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T.S. Eliot uses diction to show the suffrage during the wartime.

In the Morning at the Window

poem, Eliot uses despair tone words to demonstrate the struggle during the wartime. The
warfare is brutal and traumatized, adversely affecting people both physically and mentally. In
terms of physical struggle, the author implies the sense of poverty. The way author uses the
word rattling to describe the act of people eating breakfast illustrates food shortage. Rattling
sound represents the sounds of forks and spoons hitting against plate implies that they rarely
have food on the plate and try to scratch everything on the plate to relieve their hunger,
resulting in pattering sound. Also, the basement serves as a representative of the overtone of
the poverty that many people encounter. During the wartime, many people do not money to pay
for good accommodations, hence they have to stay in the basement of the building where the
rentals are cheaper. In terms of emotional suffrage, people during the wartime are mental
depression and distressing. The way author uses the word despondently that uses to describe
damp soul of housemaids provokes the extreme depression that people have. The word
damp indicates the immense misery that fills with their hearts and souls like the water that
soaks paper till it thoroughly wet. Also, the word aimless that is used describe the smiles that
gradually vanished even intensifies the distressing emotional conditions of people. Normally,
people sometimes smile at each other to show their polite manners even though they might feel
discontent and misery at that time. However, their conditions now are extremely distressing
even they cannot even force themselves to smile at other people like what they did at the first.
Moreover, the word fog also indicates the ways they look toward the future. Fog indicates their
confusion and uncertainty that they have with their future like a wave of fog that blocks their
visions to see things ahead of them.

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