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J Vet Intern Med 2013

A Retrospective Study of Acute Kidney Injury in Cats and

Development of a Novel Clinical Scoring System for Predicting
Outcome for Cats Managed by Hemodialysis
G. Segev, R. Nivy, P.H. Kass, and L.D. Cowgill
Background: Information regarding acute kidney injury (AKI) in cats is limited, and there are no reliable tools to
objectively assess disease severity and predict outcome.
Objectives: To assess clinical signs, clinicopathologic abnormalities, etiology, and outcome of cats with AKI, and to
develop models using clinical metrics and empirically derived scores to predict outcome.
Animals: One hundred and thirty-two client-owned cats.
Methods: Retrospective study. Bivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify variables predictive of
30-day survival. Continuous variables outside the reference range were divided into quartiles to yield quartile-specic odds
ratios (OR) for survival. Models were developed incorporating weighting factors assigned to each quartile based on the
OR. A predictive score for each model was calculated for each cat by summing all weighting factors. A second, multivari-
able logistic regression model was created from actual values of the same variables. Receiver operating characteristic curve
analyses were performed to determine the models performance. Models were further tested using a subset of cases not
used in initial assessment.
Results: Fifty ve of 132 cats (42%) remained dialysis-independent for at least 30 days after discharge, and the remain-
ing 77 cats either died (n = 37, 28%) or were euthanized (n = 40, 30%). The most common etiology was ureteral obstruc-
tion (n = 46, 35%). Higher scores were associated with decreased probability of survival (P < .001). Models correctly
classied outcomes in 7577% of the cases and 8489% of the cases in the subsequent evaluation.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Models can provide objective guidance in assessing AKI prognosis and severity,
but should be validated in other cohorts of cats.
Key words: Acute renal failure; Model; Risk factor; Score; Survival.

cute kidney injury (AKI) represents a spectrum of

A disease associated with a sudden onset of renal
parenchymal injury most typically characterized by
AKI acute kidney injury
generalized failure of the kidneys to meet the excre- ALT alanine aminotransferase
tory, metabolic, and endocrine demands of the body, AU acute uremia
resulting in acute uremia (AU).1 At advanced stages of AUC area under curve
AKI, retained uremic solutes accumulate with dysregu- BUN blood urea nitrogen
lation of acid-base homeostasis, metabolic processes, CBC complete blood count
and uid and electrolyte balance.1 AU results from CKD chronic kidney disease
volume and hemodynamic abnormalities, intrinsic OR odds ratio
RBC red blood cells
injury to the kidney, and postrenal causes. Prerenal
ROC receiver operating characteristic
azotemia or volume-responsive AKI manifests from
VMTH Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
decreased renal perfusion, most typically from dehy-
dration or hypovolemia; however, it generally is
limited in severity, resolves rapidly with timely correc-
tion of the underlying cause, and does not typically Acute kidney injury develops from multiple etiolo-
predispose to AU.1 gies including prolonged ischemia, nephrotoxins,
intrinsic kidney diseases, infectious causes, and
obstruction or rupture of urinary outow.1,2 Of those,
ureteral obstruction is a leading cause of kidney injury
From the Internal Medicine Department, School of Veterinary in cats in North America with variable clinical presen-
Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel tations resembling AKI and manifest as AU or chronic
(Segev, Nivy); the Department of Population Heath and kidney disease (CKD).2,3,a
Reproduction (Kass) and the Department of Medicine and
The management of AU is aimed at eliminating the
Epidemiology, School of Veterinary Medicine (Cowgill),
University of California, Davis, CA. The patients were treated at initiating cause of kidney injury and controlling clini-
the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, cal consequences of uremia until recovery of kidney
University of California, Davis, Davis, CA. function. In the severest stages, medical management
Corresponding author: G. Segev, School of Veterinary Medicine, often is ineective, and animals might die within days
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, P.O. Box 12, Rehovot from the consequences of uremia before recovery of
76100, Israel; e-mail: renal function can occur. Renal replacement therapies,
Submitted September 14, 2012; Revised March 12, 2013;
including intermittent hemodialysis, can restore eec-
Accepted April 11, 2013.
Copyright 2013 by the American College of Veterinary Internal tively electrolyte, acid-base, and uid balance, and
Medicine eliminate retained uremic solutes (uremia toxins),
10.1111/jvim.12108 excessive water loads, and endogenous and exogenous

toxins, thereby prolonging survival and improving the identity of extrarenal organs involved, etiology, and outcome.
potential for recovery.4 Despite the extended survival Surviving cats were dened as those that remained dialysis inde-
aorded by intermittent hemodialysis compared with pendent for at least 30 days after discharge. Nonsurviving cats
conventional medical treatment, renal injury might be were dened as those that either died or were euthanized because
of poor prognosis. Cats that were euthanized at their owners
too severe for recovery. The principal factors that
request, before being treated for at least 14 days with
determine renal recovery, and thus short- and long- hemodialysis, were excluded.
term prognosis, are the inciting cause, the extent of
kidney damage, and the presence of comorbid disor-
ders.3 Despite advances in both human and veterinary Laboratory Findings
medicine, the case fatality for AKI remains unaccept- Blood and urine specimens for CBC, biochemistry prole,
ably high,511 and there is limited information in the blood gas analysis, and urinalysis were collected at initial presen-
veterinary literature forecasting the prognosis of cats tation, and analyses were performed by routine methods at the
experiencing AU and their outcome before recom- diagnostic laboratories of the VMTH.
mending expensive and invasive therapies.2,7,10,1214
Staging and scoring systems are based on clinical Etiology
and laboratory ndings, commonly used in human
medicine, and might help dene disease severity and Etiology was classied when known as lily intoxication,
predict outcome. Many scoring systems have become ethylene glycol intoxication, ureteral obstruction, pyelonephri-
available in human medicine over the years, predomi- tis, renal lymphoma, multicentric lymphoma, and hemodynamic
nantly for critically ill patients.1517 In veterinary dyscrasia. Ethylene glycol intoxication was documented on the
basis of known exposure to antifreeze, detection of serum eth-
medicine, the use of scoring systems has been limited
ylene glycol or glycolic acid, or histologic evidence of tubular
to the assessment of trauma, critical illness, and necrosis and calcium oxalate crystals within the renal tubules.
surgery.6,18,19 Recently, a prognostic index has been Hemodynamic dyscrasia was dened as a hypotensive episode
proposed for cats with AKI,11 but to date, only a sin- documented before the development of AU and suspected as
gle scoring system has been developed to help predict the cause of kidney injury. Lily toxicosis was diagnosed based
outcome for dogs with AKI managed with intermit- on a history of exposure, clinical signs, and characteristic
tent hemodialysis.8 Developed using a retrospective histopathologic lesions. Imaging surveys (radiography, ultra-
clinical setting, the scoring strategy was simple yet sonography, nephropyelogram, and computed tomography) or
accurate in predicting therapeutic outcome.8 An surgery (when imaging was inconclusive) was used to document
objective scoring system for cats with AU might like- ureteral obstruction.
wise help assess disease severity and prognosis, and
facilitate decision-making of the initiation of costly Organ System Involvement
renal replacement treatment.
Extrarenal organ involvement was classied based on clinical
The objective of this study was to assess clinical
signs, laboratory abnormalities, or radiographic or ultrasono-
severity of AKI in cats presenting with AU and man- graphic evidence of organ damage. Respiratory system involve-
aged with intermittent hemodialysis. A companion ment was considered when either increased respiratory eort was
objective was to more precisely characterize the clinical observed at the presenting physical examination or signicant
signs, clinicopathologic abnormalities, common etiolo- radiographic changes such as alveolar pattern were evident on
gies, and outcome of these same cats to develop clini- thoracic radiographs. Neurological system involvement was diag-
cally applicable predictive models that could aid the nosed when seizures were part of the cats current history or
clinician in objectively assessing disease severity and when signicant neurological abnormalities such as ataxia were
prognosis for recovery. noted at presentation. Hepatic involvement was dened when
serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity or bilirubin con-
centrations were above 200 U/L (RR: 27101) and 1.0 mg/dL
Materials and Methods (RR: 00.2), respectively. Evidence of cardiovascular involvement
was based on echocardiography, the presence of heart murmurs,
Animals and Data Collection with or without arrhythmias.
The medical records of all cats presented with AU to the
University of California, William R. Prichard Veterinary Medical Statistical Analysis
Teaching Hospital (VMTH) between January 1993 and February
2007 and managed with intermitted hemodialysis were reviewed. The statistically derived scoring system described for cats was
Cats with urinary system rupture, with urethral obstruction, or patterned after that described previously and characterized to
that underwent renal transplantation were excluded. predict outcome in dogs with AKI undergoing hemodialysis.8
Acute uremia was dened by the following: (1) acute onset of Because of the long study span, an exact CochranArmitage test
clinical signs; (2) history and physical examination consistent of the successive (over time) binomial proportions was performed
with AKI (anuria, oliguria, vomiting, and inappetence) or ure- to assess changes in case fatality over the study period.
teral obstruction; and (3) azotemia (serum creatinine >3 mg/dL Stage I AnalysisVariable Selection. A series of logistic
and urine specic gravity <1.020). Data retrieved from the elec- regression analyses were performed initially to screen a series of
tronic medical records included signalment, history, physical variables present at initial presentation for potential association
examination ndings, blood pressure (measured by indirect with 30 days of survival (dialysis-independent) after discharge;
Doppler or oscillometry), complete blood count (CBC), serum continuous variables were entered as linear terms regardless of
chemistry, urinalysis, venous blood gas analysis, number and the nature of their functional relationships (eg, linear, quadratic,
Acute Kidney Injury in Cats 3

etc.). Among these, but not exclusively, were temperature, heart Statistical analyses were performed by the SPSS statistical
rate, respiratory rate, CBC parameters, serum biochemistry software.b For all tests, unless specied otherwise, P < .05 was
parameters, venous blood gas analysis measures, and extrarenal considered statistically signicant.
organ involvement. Variables with P  .10 were considered for
Stage II analysis.
Stage II AnalysisGeneration of Weighting Factors for Models
Using Scores. Continuous variables identied in Stage I (eg, red A total of 132 cats fullled the inclusion criteria. Of
blood cells [RBC] count) were partitioned into normal or abnor- these, ve (3.8%) were intact males, three (2.3%) were
mal ranges as either increased or decreased from the reference
intact females, 76 (57.6%) were castrated males, and
range. For variables whose values above the reference range were
detrimental to survival, any outlying value below the reference
48 (36.3%) were spayed females. The median age was
range was included with reference range values. Conversely, for 83 months (range, 4271). Median body weight was
variables whose values below the reference range were considered 5 kg (range, 2.411.5).
detrimental to outcome, any outlying value above the reference The most common breeds were mixed breed (115 cats,
range also was included with reference values. The abnormal 87%), Siamese (11 cats, 8%), Abyssinian, Himalayan,
range for each variable was further partitioned into quartiles, Maine coon, American shorthair, Persian, Bombay, and
and the quartiles were subsequently treated as categorical vari- Burmese (1 each, 0.8%).
ables. Logistic regression models were then constructed using the
reference range as the reference category, and quartile-specic
weighting factors were calculated based on the odds ratios (OR) Clinical Signs and Blood Pressure
for survival. For variables for which there was no reference
range (eg, body weight), the rst quartile was used as the refer-
Median body temperature was 37.7C (range, 34.2
ence category. 39.7); median heart rate was 160 beats/min (range, 66
The weighting factors for each quartile were dened as the 240); and median respiratory rate was 40 breaths/min
OR where the relationship with survival was direct, or, as the (range, 2080). The most common abnormalities in
reciprocal of the OR when the relationship with survival was vital signs included hypothermia (75 cats, 64%), bra-
inverse. Quartile-specic categories with similar OR were com- dycardia (<160 beats/min, 42 cats, 35%), and increased
bined to reduce the number of estimated categories and to add respiratory rate (>30 breaths/min, 75 cats, 70%)
precision without adversely aecting validity. Similarly, when no (Table 1). Notably, 73 (55%) cats were anuric at pre-
statistically signicant dierence (P > .10) was observed between sentation, 66 (50%) showed signs indicative of abdom-
the quartile-specic categories and the reference range category,
inal pain, 62 (47%) had a recent history of vomiting,
they were combined.
Stage III AnalysisModel Development. Predictive models
and 61 (46%) suered from uid overload.
were generated contingent upon the previous analyses using Median systolic blood pressure was 144 mmHg
logistic regression. In Model A, the OR for each quartile or (range, 70250). A systolic blood pressure >150 mmHg
combined quartiles of a variable (from Stage II analysis above) was documented in 38 cats (38%). Only 1 cat pre-
was rounded to its integer value and assigned as the weighting sented with concurrent hypothermia, bradycardia, and
factors for that quartile. For Model B, the weighting factor for hypotension.
each quartile was assigned as the exact OR determined from
Stage II analysis. Models C and D were constructed in a simi-
lar manner except an etiology, weighted with the rounded or Extrarenal Organ Involvement
exact OR, respectively, was included additionally when known.
Sixty-ve cats (49%) had gastrointestinal tract
Model E was a multivariable model that included the same
variables as Models C and D, but because of model nonconver-
involvement, 26 (20%) had respiratory involvement, 22
gence caused by sparse data, (1) the number of known etiolo- (17%) liver involvement, 20 (15%) nervous system
gies was reduced to three, with all other known and unknown involvement, 14 (11%) cardiovascular involvement, 4
etiologies combined into a reference category; and (2) ataxia (3%) endocrine system involvement, and 2 (1.5%) had
was removed. pancreatic involvement.
Stage III AnalysisModel Assessment. In Models A through
D, the sum of the weighting factors of each variable produced
a nal predictive score for each cat. In all 4 models, the value
1 was assigned as the weighting factor to the reference cate- Table 1. History and physical examination ndings
gory. Models were assessed initially on cats with complete data in 132 cats with acute uremia at presentation.
(Models A though D, 94 cats; Model E, 101 cats). Receiver
operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed to Clinical Sign n (%)
determine sensitivities and specicities for outcome prediction at
Lethargy 117 (89)
dierent cuto points. The optimal cuto point was chosen as
Inappetence 105 (80)
the value associated with the fewest misclassications (ie, maxi-
Anuria 73 (55)
mizing Youdens index).20 Area under the ROC curve (AUC)
Abdominal pain 66 (50)
was calculated as an additional assessment of its respective per-
Vomiting 62 (47)
formance. To further evaluate the models, cats with missing
Fluid overload 61 (46)
data, which were not assessed initially, were used (38 cats for
Dehydration 25 (19)
Models A though D and 31 cat for Model E). Missing data
Distended urinary bladder 15 (11)
were replaced with the average value of the variable based on
Ataxia 11 (8)
the outcome group (survivor versus nonsurvivor). Evaluation
Polyuria/polydipsia 8 (6)
was performed using the established cuto points based on the
Diarrhea 3 (2)
initial assessment.

Clinicopathologic Data Etiology and Outcome

Most common hematologic abnormalities included Forty-six cats (38.4%) were diagnosed with ureteral
anemia and leukocytosis (Table 2). Serum biochemis- obstruction, and 28 (21.2%) underwent surgery (eg, ur-
try abnormalities included azotemia, hyperkalemia, eterotomy, neoureterocystostomy) during hospitaliza-
hypochloremia, and hyperphosphatemia. Median ALT tion to correct the obstruction (Table 4).
activity, aspartate aminotransferase activity, and total Fifty-ve cats (42%) remained dialysis independent
serum bilirubin concentration were above their refer- for at least 30 days post discharge, and the remaining
ence ranges in 26, 35, and 64% of the cats, respectively 77 cases either died (n = 37, 28%) or were euthanized
(Table 3). (n = 40, 30%). There was no signicant dierence

Table 2. Complete blood count parameters in 132 cats with acute uremia at presentation.
n (%)

Parameter n Median (range) Below Ref Rng Above Ref Rng Ref Rng
Red blood cells (910 /lL) 112 6.1 (1.511.5) 80 (71.4) 1 (0.9) 710.5
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 112 9.1 (2.217.1) 68 (60.7) 1 (0.9) 1016
Hematocrit (%) 113 26.8 (8.251.1) 68 (60.2) 1 (0.9) 3050
MCV (fL) 112 45.5 (35.360.7) 15 (13.4) 8 (7.1) 4253
MCH (pg/cell) 112 15.2 (12.419) 2 (1.8) 9 (8) 1317
MCHC (g/dL) 112 33.3 (26.838.2) 3 (2.7) 48 (42.9) 3033.5
White blood cells (9103/lL) 112 12.4 (3.847.1) 1 (0.9) 44 (39.3) 4.514
Bands (9103/lL) 112 0 (04.3) 0 (0) 18 (16) 00.2
Neutrophils (9103/lL) 112 10.2 (2.740.4) 0 (0) 72 (64.3) 29
Lymphocytes (9103/lL) 112 0.9 (05.7) 68 (60.7) 0 (0) 17
Monocytes (9103/lL) 112 0.24 (01.84) 7 (6.3) 18 (16.1) 0.050.6
Eosinophils (9103/lL) 112 0.059 (06) 72 (64.3) 1 (0.9) 0.151.1
Basophils (9103/lL) 112 0 (00.36) 0 (0) 1 (0.9) 00.2
Platelets (9103/lL) 110 233 (34600) 28 (25.5) 1 (0.9) 180500

Ref Rng, reference range; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC, mean corpuscular
hemoglobin concentration.

Table 3. Serum biochemistry parameters in 132 cats with acute uremia at presentation.
n (%)

Parameter n Median (range) Below Ref Rng Above Ref Rng Ref Rng
Albumin (g/dL) 118 2.4 (1.53.5) 32 (27.1) 0 (0) 2.24.6
Albumin/globulin ratio 105 0.7 (0.41.2) 7 (6.7) 0 (0) 0.51.7
ALP (U/L) 106 23 (171) 19 (17.9) 0 (0) 1471
ALT (U/L) 105 64 (2840) 9 (8.6) 27 (25.7) 27101
Anion gap (mEq/L) 117 36 (1947) 0 (0) 106 (90.6) 1327
AST (U/L) 105 47 (51098) 6 (5.7) 37 (35.2) 1758
Bilirubin (mg/dL) 124 0.5 (016.1) 0 (0) 79 (63.7) 00.2
BUN (mg/dL) 131 228 (68456) 0 (0) 131 (100) 1833
BUN/creatinine ratio 130 13 (6.833.7) 16 (12.3) 40 (30.8) 1015
Calcium (mg/dL) 122 9.4 (3.915) 45 (36.9) 12 (9.8) 910.9
Chloride (mmol/L) 118 108 (88131) 106 (89.8) 1 (0.8) 117126
Cholesterol (mg/dL) 105 134 (65314) 10 (9.5) 1 (1) 89258
CO2 (mmol/L) 122 12 (431) 85 (69.7) 8 (6.6) 1521
Creatinine (mg/dL) 131 17.2 (544.2) 0 (0) 131 (100) 1.12.2
Globulin (g/dL) 105 3.7 (25.7) 11 (10.5) 3 (2.9) 2.85.4
Glucose (mg/dL) 106 117 (38996) 4 (3.8) 50 (47.2) 63118
Phosphorus (mg/dL) 126 15.2 (1.127.7) 12 (9.5) 108 (85.7) 6.68.4
Potassium (mmol/L) 123 6 (3.110.9) 5 (4.1) 93 (75.6) 3.64.9
Sodium (mmol/L) 120 150 (122169) 65 (54.2) 9 (7.5) 151158
Total protein (g/dL) 108 6.1 (3.58.9) 70 (64.8) 2 (1.9) 6.68.4

Ref Rng, reference range; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALP, alkaline
Acute Kidney Injury in Cats 5

Table 4. Etiology and outcome of 132 cats with acute ureteral obstruction, followed by 34% with unknown
uremia. etiology, 8% with EG intoxication, 6.4% with lily
intoxication, and only 3% with pyelonephritis.
Etiology n % of Total Survival (%) When cases with ureteral obstruction were excluded,
Unknown 53 40.1 26.4 vomiting was still positively associated with survival
Ureteral obstruction 46 34.8 67.4 (P = .003).
Ethylene glycol intoxication 12 9.1 8.3 The following variables were included for subse-
Pyelonephritis 7 5.3 57.1 quent analyses: body weight, total protein, RBC, body
Lily intoxication 6 4.5 16.7
temperature, ataxia, uid overload, respiratory involve-
Renal lymphoma 3 2.3 2.3
Hemodynamic 2 1.5 66.7
ment, vomiting, ethylene glycol intoxication, lily intoxi-
Polycystic kidney disease 1 0.8 0.0 cation, and ureteral obstruction. Ninety-four animals
Transplant rejection 1 0.8 0.0 records had complete data for all the variables iden-
Multi-centric lymphoma 1 0.8 0.0 tied in Stage I analysis and were used to assess
performance of each model.
Some variables (eg, RBC) showed a threshold phe-
nomenon, in which the 1st 3 quartiles yielded the same
(P = .73) in case fatality over the study period. Exclud- OR as the reference group, and only the 4th quartile
ing hemodynamic causes (an etiology documented in was detrimental for survival. Other continuous vari-
only 2 cats), ureteral obstruction was the etiology with ables demonstrated a more progressive association
the most favorable outcome, with a 67% survival rate with survival, with greater deviations from the refer-
(Table 4). Pyelonephritis also had a favorable outcome ence range yielding lower OR for survival and there-
(57% survival), whereas lily and ethylene glycol intoxi- fore higher weighting factors.
cations carried grave prognoses (17% and 8% survival, Initially, 4 models were generated (Tables 5, 6). Out-
respectively). come scores ranged from 4 to 28 for Model A (aver-
Odds ratios and their 95% condence intervals were age, 11.6; SD, 5.3), 4.5 to 28 for Model B (average, 12;
calculated to compare the likelihood of survival SD, 5.1), 1 to 39 for Model C (average, 13.1; SD, 7.3),
between each etiology and ureteral obstruction. Ani- and 1.9 to 39.1 for Model D (average, 13.7; SD, 7). In
mals with ethylene glycol and lily intoxications had all models, a higher score was associated with lower
odds of not surviving 23 times (P = .004, 95% CI probability of survival.
2.7200) and 10 times (P = .040, 95% CI 1.1100)
greater than animals with ureteral obstruction, respec-
tively. Cats whose etiology remained unknown had 6
times lower odds of survival compared with cats Table 5. Models A and C: Outcome prediction for 95
with ureteral obstruction (P = .001, 95% CI 2.413.7). cats with acute uremia managed with hemodialysis,
No signicant dierences in survival were identied based on the integer value of the OR, with (Model C)
between ureteral obstruction and the remaining etiologies. or without including etiology (Model A).
Variable Range
Scoring System Model A
Body weight (kg) >5 5
Of all the variables (~70) screened initially for a pos- Weighting factor 1 3
sible relationship with survival in Stage I analysis, 18 Total protein (g/dL) >5 5
had a P  .10. Ten of these were continuous vari- Weighting factor 1 5
ables, 5 categorical variables reected extrarenal sys- RBC (9106/lL) >4.86  4.86
tem involvement, and the remaining 3 were underlying Weighting factor 1 7
etiologies. Neither sex nor breed was associated with Body temperature (F) >99.35 98 < X  99.35  98
survival. Two of the continuous variables deemed Weighting factor 1 3 7
detrimental to survival in Stage I (osmolality, colloid Ataxia Yes No
oncotic pressure) could not be used in subsequent Weighting factor 8 1
Fluid overload Yes No
analyses or formal modeling because their data were
Weighting factor 2 1
missing from a large number of patient records. To Respiratory involvement Yes No
avoid collinearity, only RBC was used as a hematolog- Weighting factor 3 1
ic parameter despite the additional Stage I signicance Vomiting Yes No
of hematocrit and hemoglobin. Similarly, instead of Weighting factor ( )3 1
using both albumin and total protein, only the latter Model C: when the etiology is known, an additional weighting
was employed in further analyses. Neither overall factor is added
survival nor survival within the various etiologies EG intoxication Yes No
was associated with either plasma creatinine or BUN Weighting factor 9 1
concentrations. Lily intoxication Yes No
Weighting factor 4 1
Vomiting and ureteral obstruction were positively
Ureteral obstruction Yes No
associated with survival. Of the 62 cases in which Weighting factor ( )5 1
vomiting had been documented, nearly 50% had

Table 6. Models B and D: Outcome prediction for 95 83%, 90%/86%, and 71%/88%, respectively, with cor-
cats with acute uremia managed with hemodialysis, rect classication of 8489% of the cases.
based on exact odds ratios, with (Model D) or without Variables selected from the Stage I analysis were
including etiology (Model B). also used to create the following multivariable logistic
regression model (Model E): logit (p) = 0.31 9 (body
Variable Range weight) + 0.59 9 (temp) 0.7 9 (uid overload) +
Model B 0.46 9 (RBC) 2.11 9 (Lily intoxication) 2.11 9
Body weight (kg) >5 5 (ethylene glycol intoxication) + 2.3 9 (ureteral obstruc-
Weighting factor 1 3.36 tion) 63.95. When applying the model to the 101 cats
Total protein (g/dL) >5 5 that had data on all variables in the model, the optimal
Weighting factor 1 4.6
probability cuto point was 0.41, corresponding to sen-
RBC (9106/lL) >4.86  4.86
Weighting factor 1 6.7
sitivity and specicity of 82% and 77%, respectively,
Body temperature (F) >99.35 98 < X  99.35  98 and 80/101 (79%) were classied correctly. When apply-
Weighting factor 1 3.2 6.6 ing the model to cats after missing data analysis (31
Ataxia Yes No cats), using the same optimal probability cuto point,
Weighting factor 8.1 1 sensitivity and specicity were 80% and 91%, respec-
Fluid overload Yes No tively, and 27/31 (87%) were classied correctly.
Weighting factor 2.3 1 The relationship between prior probability of
Respiratory involvement Yes No survival and positive predictive value after applying
Weighting factor 2.9 1 Models C and E is presented in Figure 2.
Vomiting Yes No
Weighting factor ( ) 2.5 1
Model D: when an etiology is known, an additional weighting Discussion
factor is added
EG intoxication Yes No This study describes the clinical signs, clinicopatho-
Weighting factor 9.1 1 logic features, and the outcomes of a large population
Lily intoxication Yes No of cats with severe AKI requiring hemodialysis. In
Weighting factor 3.7 1 addition, dierent models (eg, a multivariable regres-
Ureteral obstruction Yes No sion model and a clinically applicable scoring system)
Weighting factor ( ) 4.6 1 that can aid in the objective assessment of disease
severity and prognosis prediction of cats with AU
undergoing hemodialysis treatment are proposed.
Models A, B, C, and D yielded sensitivities/specici- The clinical presentation of the cats in this study
ties of 74%/75%, 74%/75%, 62%/88%, and 66%/ was consistent with AU. The majority of cases were
83%, respectively (Tables 7, 8). Optimal cuto scores lethargic and inappetent. Hypothermia, a consistent
(ie, those that minimized overall misclassication) with nding in AU, was common and most likely resulted
their respective sensitivities, specicities, number of from retained uremia solutes.21
correctly classied cases, and AUC values for each The prevalence of increased blood pressure in this
model are presented in Table 7 and Figure 1. All mod- population of uremic cats was generally lower than
els performed similarly with regard to classication reported for dogs with AKI and is in accordance with
(7577% correctly classied). When etiology was previously published reports of blood pressure in cats
known, specicity increased at the expense of sensitiv- with CKD.2224 Fifty-ve percent of cases were anuric.
ity (Models C and D). When applying the models to Oliguria could not be adequately assessed as urine pro-
cats not used for initial assessment (38 cats with miss- duction, a prognostic factor in other studies,5,25 was
ing data) using the same cutos, Models A, B, C, and not measured because urinary catheters were not
D yielded sensitivities/specicities of 82%/85%, 89%/ implanted routinely.

Table 7. Cuto scores and their respective sensitivities and specicities for Models AD. Models A and C were
generated based on the integer-equivalent value of the odds ratio for each variable. Models B and D were
generated based on the exact odds ratio. In Models C and D, etiology was included.
Model A Model B Model C Model D

Cuto Sen Spe Cuto Sen Spe Cuto Sen Spe Cuto Sen Spe
6 38 98 6.8 31 100 7 45 98 5.4 26 100
8 52 83 9 50 88 9 52 94 10 54 92
10 74 75 10.4 74 75 10 62 88 12 66 83
12 83 54 12.5 83 60 12 74 72 12.4 74 75
15 95 41 17.3 100 28 17 100 43 17 97 47

Sen, sensitivity value; Spe, specicity value.

Bolded font represents optimal cuto points with the fewest misclassications.
Acute Kidney Injury in Cats 7

Table 8. Performance characteristics of 5 predictive models. Models A and C utilized scores generated from the
rounded integer value of the odds ratio for each variable. Models B and D were generated from the exact odds
ratio value. Etiology was included in Models C and D. Model E was a multivariable logistic regression model.
Ninety-four and 101 cats had complete data and were used for initial model assessment of Models AD and
Model E, respectively. Numbers in parentheses are results for 38 and 31 cats with missing data that were used for
further model assessment of Models AD and Model E, respectively.
Model Optimal Cuto Point Sensitivity Specicity Correctly Classied (%) AUC
A 10 74 (82) 75 (85) 75 (87) 0.81
B 10.4 74 (89) 75 (83) 75 (86) 0.81
C 10 62 (90) 88 (86) 77 (89) 0.85
D 12 66 (71) 83 (88) 76 (84) 0.86
E 0.41a 82 (80) 77 (91) 77 (87) 0.86

AUC, area under the ROC curve.

Probability cuto point.



Fig 1. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analyses for Models A though D. Models A and C were generated based on the
integer value of the odds ratio for each variable. Models B and D were generated based on the exact odds ratio. In Models C and D,
etiology was included. AUC, area under the curve.

Anemia was the most common abnormality revealed review of 136 cats with ureteral urolithiasis.26 How-
on the CBC and was characterized as nonregenerative ever, in a dierent review of acute intrinsic renal fail-
in most cats based on the absence of characteristics of ure in cats, the mean (SD) hematocrit at initial
regeneration (ie, reticulocytes, polychromasia). This diagnosis was 37  7.5%.10 Many cats with nephro-
nding is more characteristic of CKD, which might lithiasis and ureteral obstruction that present with a
have coexisted in some cats. The appearance of nonre- seemingly AU have acute-on-CKD with anemia
generative anemia also might have resulted from proportionate to the severity and duration of the
inammation, acute blood loss (eg, gastrointestinal underlying CKD component.
tract), and aggressive uid treatment with subsequent A few clinicopathologic ndings at the time of pre-
overhydration. Similar results were observed in a sentation were not consistent with AKI. Surprisingly,

Fig 2. Relationship between prior probability of survival and positive predictive value for Models C and E.

a large proportion of cats demonstrated increased Etiology had a signicant impact on the survival
ALT activity as well as increased serum bilirubin in cats managed with hemodialysis for AU as it does
concentrations. Increased ALT activity also has been for dogs.8 Ureteral obstruction and pyelonephritis
reported in a previous study in a high percentage of were associated with favorable outcomes (67% and
cats with CKD.27 The increase in liver enzyme activity 57% survival, respectively), whereas lily and ethylene
and serum bilirubin concentration in this study might glycol intoxication had exceptionally poor prognoses
reect liver damage secondary to ischemic or hypoxia (17% and 8% survival, respectively). In animals
injury, toxic insults, or pancreatitis. managed by hemodialysis, the reversibility of the
The most commonly identied etiology of AKI was injury, rather than its severity, is considered a more
ureteral obstruction (35%), with ethylene glycol intoxi- important indicator of prognosis, because the clinical
cation the next most frequent etiology representing and clinicopathologic consequences of uremia that
only 9% of cases. This observation represents a shift inuence mortality with conventional treatment can
in the most prevalent cause of AKI in cats requiring be managed with extracorporeal renal replacement
hemodialysis since the mid-1990s. In the 5-year period treatment. The relatively positive outcome for ure-
between 1993 and 1998, only 10% of cats were pre- teral obstruction was likely associated with surgical
sented with ureteral obstruction as the cause of AKI, correction of the inciting cause. Nevertheless, prog-
and 35% of cats had toxic etiologies (primarily ethyl- nosis for a favorable outcome for AKI after ureteral
ene glycol). In the subsequent 5-year period from 1999 obstruction is highly dependent on available and
to 2003, the prevalence of ureteral obstruction experienced surgical expertise, opportunity for ure-
increased to 51%, and toxic etiologies decreased to teral stenting, and degree of pre-existing (chronic)
11%.a A steady increase in the incidence of ureteral kidney injury.
calculi from the late 1990s was previously described, For several etiologies, the number of cases was con-
and paralleled with the change documented in the inci- spicuously low, and the reported survival rates should
dence of calcium oxalate and struvite urolithiasis in be interpreted cautiously. The severity of ethylene gly-
the last 3 decades.26,2830 col and lily toxicoses, the delayed presentation for
The case fatality was 58.3%, with the remaining 55 treatment, and the irreparable damage to the kidneys
cases (41.7%) surviving independent of dialysis for probably account for their grave prognoses.7,10,32 Eth-
longer than 30 days. This agrees with other studies of ylene glycol negatively aects survival in dogs with
uremic cats treated with hemodialysis.8,10,11,31 It should AKI in a similar evaluation.8 In a dierent study, 3 of
be noted, however, that denitions of survival as well 9 cats with ethylene glycol-induced AKI survived after
as duration of follow-up vary among the dierent hemodialysis treatment for at least 4 months.31 How-
studies, as might severity of kidney injury and extent ever, these uncharacteristically high survival rates in
of pre-existing CKD. These limitations further under- cats with ethylene glycol intoxication were associated
score the need for objective staging and scoring sys- with prolonged courses of hemodialysis, and incom-
tems that can be used to index disease severity and plete recovery of renal function upon cessation of
allow more valid comparisons between studies per- treatment. In this study, 5 of 17 cats with ethylene gly-
formed in dierent clinical settings and at dierent col intoxication underwent renal transplantation and
times. were excluded from analyses. The timing of diagnosis
Acute Kidney Injury in Cats 9

and initiation of hemodialysis treatment in cats with be implemented in an ICU context, as has been done
ethylene glycol intoxication was also critical for sur- in human scoring systems. When using the AUC of
vival and might explain the dierences in outcomes the ROC analysis for assessing model performances,
between studies.33,34 models were considered good (ie, >0.80) at discriminat-
ing survivors from nonsurvivors. Whenever the etiology
Scoring System was known, the specicity increased at the expense of
sensitivity: fewer animals were classied incorrectly
The scoring systems were developed to facilitate pre- as survivors, but model performance only slightly
diction of 30-day postdischarge survival of cats with improved. The association between specic etiologies and
AU managed with hemodialysis. Cats with severe AKI specic clinical signs or clinicopathological parameters
are subject to prolonged hospitalization and intensive (eg, ureteral obstruction and vomiting, hypocalcemia,
treatment, including hemodialysis, associated with high and EG intoxication) might have obscured dierences
treatment costs. Consequently, the objective assessment between the models as these parameters served as
of survival outcome at the time of presentation could proxies for etiologies.
play a pivotal role in the decision to pursue such a Models A or B, which were independent of etiology,
treatment or opt for euthanasia. An AKI scoring sys- might be more pragmatic as often etiological cause is
tems also has potential application to facilitate quanti- unknown at case presentation, and decisions to initiate
tative comparison of the severity of AKI in cats from hemodialysis must be made early in the disease course.
dierent studies. Many such scoring systems have Etiology might remain unknown throughout hospitaliza-
become available in human medicine over the years to tion and hence could not facilitate prognostic projections.
predict prognosis in critically ill patients. In veterinary The overall classication performance of all models
medicine, however, the use of scoring systems is lim- was very good, but there were dierences between
ited, and only 1 scoring system for dogs with AKI has models predictions of survivors and nonsurvivors, and
been developed.8,19,35 the use of scoring systems should be used cautiously
Of the variables considered to potentially inuence when predicting the outcome in individual cats. Mod-
survival screened in Stage I, only 18 had a P  .10. els should be used in conjunction with other labora-
Hyperkalemia, a historical cause of mortality in AKI, tory tests, clinical assessment, and clinician experience,
was not one of these, in contrast to a previous report10 rather than serve as the sole means by which decisions
and in agreement with a recent one.11 This counterintui- are made. Discretionary selection of outcome classi-
tive nding relates to the ecacy of hemodialysis to cation cuto points can maximize sensitivities and
control potassium homeostasis, so that hyperkalemia specicities according to clinicians (and owners) pref-
no longer compromises the animal. Similarly, the degree erences. The higher the cuto point, the higher the
of azotemia was not signicantly associated with sur- sensitivity (fewer false negatives) and the lower the
vival, in agreement with previous studies.8,10,11,31 These specicity (greater false positives).
observations in cats and comparable observations in A similar scoring system, developed for dogs with
dogs undergoing hemodialysis contravene the hypothesis AKI, showed better results with an AUC of 0.880.91.8
that severity of azotemia is a risk factor for AKI in These dierences might be explained by the dierences
dogs managed without hemodialysis.5 in etiologies of AKI between dogs and cats. Perhaps,
Vomiting was positively associated with survival. Of the most important factor that accounts for species dif-
the 62 cases in which vomiting had been documented, ferences between scoring systems is the observation that
nearly 50% had ureteral obstruction as an etiology. The AU in dogs represents bona fide acute intrinsic kidney
positive predictive eect of vomiting might be partly injury, whereas many cats presenting for hemodialysis
ascribed to its association with ureteral obstruction, had considerable degrees of pre-existing CKD before
which had a favorable outcome in this study. Similarly, the development of AU, ie, so-called acute-on-chronic
in the scoring system for dogs with AKI, increased kidney disease. Therefore, cats with AU in this study
ALT activity was positively associated with survival probably represented a more heterogeneous group than
likely attributable to its association with leptospirosis as dogs with intrinsic AKI with no chronic component.
an etiology, which typically had a good outcome for There are several drawbacks to this study. First,
survival.8 Nevertheless, when cases with ureteral medical records were reviewed retrospectively, and
obstruction were excluded from the analysis, vomiting data for several key variables were missing from a sub-
was still positively associated with survival (P = .003), stantial number of cases that could not be included in
suggesting that an association between vomiting and the initial statistical analyses. For example, urine pro-
ureteral obstruction cannot explain entirely the positive duction, a reportedly important prognostic factor,
association of vomiting with survival. could not be included in the models. Second, hemodi-
Four statistics-based scoring systems and a multivar- alysis is only available in a small number of referral
iate model were developed to test performance at pre- centers, and most cats typically received treatment
dicting survival outcome in cats presenting with AKI. before arrival. This might have resulted in changes in
The multivariate approach provided the most accurate some clinicopathologic ndings at presentation. Third,
predictive t; however, the performance of all models in the development of the scoring system, both surgical
was comparable. Nonetheless, we specically sought to cases and cases managed solely by medical means were
create an integer-based scoring system that could easily included. Surgical cases (eg, ureteral obstruction)

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