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Alcohol and Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

Posted on January 17, 2012 by Ali

The thing to remember with both alcohol and benzodiazepine withdrawal is that


Withdrawal seizures and alcoholic hallucinosis (hallucinations that develop within 12

24 h and resolve within 24 48 h)

Delirium Tremens (DTs): hallucinations, disorientation, tachycardia, hypertension, fever,

agitation, and diaphoresis. Symptoms can persist for up to 7d

Wernickes Encephalopathy: Happens in hours to days, it has a classic triad

1. Encephalopathy: profound disorientation, indifference and inattentiveness

2. Oculomotor dysfunction: nystagmus, lateral rectus palsy, conjugate gaze palsies
(affecting the CN III, VI and VIII nuclei)
3. Gait ataxia: affecting the vermis of the cerebellum

Since alcohol and benzodiazepines both work on the GABA receptor (potentiating the effect
of GABA by increasing the frequency of channel opening) they are cross-reactive. This
means that you can treat alcohol withdrawal with a tapering dose of benzos (and you can
treat benzo withdrawal also with a tapering dose of more benzos).

The thing to watch out for with someone who has chronically used benzodiazepines and
has suddenly stopped is that the onset of symptoms will depend on the half-life of that
particular drug.

Alprazolam (Xanax): 10 20 h
Lorazepam (Ativan): 10 25 h
Clonazepam (Rivotril): 20 50 h
Diazepam (Valium): 30 200 h

To minimize benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms if someone has extended use (>3

months): taper by 1-20% over 6 or more weeks and/or switch to longer-acting agents.

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