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Talanta 47 (1998) 639 643

Visible spectrophotometric and first-derivative UV

spectrophotometric determination of rifampicin and isoniazid in
pharmaceutical preparations
S.A. Benetton, E.R.M. Kedor-Hackmann *, M.I.R.M. Santoro, V.M. Borges
Departamento de Farmacia, Faculdade de Ciencias Farmaceuticas, Uni6ersidade de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal 66355, CEP 05389 -970,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Received 6 October 1997; received in revised form 2 February 1998; accepted 26 February 1998


Two methods are described for the determination of rifampicin and isoniazid in mixtures by visible spectrophoto-
metry and first-derivative ultraviolet spectrophotometry. The absorbance at 475 nm in buffer solution pH 7.4 was
employed to determine rifampicin after applying the three-point correction technique between 420 and 520 nm, while
the amplitude of the first-derivative spectrophotometric spectrum at 257 nm in HCl 0.012 M was selected for the
determination of isoniazid. The methods are rapid, simple and do not require any separation step. The recovery
average was 99.03% for rifampicin and 100.01% for isoniazid. The methods were applied to determine the two
compounds in commercial capsules and compared with the official method of the USP XXIII with good agreement
between the results. 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction introduced to improve patient acceptability and

compliance. The combined formulation is official
Since isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RIF) in the United States Pharmacopeia with the name
form one of the most effective antituberculosis rifampin and isoniazid capsules [2].
regimens used in many countries, considerable Although some procedures have been described
effort has been spent on improving the efficacy of for the assay of either RIF or INH in pharmaceu-
this therapy [1]. For most patients, regimens that tical preparations and in biological fluids, there
contain these drugs can successfully be completed are only a few methods reported to be able to
in 6 months if pyrazinamid is included in the analyse both drugs in combination [3,4]. These
regimen for the first 2 months. The most serious methods use high performance liquid chromatog-
problem with tuberculosis therapy is patient non-
raphy (HPLC) and, although they are sensitive,
adherence to the prescribed regimens and com-
they are laborious and expensive. The compendial
bined formulations of RIF and INH were
method available (USP XXIII) for the assay of
RIFINH mixture in capsules employs a HPLC
* Corresponding author. Fax: +55 118154418. method for the determination of RIF and a titri-

0039-9140/98/$ - see front matter 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII S0039-9140(98)00111-8
640 S.A. Benetton et al. / Talanta 47 (1998) 639643

metric method, which requires a separation step, further purification. All solvents and reagents
for the determination of INH [2]. were of analytical grade. Phosphate buffer solu-
The aim of this work was to investigate the tion pH 7.4 was prepared according to the British
utility of derivative spectrophotometry in the as- Pharmacopoeia 1993 [9]. The commercial phar-
say of RIF and INH in combination in pharma- maceutical formulations used in this work (cap-
ceutical preparations without the necessity of sules) contained 300 mg of rifampicin and 200 mg
sample pre-treatment. Derivative spectrophoto- of isoniazid.
metry [5] is a useful technique for the suppression
of additive interference, and it has been used 2.3. Procedures
extensively for the simultaneous determination of
substances in mixtures [6,7]. Two methods were 2.3.1. Visible spectrophotometry
developed and validated in this work: a visible Standard solutions containing known quantities
spectrophotometric method using the three-point of RIF (2070 mg ml 1) in phosphate buffer pH
correction technique [8] for the determination of 7.4 were prepared from a methanolic stock solu-
RIF and a derivative ultraviolet spectrophotomet- tion for the calibration curve.
ric method for the determination of INH. The The commercial capsules were emptied in a
methods had sufficiently good accuracy and preci- glass mortar and an amount of powder equivalent
sion and permitted a simple and time-saving assay to 125 mg of RIF was accurately weighed out into
of INH and RIF in mixtures. a 100 ml amber volumetric flask. About 50 ml of
methanol were added, sonicated for 5 min and the
volume was made up with the same solvent. The
2. Experimental methanolic solution was filtered through a What-
man No. 1 filter paper and further dilutions of the
2.1. Apparatus appropriate aliquots were made in phosphate
buffer pH 7.4 to obtain a final solution containing
A Hewlett-Packard 8453 diode-array spec- 50 mg ml 1. The absorbance of both the sample
trophotometer fitted with a HP 845 UV-Visible and the standard solutions were measured at 475
ChemStation and a Hewlett-Packard 600 printer nm after applying the three-point correction tech-
were used for all the measurements and treatment nique between 420 and 520 nm. Phosphate buffer
of data. pH 7.4 was used in the reference cell.
Chromatography was performed using a CG
solvent delivery pump (model 480-C) and a CG 2.3.2. First-deri6ati6e ultra6iolet
variable UV detector set at 254 nm connected to a spectrophotometry
CG integrator (model CG-200) (Instrumentos Ci- Standard solutions containing known quantities
entficos CG, Sao Paulo, Brazil). The system was of INH (525 mg ml 1) in HCl 0.012 M were
equipped with a Rheodyne 7125 injection valve prepared for the calibration curve.
fitted with a 20 ml loop. The analytical column The commercial capsules were emptied in a
was a Waters Nova-Pak C8 (3.9150 mm, 5 glass mortar and an amount of powder equivalent
mm) column. The chromatographic conditions to 125 mg of INH was accurately weighed out
were the same described on the USP XXII under into a 100 ml amber volumetric flask. About 50
rifampin assay conditions [2]. A Digimed DM21- ml of methanol were added, sonicated for 5 min
V6 pH meter was used for the determination of and the volume was made up with the same
the end point in the titration of INH. solvent. After filtration through a Whatman No.
1 filter paper, a 5 ml aliquot was transferred to a
2.2. Materials and solutions 50 ml amber volumetric flask and diluted to vol-
ume with water. A 2 ml aliquot was transferred to
Rifampicin and isoniazid were kindly donated a 25 ml amber volumetric flask and diluted to
by a pharmaceutical industry and used without volume with HCl 0.012 M. The final concentra-
S.A. Benetton et al. / Talanta 47 (1998) 639643 641

Fig. 1. Absorption spectra of (A) isonazid (20 mg ml 1) and (B) rifampicin (30 mg ml 1) in (a) HCl 0.012 M and (b) phosphate
buffer solution pH 7.4.

tion was 10 mg of INH ml 1. The amplitude of racy was then calculated from the test results as
the first-derivative of both the sample and the the percentage of analyte recovered by the assay.
standard solutions were measured at 257 nm. A
solution of HCl 0.012 M was used in the reference
cell. 3. Results and discussion
The methods were validated as to precision
(reported as the relative standard deviation, RSD 3.1. Method de6elopment
%), linearity (evaluated by regression analysis),
and accuracy. Accuracy was determined by recov- The influence of pH on the absorption spectra
ery studies performed according to the USP of RIF and INH was studied between pH 7.4 and
XXIII guidelines [2]: the methods were applied to 1.7. The pH value slightly affected the absorption
artificial samples which contained amounts of an- spectra of RIF but exerted a profound influence
alyte both above (120%) and below (80%) the on the quality and shape of the INH spectra (Fig.
normal levels expected in the samples. The accu- 1a, b). INH absorption spectra presented a shift
642 S.A. Benetton et al. / Talanta 47 (1998) 639643

Fig. 2. First derivative spectra of (A) isonazid (20 mg ml 1) and (B) rifampicin (30 mg ml 1) in HCl 0.012 M.

to shorter wavelength as well as narrower and INH in HCl 0.012 M at 257 nm (zero-crossing
better-defined absorption spectra as the pH wavelength of rifampicin).
value of the medium decreased. The absorption In Fig. 1a it also can be seen that the absorp-
spectrum of INH was completely overlapped tion of RIF showed a large peak at 475 nm that
with the spectrum of RIF in both acidic and can be used for direct absorbance measurement.
alkaline conditions. Therefore, the determination However, the stability of RIF is very weak un-
of INH in the presence of RIF cannot be per- der these acid conditions (stable for less than 15
formed by direct absorbance measurements and min) and the determination of RIF was carried
derivative spectrophotometry was then em- out in phosphate buffer solution pH 7.4 (Fig.
ployed. The improved resolution of overlapping 1b). As the determination of RIF in capsules
absorption bands and the discrimination in fa- containing RIFINH mixtures by direct visible
vour of narrow bands against broader bands, spectrophotometry showed a small but system-
which are the principal characteristic of deriva- atic positive error, the three-point correction
tive spectrophotometry, can result in the com- technique was employed in an attempt to avoid
plete elimination of specific interference from the these biased results. The recovery tests showed
co-formulated compound (Fig. 2). The pH-in- improved results after the application of that
duced shift of INH spectrum was exploited in correction technique.
this work and the best results for the analysis of
INH by first order ultraviolet derivative spec- 3.2. Visible spectrophotometry (RIF analysis)
trophotometry were obtained in HCl 0.012 M
(pH 2.0), because the spectrum of INH is nar- The precision (RSD %) of the results was of
rower in this medium than under less acidic 0.56% as determined on ten replicate measure-
conditions. The height (amplitude) of a deriva- ments of a commercial sample. The linearity of
tive spectrum depends not only on the height of response, at a concentration range from 20 to
the normal spectrum but also on its width: for a 70 mg ml 1, was evaluated by regression analy-
given peak height, narrower peaks give larger sis and the regression equation (Y=0.0124X +
derivative amplitudes. Therefore, the determina- 0.0026) presented a correlation coefficient of
tion of INH was carried out by measuring the 0.9999. The average percent recovery determined
amplitude of the first-derivative spectrum of in the recovery test for RIF was 99.03%.
S.A. Benetton et al. / Talanta 47 (1998) 639643 643

Table 1 lated with isoniazid were also assayed by the USP

Data obtained from the analysis of a commercial sample
XXIII official methods and the results compared
containing isoniazid (200 mg) and rifampicin (300 mg) in
combination with those obtained using the developed methods.
The results can be seen in Table 1.
Commercial sample Percentage of the declared amount

New methoda USP XXIII 4. Conclusion

(%) methodb (%)

Isoniazid 95.869 0.53 95.02

It was concluded that first-derivative UV spec-
Rifampicin 98.329 0.34 97.13 trophotometry is suitable as a rapid alternative to
the official USP XXIII titration method for isoni-
Mean value of ten determinations9 95% confidence interval. azid in combination with rifampicin in pharma-
Mean value of three determinations. ceutical preparations. Rifampicin can also be
determinated with good accuracy and precision by
the visible spectrophotometric method employing
3.3. First-deri6ati6e ultra6iolet spectrophotometry the three-point correction technique. The short
(INH analysis) analysis time and low costs are the main advan-
tages of these methods for routine analysis.
The precision (RSD %) of the results was of
0.78% as determined on ten replicate measure-
ments of a commercial sample. The absorption
spectrum of INH was completely overlapped with References
the spectrum of RIF (Fig. 1a). As the accuracy of
absorbance measurements is low at high ab- [1] C.A. Peloquin, S.E. Berning, Ann. Pharmacother. 28
sorbance values, the addition of the absorbance of (1994) 72 83.
[2] United States Pharmacopeia, 23 ed., United States Phar-
the two compounds limited the range of work for macopeial Convention, Rockville, pp. 1381 1383, 1982
the analysis of INH by first-order derivative UV (1995).
spectrophotometry (5 25 mg ml 1). The linearity [3] Y. Shah, S. Khanna, K.C. Jindal, V.S. Dighe, Drug Dev.
of response was evaluated by regression analysis Ind. Pharm. 18 (1992) 1589 1596.
[4] A. Walubo, P. Smith, P.I. Folb, J. Chromatog. B 658
and the regression equation (Y = 0.121X 0.003)
(1994) 391 396.
presented a correlation coefficient of 0.9999. The [5] J.E. Cahill, F.G Padeka, Am. Lab. 12 (1980) 101 112.
average percent recovery determined in the recov- [6] P. Levillain, D. Fompeydie, Analysis 14 (1986) 1 20.
ery test for INH was 100.01%. [7] C.B. Ojeda, F.S. Rojas, J.M.C. Pavon, Talanta 42 (1995)
1195 1214.
[8] A.H. Becket, J.B. Stenlake (Eds.), Practical Pharmaceutical
3.4. Comparison of the de6eloped methods with
Chemistry, 4th ed., The Athlone Press, London, 1988, p.
the USP XXIII methods 288.
[9] British Pharmacopoeia London, Her Majestys Stationery
The commercial rifampicin capsules co-formu- Office, 1993, p. A78.

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