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Linger-Remain present although waning or gradually dying

Seek-to reach
Startling- creating sudden alarm, surprise, or wonder; astonishing.
Bumfuzle-when things dont make sense

foreclose v. 1 stop (a mortgage) from being redeemable. 2 repossess the mortgaged

property of (a person) when a loan is not duly repaid. 3 exclude, prevent.  foreclosure n.
Articulate-joint, "the carpenter articulated two pieces of wood",
Prejudice- A partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation,bias
Slew-Turn sharply; change direction abruptly forcibly to a new position
Fortifies-Make strong or stronger
Framework-underlying structure,A hypothetical description of a complex entity or process
dereliction1. Willful neglect, as of duty or principle.,. The act of abandoning; abandonment.

b. A state of abandonment or neglect. a. A gaining of land by the permanent recession of the

water line.
Meticulously- in a way that shows great attention to detail; very thoroughly.
Context-The set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event
Inept-Generally incompetent and ineffectual
Discord-Lack of agreement or harmony,disagree
Attrition- A wearing down to weaken or destroy, Erosion by friction syn-abrasion
Aptly- appropriate,With competence; in a competent capable manner,capable
Specious-Plausible but false
Embargo-A government order imposing a trade barrier
Arguments-Present reasons and arguments, Give evidence of
Context-The set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event, Discourse that
surrounds a language unit and helps to determine its interpretation
Perspective- position,view A way of regarding situations or topics etc, The appearance of
things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer

Epitomises-Embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of

Discretion- Freedom to act or judge on one's own, The power of making free choices
unconstrained by external agencies,free will,prudence, Knowing how to avoid
embarrassment or distress
Corroborated- Establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts,give evidence
Insights-Clear or deep perception of a situation, A feeling of understanding, brainstorms,
Dispel-make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear.

Persistence-the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or

"Cardiff's persistence was rewarded with a try"
Perpetuated-make (something) continue indefinitely.
"the confusion was perpetuated through inadvertence"
synonyms: keep alive, keep going, keep in existence,
Paradigm-a typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model.
Conjecture-1 formation of an opinion on incomplete information; guessing. 2 guess. v. (-
ring) guess. [Latin conjectura from jacio throw]
Prescient-having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.
synonyms: prophetic, predictive, visionary

Apparently-evidently,seemingly, it would seem (that), it appears (that), it would

Pristine-clean and fresh as if new; spotless.

Stray-move away aimlessly from a group or from the right course or place. Ie deviated,
wander off, go astray, drift, get separated

Substantial-of considerable importance, size, or worth.syn-

considerable, real, material, weighty, solid, sizeable, meaningful, significant,
Spawn-(of a fish, frog, mollusc, crustacean, etc.) release or deposit eggs.

Reliance-dependence on or trust in someone or something.

"the farmer's reliance on pesticides"
synonyms: dependence, dependency; More
Tariffs-a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
tax, duty, toll, excise, levy, assessment, imposition, impost, charge, rate, fee, exaction;
Minimalist- of a minimum amount, quantity, or degree; negligible.
Merit- the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.

excellence, goodness, standard, quality, level, grade

Belie-(of an appearance) fail to give a true impression of (something).

"his lively, alert manner belied his years"

Sporadic-occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated.

Rendered-provide or give (a service, help, etc.).

"money serves as a reward for services rendered"
give, provide, supply, furnish, make available, contribute

Flustered-make (someone) agitated or confused.

Slew-turn or slide violently or uncontrollably. "the Renault slewed from side to side in the
Decoy-lure or entice (a person or animal) away from their intended course, typically into a

Arise, Awake and Stop not till the goal is reached

Mustered the courage to speak-
Hovering- remain in one place in the air. 1. To remain floating, suspended, or fluttering in the
Marginal-relating 1.
relating to or at the edge or margin.
"marginal notes"
relating to water adjacent to the land's edge or coast.

"water lilies and marginal aquatics"

minor and not important; not central.

"it seems likely to make only a marginal difference"
slight, small, tiny, minute, low, minor, insignificant, minimal, negligible
"the difference is marginal"
Contemporary-existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the same time:
Newton's discovery of the calculus was contemporary with that of Leibniz.
of about the same age or date:
a Georgian table with a contemporary wig stand.
of the present time; modern: a lecture on the contemporary novel.

Breed specific group of animals having similar characteristics multiply,reproduce

Decrying-strong disapproval or condemening

Contemporary- Characteristic of the present, Belonging to the present time, Occurring in the
same period of time

Dissented-disagree, Express opposition through action or words, without assented

Outline- Describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of,A sketchy
summary of the main points of an argument or theory
Emancipation- Freeing someone from the control of another person or from legal or political
Significant-sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy
Allay to reduce or to diminish
Dilapidated (adv)-In deplorable condition, Bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin by
neglect or misuse, crumbled, break down, ramshackle
Forbidden-not allowed; banned.
"a list of forbidden books"
synonyms prohibited, banned, debarred, vetoed, proscribed, ruled
: out, not

Cardinal (adj ) Serving as an essential component,primary Being or denoting a numerical

quantity but not order as (a noun)- (Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than
100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes

Parochial-Narrowly restricted in outlook or scope

Warez is a common computing and broader cultural term referring to pirated software (i.e.
illegally copied, often after deactivation of anti-piracy measures)

Anathema-a detestable person ,curse a person or thing detested or loathed: That subject is
anathema to him.
a person or thing accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction.

a formal ecclesiastical curse involving excommunication.

any imprecation of divine punishment.

a curse; execration.

Circumvent- beat, dodge, evade , encircling, surround

a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of action,One who argues in support
of something; an advocate

bewilder-Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly,muddle,Cause to

be confused emotionally,


sedentary-animals that do little activity

twig- A small branch or division of a branch (especially a terminal division); usually applied to
branches of the current or preceding

defy-Resist or confront with resistance

niche-A position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it,
generic-related to group of class
implicit-Implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something,A
meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred,deductions,entailment

Interim- "in between" or "transitional"

Contention-A point asserted as part of an argument

Yield-profit,produce or return asa a fruit,giveup,surrender

Tweak-A squeeze with the fingers

Subtle-Difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyse

Striking-(Sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect),special something about it

Indisposed- Somewhat ill or prone to illness

Instance-Instance-An occurrence of something, case,texample, exemplify,An item of

information that is typical of a class or group

Inflation-A general and progressive increase in prices


Awful-Exceptionally bad or displeasing

Awestruck-Having or showing a feeling of mixed reverence and respect and wonder and

Ergonomic-branch of engineering science in which biological science is used to study the

relation between workers and their environments
Concussions-injury to a brain
Averse-strongly opposed
Pertinent-Having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand
Pricky- Obnoxious;detestable or slang
Concur-be in agreement,Be in accord; be in agreement

Embark- go on board,set out on

Prerequisites--Something that is required in advance

Subtle-(especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to
analyse or describe

fine, fine-drawn, ultra-fine, nice, overnice, minute, precise, narrow, tenuous;

making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something.

Impromptu-With little or no preparation or forethought

Maneuvering-Determine the direction of travelling,guiding,channeling,pointing,steering

Stranded-Cut off or left behind

Plausible-Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful

Outscored more than other

Accentuate-Single out as important; draw attention to (something)
Reconcile-Make (one thing) compatible with (another),bring thing to consonance, accept as
Delves-dig into ,turnup,loosen
Infringes-against or opposite
Rendered-cause to become,provided
Credibility-Capable of being believed,believable
Oblivious-lacking conscious awareness of

Dichotomy-Being twofold; a classification into two opposed parts or subclasses, duality

Incongruity-The quality of disagreeing; being unsuitable and inappropriate
Brag-show off
Rudimentary-Being or involving basic facts or principles, fundamental and underlying
Used as a -I answered the short essays asked by Sameer in a very rudimentary way
Gauntlet-A glove of armoured leather; protects the hand,challenge
Sprint-Run very fast, usually for a short distance
Squiggle-.a short, irregular curve or twist, as in writing or drawing.,to move in or appear as
Relish-Spicy or savoury condiment,Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment
Fermented-Be in an agitated or excited state
Podium-A platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person
on it
Defies- Resist or confront with resistance
Exemplifies-giving by an example
Pertinent-to the point, logical relevance
Rampant-violent and unrestrained
Withering-Sharply critical or damaging,annihilating,devastated,
Unsustainable-Not able to be sustained(continuing for an extended period or without
Contented-Satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are a contended smile
Verbose-Using or containing too many words,tedious

Puke-The matter ejected in vomiting. Vomited

Objection-dissent,protest, expostulation
Finding-The act of determining the properties of something,discovering,determine
Phenomenon-Any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or
reasoning, a remarkable development
Generic-Applicable to an entire class or group
Principle-A basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for
reasoning or conduct,rational, rule
Variance-An event that departs from expectations
Exploits-A notable achievement
Emancipation-Freeing someone from the control of another person or from legal or political
restrictions, liberationetc
Strive-Attempt by employing effort
Prompted -(actuate or incited)
Explicit-clearly expresses, Precisely and clearly communicated or readily observable; leaving
nothing to implication
Extrapolate - An inference about the future (or about some hypothetical situation) based on
knownfacts and observations, inference, computationetc
Convulated- (especially of an argument, story, or sentence) extremely complex and difficult
to follow

Proponent-a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of


Emphatic-Sudden and strong

Citing-Mentioning,Make reference to,quoting,recommend
Complaince-Acting according to certain accepted standards,conformity
Vouch-Give personal assurance; guarantee
Gouge-Force with the thumb,dent
Beleaguered-Annoy persistently,badgered,pestered ,teased
Copious-Large in number or quantity, ample ,plentiful
Craters-A bowl-shaped geological formation at the top of a volcano,A bowl-shaped
depression formed by the impact of a meteorite or bomb
Dislodged-Remove or force out from a position
Strive-Attempt by employing effort,To exert much effort or energ
Elucidates-Make clear and (more) comprehensible

Amazement-The feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising,astonishment

Disgust-Strong feelings of dislike
Repulsion-Intense aversion,force by which bodies repel one another
Pandemic-Epidemic over a wide geographical area
Leverage-furnish,provide,render,the mechanical advantage gained by being in a position to
use a lever,Strategic advantage; power to act effectively
Pertinent-apt,to the point,Having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand


Plummeted-drop sharply

Pertinent-precise or up to the point "a list of articles pertinent to the discussion"

Vicious-(of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering

Hogwash-(informal) statements or beliefs that are untrue or make no sense

Efficacy-Capacity or power to produce a desired effect

Knack-A special way of doing something
Brawniness-Quality of having muscular strength
Plausible- Apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful
fortuitous-Occurring by happy chanceie causeless & uncaused
Expats-A person who is voluntarily absent from home or country

Pertinent-Having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand.apt

glutton-A person who is devoted to eating and drinking to
daintier-Especially pleasing to the taste,
implication-deduction, inferred ,Something that is inferred (deduced, entailed or implied)
verbiage-Overabundance of words, phrasing, wording of words,The manner in which
something is expressed in words
Proactive-controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than waiting to
respond to it after it happens

Triumvirate -A group of three men responsible for public administration or civil authority

Emancipation-Freeing someone from the control of another person or from legal or political
Deduping-is a batch process that can be done on huge lists of words.
Provocable-able to provoke(rouse or incite)
Concur-be in accord ,agree
Despair-A state in which all hope is lost or absent,The feeling that everything is wrong and
nothing will turn out well, syn-desperation
Innate(adj) -in born,Not established by conditioning or learning
Skeptisim-Doubt about the truth of something, disbelief agnostic
Stripped-Having only essential or minimal features.,With clothing stripped off
Incinerate-Become reduced to ashes
Radiate-Send out rays or waves
Skewed-Having an oblique or slanting direction or position
Opulence-Wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living
Repercussions.-A remote or indirect consequence of some action
Syn- backlashes, rebound, recoil
Pertinent-Having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand
Syn-apt,to the point
Purview-range of interest that can be viewed
Proponents-A person who pleads for a cause or propounds(put forward ) an idea
Pandemic-Epidemic over a wide geographical area
Corroborate -Establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts

plummetedDrop sharply

expatriate-A person who is voluntarily absent from home or country,Expel from a country

embargo-A government order imposing a trade barrier

unanimous. In complete agreement-,Acting together as a single undiversified whole
discord-Lack of agreement or harmony,disagree
enshrined-hold sacred
ordeal-painful and horrific experience
toggle-fall down
exhibits-An object or statement produced before a court of law and referred to while giving
manifest-Provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behaviour, attitude, or
external attributes
advent-Arrival that has been awaited
sporadic-Recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances
martian-Of or relating to the planet Mars (imaginary)
colloquial-Characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation
sling-Hang loosely or freely; let swing
context-The set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event
gambit-An opening remark intended to secure an advantage for the speaker,A tactic or
manoeuvre intended to gain an advantage
blushing-Having a red face from embarrassment, shame, agitation or emotional upset
debunk-expose the falseness or hollowness of (an idea or belief).Uncover while ridiculing;
especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas
"flummoxed-Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly
Tenable-Based on sound reasoning or evidence

Envisaged-Form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the
Beacon-n(A fire (usually on a hill or tower) that can be seen from a distance).v(Shine like a

Acquiesced-To agree or express agreement

Subtle-Difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyse,Able to make fine
distinctions,Working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way,Difficult to describe
Syn-injurious, perinicious, elusive (Difficult to describe)
Eventually-future time
Vulnerable- (susceptible to attack ),capable of being attack
Podunk-out of places, fictious places
Apprehend- Take into custody- "the police apprehended the suspected criminals"
Fiasco-debacle, sudden and violent collapse
Irreplaceable- impossible to replace if lost or damaged.

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