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WordPress installation on
Centos/RHEL 7

Originally published on
WordPress is a free & open source website/blogging tool, its based on MySQL & php.
Currently it powers around 27% websites available on internet. Its ease of use makes it a
perfect choice for beginners as well as expert bloggers. WordPress supports a large
number of plugins & themes, which enhances its usability & customization. Also there is
huge community of dedicated wordpress users out there that are always willing & able
to provide support as & when needed.

In this tutorial, we are going to install wordpress on Centos 7 but same tutorial can be
used with earlier versions of RHEL/Centos also.


1- We will need a LAMP server to install wordpress on. Kindly refer to our article on
creating a LAMP server to create one. Once the LAMP server is ready, we can move on
with this tutorial.

2- Apart from the php modules installed during the installation of LAMP server, we also
need php-gd installed on our system. We can install by using following command,
$ yum install php-gd
Restart the httpd service to implement the changes.
$ systemctl restart httpd

Step 1- Configuring MySQL

We need to create a database for our wordpress website. To create the database, login
to the MySQL server,
$ mysql -u root -p

and create a database table for wordpress,

$ CREATE DATABASE wordpressdb;
Once the database has been created, we will assign a user with complete access to the
created database i.e. wordpressdb,
$ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpressdb.* TO wpuser@localhost IDENTIFIED
BY wppasswd;
To make Mysql aware of the recent privilege changes, we will run the following

The changes on Mysql are complete, we can now exit the Mysql.

Step 2 Installing WordPress

We can now install wordpress on our system, the latest of the wordpress version is
always available on the same link. To install download wordpress, run
$ wget

then, extract the package,

$ tar -xvf latest.tar.gz

After the package has been extracted, there will be an extracted folder called
wordpress. We need to move this folder in /var/www/html,
$ mv -vf wordpress /var/www/html

We will now assign the proper permissions i.e. grant ownership of all content inside
/var/www/html to apache user,
$ chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/*

Step 3 Configuring wordpress

We will now edit the wordpress configuration file i.e. wp-config.php but by default there
is no file by that name under /var/www/html/wordpress. But we can use a sample
configuration file that is already inside the wordpress folder, by renaming it to wp-
$ cd /var/www/html
$ mv wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php

We will now provide our database information inside the configuration file,
$ vi wp-config.php
& make the following changes,
// ** MySQL settings You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define(DB_NAME, wordpressdb);
/** MySQL database username */
define(DB_USER, wpuseruser);
/** MySQL database password */
define(DB_PASSWORD, wppasswd);

We have now completed our installation & partial configuration of wordpress, but we
have still not hosted the website & remaining configurations for the website will be
carried out from the browser.

So open your browser & enter the URL

$ http://localhost/wordpress

You will now be asked to provide your site title, user name, password & email
After entering all the information, press install WordPress button.You will now get a
confirmation with success message.
Now to login to the wordpress dashboard, click Log in button & you will be redirected to
a new page where you need to enter your username & password.
Upon successful authentication, we will enter to wordpress dashboard. Here we can
customize our website with plugins & themes, we can also upload posts, articles etc

Note:-if you dont want to have wordpress at the end of the URL, you can move all the
contents of /var/www/html/wordpress to /var/www/htm & restart the httpd service to
implement changes.We can now access our website with just the IP address or the
hostname of the server.

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