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by Ilene Albala, Margaret Doyle, and Paul S. Appelbaum

The Evolution of Consent Forms for Research:

A Quarter Century of Changes

he informed consent process in the research that the median length of consent forms increased from
context typically relies heavily on information seven to 11 pages between 2000 and 2005.9 These
provided to potential research participants in findings are of particular concern because of data sug-
a written consent form. Federal regulations governing gesting that greater consent form length is associated
research with humans list the elements of informa- with less understanding by potential participants of key
tion that consent forms must contain and indicate that information related to the study in which they are being
there may be additional elements relevant to particular recruited to participate.10
types of studies.1 Consent forms typically serve as the Given the importance for researchers, IRBs, and
participants’ only written explanation of the studies in policy-makers of understanding the extent to which the
which they have enrolled and as important documen- documented problems with consent forms have been
tation for researchers and regulators of individuals’ ameliorated or exacerbated over time, the goal of this
consent to participate in a study. Institutional review study was to explore changes over a quarter century in
boards (IRBs) often pay considerable—and some would the accuracy and length of research consent forms used
say excessive—attention to the content and wording of by one department in a major academic center.
these forms.2
Despite the critical role of consent forms in the Study Methods
research context, there is good reason to believe that,
as currently formulated, they are often far from ideal.3
Among the problems that have been documented are
D ata spanning a 25-year period (1978–2002) were
obtained from a sample of protocols and consent
forms drawn from the files of the IRB serving a depart-
excessive length,4 complexity of wording that exceeds ment in a major academic medical center. The sampling
average reading levels,5 and problems with the accura- frame began with the earliest examples of consent
cy with which key aspects of the studies are described.6 forms and continued for the 25-year period covered
Numerous proposals have been made for improving by this study. Protocols were sampled in three-year
consent forms,7 but there is little evidence that attempts increments, with a systematic selection of every third
at improvement have had a positive effect. Indeed, we protocol in those years. Exclusion criteria were pro-
have been unable to find sufficient data examining tocols submitted for periodic review after initial IRB
trends in consent forms over time to determine whether approval, protocols that did not include consent forms,
most of these concerns mentioned above have been and protocols that never received final approval from
adequately resolved. To our knowledge, the only avail- the IRB whose files we examined. Of the 240 consent
able longitudinal data focus on changes in the length of forms sampled, 215 met eligibility criteria (ranging
forms, and the data suggest that things may be get- from 19 to 29 protocols in each of the years sampled)
ting worse instead of better. For instance, Baker and and were included in this study.
Taub demonstrated that the mean length of consent From each consent form, we recorded the page
forms nearly doubled between 1975 and 1982.8 More length of the consent form, year of IRB approval, and
recently, Beardsley and colleagues in Australia found risks to the participant. From the protocol associated
with each consent form, we recorded statements of the
Ilene Albala, Margaret Doyle, and Paul S. Appelbaum, “The Evolution of specific risks and overall degree of risk for participants.
Consent Forms for Research: A Quarter Century of Changes,” IRB: Ethics &
Human Research 32, no. 3 (2010): 7-11. Descriptions of risks in consent forms and protocols

IRB: E t h i c s & H u m a n R e s e a rc h M ay -J u n e 2010

Figure 1. The Evolution of Consent Forms: 1978–2002

Average Page Length of % of Risk

Consent Forms Discrepancies
Over Time (N=215) Over Time (N=215)

Percentage of Risk Discrepancies


Number of Pages



0 1
1977 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002

were coded in the following categories: no mention of for consent forms with the coding for the associated
risk; no risk; social/legal/confidentiality risks; upset or protocols. Statistical analyses were performed using
discomfort upon questioning; minimal discomfort (e.g., SAS release 9 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC), with P <
pain from drawing blood, discomfort from electro- 0.05 considered statistically significant.
encephalogram [EEG]); moderate discomfort (e.g.,
moderate nausea or vomiting, headache, slight eleva- Study Findings
tion in blood pressure, drowsiness); significant discom-
fort that could require medical attention (e.g., fracture
of bones, developing tardive dyskinesia); potentially
O f the 215 protocols eligible for inclusion in this
study, 102 (47.4%) were for clinical trials, 76
(35.3%) for observational studies, 23 (10.7%) for
life-threatening condition (e.g., heart attack, stroke); studies involving physical interventions, and 14 (6.5%)
and safety profile unknown, but test drug or device for studies of psychosocial or behavioral interventions.
potentially harmful. When multiple categories of risk These protocols represented studies involving inpatients
were indicated in a consent form or protocol, only the exclusively (n = 37, 17.2%), outpatients exclusively
highest applicable level of risk, in the order indicated (n = 123, 57.2%), healthy volunteers (n = 30, 14.0%),
above, was coded. and both inpatients and outpatients (n = 25, 11.6%).
All data extraction and coding were performed by Thirty-five studies (16.3%) were conducted exclusively
the first author. Variables were entered into an Excel in pediatric populations, eight studies (3.7%) involved
database for analysis. Consistency of statements in both minors and adults, and 172 studies (80.0%) in-
consent forms was determined by comparing the coding volved adults exclusively.

M ay -J u n e 2010 IRB: E t h i c s & H u m a n R e s e a rc h

n Length of Consent Forms. The length of the with discrepancies, hence a multivariate analysis was
consent form increased roughly linearly by an average not performed.
of 1.5 pages per decade. In the 1970s, the average con- Of note, in studies from 1978, there was frequently
sent form was less than one page long and often only no mention at all of risks in either the consent form or
a paragraph or two, but by the mid-1990s the average the protocol. However, 11 of the 23 studies sampled
form had increased in length to over 4.5 pages (Figure were studies of medications, which invariably are as-
1). The mean and median page length of the consent sociated with risks of adverse effects, and one proto-
forms over the entire course of the study was 3.03 and col described the study as involving a “pain-inducing
3.00, respectively. No year sampled had consent forms procedure” but did not include this information in its
with a mean length that was shorter than the forms consent form. One example of a discrepancy in the
from three years earlier. presentation of risks was seen in a 1978 drug study
A multivariate logistic regression analysis was involving inpatients. The protocol stated, “The one
performed, with length of forms dichotomized at two potential risk is that [X drug] can be psychologically
pages or less and greater than two pages, including habit-forming,” but the consent form did not identify
those variables that had shown significant effects in any risks. Another placebo-controlled medication study
bivariate analyses: type of study, degree of risk, and in 1978 stated in the protocol that since the study
year. Significant effects were found for study year (odds

Our review of consent forms over time revealed

ratio = 1.56 [C.I. 1.38, 1.78] for each additional year
since the start of the window) and risk of the study
(odds ratio = 10.98 [C.I. 3.64, 33.11] for moderate- to two trends: greater consistency in the description
high-risk studies compared to no-risk and minimal-risk
of risks, and an increase in the length of consent
studies); type of study was not a significant predictor
and was dropped from the model. forms.
n Descriptions of Risks. Discrepancies between
the descriptions of the highest level of risks for par- evaluates “various drug treatments” and since the
ticipants in the consent form as compared with the population is depressed, there is a risk “that depressed
protocol were found in 25.6% (n = 52) of studies. Fifty patients will become more depressed and suicidal”
percent (n = 26) of discrepancies involved studies with during the placebo period. However, the consent form
minimal risks, while 50% (n = 26) related to studies stated clearly, “there is no risk.”
with moderate or greater risks. In 45 of 52 studies with Although the most striking examples of discrepan-
discrepancies, a higher level of risk was indicated in the cies in the presentation of risks were seen in 1978, such
protocol than in the consent form. discrepancies continued to appear over the next two
At the start of the study in 1978, more than 54% of decades. A medication study in 1981 stated in the pro-
protocols demonstrated discrepancies in the descrip- tocol that there was a risk of a “hypertensive crisis or
tion of risks; a decided downward trend ended with lack of clinical improvement,” while the consent form,
0% of protocols revealing such discrepancies in 1999 which noted some potential side effects of the medica-
through 2002. Logistic regression revealed an odds tion, said nothing about these risks. The protocol of an-
ratio of 0.84 (p < 0.0001) for the presence of a discrep- other 1981 medication study noted that “suicide is the
ancy for each additional year beyond the beginning of greatest risk,” yet the consent form was silent regard-
the sampling frame. Thus, the odds of discrepancies in ing the risk of suicide. For a 1990 medication study,
the description of risks in the consent forms decreased the protocol included risk information that stated the
by an average of approximately 16% per year (Fig- “most common side effect is dry mouth . . . rare side
ure 1). Similarly, a statistically significant association effects include low platelet count [and] seizures,” while
existed between a length of less than two pages and risk the consent form stated, “there are no anticipated psy-
discrepancy, with 43.27% of forms two pages or less chological or physical risks.”
having discrepancies as compared with 9.26% of forms Another discrepancy in the characterization of risks
that were more than two pages (p < 0.001). None of was seen in a 1993 drug study where the protocol listed
the independent variables—including study type, type three risks: “first of suicide, second risk is that patients
of patient, protocol risk, and year—were associated will not improve (placebo), third is risk of side effects,

IRB: E t h i c s & H u m a n R e s e a rc h M ay -J u n e 2010

including dry mouth, heart conduction problems.” The eight elements of informed consent that are in the cur-
consent form stated that the “risks to me are the side rent version, including the requirement that potential
effects (dry mouth, and heart conduction problems), participants be provided with “a description of any rea-
possibility that symptoms of depression could worsen,” sonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to the subject.”
but not suicide. Another drug study in 1993 stated in Why, then, were there so many discrepancies in the
the protocol that “risks of drug include: tremor, nau- disclosure of risks in 1978 and 1981, and why did it
sea, overdosing, risk of placebo, and development of take so many years for the discrepancies to disappear?
suicidal ideation,” while the consent form noted “side The slow implementation of the regulations is consis-
effects include: nausea, tremor, headache,” but nothing tent with the initial low level of oversight of the decen-
about the development of suicidal ideation. tralized system for review of human subjects research
created by the regulations. Incentives for strict compli-
Discussion ance by institutions and investigators were minimal and

F ew previous studies have examined changes in the

nature of consent forms over time, and none over
a period of 25 years. Two trends were notable in our
increased only as federal oversight became more exten-
sive and as regulatory staff and IRB members became
more experienced. Increased public attention to human
study: greater consistency in the description of risks, subjects research—including allegations of failure to
and an increase in the length of consent forms. The disclose risks in research11 and more frequent litigation
odds of discrepancies between the descriptions of risks over alleged negligence in the conduct of research12—
in protocols and consent forms decreased by an average are other possible explanations for increased accuracy
of 16% per year and finally disappeared after 1996. in consent forms, especially during the latter part of the
Consent forms grew in length by an average of 1.5 study window.
pages per decade. One of the limitations of this study is that the data
The decrease in discrepancies and increase in page are drawn from a single IRB, yet the research enterprise
length suggest a tendency over time toward a greater is characterized by variation across IRBs regarding
focus by researchers and/or IRBs on the accuracy and approaches to implementing the federal regulations.13
completeness of the information provided to prospec- In addition, since the records of the IRB we examined
tive research participants. That is, in more recent years deal specifically with studies conducted by members
information in the consent form has become more of a single department, they may not be character-
detailed and precise. However, by providing more detail istic of other kinds of medical research. By focusing
and precision, consent forms became longer. The entire on the highest level of risk disclosed, the data do not
informed consent document evolved from a paragraph allow us to comment on the extent of discrepancies in
with information that frequently appeared to have other study risks, although it is our impression that
been inaccurate and/or missing, to multiple pages with they diminished in a similar way over time. Moreover,
thorough descriptions of the risks and other details of although the coding categories were straightforward,
the study. These changes occurred slowly and steadily coding was performed by a single rater without a test
over time, representing a gradual evolution of the of reliability. Finally, while this study illustrates the evo-
type and amount of information contained in consent lution of the consent form itself, it cannot capture the
documents. The increase in page length suggests that oral portion of the informed consent process. Hence,
additional language was added to clarify risks, though we cannot comment on whether the total package of
exactly where the additional wording was added was information received by a potential research participant
not determined in this study. Although discrepancies in was more or less accurate and comprehensive than is
the descriptions of risks between the consent form and suggested by these data.
the protocol had ceased before the end of our study Our findings highlight the inherent paradox in
window, page length continued to increase, suggesting attempting to use consent forms to convey ever-more-
that greater attention to risks has not been the sole fac- complete information to potential research subjects.
tor responsible for the increase in page length. Greater information is associated with increased length
We can only speculate about the drivers of these of consent forms, and studies have shown an inverse
changes, but it is interesting to note that the relevant relationship between length and individuals’ compre-
research regulations in 1974 included the same basic hension of the information provided.14 For instance,

M ay -J u n e 2010 IRB: E t h i c s & H u m a n R e s e a rc h

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IRB: E t h i c s & H u m a n R e s e a rc h M ay -J u n e 2010

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