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B please consider you the reference to the glossary under A

Babinski indication

Reference to a damage in the process of the pyramid course.

Usually thereby also a Spastik with increased muscle self-
reflexes exists.

To Babor typology of the alcoholism see also alcoholism

(questions to the self and foreign diagnosis, Screening),
Jellinek and substance abuse,

There is not a uniform type of alcoholic.) From the mass of

the alcohol patients statistically individual Praegnanztypen
stands out, which is characterized by different drinking
behavior also. In practice against it overlaps are evident with
the individual case. The most common organization by
Jellinek suggested the typology of bar boron is because of
the prognostic statement however in practice well usable.
Karl C Mayer , specialist for neurology, psychiatry and
specialist for Psychotherapeuti medicine, Psychoanalyse

Typology after Babor TF, et aluminium

(1992) type OF alcoholics, Ith Evidence
for on empirically derived typology based
on of indicator OF vulnerability and
severity. Arch gene Psychiatry 49: 599?
Type A: Type B:
Late beginning (30?40 In former times beginning
years) (before 21. Lebensjahr)
Few factors of risk in the Increases factors of risk in
childhood family and childhood
Strong development of
Small degree of
dependence, abuse also of
other substances
Increases physical and
Little physical and social
social consequences of the
consequences of the
consumption of alcohol
consumption of alcohol
after shorter time
Small psychiatric High psychiatric
Komorbiditaet Komorbiditaet
Small load factors in the High load factors in the
family and vocational family and vocational
surrounding field surrounding field
Good therapeutic Bad therapeutic
prognosis prognosis
Brook blooms

The English physician Edward brook 1886-1936 arrived in

the course of his work with ill humans ever more at the
conviction that illness has its origin in the mental one.
Logically did it look for itself for a natural welfare method,
on this level of the?charakterlichen inadequacies? affects.
He discovered that the energetic potential of certain bloom
plants affects the mental level of humans. The effect of its
bloom concentrates described brook as follows: wild-
increasing flowers, shrubs and trees of higher order have the
strength by its high oscillation for increasing our human
oscillation and for opening our channels for the messages of
our mirror-image-ritual even and our personality with the
virtues, which we have necessarily to flood and wash thus the
lack of character, which do not cause our suffering (...) you
heal by the fact that they attack the illness directly, but
because they through-flood our body with the beautiful
oscillations our higher, in their present illness away-melts
like snow at the sun? Brook is convinced of the fact that the
income of the bloom and/or the bloom mixture releases an
impulse on manpower: The disharmonische oscillation in the
human body is overlaid by the higher oscillation of the
Bluetenessenz. With repeated regular income so gradually a
harmonization is introduced; the negative mental attitude
dissolves finally, and humans have again the possibility of
reacting positively. The effect plays itself thus not on the
physical level of the body separates on the so-called?
energetischen field? off maintains the users. What the?
energetischen field? white nobody is so exact. It is usually
equated with (primitive conceptions of) the psyche.
Furthermore brook conceived 38 bloom concentrates, which
have in principle a higher oscillating frequency than the
negative aspects of the mental reaction samples. The brook
bloom therapy is medical and rationally not begruendbar. It
is assigned to the mirror-image-ritual. It concerns a so-
called Plazebotherapie .

Volume disk incident

Bandscheiben Protrusion: Vorwoelbung of the Gallertkerns

into the intact fiber ring < - > Bandscheiben Prolaps or
incident: Vorwoelbung of the Gallertkerns in the no longer
intact and/or. perforated fiber ring Bandscheiben Sequester:
torn off portions of the Gallertkerns in the eddy channel
Dorso lateral (rear lateral) Prolaps leads to the pressure on a
Nevenwurzel and to loss features into the skin area or
muscle supplied by this nerve root medio lateral (centric of
lateral) Prolaps leads sometimes?nur? in addition, to back
pain can to be led as above to same loss features. This
depends on the width of the place in the eddy channel, the
available. more medialer (middle) Prolaps : depending upon
size of the incident?nur? Back pain or losses like above, or if
a strong restricting is effected also bad losses with blisters
and disturbances of emptying of intestine, which fortunately
is very rare, then however a medical emergency. A volume
disk incident is to be proven only with a nuclear spin or a
computer tomography. On native radiographs only possibly a
verschmaelerung of the volume disk area is to be recognized.
A computer tomography is only then indicated even if
appropriate nerve loss features or muscle paralyses are
present and/or are planned an operation. (OLG Schleswig,
Urt.v. 25.11.1992, 56/90) Karl C Mayer , specialist for
neurology, psychiatry and specialist for Psychotherapeuti
medicine, Psychoanalyse


1909 reported Balint on a patient, who noticed after twice,

sudden swindle accumulations (with full consciousness)
clear visual disturbances as well as problems in control of its
dominant factors of right hand, due to those he neither read
nor write could and numerous problems during the
accomplishment of everyday life activities had. Balint put the
following symptoms out as typical for the syndrome
described of it: 1. the inability to notice the different
individual elements, which build a visual scene up, as a
whole (spatial disturbance of the attention or
Simultanagnosie), 2. a disturbance of hand movements
under visual control (optical ataxia) and 3. the inability to
implement purposeful eye movements (soul paralysis of
looking). Balint syndrome is just as rare as serious
neurological illness, which limits the persons concerned so
that they often move like blind ones. For the first time by
Rudolph Balint described and after it the designated disease
picture arises mostly after bilateral posterior parietalen to

Balint group:
(Michael B. Arzt, Psychotherapeut, 1896-1970, Budapest,
England). Small circle itself regularly together-finding
physicians, psychologists or paedagogues, who seek to
lighten the psychodynamischen connections between
physician and patient on the basis relevant cases from own
practice in the mutual discussion under line of a
Psychotherapeuten, in order to diminish false relations and
eliminate tensions.

the two large brain halves connecting mass of
transverserunning markhaltiger nerve fibers, it divided into
Rostrum (bill), Genu (knee), Truncus (trunk) and Splenium
(Hinterende). The volume of the bar is parallel to
communication of the brain halves. Women have more fibers,
which can be measured by Nmr studies in the front bar
region on the average. This corresponds with the better
verbal abilities of women and the better performance in
neuropsychological tests.

As is the case for the Chorea acts it also here around fast
contractions of changing groups of muscles, however
proximally stressed, so that rough centrifuge movements
result, at which the patients the stop lose themselves and fall
down can. The ballistic Hyperkinese nearly always occurs as

Barany showing attempt

The patient is to lower the index finger of the raised and

stretched arm after preceeding goal exercises under eye
control, then after eye conclusion slowly from the top
perpendicularly on a goal. With peripheral
Vestibularisstoerungen thereby a Vorbeizeigen is seen after
the ill side as effect of a disturbed co-ordination.

Barratt Impulsiveness Scale

Typical criteria from the

Barratt Impulsiveness
Motor Impulsivitaet
I act often from the
I go and move hastily.
I do most things without
large to think.
Cognitive Impulsivitaet
I decide fast.
I think carefully about the
I can dedicate myself at
the same time only to one
I am interested more in the
presence than in the
I plan my projects
I take everything on the
light shoulder.


The Barorezeptorenreflex (Baro = pressure) has crucial

portion of the automatic constant of the heart cycle
regularization particularly during acute orthostatischer load.
The arterial Baroreflex functions as negative feedback
system of the blood pressure and heart frequency
regularization. The stimulation of the Barorezeptoren
particularly in the carotid sine and aortic arch by blood
pressure rise and/or abrupt suspending of this stimulation
with blood pressure drop are arranged for the dorsalen
Vaguskern, parabrachiale and paraventrikulaere cores over
the Nervi glossopharyngeus and vagus to the Nucleus tractus
solitarii and led over further central schaltstellen like the
Nucleus ambiguus, the rostrale ventrale Medulla oblongata,
efferently parasympathisch to the heart and pleasantly to the
heart and the peripheral containers. The automatic control
loop answers blood pressure rise with reduction of the
peripheral sympatheticotonus and increase of kardiovagaler
activity. Blood pressure drop has the reverse effect. The
Barorezeptoren shows a proportionaldifferential firing
behavior with adaptation and Resetting as well as
Hysteresisverhalten, i.e. stronger firing rate with rapid blood
pressure rise than with its return to the initial value. The
receptors interact among other things with the respiration,
to the chemoreceptors, physical load and among themselves.
Cooperating with chemoreceptors is disturbed e.g. with
chronic heart insufficiency, with Schlafapnoe syndromes or
the Sudden Infant Death syndrome and can to be caused
lethal complications as for ungezuegelte bradycardias. The
accurate evaluation of the Barorezeptoren probably wins
therefore increasing meaning for the diagnosis and the
understanding of pathophysiological connections when
numerous neurological and kardiologischen illnesses like the
diabetisch autonomous neuropathy, the Guillain Barr
syndrome, arterial hypertonia, heart insufficiency and with
all?Stroke? patients. M.J. Hilz, B. Stemper, B. Neundoerfer
physiology and research methods of the Baroreflexes,
Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 2000; 68: 37-47

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