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era m. (greek acc. sing.) air

campus, -, m. field
equus, -, m. horse
fnera, n. pl. funerals
lacrima, -ae, f. tear
mter, f. mother
moenia, -ium, n. pl. ramparts, walls, fortifications
mora, -ae, f. delay
poena, -ae, f. punishment
populus, -, m. people, population, populace
querella, -ae, f. complaint
runa, -ae, f. disaster
sagitta, -ae, f. arrow
statua, -ae, f. statue
autocurrus, currus automtus automobile
vehiculum, -, n. vehicle

congelre, -, -v, -tum to freeze, stiffen, congeal
convocre, -, -v, -tum to call together, summon
exercre, -e, -u, -itum to train, exercise
honrre, -, -v, -tum to honor
iuvre, -, iv, itum to help, aid
lacrimre, -, -v, -tum to weep, cry
relinquere, -, relqu, relictum to leave behind
rogre, -, -v, -tum to ask for, to beg for
volre, -, -v, -tum to fly
raptre, -, -v, -tum to steal, seize

plnus -a, -um equal, level, even, flat
profnus -a, -um wicked, evil, obscene
ultimus, -a, -um last, final
laetus, -a, um happy

Other words
sine + abl. without
ad + acc toward, near
celeriter quickly
hodi today
magis more
per + acc through, via
pls more
prope + acc near, close to
quot how many, how much
quam than
satis enough
tum, tunc then
ubi when, while, where
vae t woe is thee
hahahae bwahaha


First and Second Declension Adjectives

Singular Plural
Nom. bonus bona bonum bon bonae bona
Gen. bon bonae bon bonrum bonrum bonrum
Dat. bon bonae bon bons bons bons
Acc. bonum bonam bonum bons bons bona
Abl. bon bon bon bons bons bons

The adjective agrees with its noun in any gender, number or case. All of the above forms
must be memorized. Note that the endings of these adjectives are identical to the
corresponding noun forms.

Ablative of means
Thus far you have encountered the ablative with prepositions. Though your previous reading
contained the form oculs superbs circumspectvit (she looked around with proud eyes.)
This use of the ablative, without a preposition, to indicate the means or insturment by which
something is done, is what grammarians call the ablative of means. Like many (but not all)
uses of the ablative, the ablative of means corresponds mostly to the post-position in Hindi.
The Hindi expression would be translated into Latin by putting the word for "hand" in
the ablative case, for example.

Phoebus puers sagitts necat. Phoebus kills the boys with (his) arrows.
Niob lacrims vtam fliae rogat. Niobe begs for the life of her daughter with tears

The vocative is a case used when directly addressing the object or person being referred to. In
Hindi, for example, the vocative is distinguished in the plural as in vs. . For
Tamil speakers, the final vowel of marks the vocative.
In Latin, almost all vocative forms are identical to the nominative, and are therefore not
typically listed separately. The only exception occurs in the masculine singular of second
declension nouns ending in -us. Here, the form ends in -e, rather than -us. (E.g. Marce! "O
Marcus") Words ending in -ius take a vocative in - (E.g. Il! "O Julius!")

Phoebe, fl Ltnae, iuv m! Oh Phoebus, son of Latona, help me!

Accusative case with prepositions

Some prepositions take the accusative case:
Ad rgiam to the palace
Prope moenia near the walls
In silvam into the forest

Verbal compounds
Many verbs are formed from a single base root with various prefixes, usually prepositions,
e.g. from vocre (to call): convocre (call together), dvocre (to call off, call away, call
down), vocre (to call out, evoke), invocre (call upon, invoke.)
When you recognize the process whereby compound verbs are formed, you can easily add
new words to your Latin (and English) vocabulary.


I. Change the singular forms of each case to plural:

1. 2 3
Nom. vta bona amcus fmsus dnum sacrum
Gen. vtae bonae amc fms dn sacr
Dat. vtae bonae amc fms dn sacr
Acc. vtam bonam amcum fmsum dnum sacrum
Abl vt bon amc fms dn sacr

II. Translate the following sentences into Latin:

1. Latona summoned (called together) her children, Phoebus and Diana.

2. He said "You ought to kill the sons and daughters of the proud woman"

3. Phoebus killed the seven sons with his arrows

4. Niobe begged for the life of her last daughter.

5. She tried to prevent the evil deed.

6. But Latona was still angry.

8. Diana killed the last daughter because she did not have mercy.

9. While Niobe weeps, she stiffens.

10. Even now she is weeping.

11. But I am happy today

12. Because I have a new car.

13. I stole the car from ( + abl.) Phoebus

14. Phoebus is weeping too, because now he must walk to Olympus without a vehicle

15. The beautiful vehicle is mine. Glory to me! Woe is thee, O Phoebus! Bwahahaha!


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