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Pelvis of Ruminants:

Comparative Osteology of the Pelvis:

Os coxae: In bovine
S1 projects into the pelvis cavity and can be
felt during rectal exams.
In bovine, shafts of the ilium are parallel.

Ox: slope of the pelvis (a line joining the
summit of the tuber coxae to that of the
tuber ischiadicum)is about 45.
- Iliac shafts are parallel.
- The lunate face(or acetabulum) is
devided into two parts: major and
minos. This is indicative of a bovine +ischiatic tuberosity 3parts.
- The tuber ischiadicum is trifid.
- The pelvic floor is concave (dished or holloed out).
- The linear measurements: tuber coxae acetabulum tuber ischiadicum are nearly equal.
- Entire pelvis is dished shaped. Virtually straight in the mare. U vs. ---

Ovine: Iliac shafts are slender.

- Iliac crest is nearly straight.
- The tuber ischiadicum is pronounced and laterally oriented.
- The ovine pelvis is straight -----.

Sexual differences (More pronounced and better expressed in sexually mature animals):

Shorter and more stout ilium in the male.

The greater ischiadic notch is wider in the female.
o In order to provide more space to fetus to pass through the birth canal.
The sizes of the birth canal are important in female animals, especially in those that produce one
yound at a time (monotocous species).

How do you measure the birth canal?

Conventional dimensions (pelvimetry) used in evaluating the birth canal include:
i. [#5 The transverse diameter -widest between or just above the acetabula.
a. It should be taken at the widest portion. Maybe slightly above
ii. #4 The conjugate diameter-the line extending from the pectin to the sacral
a. You can feel this in a rectal palpation.
iii. #9 The vertical diameter-from the pectin of the pubis to the ventral surface
of the sacrum or Cd 1 vertebra. It is usually perpendicular to the pelvic
a. The vertical line must be perpendincular to the floor of the pelvis.
Goes up to synsacrum- use slope to determine this measurement.
Vertical angle is exactly what it sounds like.
iv. #10 The pelveic incliniation the angle subtended at the pecten of the pubis by the conjugate and
vertical diameters.
v. #12 The pelvic axis - The median line drawn between the pelvic surface of the sacrum and the dorsal
surface of the pelvic symphysis.]

>Which shape is best for the pelvic inclination in cows? More straight down = better. Usually if it is not
completely straight, very sigmoid curves complicate things.
The mares pelvic inclination is nearly straight down.

Bovine (cow):
- The pecten of the pubis is at the level of the junction between S2 and
S3. Therefore, the pelvic incliniation is close to 45 quite high. The
pelvic inlet (cranial pelvic aperture) is, therefore cranioventral in
orientation (c.f. horse).
o Predisposes shoulders and head of the fetus to get stuck here.
- The cranial pelvic aperture is oval and narrow (
- The roof of the pelvic cavity (sacrum + first few Cd vertebrae) is
- The pelvic outlet is small (concave sacrum and tail head; high, large
ischiadic tuberosities).
- The lateral pelvic walls: formed by iliac shafts + sacrotuberal ligaments.
- The pelvic cavity floor is transversely concave or dished;
- The table of the ischium slopes, sharply, caudodorsally.

Ovibe/caprine (ewe and nanny goat):

- Long iliac shafts.
- Pecten of the pubis below Cd2 or Cd3, therefore, a very long conjugate diameter, with the oval cranial
pelvic aperture being very cranioventrally oriented.
- Ischiadic spines and tuberosities slightly developed.
- Pelvic floor is flat and horizontal in these species.
- Parturition (although usually monotocous animals) is therefore not as problematic as in the cow.

Sow: Usual bones.

- Sacrosciatic ligament well formed; birth canal almost straight, cranio-caudally.
- The conjugate almost horizontal thus, large pelvic inlet.
- Rectal palpation possible in large pigs.
- Per vaginal manipulation difficult (except for very small hands).
>Easy farrow.


This is the caudal wall closing off the pelvic outlet (caudal pelvic aperture).
A line joining the tubera ischiadica separates the anal region or triangle from the urogenital region or
Wha are the borders of the Perineum?
o Caudal vertebrae,
o Caudal borders of the sacrotuberal ligaments,
o Ischiadic tubers and ischiadic arch.

Anal triangle -closed off by pelvic diaphragm. Comprising:

- Coccygeus muscle (1).
- Levator ani muscle (2).
- Their internal and external deep fasciae, and external anal sphincter (3).
>Levator ani interdigitate with the external anal sphincter. Important because it closes off caudal aperture of
the pelvic cavity and may be damaged during parturition.

Urogenital triangle:
-Closed off by the perineal membrane (deep perineal fascia in cow, running between the ischial arch and the
ventro-lateral wall of the vestibule) and
-Urogenital muscles:
Constrictor vestibule (1)
Constrictor vulvae (2) and
Retractor clitoridis (3).
> The perenium is the wall of soft tissue that closes off the pelvic canal or cavity. Aka caudal pelvic aperture.
> Borders: Ventral border of vulva, ischiation tuberosities and tail head. Proximal part is known as the anal
region of triangle.

THE PERINEAL BODY: This is the fibromuscular mass that lies between the anus and the urogenital tract.

Important Perineal muscles:

-Retractor penis m.:
--rectal part attaches laterally to the rectum.
--The penile part runs over the root and surface of the body of the penis.
--It does not run in correspondence with the sigmoid flexure of the penis.
--Inserts distally on the tunica albuginea.

-Ischiocavernosus m.:
--Stout muscle investing the root of the penis. Indents medial aspect of the thigh musclesused to determine
sex of dressed carcass.

Comparative myology of the hip region.

In the bovine, gluteal muscle are smaller in size than those of the horse. The superficial gluteal m. is
small and fuses with the bices femoris m. now becoming (gluteobiceps m.)
No internal obturator m. in ruminant.
The external obturator m. in the bovine has two parts: Intra-pelvic & Extra-pelvic; thus originates from
the ventral and dorsal aspect of the pubis.
Articularis coxae m. is absent in ruminants.
The rump of the bovine is concave poorly muscled (c.f. horse) because the hamstring muscles, save the
gluteobiceps m., have no vertebral heads.
>biceps femoris require an intervertebral head with superios gluteal m.


I. Bull/ram: a blind sac is present in the dorsal wall, at the junction betweem the pelvic and penile parts
of the urethraThe urethral recess. It is lined by urethral mucosa, and the bulbourethral gland opens
into its cranial part. Implication for catherization of the urinary bladder (a further obstacle, after the
sigmoid flexure of the penis).
II. In female ruminants: there is a suburethral diverticulum which shares a common opening with the
urethra into the vaginal vestibule.

3. The male reproductive organs

a. Scrotum:
Bull: Glabrous as in boar.
Small ruminants: hairy (short hairs).
Vertically enlongates and pendulous; lies between the thighs in ruminants.
> Vertically located different from dog. Bull does not have a lot of hair.

b. Testis:
Bovine: vertically enlongated and oval- or bottle-shaped.
Capital en is proximal and caudate en is distal.
The epididymis lies medial to the testis.
Thus the head (caput) is proximal and the tail (cauda) is distal.
Yellow parenchyma.

Ovine: oval to spherical, relatively large.

Long axis is vertical.
Epididymis as for the bull.
Parenchyma is white.
> Testis are also vertically located head is proximal and tail is distal. The tail is the most ventral part.
Smaller ruminant epidydimis is also medial but ovine has more weight on the testis/weight of the
body*100 = gonosomatic index (so small ruminants higher index).

Scrotum and testis: almost subanal (right below the anus), closely attached to caudal part of thigh.
Testes: are pointed at both poles
>Both ends of the testes are pointed in pig. Epididimus on dorsal aspect of testes and the tail is
proximal to the head (which is distal).Easily palpated.-MCQ.

c. Epididymis:
Ox: medial aspect of the testis.
Caput epididymidis covers the dorsal 1/3 of the proximal end of the testis.
The Cauda epididymis is large.

Ovine/caprine: caudomedial aspect of the testis;

Caput epididymis is extensive, covering a considerable part of the proximal end of the testis.
Cauda epididymis is large and projects beyond the testis, distally.

Porcine: dorsal to testis;

Large head, tail projects caudodorsally.


d. Ductus deferens:

Lecture # 11 Wenesday 09/06/17

Page 7 Penis: ovine

Dont worry much about tubercular spongosium.

If is really bad transect the urethral process so no calculi

g. prepuce: quite similar to that of the dog. Two laminia :

prepucial orifice is the opening forme the hailess part of the internal laiman.

Gangrenous because very large and someitems bulls are careless and their prepuce get lacerated very . very
sensitive prepuce


Its penis is also fibroelastic and th sigmoid flexure is cranial from the crotum in bull it is caudal.
3. Boar DOES NOT have a glans penis.
When kill a boar before opening the nimal you must remove the diverticulm so there is no contamination with
the content during process of butecheri.
Terminal part gets very twisted and my push preputial diverticulm and get very angry(coukd bite femla aandd
need to asis) .(smegma accumulation of urine, bactria, urine not exactly wonderful perfume).

Dont worry much about bursa, dog has the best.

b. Uterus
oviduct merges softly to uterine horn in ruminant and sow smmoth transition ,
which animal has an abruot transition of oviduct into uterine horn? DOG
MCQ:what are obstacle for cauterization? The ohinixis not, but sacular fold yes ! when they are not relaxed..


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