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Version 1.18
for the Wolf Book (c)2003
Instructions and FAQs:

First, please enter your Pack Number in the box:

Next, please enter your Den number in this box:

Immediately after you download:

You must save your spreadsheet to your hard drive. If you don't, it won't let you propogate the names
throughout the spreadsheet, and it will act as though the spreadsheet is read-only.

How to enter Scout Names in the spreadsheet:

Double-Click on the Tabs at the bottom of the page that say "Scout 1", "Scout 2", etc. That will hightlight
the text. Simply type the boy's name on the tab. That will cause his name to proliferate thoughout the
spreadsheet. If you're using OpenOffice Calc, you'll need to unprotect the sheet, right-click on the tab,
choose rename and change the name, then re-protect the sheet.

How to enter credit on the Achievements page:

To enter credit on the Achievement page, enter an A as a boy completes each requirement.
Converting Additional Achievement Credits to Elective Credits (an “unofficial” common practice):
To complete Achievements 1, 10, and 12, the boy does not have to do ALL of the requirements.
Therefore, it is possible that a boy may have completed additional requirement points not needed to
complete the Achievement for rank. Officially, BSA does NOT allow conversion of unused Achievement
points into Elective points for this rank. However, it is a common practice that many Packs will allow this
conversion to give a kid a few extra Elective points. Check with your Pack to see where your Pack stands
on this issue.

If your Pack allows this, all you have to do is replace NO with YES in the following field. This NO
spreadsheet is designed to count the extra electives when this field is marked YES.

How to enter credit on the Electives page:

To enter credit on the Electives page, enter an E for every elective point the boys completes. Every 10
elective points completed earns the boy an arrow point.

The Parent Contact Info page:

The Parent Contact Info page is simply there to give you a place to collect parent info for your scouts.
Use it or not. It will have no effect on the rest of the sheet. This is just there as a tool for you.

The Attendance page:

The Attendance page is used to help you keep track of who was present at various events, such as Den
Meetings, Den Outings, Pack Meetings, Campouts, etc.

What's the purpose of the Summary page?

The summary page is for keeping track, at a glance, of where you are awards-wise. You can see what
the boys have earned and what you have already awarded them. If you enter dates, you can see when
you gave them that award. That also means you can see what awards you still owe them.

What's the purpose of the individual scout pages?

You will never enter any information on the individual scout pages. Those pages are for you to
occasionally print out and hand to the parents. You can use them to let a parent know what their son has
and has not completed. You can also use that page to make homework assignments for boys that are
behind the other boys in the den.

Troubleshooting & Frequently Asked Questions

Version 1.18
for the Wolf Book (c)2003
First, most issues can be solved by carefully reading these instructions. I encourage you to re-read this
entire page before you do anything else. If that doesn't help, then the home site has a troubleshooting
and FAQ page:
If neither of these has helped, then please e-mail me and ask. However, I ask that you please exhaust
the above resources before you e-mail me. I get several e-mails per day asking for help, and to be
honest, if they ask a question which I've already covered in these instructions and/or the FAQ page, I'm
very likely to ignore the e-mail. Please read before you e-mail me.

What's the password?

First, I wouldn't recommend unprotecting the spreadsheet. It has been locked for your protection.
Basically, it has been locked to keep you from messing up the formulas. It's designed as such that if you
are getting a message telling you that a cell is protected, then you are trying to type in the wrong box. But
if you must know, the password is: wolf (if you're using OpenOffice Calc, the sheet is locked, but there is
no password).

What about sharing and editing this sheet?

1. You have my permission to share this spreadsheet, absolutely free of charge, to any scouter
2. You have my permission to post this spreadsheet on any server willing to host it. I will, however, ask
that if you DO post this spreadsheet on a server somewhere, that you occasionally check back to the
home site to make sure you have the latest version available.
The Trax Website:
3. You have my permission to modify this sheet in any way to suit your own needs, however, if you do,
please don't post your modified version anywhere on the internet.
4. You have my permission to e-mail me with suggestions for improvements you'd like to see, but please
don't be offended if I don't use your suggestions.

How can you contact me?

Version History
WolfTrax 1.0 02/12/05 - Initial release of the software package.

WolfTrax 1.1 02/13/05 - Fixed computation error on Electives page for Elective 17
Added Bobcat Page

WolfTrax 1.2 02/15/05 - Fixed print issues on Scout pages

WolfTrax 1.3 03/18/05 - Fixed incorrect mirror reference on Information page

- Added page to record additional awards, such as World Conservation, Leave
No Trace, etc.

WolfTrax 1.4 03/24/05 - Modified formulas on Individual Scout sheets for aesthetics

WolfTrax 1.5 03/24/05 - Modified formulas on Electives sheets for asthetics

- Fixed erroneous elective references on Individual Scout pages 2-15
-Changed Trax Mirror site web address

WolfTrax 1.6 05/08/05 - Modified formulas on Electives sheets for asthetics

- Added Date Stamp to Achievements thru Summary pages
Version 1.18
for the Wolf Book (c)2003

WolfTrax 1.7 05/11/05 - Added formula for Elective 23b on the Outdoor Awareness Awards
requirement on the Additional page

WolfTrax 1.8 05/24/05 - Fixed incorrect requirement issue for World Conservation Award on
Additional page.

WolfTrax 1.9 07/30/05 - Fixed incorrect elective descriptions for Elective 17 on Electives and
Individual Scout pages.

WolfTrax 1.10 06/07/06 - Clarified explanation of conversion of additional Achievement points into
Elective points.
- Added Parent Contact Info Sheet & Attendance Sheet
- Modified Arrow Points formulas on Summary page to supress Arrow Point
awards until Wolf Badge is earned.

WolfTrax 1.11 06/14/06 - Corrected protection problem of Date field on Attendance page
- Fixed some minor spelling errors.

WolfTrax 1.12 03/24/07 - Fixed typo (missing the critical word 'NOT') on instructions page under
"Converting Additional Achievements" section

WolfTrax 1.13 03/28/07 - Created comment fields on the Achievements page, the Electives page, and
the Bobcat page to add full descriptions of all requirements.
- Added Full Name & Birthday fields on Parent Contact Info sheet

WolfTrax 1.14 10/24/07 - Added a Troubleshooting FAQ page.

- Added Conditional Formatting to the Summary page to make unawarded
Awards stand out more.
- Fixed minor typos.
- Added a Key to the Individual Scout pages.

WolfTrax 1.15 10/28/07 - Deleted Additional Awards Page due to release of CubPatchesTrax.

WolfTrax 1.16 07/01/08 - Changed Partial Listings 'P' to Basic Percentage '%' Calculations. This will
allow you to find out how close or far away Scouts are from receiving each

- Electives earned from Achievements will be summarized on the

Achievements pages and now have the ability to count achievements marked
'A' when there is an achievement step that is not used to fulfill the achievement
requirements, making it easier to track. If you use an entire achievement
exclusively for electives, you must still use 'E' when entering it. If you want to
use this feature you must put 'YES' in the field above. (a special thanks to Troy
Teeples for adding these new features)
- Removed Troubleshooting FAQ page and redirected those inquires to the
FAQ page on the home website.

WolfTrax 1.17 10/16/08 '- Added a Recharter page

- Added Bobcat to the Summary page
- Fixed several minor spelling issues
Version 1.18
for the Wolf Book (c)2003

WolfTrax 1.18 04/01/09 - Modified formulas to make spreadsheet work on both Microsoft Excel and
OpenOffice Calc.

Parent Information

Parent Information
Parent Contact Info - 08/17/2010

Scout 1
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Scout 2
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:

Scout 3
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:
Parent Information

Parent Information

Scout 4
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Parent Information

Parent Information

Cell Phone: Cell Phone:

Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent

Work e-mail:

Work e-mail:
Parent Contact Info - 08/17/2010

Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent

Parent Information

Parent Information
Parent Contact Info - 08/17/2010

Scout 5
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:

Scout 7
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:
Parent Information

Parent Information

Scout 8
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Parent Information

Parent Information

Cell Phone: Cell Phone:

Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent

Work e-mail:

Work e-mail:
Parent Contact Info - 08/17/2010

Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent

Parent Information

Parent Information
Parent Contact Info - 08/17/2010

Scout 9
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Scout 10
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:

Scout 11
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:
Parent Information

Parent Information

Scout 12
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Parent Information

Parent Information

Cell Phone: Cell Phone:

Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent

Work e-mail:

Work e-mail:
Parent Contact Info - 08/17/2010

Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent Information Parent

Parent Information

Parent Information
Parent Contact Info - 08/17/2010

Scout 13
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Scout 14
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:

Scout 15
Scout's Full Name:
Primary Adult Second Adult
Relationship: Relationship:
Parent Information

Parent Information
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
City, State ZIP: City, State ZIP:
Home Phone: Home Phone:
Work Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone: Cell Phone:
Home e-mail: Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: Work e-mail:
Recharter - 08/17/2010



Scout 10
Scout 11
Scout 12
Scout 13
Scout 14
Scout 15

Scout 1
Scout 2
Scout 3
Scout 4
Scout 5

Scout 7
Scout 8
Scout 9

Enter a P to indicate Paid

1 National Dues
2 Boy's Life

3 Pack Dues
4 Insurance

Enter amount for National Dues:


Enter amount for Boy's Life:
Enter amount for Pack Dues:
Enter amount for Insurance:
ance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance

Enter A to indicated Attendance at the Event.

Event Attended (Den Meeting, Field Trip, Day Camp, etc)


Scout 1
Scout 2
Events Attended - 08/17/2010

Scout 3
Scout 4
Scout 5
Scout 7
Scout 8
Scout 9
Scout 10
Scout 11
Scout 12
Scout 13
Scout 14
Scout 15
ance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
ance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
Attendance Atten

Enter A to indicated Attendance at the Event.

Event Attended (Den Meeting, Field Trip, Day Camp, etc)


Scout 1
Scout 2
Events Attended - 08/17/2010

Scout 3
Scout 4
Scout 5
Scout 7
Scout 8
Scout 9
Scout 10
Scout 11
Scout 12
Scout 13
Scout 14
Scout 15
ance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
Attendance Atten
Achievements - 08/17/2010
Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements

Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements

Scout 10
Scout 11
Scout 12
Scout 13
Scout 14
Scout 15
Scout 1
Scout 2
Scout 3
Scout 4
Scout 5

Scout 7
Scout 8
Scout 9
Enter A for achievement credit

Tip: read the "Converting Additional

1. Feats of Skill (Do 1a thru 1e, plus any one of 1f thru 1l): Achievements…" on the Instructions page
a. Play catch
b. Walk a line
c. Front roll
d. Back roll
e. Falling forward roll
f. Jump high
g. Elephant walk, etc.
h. Swim 25 feet
i. Tread water
j. Basketball passes
k. Frog stand
l. Run or Jog 5 min
Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete

2. Your Flag (do all)

a. Pledge of allegiance
b. Lead flag ceremony
c. Respect and care for flag
d. State Flag
e. Raise flag
f. Outdoor flag ceremony
g. Fold US Flag
Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete

3. Keep Your Body Healthy (do all)

a. Track health habits
b. Stop spread of colds
c. Cut on your finger
Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete

4. Know Your Home and Community (do all)

a. Emergency Numbers
b. Stranger at door
c. Phone etiquette
d. Leaving home rules
e. Household jobs and resp.
f. Visit important place
Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete

5. Tools for Fixing and Building (do all)

a. Name seven tools
b. Use pliers
c. Screws and screwdrivers
d. Use a hammer
e. Make something useful

Page 15
AchievementsWolf Achieve


Enter A for achievement credit

Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete

Scout 1
Scout 2
Scout 3
Scout 4

Page 16

Scout 5
Scout 7
Achievements - 08/17/2010

Scout 8
Scout 9
Scout 10
Scout 11
Scout 12
Scout 13
Scout 14
Scout 15
AchievementsWolf Achieve
Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achie

Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achievements Wolf Achie
Achievements - 08/17/2010


Scout 10
Scout 11
Scout 12
Scout 13
Scout 14
Scout 15
Scout 1
Scout 2
Scout 3
Scout 4
Scout 5

Scout 7
Scout 8
Scout 9
Enter A for achievement credit

6. Start a Collection (do all)

a. CC Positive Attitude - Know
CC Positive Attitude - Commit
CC Positive Attitude - Practice
b. Collect ten things
c. Show and explain collection
Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete

7. Your Living World (do all)

a. CC Respect - Know
CC Respect - Commit
CC Respect - Practice
b. Find out about pollution
c. Find out about recycling
d. Pick up litter
e. Three stories about ecology
f. Three ways to save energy
Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete

8. Cooking and Eating (do all)

a. Food guide pyramid
b. Plan family meals
c. Fix a meal for your family
d. Fix your own breakfast
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal
Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete

9. Be Safe at home and On the Street (do all)

a. CC Responsibility - Know
CC Responsibility - Commit
CC Responsibility - Practice
b. Check for home hazards
c. Check for home fire dangers
d. Street and road safety
e. Know rules of bike safety
Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete
Tip: read the "Converting Additional
10. Family Fun (do 10a plus any two from 10b thru 10g) Achievements…" on the Instructions page
a. CC Cooperation - Know
CC Cooperation - Commit
CC Cooperation - Practice
b. Make a game
c. Plan a walk
d. Read a book
e. Watch TV or listen to radio
f. Concert, play, or live program
g. Board game night

Page 17
AchievementsWolf Achieve

AchievementsWolf Achieve
Achievements - 08/17/2010


Scout 10
Scout 11
Scout 12
Scout 13
Scout 14
Scout 15
Scout 1
Scout 2
Scout 3
Scout 4
Scout 5

Scout 7
Scout 8
Scout 9

Enter A for achievement credit

Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete

11. Duty to God (do all)


a. CC Faith - Know

CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete
Tip: read the "Converting Additional
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k) Achievements…" on the Instructions page

a. CC Courage - Know

CC Courage - Commit
CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs

c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's

i. Guide dog

j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete





Wolf AchievementsWolf

Wolf AchievementsWolf

Page 18
Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electi

Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electi
Electives - 08/17/2010


Scout 10

Scout 11

Scout 12

Scout 13

Scout 14

Scout 15
Scout 1

Scout 2

Scout 3

Scout 4

Scout 5

Scout 7

Scout 8

Scout 9

Enter E for elective credit

Grand Total of All Elective Points

Elective Points from Electives

1. It's a Secret
a. Use a secret code
b. Write in invisible ink
c. Sign your name in ASL
d. Use 12 American Indian signs
Elective Points from Elective 1

2. Be an Actor
a. Put on skit w/costumes
b. Make scenery for a skit
c. Make sound effects for a skit
d. Be the announcer for a skit
e. Make paper sack mask for skit
Elective Points from Elective 2

3. Make it Yourself
a. Make something useful
b. Stretch your hand
c. Make a bench fork
d. Make a door stop
e. Make something else
Elective Points from Elective 3

4. Play a Game
a. Play pie-tin washer toss
b. Play marble sharpshooter
c. Play ring toss
d. Play beanbag toss
e. Play a game of marbles
f. Play large group game
Elective Points from Elective 4

5. Spare Time Fun

a. Kite flying safety rules
b. Make & fly a paper bag kite
c. Make & fly a two-stick kite
d. Make & fly a three-stick kite
e. Make and use a kite reel
f. Make rubber-band boat
g. Make boat, plane, train, etc.
h. Make boat, plane, train, etc.
i. Make boat, plane, train, etc.

Page 19
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electi


Enter E for elective credit

Elective Points from Elective 5

Scout 1

Scout 2

Scout 3

Scout 4

Page 20
Scout 5

Electives - 08/17/2010

Scout 7

Scout 8

Scout 9

Scout 10

Scout 11

Scout 12

Scout 13

Scout 14

Scout 15
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electives
Wolf Electi
Wolf Electi

Wolf Electi
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
Electives - 08/17/2010
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives


Scout 10

Scout 11

Scout 12

Scout 13

Scout 14

Scout 15
Scout 1

Scout 2

Scout 3

Scout 4

Scout 5

Scout 7

Scout 8

Scout 9
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
Enter E for elective credit

6. Books, Books, Books

a. Visit library. Get library card
b. Choose a book and read it
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
c. Make a book cover for a book
Elective Points from Elective 6
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
7. Foot Power
a. Learn to walk on stilts
b. Make puddle jumpers & walk
c. Make foot racers and use
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
Elective Points from Elective 7

8. Machine Power
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
a. Name 10 kinds of trucks
b. Job using wheel & axle
c. Show how to use a pulley
d. Make and use a windlass
Elective Points from Elective 8
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
9. Let's Have a Party
a. Help with a home or den party
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
b. Make a gift or toy and give it
c. Make a gift or toy and give it
Elective Points from Elective 9

10 American Indian Lore

Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
a. Read about American indians
b. Make traditional instrument
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
c. Make traditional clothing
d. Make traditional item
e. Make a trad house model
f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words
Elective Points from Elective 10
Wolf Electives

11. Sing-Along Wolf Electives

a. Learn & sing America
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives

b. Learn & sing national anthem

c. Learn & sing three cub songs
d. Learn & sing thee hymns
e. Learn & sing grace
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives

f. Sing a song with your den

Elective Points from Elective 11
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives



Page 21

Wolf Electi

Wolf Electi

Wolf Electives WolfTrax

Wolf Electives
Electives - 08/17/2010
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives


Scout 10

Scout 11

Scout 12

Scout 13

Scout 14

Scout 15
Scout 1

Scout 2

Scout 3

Scout 4

Scout 5

Scout 7

Scout 8

Scout 9

Enter E for elective credit

Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
12. Be an Artist
a. Freehand sketch
b. Thee step cartoon
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
c. Mix primary colors
d. Draw, paint, or color scenery
e. Make a stencil pattern
f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
Elective Points from Elective 12

13. Birds
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
a. List all birds you see for a week
b. Put out nesting materials
c. Read a book about birds
d. Point out 10 diff't birds
e. Feed wild birds
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
f. Put out a birdhouse
Elective Points from Elective 13
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
14. Pets
a. Take care of a pet
b. Meet a strange dog
c. Read and report on a pet book
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
d. Define rabid and tell what to do
Elective Points from Elective 14
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
15. Grow Something
a. Plant and raise box garden
b. Plant and raise flower bed
c. Grow a plant indoors
d. Plant & raise vegetables
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
e. Visit botanical garden in area
Elective Points from Elective 15
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives
16. Family Alert
a. Family talk about emergencies
b. Safe water - purify water
c. First aid supplies & kit
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives

Elective Points from Elective 16

17. Tie It Right

Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives

a. Overhand knot & square knot

b. Tie shoelaces
c. Wrap and tie a package
d. Tie a stack of newspapers
e. Tie two cords with overhand
Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives

f. Tie a necktie
g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
ives Electives

ives Electives

Page 22



Wolf WolfTrax

Electives - 08/17/2010




Scout 10

Scout 11

Scout 12

Scout 13

Scout 14

Scout 15
Scout 1

Scout 2

Scout 3

Scout 4

Scout 5

Scout 7

Scout 8

Scout 9

Enter E for elective credit
Elective Points from Elective 17


18. Outdoor Adventure
a. Plan & hold family or den picnic

b. Plan & run family or den outing

c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
e. Plan & lay out adventure trail

f. Two summertime pack events
g. Point out poisonous plants

Elective Points from Elective 18

19. Fishing

a. Identify 5 fish
b. Rig a pole with line and hook
c. Bait your hook & fish

d. Know rules of safe fishing

e. Tell about fishing laws in area

f. Show how to use a rod & reel
Elective Points from Elective 19

20. Sports
a. Play tennis,, or bdm.

b. Know boating safety rules
c. Earn Archery belt loop

d. Safety and courtesy for skiing

e. Go ice skating

f. Go roller skating
g. Go bowling
h. Track sprinter's start

i. Standing long jump
j. Play in a flag football game

k. Play in a soccer game

l. Play in a baseball or softball
m. Play in a basketball

n. BB-gun belt loop
o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.


Elective Points from Elective 20



21. Computers
a. Business w/computers


b. Explain a computer program



c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM

Elective Points from Elective 21



lf Electives

lf Electives

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WolfWolf WolfTrax

Electives - 08/17/2010



Scout 10

Scout 11

Scout 12

Scout 13

Scout 14

Scout 15
Scout 1

Scout 2

Scout 3

Scout 4

Scout 5

Scout 7

Scout 8

Scout 9

Enter E for elective credit

22. Say It Right
a. Say "hello" in other language
b. Count to 10 in other language

c. Tell a short story to den or adult
d. Directions to fire or police statn.

e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
Elective Points from Elective 22

23. Let's Go Camping
a. Participate in overnight campout

b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
c. Tell what to do if you get lost

d. Explain the buddy system
e. Attend day camp in your area
f. Attend resident camp

g. Participate w/den at campfire
h. Participate in outdoor worship
Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives

Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives Wolf Electives
Elective Points from Elective 23

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Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat - 08/17/2010

Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat Bobcat



Scout 10
Scout 11
Scout 12
Scout 13
Scout 14
Scout 15
Scout 1
Scout 2
Scout 3
Scout 4
Scout 5

Scout 7
Scout 8
Scout 9

Enter A for achievement credit

1 Learn & Say Cub Scout Promise

CC Honesty - Know
CC Honesty - Commit
CC Honesty - Practice
2 Say & explain Law of the Pack
3 Tell what Webelos means
4 Show & explain Cub Scout Sign
5 Show & explain Cub Handshake
6 Say & explain Cub Scout Motto
7 Give & explain Cub Scout Salute
8 Complete booklet exercises
Status: (#)Percent or (C)omplete

Page 25
Summary Page - 08/17/2010


Scout 10

Scout 11

Scout 12

Scout 13

Scout 14

Scout 15
Scout 1

Scout 2

Scout 3

Scout 4

Scout 5

Scout 7

Scout 8

Scout 9






























Wolf Rank
Progress Bead #1
Progress Bead #2
Progress Bead #3
Progress Bead #4

Gold Arrow
Silver Arrow #1
Silver Arrow #2
Silver Arrow #3
Silver Arrow #4
Silver Arrow #5
Silver Arrow #6
Silver Arrow #7
Silver Arrow #8
Silver Arrow #9
Silver Arrow #10
Silver Arrow #11
Silver Arrow #12
Silver Arrow #13
Silver Arrow #14
Silver Arrow #15
Scout 1 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 2 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 3 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 4 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 5 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
#VALUE! Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 7 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 8 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 9 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 10 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 11 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 12 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 13 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 14 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman
Scout 15 Achievements Electives Electives
Awards 1. Feats of Skill 1. It's a Secret 14. Pets
Wolf Rank (% or C) a. Play catch a. Use a secret code a. Take care of a pet
Electives Completed b. Walk a line b. Write in invisible ink b. Meet a strange dog
Arrow Points Earned 0 c. Front roll c. Sign your name in ASL c. Read and report on a pet book

do 1a-1e & any 1 of 1f-1l

Progress Beads Earned 0 d. Back roll d. Use 12 American Indian signs d. Define rabid and tell what to do
e. Falling forward roll 2. Be an Actor 15. Grow Something
f. Jump high a. Put on skit w/costumes a. Plant and raise box garden
Achievements Summary g. Elephant walk, etc. b. Make scenery for a skit b. Plant and raise flower bed
1. Feats of Skill h. Swim 25 feet c. Make sound effects for a skit c. Grow a plant indoors
2. Your Flag i. Tread water d. Be the announcer for a skit d. Plant & raise vegetables
3. Keep Your Body Healthy j. Basketball passes e. Make paper sack mask for skit e. Visit botanical garden in area
4. Know Your Home & Community k. Frog stand 3. Make it Yourself 16. Family Alert
5. Tools for Fixing & Building l. Run or Jog 5 min a. Make something useful a. Family talk about emergencies
6. Start a Collection 2. Your Flag b. Stretch your hand b. Safe water - purify water
7. Your Living World a. Pledge of allegiance c. Make a bench fork c. First aid supplies & kit
8. Cooking and Eating b. Lead flag ceremony d. Make a door stop 17. Tie It Right
9. Be Safe at Home & on the Street c. Respect and care for flag e. Make something else a. Overhand knot & square knot
10. Family Fun do all
d. State Flag 4. Play a Game b. Tie shoelaces
11. Duty to God e. Raise flag a. Play pie-tin washer toss c. Wrap and tie a package
12. Making Choices f. Outdoor flag ceremony b. Play marble sharpshooter d. Tie a stack of newspapers
g. Fold US Flag c. Play ring toss e. Tie two cords with overhand
3. Keep Your Body Healthy d. Play beanbag toss f. Tie a necktie
a. Track health habits e. Play a game of marbles g. Wrap ends of a rope with tape
do all

Electives Summary b. Stop spread of colds f. Play large group game 18. Outdoor Adventure
1. It's a Secret c. Cut on your finger 5. Spare Time Fun a. Plan & hold family or den picnic
2. Be an Actor 4. Know Your Home and Community a. Kite flying safety rules b. Plan & run family or den outing
3. Make it Yourself a. Emergency Numbers b. Make & fly a paper bag kite c. Play & lay a treasure hunt
4. Play a Game b. Stranger at door c. Make & fly a two-stick kite d. Plan & lay out obstacle race
5. Spare Time Fun c. Phone etiquette d. Make & fly a three-stick kite e. Plan & lay out adventure trail
do all

6. Books, Books, Books d. Leaving home rules e. Make and use a kite reel f. Two summertime pack events
7. Foot Power e. Household jobs and resp. f. Make rubber-band boat g. Point out poisonous plants
8. Machine Power f. Visit important place g. Make boat, plane, train, etc. 19. Fishing
9. Let's Have a Party 5. Tools for Fixing and Building h. Make boat, plane, train, etc. a. Identify 5 fish
10 American Indian Lore a. Name seven tools i. Make boat, plane, train, etc. b. Rig a pole with line and hook
11. Sing-Along b. Use pliers 6. Books, Books, Books c. Bait your hook & fish
do all

12. Be an Artist c. Screws and screwdrivers a. Visit library. Get library card d. Know rules of safe fishing
13. Birds d. Use a hammer b. Choose a book and read it e. Tell about fishing laws in area
14. Pets e. Make something useful c. Make a book cover for a book f. Show how to use a rod & reel
15. Grow Something 6. Start a Collection 7. Foot Power 20. Sports
16. Family Alert a. CC Positive Attitude - Know a. Learn to walk on stilts a. Play tennis,, or bdm.
17. Tie It Right CC Positive Attitude - Commit b. Make puddle jumpers & walk b. Know boating safety rules
do all

18. Outdoor Adventure CC Positive Attitude - Practice c. Make foot racers and use c. Earn Archery belt loop
19. Fishing b. Collect ten things 8. Machine Power d. Safety and courtesy for skiing
20. Sports c. Show and explain collection a. Name 10 kinds of trucks e. Go ice skating
21. Computers 7. Your Living World b. Job using wheel & axle f. Go roller skating
22. Say It Right a. CC Respect - Know c. Show how to use a pulley g. Go bowling
23. Let's Go Camping CC Respect - Commit d. Make and use a windlass h. Track sprinter's start
CC Respect - Practice 9. Let's Have a Party i. Standing long jump
b. Find out about pollution a. Help with a home or den party j. Play in a flag football game
do all

Key c. Find out about recycling b. Make a gift or toy and give it k. Play in a soccer game
C = Complete d. Pick up litter c. Make a gift or toy and give it l. Play in a baseball or softball
# = Percent or Number Complete e. Three stories about ecology 10 American Indian Lore m. Play in a basketball
A = Achievement Item Completed f. Three ways to save energy a. Read about American indians n. BB-gun belt loop
E = Elective Item Completed 8. Cooking and Eating b. Make traditional instrument o. 4 outdoor physical fitness act.
a. Food guide pyramid c. Make traditional clothing 21. Computers
b. Plan family meals d. Make traditional item a. Business w/computers
do all

c. Fix a meal for your family e. Make a trad house model b. Explain a computer program
d. Fix your own breakfast f. Learn 12 Am. Ind. pict. words c. Describe mouse and CD-ROM
e. Plan and fix outdoor meal 11. Sing-Along 22. Say It Right
9. Be Safe at home and On the Street a. Learn & sing America a. Say "hello" in other language
a. CC Responsibility - Know b. Learn & sing national anthem b. Count to 10 in other language
CC Responsibility - Commit c. Learn & sing three cub songs c. Tell a short story to den or adult
CC Responsibility - Practice d. Learn & sing thee hymns d. Directions to fire or police statn.
do all

b. Check for home hazards e. Learn & sing grace e. Invite a boy to join Cubs
c. Check for home fire dangers f. Sing a song with your den 23. Let's Go Camping
d. Street and road safety 12. Be an Artist a. Participate in overnight campout
e. Know rules of bike safety a. Freehand sketch b. Take care of yourself in outdoors
10. Family Fun b. Thee step cartoon c. Tell what to do if you get lost
a. CC Cooperation - Know c. Mix primary colors d. Explain the buddy system
do 10a & any 2 from 10b-10g

CC Cooperation - Commit d. Draw, paint, or color scenery e. Attend day camp in your area
CC Cooperation - Practice e. Make a stencil pattern f. Attend resident camp
b. Make a game f. Make a Cub Scout proj. poster g. Participate w/den at campfire
c. Plan a walk 13. Birds h. Participate in outdoor worship
d. Read a book a. List all birds you see for a week
e. Watch TV or listen to radio b. Put out nesting materials
f. Concert, play, or live program c. Read a book about birds
g. Board game night d. Point out 10 diff't birds
11. Duty to God e. Feed wild birds
a. CC Faith - Know f. Put out a birdhouse
CC Faith - Commit
CC Faith - Practice
do all

b. Duty to god
c. Two ideas - religious blfs.
d. Help you place of worship
12. Making Choices (do 12a plus any four of 12b thru 12k)
a. CC Courage - Know
CC Courage - Commit
do 12a & any 4 from 12b-12k

CC Courage - Practice
b. Older boy with drugs
c. Home alone phone call
d. Kid with braces on legs
e. Stranger in car
f. Bully demands money
g. Meter reader
h. Burglar at neighbor's
i. Guide dog
j. Steal from a store
k. Elderly woman

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