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Capri Wagner

a. Activity Title:

Beach Ball Questions Game

b. Sources for your activity and for your adaptations (APA citations):

Amber (2011). Getting To Know You Activity with a Beach Ball! Retrieved from

DynaMed Plus (2017). Autism spectrum disorders. Retrieved from

(2016, October 7). Girl Scout Game! Ball Toss with Questions on Ball! (Youtube). Retrieved from

Stumbo, N. J., & Peterson, C. A. (2010). Chapter 7 . In Therapeutic recreation program design
principles and procedures (PP. 176-208). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings.

c. Equipment:

Beach Ball and Sharpie (to write with)

d. Task Analysis:

Step 1: Buy a blow-up beach ball from the dollar store or Target in the $1.00 section
Step 2: Buy a permanent marker, preferably black, if you dont already have one.
Step 3: With the permanent marker, write on the ball questions for the age group you are
deciding to propose questions for. It is your own choice which questions you chose to write on
the ball. If choosing to do the age group of children from 5 to 10 years, questions like What is
your favorite food?, What do you like to do for fun?, or What Is your favorite TV show?
would be good questions to put on your beach ball for your activity.
Step 4: Once the questions are all written on the ball, you should let the ink from the marker on
the ball dry for a minute before touching the ball again.
Step 5: Now that the ball is complete, you can use it for activity!
Step 6: During the activity, you throw the ball to someone and that person has to catch it.
Step 7: After the person catches it, tell them to first state his or her name.
Step 8: After the individual states his or her name, tell him or her to read and answer the
question that is touching their left or right thumb. For example, Answer the question that is
touching your left thumb.
Step 9: After the question is answered out loud, tell the individual will throw the ball to another
person, and so on.

e. Primary interaction pattern(s): Attached within this submission are two different types
of Activity Analysis forms that state this information and more.

f. One researched adaptation specific to a disability group:

Focusing on social skills and cognitive development for children or adolescents with Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is defined as a variety of different developmental disorders that
are characterized by early-onset differences in social interaction and communication. It is also
in restrictive/respective cognitive and physical behaviors. These can be identified as interests,
movements, and activities. According to the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-5,
some of ASDs diagnostic features can be defined as deficits in social communication and
interaction, such as impaired social-emotional reciprocity (in sharing interests and participating
in verbal interaction). I think this activity, The Beach Ball Questions Game, would be a fun
interactive way for children and adolescents with autism to be able to get to know and learn
about others. It is a fantastic way to assist in positive cognitive development, in being able to
talk and share their responses with peers. When I had researched about this game, there were
some more complex questions than easy questions that were listed as exampled to use that
would be written on the beach ball for the activity. However, my adaptation would be for all of
the questions to be fun, positive, and not complex. I say this because I want to make sure that
the questions being asked are appropriate for the age group specifically playing this activity. I
also would add to this activity that during only the first round of the game, each individual will
state his or her name before answering the question when it is their turn with the beach ball. I
think that this is would be great for the individuals participating in the game to be familiar with
one another and to learn the names of the players during the first round of the game.
Individuals who play this game could play just one round or choose to do more.

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