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Pada pelaksanaan proyek, beton pada kolom di cor dan dibiarkan

mengeras, kemudian beton pada pelat dan balok dicorbersama-
A N A L IS IS sama sehingga balok dan pelat bersifat monolit.

a Pelat sebagai sayap atas dari balok

DAN L Balok Interior AB -> Sayap
pada kedua sisinya, juga
disebut balok T
Balok Tepi (spandrel beam) CD
-> Sayap pada satu sisinya juga
ll' . j disebut balok L


Daerah M+ dan M' Lebar Efektif Sayap (SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 8.12)

8.12 K o n s tru k s l b alok-T

8.12.1 P a d a konsbuksi batok-T. sa y a p d an B adan Batok h a-u s tfcBangun m enyatu a ta u bits

Pada Balok terjadi M+ ->di iapangan (section A-A); M - tidak b a ru s dilakotkan Bersaroa s e c a ra efektif

-> di tumpuan (section B-B) 8.1 2 .2 LeOar siaB efekt i f se b a g a i sa y a p balok-T fcdak boteh m etebihi sep e re m p a t pan^ang
Bentang balok. d a n lebar efektif sa y a p y an g m en ggantung p a a a massrvg-masing stsi b a d a n
basok tldak ooten m elebihi:
Pada iapangan, daerah tekan pada sayap Cambar
la ) D elap an kali teb al slab; dan
(b) dan (d). Bila daerah tekan lebh kecii dan sayap (b) S e te n g a h jarak b e m b k e b a d a n d i sebetah n y a.
(hf)-> Balok dianggap balok segi empat; Biia 8.1 2 .3 Untuk Batok d eo g a n slab p a d a s a tu stsi sftja, ibar sa y a p efefctrf yang m enggantung
tidak Boleh melebtbi
melewati tinggi sayap -> dianggap balok T (a) S e p e rd u a b a io s p an jang b e n tan g batok;
(t>) E nam kali teb al slab; d an
fc) S e ie n g a h jarak b erstb k e B adan di sabctah n y a.

Lebar Efektif Sayap (SNI 2847:2013 Pasal 8.12) Analisis Balok T dan L
- Dalam analisis akan ada 2 kondisi daerah tekan
Daerah tekan (Whitneys stress block) seluruhnya berada
pada sayap (P,c < hf) -> Rectangular T-beam

-12-4 r*TQ a a * * > rr* n bentuk-T dig u n ak an untuk m em betikan sa y a p untuk

nacus m em punyai k ete b a ia n sa y a p txtak ku?ang d a n se te n g a h lebar
' 3 .z-z-a*. tetkn d a n e m p a t kail reb ar b a d an .

stab y ang dian g g ap s e b a g a i sa y a p batok-T tttdak Daerah tekan (Whitneys stress block) melewati
d e n g a n b alok. tu tan g an teg ak Sums te rh a d a p batok
esu at d e n g a n berikut ini' sayap dan sebagian pada daerah badan (p,c > hf) ->
n a ru s dx5esa<n untuk merrukui b e b a n terfaktor p a d a Saba* slab
b e k e g a s e b a g a i k antitovei Untuk balok y an g terpisan,
True T-beam
s - = e n g e * n t u n g n * ru s d>pedvtungkan. Untuk batok-T t*biny*. bny
perxi diperhitungkan

tan tsaak tebih ja u h d art lim a kali teb al stab, atau

8 /7 /2 0 1 7

Analisis BalokT Analisis BalokT

Kasus i: BalokTsegiempat Kasus 2: Balok T Sebenarnya
Balok T dianggap balok sebagai balok segiempat dengan lebar Daerah tekan Balok T dibagi dalam 2 bagian, yaitu daerah
be, Whitneys stress block seluruhnya berada pada sayap (P,c sayap dan badan.
< hf) Rectangular T-beam
Prosedur analisis sbb:
Anggap a = p,c < hf
Anggaps5> e y
Dari persamaan kesetimbangan (T = Cc), maka hitunglah
nilai a: A Jr
~ 0 .8 5 /> ,
* Gaya tekan pada bagian 1: Ct/ = 0 ,85fXb.
Semua parameter pada bagian 1 diketabui, Cc bisa didapat
Cek apakah a<hf! (jika ya lanjutkan; jika tidak ikuti
Kasus 2) Gaya tekan pada bagian 2: c =O.8S/>0
Cek es > Sy, under reinforced-tension controlled
Hitung Mn

Analisis Balok T Analisis Balok T

Kasus 2: Balok T Sebenarnya Dengan tulangan tekan
Nilai a tidak diketahui, didapat dengan persamaan Biia kondisi Balok-T memenuhi kasus t, maka keberadaan
kesetimbangan T = Ccf + Ccw = T -Q tulangan tekan dapat diabaikan-^kontribusinya sangat kecil.

Asf - 0.85f c(be -b j)h f M n = A J y( d - 1 )

a = ------- -------------------- ;------------------
0.85f cbw Bila Kondisi Balok-T termasuk kasus 2, maka keberadaan
Setelah a didapat maka c = a /p c e k bahwa regangan baja s > tulangan tekan diperhitungkan pada saat kesetimbangan
y, meyakinkan bahwa tulangan Tarik leleh. Kemudian M bagian 2, dengan mengikuti langkah-Iangkah balok segiempat.
dihitung: Mn dihitung:

M = C # ( d - ! ) + C J d - 1> w. = Q (rf-^ )+ cw(rf-|)+c, (d-d')

C. - <'(/- 0,85/.)

Perhitungan ()>darf Balok-T Evaluasi As, min Balok-T dan balok-L

Kebanyaknya dari Balok-T memiliki t > 0.005 dan sangat sulit
menempatkan tulangan didaerah Tarik untuk menyebabkan ' Tulangan lentur minimum diperlukan untuk mengatasi
balok berada pada kondisi keruntuhan over-reinforced. Bisa keruntuhan mendadak sebagai akibat dari momen retak, oleh
juga iinat dengan membandingkan nilai c dengan batasan nilai karena Asmfn dihitung menggunakan bwdan bukan be.
c untuk balok dengan tension-controlled (3/8dt).
^ s m ia ~ P voxsP v/^
Nilai p untuk Balok-T umumnya adalah 0.9
Bila terdapat keraguan terhadap regangan yang terjadi pada Balok-T yang mengalami Tarik didaerah sayap (i.e balok
tulangan Tarik, maka dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan kantilever, iverted T-beam), maka bwdiganti dengan nilai
diagram distribusi regangan linear. terkecil dari 2bwdan be, tidak boleh lebih dari lebar sayap

Example 4-5 Example 4-5
1. D eterm ine he for a beam T -sed ion th at is p art o f a continuous floor system . Lebar efektif (be):
Consider the portion o f the continuous floor system shown) in Fig. 4-45 and the central .
floor beam spanning in the horizontal direction. The beam sections corresponding to sec
tion lines A -A and B -B in Fig. 4-45 are given in Figs. 4-46 and 4-47, respectively. The lim
its given in ACI Code Section 8 .12 for determining the effective width of the compression 6 *>. | to a rot*
flange for a beam section in a continuous floor system are
For ports I I > .tnd (?| Ihc fo lk w in j nulcrml properties:
f e - 4000 p*i ( 0 , - 0.85) nod /, - 6 0 k u
1 For ilit Ttitctinu in FI*. 4-Mi. o lc u la tt <f>\1m unit l F o r ihc given section.
, 6(0.60 u*.2) * 3.60 in 2 ami a ; > 2(0.70 in.3)
to positive bendmg. and
jctu o n * near the end r f the spun . ittg. The beam section in
F i. 4-4ri lopioacma the tuidspan v i in Fig. 4-45 and tJius. is
subjected to positive bending. The
layers. The minimum spacing resjuierd between layers * ement is (A C I CVxle
Stclnsn 7 6 2> Ibus. the spacing between the centers < rs is approximately 2 tn.
Assuming the section svill include a No. . or No. 4 sur s:i.suiblc to assume that
the distance from the ctlrcftK ts-n.sion edge o f the vectio mroid of the lowest layer
of steel t appi os mialcly 2 5 in S o . the ill stance Irons t>edge to the centroid of

li. and the distance from the top o f the sectisw

tension reinforcement. r/f . can he calctilaied ft

Example 4-5 Example 4-5

The depth lo die neutral axis. c. which is equal 10 aftJj. will be approximately equal to
Calculation of ib \ f a Assume this is a Case 1 analysis (a 5 h f) and assume that the
I in. Comparing this to the values for d and d ,. it should be d ea r without doing calculations
tension steel is yielding {ss 2: Sy). For section equilibrium, use Eq. (4-16) with bf substi that the tension steel strain, e^. easily exceeds the yveld strain lO.OG?/7} and the strain at the
tuted for b. giving level o f the extreme layer of tension reinforcement. ,. easily exceeds the limit for tension-
controlled sections (0.005). Thus. 4> = 0.9. and we can use Eq. (4-21>to calculate Si%as

AJ , {3.60 in.-)(60 ksi)

~ 0 . S 5 / A " 0 .8 5 (4 k si)(72in.) " '8 8 '"' M , = A jJ ^ d - 0 = (3.60 tn.2)(6 0 k si)^ 20.5 in. j
A/, = 4330 k -b . = 361 k-ft
This is less than hr. as expected. This value also is less than d \ so we can ignore the
d>Ma = 0 9 X 361 = 325 k-ft
compression reinforcement for the analysis o f Mn. This is a very common result for a
T-section in positive bending. For such beams with huge compression zones, compression Check of.4. ia Tension is at the bottom o f this section, so it is clear that wc should
steel is not required for additional moment strength. The compression steel in this beam use bu- in Eq. (4-11). Also. 3 V f c is equal to 190 psi. so use 200 psi in the numerator
section may be present for reinforcement continuity requirements (Chapter 8), to reduce
deflections (Chapter 9), or to simply support shear reinforcement. 200 psi 200 psi
A ,* = = ^ ^ ( ' 2 'X 2 A in .) = 0.82 in.* < ,1, (o.k.)

Example 4-5 Example 4-5

C a lc u la tio n of' <.)/ B ecause th is is a d o ubly reinforced section, we initially will
3. f u r the T-scction shown in Fig. 4-47, calculate <.Wfl anti Ij.min- Because this a ssu m e th e ten sio n steel is y ield in g an d u s e th e trial-an d -en ro r p ro ced u re describ ed in
section is subjected to negative bending, flexural tension cricking wifi develop in the top S ccu o n 4-7 to find th e neutral axis d epth, c.
flange and tlie compressive zone is as the bottom o f the section. Note that ACI Code Section
T ry c = d l4 5.5 in.
10.6.6 requires that a portion of the tension reinforcement be distributed into the flange,
which coincidentally allows all the negative-moment tension reinforcement to be placed in
one layer. Thus, assume, that the No. 5 bars in the flange are part of the tension reinforce * - { C ~c d ) - ( 5 5 ' ~5 V i,f5 m ) ( 0 0 0 3 ) " 0()0164
ment. So, for the given section, f s - - 29.000 k si X 0.00 1 6 4 =- 47 .5 ksi ( a s / , )

<4j = 3 X 0.79 in.* + 6 x 0.31 in.2 = 4.23 in.2 C , = A 'd f r - 0 .8 5 f c ) = f .SO in .2 (4 7 .5 ksi - 3 .4 k s i) = 79.3 kips
C , = 0.85 b ^ p y c = 0.85 X 4 ksi X 12 in. X 0.8 5 X 5.5 in. = 191 kips
a; = 3 x 0 .6 0 in.2 = J.80in.2
T ~ AxJ'y 4.2 3 in.2 x 6 0 k si = 2 54 kips
Using assumptions similar to those used in prior examples, d is approximately equal to 2.5 in.
and d - dt is approximately equal to the total beam depth, h, minus 2.5 in.. i.e., 21.5 in. B ecause T < C c 4- C , . w e should d ecrease c for the s econd trial.
T ry c = 5.1 in.

s j = 0.0 0 1 5 3

4 4.4 ksi ( * / , )
<7, = 73 .7 kips
C c = 177 k ip s
T = 254 k ip s s* C , F Cc = 2 5 1 kips
Example 4-5 Example 4-5
With section equilibrium established, we must confirm the assumption that the tension Calculation of As discussed in Section 4-8, the* value of A 1jaiu for beam sec
steel is yielding. Because d d- for this section, we can confirm that this is a tension- tions with a flange in the tension zone is a function of the use of that beam. The beam section
for this example is used in the negative bending zone of a continuous, stal tcallv indeterminate
controlled section in the same step. Using Eq. (4-18):
floor system. Thus, the minimum tension reinforcement should be calculated using bw, as
d -c / 2 I .5 in. 5.1 in .\ was done in part (2) of this example. Using an effective depth, d, of 21.5 in., and noting that
,{ = , ) = -------- eLa = --------:--------------JO 003 = 0.00965 s 3 V / c is less than 200 psi. the following value is calculated using Eq. (4-1 ! >:
c \ 3.1 in. /

Oeariy, the steel is yielding (ex > = 0.00207) and this is a tension-control led section (e. > 200 psi 200 psi ,
0.005). So, using i = fi\c = 0.85 X 5.1 in. = 4.34 in., use Eq. 14-34) to calculate M as -W , - = ^ 6 o S i (l2 in )(2 1 -5 in'> " 0 8 6 < (-k >

If the beam section considered here was used as a statically determinate cantilever
K = C ^d - ^ 4 CS( J - d ) = 177 fc X 19.3 in. + 73.7 k x 19.0 in. l beam subjected to gravity loading (all negative bending), then the term should be
replaced with the smaller of 2bt or bf . For this section, 2bx. is the smaller value, so for
Ma = 3420 k-in -f 1400 k-in. = 4820 k-in. - 401 k-ft
| such a ease, the value of <4<a s would be
*WS = 0.9 x 401 = 361 k-ft
200 psi
4 u f c = - j r - f * . * = 1-72 ir>. < A , (o.k.)

Example 4-6 Analysis ot a I-Beam with the Neutral Axis Example 4-6 Analysis ot a T-Beam with the Neutral Axis
in the Web in the Web
Compote the positive moment strength 6<Vf and for the beam shown in Because a is greater than the thickness of the flange (h / - 5 in.), our assumption that the
compression zone is rectangular is wrong, and our calculated value of a is incorrect. It
Ftg. 4-48. Assume that the concrete and steel strengths are 3000 psi and 60 ksi, respec
therefore is necessary to use the Case 2 analysis procedure discussed in Section 4-8 and
tively. Also assume the beam contains No. 3 stirrups as shear reinforcement, which are not
artificially break the section into two beams shown as beam F and beam W in Fig. 4-48e
shown in Fig. 4-48.
and d. respectively.
1. Compute br Assume this beam is an isolated T-beam in which the flange is used
4. Analysis of Mn for lire fhuiged section with a > hj. The compression force in
to increase the area of the compression zone. For such a beam. ACI Code Section 8.12.4
beam F is given by Eq. (4-36) as
states that the flange thickness shall not be less than one-half the width of the web and that
die effective flange width shall not exceed four times the width of the web. By observation, Cc/ = 0 .8 5 /;, {be - bv) h f = 0.85 X 3 ksi(18 in. - 10 in.) X 5 in. = 102 kips
the given flange dimensions satisfy these limits. Thus, bt ~ 18 in.
The compression force in beam W is given by Eq. (4-37) as
2. Compute d. As in the prior example with two layers of tension reinforcement,
CllK = 0.85 f c b%a
assume d h - 3.5 in. = 24.5 in., as shown in Fig. 4-4Sa.

3. Compute u. Assume this is a Case I analysis (a &. h i), and thus, the compres
sion zone will be rectangular. Accordingly,

A *f? 4 .74in.2 X 6 0 ksi

a = -------- - = ---------------------------- = 6.29 in.
0.85 / > f 0.85 X 3 ksi X 18 in.

Example 4-6 Analysis ot a T-Beam with the Neutral Axis Example 4-6 Analysis ot a T-Beam with the Neutral Axis
in the Web in the Web
Il a t E T -tG This clearly exceeds the yield strain (0.00207), so the assumption that the tension

i \ 1
1 *-| ! ! , i
steel is yielding is confirmed. It should be noted that the distance to the extreme layer o f
tension steel. d>, will exceed d for this section, so the strain at the extreme layer o f

I J^ ...-i
J L^ tension steel, es, will exceed e,. Thus, e, exceeds 0.005. making this a tension-controlled
section with <6 espial to 0.9. Using Eq. (4-39) to calculate Mn.

O f c o u rse , th e d e p th o f W h itn e y 's stress b lo ck , a. is th e m ajo r u nknow n for th is s ec

M. = C ,,{d ~ y ) + "f)
tio n a n aly sis proced u re. It is fo u n d by settin g th e ten sio n force, T / i s/ = 4.74 in . X Mn = 102 k f 24.5 in. 4- 182 k f 24.5 in. - 7,1* in' j
6 0 ksi 2 8 4 k ip s, e q u al to the su m o f th e co m p ressio n forces, as w as d o n e to derive
E q. <4-38). M k = 2240 k-in. 4 3820 k-in. = 6060 k-in = 505 k-ft
7' ~ C c f 28 4 k - 102 k and, 4>Mn = 0.9 X 505 = 455 k-ft
0 .8 5 f'c b H, 0 .8 5 X 3 ksi X 10 in.
5. C heek w hether A , fc A m u,. Assuming this beam is continuous over several
W ith th is value- o f a . Cfu} 182 k ip s. B efore c alcu latin g M. \ 5 m ust co nfirm that spans, we can use b b,e for this calculation. Foj a concrete strength of 3000 psi. note
the te n sio n steel is y ield in g . U sing c ti/fit ~ 7.15/O.S5 8.42 ir . Eq. (4 -1 8 ) can be that 3 V f c is less than 200 psi. so use 200 psi in Eq. (4-11), giving
used to c a lc u la te the te n sio n steel strain a s
200 psi
c /2 4 .5 b (10 in.)(24.5 in.) = 0.82 in 2 < At (o.k.)
E > ..003 = 0.00573 60,000 psi
-*<* - ( i


8 /7 /2 0 1 7

V ,_s *, J
Penampang Balok Unsimetris Penampang Balok Unsimetris
Beban bekerja pada bidang lentur KarenaT=C, dan anggap fs =
dan melalui pusat geser fy, maka:
penampang tak simetris 1
Balok diatas perletakan sederhana
dan bebas berdeformasi arah
- Lever arm (jd) harus vertical
vertical dan horizontal. Dan
kesetimbangan gaya terlihat pada / = (d - )

Kesetimbangan T = C

- - Formulas! ini hanya berlaku

Momen Nominal Mn: untuk blok tegangan segitiga
ja - a r u pada kasus ini, bila kasus
beds' maka dilakukan trial
-r im H and error

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