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Chapter 10: Launching the New Ship of State (1789-1800)

I.Growing Pain
A.1789 post Constitution experienced a population boom
B.5% of the people lived west of the Appalachian Mountains; recessive places
C.United States maturity and unity was doubted by many at this point
II.Washington for President
A.Electoral College Elected George Washington as president of the USA in 1789.
a.Took office oath, April 30
b.Establishes Cabinet and that creates cabinet meetings
B.Under Washington department heads; Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson,
Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton, and Secretary of War: Henry Knox; later
III.The Bill of Rights
A.People still demanded Individual Rights= which led to the creation of the Bill of Rights
B.The idea proposed to include these rights was to replace the constitution with a new
C.James Madison feared that, so he drafted the rights by himself and proposed them to
D.Bill of Rights: the first ten ammendments added to the constitution which involve
protection of freedom and individual rights.
E.Judiciary Act of 1789- Organized the supreme court with a chief and associates and
attorney generals and courts.
F.John Jay: first chief justice of the United States; had collaborated on The Federalist.
IV.Hamilton Revives the Corpse of Public Credit
A.Alexander Hamilton goes on to crrect the countrys economic flaws which ruined the
Articles of Confederation
a.National Credit strengthening: asked congress to assume completely all
national debt
b.assumptions: federal government payed for state debts: beneficial to big states
B.Alexander Hamilton(1775-1804), by John Trumbull, 1792. Painting of
Hamilton,youngest founding father, originally British, strong central government
V.Customs Duties and Excise Taxes
A.Hamiltons Political objectives: for unity they needed a national debt. More people
would be with a personal achievement in success of the government.
B.Figure 10.1 Hamiltons Financial Structure Supported by The Revenues boost
financial and government system both
a.Debt owed foreigners, federal domestic debt, state debt
b.Custom duties, derived from tariff.
C.The first law of tariff: 1789 imposed taxes on some imports. To draw revenue and
protect infant industries
D.Excise taxes: internal revenue, on domestic items specially whiskey
VI.Hamilton Battles Jefferson for Bank
A.Hamilton influenced by the Bank of England proposed idea of a central Bank.
B.Thomas Jefferson Counter acted saying that the constitution didnt support that
therefore, the bank should be voted by each state
C.Hamilton: What the Constitution did not forbid it permitted, Jefferson: What the
constitution did not permit it forbade.
D.Hamilton fights that the constitution allows federal government to tax people, then a
central bank is necessary.
E.Congress eventually says okay, Northern states with theidea, southern states against
the idea.
VII.Mutinous Moonshiners in Pennsylvania
A.Whiskey Rebellion: Pennsylvania 1794, people said this tax was a burden on an
economic necessity.
B.Liberty and No excise by rebellious distillers
C.George Washington feels threatened by self created societies
a.He called for states militaries to calm down these protests
b.pardoned protestors
c.Proof that the government was aware and secure and strong but also that it
could be cruel.
VIII.The Emergence of Political Parties
A.Hamiltons ideas until now: successful politically but affecting the states individual
B.Thomas Jefersson and Hamiltons tension was building up
a.Prior to president Washington there was no political parties.
b.Then James Madison and Jeffersons opposition to Hamilton build up
encouraging political parties because of too much criticism.
c.Table 10.2 Evolution of MAJOR parties: Hamiltonians and Jeffersonians
highlighted differences.
C.1790s The Two Party System rises, party that is not in charge of government is to
make sure that party is not taking advantage of the power.
IX.The Impact of the French Revolution
A.Post Washingtons presidency 1793 political parties:
a.Jeffersonian Democratic Republicans
b.Hamiltonian Federalists
B.Powerful affection of the French Revolution in America
a.First, Americans happy, Louis XVIs power limited
b.France becomes a republic like Americans
c.Reign of Terror: after Louis was beheaded and church was attacked
d.Jeffersonians for the French Revolution ideals, concerning black America.
X.Washingtons Neutrality Proclamation
A.Franco-Ameircan alliance: 1778 USA promised France to always help the frenh west
indies from enemies
a.Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans wanted to help france win its freedom
b.George Washington did not want to fight any war, therefore he wanted
everything smooth and peaceful
B.Neutrality Proclamation: warned Americans to be equal to both Britain in France to
not create any type of conflict, supported Washington and Hamiltons plan.
C.Edmont Genet, French Representative carried by the Franco-american alliance
ordered for troops to aid French in their conflicts
D.Neutrality was in benefit of the French because they received American supply.
XI.Embroilments with Britain
A.British resentment towars Americans grow
B.Map 10.1:American posts held by the British and British America
C. Little Turtle: Miamis chief, defeated American armies under the lead of General
Josiah Harmar and Arthur St. Clair in 1790 and 1791.
D.Battle of Fallen Timbers(1794): General Mad Anthony Wayne
E.Treaty of Greenville: Miamis and Americans sign peace treaty
XII.Jays Treaty and Washingtons Farewell
A.John Jay sent to London to negotiate in 1794, to prevent a war.
B.Jays Treaty- sparked anger in Jeffersonians, since they have to pay for their farms
while boat owners gained more money.
C.Pinckneys Treaty 1795: Spain gave Americans free navigation of the Mississippi,
western Florida, and warehouse rights in New Orleans to prevent an American alliance
with the British.
D.Farewell Adress 1796: Adressment of Washington after his retirement of two
terms,he advised America to not make permanent alliances.
XIII.John Adams Becomes President
A.Alexander Hamilton could be president, but his ideas are to controversial.
B.Federalists turn toward John Adams for president, and Jeffersonians toward Thomas
Jefferson, Presidential campaign was an outbreak of all the different opinions on
C.John Adams became president by short win, and Thomas Jefferson his vice
D.Hamiltons view on John Adams was of hatred and disgust.
XIV.Unofficial Fighting with France
A.French people thought Jays Treaty was defying the Franco-American Aliance and
therefore they captured their ships and became stronger for war.
B. XYZ Affair: John Adams sent John Marshall to Paris to negotiate in 1797 with France
but was stopped by three men, if he wanted to talk to Talleyrand, French Minister he had
to pay $250,000
C. Americans reordered the marine corpse and armies to gear up for a war that could
D.Napoleon Bonaparte: Dictator of France
XV.Adams puts Patriotism Above Party
A.Talleryand agrees to appoint an American minister in France.
B.To focus in Europe Napoleon sent 3 envoyss to America
C.Convention of 1800: After much dispute this treaty was formed and stated that
France would pay the damaged of the American Ships and invalid the past alliance
XVI.The Federalist Witch Hunt
A.Alien Laws: Citizens had to live there for 14 years not 5. President could deport any
person at any time.
B.Sedition Act: Anyone writing against president,government, officias, etc, would be
sentenced to death or punished.
C.Popular laws among americans, expired in 1801.
XVII.The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
A.Jeffersonians fear Federalists take out al freedoms of the Bill of Rights like they did
with freedom of press.
B.Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions- stated thatthese states could defy the laws
created by the federal government.(Virginia passed by: Madison, Kentucky passed by:
C.No other state became interested in adapting this resolution
XVIII.Federalists Versus Democratic-Republicans
A.Hamilton Federalists:Supported a central government, national debt, excise tax,
tariffs, merchants, national bank led by Alexander Hamilton. Supported British.
B.Democratic Republicans:Supported a weak central government, enforced
constitution strictly, farmers, against national banks etc, led by Thomas Jefferson and
James Madison. Supported French Revolution.

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