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Maltodekstrin je savren za sve vrste sportista; posebno za sportiste koji se bave

izdrljivijim sportovima, jer poveava

izdrljivost, smanjuje umor i spreava skupljanje mlene kiseline u miiima, kao i
ljude, koji treniraju sa razliitim oblicima preoptereenja (dizanje tegova) i koji
bi hteli da poveaju masu i obim miia.

itarica krupnik SPELTA ima grejue dejstvo na organizam. Slatkastog je ukusa. Jaa
slezinu- pankreas. Vlai organizam koji je pregrejan i
suv. Jaa jin. Preporuuje se iscrpljenim, slabim osobama npr. u sluaju dijareje,
konstipacije, slabog varenja, greva, i raznih
drugih poremeaja varenja.

Also known as Sauermalz, Acid Malt, or Sour Malt, Acidulated malt is a type of
barley that contains a small amount of lactic acid that gives it a sour taste.
(okiseljeni jecmeni slad moje pivo)

According to animal research done at Tabriz University in Iran, fresh onion juice
raises testosterone levels as much as
substances like tamoxifen or clomiphene.

Gotovo da nema izotoninog

napitka ili preparata za ishranu sportista koji ne sadri oligosaharide

If there is nothing for the

blood sugar to do, such as repair muscles or provide energy for exercise, it will
be stored as fat.

When its added to foods,

maltodextrin helps bind (povezuje sastojke) ingredients together.

Hemp (konoplja) rich in soluble and un-soluble fiber

which naturally cleanses the colon and reduces sugar craving (traenje UH)

ONIONS contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant which has powerful anti-cancer

Another lesser known property of
quercetin is its ability to increase the +++ PRODUCTION OF TESTOSTERONE +++ in the
Laboratory tests on rats have shown an almost 80% increase in testosterone levels
of rats that were given quercetin extract. Onion juice contains quercetin in
concentrated form and drinking it in large quantities is reputed
to increase testosterone levels in men too, probably why onions have always been
linked to virility.
Istraivanja su pokazala da je bor (cvekla) prijeko potreban za zdravlje kostiju i
hrskavinog tkiva. Pridonosi vezanju s hidroksilnim
grupama to je neophodno za proizvodnju aktivnih oblika nekih steroidnih hormona
potrebnih za metabolizam i ugradnju kalcija, fosfora i magnezija u kosti. Pri
razini bora u tijelu gubitak kalcija i magnezija iz tijela je vei, a njihova
ugradnja u kosti
manja. Bor u mukaraca podie razinu hormona testosterona, a u ena razinu hormona
17-beta-estradiola. Uinak bora na
podizanje razine ovog estrogena u ena pokazao se isto toliko velikim kao i uinak
se postie primjenom estrogenske terapije.

Beets have been considered an

aphrodisiac or sexual booster for millennia. Part of this stems from the fact that
beets contain significant levels of the mineral boron (BOR^) , which has been
shown to boost the production of sexual hormones. This can lead to a boost in your
libido, increased fertility, sperm mobility improvement, and a reduction in
frigidity in the bedroom. Your sexual life can get a legitimate and time-tested
push in the
right direction by adding beets to the diet of you and your partner.

Kako bor pomae u metabolizmu i ugradnji kalcija, fosfora i magnezija u kostima,

ovaj bi
se mineral trebao rabiti u pripravcima kalcija za prevenciju i lijeenje
Istraivanja su pokazala da oko 3 mg bora dnevno moe nadomjestiti gubitak
estrogena u
ena i olakati tegobe koje nastaju zbog tog gubitka.

1. First, fructose is metabolized differently from glucose, with the majority being
turned directly into fat because fructose stimulates a powerful "fat switch."
2. This rapidly leads to weight gain and abdominal obesity ("beer belly"),
HDL, increased LDL, elevated triglycerides, elevated blood sugar, and high blood
i.e., classic metabolic syndrome.
3. Dietary carbohydrates, especially fructose, are
also the primary source of a substance called glycerol-3-phosphate (g-3-p), which
fat to become fixed in fat tissue
4. At the same time, high carb intake raises your insulin levels, which prevents
fat from being
5. Fructose further tricks your body into gaining weight by turning off your body's
control system. Fructose does not suppress ghrelin (the "hunger hormone") and
stimulate leptin (the "satiety hormone"), which together result in feeling hungry
all the time,
even though you've eaten. As a result, you overeat and develop insulin resistance,
is not only an underlying factor of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and a long list
other chronic diseases

Fructose activates a key enzyme, fructokinase, which in turn activates another

enzyme that causes cells to accumulate fat . When this enzyme is blocked, fat
cannot be stored in the cell. Interestingly, this is the exact same "switch"
animals use to fatten up in the fall and to burn fat during the winter. Fructose is
the dietary ingredient that turns on this "switch," causing cells to accumulate
fat, both in animals and in humans.

Glycogen is the principal fuel for muscles and exhaustion occurs when it is
depleted. A
secondary fuel, which is much more abundant, is fat. As long as there is still
glycogen available, working muscles can utilize fat.
Caffeine mobilizes fat stores and encourages working muscles to use fat as a fuel.

People who are gluten intolerant or have gluten allergies should avoid wheat germ
supplements, as it contains glutens.

Fat loss may have also reduced the plaque in the arteries, since lower lipid levels
have been shown to correlate with lower plaque buildup.

In animal studies and laboratory tests with human cells,

limonoids (citrus) have been shown to help fight cancers of the MOUTH, SKIN, LUNG,

Eating grapefruit could help stabilize your blood glucose levels.

The fiber in grapefruit may help stabilize your blood glucose levels. Properties in
may also help lower your insulin levels, lessening your risk of developing
diabetes, as
well as a heart attack or stroke. If you have diabetes, eating grapefruit could
help you lose
weight and better control your blood glucose levels.

If there is salmonella present in egg, it is most likely on the shell due to

contact with the chicken feces. But even without this step (which I do not
practice, by the way), your chances of getting a
salmonella infection is very low given the research on pastured egg safety.

Beetroot and carrot juice is the best natural way to boost blood count faster, it
has the
ability to produce iron content and increase in red blood cells count, now your
body can
supply more and fresh oxygen to the blood. Within 2-3 days red blood cells count
going up.

The beet hemoglobin is, surprisingly, nearly identical to human hemoglobin.

One of the important health benefits of beet juice is its ability to lower bad
levels and raise healthy LDL cholesterol levels in the body.


INTESTINAL CALCIUM ABSORPTION. Carotene and parsley proved to be without effect.

Gluconic acid (chelating agent) occurs from the oxidation of glucose and is
naturally in fruit, honey and
wine. When used as a food additive it helps regulate acidity. It is a strong
chelating agent,
chelating the anions of calcium, iron, aluminum, copper, and other heavy metals.

The calcium salt of malonic acid (chelating agent) occurs in high concentrations in
beetroot (cvekla) . It exists in its normal state as white crystals. Malonic acid
is the classic example of a competitive
inhibitor : It acts against succinate dehydrogenase [2] (complex II) in the
respiratory electron transport chain.
Malonic acid is very damaging especially in cancer and other degenerative diseases
because it interferes with respiration (the making of ATP in mitochondria)

One thing that is worth noting,

is that studies show that diabetics who eat eggs are at an increased risk of heart

Cholesterol, a fat-like substance found in all of your cells, is essential to your

health in
small amounts. Cholesterol helps your body produce vitamin D and substances that
the foods you eat. Your body also needs cholesterol to make hormones. To move
through your bloodstream, cholesterol is incorporated into small units called
lipoproteins, which consist of fats, or lipids, on the inside and proteins on the
Recommended Intake
Your body makes all the cholesterol needed for physiological functions, so getting
cholesterol from your diet is unnecessary. The
2010 Dietary Guidelines recommend consuming less than 300 milligrams of
cholesterol per day. Sticking to the recommended amount helps promote healthy
cholesterol levels. You should get less than
200 milligrams of cholesterol per day if you have high cholesterol or other risk
factors for heart disease.

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