Anda di halaman 1dari 9


1 PPOK J44.0
Acute lower respiratory infection
2 DM E11.5/E10.5
3 DM E11.2/E10.2
CKD N08.3
4 HN N13.1
uretral strictur
5 CHF I11.0
6 CKD I12.0
7 CHF I50.1
8 CHF I50.1
9 PJK I21.9
10 PJK I24.9
11 HHD I13.1
12 HHD I13.2
13 HHD I11.0
14 TF A01.0+
Pneumonia J17.0*
15 DM E10/E11.1
16 DM E10/E11.3
Katarak H28.0
Retinopaty H36.0
17 DM E10/E11.4
Amyotropi G73.0
Autonomic neuropaty G99.0
Mononeuropaty G59.0
Polyneuropaty G63.2
18 DM E10/E11.6
Arthropaty M14.2
Neuropatic M14.6
1 Abses hepar K75.0
2 Abses peritonitis K65.0
3 Abses renal N15.1
4 Abses submandibula K12.2
5 ACL S43.5
6 Aff. Plate Z47.0
7 AIHA D59.1
8 Aki N17.9
9 ALS G12.2
10 Anemia HD D63.8
11 Anemia in neoplastic D63.0
12 Anemia kehamilan O99.0
13 Angina pectoris I20.9
14 Appendicitis peritonitis K35.2
15 Appendicitis peritonitis abses/gangren K35.3
16 Basalioma pipi C76.0
17 Batu Buli buli N21.0
18 Batu uretra N21.1
19 Bsc O34.2
20 Bursitis M70.27
21 Burst Abdoment T81.3
22 Ca. Buli buli C67.9
23 Ca. Lidah C02.9
24 Ca. Mammae C50.9
25 Ca. Tyroid C73
26 Candidial stomatitis B37.0
27 Cardiac arrest I46.9
28 CF. Antebracii / Ulna S52.80
29 CF. Clavicula S42.00
30 CF. Clavicula S42.00
31 CF. Mandibula S02.60
32 CF. Radius S52.50
33 CF. Tibia S82.20
34 CF.Maxilla S02.40
35 COR S06.0
36 COS S09.0
37 Cronic ulcer skin L98.4
38 CVA infark I63.9
39 Cysta ovary N83.2
40 D.quervain M65.4
41 Dislipidemia E78.5
42 DVT I80.2
43 Dyspneu R06.0
44 Effect of heart syncope T67.1
45 Epidual Hemoragea G93.4
46 Epilepsi G40.9
47 Erosi portio N86
48 Essential trombositosis D47.3
49 FAM N60.2
50 FCD N60.1
51 Ganglion M67.4
52 GEA A09.0
53 Gizi buruk E46
54 GNA N00.7
55 Hamil Letak sungsang (non SC) O64.4
56 Hamil letak sungsang (SC) O32.2
57 Hamil Normal O80.0
58 Hamil SC O82.1
59 Hematocezia K62.5
60 Hemiparesis/hemiplegia G81.9
61 Hemoroid I84.0
62 Hipotensi I95.9
63 HMFD B08.4
64 HN N13.3
65 HNP M51.2
66 Hydrocele N43.3
67 Hyperglikemi R73.9
68 Ibu meninggal O95
69 ICH I61.9
70 Illeus K56.7
71 Infiltrat peritonsil/abses J36
72 ISK N39.0
73 IUFD O36.4
74 IUFD O36.4
75 Katarak imature H25.0
76 Katarak mature H25.2
77 Kronik appendic K36
78 Liver disease K76.9
79 Melanoma maligna skin C43.9
80 Menometroargia N92.1
81 Myoma Uteri D25.0
82 NCD Z51.4
83 OF. Antebrachii S52.81
84 OF. Clavicula S42.01
85 OF. Mandibula S02.61
86 OF. Radius S52.51
87 Paleative care Z51.5
88 Paralitic syndrome G83.9
89 Parotitis B26.9
90 PCP B20.6
91 Penumonia J18.9
92 Perforasi illeum K63.1
93 Perforasi illeum K63.1
94 Peritonitis K65.9
95 Phymosis N47
96 Plantar facitis M72.2
97 Pneumonia J18.9
98 Polip nasal J33.9
99 PPI O60.0
100 PV (polythemia vera) D45
101 RBBB I45.1
102 RHD (Reumathoid heart disease) I09.0
103 SAH I60.9
104 SAH (subaracnoid hemoragea) I60.9
105 SDH I62.0
106 Selulitis L03.9
107 Sepsis A41.9
108 SH K74.6
109 Skin graf L98.9
110 Skull defect T90.2
111 SN (Nephrotic Syndrome) N04.9
112 SNHL H90.5
113 Softissue TU. Wrist M79.94
114 Squelae cva infark I69.3
115 Status asmatikus J46
116 Stephen johnson syndrome L51.1
117 Stomatitis K12.1
118 Stricture uretral N35.9
119 SVT I47.1
120 Syncope and colapse R55
121 TB milier A19.2
122 Tetralogy of fallot Q21.3
123 Thaasemia D56.1
124 TIA G45.9
125 Tic facialis G51.8
126 Tongue tic Q38.1
127 Traumatic amputasi S68.2
128 Trigeminal Neuralgia G50.0
129 Triger finger M65.3
130 TTA S39.9
131 TU. Antebrachii D16.0
132 TU. Cerebri D33.2
133 TU. Genu D16.3
134 TU. Labia (bibir) D10.3
135 TU. Mammae D24
136 TU. Maxilla D16.4
137 TU. Meningioma D33.0
138 TU. Papelbra D23.1
139 TU. Parotis D11.0
140 TU. Paru D14.4
141 TU. Punggung D21.6
142 TU. Shoulder D21.1
143 Ulkus pedis L97
144 Unstable angina I20.0
145 Varicella B01.9
146 Varicocele I86.1
147 Vertigo H81.4
148 NPH G91.2
149 CRS M53.1
150 Perianal fistel K60.3
151 Rinitis alergi J30.4
152 Psoriasis vulgaris L40.0
153 GBS G61.0
154 Anapilactic shock reaction T78.2
155 Ascites R18
156 Hemangioma D18.0
157 AUB N93.9
158 Hematrosis M25.09
159 OA genu M19.06
160 Abortus Imminance O20.0
161 Abortus Incompit O06.9
162 Abrasio T14.0
163 Absces L02
164 Achalasia K22.0
165 Acne Vulgaris L70.0
166 Adonemyosis N80.0
167 Amenorrhoe N91.2
168 Amnesia R41.3
169 Angina Pectoris I20.9
170 Anorexia R63.0
171 APB / Ante Partum Bleeding O46.9
172 Aphakia H 27.0
1 Aff. Clavikula 78.61
2 Aff. DJ. Stent 97.65
3 Amputasi bagian bawah lutut 84.17
4 Amputasi below knee 84.15
5 Amputasi jari kaki 84.11
6 Amputasi jari tangan 84.01
7 Amputasi seluruh kaki 84.12
8 Anastomosis ileum 45.91
9 Anastomosis sigmoid 45.94
10 Anastomosis small to large intestine 45.93
11 Anastomosis small to small intestine 45.91
12 Angkat jahitan 97.89
13 Appendictomy 47.09
14 AV Shunt 39.27
15 Basket 55.03
16 Biopsi of sof tissue 83.21
17 Biopsi pleura 34.24
18 BSO 65.61
19 Bursectomy 83.5
20 Businasi 58.6
21 Craniotomy 01.24
22 Curetage kandungan 69.02
23 Cystectomy ovarian cyst 65.29
24 DJ Stent 59.8
25 ECCE 13.71
26 ECG 89.52
27 Excisi calazion 08.21
28 Excisi debridement 86.22
29 Excisi dengan kedalaman dibawah subfacia 83.39
30 Excisi hydrocele (female) 69.19
31 Excisi hydrocele (male) 63.1
32 Excisi TU. Mammae 85.21
33 Excisi/extirpasi TU.papelbra 08.20
34 Fistulectomy 49.12
35 FLAP 85.85
36 Ganglionectomy manus 82.21
37 Ganglionectomy selain manus 83.31
38 Heacting kepala 89.59
39 Hemoroidectomy 49.46
40 ICCS 13.19
41 Incisi abses submandibula 27.0
42 Injeksi intra artikuler 81.92
43 insersi CVC unspesified 38.93
44 IVP 87.73
45 Laparoscopic apendictomy 47.01
46 Laparoscopy 54.21
47 Laparotomy 54.11
48 Ligasi tinggi vena 38.50
49 Litotripsi 56.0
50 Litotripsi (ESWL) 98.51
51 MOW 66.32
52 MRM 85.45
53 Necrotomi 86.22
54 Neprotomy 55.01
55 Non excisi debridement 86.28
56 Omentektomi 54.4
57 Open biopsy breast 85.12
58 Open biopsy non organ 86.11
59 Orchidopexy 62.5
60 ORIF CF. Mandibula 76.76
61 ORIF clavikula 79.39
62 ORIF Mandibula 76.76
63 ORIF Tibia 79.36
64 ORIF Ulna 79.32
65 Osteotomy 77.27
66 Pachoe 13.41
67 Partial hip replacement 81.52
68 Partial resection 42.62
69 Pasang gibs 93.53
70 Pasang NGT 96.07
71 Pungsi ascites 54.91
72 Pyelolithotomy 55.11
73 Rawat luka 96.59
74 Re. Laparotomy 54.12
75 Release tongue tic 25.91
76 Release triger finger 82.01
77 Release uretral stricture 58.5
78 Reposisi radius 79.09
79 Reseksi ileum 45.62
80 Reseksi sigmoid 45.79
81 Scrotal varices 63.1
82 Sinusotomy 22.50
83 Skin graf 86.63
84 SOB 66.63
85 SOS/D 65.49
86 SVH 68.59
87 Tonsilectomy 28.2
88 TUR bawah 57.49
89 TURP (buli/blader) 57.0
90 TURP (prostat) 60.29
91 Tyroidectomy complet 06.4
92 Tyroidectomy partial 06.39
93 Tyroidectomy unilateral 06.2
94 Uresthroplasty 58.47
95 Ureteroscopy 56.31
96 Uretral cateterization 59.8
97 URS (batu ureter) 59.95
98 URS (hanya melihat/usg) 88.75
99 URS (stictur ureter) 56.0
100 URS untuk batu 56.74
101 URS untuk stricture 56.0
102 USG abdomen 88.76
103 USG gravid 88.78
104 USG Lain lain 88.79
105 USG Urologi 88.75
106 Vasoligasi 63.71
107 Vasotomy 63.6
108 Vena section 38.89
109 Venous cutdown 38.94
110 Vesicolitotomy 57.19
111 Dobel lumen dialisis CVC 38.95
112 CAPD 54.93
113 Plebectomy 38.60
114 Herniotomy 53.04
115 Hernniorapy 53.29
116 Circumcision 64.0
117 CVC cardiac lef 37.21
118 CVC cardiac right 37.22

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