Anda di halaman 1dari 1

1. What have you observed / noticed about the pattern of responses?

All of their answers are similar. To sum things up, they see our economy as progressing. However, the
public transportation sector of the country has still yet to strive to achieve economic stability. The
increasing rate of petrol hinders them to earn above their minimum income or wages, making it uneasy
to sustain for their own families.

2. How important is the economic institution in their day-to-day living?

As the countrys population is increasing, the demand for travel by individuals and households is also
essentially increasing to a function of their desire for physical access to workplaces, educational
establishments, shops, and social, recreational and community facilities. Therefore, the transportation
sector itself is a major component of our economy. The transportation sector moves goods and people,
employs millions of workers, generates revenue, and consumes materials and services produced by
other sectors of the economy.


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