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Craig van Heerden

General Hip Mobility Patient

+27 81 047 8761
Exercise Prescription Date

Standing on a step as pictured, with the

ball of the foot to be stretched placed
Ankle Dorsiflexion Stretch on the edge of a step.
Make sure the leg on the side being
stretched is straightened.
Work toward placing the entire body
weight on the stretch. Until the, keep
the other foot resting on the step to
'unload' slightly.
60s each side.
Standing as pictured, with feet hip width
Use a kettlebell, dumbbell or barbell,
do not start with more than 10% of your
Jefferson Curls Lock knees.
Tuck chin to chest.
Slouch shoulders.
Activate and draw abdomen in.
Roll the spine down from top to bottom,
maintaining glute contraction for as
long as possible.
Then roll back up in reverse, pull from
the glutes and contracting them as soon
as possible.
10 reps, hold the last rep for 10s.
Position as pictured, with back leg shin
on floor.
Single Leg Balance Into Rear Lunge Before moving the hips forward into a
stretch, activate and draw abdomen
inward, and activate back leg glute,
THEN move hips forward to deepen
Keep spine upright throughout.
10 reps on each side

Cossack Squats Standing with your feet wide apart and

toes pointing outward.
Descend sideways into a one legged
squat, with your other leg straightening
and remaining active.
Return to the top then repeat on the
other side.
10 reps each side, alternating.
Squat Stretch Sit in resting squat.
Feet just wider than hip width apart, not
pointing out more than 10.
Shift bodyweight forward until it feels as
though your heels are just about to lift
off the ground, feeling the calves stretch
as well.
Use the elbows to drive the knees out
whilst straightening your back.
60s stretch
Single Leg Deadlift
Standing on one leg, hinge forward at
the hips, bending the standing leg knee
slightly, while reaching for the grounded
big toe with the opposite arm.
Do not allow the standing leg knee to
track forward or collapse inward.
Keep the opposite leg off the ground
for the duration of the set.
10 reps on each side

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