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Sarah saniyyah a


Kelas A/kedokteran

Kinds of contribution you wish to give How to make it happen

to society
sarah saniyyah Help people who afraid to come to I will study hard to be a success doctor and
a doctor to check their health because someday I want to build a hospital for poor
(me) they doesnt have money. people.
Irma Someday I will carry on social service I will study hard because I want to find a
rahmawati with some other doctors to help rural drug that has not been found like
people to prevent diseases cancer,diabetes mellitus,and etc.
Nadya mega I I will make a clinic with my brother. Now, I must study hard to can graduate
Because my brother is a nurse. And I pass on FK UMM with IPK satisfying. After
want to manage the clinic with my that I want take spesialisation surgeon, I
family. I wish with the clinic I can help will work to get money. The money will I
people who are sick but do not not used to make a clinic. And after that I will
have cost to go. make a clinic with my brother and I want
manage the clinic with my family.
Savira salsabila My wish to give to society is to make To make it happen I want to make a
the others kids not suffering from specific kind of organization
Nadya Improve the quality of health by Cooperate with friends who have the same
wahyuning building a clinic special in my village profession as a doctor and than become a
that use family doctor as their doctor who has other business. Dont
priority and then use a system of free forget always pray to Allah and work hard.
treatment one day in one week.
Irsya nanda Build a hospital and make a free First, I have to be a doctor by study hard
maulida Friday consultation with good mark and make a good
relationship between companies to get
sponsors and medical personnels (doctors
and nurses) to serves patients in hospital.

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