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Chapter 4


This chapter presents the results, analysis, and interpretation of the data gathered from the

study conducted. This includes socio-demographic profile, diagnosed health problems and non-

diagnosed health problems, health practices and utilized by jeepney drivers. The resulting data

are presented in a textual discussion followed by tabular presentation to facilitate better

understanding. Implications are also presented to provide in-depth analysis of each resulting


Profile of Respondents

The profile of the respondents was discussed in two parts: socio-demographic profile and

health information. In terms of socio-demographic profile it includes age, civil status, weight,

height, highest educational attainment, monthly income, number of family members, number of

hours working per day, number of years working as a driver, and number of years the vehicle in

operation. The health information comprises the diagnosed health problems which was already

seen by a medical doctor and non-diagnosed health problems which they commonly experienced.

Socio Demographic Profile

The socio-demographic profile is presented in Table 1. It comprises of age, civil status,

weight, height, highest educational attainment, monthly income, number of family members,

number of hours working per day, number of years working as a driver, and number of years the

vehicle in operation.
Table 1
Socio-Demographic Profile of Respondents


Freq Percent Rank

18-25 1 1.69 5
26-33 11 18.64 3
34-41 23 38.98 1
42-49 16 27.12 2
50-63 8 13.56 4
Total 59 100
Civil Status
Single 7 11.86 2
Married 51 86.44 1
Widow 1 1.69 3
Total 59 100
Educational Attainment
Elementary Undergraduate
Elementary Graduate 7 11.86 4
High school Undergraduate 5 8.47 5.5
High school Graduate 8 13.56 3
College Undergraduate 5 8.47 5.5
College Graduate 23 38.98 1
Vocational 11 18.64 2
Total 59 100
Monthly Family Income
31,001 or above 3 5.08 5.5
20,001-31,000 3 5.08 5.5
15,001-20,000 10 16.95 3
10,001-15,000 14 23.73 2
5,001-10,000 23 38.98 7
1,000-5,000 6 10.17 4
5,000 below 6
Total 59 100
Number of Family Members
2-3 13 22.03 3
4-5 26 44.07 1
6-7 16 27.12 2
8 or more 4 6.78 4
Total 59 100
No. of Hours Working per Day
8-10 29 49.15 2
11-13 26 44.07 1
14-16 4 6.78 3
Total 59 100
No. of Years Working as a Driver
3-8 19 32.20 2
9-14 9 15.25 3
15-20 20 33.90 1
21-26 5 8.47 4
27-32 2 3.39 6
33-38 3 5.08 5
39-44 1 1.69 7
Total 59 100
No. of Vehicle in Service
1-5 12 20.34 2
6-10 11 18.64 3.5
11-15 11 18.64 3.5
16-20 18 30.51 1
21-25 3 5.08 4
26-30 2 3.39 5.5
31-35 2 3.39 5.5
Total 59 100
Total 59 100
Table 2
Diagnosed Health Problems experienced by Jeepney Drivers


Freq Percent Rank
Appendicitis 2 3.39 2.5
Gastritis 2 3.39 2.5
Peptic Ulcer 3 5.08 1
Fractures 2 3.39 1.5
Rheumatism 2 3.39 1.5
Pneumonia 4 6.78 1
Diabetic Retinopathy 1 1.69 1
UTI/Bladder infection 5 8.47 1
Table 2
Non-Diagnosed Health Problems experienced by Jeepney Drivers

Freq Percent Rank
Cough 39 66.10 2
Poor Eyesight 16 27.12 12
Colds 40 67.80 1
Difficulty of Breathing 4 6.78 16
Eye Redness/irritations 17 28.81 11
Shortness of Breath 3 5.08 17
Headache 36 61.02 3
Loss of Hearing 2 3.39 18
Sore Throat 28 47.46 6
Chest Pain 3 5.08 17
High Blood Pressure 14 23.73 13
Edema 9 15.25 15
Joint Pain 29 49.15 5
Fever 35 59.32 4
Tremors 1 1.69 19
Numbness 35 59.32 4
Cuts, Bruises, Abrasions 2 3.39 18
Diarrhea 21 35.59 8
Scrapes 18 30.51 10
Constipation 9 15.25 15
Pain in the Skin 1 1.69 19
Stomach Ache 20 33.90 9
Skin Rashes 13 22.03 14
Toothache 24 40.68 7
Loss of Appetite 18 30.51 10
Difficulty of Swallowing 3 5.08 17
Back Pain 17 28.81 11
Nausea and Vomiting 1 1.69 19
Table 2
Health Practices utilized by Jeepney Drivers


Freq Percentage Rank Freq Percentage Rank

I am washing hands before eating 55 93.22 4 6.78
meals only at home
I am washing hands before eating 29 49.15 30 50.85
meals even at work
I am using sanitizer/alcohol at work 24 40.68 35 59.32
I am taking a bath before going to 56 94.92 3 5.08
I am taking a bath/shower after 25 42.37 34 57.63
I am brushing my teeth before 58 98.31 1 1.69
going to work
I am brushing my teeth only when I 54 91.53 5 8.47
got home from work
I am brushing my teeth after eating 20 33.90 39 66.10
meal even at work
I am using mouthwash after 16 27.12 43 72.88
brushing my teeth
I am ensuring my fingernails are 44 74.58 15 25.42
properly and cleanly trimmed
I make sure that my hair is properly 49 83.05 10 16.95
cut to ensure good hygiene
I am using a towel/handkerchief 55 93.22 4 6.78
while coughing
I am putting towel at my back to 45 76.27 14 23.73
prevent sweating
I have a homemade meal for work 19 32.20 40 67.80
(breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner)
I am buying food in the eatery 48 81.36 11 18.64
(breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner)
There are times that I am drinking 39 66.10 20 33.90
liquor at workplace
I am eating less than 3 times a day 45 76.27 14 23.73
I am eating meal at the right time 23 38.98 36 61.02
I dont eat meal at the right time 34 57.63 25 42.37
I am eating fruits regularly 26 44.07 33 55.93
I am eating vegetables regularly 40 67.80 19 32.20
I am bringing my own water in 40 67.80 19 32.20
workplace to ensure rehydration
throughout work period
I prefer buying water along the 30 50.85 29 49.15
I can consume 8-12 glasses of water 40 67.80 19 32.20
per day
I am buying carbonated drinks in 50 84.75 9 15.25
the store along the street (soft
drinks, energy, etc drinks)
I am drinking coffee in workplace 45 76.27 14 23.73
I buy candies or bubble gums along 44 74.58 15 25.42
the street
I am getting enough sleep every 40 67.80 19 32.20
night at least 6 hours
I find time in performing simple 39 60.10 20 33.90
stretching after 1 round of driving
I am resting in workplace or take a 35 59.32 24 40.68
nap when Im tired
I am resting when I got home from 47 79.66 12 20.34
I often experience body pain 47 79.66 12 20.34
especially back pain after work
I go for a massage in the massage 42 71.19 17 28.81
parlor or ask somebody to do it
I am utilizing available first aid kits 29 49.15 20 33.90
in the working area
I am using topical patches (salonpas 39 66.10 30 50.85
and mentopas) and liniment (omega
pain killer, efficacent oil, katinko,
I do not go to work when I am not 43 72.88 16 27.12
feeling well
I am drinking medicine when not 45 76.27 14 23.73
feeling well
I take vitamins supplements or any 39 60.10 20 33.90
herbal medicines
I go to medical check-ups every 35 59.32 24 40.68
I make time to exercise at least 2-3x 25 42.37 34 57.63
a week
I play music while driving 31 52.54 28 47.46
I have with me small electric fan or 29 49.15 30 50.85
I am wearing cap whenever its hot 38 64.41 21 35.59
I am using protective covering to 27 45.76 32 54.24
my arms to prevent exposure to
I am not going to work when there 19 32.20 40 67.80
is heavy rain the whole day
My vehicle has a proper cover so 34 57.63 25 42.37
that I wont get wet during rainy
I am using jacket or any thick 44 74.58 15 25.42
clothes during cold or rainy days
I am using closed shoes while 44 74.58 15 25.42
I prefer using slippers while driving 34 57.63 25 42.37
I urinate whenever I feel urinating 29 49.15 30 50.85
in the public restroom
I hold on my urine even I feel 27 45.76 32 54.24
urinating until I went home
Sometimes I spit anywhere while 22 37.29 37 62.71
I have a container for spitting 19 32.20 40 67.80
I wear mask to protect myself from 19 32.20 40 67.80
air pollution
I have a piercing or tattoo in my 20 33.90 39 66.10
I am smoking before working 15 25.42 44 74.58
I sometimes smoke while driving 14 23.73 45 76.27
I am using sunglasses while driving 20 33.90 39 66.10
I am using prescribed glasses 25 42.37 34 57.63
I sometimes use cell phone or any 21 35.59 38 64.41
gadgets while driving
I wear wristwatch in workplace to 18 30.51 41 69.49
be aware of the time
I am using gloves while driving 19 32.20 40 67.80
I am putting a padded seat to 34 57.63 25 42.37
prevent back problems
I am using seat belt while driving 41 69.49 18 30.51
I am using rags while driving 45 76.27 14 23.73
I have with me coin or bill box so 38 64.41 21 35.59
that I can put the fare of the
I prefer holding the money while 37 62.71 22 37.29
I have a garbage bag with me while 50 84.75 9 15.25
I am checking the maintenance of 54 91.53 5 8.47
the jeepney regularly
I am attending to orientation that 54 91.53 5 8.47
gives instructions regarding the
dos and donts in the workplace

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