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Timeline of Christianity

This article is about the timeline of Christianity be- a Nazirite (Luke 1:15), baptized Jesus (Mark 1:4
ginning with Jesus. For the timeline of the Bible, see 11), later arrested and beheaded by Herod An-
Biblical chronology. For the history of Christianity, see tipas (Luke 3:1920), its possible that, according to
History of Christianity. For the timeline of the Roman Josephus' chronology, John was not killed until 36
Catholic Church, see Timeline of the Roman Catholic (JA18.5.2)[4]
Jesus begins his ministry after his baptism by John
and during the rule of Pilate, preaching: Repent, for
The purpose of this timeline is to give a detailed ac-
the kingdom of heaven is near (Matthew 4:1217).
count of Christianity from the beginning of the current
While the historicity of the gospel accounts is ques-
era (AD) to the present. Question marks on dates indi-
tioned to some extent by some critical scholars and
cate approximate dates.
non-Christians, the traditional view states the follow-
Main article: Chronology of Jesus ing chronology for his ministry: Temptation, Sermon
on the Mount, Appointment of the Twelve, Miracles,
The year one is the rst year in the Christian calendar Temple Money Changers, Last Supper, Arrest, Trial,
(there is no year zero), which is the calendar presently Passion, Crucixion on Nisan 14th (John 19:14,Mark
used (in unison with the Gregorian calendar) almost ev- 14:2, Gospel of Peter) or Nisan 15th (Synoptic Gospels),
erywhere in the world. Traditionally, this was held to be entombment by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus,
the year Jesus was born; however, most modern scholars Resurrection by God and Resurrection appearances of Je-
argue for an earlier or later date, the most agreed upon sus to Mary Magdalene and other women (Mark 16:9,
being between 6 BC and 4 BC. John 20:1018), Simon Peter (Luke 24:34), and others,
(1Cor.15:39), Great Commission, Ascension, Second
Coming Prophecy to fulll the rest of Messianic prophecy
6 Herod Archelaus deposed by Augustus; Samaria, such as the Resurrection of the dead, the Last Judg-
Judea and Idumea annexed as Iudaea Province under ment, and establishment of the Kingdom of God and the
direct Roman administration,[1] capital at Caesarea, Messianic Age.
Quirinius became Legate (Governor) of Syria, con-
ducted Census of Quirinius, opposed by Zealots
(JA18, Luke 2:13, Acts 5:37)
1 Apostolic Age
7-26 Brief period of peace, relatively free of revolt
and bloodshed in Iudaea & Galilee[2] Main article: Apostolic Age

9 Pharisee leader Hillel the Elder dies, temporary

rise of Shammai Shortly after the death of Jesus (Nisan 14 or 15),
the Jerusalem church is founded as the rst Christian
14-37 Tiberius, Roman Emperor church with about 120 Jews and Jewish Proselytes (Acts
1:15), followed by Pentecost (Sivan 6), the Ananias and
18-36 Caiaphas, appointed High Priest of Herods Sapphira incident, Pharisee Gamaliel's defense of the
Temple by Prefect Valerius Gratus, deposed by Syr- Apostles (5:34-39), the stoning of Saint Stephen (see also
ian Legate Lucius Vitellius Persecution of Christians) and the subsequent dispersion
19 Jews, Jewish Proselytes, Astrologers, expelled of the Apostles (7:54-8:8, also Mark 16:20) which leads
from Rome[3] to the baptism of Simon Magus in Samaria (8:9-24), and
also an Ethiopian eunuch (8:26-40). Pauls "Road to
26-36 Pontius Pilate, Prefect (governor) of Iudaea, Damascus" conversion to Apostle to the Gentiles is rst
recalled to Rome by Syrian Legate Vitellius on com- recorded in 9:13-16, cf. Gal 1:11-24. Peter baptizes the
plaints of excess violence (JA18.4.2) Roman Centurion Cornelius, who is traditionally consid-
ered the rst Gentile convert to Christianity (10). The
28 or 29 John the Baptist begins his ministry in Antioch church is founded, it was there that the term
the 15th year of Tiberius (Luke 3:12), say- Christian was rst used (11:26).
ing: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near
(Matthew 3:12), a relative of Jesus (Luke 1:36), 37-41 Crisis under Caligula, proposed as the rst


open break between Rome and the Jews[5] 52, November 21 St. Thomas the Apostle lands in
India.[11][12] Establishes churches at Kodungalloor,
before 44 Epistle of James if written by James the Palayoor, Paraur, Kottakkav, Kokkamangalam,
Great Nilakkal, Niranam and Kollam

44? Saint James the Great: According to ancient 53-57? Pauls 3rd mission, (Acts 18:23-22:30),
local tradition, on 2 January of the year AD 40, the to Galatia, Phrygia, Corinth, Ephesus, Macedonia,
Virgin Mary appeared to James on a pillar on the Greece, and Jerusalem where James the Just chal-
bank of the Ebro River at Caesaraugusta, while he lenges him about rumor of teaching antinomianism
was preaching the Gospel in Spain. Following that (21:21); he addresses a crowd in their language
vision, St James returned to Judea, where he was (most likely Aramaic), Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2
beheaded by King Herod Agrippa I in the year 44 Corinthians, Philippians written? Map3
during a Passover (Nisan 15) (Acts 12:1-3).
55? "Egyptian prophet" (allusion to Moses) and
44 Death of Herod Agrippa I (JA19.8.2, Acts 12:20- 30,000 unarmed Jews doing The Exodus reen-
23) actment massacred by Procurator Antonius Felix
(JW2.13.5, JA20.8.6, Acts 21:38)
44-46? Theudas beheaded by Procurator Cuspius
58? Paul arrested, accused of being a revolutionary,
Fadus for saying he would part the Jordan river (like
ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes", teaching
Moses and the Red Sea or Joshua and the Jordan)
resurrection of the dead, imprisoned in Caesarea
(JA20.5.1, Acts 5:36-37 places it before the Census
(Acts 23-26)
of Quirinius)
59? Paul shipwrecked on Malta, there he is called a
45-49? Mission of Barnabas and Paul, (Acts god (Acts 28:6)
13:1-14:28), to Cyprus, Pisidian Antioch, Iconium,
Lystra and Derbe (there they were called gods ... in 60? Paul in Rome: greeted by many brothers,
human form), then return to Syrian Antioch. Map1 three days later calls together the Jewish leaders,
who hadn't received any word from Judea about him,
47 The Church of the East is created by Saint but were curious about this sect, which every-
Thomas where is spoken against; he tries to convince them
from the "law and prophets", with partial success
48-100 Herod Agrippa II appointed King of the said the Gentiles would listen, and spends two years
Jews by Claudius, seventh and last of the Herodians proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching the
Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 28:15-31); Epistle to Phile-
49 Since the Jews constantly made disturbances at mon written?
the instigation of Chrestus,[6] he [Claudius] expelled
them from Rome. (referenced in Acts 18:2)[7] 60-64? early date for writing of 1 Peter (Peter as
50 Passover riot in Jerusalem, 20-30,000 killed
(JA20.5.3,JW2.12.1) before 62 Epistle of James if written by James the
50? Council of Jerusalem and the Apostolic De-
62 James the Just stoned to death for law transgres-
cree, Acts 15:1-35, same as Galatians 2:1-10?,
sion by High Priest Ananus ben Artanus, popular
which is followed by the Incident at Antioch[8] at
opinion against act results in Ananus being deposed
which Paul publicly accuses Peter of "Judaizing"
by new procurator Lucceius Albinus (JA20.9.1)
(2:11-21), see also Circumcision controversy in
early Christianity 63-107? Simeon, 2nd Bishop of Jerusalem, cruci-
ed under Trajan
50-53? Pauls 2nd mission, (Acts 15:36-18:22),
split with Barnabas, to Phrygia, Galatia, Macedo- 64-68 after July 18 Great Fire of Rome,
nia, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, Nero blames and persecutes the Christians (or
he had his hair cut o at Cenchrea because of a vow Chrestians[13] ), possibly the earliest mention of
he had taken, then return to Antioch; 1 Thessaloni- Christians, by that name, in Rome, see also Tacitus
ans, Galatians written? Map2. Lydia of Thyatira, a on Jesus, Paul beheaded? (Col 1:24,Eph 3:13,2 Tim
seller of purple, becomes the rst European Chris- 4:6-8,1Clem 5:5-7), Peter crucied upside-down?
tian convert[9] (Acts 16:11-15) (Jn 21:18,1 Pet 5:13,Tertullians Prescription
Against Heretics chapter XXXVI,Eusebius Church
51-52 or 52-53 Proconsulship of Gallio according History Book III chapter I), "...a vast multitude,
to an inscription, only xed date in chronology of were convicted, not so much of the crime of
Paul[10] incendiarism as of hatred of the human race. And

in their deaths they were made the subjects of sport; 94 Testimonium Flavianum, disputed section of
for they were wrapped in the hides of wild beasts Jewish Antiquities by Josephus in Aramaic, trans-
and torn to pieces by dogs, or nailed to crosses, or lated to Koine Greek
set on re, and when day declined, were burned
95(+/30)? Gospel of John and Epistles of John
to serve for nocturnal lights. (Annals (Tacitus)
XV.44) 95(+/10)? Book of Revelation written, by John
(son of Zebedee) and/or a disciple of his
64/67(?)76/79(?) Pope Linus succeeds Peter as
Episcopus Romanus (Bishop of Rome) 96 Nerva modies the Fiscus Judaicus, from then on,
practising Jews pay the tax, Christians do not[15]
64 Epistle to the Hebrews written
98-117? Ignatius, third Bishop of Antioch, fed to
65? Q document, a hypothetical Greek text thought the lions in the Roman Colosseum, advocated the
by many critical scholars to have been used in writ- Bishop (Eph 6:1, Mag 2:1,6:1,7:1,13:2, Tr 3:1, Smy
ing of Matthew and Luke 8:1,9:1), rejected Sabbath on Saturday in favor of
The Lords Day (Sunday). (Mag 9.1), rejected
66-73 Great Jewish Revolt: destruction of Judaizing (Mag 10.3), rst recorded use of the term
Herods Temple and end of Judaism according to catholic (Smy 8:2).
Supersessionism, Qumran community (site of Dead
Sea Scrolls found in 1947)destroyed 100(+/30)? Epistle of Barnabas (Apostolic Fa-
70(+/10)? Gospel of Mark, written in Rome, by 100(+/25)? Epistle of James if written by author
Peters interpreter (1 Peter 5:13), original ending ap- other than James the Just or James the Great
parently lost, endings added c. 400, see Mark 16
100(+/10)? Epistle of Jude written, probably by
70? Signs Gospel written, hypothetical Greek text doubting relative of Jesus (Mark 6,3), rejected by
used in Gospel of John to prove Jesus is the Messiah some early Christians due to its reference to apoc-
ryphal Book of Enoch (v14)
70-100? Additional Pauline Epistles

70-200? Gospel of Thomas, Jewish Christian

Gospels: Gospel of the Ebionites, Gospel of the He- 2 Ante-Nicene Period
brews, Gospel of the Nazarenes
Main article: Ante-Nicene Period
72, July 3 Martyrdom of St. Thomas the Apostle at
Chinnamala, Mylapore, Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
100-150? Apocryphon of James, Gospel of Mary
76/79(?)88 Pope Anacletus: rst Greek Pope, Magdalene, Gospel of James, Infancy Gospel of
who succeeds Linus as Episcopus Romanus (Bishop Thomas, Secret Gospel of Mark (Complete Gospels,
of Rome) published by Jesus Seminar)
80(+/20) Didache written 110-130? Papias, bishop of Hierapolis, writes Ex-
positions of the Sayings of the Lord, lost, widely
80(+/20)? Gospel of Matthew, based on Mark quoted (Apostolic Fathers)
and Q, most popular in Early Christianity
110-160? Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, Letter to the
80(+/20)? Gospel of Luke, based on Mark and Q, Philippians, (Apostolic Fathers)
also Acts of the Apostles by same author
120? Rabbi Tarfon advocates burning the
80(+/20)? Pastoral Epistles written (possible Gospels[16]
post-Pauline authorship) 125(+/5)? 2 Peter written, widely accepted into
canon by the early 4th century
88-101? Clement, fourth Bishop of Rome: wrote
Letter of the Romans to the Corinthians (Apostolic 125? Rylands Library Papyrus P52, oldest extant
Fathers) NT fragment, p. 1935, parts of Jn18:31-33,37-38

90? Council of Jamnia of Judaism (disputed), 130-250? Christian Apologists writings against
Domitian applies the Fiscus Judaicus tax even to Roman religion: Justin Martyr, Athenagoras,
those who merely lived like Jews[14] Apology of Aristides, Theophilus of Antioch,
Tatian, Quadratus, Melito of Sardis, Apollinaris
90(+/10)? late date for writing of 1 Peter (asso- Claudius, Marcus Minucius Felix, Arnobius, Epistle
ciate of Peter as author) to Diognetus

132-135 Bar Kokhbas revolt: nal Jewish revolt, 188-231 Saint Demetrius: bishop of Alexandria,
Judea and Jerusalem erased from maps, region re- condemned Origen
named Syria Palstina (the term Palestine was orig-
inally coined by Herodotus), Jerusalem renamed 189-198 Pope Victor I: 1st Latin Pope, excommu-
Aelia Capitolina nicated Eastern churches that continued to observe
Easter on Nisan 14 Quartodeciman
142-144? Marcion of Sinope: bishop according to
Catholic Encyclopedia, goes to Rome, possibly to 196? Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus (Ante-Nicene
buy the bishopric of Rome, upon rejection forms his Fathers)
own church in Rome, later called Marcionism, re- 199-217? Caius,[19][20] presbyter of Rome, wrote
jected Old Testament, decreed canon of one Gospel, Dialogue against Proclus in Ante-Nicene Fathers,
one Apostolicon (10 Letters of Paul) and one Antithe- rejected Revelation, said to be by Gnostic Cerinthus,
sis[17] which contrasted the Old Testament with the see also Alogi
New Testament, cited Western text-type, see also
Expounding of the Law#Antithesis of the Law 200? Papyrus 46: 2nd Chester Beatty, Alexandrian
text-type; Papyrus 66: 2nd Bodmer, John, 1956,
150? Western Revisor adds/subtracts from origi- Alexandrian/Western text-types; Papyrus 75:
nal Acts to produce Western version which is 10% Bodmer 14-15, Luke & John, earliest extant Luke,
larger and found in Papyrus P29,38,48 and Codex ~Vaticanus; 200? Papyrus 32: J. Rylands Library:
Bezae (D) Titus 1:11-15;2:3-8; Papyrus 64 (+67): Mt3:9,15;
150? Valentinius (most famous Christian Gnostic, 5:20-22,25-28; 26:7-8,10,14-15,22-23,31-33
according to Tertullian) narrowly loses election for 200? Sextus Julius Africanus
Bishop of Rome
200? Antipope Natalius,[21] rival bishop of Rome,
150(+/10)? Shepherd of Hermas, written in according to Eusebius's EH5.28.8-12, quoting the
Rome (Apostolic Fathers) Little Labyrinth of Hippolytus, after being "scourged
150-200? Other Gospels: Unknown Berlin Gospel, all night by the holy angels, covered in ash, dressed
Gospel of Peter, Oxyrhynchus Gospels, Dialogue of in sackcloth, and after some diculty, tearfully
the Saviour submitted to Pope Zephyrinus

155? Montanus claims to be the Paraclete (Coun- 217-236 Antipope Hippolytus, Logos sect? Later
selor) of John 14:16 dispute settled and considered martyr, Roman canon

160? Martyrdom of Polycarp (Apostolic Fathers) 218-258 Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, cited West-
ern NT text-type, claimed Christians were freely
170? Dionysius, bishop of Corinth[18] claimed forging his letters to discredit him (Ante-Nicene Fa-
Christians were changing and faking his own let- thers)
ters just as [he knew] they had changed the Gospels
(Eusebius EH 4 c.23 v.12;Ante-Nicene Fathers,v.8) 220? Clement of Alexandria, cited Alexandrian
NT text-type & Secret Gospel of Mark & Gospel of
170? Tatian produces "Diatessaron" (Harmony) by the Egyptians; wrote Exhortations to the Greeks";
blending 4 Western text-type Gospels into 1 Rich Mans Salutation"; To the Newly Baptized";
(Ante-Nicene Fathers)
170? Symmachus the Ebionite writes new Greek
translation of Hebrew Bible 220?340? Codex Tchacos, manuscript containing
a copy of the Gospel of Judas, is written
177 Persecution in Lyon, martyrdom of Blandina
180? Hegesippus 223? Tertullian: sometimes called father of
the Latin Church, because he coined trinitas,
180-202? Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon: combated tres Personae, una Substantia, Vetus Testamentum,
heresies, cited Western Gospel text-type (Ante- Novum Testamentum, convert to Montanism, cited
Nicene Fathers); second Primate of the Gauls Western Gospel text-type (Ante-Nicene Fathers)

185-350? Muratorian fragment, 1st extant canon for 225? Papyrus 45: 1st Chester Beatty Pa-
New Testament after Marcion?, written in Rome by pyri, Gospels (Caesarean text-type, mixed), Acts
Hippolytus?, excludes Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, 3 (Alexandrian text-type)
John; includes Wisdom of Solomon, Apocalypse of
Peter 235-238 Maximinus Thrax: emperor of Rome, ends
Christian schism in Rome by deporting Pope Pon-
186? Saint Apollonius: used the term catholic in tian and Antipope Hippolytus to Sardinia, where
reference to 1 John they soon die

248-264 Dionysius, Patriarch of Alexandria see also 303-312 Diocletians Massacre of Christians, in-
List of Patriarchs of Alexandria cludes burning of scriptures (EH 8.2)
250? Apostolic Constitutions, Liturgy of St James, 303 Saint George, patron saint of Georgia, England
Old Roman Symbol, Clementine literature and other states
250? Letters of Methodius, Pistis Sophia, Porphyry 304? Victorinus, bishop of Pettau
Tyrius, Commodianus (Ante-Nicene Fathers)
304? Pope Marcellinus, having repented from his
250? Papyrus 72: Bodmer 5-11+, pub. 1959, previous defection, suers martyrdom with several
Alexandrian text-type: Nativity of Mary; 3Cor; companions
Odes of Solomon 11; Jude 1-25; Melitos Homily
on Passover; Hymn fragment; Apology of Phileas; 306 Synod of Elvira prohibits relations between
Ps33,34; 1Pt1:1-5:14; 2Pt1:1-3:18 Christians and Jews

250? Origen, Jesus and God one substance, adopted 310 Maxentius deports Pope Eusebius and
at First Council of Nicaea in 325, compiled Hexapla; Heraclius[23][24] to Sicily (relapse controversy)
cites Alexandrian, Caesarean text-type; Eusebius 312 Lucian of Antioch, founder of School of Anti-
claimed Origen castrated himself for Christ due to och, martyred
Mt19:12 (EH6.8.1-3)
312 Vision of Constantine: while gazing into the sun
251-424? Synods of Carthage he sees a cross with the words by this sign conquer,
251-258 Antipope Novatian decreed no forgiveness see also Labarum, he was later called the 13th Apos-
for sins after baptism (An antipope was an individual tle and Equal-to-apostles
whose claim to the papacy was either rejected by the 313 Edict of Milan: Constantine and Licinius end
Church at the time or later recognized as invalid.)[22] persecution, establish toleration of Christianity
254-257 Pope Stephen I: major schism over rebap-
313? Lateran Palace given to Pope Miltiades for res-
tizing heretics and apostates
idence by Constantine
258 "Valerian's Massacre": Roman emperor issues
313? Traditional date for founding of the
edict to execute immediately all Christian Bishops,
Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre
Presbyters, and Deacons, including Pope Sixtus II,
Antipope Novatian, Cyprian of Carthage (CE: Va- 314 King Urnayr of Caucasian Albania adopts
lerian, Schas History Vol 2 Chap 2 22) Christianity as ocial religion
264-269 Synods of Antioch: condemned Paul 314 Catholic Council of Arles,[25] called by Con-
of Samosata, Bishop of Antioch, founder of stantine against Donatist schism to conrm the
Adoptionism (Jesus was human until Holy Spirit Council of Rome in 313
descended at his baptism), also condemned term
homoousios adopted at Nicaea 314-340? Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea, church
historian, cited Caesarean text-type, wrote
265 Gregory Thaumaturgus (Ante-Nicene Fathers) Ecclesiastical History in 325[26]
270? Anthony begins monastic movement 317? Lactantius
275? Papyrus 47: 3rd Chester Beatty, ~Sinaiticus, 321 Constantine decrees Sunday as state day of
Rev9:10-11:3,5-16:15,17-17:2 rest (CJ3.12.2), see also Sol Invictus
276 Mani (prophet), crucied, founder of the dual-
istic Manichaean sect in Persia
3 First Seven Ecumenical Councils
282-300? Theonas, bishop of Alexandria (Ante-
Nicene Fathers)
Main article: First seven Ecumenical Councils
290-345? St Pachomius, founder of Christian
monasticism Constantine called the First Council of Nicaea in 325
296-304 Pope Marcellinus, oered pagan sacrices to unify Christology, also called the rst great Chris-
for Diocletian, later repented. Name in Martyrology tian council by Jerome, the rst ecumenical, decreed the
of Bede Original Nicene Creed, but rejected by Nontrinitarians
such as Arius, Theonas, Secundus of Ptolemais, Eusebius
301 - Armenia is the rst kingdom in history to of Nicomedia, and Theognis of Nicaea who were
adopt Christianity as state religion excommunicated, also addressed Easter controversy and

passed 20 Canon laws such as Canon VII which granted 357 Council of Sirmium issues so-called Blasphemy
special recognition to Jerusalem. of Sirmium or Seventh Arian Confession,[29] called
high point of Arianism
325, 20 May- 19 June: The First Council of Nicaea 359 Council of Rimini, Dated Creed (Acacians);
325 The Kingdom of Aksum (Modern Ethiopia and Pope Liberius rejects Arian creed of council
Eritrea) declares Christianity as the ocial state re- 360 Julian the Apostate becomes the last non-
ligion, becoming the 2nd country to do so Christian Roman Emperor
325 Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, ordered 363-364 Council of Laodicea: Canon 29 decreed
built by Constantine anathema for Christians who rest on the Sabbath,
326, November 18 Pope Sylvester I consecrates the disputed Canon 60 named 26 NT books (excluded
Basilica of St. Peter built by Constantine the Great Revelation)
over the tomb of the Apostle 366-367 Antipope Ursicinus, rival to Pope Damasus
328-373 Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, rst cite I
of modern 27 book New Testament canon 367-403 Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis, wrote Pa-
330 Old Church of the Holy Apostles, dedicated by narion against heresies
Constantine 370-379 Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea
330, May 11: Constantinople solemly inaugurated. 370? Doctrine of Addai at Edessa proclaims 17
Constantine moves the capital of the Roman Empire book NT canon using Diatessaron (instead of the
to Byzantium, renaming it New Rome 4 Gospels) + Acts + 15 Pauline Epistles (inc. 3
331 Constantine commissions Eusebius to deliver 50 Corinthians) Syriac Orthodox Church
Bibles for the Church of Constantinople[27] 370 (d. ca.) Optatus of Milevis, who in his con-
335 Council in Jerusalem reverses Nicaeas con- ict with the sectarian Donatists stressed unity and
demnation of Arius, consecrates Jerusalem Church catholicity as marks of the Church over and above
of the Holy Sepulchre holiness, and also that the sacraments derived their
validity from God, not from the priest
337? Mirian III of Iberia (present-day Georgia)
adopts Christianity.[28] 372-394 Gregory, Bishop Of Nyssa

337, May 22: Constantine the Great dies (baptized 373 Ephrem the Syrian, cited Western Acts
shortly prior to his death) 374-397 Ambrose, governor of Milan until 374,
341-379 Shapur II's persecution of Persian Chris- then made Bishop of Milan
tians 375-395 Ausonius, Christian governor of Gaul
343? Catholic Council of Sardica, canons con- 379-381 Gregory Nazianzus, Bishop of Con-
rmed by Pope Julius stantinople
350? Julius Firmicus Maternus 380, February 27: Emperor Theodosius I issues the
350? Codex Sinaiticus(), Codex Vaticanus Grae- Edict of Thessalonica, declaring Nicene Christianity
cus 1209(B): earliest Christian Bibles, Alexandrian as the state church of the Roman Empire[30]
text-type 380, November 24: Emperor Theodosius I is bap-
350? Ullas, Arian, apostle to the Goths, translates tised
Greek NT to Gothic 381 First Council of Constantinople, 2nd
350? Comma Johanneum 1Jn5:7b-8a(KJV) ecumenical: Jesus had true human soul, Nicene
Creed of 381
350? Atius, Arian, Syntagmation": God is agen-
netos (unbegotten)", founder of Anomoeanism 382 Catholic Council of Rome under Pope Damasus
I sets the Biblical Canon, listing the inspired books
350? School of Nisibis founded of the Old Testament and the New Testament (dis-
353-367 Hilary, bishop of Poitiers
383? Frumentius, Apostle of Ethiopia
355-365 Antipope Felix II, Arian, supported by
Constantius II, consecrated by Acacius of Caesarea 385 Priscillian, rst heretic to be executed?

386 Cyril of Jerusalem: wrote compellingly of 449 Second Council of Ephesus, Monophysite: Je-
catholicity of the Church sus was divine but not human
390? Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea, believed Je- 450? Codex Alexandrinus(A): Alexandrian text-
sus had human body but divine spirit type; Codex Bezae(D): Greek/Latin Gospels + Acts;
391: The Theodosian decrees outlaw most pagan rit- Codex Washingtonianus(W): Greek Gospels; both
uals still practiced in Rome of Western text-type

396-430 Augustine, bishop of Hippo, consid- 450? std. Aramaic Targums, Old Testament in
ered the founder of formalized Christian theology Aramaic
(Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers)
450? Socrates Scholasticus Church History of 305-
397? Saint Ninian evangelizes Picts in Scotland 438; Sozomen Church History of 323-425
398-404 John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Con- 451 Council of Chalcedon, 4th ecumenical, de-
stantinople, see also List of Patriarchs of Con- clared Jesus is a Hypostatic Union: both human
stantinople, (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers) and divine in one (Chalcedonian Creed), rejected
by Oriental Orthodoxy
400: Jerome's Vulgate (Latin edition and translation
of the Bible) is published 455: Sack of Rome by the Vandals. The spoils of
400? Ethiopic Bible: in Ge'ez, 81 books, standard the Temple of Jerusalem previously taken by Titus
Ethiopian Orthodox Bible are allegedly among the treasures taken to Carthage

400? Peshitta Bible in Syriac (Aramaic), Syr(p), OT 456? Eutyches of Constantinople, Monophysite
+ 22 NT, excludes: 2Pt, 2-3Jn, Jude, Rev; standard
Syriac Orthodox Church Bible 465? Prosper of Aquitaine

406 Armenian Bible, translated by Saint Mesrop, 476, September 4 Emperor Romulus Augustus is
standard Armenian Orthodox Bible deposed in Rome, marked by many as the fall of
the Western Roman Empire
410, 24 August: Sack of Rome by Alaric and the
Visigoths 484-519 Acacian Schism, over Henoticon, divides
Eastern (Greek) and Western (Latin) churches
412-444 Cyril, bishop of Alexandria, coined
Hypostatic union 491 Armenian Orthodox split from East (Greek) and
West (Latin) churches
418-419 Antipope Eulalius, rival to Pope Boniface
I 495, May 13 Vicar of Christ decreed a title of
420 St. Jerome, Vulgate translator, Latin scholar, Bishop of Rome by Pope Gelasius I
cited expanded ending in Mark after Mark 16:8,
496 Clovis I, King of the Franks, baptized
Pericope of the Adultress addition to John (John
7:53-8:11) (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers) 498-499,501-506 Antipope Laurentius, rival of
423-457 Theodoret, bishop of Cyrrhus, noted Ta- Pope Symmachus, Laurentian schism
tians Diatesseron in heavy use, wrote a Church His- 500? Incense introduced in Christian church ser-
tory vice, rst plans of Vatican
431 Council of Ephesus, 3rd ecumenical: repu-
524 Boethius, Roman Christian philosopher, wrote
diated Nestorianism, decreed Mary the Mother of
Theological Tractates, Consolation of Philosophy;
God, forbade any changes to Nicene Creed of
(Loeb Classics) (Latin)
381, rejected by the Persian Church, leading to the
Nestorian Schism 525 Dionysius Exiguus denes Christian calendar
432 St Patrick begins his mission in Ireland. Almost (AD)
the entire nation is Christian by the time of his death 527 Fabius Planciades Fulgentius
in a conversion that is both incredibly successful and
largely bloodless 529 Benedict of Nursia establishes his rst
monastery in the Abbey of Monte Cassino, Italy,
440-461 Pope Leo the Great: sometimes consid-
where he writes the Rule of St Benedict
ered the rst pope (of inuence) by non-Catholics,
stopped Attila the Hun at Rome, issued Tome in 530 Antipope Dioscorus, possibly a legitimate Pope
support of Hypostatic Union, approved Council of
Chalcedon but rejected canons in 453 535-536 Unusual climate changes recorded

537-555 Pope Vigilius, involved in death of Pope 622 Mohammed founds Islam after eeing to Mecca
Silverius, conspired with Justinian and Theodora,
on April 11, 548 issued Judicatum supporting Jus- 624 Battle of Badr, considered beginning of Islamic
tinians anti-Hypostatic Union, excommunicated by Empire
bishops of Carthage in 550 625 Paulinus of York comes to convert Northumbria
538 Byzantine general Belisarius defeats last Arian 628 Babai the Great, pillar of Church of the East,
kingdom; Western Europe completely Catholic dies
541-542 Plague of Justinian 628-629 Battle of Mut'ah: Heraclius recovers Cross
543 Justinian condemns Origen, disastrous earth- of Christ and Jerusalem from Islam until 638
quakes hit the world 632 Eorpwald of East Anglia baptized under inu-
544 Justinian condemns the Three Chapters of ence of Edwin of Northumbria
Theodore of Mopsuestia (died 428) and other writ- 634-644 Umar, 2nd Sunni Islam Caliph: capital at
ings of Hypostatic Union Christology of Council of Damascus, conquered Syria in 635, defeated Hera-
Chalcedon clius at Battle of Yarmuk in 636, conquered Egypt
550 St. David converts Wales, crucix introduced and Armenia in 639, Persia in 642

553 Second Council of Constantinople, 5th 635 Cynegils of Wessex baptized by Bishop Birinus
ecumenical, called by Justinian 664 Synod of Whitby unites Celtic Christianity of
556-561 Pope Pelagius I, selected by Justinian, en- British Isles with Roman Catholicism
dorsed Judicatum 680-681 Third Council of Constantinople, 6th
563 Columba goes to Scotland to evangelize Picts, ecumenical, against Monothelites, condemned Pope
establishes monastery at Iona Honorius I, Patriarch Sergius I of Constantinople,
Heraclius Ecthesis
567 Cassiodorus
681-686 Wilfrid converts Sussex
589 Catholic Third Council of Toledo: Reccared
and the Visigoths convert from Arianism to Catholi- 687-691 Dome of the Rock built
cism and Filioque clause is added to Nicene Creed 690? Old English Bible translations
of 381
692 Orthodox Quinisext Council, convoked by
590-604 Pope Gregory the Great, whom many con- Justinian II, approved Canons of the Apostles of
sider the greatest pope ever, reforms church struc- Apostolic Constitutions, Clerical celibacy, rejected
ture and administration and establishes Gregorian by Pope Constantine
Chant, Seven deadly sins
698 Fall of Carthage
591-628 Theodelinda, Queen of the Lombards, be-
gan gradual conversion from Arianism to Catholi- 711-718 Umayyad conquest of Hispania
717-718 Second Arab siege of Constantinople
596 St. Augustine of Canterbury sent by Pope Gre-
gory to evangelise the Jutes 718-1492 Reconquista: Iberian Peninsula retaken
by Roman Catholic Visigoth monarchs
600? Evagrius Scholasticus, Church History of
AD431-594[31] 718 Saint Boniface, archbishop of Mainz; an En-
glishman, given commission by Pope Gregory II to
604 Saxon cathedral created (by Mellitus) where St evangelize the Germans
Pauls Cathedral in London now stands
720? Disentis Abbey of Switzerland
609 Pantheon, Rome renamed Church of Santa
Maria Rotonda 730-787 First Iconoclasm: Byzantine Emperor Leo
III bans Christian icons; Pope Gregory II excommu-
612? Bobbio monastery in northern Italy nicates him

613 Abbey of St. Gall in Switzerland 731 English Church History written by Bede

614 Khosrau II of Persia conquers Damascus, 732 Battle of Tours stops Islam from expanding
Jerusalem, takes Holy Cross of Christ westward

750? Tower added to St Peters Basilica at the front 991 Archbishop Arnulf of Rheims accuses Pope
of the atrium John XV of being the Antichrist

752? Donation of Constantine, granted Western 997-998 Antipope John XVI, deposed by Pope Gre-
Roman Empire to the Pope (later proved a forgery) gory V and his cousin Holy Roman Emperor Otto III

756 Donation of Pepin recognizes Papal States 1000 or 1001 Saint Stephen of Hungary crowned;
Hungary becomes a Christian country
781 Nestorian Stele, Daqin Pagoda, Jesus Sutras,
Christianity in China 1001 Byzantine emperor Basil II and Fatimid Caliph
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah execute a treaty guarantee-
787 Second Council of Nicaea, 7th ecumenical: ing the protection of Christian pilgrimage routes in
ends rst Iconoclasm the Middle East

793 Sacking of the monastery of Lindisfarne marks 1009 Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah destroys the
the beginning of Viking raids on Christendom Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built over the tomb of
Jesus in Jerusalem, and then rebuilds it to its current
4 Middle Ages 1012 Antipope Gregory VI, removed by Henry II,
Holy Roman Emperor
Main article: Medieval history of Christianity
1030 Battle of Stiklestad, considered victory of
Christianity over Norwegian paganism
800 King Charlemagne of the Franks is crowned 1045 Sigfrid of Sweden, Benedictine evangelist
rst Holy Roman Emperor of the West by Pope Leo
III 1046 Council of Sutri: Pope Sylvester III exiled,
Pope Gregory VI admits to buying the papacy and
849-865 Ansgar, Archbishop of Bremen, Apostle resigns, Pope Benedict IX resigns, council appoints
of the North, began evangelisation of North Ger- Pope Clement II
many, Denmark, Sweden
1054 East-West Schism split between Eastern
855 Antipope Anastasius: Louis II, Holy Roman (Orthodox Christianity) and Western (Roman
Emperor appoints him over Pope Benedict III but Catholic) churches formalized
popular pressure causes withdrawal
1058-1059 Antipope Benedict X, defeated in war
863 Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius sent by the with Pope Nicholas II and Normans
Patriarch of Constantinople to evangelise the Slavic
1061-1064 Antipope Honorius II, rival of Pope
peoples. They translate the Bible into Slavonic
Alexander II
869-870 Catholic Fourth Council of Constantinople
1065 Westminster Abbey consecrated
condemns Patriarch Photius (rejected by Orthodox)
1073-1085 Pope Gregory VII: Investiture Contro-
879-880 Orthodox Fourth Council of Constantino- versy with Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor, pro-
ple restores Photius, condemns Pope Nicholas I and ponent of clerical celibacy, opponent of simony,
Filioque (rejected by Catholics) concubinage, Antipope Clement III
897, January Cadaver Synod: Pope Stephen VI con- 1079 Stanislaus of Szczepanw, patron saint of
ducts trial against dead Pope Formosus, public up- Poland
rising against Stephen leads to his imprisonment and
strangulation 1080 Hospital of Saint John the Baptist founded in
Jeruselem by merchants from Amal and Salerno -
909 Abbey of Cluny, Benedictine monastery, serves as the foundation for the Knights Hospitaller
founded in France
1082 Engelberg Abbey of Switzerland built
966 Duke Mieszko I of Poland baptised; Poland be-
comes a Christian country 1093-1109 Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury,
writes Cur Deus Homo (Why God Became Man), a
984 Antipope Boniface VII, murdered Pope John landmark exploration of the Atonement
XIV, alleged to have murdered Pope Benedict VI in
974 1095-1291 10 Crusades, rst called by Pope Urban
II at Council of Clermont against Islamic Empire, to
988? Christianization of Kievan Rus reconquer the Holy Land for Christendom

1098 Foundation of the reforming monastery of 1208 Start of the Albigensian Crusade against the
Cteaux, leads to the growth of the Cistercian order Cathars

1101 Antipope Theodoric and Antipope Adalbert 1214 Rosary is reportedly given to St. Dominic
deposed by Pope Paschal II (who founded Dominican Order) by an apparition
of Mary
1113 Knights Hospitaller conrmed by Papal bull
of Pope Paschal II, listing Blessed Gerard (Gerard 1215 Catholic Fourth Lateran Council decrees spe-
Thom) as founder, (a.k.a. Sovereign Order of Saint cial dress for Jews and Muslims, and declares
John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, Knights Waldensians, founded by Peter Waldo, as heretics.
of Malta, Knights of Rhodes, and Chevaliers of One of the goals is the elimination of the heresy of
Malta) the Cathars

1118 Knights Templar founded, to defend Holy 1219 Francis of Assisi crosses enemy lines during
Land the Fifth Crusade to speak to Sultan al-Kamil; the
meeting ends with a meal. James of Vitry writes
1123 Catholic First Lateran Council that Muslim soldiers returned Francis and another
1124 Conversion of Pomerania - rst mission of friar, Illuminato, with signs of honor.[32]
Otto of Bamberg 1220-1263 St Alexander Nevsky, holy patron of
1128 Holyrood Abbey in Scotland Russia

1128 Conversion of Pomerania - second mission of 1231 Charter of the University of Paris granted by
Otto of Bamberg Pope Gregory IX

1130 Peter of Bruys burned at the stake 1241 Pope Gregory IX denounced as Antichrist by
Eberhard II von Truchsees, Prince-Archbishop of
1131 Tintern Abbey founded in Wales Salzburg, at the Council of Regensburg

1131-1138 Antipope Anacletus II 1245 Catholic First Council of Lyon

1139 Catholic Second Lateran Council 1252, May 15 Ad exstirpanda: Pope Innocent IV
authorizes use of torture in Inquisitions
1140? Decretum Gratiani, Catholic Canon law
1260 Date at which a 1988 Vatican sponsored sci-
1142 Peter Ablard, Letters of Abelard and Heloise entic study places the origin of the Shroud of Turin
1144 The Saint Denis Basilica of Abbot Suger is the 1263, July 2024 The Disputation of Barcelona is
rst major building in the style of Gothic architec- held at the royal palace of King James I of Aragon in
ture the presence of the King, his court, and many promi-
1154-1159 Pope Adrian IV, rst (and to date only) nent ecclesiastical dignitaries and knights, between
English pope a convert from Judaism to Christianity Dominican
Friar Pablo Christiani and Rabbi Nachmanides
1155 Theotokos of Vladimir arrives to Bogolyubovo
1274 Summa Theologiae, written by Thomas
1155 Carmelites founded Aquinas, theologian and philosopher, landmark
systematic theology which later becomes ocial
1163 Construction begins on Notre Dame de Paris Catholic doctrine
1168 Conversion of Pomerania - Principality of Ru- 1274 Catholic Second Council of Lyon
gia missioned by Absalon
1291 Last Crusader city (Acre) falls to the
1173 Waldensians founded Mamelukes
1179 Catholic Third Lateran Council

1191 Teutonic Knights founded 5 Renaissance

1204-1261 Latin Empire of Constantinople
Main article: Medieval history of Christianity Late
1205 Saint Francis of Assisi becomes a hermit, Middle Ages (13001499)
founding the Franciscan order of friars; renounces See also: Renaissance
wealth and begins his ministry

1308-1321 Divine Comedy (Divina Commedia), by 1425 Catholic University of Leuven

Dante Alighieri; most consensual dates are: Inferno
written between 13071308, Purgatorio from 1307- 1430? Andrei Rublev, the greatest of medieval icon-
1308 to 1313-1314 and last the Paradiso from 1313- painters
1314 to 1321 (year of Dantes death)
1431 St. Joan of Arc, French national heroine,
1307 The arrest of many of the Knights Templar, burned at the stake
beginning conscation of their property and extrac-
tion of confessions under torture 1431-1445 Catholic Council of Basel-Ferrara-
1305-1378 Avignon Papacy, Popes reside in Avi-
gnon, France 1439 Notre-Dame de Strasbourg, highest building in
the world until 1874
1311-1312 Catholic Council of Vienne disbands
Knights Templar 1452 Dum Diversas, papal bull issued on 18 June
1452, credited with ushering in the West African
1313 Foundation of the legendary Order of the Rose slave trade in Europe and the New World
Cross (Rosicrucian Order), a mystic Christian frater-
nity for the rst time expounded in the major Chris- 1453 Fall of Constantinople, overrun by Ottoman
tian literary work The Divine Comedy[33][34][35][36] Empire

1314 Jacques de Molay, last Grandmaster of 1455 Gutenberg Bible, rst printed Bible, by Johann
Knights Templar, burned at the stake Gutenberg

1326 Metropolitan Peter moves his see from Kiev to 1473-1481 Sistine Chapel built
1478 Spanish Inquisition established by Pope Sixtus
1341-1351 Orthodox Fifth Council of Constantino- IV
1483 Martin Luther born in Eisleben
1342 Marsilius of Padua
1484 December 5, Summis desiderantes against
1345 Sergii Radonezhskii founds a hermitage in Witchcraft issued by Pope Innocent VIII
the woods, which grows into the Troitse-Sergiyeva
Lavra 1487 Persecution and crusade against the
Waldensians instigated by Pope Innocent VIII
1378-1418 Western Schism in Roman Catholicism
1492 Columbus opens new continents to Christian-
1380-1382 Wyclies Bible, by John Wyclie, em-
inent theologian at Oxford, NT in 1380, OT (with
help of Nicholas of Hereford) in 1382, translations 1498 Girolamo Savonarola, Dominican priest,
into Middle English, 1st complete translation to writes Bonre of the Vanities
English, includes deuterocanonical books, preaches
against abuses, expresses anti-catholic views of the 1506 Pope Julius II orders the Old St. Peters
sacraments (Penance and Eucharist), the use of Basilica torn down and authorizes Donato Bramante
relics, and clerical celibacy to plan a new structure (demolition completed in
1606); Vatican Swiss Guard founded
1388 Twenty-ve Articles of the Lollards published
1508-1512 Michelangelo frescoes the Sistine
1408 Council of Oxford forbids translations of the
Chapel's vaulted ceiling
Scriptures into the vernacular, unless and until they
are fully approved by church authority 1512-1517 Catholic Fifth Council of the Lateran:
condemned Conciliarism
1409 Council of Pisa declares Roman Pope Gre-
gory XII and Avignon Pope Benedict XIII deposed,
electsd Pope Alexander V (called the Pisan Pope)
6 Reformation
1414-1418 Catholic Council of Constance asks Gre-
gory XII, Benedict XIII, Pisan Pope John XXIII to
See also: Protestant Reformation
resign their papal claims, then elects Pope Martin V;
condemns John Wyclie and Jan Hus, who is burned
at the stake
1517 95 Theses of Martin Luther begins German
1423-1424 Council of Siena Protestant Reformation

1518 Heidelberg Disputation: Martin Luther puts 1534 Henry VIII establishes new independent entity
forth his Theology of the Cross Church of England, see also English Reformation

1519 Leipzig Debate between Martin Luther and 1534 Jesuit order founded by Ignatius of Loyola,
Johann Eck helped reconvert large areas of Poland, Hungary,
and south Germany and sent missionaries to the New
1520 Luther publishes three monumental works, To World, India, and China
the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, On the
Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and On the Free- 1535-1537 Myles Coverdale's Bible, used Tyndales
dom of a Christian NT along with Latin and German versions, included
Apocrypha at the end of the OT (like Luthers Bible
1521 Luther refuses to recant his works at the Diet of 1534) as was done in later English versions, 1537
of Worms edition received royal license, but banned in 1546
by Henry VIII
1521 Papal bull Decet Romanum Ponticem (It
Pleases the Roman Ponti) excommunicates Luther 1535 Thomas More refuses to accept King Henry
VIIIs claim to be the supreme head of the Church
1521 Ferdinand Magellan claims the Philippines
in England, and is executed
for Spain, rst mass and subsequent conversion to
Catholicism, rst in East Asia 1535-1679 Forty Martyrs of England and Wales
1522 Luthers NT, German NT translation 1536 Desiderius Erasmus, eminent Dutch humanist
and editor of the Textus Receptus, dies
1524 The Freedom of the Will published by
Erasmus 1536 Tyndale put to death, left his OT translation
in manuscript, English ecclesiastical authorities or-
1525 On the Bondage of the Will published by dered his Bible burned because it was thought to be
Luther in response to Erasmus part of Lutheran reform
1525 Anabaptist movement begins 1536 Institutes of the Christian Religion written by
John Calvin (Calvinism)
1526 Tyndales NT, English NT translation from
1516 Greek text of Erasmus, rst printed edition, 1536 John of Leiden, fanatic Dutch Anabaptist
reects inuence of Luthers NT in rejecting priest
for elder, church for congregation, banned in 1546 1536 Jacob Hutter, founder of Hutterites
by Henry VIII of England 1536 Helvetic Confessions of the Reformed
1526 Luther publishes his German Mass and The Churches of Switzerland
Sacrament of the Body and Blood of ChristAgainst 1536-1540 Dissolution of the Monasteries in Eng-
the Fanatics, his rst written work against the land, Wales and Ireland
1536 Pilgrimage of Grace
1528 Reformation in Denmark-Norway and Hol-
stein, Lutheranism is ocially adopted 1536-1541 Michelangelo paints The Last Judge-
1528 Luther arms the real presence of Christs
body and blood in his Confession Concerning Christs 1537 Christian III of Denmark decreed
Supper Lutheranism state religion of Norway and Denmark

1529 Marburg Colloquy, Luther defends doctrine of 1537 Luther writes Smalcald Articles
Real Presence in discussion with Zwingli 1537-1551 Matthew Bible, by John Rogers, based
1530 Augsburg Confession, rst doctrinal statement on Tyndale and Coverdale received royal license but
of the Lutheran Church not authorized for use in public worship, numer-
ous editions, 1551 edition contained oensive notes
1531 Huldrych Zwingli is killed during the Second (based on Tyndale)
war of Kappel
1539-1569 Great Bible, by Thomas Cromwell, 1st
1531 Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico: According English Bible to be authorized for public use in
to tradition, when the roses fell from it the icon of English churches, defective in many places, based
the Virgin of Guadalupe appeared imprinted on the on last Tyndales NT of 1534-1535, corrected by
cactus cloth. The sudden, extraordinary success of a Latin version of the Hebrew OT, Latin Bible of
the evangelizing of ten million Indians in the decade Erasmus, and Complutensian Polyglot, last edition
of 15311541. 1569, never denounced by England

1541 John Calvin returns to Geneva 1563 Heidelberg Catechism of Reformed churches

1542 Roman Inquisition established by Pope Paul III 1565-73 Examination of the Council of Trent by
Martin Chemnitz
1542 Robert Bellarmine born - became a Cardinal
Inquisitor under Pope Clement VIII 1566 Roman Catechism and Index of Prohibited
Books published
1543 Parliament of England bans Tyndales transla-
tion as a crafty, false and untrue translation 1569 Metropolitan Philip of Moscow strangled by
Malyuta Skuratov
1545-1563 Catholic Council of Trent: Counter-
Reformation against Protestantism, clearly dened 1571 Dutch Reformed Church established
an ocial theology and biblical canon
1571 Battle of Lepanto saves Christian Europe;
1549 Original Book of Common Prayer of the Pope Pius V organizes the Holy League led by Don
Church of England written by Thomas Cranmer Juan de Austria to defend Europe from the larger Is-
lamic Ottoman forces (230 galleys and 56 galliots)
1551 The Stoglav Church Council (One Hundred
Chapters) Moscow, Russia 1572 John Knox founds Scottish Presbyterian
Church, due to disagreement with Lutherans over
1552 Joachim Westphal starts controversy against sacraments and church government
Calvinists, defending Lutheran doctrine of Real
Presence 1572-1606 Bishops Bible, a revision of the Great
Bible checked against the Hebrew text, 1st to be
1552 Francis Xavier, Jesuit missionary, Apostle of published in England by episcopal authority
the Indies
1572 St. Bartholomews Day Massacre: Thousands
1553 Pontical Gregorian University founded at of Protestants murdered in France
Vatican City
1577 Formula of Concord adopted by German
1553 Michael Servetus founder of Unitarianism, Lutherans
burned at the stake in Geneva
1579 Discovery of the holiest Russian icon, Our
1553-1558 Queen Mary I of England persecutes re- Lady of Kazan
formers: John Rogers, Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ri-
dley, Thomas Cranmer; of 238 burned at the stake 1580 Book of Concord of Lutheranism

1555 Peace of Augsburg gives religious freedom in 1582 St Teresa of Avila dies
Germany only to Lutheran Protestants
1582 Gregorian calendar of Pope Gregory XIII
1558 Church of England permanently reestablished adopted at dierent times in dierent regions of the
after Mary I of England deposed world

1559 Military Order of the Golden Spur founded by 1582 Rheims New Testament published - it later be-
Pope Paul IV came part of the 1610 DouayRheims Bible

1560 Geneva Bible, NT a revision of Matthews ver- 1585 Jesuit scholar Francisco Ribera publishes rst
sion of Tyndale with use of Theodore Beza's NT futurist interpretation, of the Biblical books of
(1556), OT a thorough revision of Great Bible, ap- Daniel and Revelation
pointed to be read in Scotland (but not England), at
least 140 editions, rst Bible with chapter and verse 1587 Toyotomi Hideyoshi expels Jesuits from
numbers Kysh

1560 Scots Confession, Church of Scotland, Scot- 1587? Mission Nombre De Dios in St. Augustine,
tish Reformation Florida, considered rst Catholic mission to North
1560-1598 French Wars of Religion
1588 Spanish Armada defeated in its eorts to re-
1560-1812 Goa Inquisition, persecution of Hindus conquer England for Catholicism
and Jews in India, see also Christianity in India
1589 Metropolitan Jove is elected the rst Patriarch
1561 Menno Simons, founder of Mennonites of Moscow

1563 Thirty-Nine Articles of Church of England, 1590 Michelangelos dome in St Peters Basilica
also decreed Biblical canon completed

1591 St John of the Cross 1622-1642 Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal

1592 The Clementine Vulgate of Pope Clement
VIII, replaced the Sistine Vulgate of 1590, the stan- 1630 City upon a Hill, sermon by John Winthrop
dard Latin Catholic Bible until the Second Vatican
Council 1634-37 Confessio catholica by Lutheran theologian
Johann Gerhard
1596 Ukrainian Catholic Church forms when
Ukrainian subjects of the king of Poland are 1635 Roger Williams banished from Massachusetts
reunited with Rome, largest Byzantine Catholic Bay Colony, for advocating separation of church and
Church state

1598 Edict of Nantes grants toleration to French 1636 Founding of what was later known as Harvard
Protestants (Huguenots) University as a training school for ministers - the rst
of thousands of institutions of Christian higher ed-
1600 Giordano Bruno, Dominican priest, burned at ucation founded in the USA
the stake
1636-1638 Cornelius Jansen, bishop of Ypres,
founder of Jansenism
7 17th century 1637-1638 Shimabara Rebellion

See also: Age of Reason 1638 Anne Hutchinson banished as a heretic from

1641 John Cotton, advocate of theonomy, helps to

1604 Fausto Paolo Sozzini Socinianism
establish the social constitution of the Massachusetts
1606 Carlo Maderno redesigns St Peters Basilica Bay Colony
into a Latin cross
1643 Acta Sanctorum
1607 Jamestown, Virginia founded
1643 John Campanius arrives in New Sweden
1608 Quebec City founded by Samuel de Cham-
plain 1644 Rhode Island founded by Roger Williams as
rst colony to establish complete religious liberty
1609 Baptist Church founded by John Smyth, due
to objections to infant baptism and demands for 1644 Long Parliament directs that only Hebrew
church-state separation canon be read in the Church of England (eectively
removing the Apocrypha)
1609-1610 Douay-Rheims Bible, 1st Catholic En-
glish translation, OT published in two volumes, 1646 Westminster Standards produced by the As-
based on an unocial Louvain text corrected by Sis- sembly, one of the rst and undoubtedly the most
tine Vulgate, NT is Rheims text of 1582 important and lasting religious document drafted af-
ter the reconvention of the Parliament, also decrees
1611 King James Version (Authorised Version) is Biblical canon
published, based primarily on Tyndales work and
Bishops Bible of 1572, rst printings included sep- 1648 George Fox founds the Quaker movement
arate Apocrypha between the testaments
1648 Treaty of Westphalia ends Thirty Years War,
1614 Fama Fraternitatis, the rst Rosicrucian man- extends religious toleration to Calvinists
ifesto (may have been in circulation ca. 1610) pre-
1650 Bishop James Ussher calculates date of cre-
senting the The Fraternity of the Rose Cross"
ation as October 23, 4004 BC
1615 Confessio Fraternitatis, the second Rosicru-
1653-56 Raskol of the Russian Orthodox Church
cian manifesto describing the Most Honorable Or-
der as Christian[38] 1655-1677, Abraham Calovius publishes Systema
1616 Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, Iocorum theologicorum, height of Lutheran scholas-
the third Rosicrucian manifesto (an hermetic alle- ticism
gory presenting alchemical and Christian elements) 1660-1685 King Charles II of England, restoration
1618-1648 Thirty Years War of monarchy, continuing through James II, reversed
decision of Long Parliament of 1644, reinstating the
1620 Plymouth Colony founded by Puritans Apocrypha, reversal not heeded by non-conformists

1666 Paul Gerhardt, Lutheran pastor and hymn- 1721 Peter the Great substitutes Moscow Patriar-
writer, is removed from his position as a pastor in chate with the Holy Synod
Nikolaikirche in Berlin, when he refuses to accept
syncretistic edict of the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm 1722 Hans Egede, missionary, arrives in Greenland
I of Brandenburg 1728 The Vicar of Bray (song)
1672 Greek Orthodox Synod of Jerusalem: decreed 1730-1749 First Great Awakening in U.S.
Biblical canon
1735 Welsh Methodist revival
1675 Philipp Jakob Spener publishes Pia Desideria,
which becomes a manifesto for Pietism 1738 Methodist movement, led by John Wesley and
his hymn-writing brother Charles, begins
1678 John Bunyan publishes Pilgrims Progress
1740 Johann Phillip Fabricius, missionary, arrives
1682 Avvakum, leader of the Old Believers, burned in South India
at the stake in the Far North of Russia
1741 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, famous
1683 Roger Williams, advocate of Separation of Fire and brimstone sermon
church and state, founder of Providence, Rhode Is-
land, dies 1741 George Frederick Handel performs his classic
gospel oratorio Messiah for the rst time
1685 Edict of Fontainebleau outlaws Protestantism
in France 1754 An Historical Account of Two Notable Cor-
ruptions of Scripture, by Isaac Newton, published
1685 James II of England baptizes his son as a
Catholic 1767-1815 Suppression of the Jesuits

1685 Orthodoxy introduced to Beijing by Russian 1768 New Smyrna, Florida, Greek Orthodox
Orthodox Church colony, founded

1688 'Glorious Revolution' overthrows James II of 1768 Reimarus dies without publishing his radi-
England over fears of Catholic restoration; William cal critic work distinguishing Historical Jesus versus
of Orange takes English throne Christ of Faith

1689 English Bill of Rights establishes religious lib- 1769 Mission San Diego de Alcala, rst California
erty mission

1771 Emanuel Swedenborg publishes his Universal

1692 Salem witch trials held in Colonial America
Theology of the True Christian Religion, later used
1692-1721 Chinese Rites controversy by others to found Swedenborgianism

1693 Jacob Amman founds Amish sect 1774 Ann Lee, leader of American Shakers, emi-
grates to New York from England

1774 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing starts publishing

8 18th century Reimarus works on historical Jesus as Anony-
mous Fragments, starting Liberal Theology Era (in
See also: Age of Enlightenment Christology)

1776-1788 Gibbons The History of the Decline and

Fall of the Roman Empire, critical of Christianity
1701 Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands splits
with Roman Catholicism 1776 Mission Dolores, San Francisco
1706 Bartholomus Ziegenbalg, missionary, arrives 1779 Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom: Jesus
in Tranquebar never coerced anyone to follow him, and the imposi-
tion of a religion by government ocials is impious
1707 Examen theologicum acroamaticum by David
Hollatz: the last great Lutheran doctrinal work be- 1780 Robert Raikes begins Sunday schools to reach
fore the Age of Enlightenment poor and uneducated children in England

1718-22 Orthodox Lutheran Valentin Ernst Lscher 1784 American Methodists form Methodist Episco-
publishes The Complete Timotheus Verinus against pal Church at so-called Christmas Conference, led
Pietism by bishops Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury

1784 Roman Catholicism is re-introduced in Korea, 1828 Plymouth Brethren founded; promotes
and disseminates after almost 200 years since its rst Dispensationalism
introduction in 1593
1830 Catherine Laboure receives Miraculous Medal
1789-1815 John Carroll, Archdiocese of Baltimore, from the Blessed Mother in Paris, France
rst Roman Catholic US bishop
1830 Charles Finney's revivals lead to Second Great
1789-1801 Dechristianisation of France during the Awakening in America
French Revolution
1830, April 6 Church of Christ (Mormonism, Latter
1791 First Amendment to the United States Consti- Day Saint Movement) founded by Joseph Smith as
tution: Congress shall make no law respecting an a result of reported visitations and commandment
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free ex- by God the Father, Jesus Christ, and later the Angel
ercise thereof Moroni. Book of Mormon also published in 1830

1793 Herman of Alaska brings Orthodoxy to Alaska 1831 William Miller begins the Advent Movement,
by preaching his rst sermon on the Biblical books
1795 The Age of Reason, written by Thomas Paine, of Daniel and Revelation
advocates Deism
1832 Christians (Stone Movement) and Disciples
1796 Treaty with Tripoli (1796), article 11: the of Christ (Campbell Movement) merge to form the
Government of the United States of America is not, Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement
in any sense, founded on the Christian religion
1832, February 28- Persecution of Old Lutherans:
1800 Friedrich Schleiermacher publishes his rst by a royal decree all Lutheran worship is declared
book, beginning Liberal Christianity movement illegal in Prussia in favour of the Prussian Union

1833 John Kebles sermon "National Apostasy" ini-

9 19th century tiates the Oxford Movement in England

1838-1839 Saxon Lutherans objecting to theological

See also: Industrial Revolution rationalism emigrate from Germany to the United
States; settle in Perry County, Missouri. Leads to
formation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
1801 Cane Ridge Revival in Cane Ridge, Kentucky
initiates the Christians (Stone Movement) wing of 1843 Disruption of: schism within the established
the Restoration Movement Church of Scotland

1809 Disciples of Christ (Campbell Movement) 1844 Hans Paludan Smith Schreuder, missionary,
wing of the Restoration Movement initiated with the arrives in Port Natal, South Africa
publication of the Declaration and Address of the
1844 Lars Levi Laestadius experiences
Christian Association of Washington
awakeningbeginning of Laestadianism
1815 Peter the Aleut, orthodox Christian, tortured
1844, October 22 Great Disappointment: false pre-
and martyred in Catholic San Francisco, California
diction of Second Coming of Christ by Millerites
1816 Bishop Richard Allen, a former slave, founds 1844, December Ellen G. White, co-founder and
the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the rst prophetess of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
African-American denomination has her rst vision
1817 Claus Harms publishes 95 theses against 1845 Southern Baptist Convention formed in Au-
rationalism and the Prussian Union of churches gusta, Georgia
1819 Thomas Jeerson produces the Jeerson Bible 1846 Bernadette Soubirous receives the rst of 18
apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes in Lourdes,
1824 English translation of Wilhelm Gesenius' France. Six million a year visit Lourdes Shrine
...Handwrterbuch...: Hebrew-English Lexicon,
Hendrickson Publishers 1847 Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod founded in
Chicago, Illinois
1827 Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg takes on the edi-
torship of the Evangelische Kirchenzeitung, the chief 1847 John Christian Frederick Heyer, missionary,
literary organ of the Neo-Lutheranism arrives in Andhra Pradesh, India

1848 Epistle to the Easterners and Encyclical of the 1879 Knock, Ireland is location of apparition of Our
Eastern Patriarchs response Lady, Queen of Ireland
1848 Perfectionist movement in western New York 1879 Church of Christ, Scientist founded in Boston
state by Mary Baker Eddy
1849 Johann Konrad Wilhelm Lhe founds the rst 1881-1894 Revised Version, called for by Church
deaconess house in Neuendettelsau, Bavaria of England, uses Greek based on Septuagint (B)
and (S), Hebrew Masoretic Text used in OT, follows
1850 Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Greek order of words, greater accuracy than AV, in-
founded in Milwaukee
cludes Apocrypha, scholarship never disputed
1853 Synod of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran
1884 Charles Taze Russell founds Bible Student
Church in America founded outside Madison, Wis-
1885-1887 Uganda Martyrs
1854 Missionary Hudson Taylor arrives in China
1885 Baltimore Catechism published
1854 Immaculate Conception dened as Catholic
dogma 1886 Moody Bible Institute founded
1855 Sren Kierkegaard, founder of Christian exis- 1886 Onesimos Nesib begins translation of the en-
tentialism tire Bible into the Oromo language
1855 Samuel Simon Schmucker begins attempt to 1886 Johann Flierl, missionary, arrives in New
replace the Augsburg Confession with the Denite Guinea
Platform in the General Synod, leading to schism in
1866 1891 Albert Maclaren and Copland King, Anglican
missionaries, arrive in New Guinea
1859 Ashbel Green Simonton, missionary, arrives in
Brazil and founds Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil, the 1893 Heresy trial of Luther Alexander Gotwald
oldest Brazilian Protestant denomination
1894 The Kingdom of God is Within You, by Leo
1863 Seventh-day Adventist Church ocially Tolstoy, start of Christian anarchism
formed 19 years after the Great Disappointment
1897 Christian ag conceived in Brooklyn, New
1865 Methodist preacher William Booth founds the York
Salvation Army, vowing to bring the gospel into the
streets to the most desperate and needy 1899 Gideons International founded

1866 General Council (Lutheran) formed by ten

Lutheran synods in the United States 10 20th century
1869-1870 Catholic First Vatican Council asserts
doctrine of Papal Infallibility (rejected by Christian Main article: Christianity in the 20th century
Catholic Church of Switzerland)
1870 Italy declares war on the Papal States; Italian 1903 First group baptism at Sattelberg Mission Sta-
Army enters Rome; Papal States cease to exist tion under Christian Keyser in New Guinea paves
1871 Pontmain, France is saved from advancing way for mass conversions during the following years
German troops with the appearing of Our Lady of 1904 Welsh revival
1904 Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil - Igreja
1871-1878 German Kulturkampf against Roman
Evanglica Luterana do Brasil - is founded in Juni
24, in So Pedro do Sul city, State Rio Grande do
1872 Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of
North America organized 1905 French law on the separation of Church and
1876 Evangelical Lutheran Free Church (Germany)
founded 1906 Albert Schweitzer publishes The Quest of the
Historical Jesus (English translation 1910)
1878 First translation of the New Testament into
Batak by Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen 1906 Biblia Hebraica
18 10 20TH CENTURY

1906-1909 Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, 1917 Restitution of the Moscow Patriarchy with
CA begins modern Pentecostal movement Tikhon as patriarch
1907 The Church of God in Christ is formed as a 1917 True Jesus Church founded in Beijing
Pentecostal body
1918 Execution of Holy Martyrs of Russia, includ-
1907-1912 Nicholas of Japan, Archbishop of ing the last tsar, Nicholas II, and his wife, Alexandra
Japanese Orthodox Church Feodorovna, by the Communists
1908 Church of the Nazarene founded in Pilot Point, 1918 United Lutheran Church in America founded
1919 Karl Barth's Commentary on Romans is pub-
1909 Scoeld Reference Bible published lished, critiquing Liberal Christianity and beginning
the neo-orthodox movement
1909-1911 The Rosicrucian Fellowship, an inter-
national association of Esoteric Christian mystics, 1920 The Ecclesia, an Esoteric Christian Temple, is
founded at Mount Ecclesia erected and dedicated on Christmas Day (December
1910 Christian Congregation in Brazil founded in
Santo Antnio da Platina, Brazil by Italo-American 1921 Oxford Group founded at Oxford
Louis Francescon. It begins Pentecostalism in Brazil
and South America 1923 Aimee Semple McPherson builds Angelus
1910 Edinburgh Missionary Conference launches
modern missions movement and modern 1924 First religious radio station in the U.S., KFUO
ecumenical movement; 5-point statement of (AM), founded
the Presbyterian General Assembly also used by
Fundamentalists 1925 Scopes Trial causes division among Funda-
1910-1915 The Fundamentals, a 12-volume collec-
tion of essays by 64 British and American scholars 1925 United Church of Canada formed
and preachers, forms foundation of Fundamentalism
1925 St. Therese of Lisieux canonized
1913 Catholic Encyclopedia
1925 The World Conference of Life and Work is held
1914 Welsh Church Act 1914 in Stockholm, Sweden

1914 Iglesia ni Cristo incorporated in the Philip- 1926 Father Charles Coughlin's rst radio broadcast
1926-1929 Cristero War in Mexico: The Constitu-
1914 Paul Olaf Bodding completes his translation of tion of 1917 brings persecution of Christian prac-
the Bible into the Santali language tices and anti-clerical laws - approximately 4,000
Catholic priests are expelled, assassinated or exe-
1915 Ellen G. White, co-founder and prophetess of cuted
the Seventh-day Adventist Church, dies
1927 Varghese Payyappilly Palakkappilly founds the
1915-1923 The Armenian Genocide occurs Congregation of Sisters of the Destitute
1916 Father Divine founds International Peace Mis- 1927 Pope Pius XI decrees Comma Johanneum
sion movement open to dispute
1916 And did those feet in ancient time
1929 Lateran Treaty signed, containing three agree-
1917 Heinrich Hansen publishes Lutheran ments between kingdom of Italy and the papacy
Evangelical Catholic theses Stimuli et Clavi
1929 Varghese Payyappilly Palakkappilly dies
1917 Our Lady of Fatima appears Marian appari-
1929 Voice of Prophecy radio ministry founded by
tions to 3 young people, in Fatima, Portugal - Jacinta
Seventh-day Adventist pastor H.M.S. Richards Sr.
Marto, Francisco Marto and Lcia Santos ("Sister
Lucia") 1930 Rastafari movement founded
1917 - 13 October Miracle of the Sun is witnessed 1930 Old American Lutheran Church founded
by as many as 100,000 people in the Cova da Iria
elds near Ftima, Portugal (How the Sun Danced 1930 The Lutheran Hour begins with Walter A.
at Midday at Ftima) Maier as speaker

1931 Jehovahs Witnesses formally separate from 1947 Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamental-
the Bible Student movement ism by Carl F. H. Henry, a landmark of Evangeli-
calism versus Fundamentalism in US
1931 Christ the Redeemer (statue) built in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil 1947 Oral Roberts founds Evangelistic Association
1932 Franz Pieper's A Brief Statement of the Doc- 1947 Dead Sea scrolls discovered
trinal Position of the Missouri Synod adopted by the
LCMS 1947 Lutheran World Federation founded

1932 Marian apparitions to ve school children in 1948 World Council of Churches is founded
Beauraing, Belgium as Lady Virgin of the Poor[40]
1948 Declaration of the Establishment of the State
1933 Catholic Worker Movement founded of Israel, see also Christian Zionism
1934 Herbert W. Armstrong founds Radio Church 1949 evangelist Billy Graham preaches his rst Los
of God Angeles crusade
1935 Gunnar Rosendal publishes Lutheran High 1949 - October 2 Saint John Evangelical Lutheran
Church manifesto Kyrklig frnyelse Community - Comunidade Evanglica Luterana
1935 Dr. Frank C. Laubach, known as The Apostle So Joo da Igreja Evanglica Luterana do Brasil -
to the Illiterates, working in the Philippines, devel- is founded in Passo Fundo city, State Rio Grande do
ops a literacy program that continues to teach mil- Sul
lions of people to read 1950 First part of the Common Confession between
1935 Rahlfs critical edition of the Koine Greek the American Lutheran Church and the LCMS is
Septuagint published adopted, resulting in the schism of the Orthodox
Lutheran Conference
1935 Billy Sunday, early U.S. radio evangelist, dies
1950 New World Translation of the Christian Greek
1938 First Debbarma Christian, Manindra Deb- Scriptures released
barma, is baptized at Agartala
1950 Assumption of Mary decreed by Pope Pius XII
1938 Tripura Baptist Christian Union established at
Laxmilunga, Tripura 1950 Missionaries of Charity founded by Mother
1939 Southern and Northern US branches of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, along with the 1951 Bishop Fulton Sheen (19191979) debuts
Methodist Protestant Church, reunite to form The his television program Life is Worth Living on the
Methodist Church (slavery had divided the church DuMont Network. His half hour lecture program
in the 19th century) on Roman Catholic theology remained the number
one show on U.S. television for its time slot, win-
1940 Monumento Nacional de Santa Cruz del Valle
ning several Emmys until Sheen ended the program
de los Caidos, worlds largest cross, 152.4 meters
in 1957
1951 The Last Temptation, a ctional account of the
1942 National Association of Evangelicals founded
life of Jesus written by Nikos Kazantzakis, wherein
1945 On the Feast of the Annunciation, Our Lady Christs divinity is juxtaposed with his humanity, is
appears to a simple woman, Ida Peerdeman, in Am- published, and promptly banned in many countries
sterdam. This is the rst of 56 appearances as Our
Lady of All Nations,[41] which took place between 1951 Campus Crusade for Christ founded at UCLA
1945 and 1959. 1952 Novum Testamentum Graece, critical edition
1945 Dietrich Bonhoeer is executed by the Nazis of Greek NT, basis of modern translations

1945 Ludwig Mller 1952 C. S. Lewis' Mere Christianity published

1945 The Nag Hammadi library is discovered 1952 This Is the Life TV series begins

1946-1952 Revised Standard Version, revision of 1954 Unication Church founded by Reverend Sun
AV based on consonantal Hebrew text for OT Myung Moon, under the name Holy Spirit Asso-
and best available texts for NT, done in response to ciation for the Unication of World Christianity
changes in English usage (acronym HSA-UWC)
20 10 20TH CENTURY

1954 U.S. Pledge of Allegiance modied by act of 1963 A campaign by atheist Madalyn Murray
Congress from one nation, indivisible to one na- O'Hair results in U.S. Supreme Court ruling pro-
tion under God, indivisible hibiting reading of Bible in public schools

1956 In God We Trust designated U.S. national 1963 Oral Roberts University founded
1963 Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of
1956 Anchor Bible Series North America dissolves in schism

1956 The Ten Commandments (1956 lm) 1963 New Testament of Becks American Trans-
lation completed, thousands of copies distributed
1956 It Is Written television ministry founded by through The Lutheran Hour
Seventh-day Adventist pastor George Vandeman
1965 Reginald H. Fullers The Foundations of New
1957 United Church of Christ founded by ecumeni- Testament Christology
cal union of Congregationalists and Evangelical & 1965 Rousas John Rushdoony founds Chalcedon
Reformed, representing Calvinists and Lutherans Foundation
1957 English translation of Walter Bauer's Wrter- 1965 Nostra aetate declaration promulgated at Vat-
buch ...: A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Tes- ican II that repudiates the charge of deicide against
tament and Other Early Christian Literature, Uni- Jews
versity of Chicago Press
1966 Roman Catholic Index of Prohibited Books
1958 Sedevacantism abolished

1959 Family Radio founded by Harold Camping 1966 Raymond E. Brown's Commentary on the
Gospel of John
1959 Franz Pieper's A Brief Statement of the Doctri-
nal Position of the Missouri Synod rearmed by the 1967 Lutheran Council in the United States of
LCMS America organized

1960 Merger creates the new American Lutheran 1968 Zeitoun, Egypt, a bright image of the Virgin
Church Mary as Our Lady of Zeitoun was seen over the Cop-
tic Orthodox Church of Saint Demiana for over a 3-
1960 John F. Kennedy becomes the rst Roman year period. Over six million Egyptians and foreign-
Catholic to be elected President of the United States ers saw the image, including Copts, Eastern Ortho-
dox, Roman Catholic, Protestants, Muslims, Jews
1961 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and people of no particular faith
1968 United Methodist Church formed with union
1961 Christian Broadcasting Network founded by of Methodist Church & Evangelical United Brethren
Pat Robertson Church, becoming the largest Methodist/Wesleyan
church in the world
1962 Engel v. Vitale, rst U.S. Supreme Court de-
cision against School prayer 1970s The Jesus movement takes hold in the U.S.
1962 Karl Rahner, Joseph Ratzinger, Yves Con-
gar, John Courtney Murray, Hans Kng among oth- 1970 Mass of Paul VI replaces Tridentine Mass
ers appointed periti for upcoming Second Vati- 1970 The Late, Great Planet Earth, futurist book by
can Council. Rahner famous for paraphrasing Au- Hal Lindsey, published
gustines axiom: Many whom God has the Church
does not have; and many whom the Church has, God 1970? Chick Publications
does not have.
1971 New American Standard Bible
1962-1965 Catholic Second Vatican Council, an-
1971 The Exorcist, a novel of demonic possession
nounced by Pope John XXIII in 1959, produces 16
and the mysteries of the Catholic faith, is published
documents which become ocial Roman Catholic
teaching after approval by the Pope, purpose to re- 1971 Liberty University founded by Jerry Falwell
new ourselves and the ocks committed to us
1972 Most Lutheran free churches in Germany
1963 Martin Luther King leads a civil rights march merge, forming the Independent Evangelical-
in Washington, D.C. Lutheran Church

1973, June 12- Near the city of Akita, Our Lady 1981 Pope John Paul II shot by Mehmet Ali Agca;
appeared to Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa. Three mes- survives and later forgives him
sages were given to her over a period 5 months Our
Lady of Akita.[42] 1982 Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics

1973 The Apostle in the End-Time called[43] Arse- 1985 Jesus Seminar founded
nio Tan Ferriol (Pentecostal Missionary Church of 1985 E. P. Sanders' Jesus and Judaism published
Christ in the 4th WATCH) Philippines
1986 Chicago Statement on Biblical Application
1973 Trinity Broadcasting Network founded by Paul
and Jan Crouch 1986 Desmond Tutu becomes Anglican Archbishop
of South Africa; joins anti-apartheid movement
1973 New International Version of the Bible is rst
published (revised in 1978, 1984), using a variety 1987 Danvers Statement - Council on Biblical Man-
of Greek texts, Masoretic Hebrew texts, and current hood and Womanhood
English style
1988 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
1973 Walkout at Concordia Seminary begins the founded
Seminex controversy in the LCMS
1988 Lutheran Council in the United States of
1974 Jim Bakker founds PTL television ministry America dissolved
1975 Bruce Metzger's Textual Commentary on the 1988 Christian Coalition founded by Pat Robertson
Greek New Testament
1988 The Last Temptation of Christ, directed by
1976 Anneliese Michel, Bavarian woman, under- Martin Scorsese, is released by Universal Pictures,
goes exorcism against demon possession and promptly attacked as heretical by organized
1976 Suicide by self-immolation of East German Christian and Catholic groups
pastor Oskar Brsewitz, leads to mass protests 1988 The celebration of 1,000 years since the
against communism baptism of Kievan Rus throughout the R.O.C.
1977 New Perspective on Paul 1988 Assemblies of God pastor Jimmy Swaggart
1977 Focus on the Family founded by James Dobson caught in sex scandal

1978 Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy 1989 New Revised Standard Version

1978-2005 Pope John Paul II: rearmed moral tra- 1990 American Center for Law and Justice founded
ditions (The Splendor of Truth)
1991 John P. Meiers series A Marginal Jew: Re-
1979 Moral Majority founded by Jerry Falwell thinking the Historical Jesus, v. 1

1979 Jesus (1979 lm), most watched movie of all 1992 New Catechism of the Catholic Church pub-
time according to New York Times lished

1979-1982? New King James Version, complete re- 1993 Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Confer-
vision of 1611 AV, updates archaisms while retain- ence founded
ing style
1993 International Lutheran Council founded
1980 Glacier View Conference: Seventh-day Ad-
1994 Evangelicals & Catholics Together[45]
ventist pastor and professor Desmond Ford is de-
frocked for questioning the sanctuary doctrine of the 1994 Porvoo Communion
church, in a 1979 lecture at Pacic Union College
1994 Answers In Genesis founded by Ken Ham
1981 Kibeho, Rwanda reported that Our Lady ap-
peared to several teenagers telling them to pray to 1994, July 3- Glorication of St. John of Shanghai
avoid rivers of blood (Marian apparitions)[44] and San Francisco

1981 Mother Angelica launches EWTN; it grows to 1996 Cambridge Declaration - Alliance of Confess-
become one of the largest television networks in the ing Evangelicals[46]
world; the operation expands to radio in 1992
1997, March 510- World Council of Churches:
1981 Institute on Religion and Democracy is Towards a Common Date for Easter, see also
founded Reform of the date of Easter
22 11 21ST CENTURY

1998, April 6 PBS Frontline: From Jesus to Christ 2006 The Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zion-
ism, signed by several Christian denominations in
1999 International House of Prayer in Kansas City the Middle East, criticizes the doctrine as associat-
begins non-stop 24/7 continual prayer ing the Gospel with imperialism and militarism

1999, October 31- signing of the Joint Declara- 2006 A lm of the Gospel of Judas, a 2nd-century
tion on the Doctrine of Justication between the Gnostic account of Judas discovered in the 1970s, is
Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church shown on TV

1999 Gospel of Jesus Christ - An Evangelical Cel- 2007 The Creation Museum opens in Kentucky,
ebration; a consensus Gospel endorsed by vari- United States
ous evangelical leaders including J.I. Packer, John 2007 The American Association of Lutheran
Ankerberg, Jerry Falwell, Thomas C. Oden, R.C. Churches and LCMS declare pulpit and altar fellow-
Sproul, Wayne Grudem, Charles Swindoll, et al. ship
1999 Radical Orthodoxy Christian theological 2007, May 17- The Russian Orthodox Church is re-
movement begins, critiquing modern secularism and unied after 80 years of schism
emphasizing the return to traditional doctrine; sim-
ilar to the Paleo-orthodoxy Christian theological 2008 Conservative Anglicans indicate that they plan
movement of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, to split from liberal Anglicans in The Jerusalem
which sees the consensual understanding of the faith Declaration[51]
among the Church Fathers as the basis of Biblical 2009 Damien of Molokai canonized; apostle to lep-
interpretation and the foundation of the Church ers
2000 Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ 2009, August 21- The Minneapolis Churchwide As-
founded in schism from Evangelical Lutheran sembly of the ELCA passes four ministry policy res-
Church in America (ELCA) over fellowship with the olutions that will permit clergy in committed homo-
Episcopal Church (TEC) sexual partnerships to be rostered leaders within the
2000 Visions of the Virgin Mary are reported in
Assiut, Upper Egypt;[47] phenomena associated to 2009 The Rosicrucian Fellowship, an international
Mary is reported again in 2006, in a church at the association of Esoteric Christian mystics,[52] cel-
same location during the Mass.[48] Local Coptic ebrates the centennial anniversary -- The Frater-
priests and then the Coptic Orthodox Church of As- nity should remain secret one hundred years;[53] the
siut issue statements in 2000 and 2006 respectively celebration ceremonies, on August 8 and Novem-
ber 13[54] at Mount Ecclesia, serve the purpose of
heralding the revival of the Christian mystic path of
the Rose Cross.[55][56]
11 21st century
2009 Mar Varghese Payyappilly Palakkappilly de-
Main article: Christianity in the 21st century clared Servant of God
2009 Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian
Conscience is issued, signed by over 150 American
2001 The Way of the Master founded religious leaders
2001 Armenia marks 1,700th anniversary of 2009 Dr. Frederick Eikerenkoetter (Reverend Ike),
Christianity as its state religion (First country to a pioneering prosperity preacher, dies
adopt Christianity as its state religion - Kingdom of
Armenia - 301 AD) 2010 Lutheran CORE creates North American
Lutheran Church in schism from the ELCA
2003 the Mission Province is established in Church
2010, October 31- Attack on Baghdad church results
of Sweden: new era for confessional Lutheranism in
in 52 deaths[57]
2011, January 1- A church in Alexandria, Egypt is
2005 Death of Pope John Paul II, election of Pope bombed, killing 21 people, mostly Christians
Benedict XVI
2011 Martyrdom of Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistani
2006 World Methodist Council votes unanimously politician and the only Christian elected member of
to adopt the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of the National Assembly, who was an outspoken critic
Justication (July 18).[49][50] of Pakistans blasphemy laws

2013, March- Pope Francis, an Argentinean, be- [2] John P. Meier's A Marginal Jew, v. 1, ch. 11; also H.H.
comes the rst non-European pope in modern times Ben-Sasson, A History of the Jewish People, Harvard Uni-
versity Press, 1976, ISBN 0-674-39731-2, page 251: But
after the rst agitation (which occurred in the wake of the
rst Roman census) had faded out, we no longer hear of
12 Sources bloodshed in Judea until the days of Pilate.

World Almanac and Book of Facts [3] Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Tiberius 36;

Academic American Encyclopedia (on Com- Jewish Encyclopedia: Rome: Expelled Under
Tiberius: The Jewish deputation which peti-
tioned for the deposition of the royal house of the
Websters New Collegiate Dictionary Idumeans was joined by 8,000 Jewish residents of
Rome. Several Romans adopted Jewish customs,
English Versions of the Bible by John Berchmans and some, as the rhetor Cilicius of Kalakte, a friend
Dockery O.F.M. of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, even embraced Ju-
daism (Mller, Fragmenta Historicorum Grco-
Catholic Encyclopedia: Biblical Chronology rum, iii. 331). The reign of Tiberius (until the
removal of his minister Sejanus) was fraught with
misfortune for the Jews. When the cult of Isis was
driven out of Rome (19 CE.) the Jews also were ex-
13 See also pelled, because a Roman lady who inclined toward
Judaism had been deceived by Jewish swindlers.
Christ myth theory The synagogues were closed, the vessels burned,
and 4,000 Jewish youths were sent upon military
Chronology of the Bible service to Sardinia. After the death of Sejanus (31)
the emperor allowed the Jews to return.";
Great Church Haim Hillel Ben-Sasson (and Abraham Malamat
contributor) A History of the Jewish People, Harvard
History of ancient Israel and Judah University Press, 1976, ISBN 978-0674397316,
page 288 quote: Explicit evidence of a systematic
Timeline of Christian Missions attempt to propagate the Jewish faith in the city of
Rome is found as early as 139 BCE. With the in-
Timeline of the Roman Catholic Church
crease of the Jewish population of Rome, the Jews
intensied their eorts to make converts among the
Romans. Although the activity of Jewish mission-
14 External links aries in Roman society caused Tiberius to expel
them from that city in 19 CE, they soon returned,
and Jewish religious propaganda was resumed and
Christian History Project Online Version of the 12-
maintained even after the destruction of the Tem-
Volume Popular History Series 'The Christians : ple. Tacitus mentions it regretfully (Histories 5.5),
Their First Two Thousand Years, Sponsored by the and Juvenal, in his Fourteenth Satire (11. 96.), de-
Society to Explore and Record Christian History scribes how Roman families 'degenerated' into Ju-
daism: the fathers permitted themselves to adopt
OrthodoxWiki: Timeline of Church History (from some of its customs and the sons became Jews in ev-
the Orthodox POV) ery respect. ... [last sentence of next paragraph:] In addition,
the Bible provided the apostles of Judaism with a
St. Ignatius Church: Timeline (from the Orthodox literature unparalleled in any other religion.
[4] G. J. Goldberg. John the Baptist and Josephus. Re-
Catholic Encyclopedia: Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71) trieved 2006-08-16.

Missions time line - Important events, locations, [5] H.H. Ben-Sasson, A History of the Jewish People, Har-
people and movements in World Evangelism vard University Press, 1976, ISBN 0-674-39731-2, The
Crisis Under Gaius Caligula, pages 254-256: The reign
of Gaius Caligula (37-41) witnessed the rst open break
between the Jews and the Julio-Claudian empire. Until
15 Footnotes then if one accepts Sejanus' heyday and the trouble
caused by the census after Archelaus banishment there
[1] H.H. Ben-Sasson, A History of the Jewish People, Harvard was usually an atmosphere of understanding between the
University Press, 1976, ISBN 0-674-39731-2, page 246: Jews and the empire ... These relations deteriorated seri-
When Archelaus was deposed from the ethnarchy in 6 ously during Caligulas reign, and, though after his death
CE, Judea proper, Samaria and Idumea were converted the peace was outwardly re-established, considerable bit-
into a Roman province under the name Iudaea. terness remained on both sides. ... Caligula ordered that

a golden statue of himself be set up in the Temple in [16] Jewish Encyclopedia: Tarfon: R. arfon was extremely
Jerusalem. ... Only Caligulas death, at the hands of bitter against those Jews who had been converted to the
Roman conspirators (41), prevented the outbreak of a new faith; and he swore that he would burn every book of
Jewish-Roman war that might well have spread to the en- theirs which should fall into his hands (Shab. 116a), his
tire East. feeling being so intense that he had no scruples against de-
stroying the Gospels, although the name of God occurred
[6] A. J. MAAS (2003). Origin of the Name of Jesus Christ. frequently in them.
Retrieved January 23, 2006. Walter Bauer's et al. Greek-
English Lexicon of the New Testament, 1979, under Chris- [17] ANTITHESIS. Retrieved 14 March 2015.
tos notes: as a personal name; the Gentiles must have
understood Christos in this way to them it seemed very [18] CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Dionysius. Retrieved
much like Chrestos [even in pronunciation ...], a name that 14 March 2015.
is found in lit. [19] CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Caius (3rd Century)".
Retrieved 14 March 2015.
[7] Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Claudius XXV.4;
Jewish Encyclopedia: Rome: Expelled Under Tiberius: [20] ANF05. Fathers of the Third Century: Hippolytus,
"... in 49-50, in consequence of dissensions among them Cyprian, Caius, Novatian, Appendix. Retrieved 14
regarding the advent of the Messiah, they were forbidden March 2015.
to hold religious services. The leaders in the controversy,
and many others of the Jewish citizens, left the city. [21] CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Monarchians. Re-
trieved 14 March 2015.
[8] Catholic Encyclopedia: Judaizers see section titled: THE
INCIDENT AT ANTIOCH [22] Richard McBrien The Church (New York: HarperOne,
2008) 390
[9] Cumming, John (1998). Butlers Lives of the Saints. Coll-
geville, MN: The Liturgical Press. p. 24 [23] CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Lapsi. Retrieved 14
March 2015.
[10] Pauline Chronology: His Life and Missionary Work, from
Catholic Resources by Felix Just, S.J. [24] CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Pope St. Eusebius.
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ing that faith, yet lived as Jews, as well as those who con- [30] Theodosian Code XVI.1.2 Medieval Sourcebook: Ban-
cealed their origin and did not pay the tribute levied upon ning of Other Religions by Paul Halsall, June 1997, Ford-
their people [These may have been Christians, whom the ham University, retrieved September 25, 2006; Theo-
Romans commonly assumed were Jews]. I recall being dosian Code XVI.1.2; Catholic Encyclopedia: Theodo-
present in my youth when the person of a man ninety sius I: In February, 380, he and Gratian published the
years old was examined before the procurator and a very famous edict that all their subjects should profess the faith
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[31] Evagrius Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History (AD431-
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16 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

16.1 Text
Timeline of Christianity Source: Contributors: Wesley, LA2,
Rmhermen, SimonP, Stevertigo, Michael Hardy, Ahoerstemeier, Docu, LouI, Smith03, Charles Matthews, Adam Bishop, Jwrosenzweig,
Zoicon5, Topbanana, Joy, Raul654, Wetman, Pollinator, Carlossuarez46, Rossnixon, RedWolf, Mirv, Henrygb, Rholton, Blainster, Re-
brane, Wereon, Michael Snow, Seano1, Anthony, GreatWhiteNortherner, Alan Liefting, Lupin, Agnus, Bobblewik, Gadum, Andycjp,
Quadell, Quandaryus, Kusunose, Kaldari, Euphoria, Sam Hocevar, Robin klein, Trilobite, DMG413, D6, Ta bu shi da yu, Freakofnurture,
Stepp-Wulf, Acedian, Rich Farmbrough, MeltBanana, Xezbeth, Kyknos, Dbachmann, Stbalbach, Goplat, Kross, Lima, Wareh, Bobo192,
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sionJedi, Je3000, Tabletop, SeventyThree, GalaazV, KHM03, Paxsimius, BD2412, Grammarbot, Dpv, Search4Lancer, Rjwilmsi, An-
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, 55, Mateus RM, Yobot, Bunnyhop11, II MusLiM HyBRiD II, AmeliorationBot, Fishy31, Maniadis, ArthurBot, Lil-
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Wikipelli, ZroBot, Search chp, Vanished user qwqwijr8hwrkjdnvkanfoh4, ClueBot NG, , Catlemur, Reverendjackdunn, Tel-
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16.2 Images
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utors: [1],[2] Original artist: Unknown
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commons/8/89/StJohnsAshfield_StainedGlass_GoodShepherd_Portrait_cropped.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
StJohnsAsheld_StainedGlass_GoodShepherd.png Original artist: StJohnsAsheld_StainedGlass_GoodShepherd.png: Stained glass: Al-
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