nueva York, Estados Unidos, 21 de julio de 1981),1 ms conocido

por su nombre artstico Romeo Santos, es un cantautor estadounidense. Es considerado en

la mayor parte de Amrica como El Rey de la Bachata por haber sido el lder, vocalista
y compositor principal de la agrupacin Aventura. Como miembro de Aventura, Santos ha sido
una figura clave en la popularizacin de la bachata a nivel internacional, llevando temas al top
de las listas de Billboard Latino y a listas de Europa.
En 2002, la cancin Obsesin ocup el n1 en Italia durante 16 semanas consecutivas y
en Hispanoamrica, Espaa y diferentes pases de Europa y Amrica se situ en el Top 10
durante ms de 90 das consecutivos. Tras varios discos con la agrupacin Aventura, Romeo
anunci su separacin de la agrupacin para lanzarse como solista en abril de 2011. Desde
entonces, Romeo ha lanzado su carrera solista, logrando en cuatro aos siete sencillos n1 en
la lista Hot Latin, y ocho n1 en la Hot Tropical Songs.
Anthony Santos (Bronx, New York, United States, July 21, 1981), 1 better known by his stage name
Romeo Santos, is an American singer-songwriter. He is considered in most of America like the King
of the Bachata to have been the leader, vocalista and main composer of the group Adventure. As a
member of Aventura, Santos has been a key figure in the popularization of bachata internationally,
bringing songs to the top of the Billboard Latino charts and lists of Europe.

In 2002, the song Obsesin ranked # 1 in Italy for 16 consecutive weeks and in Latin America, Spain
and different countries in Europe and America was in the Top 10 for more than 90 consecutive
days. After several albums with the Aventura group, Romeo announced his separation from the
band to be solo in April 2011. Since then, Romeo has launched his solo career, achieving in four
years seven singles No. 1 on the Hot Latin list, and eight n1 At the Hot Tropical Songs.

Vida ntima de Romeo Santos

Con esfuerzo y dedicacin fue escalando peldaos hasta llegar

a la fama, proveniente de una familia humilde y hacendosa, ya
que su progenitor se dedicaba a la albailera y su madre era
ama de casa. Con tan solo 17 aos se convirti en el padre de
Alex Damin Santos, por temor, abandon a su hijo y a su novia
durante dos aos, segn lo resea el portal web el Diario NY.
Santos contrajo nupcias a los 20 aos con la joven
puertorriquea llamada Samanta Medina; cinco aos despus
su matrimonio fracas.

Luego del estreno de la cancin No tiene la culpa , se cre

una polmica en los medios de comunicacin sobre la
orientacin sexual del cantante. Siempre he sido muy
reservado, esa es una de las razones por las que mucha gente
se ha preguntado si soy gay. No lo soy. Sencillamente no quiero
mostrar a mi chica, si es que la tengo. No estoy casado. Solo
quiero vender msica, y eso es lo nico que me interesa
vender. Declar para los medios de comunicacin.

Galardones de Romeo Santos

El cario de su fanaticada le ha sumado un gran repertorio de

galardones en su trayectoria musical, entre ellos se
encuentran: tres Premios Soberano, cinco Premios Juventud, a
su vez, es acreedor de seis Premio lo Nuestro Awards. En el
2015 acumul 21 nominaciones sin precedentes en los premios
Billboard, ganando 10 de ellos, se llev el Premio al Mejor
Artista Latino en los Billboard 2015-2016.
Intimate life of Romeo Santos

With effort and dedication he climbed the steps to fame, coming from a humble and industrious
family, since his progenitor was dedicated to masonry and his mother was a housewife. With only
17 years he became the father of Alex Damian Santos, out of fear, abandoned his son and his
girlfriend for two years, according to the web site Diario NY. Santos married at the age of 20 with
the Puerto Rican girl named Samanta Medina; Five years later his marriage failed.

After the release of the song "It is not the fault", it created a polemic in the media on the sexual
orientation of the singer. "I've always been very reserved, that's one of the reasons why a lot of
people have asked if I'm gay. I'm not. I just do not want to show my girl, if I have one. I am not
married. I just want to sell music, and that's the only thing I'm interested in selling. " He declared
for the media.

Awards of Romeo Santos

The fond of his fan has added a great repertoire of awards in his musical career, among them are:
three Sovereign Awards, five Premios Juventud, in turn, is the winner of six Premios Lo Nuestro
Awards. In 2015 he garnered 21 unprecedented nominations at the Billboard Awards, winning 10
of them, winning the Best Latin Artist Award on the Billboard 2015-2016.
Anthony Santos, naci el 21 de Julio de 1981 en el Bronx, Nueva York (Estados
Unidos), ms conocido por su nombre artstico Romeo Santos, cantautor
estadounidense, viene de una familia de clase baja y trabajadora, su padre
llamado Francisco Santos (albail) de origen dominicano y su madre Lidia (ama de
casa), que lleg de Puerto Rico, criado junto a su hermana Laura. Su pasin por la
msica comenz desde muy pequeo cuando participaba en el coro de la iglesia
local y empez a componer sus propias canciones, le gustaba quedarse en casa
escribiendo sus canciones en vez de salir a divertirse con sus amigos. Todos sus
recuerdos estaban repletos de cultura latina, con mucho esfuerzo logr acercarse
al mundo de la msica y cumplir sus objetivos. Siempre fue fantico de
la bachata, aun cuando no era un gnero popular.
A la edad de 14 aos, Romeo Santos dio sus primeros pasos cuando hizo parte
del grupo llamado Los Tinellers, formado por su primo y dos amigos, con quienes
lleg a sacar un disco llamado Trampa de amor. A finales de los 90 el grupo pas a
llamarse Aventura.

Poco a poco fue hacindose ms conocido en el mbito musical, hasta que se

convirti en el lder vocalista y compositor principal de la agrupacin de
bachata Aventura, logrando con ellos popularizar este ritmo a nivel
internacional. Algunas de sus canciones llegaron a los primeros puestos de las
listas de los rankings Latinos y de Europa.
A los 17 aos de edad su vida personal se fue complicando al enterarse de que su
novia estaba embarazada. Como era muy joven, se dej llevar por el miedo y la
desesperacin, decidi terminar la relacin y no asumir su responsabilidad como
pap. El impacto de la noticia le permiti actuar como un cobarde, en ese
momento no entenda que la vctima principal era el nio, no l y se alej por dos
aos sin tener noticias de ellos. Por los concejos de su madre, la misma crianza
que le dieron en su hogar y sus principios, Romeo muy avergonzado decide
enfrentar la situacin buscndolos.

Su hijo tena dos aos cuando los encontr permitindose ser padre. Hoy vive una
hermosa relacin con su hijo Alex Damin a quien present pblicamente a la
edad de 14 aos cuando ambos posaron para la portada de la revista People. Dice
que mantiene una bonita amistad con la madre de su hijo.

Cosech grandes xitos de la mano de Aventura, alternando como compositor

para otros grandes de la msica como: Wisin & Yandel, Thala y Don Omar. Con la
agrupacin gan varios premios Internacionales. En el 2002 la cancin Obsesin
ocup el No.1 en Italia por 16 semanas consecutivas. Con este hit alcanzaron
xito mundial y Romeo como compositor del tema obtuvo el premio ASCAP
(Sociedad Estadounidense de Derechos de Autor) por cancin del ao, tanto el
rubro tropical como en el de pop, transformndose en el primer artista latino en
lograr un galardn en este ltimo rubro.

Fue entonces que el cantante decidi comenzar a usar un seudnimo para subirse
a un escenario. Dice, era extremadamente tmido cuando empec en este
negocio, no saba cmo actuar en el escenario y evitaba tener contacto visual
con el pblico. Eso no iba hacer atractivo para las mujeres. Por eso cre un alter
ego inspirado en el protagonista de Romeo y Julieta, con el fin de transformarse
en el Romeo moderno. Dice:

Soy romntico, pero tambin puedo ser seductor, puedo

ser cool y carismtico. En el escenario soy Romeo, eso me

dio confianza y autoestima.

En el 2007, Romeo Santos realiz un Mini Recital en el programa musical: Pasin

de sbado. Tambin recibi el premio Billboard como compositor del ao.

En el 2009 fueron invitados a cantar en la Casa Blanca de Estados Unidos para el

presidente Barak Obama y su familia.
El 12 de septiembre de 2010, Romeo Santos se present en los MTV Video Music
Awards 2010 para entregar un premio.

En el 2011 anuncia su separacin de la agrupacin para lanzarse como solista,

desde entonces Romeo ha logrado siete sencillos No.1 en el Hot Latn Chart y
ocho No. 1en el Hot Tropical Songs Chart en cuatro aos.

Su primer sencillo se titul You de su primer lbum Frmula Vol.1 (lanzado el 8

de noviembre de 2011por Sony Music latn), esta cancin se convirti en nmero
uno en la lista de Hot Latn Songs y Tropical Songs. El segundo sencillo de este
lbum titulado Promise, contiene un dueto con el cantante estadounidense
Usher, igualmente que el sencillo anterior fue No. 1 en las listas musicales ms
escuchadas en las estaciones de radio latinas de los Estados Unidos, llevndolo a
lo alto de la fama.
En el ao 2012, agot entradas en el famoso Madison Square Garden, en la
ciudad de New York. El show se lanz en CD/DVD como el lbum en vivo. The
King Stays King: Sold Out at Madison Square Garden, que fue proyectado en
salas de cine de Estados Unidos y luego exhibido por HBO. Sin embargo, su
mayor audiencia fue en Repblica Dominicana, donde llev a cien mil personas.

En el 2013, Romeo Santos recibi una nominacin de los premios Grammy

(otorgado anualmente por la Academia Nacional de Artes y las Ciencias de los
Estados Unidos), por su trabajo Formula Vol.1 a Mejor lbum latino tropical

En el 2014 edit su ms reciente trabajo Formula Vol.2 (lanzado el 25 de febrero

del mismo ao), con el cual replic su formato, combinando la bachata con
sonidos populares y voces conocidas. En este consigui que los raperos Drake y
Nicki Minaj cantaran en espaol, tambin tuvo la compaa de la guitarra de
Carlos Santana, el rapero puertorriqueo Tego Caldern y la voz del famoso
cantante, Marc Anthony.

Sin embargo, sus mayores hits fueron: Propuesta Indecente, con ms de 600
millones de visitas en YouTube, mientras que Eres Ma, le sigue con 198 millones.
Este lbum se convirti en el ms vendido en el primer semestre del ao. El 11 de
Julio de ese mismo ao, fue portada en el New York Times es el nico artculo
sobre arte en la pgina y, de hecho, lo llam una verdadera sper estrella en su
Romeo arras con los premios Billboard de la Msica Latina 2015, llevndose a
casa diez de los codiciados trofeos, entre ellos el de Artista del ao, una categora
muy reida, pues comparta honores con Marc Anthony, Prince Royce y Enrique
Iglesias. As mismo gan los premios Hot Latn Song, Mejor compositor, Mejor
Productor y Top Latn lbum del Ao.

En una presentacin donde exhibi todos sus xitos, Romeo llen las expectativas
de sus seguidores que siempre lo ovacionaron, sencillamente desat la locura en
El Festival de Via del Mar 2015, donde se llev: Gaviota de Plata y Oro.

El popular Rey de la Bachata tambin debut en el cine en la pelcula Rpido y

Furioso 7, su reconocimiento en los Billboard de la Msica Latina, con diez
galardones confirma el buen momento de Romeo. Fue uno de los grandes
triunfadores en los Premios Soberano 2015, el evento ms importante que se
celebra en Repblica Dominicana en los mbitos de la comunicacin y los
espectculos, organizado por la Asociacin de Cronistas de Arte (Acroarte) de ese
pas; con cuatro galardones: Compositor del ao, Artista destacado en el
extranjero del ao, lbum del ao y categoras de la bachata. En un momento de
felicidad aprovecho para enviar un mensaje muy especial: Quiero agradecer a los
pioneros de la bachata que me allanaron el camino para mi gnero.

El 27 de enero de 2017 en Miami Estados Unidos, Romeo Santos se anota otro

rcord importante en su carrera, siendo nombrado uno de los tres artistas en la
historia de la msica latina de hacerse acreedor de un reconocimiento RIAA Latino
Diamante (10x multi-platino y contando por superar 600 mil unidades), con su
cancin Propuesta Indecente, reconocida por la organizacin Recording Industry
Association of Amrica.

La noche de Premio Lo Nuestro 2017 (el 23 de febrero), Romeo Santos recibi el

mximo galardn: el Premio Lo Nuestro a la Excelencia, por los aportes que ha
hecho durante muchos aos la msica latina.
Con ms de 30 millones de seguidores en las redes sociales declar en su cuenta
Despus de tres aos y de mucho misterio, Romeo Santos Lanza su nuevo
sencillo y video Hroe Favorito que fue filmado tipo pelcula en la ciudad de los
ngeles junto a la actriz Gnesis Rodrguez, una cancin muy contagiosa, al mejor
estilo del Rey de la Bachata, en dicho sencillo l hace una similitud con diversos
Superhroes como (Hulk, Batman, Hombre araa, Superman, Flash y el hombre
invisible), no solo la cancin aborda el tema de los personajes, sino que la cartula
del sencillo fue creada por Marvel Custom, (la agencia de contenido y marketing
del gigante de cmics), quienes convirtieron a Romeo en un Superhroe,
actualmente disponible en todas las plataformas digitales. Se presume ser el
primer tema de su nuevo lbum y como lo manifest Romeo en las redes sociales
se llamar Golden.

Anthony Santos, born July 21, 1981 in the Bronx, New York (USA), better known by his stage name
Romeo Santos, American singer-songwriter, comes from a low-working working class family, his
father named Francisco Santos (mason) ) Of Dominican origin and his mother Lidia (housewife),
who came from Puerto Rico, raised with her sister Laura. His passion for music began at a very
young age when he participated in the choir of the local church and began to compose his own
songs, he liked to stay at home writing his songs instead of going out to have fun with his friends.
All his memories were full of Latin culture, with much effort managed to approach the world of
music and fulfill its objectives. He was always a fan of bachata, even though it was not a popular

At the age of 14, Romeo Santos took his first steps when he was part of the group called "The
Tinellers", formed by his cousin and two friends, with whom he came to draw a record called Love
Trap. At the end of the 90 the group happened to be called Adventure.

Little by little he became better known in the musical field, until he became the lead vocalist and
principal composer of the bachata group "Aventura", achieving with them to popularize this
rhythm internationally. Some of his songs came to the top of the lists of Latin and European

At the age of 17 his personal life was complicated by learning that his girlfriend was pregnant.
Since he was very young, he was carried away by fear and despair, he decided to end the
relationship and not assume his responsibility as father. The impact of the news allowed him to act
like a coward, at that time did not understand that the main victim was the child, not him and went
away for two years without hearing from them. By the advice of his mother, the same upbringing
they gave him in his home and his principles, Romeo very embarrassed decides to face the
situation by looking for them.

His son was two years old when he found them allowing himself to be a father. Today he lives a
beautiful relationship with his son Alex Damian whom he publicly introduced at the age of 14
when both posed for the cover of People magazine. He says he maintains a nice friendship with his
son's mother.

He has achieved great successes from the hand of Aventura, alternating as a composer for other
great musicians such as: Wisin & Yandel, Thala and Don Omar. With the grouping he won several
International awards. In 2002 the song Obsesin occupied the No.1 in Italy by 16 consecutive
weeks. With this hit they reached world-wide success and Romeo like composer of the subject
obtained the prize ASCAP (American Society of Copyrights) by song of the year, as much the
tropical one as in the one of pop, becoming the first Latin artist to obtain an award in The latter

It was then that the singer decided to start using a pseudonym to get on stage. He says, "I was
extremely shy when I started this business," "I did not know how to act on stage and avoided eye
contact with the audience. That was not going to make women attractive. " That is why he created
an alter ego inspired by the protagonist of Romeo and Juliet, in order to become the "modern
Romeo". He says:

"I'm romantic, but I can also be seductive, I can be cool and charismatic. On stage I'm Romeo, that
gave me confidence and self-esteem. "

In 2007, Romeo Santos performed a Mini Recital in the musical program: Saturday Passion. He also
received the Billboard Music Composer of the Year award.

In 2009 they were invited to sing at the United States White House for President Barak Obama and
his family.

On September 12, 2010, Romeo Santos performed at the MTV Video Music Awards 2010 to deliver
a prize.

In 2011 he announces his separation from the group to launch himself as a soloist, since Romeo
has achieved seven No.1 singles in the Hot Latin Chart and eight No. 1s in the Hot Tropical Songs
Chart in four years.

Their first single was titled "You" from their first album Vol.1 (released on November 8, 2011 by
Sony Music Latin), this song became number one on the list of Hot Latin Songs and Tropical Songs.
The second single from this album titled "Promise" contains a duet with the American singer
Usher, just as the previous single was No. 1 on the most popular music charts on US radio stations
in the United States, Of fame.

In 2012, he sold out tickets at the famous Madison Square Garden in New York City. The show was
released on CD / DVD as the live album. "The King Stays King: Sold Out at Madison Square Garden,"
which was screened in US movie theaters and then shown on HBO. However, its largest audience
was in the Dominican Republic, where it led to 100,000 people.

n 2013, Romeo Santos received a Grammy Award nomination (annually awarded by the National
Academy of Arts and Sciences of the United States) for his work Formula Vol.1 for Best Traditional
Latin Latin Album.

In 2014 he published his most recent work "Formula Vol.2" (released on February 25 of the same
year), with which he replicated his format, combining bachata with popular sounds and familiar
voices. In this he achieved that the rappers Drake and Nicki Minaj would sing in Spanish, also had
the guitar company of Carlos Santana, the Puerto Rican rapper Tego Caldern and the voice of the
famous singer, Marc Anthony.

However, his biggest hits were: Indecent Proposal, with more than 600 million hits on YouTube,
while Eres Ma, followed by 198 million. This album became the most sold in the first half of the
year. On July 11 of that same year, it was ported in the New York Times is the only art article on the
page and, in fact, called it a "real super star" in its title.

Romeo won the Billboard Latin Music Awards 2015, taking home ten of the coveted trophies,
including Artist of the Year, a very tight category, as he shared honors with Marc Anthony, Prince
Royce and Enrique Iglesias. He also won the "Hot Latin Song" awards, Best Composer, Best
Producer and "Top Latin Album" of the Year.

In a presentation where he exhibited all his successes, Romeo fulfilled the expectations of his
followers who always cheered him, simply unleashed the madness in the Festival of Via del Mar
2015, where he took: Silver and Gold Gaviota.

The popular King of Bachata also made his film debut in the film Fast and Furious 7, his recognition
on the Billboard of Latin Music, with ten awards confirms the good moment of Romeo. He was one
of the great winners in the Soberano 2015 Awards, the most important event held in the
Dominican Republic in the fields of communication and shows, organized by the Association of
Artists of Art (Acroarte) of that country; With four awards: Composer of the Year, Outstanding
Artist of the Year, Album of the Year and Bachata Categories. In a moment of happiness I take the
opportunity to send a very special message: "I want to thank the pioneers of bachata who paved
the way for my gender".

On January 27, 2017 in Miami United States, Romeo Santos recorded another important record in
his career, being named one of the three artists in the history of Latin music to be awarded a RIAA
Latino Diamante (10x multi-platinum And counting to surpass 600 thousand units), with its song
"Indecent Proposal", recognized by the organization Recording Industry Association of America.

On the night of Premio Lo Nuestro 2017 (February 23), Romeo Santos received the highest award:
the Lo Nuestro Award for Excellence, for the contributions made by Latin music for many years.

With more than 30 million followers in social networks stated in his Twitter account: "PROUD TO

After three years and a lot of mystery, Romeo Santos launches his new single and video "Hero
Favorite" that was filmed type film in the city of the Angels next to the actress Gnesis Rodriguez, a
song very contagious, to the style of the "King (Hulk, Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Flash and the
Invisible Man), not only the song addresses the theme of the characters, but the cover of the single
Was created by Marvel Custom, the content and marketing agency of the comic book giant, who
made Romeo a Superhero, currently available on all digital platforms. It is presumed to be the first
track of his new album and as Romeo stated in social networks will be called "Golden"

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