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Direction: Please answer correctly and honestly the following question by putting a check () or
writing the correct answer on the blank provided for.

Name (optional) : _________________________________________

Age :__________
Sex : ___ male ___ female

Part II. Types of extracurricular activities the student engages on.

School publishing house (EIC, artist, writers etc)

Student Government
Academic teams and clubs
Volunteer Work and Community service

Part III. The positive and negative influences of extracurricular activities to the academic
performance of the respondents in terms of class discussion, examination and making projects.

Direction: the following are the positive and negative influences of extracurricular activities to
the academic performance of the respondents in terms of class discussion,
examination and making projects. Please check the appropriate item corresponds to
your answer.
Code description
5 Always
4 often
3 sometimes
2 seldom
1 never
A. The positive influences of extracurricular activities to the academic SCALE
performance of the respondents in terms of class discussion,
examination and making projects.

5 4 3 2 1

Class discussion

1. feels excited to share ideas that have been learned from an

extracurricular activity

2. demonstrates the learned knowledge in front of the class

3. easily answer questions related to the learned knowledge from an

4. Can understand lesson easily related to a learned knowledge from an


1. have many ideas to answer a question because of a learned

knowledge from an ECA
2. motivated to answer the questions because of a learned knowledge
from an ECA

3. obtains high scores because of a learned knowledge from an ECA

4. Easily answers questions that has relation with the concepts learned
from various ECA.

Making projects

1. greatly improves skills because of a learned knowledge from an ECA

2. Finds it easy to finish a project because of a learned knowledge from

an ECA
3. able to submit projects on time
4.Very creative in making projects

B. The negative influences of extracurricular activities to the academic

performance of the respondents in terms of class discussion,
examination and making projects.

Class Discussion

1. Cannot participate well on class discussion

2. lacks time to study the lessons

3. focuses more on the ECA rather than on the class discussions
4. distracted from the class discussion


1. unable to focus on the examination

2. unable to review because of an unfinished work from an ECA.

3. obtains low score from a test because of an unfinished work from an


4.performs poorly in the examination dues to lack of sleep because of an

unfinished work from an ECA.

Making projects

1. having difficulty in finishing projects because of an unfinished work

from an ECA.
2. lacks time in making projects because of an unfinished work from an
3. forgets to do a project because of an unfinished work from an ECA.

4. unable to focus in making a project because of an unfinished work

from an ECA.


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