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Hard questions:

M1: solomon paper A (1b, 6,7), solomon paper c (4, 7b,c), SP


S1: Solomon paper B(3,),jan2005(6theory),may2005(1

, m13r(5e),m14r(5c)

FP1:may 10 (8, 7b),jan 14 (6b,9),june2012(7d, , **jan13(7d), june11(9b),MAY 15

(8D),***jan15***,may13(6d),june 2010(1)

D1:jan 02
2013mR(8), june14ial#2
E.g. (any three)
Kruskal starts with the shortest arc, Prim starts with any node.
It is necessary to check for cycles when using Kruskal, not with
Prim. B1 B1 B1 (3)
When using Prim the growing tree is always connected.
When using Kruskal arcs are considered in ascending order of
Prim can be used when the network is given in matrix form.
Prim adds nodes to the growing tree, Kruskal adds arcs.

c12:spA(7c*,) may14(13**),c1may06(11),c2(jan2010,8***),c2jan12(9),c2m13#10,

ACCOUNTING: JAN13(1,3financial st.),may14(1 income st. financial st.)4

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